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[SIZE="1"](or: 4C, or not 4C) (Credits: The Internet banners (minus the LDW one) were stolen from EWR. So credit to whoever did them. Credit to Cole at EWB for the LDW logo. Questionable credit to myself for the horrible butchery of Cole'e lovely logo for the LDW.com banner).[/SIZE] [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/EWR_net5.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]4C Takeover Complete, Makeover In The Offing[/B] [I]Submitted by Will Thacker, December 28th 2006, 3:34pm EST[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/4C_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Canadian Charisma Championship Combat’s press department has today announced that the company has indeed been sold, confirming reports on this very site weeks ago. Details are scarce, but the new owner is expected to hold a press conference tomorrow morning. The extent of the changes the company will undergo is not yet known, but the company’s events schedule is expected to remain unchanged. More details to follow tomorrow. [CENTER]-=-[/CENTER][/quote] [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/EWR_net5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]4C, or not 4C? Press Conference Details[/B] [I]Submitted by Will Thacker, December 29th 2006, 2:14pm EST[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/4C_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/LDW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Here’s the hot, juicy gossip from the 4C(sic) press conference this morning: * The new owner, Joseph Campbell, is a businessman from London, England. He didn’t say what his business was, exactly, but I’m guessing it’s not a Swear Box manufacturer. The amount of times he dropped the F-bomb, you’d think he was Chris Caulfield. * Troy Winner isn’t thought to be planning a return to wrestling any time soon. * Campbell seems to have at least a passing interest in the industry, thought he doesn’t think he’ll be seen in the arenas much lot. The sale of the company will not be played up at their forthcoming events because, as Campbell put it, “it’s a bit ****ing obvious, really, innit?”. * Campbell announced that the company would promote under the new name of Lethal Dosage Wrestling, because “Canadian Charisma Championship Combat is a ****ing ****ty name”. The company would still trade under the 4C moniker though, as Mr. Campbell “can’t be arsed with changing all that legal bollocks”. * All titles will retain their lineage and currently recognized holders, but the belts themselves will be replaced with new LDW ones. * The roster, and product, will stay pretty much the same, although we can look forward to a few new signings. The schedule will stay similar - as in, monthly events - but Campbell promised to push for a TV deal as soon as he could. * Joey Poison will be removed from his post as Head Booker, but will still have some creative input, as will Barry Kingman and Terry Smith. * Campbell also announced that he was founding a training school, called The Laboratory, in nearby Brampton. He joked that the potential names “The Crack House” and “The Meth Lab” were shot down. At least, I THINK he was joking. Apparently, The Labaratory is going to “teach people how to fight”. I consider myself a fairly good judge of character, so I can be fairly sure when I say that I don’t think many suplex variations are going to be taught there. * Lastly, he hyped LDW Cage Rage, on ‘the last Sunday in January’ (looking at a calendar to determine the actual date was clearly too much effort for the new owner). He also neglected to actually announce any sort of card. We can probably assume that Poison/Jett is still going ahead, but other than that even I'm clueless. * Campbell concluded by asking everyone to come along to the show. I think the correct term is 'threatened', but I don't want to incur any lawsuits; I'm too intimidated. Nevertheless, I'm sure *someone* will attend the show and report back. In tenuously related news, I've also heard rumours of a, shall we say, "unflattering" and hastily removed blog about Katie Cameron, posted on the MySpace page of Duberry Excess. The two are said to not be on speaking terms any more. No word yet as to how this will affect Duberry's LDW career, but making enemies with the girlfriend of the company's top star isn't going to do him any favours. [CENTER]-=-[/CENTER][/quote] [SIZE="1"](N.b., this LDW bears no relation at all to the LDW comedy dynasty I did a while ago. I'm just an unimaginative pleb.)[/SIZE]
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