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MOSC - Sponsered by Weight Watchers

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[CENTER][I]Legal Disclaimer: MOSC will not fire anyone on the basis of their weight. Furthermore all competitors are in no way forced to lose weight they are simply encouraged to for the sake of their hearts. The diary is not meant to offend anyone whom enjoys a slight binge of cup cakes at 3 in the morning. [/I][/CENTER] [CENTER]As i sat there pondering what to do with myself after having left university I found that I was presented with one of two options: a) do a job i hate and make a lot of money was losing a piece of my soul. b) drop out of society, do something i enjoy, make no money whatsoever and be the butt of jokes by my friends about my lack of income. It was without great difficulty that I chose the latter option. None of my friends ever spoke to me again...[/CENTER] [CENTER][I][B][U]2 Years Later[/U][/B][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER]I was looking through a newspaper one day when I happened to see an advert for a wrestling event set to be held in Leeds on a Saturday night. Having very little better to do with my life I decided what the heck and went along. What I found was a bunch of overweight men beating the hell out of each other over the head with wooden planks whilst the fans bombarded the winners of each match with pork pies as a sign of their appreciation. The winners graciously accepted their gifts, scoffing them down whilst blood poured from much of their body.[/CENTER] [CENTER]I loved it!!![/CENTER] [CENTER]I began attending events whenever I could afford it and as such became good friends with much of the lockeroom, even getting asked to step into the ring for an angle (I ended up being knocked unconscious but decided not to sue as they didn't really have much money to take so I didn't see the point). I began helping out on the shows, mainly getting involved with selecting entrance music although from time to time I was asked to aid with creative decisions.[/CENTER] [CENTER]A year passed and I placed a bet upon Chelsea not winning the league with the odds being nigh on 10,000 to 1. I never thought I'd say this but thank you Man Utd, that was the best £10 I'd ever spent. Having worked within the promotion for the past year I knew MOSC was about to close. Nova had desimated the roster and most of the workers left were either nearing retirement or nearing the big tub of ice cream induced heart attack. I made The Highland Warrior the offer of taking over the promotion for a modest sum and he jumped at the offer - I was the new owner of Men Of Steel Combat!!![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]MOSC is proud to announce new sponsership deal[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/ww.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]MOSC is proud to announce that it has just come to terms with the famous company, Weight Watchers, whom have agreed to sponser the company for the coming year. The exact terms of the contract will not be made public but Weight Watchers advertisements will be placed in the arenas for all upcoming events. The move is believed to have been initiated by new owner Peter Kay whom is apparently delighted to have secured the deal...[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/kay-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][I]OOC: Ok if you haven't guessed yet this will be a bit of a tongue in cheek diary but the shows will be written up seriously even if i do bring in an "odd character and gimmick" in every now and then. [/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=red]The Highland Warrior:[/COLOR][/B] I Bet you think your wee bit clever son, bringing in this whole weight watchers thing, but I'm telling you I ain't gonna stand for it and I'm gonna walk right now unless you rip up the deal a... [B][COLOR=navy]Peter Kay:[/COLOR] [/B]Relax Greg, i'm just keeping things light hearted. I'm sure even you can admit that most of the roster aren't in the best shapes of their lives, hell most of them probably couldn't make it up my stairs to complain and just sent you as their representative! [B][COLOR=red]The Highland Warrior[/COLOR] [/B]Now listen here I ain't gonna take any more of this cra... [B][COLOR=navy]Peter Kay:[/COLOR] [/B]Besides the money's good and that's something we really need at the moment so the sponsership stays. There ain't gonna be any propoganda or anything just a couple of signs. Hell you can probably use them in your matches if you want just to make a point - i doubt they're gonna send anyone down to actually watch our shows. [B][COLOR=red]The Highland Warrior[/COLOR][/B] You think you're real clever don't you but I've got news for you son, this smart a*** crap isn't gonna wash with me and the rest of this roster! [B][COLOR=navy]Peter Kay[/COLOR][/B] Chill, go suck on a stick of lard or whatever, its just in the background and its gonna fade away. The money's good and it makes financial sense - its a business decision and yeah, maybe they give the lads a few tips on how to shed a few pounds. Besides, we've got more important things to talk about - we need to figure out what we're gonna do with the roster and I was wondering if you could give me a [I]run [/I]down of who the main [I]athletes[/I] are. [B][COLOR=red]The Highland Warrior[/COLOR][/B] Think you can fob me off with this kinda... [B][COLOR=navy]Peter Kay[/COLOR][/B] Enough. I respect you. I'm a fan of you. You're in great shape. Whatever. We've got more pressing issues. [B][COLOR=red]The Highland Warrior[/COLOR][/B] Fine, lets get started then [I]ROSTER UP NEXT[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Warrior continued to give a detailed roster of whom the main guys on the roster... [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG] [B]Myself - The Highland Warrior Titles: MOSC UK Title[/B] [I]"I'm a seven time champ and I've held the belt since September when I beat Joss Thompson. If I'm honest with you I'm not to enthused about staying the biz for too much longer - especially if you keep up with this attitude of yours son - but I'll keep on for at least another year or so. Pretty decent in the ring and on the mike if I do say so myself."[/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/DannyPatterson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Danny Patterson Title - None[/B] [I]"Danny's a tough S.O.B and I wouldn't give him any stick if I were you - he's a lot less forgiving than I am. You shoulda seen what he did to that tosser Jeff Nova when he fired him - hell the lad's lucky he ain't in prison at the moment. Danny's main strength is his power and menace, not to mention he's pretty decent on the mike. One of the most over wrestlers on the roster too thanks to his 21CW stay.[/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/Thug.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/Bruiser.jpg[/IMG] [B]Thug and Bruiser - The UK Wrecking Crew Titles - None[/B] [I]"Another two lads I wouldn't wanna meet in a dark ally. Not the most talented but they're decent enough when nailing people over the head with crowbars and have gotten pretty over with the crowd doing what they do best. A decent enough tag team which could either go after the tag team titles or maybe push them for my title. I wouldn't insult them either - Bruiser's not got a particularly forgiving nature."[/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jeffery McPeterson Titles - MOSC Blood & Beer Title[/B] [I]"My son, err, he's got a bit of a rep I'm afraid. Gets himself into a fight or two because of his mouth. Not the best performer its gotta be said, ok in the air and decent on the mike and that about it. Gave him the Blood & Beer title to keep him off me back to be honest."[/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/GeordieJimmyMorris.jpg[/IMG] [B]Geordie Jimmy Morris Titles - None[/B] [I]"Jimmy used to own Ring of Fire and he's a pretty experienced performer. One of the better performers to be fair to him although he don't really excel in anything. Getting on a bit too i'm afraid but he can still go in the ring like."[/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/TomFoolery.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/ShaneHannigans.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tom Foolery and Shane Hannigans - Monkey Business Titles - MOSC Tag Team Champions[/B] [I]"Tom and Shane are two of the larger members of the roster."[/I] (You could say two of the larger members of general public and I'll be dammned if i'm gonna call either of them athletes either) [I]"Decent enough tag team champs - Shane's probably the better in the ring but Tom's not that bad. Tom's good on the mike as well."[/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/TheJuicer.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Juicer Titles - None[/B] [I]"Juicer is tough as nails and has got the stamina of a ox. If you want a 30 minute brawl with two men beating the hell out of each other than you ain't gonna find much better than Juicer. Not great on the mike but the intensity when he's in the ring is a thing to behold."[/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/BernieEvans.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/LawrenceYoung.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bernie Evans and Lawrence Young[/B] [I]"Bernie's lead announcer and Lawro is colour commentator. Both are pretty good at their jobs to be honest - I'm pretty damn of finding Lawro like as the lad's one hell of a prospect."[/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/MarkMoore.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mark Moore[/B] [I]"Mark's the top manager at the moment though Emma's not far from him and she's got what the crowd likes."[/I] (so she's got boobs huh?) [I]"Mark's definately got a fair amount of potential like but I'd go with Emma if I were looking for someone to manage our top stars personally."[/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/UppercutBailey.jpg[/IMG] [B]Uppercut Bailey[/B] [I]"Pretty experience road agent this lad. Used to be a boxer ya know. Can't say I've ever got on with him that much. He's a bit of a jackass you know, always going on and on about fitness regimes - come to think about it he's a bit like you in that..."[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Peter Kay[/COLOR] [/B] That's enough for the time being, I've got a fair amount of things to be getting on with. Thanks for the help, I'll see you next week. [B][COLOR="Red"]The Highland Warrior[/COLOR][/B] Whatever, I ain't gonna stick around like. As Warrior headed out the door I knew I had one hell of a job on my hands. I looked over the profiles of the roster. The lower card looked like a train wreck in waiting and most of the main guys were in no condition to walk down to the shops let alone compete in a wrestling match. That meeting had gone so well either - maybe I need to tone it down a bit with him - he may not be in the best shape but he's still the star of this promotion so better keep him sweat for the time being. Oh well, this Uppercut Bailey guy sounds like someone I need to get onto right away. Now, where's his number... might need a fitness instructor as well... where's me phone?[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Having not really gotten a very scewed report of the roster off former owner The Highland Warrior - a man who was apparently very loyal to the members of the roster - I was still no further to knowing whom to push into various title pictures so I decided to sit down and have a heart to heart with our current road agent, Uppercut Bailey... [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/UppercutBailey.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Uppercut Bailey[/COLOR][/B] [I]I'm not gonna lie to you Peter, most of these men shouldn't be anywhere near the ring. I've tried to get them doing fitness programmes but they just don't listen to me anymore. I think some of them would rather be at home watching the football than down here if i'm honest. I mean, I can try to tell them how the matches are gonna go down but if they're tired after five minutes there's only so much you can do.[/I] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Peter Kay[/COLOR][/B] [I]I get that, I'm well ahead of you as it goes. Anyway, The Warrior's got the title at the moment and I'm well aware that he's probably the star of the promotion. We got anyone that can challenge him and put on a couple of decent matches?[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Uppercut Bailey[/COLOR][/B] Well [I]Danny's (Patterson) an absolute beast and if you want a challenger then you could do well with him. Geordie Jimmy ain't half bad and his Warrior's son seems to be getting pretty over[/I]. [B][COLOR="Navy"]Peter Kay[/COLOR] [/B] [I]What about Jeff, his dad didn't seem to high on him, seemed to think the lad had some kind of reputation - truth be told though, considering how rooted in the past Warrior is I might kinda like the lad.[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Uppercut Bailey[/COLOR][/B] [I]Well he ain't the greatest in the ring, an average at best high flier but he is one of the best on the mike that we've got. Also he's one of the fitter members of the roster - one of the reasons I campaigned so hard to get him involved with the Blood & Beer title[/I]. [B][COLOR="Navy"]Peter Kay[/COLOR] [/B] [I]What his dad didn't want him as champ?[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Uppercut Bailey[/COLOR][/B] [I]His dad didn't want him full stop. Always going on and on about how he needs to learn respect. If it weren't for me then he'd probably be outta job truth be told. I like the kid. Seems to wanna make it to the top and will do anything he can to get there.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Peter Kay[/COLOR][/B] [I]Interesting. Moving on, what about the tag division[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Uppercut Bailey[/COLOR][/B] [I]Well Monkey Business are the champs but, well, lets just say Foolery hasn't been in a gym for a while. Their ok on the mike and Shane just abouts manages to cover for Foolery but there's no doubt Tom's holding his partner back. As for The UK Wrecking Crew, despite the fact they're two of the biggest stars in the promotion the tag division is just about their level. If I were you I wouldn't let them anywhere near the UK Title though[/I]. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Peter Kay[/COLOR][/B] [I]Sounds like this is gonna be a piece of cake - any unknowns with potential?[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Uppercut Bailey[/COLOR][/B] [I]Well Ultra Violence is ok but other tha...[/I] Bailey was cut off by a knock on the door and in came MOSC Blood & Beer championg Jeffery McPeterson... [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Green"]Jeffery McPeterson[/COLOR][/B] [I]Alright lads? Anyway, I ain't gonna stop for long, things to do and all that, but I'd thought I'd introduce myself and say a few words about what I think should happen, you know who deserves a title shot or two.[/I] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Peter Kay[/COLOR][/B] [I]Go on.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Jeffery McPeterson[/COLOR][/B] [I]Well, as you know I'm the current Blood & Beer champion and I think that's the way it should stay you know. Give me an extended reign until I'm ready to move up to the main event and all. I was also thinking you should change the title so that it focuses on high flying fast paced action - something most of the roster struggle with.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Peter Kay[/COLOR] [/B] [I]See there's a pretty obvious problem there.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Jeffery McPeterson[/COLOR][/B] [I]Yeah I know. I was also thinking bring in a couple of new faces. For example Petey Barnes. He's a lad I know well, decent flier, not as good as myself but still, the kids got potential. Works for ROF at the moment but shouldn't mind working for you I can have a word with him if you want.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Peter Kay[/COLOR][/B] [I]I'll take that under advisement. Anything else?[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Jeffery McPeterson[/COLOR][/B] [I]Nah, I've gotta get off, you know, do some weights, I'll see you at the next show boss.[/I] Jeffery left, leaving me and Uppercut alone once again. [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Uppercut Bailey[/COLOR][/B] [I]Good kid.[/I] Well, I'd learnt why one of our champs has a rep but I can't say I disagreed with some of his judgements. Barnes was a lad I had my eye on and there was a good chance I was gonna offer him a contract anyway. As for what Bailey had to say I was a bit worried. It was clear that he'd lost the dressing room and would have to be replaced at some point. As for what he had to say for the roster I was also worried. The tag division was in a dreadful state and there weren't many realistic contenders for Warrior's title. Some changes had to be made and made before the next show...[/CENTER]
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I have just read you backstory and i wet myself, very funny, i havn't read the shows 'n stuff yet, but if i were you i would write them in a similar tongue-in-cheek fashion and you may just earn yourself a reader. I love having something to chuckle at, so keep with the lighthearted stuff!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]MOSC Announce Next Event[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/MOSC.jpg[/IMG] MOSC is proud to announce the first show since it was recently taken over and it will be known as MOSC Blood Donors Needed. The event, set to take place in the Celedonian Club (Scotland), will be held on Satuday, Week 3 Janurary 2007 Seeing as this is the first show of the new year we're gonna kick it off with a bang with both the MOSC UK Title and the MOSC Blood & Beer Title being defened. Add into to that the show will witness at least two debuts and this should be an action packed first show. The night will witness two wrestlers making their MOSC debuts during the show. Both of whom are fairly big names on the UK circuit. The first debutant, ROF’s Petey Barnes, will take on Buff Martinez in Barnes’ first battle in a hardcore environment. The second debutant, former 21CW worker Keith Adams, has the opportunity to win gold on his debut as he takes on MOSC Blood and Beer champion Jeffery McPeterson. The highest profile of the matches will see the MOSC UK World Title be placed on the line as The Highland Warrior will take on Danny Patterson. Patterson had been very impressive over the last year and is sure to know there is no better way to kick off the new year than by securing his very own title. [B][U]Match List[/U][/B] [I](all matches are competed in hardcore rules unless otherwise stated)[/I] The Highland Warrior (c) vs. Danny Patterson [I]for the MOSC UK World Title[/I] Jeffery McPeterson (c) vs. Keith Adams [I]for the MOSC Blood & Beer Title[/I] Buff Martinez vs. Petey Barnes Jay B & Ultra Violence vs. The UK Wrecking Crew [SIZE="4"][B]Fan Anticipation - ****[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [I]OOC - I thought fan anticipation might be interesting - if not i'll can it when i get bored of it. It'll be based upon the in game heat for matches and storylines but also on the number of views and messages that get left in the thread so if you hyped about a show then let us know.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/MOSC.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"][B]MOSC Blood Donors Needed!!![/B][/SIZE] [I](live from the Caledonian Club, Scotland)[/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/JayB.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/UltraViolence_alt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/Thug.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/Bruiser.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jay B and Ultra Violence vs. The UK Wrecking Crew[/B] [QUOTE]Squashy squash squash The UK Wrecking Crew looked very dominating and impressive in this victory as Bruiser scored the pin. [B]Winners – The UK Wrecking Crew Rating – E [/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/DannyPatterson.jpg[/IMG] The number one contender to The Highland Warriors MOSC UK World Title, Danny Patterson, decides to make his way out to the ring… [B]Danny Patterson: [/B] [I]So it would appear that the time has come upon us to witness the end of yet another Highland Warrior title reign. Hell, I’ve gotta give it to him, the man’s won the title more than any other wrestler in MOSC history which is no mean feat. I guess when you happen to own the company you can book yourself in title matches every week until you finally win it. In case you hadn’t noticed old timer, you ain’t in charge any more. You ain’t got the power to decide when and where you defend the title. Things have changed! No more will I have to sit in the back waiting for you to give the say so as to when I would be given a opportunity to step out from under your shadow. No longer will you be able to hold me back. Your reign as owner is now over. Your reign as the MVP of the company has been over since the day I arrived and your reign as MOSC UK champion is under an hour away. Warrior – tonight you will witness first hand the beginning of a new reign of terror in this promotion. Tonight, the reign of Danny Patterson will begin![/I] Rating – D [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/KeithAdams.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jeffery McPeterson vs. Keith Adams[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/originalbelt07.jpg[/IMG] [B]For the MOSC Blood & Beer Title[/B] [QUOTE]Decent enough debut for Adams. Much of the match was spent outside of the ring with the title really living up to its name. McPeterson slammed Adams head first through a table, opening up a massive gash on his head. From this point the writing was all but on the wall and McPeterson soon picked up the victory. [B]Winner and still MOSC Blood & Beer champion – Jeffery McPeterson Rating – E+ [/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/DannyPatterson.jpg[/IMG] The footage cuts to the backstage area as The Highland Warrior confronts Danny Patterson… [B]Highland Warrior:[/B] [I]Son, it seems you’ve got a hella lot to say for yourself doesn’t it?[/I] [B]Danny Patterson:[/B] … [B]Highland Warrior:[/B] [I]What’s the matter, afraid that this 'old timer' is gonna show you up tonight huh?[/I] (Patterson smiles but still says nothing) [I]Yeah, just what I thought, you ain’t got the bottle for this fight huh?[/I] Patterson gets right in Warrior’s face and the two men stare at each other intensly. [B]Bernie Evans:[/B] [I][SIZE="3"]It looks as though we’re gonna get a sneak preview of our main event right here!!![/SIZE][/I] Soon the evil grin returns to Patterson’s face and he turns his back on Warrior and walks away. Rating – C- [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/BuffMartinez.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/PeteyBarnes.jpg[/IMG] [B]Buff Martinez vs. Petey Barnes[/B] [QUOTE]Barnes’ first ever match up in a hard core environment. Martinez started off well with Barnes’ inexperience showing. With the action outside of the ring Barnes looked lost and Barnes sought refuge back in the ring. Martinez was still on top although Barnes looked far more sure of himself now. Barnes managed to battle back and eventually managed to gain the upper hand. Eventually Barnes managed to lock in a submission hold which Martinez tapped out to. [B]Winner after 9:41 by submission – Petey Barnes Rating – E- [/B][/QUOTE] The match is over but before Barnes can celebrate his victory Jeffery McPeterson's music hits and he walks out onto the ramp leading to the ring... [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jeffery McPeterson:[/B] [I]Now what in the hell was that then!?! What kind of pathetic little shrimp are ya using a submission hold huh? I thought you were one of the brightest prospects in wrestling but I see the truth - Barnes you’re a joke! You’re just like all these other new signings that my father’s deemed necessary before he took the coward’s way out and sold what was rightfully mine. Barnes, one day I will get my hands on this company and when that day comes there will sure as hell be no place for southern fairies like you in it. One day I will be top dog here and when that day comes I will only sign those that deserve a place in this promotion like myself. Oh and Petey, when that day comes, I’d start looking for a new employer if I were you.[/I] Rating – D [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/DannyPatterson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG] [B]Danny Patterson vs. The Highland Warrior[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/WWFHardcore.jpg[/IMG] [B]For the MOSC UK Championship[/B] [QUOTE]The best match of the night by far. Warrior came in on fire – showing no signs of his age. Patterson wasn’t ready at all and it looked on several occasions as though the Warrior might have the match sown up within the opening five minutes. Patterson ducked outside of the ring – as if there was any safety out there! Warrior was relentless with his attacks with the two brawling throughout the crowd. The only rest bite the Patterson was able to get was when he nailed Warrior over the head with a wooden 2 by 4. Blood poured from Warrior’s head as Patterson and Warrior fought back to the ring. Patterson tried to finish off Warrior only for Warrior to once again take control of the match. [SIZE="3"][B]Bernie Evans[/B]: [I]“Surely Warrior can’t keep this relentless assault up”[/I][/SIZE] Warrior did though and hit the Highland Fling to pick up the victory in an impressive title defence. [B]Winner and still MOSC UK Champion – The Highland Warrior Rating – D[/B] [/QUOTE] Attendance – 261 Rating – D Internet Feedback – N/A [B]A head booker’s thoughts[/B] – It was a very solid show with the main event really delivering. Warrior might be getting on a bit but he can still go in the ring. Throughout the night there were several strong performances on the mike which was pleasing. Barnes and Adams’ debuts were acceptable although hardly spectacular. The hope is that Barnes will develop quickly as he has a lot of potential but we don’t really have that much time to be patient. The wrecking crew didn’t produce the best performances of their lives but god knows I ain’t gonna tell that to their faces – not if I still value the use of certain parts of my body.[/CENTER] [I][CENTER]OOC - Feedback on the layout of the write up and anything else would be appreciated. Also I would be very thankful if someone could come up with a couple of titles to use in this if they have the time - I might even name the title after that person as a reward ;)[/CENTER][/I]
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Something I like to do as far as titles (not really into titles like Beer and Blood ect). I usually rename it the Scottish Championship. True it doesn't sound all that "hardcore" BUT i figure the fans of my promotion will certainly know what the stipulations are on the title. I'm enjoying the read so far. I'm interested to see if you can get Barnes over in a hardcore environment. Also I've never been able to get anything out of Buff Martinez... if you're in for a challenge and don't have plans it might be cool to see what you came up with!
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[CENTER]The first show had done pretty well, Barnes debut had given the higher rating we were expecting but the lad had shown enough to indicate that he will be sound investment. The UK Wrecking Crew hadn't really impressed me too much to be honest but they're the only real challengers we've got in the tag team scene so they'll have to do. On the next show I'd get a chance to see how the current tag team champs handle themselves in the ring. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/UppercutBailey.jpg[/IMG] And so I was sat with the two other members of my booking team, Highland Warrior and Uppercut Bailey when suddenly there was a knock on the door and in came MOSC champion Jeffery McPeterson... [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Green"][B]Jeffery McPeterson[/B][/COLOR] [I]Hi guys, hi dad, just to let you know that was a pretty damn good show if i do say so myself. [/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Highland Warrior[/B][/COLOR] [I]Hi son.[/I] [SIZE="3"]From the tone in his voice it was obvious that Warrior wasn't too pleased to see his son and it seemed as though the only person who didn't realise this was Jeffery.[/SIZE] [COLOR="Green"][B]Jeffery McPeterson[/B][/COLOR] [I]Now, I know Petey wasn't so hot last week but give the lad time and I know he'll come good. By the way I'm really pleased that you gave me some mike time last week - really lets the crowd get into my character and all.[/I] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Peter Kay[/B][/COLOR] [I]You did well kid, to be honest I wouldn't trust most of the roster on the mike after a match - can't imagine it would be too easy to make out what they were saying in between panting and scoffing down pizza.[/I] [SIZE="3"]Most of us had a chuckle at this, well exept for Warrior who once again didn't look too pleased amongst his current company.[/SIZE] [COLOR="green"][B]Jeffery McPeterson[/B][/COLOR] [I]Anyway, I was thinking that I should do some mike work again next week on the show. I was thinking maybe it would be a good idea if i took up a special guest commentary position during Barnesy's match up. Hell, i'd probably be able to teach Bernie a thing or two.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Highland Warrior[/B][/COLOR] [I]Now listen here, Bernie's been doing this job pretty damn well for us and he's got a hella lot more experience than you have son. I'm telling you, unless you start showing some respect then I'm gonna beat some into you, you got me?!?[/I] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Peter Kay[/B][/COLOR] [I]Calm down Warrior - this ain't the good ol days - I want my wrestlers to come up with some creative ideas of their own rather than simply being told what to do. As it happens I was toying with the idea myself and I guess that if your comfortable with it Jeff than we'll run with it and see how it goes.[/I] [COLOR="Green"][B]Jeffery McPeterson[/B][/COLOR] [I]Good to see that someone shares my long term vision huh dad? Anyway, I'll be off - back to the gym and all.[/I] [SIZE="3"]Jeffery left us three alone again with Warrior clearly highly worked up...[/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"][B]Highland Warrior[/B][/COLOR] [I]You think you're real clever don't ya Kay - sticking up for my jackass of a son just so you can score points off of me. I'm getting real tired of you and you're wee attitude son and I ain't to far from getting up walking from this company of yours.[/I] [COLOR="darkorange"][B]Uppercut Bailey[/B][/COLOR] [I]Now lets not do anything rash here gentlemen, we're all pull...[/I] [SIZE="3"]Suddenly Warrior jumped out of his seat as myself and Bailey also lept out of ours.[/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"][B]Highland Warrior[/B][/COLOR] [I]Shut up Bailey, this don't involve you...[/I] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Peter Kay[/B][/COLOR] [I]Quiet! I've had about all I can take of you today Warrior. Now I'm gonna forget about this little disagreement and you're gonna walk out that door and calm down. Furthermore I'm getting real tired of this attitude of yours. You don't run the place anymore - I do! Its about time you started remembering that as well.[/I] [SIZE="3"]Warrior and myself eyeballed each other for a few moments before Warrior grabbed his title belt and stormed out of the room.[/SIZE] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]Uppercut Bailey[/B][/COLOR] [I]You've gotta do something about him son...[/I] [SIZE="3"]Everything is definately not rosey at MOSC at the moment...[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/MOSC.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Confirmed matches for MOSC Time Waits For No One[/SIZE][/B] [I](All matches are hardcore rules unless stated otherwise)[/I] Geordie Jimmy Smith vs. The Highland Warrior [I](non title)[/I] Petey Barnes vs The Dublin Destroyer [I]with Jeffery McPeterson as special guest commentator[/I] Axl Grease and Buff Martinez vs. Monkey Business [I](non title)[/I] Danny Patterson vs. Ultra Violence [B][SIZE="4"]Fan Anticipation - ***[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [I]OOC - Thanks for all the responses so far and keep them coming if you can think of anything that would make this better. Haven't thought much about Martinez but might try and give him something to do as a challenge. As for Barnes he is a very talented performer and will hopefully adapt to the hardcore environement quickly. I do have something up my sleave in terms of his long term future[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/MOSC.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]MOSC Time Waits For No One[/SIZE][/B] [I](live from the Caledonian Club, Scotland)[/I] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/DannyPatterson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/UltraViolence_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Danny Patterson vs. Ultra Violence[/B] [QUOTE]Despite Patterson dominating much of the match, fatigue began to set in and he got sloppy. Violence countered and looked set to put Patterson away by body slamming him through the table which was positioned in the corner of the ring, supported by the turnbuckle Patterson recovered in time pushed Violence off of himself. Violence turned around in time to be speared through the table with Patterson making the cover and picking up the victory [B]Winner – Danny Patterson Rating – E+[/B] [/QUOTE] After the match Patterson takes the mike… [B]Danny Patterson:[/B] [I]So now we’ve got that little formality out of the way lets get down to business – Warrior, get your washed up, headed for retirement, can’t figure out that what the internet is, ass out here![/I] (Warrior walks onto the ramp way to a reasonable pop.) [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG] [B]Highland Warrior:[/B] [I]Sorry, did I hear you right Danny, see I might be imagining things but I swear you said ‘washed up’. See, laddie, I might have a couple of years on you but it seems this washed up has been handed you the beating of your life last month. So, Danny, what is it you want to say to a has been then?[/I] [B]Danny Patterson:[/B] [I]Yeah, you beat me yeah, big deal. I’ve been beaten before and I got right up and got my revenge sooner rather than later every single time. Warrior, I want a shot at your title right here, right now, tonight![/I] [B]Highland Warrior:[/B] [I]You want a rematch huh? Seems to me your in no condition to wrestle again tonight – just a word of advice, maybe you should lay off of the haggis for a wee while son.[/I] [B]Danny Patterson:[/B] [I]So you think you’re a wise guy huh. Warrior, it is time that I ended your reign and you can either give me the title shot or I can make you vacate your title by putting you into retirement![/I] [B]Highland Warrior:[/B] [I]You know Danny, whilst beating your sorry ass in front of this great crowd would be canny fun I’ve already got a match up tonight you see. But hey, next week, we’ll have our wee match up just like you asked for![/I] Rating – C- [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/AxlGrease.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/BuffMartinez.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/ShaneHannigans.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/TomFoolery.jpg[/IMG] [B]Axl Grease & Buff Martinez vs. Monkey Business[/B] [QUOTE]This was a non – title match but “bah gawd” our tag champs are useless. Foolery was incredibly sloppy and tried to drop Martinez onto his head to the outside of the ring. The crowd spent most of the match chanting “who ate all the pies” to Foolery. I joined in. Hannigans was slightly better and some of the crowd managed to get behind him. Hannigans responded by stepping up his game and eventually managed to cover Axl Grease and get the pinfall victory. [B]Winners – Monkey Business Rating – E-[/B] [/QUOTE] After the match Hanigans and Foolery began charging around the outside of the ring, high fiving everyone they could find. (Foolery wasn’t really charging, more ambling really) Rating – D- [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG] As we wait for our next match up, Jeffery McPeterson makes his way down to the commentary position. Rating – E [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/PeteyBarnes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/TheDublinDestroyer.jpg[/IMG] [B]Petey Barnes vs. The Dublin Destroyer[/B] [QUOTE][SIZE="2"][B]McPeterson:[/B] [I]Look at that wannabe Barnes, I give it three minutes before he’s running away[/I][/SIZE] Barnes got off to a flier, nailing The Destroyer with a spinning wheel kick from the off. Barnes hit the top rope and hit The Destroyer with a hurracrana. Barnes continued to take the match to The Destoryer. [SIZE="2"][B]McPeterson:[/B] [I]Its all good and that hitting these flashy moves but The Destroyer is one tough S.O.B. and if you wanna win the match you’ve actually gotta hurt your opponent Petey or didn’t they teach you how to down sarf?[/I][/SIZE] Barnes went out of the ring and threw in a couple of garbage cans and steel chairs. The Destroyer tried to head him off as he returned to the ring only to be sent flying over the top turnbuckle. Barnes climbed up the turnbuckle and hit a shooting star press to The Destroyer whom was outside of the ring. [SIZE="2"][B]Bernie Evans:[/B] [I]You can’t deny that was pretty impressive Jeff.[/I] [B]McPeterson:[/B] [I]Yeah its impressive - if your easily impressed that is. I’d love to see Barnes actually pin someone after that move. I remain confident that The Destroyer is gonna live up to his name and start taking Barnes apart any second now.[/I][/SIZE] Back in the ring and The Destroyer is really in trouble. Barnes sets The Destroyer up in the corner with a trash can before heading up to another turnbuckle. Barnes hits the Coast to Coast. Barnes places The Destroyer in the middle of the ring, placing a chair on top of him [SIZE="2"][B]McPeterson:[/B] [I]Come on Destroyer, get your lazy ass up now, you’ve done nothing all match you tub of lard![/I][/SIZE] Barnes hits a big frog splash and the match is over with Barnes getting the pinfall victory. [SIZE="2"][B]Bernie Evans:[/B] [I]Seems like you were wrong about this one huh?[/I] [B]McPeterson:[/B] [I]Well ain’t you just great Bernie! Fell really smug about this don’t ya? Well, I ain’t gonna stand for this rubbish any more…[/I][/SIZE] [B]Winner – Petey Barnes Rating – F+[/B] [/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/PeteyBarnes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG] As Barnes celebrates in the ring, he’s blind sided by McPeterson who nails him with his MOSC Blood & Beer title. McPeterson continues hitting Barnes with his title, opening up a massive cut on Barnes’ head. McPeterson lifts Barnes up before hitting a DDT with Barnes’ head bouncing off the title belt. With Barnes lying lifeless in the ring McPeterson smiles and holds his title high in the air above his head. Rating – E- [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/GeordieJimmyMorris.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/MOSC/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG] [B]Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. The Highland Warrior[/B] [QUOTE]Another non-title match up. Both wrestlers put on a real spectacle with most of the action taking place within the crowd. At one point Warrior lifted a willing participate from the crowd high above him and threw him up into the air and onto a prone Morris. Eventually Warrior managed to put Morris away with a Highland Fling and picked up the victory in the best match of the night by some way. [B]Winner – The Highland Warrior Rating – D[/B] [/QUOTE] Attendance – 243 Rating – E+ Internet Feedback – Mostly Positive [B]A head booker’s thoughts[/B] – The main event delivered but that was about all. Most of this roster could very possibly be the offspring of Vanessa Feltz and Ric Waller considering the amount of absolutely exhausted messages I got in the road agent notes. Oh - starting this week we're gonna introduce a new award which will be presented a wrestler whom excels themself in proving they are a lazy waste of space. The Fat Sack of Crap award this week goes to Tom Foolery for his amble around the ring after the match. Maybe next time we try to do it we should get his partner to run around carrying a sausage roll in his hand huh? Reckon you could actually do some exercise then and stop looking like an overweight waste of space. Special mention goes to The Dublin Destroyer for his abject performance.[/CENTER]
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