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Big Smackin' USA! (C-Verse)

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/BigSmackinUSA.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Tuesday Week 1 January 2007[/U] [COLOR="Blue"]“ **** you, I’m not jobbing to that afro-haired *****!”[/COLOR] Another Supreme TV, another patented Big Smack scuffle. A crowd had gathered around the scene involving SWF owner Richard Eisen and the somewhat agitated Big Smack Scott. The on-lookers had seen this kind of performance from the untalented, yet inexplicably popular, Scott before. People were walking on egg shells around him on a show-by-show basis, and his unpredictable temper was an incredible thing to witness. The on-lookers didn’t know whether they should laugh or cry at Scott’s antics. [COLOR="seagreen"]“ Scott, I’m getting tired of this attitude of yours. All I’m asking is that you put Retro over tonight, and you can redeem yourself at When Hell Freezes Over.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“ I’m sick of being treated like a second class citizen around here, when I should be in the main event. Hell, I am the main event! Everybody knows that I could beat the **** out of Christian Faith, Skull DeBones, Remo, Steve Frehley, even Runaway ****ing Train! So why the **** am I stuck in this midcard, nothing feud with this talentless *****? I am Big Smack Scott, I am the real deal, I should be the world champ!”[/COLOR] Eisen rolled his eyes. He’d heard it all before from the man known as Scott Sinclair. Frankly, he was getting frustrated with his less than cooperative nature. Scott’s attitude was tearing apart the locker room. But what could he do? His tantrums had become legendary with the Internet Wrestling Community, and the reactions that he was getting, despite his extremely limited talent, was absolutely phenomenal. The SWF was in a rut at present, and were finding it hard to make new stars. As such, Scott was valuable to the company. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“ I’ll cut you a deal, Scott. Tonight, you can work Andre Jones, and you’ll win. After the match, you can start running your mouth, and then Retro will come to shut you up. You’ll have that match at the PPV, and you’ll win that too. OK?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“ How about I slap that ***** Jack Bruce in the face tonight, and beat him at the PPV?”[/COLOR] Eisen rolled his eyes again and walked to his office. He knew he was in for a long night.
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[U]Supreme TV Live Broadcast (Tuesday Week 1 January)[/U] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]“ And his opponent, hailing from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 275 pounds, Big Smack Scott!”[/COLOR] Big Smack Scott, with his trademark sunglasses and leather jacket stepped into the ring, opposite his opponent, Andre Jones. Jones looked less than thrilled that he had the duty of working with Scott tonight. The crowd booed as Scott raised his arms in celebration of his self-conceived brilliance, before removing his jacket and glasses. The fans loved to hate him. The match went smoothly, a rare thing to say about a Big Smack Scott match. It was uneventful until about the four minute mark, a new record for Scott. Jones dropkicked Scott to the outside, and looked to follow up with a suicide dive. Jones’ feet accidentally caught the ropes, and he almost landed on his head, blowing the spot. Scott was less than impressed. Scott was very intolerant of mistakes, despite frequently making them himself, but in his mind, he was the main event. In his mind, he never made mistakes. Scott snapped, and roughly threw Jones back in the ring. Scott mounted the young athlete and started raining fists down into his skull. To the casual fan, nothing seemed amiss, it was just the bad guy cheating to win. But to the smart fan, it was clear that another infamous Big Smack Moment was occurring, and this time on live television. The referee called for the bell, disqualifying Scott, and tried to get him off the bloodied Andre Jones, whose nose was smashed across his face in a gory red mess. The referee finally pulled Scott away from the shaken Jones and attended to the young athlete. And that’s when Scott took a microphone from the ringside area. That’s right, the most temperamental and controversial star in recent memory had just picked up a live mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“ I’ve had enough of this ****. Week after week, my opponents make mistakes and make me look bad and I get stuck in the midcard, away from where I belong. Everybody knows I’m the Big Smackin’ Freak, so ya know what? **** you Richard Eisen and **** you SWF. You don’t like me? Well, I sure as hell don’t like you…”[/COLOR] The live mic was cut off, but unknowingly, Robbie Retro ran out to complete the angle, without realising that Scott was shooting. Retro ran up to Scott but was flattened by a stiff, and very real head butt, leaving him unconscious on the floor. Security ran out and subdued the crazy Scott, and carried him to the back in a less than dignified manner. And with that, Big Smack Scott’s run with the SWF was over.
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Well Marshall, if your King Of Kings dynasty is anything to go by, then this should provide a good read. In some ways, the start is somewhat similar although instead of a franchise player like HHH screwing around and getting sent packing, you've got a guy who's a franchise player in his own mind, with appalling skills to boot. Well written backstory thus far. I'll definitely be keeping and eye on this and although it would involve fudging the game data a bit... I've got my fingers crossed for a promotion headlined by BBS and Peter Valentine. ;)
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[QUOTE=Marshall;271276]The live mic was cut off, but unknowingly, Robbie Retro ran out to complete the angle, without realising that Scott was shooting. Retro ran up to Scott but was flattened by a stiff, and very real head butt, leaving him unconscious on the floor.[/QUOTE] Big Smack Scott is the man! :cool: I can't say I really got into your last diary, because it started a while before I became a frequent visitor here, but with so much spare time, and such a Big Smack Scott-errific backstory, I'll be keeping up with this.
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From [U]prowrestlezone.crn:[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/BigSmackScott.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Big Smack Scuffle?[/SIZE][/CENTER] Last night’s SWF Supreme TV will be forever remembered for the controversial actions of Big Smack Scott. Real name Scott Sinclair, Scott shot on opponent Andre Jones after a mistake Jones made while performing a plancha. Scott legitimately broke Jones’ nose, and continued the onslaught, before seizing a live microphone. In a tirade full of expletives, Scott essentially buried the SWF, owner Richard Eisen, and finally his future with the company. Following this, Robbie Retro, following storyline, confronted Scott, unaware that Scott was no longer working from the script. Scott dropped Retro with a sick head butt, and was knocked unconscious. Security then escorted Scott from the premises. It remains unclear where Scott goes from here, and moreover the penalty that the SWF face over airing such an explicit and controversial scene on their live broadcast. [SIZE="1"]Reporter: Shontayne Jones[/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/DylanSidle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/BigSmackScott.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Dylan Sidle sat at the bar alone. It had been over a year since he had a job, and perhaps it was desperation that had made him return the phone call that his ‘friend’ had made him. After all, don’t all good jobs come from being called on the phone out of the blue? Dylan had been asked to meet this ‘friend’ at the bar, but despite being desperate, he wasn’t looking forward to the prospect of working for him. This man wasn’t really his friend. This man was one of those people who don’t realise everyone thinks that they’re an *******. But Dylan was desperate, and that’s all there is to it in the long run. Unfortunately, your principles don’t pay the bills… [COLOR="Blue"]“ Hey Dylan, you big ******! Long time, no see huh? Haha…”[/COLOR] Big Smack Scott walked in, his larger-than-life ego struggling to fit through the door. Dylan didn’t particularly enjoy being called a ‘big ******’, but he was just going to ignore it. Scott ordered a drink and slumped beside Sidle at the bar. [COLOR="blue"]“ See what I did to those punk kids Tuesday night huh? Hahaha, I gave ’em a hell of a beating huh?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“ You sure did. Are you sure that was a good idea, I mean Andre only made one mistake and I‘ve seen you make mistakes too…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“ Everybody knows I’m the main event. I don’t make mistakes. Richard Eisen made a huge mistake letting me go. Dicky Eisen just didn’t know how to deal with the Big Smack Superstar. And now it’s time for you and I to fulfil my destiny and stick it to those Eisen ********. How do you feel about that huh?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“ Why do you need my help?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“ We go way back Dyl, I want you to have a hand in my success story. Everybody knows that the Big Smack Superstar is way too big to be held in any other promotion, so we’re gonna make our own. Big Smack Championship Wrestling. Ah, I can see it now, with the fans chanting my name as I hold the Big Smack World Championship above my head: [I]Big Smack Scott, Big Smack Scott[/I]…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“ Please stop chanting your own name. Well, how are we going to achieve this? You do have some kind of plan right?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“ I don’t do plans; I’m the visionary…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“ Right…”[/COLOR] Dylan sighed as he realised he had a lot more work than even he was hoping for ahead of him. [COLOR="green"]“ So how much money do we have to get this project running?”[/COLOR] Big Smack Scott opened a briefcase full of hundred dollar bills. Hey, he’s not that smart, of course he carries all his money around in a briefcase. Dylan took a moment to count it. [COLOR="Green"]“ Where the hell did you get half a million dollars?!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“ Let’s say people owed me money, hah.”[/COLOR] Scott downed the remainder of his drink before continuing. [COLOR="blue"]“ Anyways, the Big Smack Superstar isn’t in the mood for all this business, it’s time for a party! Dyl, all I want you to do is get a list of workers to bring in by the end of the week, it doesn’t matter who. After all, when the Big Smack Superstar is around, you can bet your ass you don’t need any real talent, I draw enough fans as it is!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“ So all I have to do is sign the workers?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“ Yeah, you know I’m not into that kind of thing. Now it’s time for me to party with my freaks! Hey sweet cheeks, get over here!”[/COLOR] Scott signalled an entourage from outside the building that looked way past it’s sell-by date, shall we say. Scott put the briefcase ever so safely by the leg of his bar stool, before gyrating awkwardly with the ladies in the middle of the room. Dylan, throwing up a little in his mouth, moved to make his exit. His departure was halted though by a man he recognised well. A man who was quite possibly just as ignorant and just as nasty as the Big Smacker himself. Dylan swallowed hard as he looked up at the grizzled features of Scott’s renowned buddy, Lee Wright. [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/LeeWright.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]“ Hey, Dyl, where do you think you’re going? The night is just get started!”[/COLOR] As Dylan was dragged to the Big Smack Boogie in the middle of the bar, he wondered just what in the hell he had gotten himself into.
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From [U]bigsmackcw.com:[/U] Welcome to the newly set-up bigsmackcw.com website! We are proud to announce that Big Smack Championship Wrestling will hold it’s first event on Tuesday Week 3 January. The show will be called Big Smackin’ USA! and will showcase all of the greatest wrestling talent in the US today. BSCW officials have released a list of names that have signed contracts to the company, and it is jam-packed and full of the best wrestling talent today. On the roster is: Aristocrat Barry Kingman Black Eagle Blackjack Robbins Brady Prince Citizen X DC Rayne Derek Frost Des Davids Eddie Howard Elijah Harris Flash Savage Frankie Perez Honest Frank Jacob Jett Jakki White Trash Joss Thompson Kashmir Singh K-Squared Lee Wright Mick Muscles Omar Brown Oscar Golden Sammy The Shark Steve Flash The Natural Titan Trent Shaffer Tully Arthurs Willow And of course, the future hall of famer, Big Smack Scott! Big Smack Championship Wrestling is taking over the wrestling world, so book your tickets to the history making, record breaking debut show Big Smackin’ USA!
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And now back to the people who have responded to the Big Smacker: [QUOTE=Clarity;271280]Its an good start and quite well written. Be interesting to see what you have in store[/QUOTE] Thank you, I would just like to say that i'm really enjoying your Cornellverse Explored diary too, and that I hope you stick around here. [QUOTE=chris caulfield;271281]yay a big smack scott based diary a diary low on wrestling quality high on angry humour.[/QUOTE] [I]Very[/I] low on wrestling quality. [QUOTE=Sons of Kohral;271284]I love me some angry humor. We should take bets on how many people will be injured in the first year. I call 4.[/QUOTE] I think I should hold a sweepstakes as to the amount of injuries that Scott inflicts, with the winner earning some sort of prize... [QUOTE=MrOnu;271464]Oh my... a diary around Big Smack Scott. That's the most bizarre thing since the Jim Force diary ! Bizarre, but in a fun way of course.[/QUOTE] I don't think the Smacker will ever reach Force status, the Force is a cult icon! [QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;271561]Wow... With one post this diary has already become the best in the history of the GDS forums! B.S.S. is G.O.D.![/QUOTE] Don't let Scott hear you call him God, he might ge ideas above his station... [QUOTE=sebsplex;271750]Well Marshall, if your King Of Kings dynasty is anything to go by, then this should provide a good read. In some ways, the start is somewhat similar although instead of a franchise player like HHH screwing around and getting sent packing, you've got a guy who's a franchise player in his own mind, with appalling skills to boot. Well written backstory thus far. I'll definitely be keeping and eye on this and although it would involve fudging the game data a bit... I've got my fingers crossed for a promotion headlined by BBS and Peter Valentine. ;)[/QUOTE] Wow, someone remembers and enjoyed my KOKW dynasty! You're an excellent writer in your own right, and I truly appreciate you taking the time to read my work. Yes, it is a similar back story to the KOKW dynasty, but the whole scenario should be more of a challenge, as instead of Triple H, Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels starting the promotion, w have the Smacker and Lee Wright. 'Nuff said. [QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;271771]Big Smack Scott is the man! :cool: I can't say I really got into your last diary, because it started a while before I became a frequent visitor here, but with so much spare time, and such a Big Smack Scott-errific backstory, I'll be keeping up with this.[/QUOTE] Big Smack Scott-errific has to make it into the dictionary - it's such an awesome term! [QUOTE=Scapino1974;272269]I can't say that I've ever worked with Big Smack Scott. And you've made me glad that's true. ;) Good start so far.[/QUOTE] I might regret it myself... [QUOTE=Shmoe;272280]This is just an awesome read, dude. Good job on actually making Big Smack Scott a funny *******, rather than being a plain *******. Great backstory and set up, keep going with it. I'll be reading.[/QUOTE] I'm not really naturally funny, definately not on the levels of a writer like J Silver, who's USPW dynasty is laugh out loud funny. Luckily Scott writes himself, and it should be fun to see where he ends up. Thank you to everyone who has been reading, and especially to these fine people who took the time to comment. I hope you continue reading so that this Big Smack Scott-errific journey goes on for a while.
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[QUOTE=Marshall;272434]From [U]bigsmackcw.com:[/U] Welcome to the newly set-up bigsmackcw.com website! We are proud to announce that Big Smack Championship Wrestling will hold it’s first event on Tuesday Week 3 January. The show will be called Big Smackin’ USA! and will showcase all of the greatest wrestling talent in the US today. BSCW officials have released a list of names that have signed contracts to the company, and it is jam-packed and full of the best wrestling talent today. On the roster is: Aristocrat Barry Kingman Black Eagle Blackjack Robbins Brady Prince Citizen X DC Rayne Derek Frost Des Davids Eddie Howard Elijah Harris Flash Savage Frankie Perez Honest Frank Jacob Jett Jakki White Trash Joss Thompson Kashmir Singh K-Squared Lee Wright Mick Muscles Omar Brown Oscar Golden Sammy The Shark Steve Flash The Natural Titan Trent Shaffer Tully Arthurs Willow And of course, the future hall of famer, Big Smack Scott! Big Smack Championship Wrestling is taking over the wrestling world, so book your tickets to the history making, record breaking debut show Big Smackin’ USA![/QUOTE] That's a good roster of workers... To job to Big Smack Scott. I'd think Steve Flash would make a suitable first victim, doesn't quite have the overness but I'm sure Scott would loathe his insistence on the basics.
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This is almost good enough to do a "in-character" diary (ala Payne in Mark Cuban's Dave only probably more neutral). Heck, the list alone is enough to do an entry and to start the betting on who gets hurt first. In regards to quality wrestling...at least you have Steve Flash, Frankie Perez, and a few others.
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From [U]bigsmackcw.com[/U]: [U][SIZE="4"]Event Schedule:[/SIZE][/U] Big Smack Championship Wrestling is pleased to reveal its schedule for the upcoming year. [B]January[/B]: Big Smackin’ USA! [B]February[/B]: February Fight Night [B]March[/B]: The Golden Road [B]April[/B]: Temple of Champions [B]May[/B]: Big Smackin’ USA! 2 [B]June[/B]: Blood War [B]July[/B]: July Heat Haze [B]August[/B]: SummerPlex [B]September[/B]: Big Smackin’ USA! 3 [B]October[/B]: Uprising [B]November[/B]: Crossing the Line [B]December[/B]: Valley of Kings [U][SIZE="4"]World Title Tournament:[/SIZE][/U] Big Smack Championship Wrestling proudly announces that the inaugral BSCW World champion will be crowned upon the culmination of a 16 man tournament, which will begin at the first BSCW show, Big Smackin’ USA! The brackets are as follows: [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/BigSmackScott.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/ElijahHarris.jpg[/IMG] Big Smack Scott vs. Elijah James Jackson [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/BradyPrince.jpg[/IMG] Frankie Perez vs. Prince Brady Prince [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/LeeWright.jpg[/IMG] Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/HonestFrank.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG] Frankie Texas vs. DC Rayne [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/MickMuscles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] Mick Muscles vs. Eddie Howard [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/BlackjackRobbins.jpg[/IMG] Jacob Jett vs. Blackjack Robbins [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] Oscar Golden vs. Black Eagle [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/Big%20Smack/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] ‘Perfect’ Barry Kingman vs. Destroyer Davids[/CENTER] The tournament will come to a head at BSCW Temple of Champions in April. The winner will become the first ever BSCW World champion, and will have cemented their name in professional wrestling history forever. [U][SIZE="4"]BSCW and BSC:[/SIZE][/U] Big Smack Championship Wrestling also announced a partnership with the Babes of Sin City promotion, so expect to see the lovely ladies at BSCW events in the future. [U][SIZE="4"]Big Smackin' USA![/SIZE][/U] Matches confirmed for Big Smackin' USA! [QUOTE]Tournament 1st round matches: Frankie Texas vs. DC Rayne Mick Muscles vs. Eddie Howard Jacob Jett vs. Blackjack Robbins Oscar Golden vs. Black Eagle 'Perfect' Barry Kingman vs. Destroyer Davids[/QUOTE] Predictions welcome
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