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USPW: When Sam Strong wants the absurd...

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I'm impressed the Hillbillys are still on the payroll. I know a couple of jobbers can be handy, but these two can barely move. I like the new twist with Jesse Christian in the Campell-Flash vs Sneer-Wanda story. A similar thing is needed to the Dark Cure vs Forces of America rivalry, it's getting a bit stale right now in my opinion. Frankie Perez seems to be about to hit the wall and finally face a real challenge, .'cause he's about to lose his momentum. Maybe Giant Redwood would do... :D
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[QUOTE=MrOnu;286136]I'm impressed the Hillbillys are still on the payroll. I know a couple of jobbers can be handy, but these two can barely move. I like the new twist with Jesse Christian in the Campell-Flash vs Sneer-Wanda story. A similar thing is needed to the Dark Cure vs Forces of America rivalry, it's getting a bit stale right now in my opinion. Frankie Perez seems to be about to hit the wall and finally face a real challenge, .'cause he's about to lose his momentum. Maybe Giant Redwood would do... :D[/QUOTE] I'm shocked the Hilllbillies are still considered lower midcarders, considering how often I job them in dark matches... but yeah, they can barely move. I've often thought about letting them go, but I feel that they are the type of wrestlers that Strong would feel good about keeping and bad about letting go. I agree about the Dark Cure vs. Forces of America deal - it'll run for the rest of this month sort of as is, but it either needs to die at Liberty and Justice or get something to spice it up. I'm open to suggestions, if anyone has any fun ideas for that story arc.
[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/uspwfandotcom-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]MAW wrestler Eddie Howard injured[/B] [INDENT]…in a freak accident with a squid. Early indications are that he is suffering from Baker’s cyst. So far, MAW has adopted a don't ask, don't tell policy on this matter. [/INDENT] [B]Internet fans speak up[/B] [INDENT]This week, Tommy Cornell was voted the “best overall worker in wrestling today” and Nemesis “the best color commentator in wrestling today” – someone should tell DAVE, as they are currently using Emma Chase as their color commentator. [/INDENT] [B]Frankie Perez to go on tour?[/B] [INDENT]Perez has been contacted by WLW to go on their next tour. [/INDENT] [B]Nicky Champion to stay[/B] [INDENT]Nicky has extended his deal for 9 more months and has received 30% pay increase. He apparently is still confident that the USPW is where he can make his name, despite his current lack of a push.[/INDENT] [B]USPW American Tour Preview[/B] [INDENT]This Monday, from the Washington State Coliseum:[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT] Kashmir Singh vs. Eric the Bull Jesse Christian vs. Mick Muscles Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga Freddie Datsun vs. Demon Spite Several more matches to be announced at the show. Also, Bruce the Giant is also scheduled to make an appearance![/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]USPW Superstar Showcase Preview[/B] [INDENT]Wanda Fish vs. ???[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][I]The “open male” challenge continues here. [/I][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]Frankie Perez vs. Captain USA[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][I]Perez has been obsessed with receiving respect (in the form of a title shot) from the USPW. Captain USA has been obsessed with stopping the Dark Cure. With both men distracted, who will come out on top?[/I][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]Warlord Pain vs. Danny Rushmore for the USPW National Title[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][I]Mick Muscles promised this title match if the Towers of Power lost to the Lords of War last week at Superstar Showcase. Can Rushmore handle the step-up in competition or will the Warlord Pain walk away with one half of the tag team titles and the USPW National Title?[/I][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]Alex Braun vs. Acid [/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][I]Acid has signed to appear at two USPW shows and makes his first appearance against Alex Braun in a one-on-one hardcore match. With Madman Boone lurking in the culinary shadows, can Braun overcome the mysterious Acid?[/I][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]Bruce the Giant and Freddie Datsun vs. The Demons of Rage[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][I]Bruce and Freddie have to meet up as opponents at Liberty and Justice, but first, they’re teaming up to face off against one of the most decorated tag teams in wrestling history. Can the champion and challenger co-exist?[/I] [/INDENT][/INDENT]
[SIZE=1] Card will probably go up on Tuesday. [B]Prediction List[/B]: [U]USPW American Tour:[/U] Kashmir Singh vs. Eric the Bull Jesse Christian vs. Mick Muscles Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga Freddie Datsun vs. Demon Spite [U]USPW Superstar Showcase:[/U] Wanda Fish vs. ??? Captain USA vs. Frankie Perez Warlord Pain vs. Danny Rushmore for the USPW National Title Alex Braun vs. Acid Bruce the Giant and Freddie Datsun vs. The Demons of Rage [/SIZE]
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USPW American Tour: [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Eric the Bull - talented jobber v untalented jobber Jesse Christian vs. [B]Mick Muscles[/B] - not sure on this one, I'll go with Mick cos there is more potential there Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask vs. [B]Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga[/B] - another 50/50 decision [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] vs. Demon Spite - he's better USPW Superstar Showcase: [B]Wanda Fish[/B] vs. ??? - yet another squash Captain USA vs. [B]Frankie Perez[/B] - Frankie pleeeeaase - USA is about 70yo! Warlord Pain vs. [B]Danny Rushmore[/B] for the USPW National Title - no change yet Alex Braun vs. [B]Acid[/B] - gotta go with the younger more talented guy, plus I reckon he will refuse to job! [B]Bruce the Giant and Freddie Datsun[/B] vs. The Demons of Rage - easy win
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[B][/B]USPW American Tour: [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Eric the Bull [B]Jesse Christian[/B] vs. Mick Muscles Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask vs. [B]Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga[/B] [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] vs. Demon Spite USPW Superstar Showcase: [B]Wanda Fish[/B] vs. ??? Captain USA vs. [B]Frankie Perez[/B] Warlord Pain vs. [B]Danny Rushmore[/B] for the USPW National Title Alex Braun vs. [B]Acid[/B] [B]Bruce the Giant and Freddie Datsun[/B] vs. The Demons of Rage
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[INDENT][INDENT] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]USPW American Tour[/B] Monday, Week 3 March 2007 Location: Washington State Gymnasium Attendance: 2000 (sold out) [/CENTER] Kelsey Campbell entered the ring to start off the show. She scored some cheap pops by hyping the north west, then announced that Bruce the Giant would face another giant (Giant Tana) in a non-title match in tonight’s main event. [CENTER] [U]Campbell pumps the crowd, hypes Bruce the Giant and Giant Tana. [/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER] [B]Kashmir Singh vs. Eric the Bull [/B][/CENTER] Singh and Eric have both struggled to find any success since entering the USPW, but both men were excited about this match, as one of them would be receiving their first USPW win in a non-dark match situation. Unfortunately, the match itself looked sloppy, as a mixture of poor chemistry and contrasting styles hurt their work rates. Eventually, Singh locked on an STF to pick up the submission victory. [CENTER] [U]Kashmir Singh defeated Eric the Bull in 3:38 by submission.[/U] [B]Rating: E-[/B][/CENTER]
Next, Jakki White Trash, Giant Redwood, and T-Rex entered the ring. Jakki White Trash, who continues to look great with Giant Redwood, hyped her boys to the moon. According to her, it’s only a matter of time before her team, which she calls Real Big Men, has the tag team straps. [CENTER][U] Jakki White Trash hypes her men.[/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER] [B]Real Big Men vs. The Hillbillies [/B][/CENTER] In a match that featured four slap jawed yokels, the bigger yokels were able to beat up the smaller yokels. T-Rex and Giant Redwood dominated the match and really tried to work the crowd, but did not manage to get much of a response. [CENTER][U]Real Big Men defeated The Hillbillies in 5:25 when Giant Redwood defeated Al the Hillbilly by pin fall with a Standing Splash. [/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
Next, Raven Nightfall and Black Eagle enter the ring. Citizen X is absent from this show, meaning that Raven Nightfall does all of the microphone work. She spends a few minutes trashing America, then talks about how excited the Dark Cure is to receive the Force and notes that it’s only a matter of time before you see Jim Force standing beside them. [CENTER] [U]Raven Nightfall hypes Black Eagle.[/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Black Eagle vs. The Tic [/B][/CENTER] Unfortunately, Black Eagle and the Tic do not work well at all together, which really brought down this match. Ultimately, this was a simple squash match which allowed Black Eagle to demonstrate a few of his signature moves, before hitting the New Jersey Turnpile. [CENTER][U]Black Eagle defeated The Tic in 4:55 by pinfall with a New Jersey Turnpike.[/U] [B]Rating: E+[/B][/CENTER]
In an idea stolen straight from NYCW, Charlize Angelle comes out during intermission to mingle with the crowd and shill USPW goods. She does a decent job of exciting the crowd. [CENTER] [U]Charlize Angelle works intermission. [/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Jesse Christian vs. Mick Muscles[/B] [/CENTER] The crowds have been responding very favorably to Christian since his return, and again, he put forth a solid match with a good effort from Mick Muscles. There was nothing overly technical about the match, but the crowd still seemed pleased by the brawling effort. [CENTER][U]Jesse Christian defeated Mick Muscles in 6:33 by pinfall with a Flying Tackle.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] In a carry over match from USPW Superstar Showcase, Grayson and Fox Mask tried to get some revenge on Ota and Umaga. And to be fair, Grayson and Fox Mask did well for themselves at first, but the savagery and skill of Umaga and Ota soon turned the tide. [CENTER][U]Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga defeated Fox Mask and Stevie Grayson in 7:46 when Rhino Umaga defeated Fox Mask by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. [/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER] [B]Freddie Datsun vs. Demon Spite [/B][/CENTER] Unfortunately, Datsun and Demon Spite didn’t seem to click, making bad chemistry the theme of the night. Datsun and Demon Spite had a back and forth match, which Datsun seemed to have under control when he hit the Patriot Press. Demon Anger then hit the ring and attacked Datsun, preventing the pin and prompting the DQ. [CENTER] [U]Freddie Datsun defeated Demon Spite in 8:33 when Demon Spite was disqualified when Demon Anger ran in and attacked Freddie Datsun.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
After the match, the Demons of Rage continued to assault Freddie Datsun. Bruce then hit the ring, much to the crowd’s pleasure, and the Demons bailed, opting to not take on Bruce tonight. [CENTER][U]The Demons of Rage assault Freddie Datsun and Bruce the Giant makes the save.[/U] [B]Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER]
Seduction then walks to the entrance ramp and hypes the fact that her client, Bruce the Giant, is a great human being, as he just saved his opponent at Liberty and Justice from a vicious assault. She seemed a little lost in this segment and appeared to actually forget some of her lines. [CENTER] [U]Seduction hypes Bruce and Datsun. [/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Bruce the Giant vs. Giant Tana in a non-title match[/B][/CENTER] Giant Tana then made his way to the ring and was soon face to face with Bruce the Giant. The big men had a very typical big man match, complete with exhaustion and a lack of selling. Despite this, the crowd was very into the match which consisted mostly of brawling and rest holds. Eventually, Giant Tana built up some momentum and tried to body slam Bruce, but couldn’t get the champion off his feet. Bruce then slapped a Giant Choke hold around Giant Tana’s Giant Neck, and then followed that up with a Giant Choke Slam to pick up a Giant win. [CENTER][U]Bruce the Giant defeated Giant Tana in 15:21 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER] [/INDENT][/INDENT]
[SIZE=1] The second show will be up later today, probably 9 EST, if anyone wants to sneak in last minute predictions (prediction sheet available on a post above). [B]Summary of Results and Ratings:[/B] Kashmir Singh defeated Eric the Bull (E-) Real Big Men defeated the Hillbillies (D-) Black Eagle defeated the Tic (E+) Jesse Christian defeated Mick Muscles (D+) Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga defeated Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask (D+) Freddie Datsun defeated Demon Spite (D) Bruce the Giant defeated Giant Tana (C) Overall: C- [/SIZE]
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[INDENT][INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]USPW Superstar Showcase[/B] Wednesday, Week 3 March 2007 Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds Attendance: 2895 [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Wanda Fish is again in the ring, in wrestling gear, to start off the show. As usual, she has the microphone, meaning that it’s time for another “open male” challenge.] [B]Fish:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time again for the open male challenge. Now supposedly, Sam Strong is going to make an appearance next week on Superstar Showcase. He’s going to make some sort of announcement on the issue of whether or not Kelsey Campbell can step in the ring with me. Well, I hope for the boys in the back that Sam Strong lets her get in the ring. Because if he doesn’t… well, then, the open male challenge will continue! [Steve Flash’s music begins to play. Flash walks through the entrance curtain. He has a microphone.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Flash:[/B] Wanda… I told you last week that I wasn’t going to allow you to embarrass anymore young wrestlers. I’m not going to let you throw monkey wrenches in their careers because you have a problem with Kelsey. You want to issue the open challenge… fine, then I accept. [B]Fish:[/B] Good! Bring it on… but, I should let you know. [Flash is now walking towards the ring.] [B]Fish:[/B] …that I twisted my ankle earlier in the week. And the doctors have not cleared me to wrestle.] [Fish is now limping in the ring. Flash stops and shakes his head in disbelief.] [B]Fish:[/B] But don’t worry, I’ve found a replacement for to take up my end of the open male challenge this week. [Rhino Umaga bursts through the entrance curtain. Flash turns to see what the commotion is about and he’s suddenly brawling with Rhino Umaga.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Fish:[/B] Flash, I’d like for you to meet your opponent…. Rhino Umaga! [CENTER][U]Fish issues "open challenge", Flash accepts, and Rhino replaces Fish.[/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Steve Flash vs. Rhino Umaga[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Umaga and Flash brawl outside the ring. Umaga gets the better of the brawling exchange and works Flash towards the ring, eventually sending the commissioner’s wrestling consultant into the ring. A referee appears and sanctions the match, and now we’re under way. Umaga looks like a beast throughout the match and Flash does a great job of selling his offense. The end comes quickly in this match, however, as Umaga goes for the Rhino Charge, but Flash leaps over the move, and hits a Flash Bang out of nowhere to pick up the win. [CENTER][U]Steve Flash defeated Rhino Umaga in 4:48 by pinfall with a Flash Bang.[/U] [B]Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER] [Following the match, Umaga is quickly up and he and Wanda again attacks Flash. Fumihiro Ota and Shane Sneer also make their way out. Soon enough, Jesse Christian makes an appearance and we have a crazy 5-person brawl in the ring (Sneer is smart enough to stay out of the way). After security has control over the situation, Kelsey Campbell’s music begins to play. She walks through the entrance curtain and addresses Sneer, Fish, Ota, and Umaga, who are still being separated from Flash and Christian by a wall of referees, security guards, and backstage officials.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kc9e.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Campbell:[/B] Wanda, the rumors that you heard were correct. Sam Strong will, in fact, be at USPW Superstar Showcase and he is, in fact, going to make announcement about Liberty and Justice. And just to let you know, I’ve asked him to allow me to compete in a match. So, if things go my way… at Liberty and Justice, it’ll be you… [Campbell points at Fish.] [B]Campbell:[/B] … and me. But, while I don’t have the authority to alter my contract and put myself in a match, I do have the authority to put the rest of you in matches. Next week at Superstar Showcase, it’ll be Ota and Umaga vs. Christian and Flash! [CENTER][U]Post-match chaos, followed up by Campbell’s announcements for next week.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Captain USA vs. Frankie Perez [/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CaptainUSA.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Captain USA started the match off in his usual fashion (i.e., getting the crowd to chant U..S..A!...U..S..A!) and this seemed to give him some momentum, as he was able to control Perez for the first minute or so of the match. Perez, however, simply had too much skill and athleticism for Cap’, and eventually, Perez took over the match, following a missed leg drop by Captain USA. Perez then systematically destroyed Captain USA, finishing things up with a Perfect Parity on the veteran masked wrestler. [CENTER][U]Frankie Perez defeated Captain USA in 3:34 by pinfall with a Perfect Parity.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER] [Following his victory, Perez takes the microphone from the ring announcer.] [B]Perez:[/B] The winner of this match… is Frankie Perez! [The crowd boos.] [B]Perez:[/B] I never get tired of hearing that. But what I am tired of… is all of these damn old timers that get pushed by in the USPW. Our tag team champions, the Lords of War, first received that name after they served in World War II. And the second best tag team in the USPW…the Demons of Rage? Just as old. In the singles division, we see vibrant youths like Peter Valentine, Steve Flash, Captain USA, and Alex Braun stinking things up. [The crowd is still booing Perez. How dare he talk about Bruce the Giant in a negative light?] [B]Perez:[/B] Well, I’m sick and tired of the forty and up club getting my opportunities! I’ve already ran through the rookies and recruits, and now I’m going to start running through the geriatrics! So each and every week… I’m going to take on of you old, out of shape, senior citizens out! And it doesn’t even matter which one of you I take out first! Who wants to the first old timer to get it? [And then, TCW’s Robert Oxford steps through the entrance curtain.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxford.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Oxford is dressed in street clothes. Perez seems shocked to see Oxford, but waves him off with an arrogant smirk. Oxford has a microphone and speaks from the entrance ramp.] [B]Oxford:[/B] So, here I am, visiting some friends in the back… and what do I hear?... I hear some two-bit, young punk named Frankie Perez claim that he can take out any wrestler over 40. Well, I’m over 40 Frankie. Can you take me out? [Perez nods.] [B]Perez:[/B] Oh, look, it’s TCW’s Robert Oldford. And he thinks that he can take me on. Well, Robert… I can take you out any time, any place, in any type of match that you can dream up. [B]Oxford:[/B] I’m glad you feel that way. I’ve just signed a two match contract with the USPW. Next week, I’m going to get a warm-up match. Then, at Liberty and Justice, your commissioner has put you and me together… in a submission match! [CENTER][U]Robert Oxford will face Frankie Perez and USPW Liberty and Justice in a submission match.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Backstage, “Sex Driven” Thomas Morgan is doing his best to chat up three young, backstage female workers. Wanda Fish enters the scene (with no visible limp, mind you), flanked by Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga.] [B]Fish:[/B] Beat it bimbos. [And the three backstage workers quickly run away. While it’s certain that they are scared of Wanda and her companions, they’re also probably happy to have an excuse to not listen to Thomas Morgan anymore.] [B]Fish:[/B] Tom, Tom, Tom. [Fish walks up next to Morgan and places a hand around his back.] [B]Fish:[/B] Are you cheating on me already? We haven’t even had our first date and you’re already trying to pick up other women. I’m just not sure that I’m ok with that. And well, if I’m not ok with that, then my adoptive brothers here… [Fish motions to Ota and Umaga.] [B]Fish:[/B] Well…they won’t be ok with it either. [Morgan gulps.] [B]Morgan:[/B] It was nothing. Just friendly chat. And, well… to be fair, we haven’t had a date you. So I don’t know that I really can break up with you, Wanda. [B]Fish:[/B] Tom, are you saying that you’re backing out of our little arrangement? [B]Morgan:[/B] Well, I’m just saying that it might not be a great idea for me to attack my boss… [B]Fish:[/B] Tom, Tom, Tommy. You’re starting to disappoint me. Don’t break my heart Tommy. Or else. [B]Morgan:[/B] Or else? [B]Ota:[/B] [B]Umaga:[/B] FAR AH VAR VEH! [Morgan nearly jumps.] [B]Fish:[/B] Do you really want to hurt me Tommy? [Morgan again looks at Ota and Umaga.] [B]Morgan:[/B] No, not at all. [B]Fish:[/B] Then take care of Kelsey for me. And soon. And when you do… well, let’s just say that I [I]promise[/I] that you’ll… [I]enjoy[/I] our first date. [Fish and her “adopted brothers” walk away. Morgan looks flustered, but he’s still staring at Fish’s rear end as she exits.] [CENTER][U]Wanda Fish is still waiting for Thomas Morgan to take out Kelsey Campbell…[/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW_National.jpg[/IMG] [B]Danny Rushmore vs. Warlord Pain for the USPW National Title[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WarlordPain.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Rushmore was forced to defend the National Title tonight against Warlord Pain thanks to a promise made by Mick Muscles. Rushmore and Pain put on a pretty good back and forth brawling match, but in the end, it looked like Warlord Pain was simply too much for Danny Rushmore. Mick Muscles then hit the ring and attacked Warlord Pain, resulting in the DQ finish. [CENTER][U]Warlord Pain defeated Danny Rushmore in 4:49 when Danny Rushmore was disqualified when Mick Muscles ran in and attacked Warlord Pain.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WarlordAgony.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [After the match, Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore continue to assault Warlord Pain. Warlord Agony runs out to the ring, back body drops Muscles out of the ring and clotheslines Rushmore out.] [CENTER][U]Warlord Agony saves Warlord Pain from a 2 on 1 assault from the Towers of Power.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Acid vs. Alex Braun in a hardcore match[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Acid.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/AlexBraun.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Acid and Braun pulled out a spectacular match for the USPW crowd that involved a mixture of high flying, technical wrestling, and over the top hardcore spots. The match included the use of two steel chairs, one table (which was broken when Acid delivered a spinning leg lariat into Braun, who was propped against the table that was propped against the corner), a trash can, the ring steps, and a monitor from Jillefski and Silver’s table. Madman Boone showed up at the end of the match, as he stood on the entrance ramp, wearing his chef’s hat and holding his ridiculous giant whisk. This distracted Alex Braun, which set up for a nasty chair throw, which Acid followed up with the Acid Rain Bomb. [CENTER][U]Acid defeated Alex Braun in 7:46 by pinfall with an Acid Rain Bomb. During the match we also had Madman Boone distract Alex Braun.[/U] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MadmanBoone.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [As soon as the bell rung, Madman Boone rushed to the ring to assault Alex Braun. Braun dodged a vicious shot with the giant whisk, then picked up a trashcan lid to parry Boone’s assault. This was successful for a few moments, until Boone literally clotheslined Braun out of the ring with the Whisk.] [Boone followed this up by climbing the turnbuckle and leaping to the outside, trying to drive a hammer blow with his whisk down on Braun’s head. Braun moved and Boone slammed into the guardrail. Braun then attacked Boone from behind, and the pair continued to brawl towards the back.] [CENTER][U]After the match, Madman Boone and Alex Braun brawl to the back.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Seduction.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Backstage, Bruce the Giant, accompanied by Seduction, and Freddie Datsun walk up to each other in a hallway. They shake hands.] [B]Datsun:[/B] You ready for our match tonight, big guy? [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] Yeah, Bruce hates demons. Will be good ta get in a good demon smashing. [B]Seduction:[/B] You guys watch each other’s backs tonight, ok? You two have a big match coming up against each other in a couple of weeks and I don’t want to see either of you get hurt before the match. [B]Datsun:[/B] Don’t worry Seds. I’ll take care of Bruce I’ve worked hard to get to this spot and I’m not going to let either of us get hurt. And I’m sure Bruce will keep an eye out for me, right big guy? [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] Bruce will make sure Flannel Datsun does not get smashed tonight. But when Datsun tries ta take my shiny belt, Bruce is afraid that Bruce will have ta smash him. Sorry mate. [Datsun eyes Bruce the Giant. After a few seconds, he nods.] [B]Datsun:[/B] Hey, I wouldn’t have it any other way. But, we’ll handle that at Liberty and Justice. For now, let’s handle those sucker punching demons. [B]Seduction:[/B] Yes, lets. [Bruce nods.] [CENTER][U]Bruce the Giant and Freddie Datsun are on the same page for tonight’s match.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Bruce the Giant and Freddie Datsun vs. The Demons of Rage[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Seduction.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonSpite.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Bruce the Giant and Freddie Datsun worked well tonight and really gave the Demons of Rage fits. Bruce is simply better than them at their own game (power) and Datsun was more skilled than either Demon and so a lot of this match featured Bruce and Datsun getting off signature offensive maneuvers. Eventually, the Demons of Rage used their tag team know how to isolate Datsun from Bruce. They then proceeded to cut the ring in half and worked Datsun over for a couple of minutes. Eventually, Datsun dodged a big boot by Demon Spite, and then hit a nice DDT. Both men started crawling for the tag. Spite tagged in Demon Anger, but at the last second, Datsun opted not to make the hot tag to Bruce, turned around, ducked a clothesline, then hit a Patriot Press on Demon Spite, thus picking up the win. [CENTER][U]Bruce the Giant and Freddie Datsun defeated The Demons of Rage in 9:54 when Freddie Datsun defeated Demon Anger by pinfall with a Patriot Press.[/U] [B]Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER] [Following the match, Bruce didn’t seem to understand why Datsun didn’t make the hot tag and started to question his tag team partner/future opponent. The two exchanged words in the ring and for a moment, their conversation started to look a little heated. Seduction stepped between Bruce and Freddie and calmed them down. After this, they raised each other’s hands and hugged.] [CENTER][U]Bruce, Datsun, and Seduction celebrate in the ring.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER] [/INDENT][/INDENT]
[SIZE=1] My definition of 9pm EST is a bit different, I know. Next post, which will probably not come up until Saturday, will update the predictions and preview the next cards. [B]Summary of Results and Ratings:[/B] Steve Flash defeated Rhino Umaga (C-) Frankie Perez defeated Captain USA (D+) Warlord Pain defeated Danny Rushmore (D+) Acid defeated Alex Braun (C+) Bruce the Giant and Freddie Datsun defeated The Demons of Rage (C-) Overall: C- [/SIZE]
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[INDENT][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/uspwfandotcom.jpg[/IMG] [B]RIPW[/B] [INDENT]RIPW has risen to small size, according to a reputable ranking system. Shane Sneer is, of course, taking all of the credit for their success.[/INDENT] [B] Perez to go on tour[/B] [INDENT]Frankie Perez signed a contract to tour with the WLW last night. The USPW front office did not respond to questions regarding this matter. [/INDENT] [B]Last of the tour stops?[/B] [INDENT]Backstage sources have noted that this week's American tour event might be the last event of its kind for some time. The USPW is reportedly struggling to put on two entertaining shows a week and will focus their energy on Superstar Showcase. [/INDENT] [B]USPW American Tour Preview[/B] [INDENT]This Monday, from the Den:[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Kashmir Singh vs. The Masked Mauler Captain USA vs. Citizen X Happy Elwood vs. Madman Boone Alex Braun vs. Peter Valentine Stevie Grayson vs. Acid The Lords of War, Steve Flash, and Jesse Christian vs. The Towers of Power, Rhino Umaga, and Fumihiro Ota[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]USPW Superstar Showcase Preview[/B] [INDENT]This Wednesday, from the Arkansas Coliseum:[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT] Fish vs. ??? [INDENT][I]Another round of the "open male" challenge, as Fish awaits Strong's announcement regarding Liberty and Justice.[/I][/INDENT] Robert Oxford vs. Thomas Morgan [I] [INDENT]This is Oxford's so called "warm up" match, as he heads towards his Liberty and Justice submission match with Frankie Perez. Will Morgan be able to throw a wrench in his plans or will Oxford build up a little momentum?[/I][/INDENT] Freddie Datsun vs. Java Bruce the Giant vs. Tribal Warrior [INDENT][I]Bruce and Datsun scored an impressive win over tag team legends the Demons of Rage last week, and this week, they square off against another tag team, but this time, in singles action. The tension between Datsun and Bruce has started to build up, will this boil before their title match at Liberty and Justice?[/I][/INDENT] Steve Flash and Jesse Christian vs. Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga [INDENT][I]Kelsey Campbell signed this match last week, as an attempt at punishing Sneer and his clients. Will Flash and Christian teach the evil-doers a lesson, or will the formidable team of Ota and Umaga prevail?[/I][/INDENT] Plus, Sam Strong will be in attendance to make an announcement regarding Kelsey Campbell and Wanda Fish! [/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[SIZE="1"] So, the good news: I've finished the writing for both of these cards and the card for Liberty and Justice. The bad news: I haven't ran a single card for April yet. I try to stay about a month ahead. I feel that that's far enough in advance that I won't be swayed by predictions, but close enough that I can let contest winners alter my booking in the near future. For whatever reason, I'm drawing blanks with my roster now and need to work out some storylines for some of them before I move forward.... Sigh. [B]Prediction List:[/B] USPW American Tour: Captain USA vs. Citizen X Happy Elwood vs. Madman Boone Alex Braun vs. Peter Valentine Stevie Grayson vs. Acid The Lords of War, Steve Flash, and Jesse Christian vs. The Towers of Power, Rhino Umaga, and Fumihiro Ota USPW Superstar Showcase: Fish vs. ??? Robert Oxford vs. Thomas Morgan Freddie Datsun vs. Java Bruce the Giant vs. Tribal Warrior Steve Flash and Jesse Christian vs. Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga [/SIZE]
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Captain USA vs. [B]Citizen X[/B] [I]X has more upside, which isn't saying much[/I] Happy Elwood vs. [B]Madman Boone[/B] [I]jobber squash[/I] Alex Braun vs. [B]Peter Valentine[/B] [I]The endless search for someone to get a semi decent match out of Valentine continues BTW, I actually have Valentine at an A overness in a personal game thanks to a money feud with Sam Strong.[/I] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Acid[/B] [I]There isn't a planet that Grayson could ever beat Acid on.[/I] The Lords of War, Steve Flash, and Jesse Christian vs. [B]The Towers of Power, Rhino Umaga, and Fumihiro Ota[/B] [I]If it was a PPV I would go faces, but the heels win it here so the faces can get revenge at the big card.[/I] USPW Superstar Showcase: [B]Fish[/B] vs. ??? [I]Fish loses one of these at a major event, not a weekly tv show.[/I] [B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Thomas Morgan [I]Veteran mentality wins this one.[/I] [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] vs. Java [I]squash[/I] [B]Bruce the Giant[/B] vs. Tribal Warrior [I]squash deux[/I] Steve Flash and Jesse Christian vs. [B]Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga[/B] [I]Inteference from Thomas Morgan or Wanda Fish[/I]
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Captain USA vs. [B]Citizen X[/B] Happy Elwood vs. [B]Madman Boone[/B] Alex Braun vs. [B]Peter Valentine[/B] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Acid[/B] The Lords of War, Steve Flash, and Jesse Christian vs. [B]The Towers of Power, Rhino Umaga, and Fumihiro Ota[/B] [B]Fish [/B]vs. ??? [B]Robert Oxford [/B]vs. Thomas Morgan [B]Freddie Datsun [/B]vs. Java [B]Bruce the Giant [/B]vs. Tribal Warrior Steve Flash and Jesse Christian vs. [B]Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga[/B] I'd say that it was time for me to catch up on this predictions malarkey for this month, but then I've gone for exactly the same as D-Mack!
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USPW American Tour: Captain USA vs. [B]Citizen X[/B] Happy Elwood vs. [B]Madman Boone[/B] [B]Alex Braun[/B] vs. Peter Valentine Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Acid[/B] The Lords of War, Steve Flash, and Jesse Christian vs. [B]The Towers of Power, Rhino Umaga, and Fumihiro Ota[/B] USPW Superstar Showcase: [B]Fish[/B] vs. ??? [B]Robert Oxford [/B]vs. Thomas Morgan [B]Freddie Datsun [/B]vs. Java [B]Bruce the Giant [/B]vs. Tribal Warrior [B]Steve Flash and Jesse Christian[/B] vs. Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga
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[INDENT][INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]USPW American Tour[/B] Monday, Week 4 March 2007 Location: The Den in New England Attendance: 1684 [/CENTER] Kelsey Campbell is in the ring to start the recorded part of the show (which is distributed weekly at uspw.com). She appears to be wearing wrestling gear and is a little sweaty, perhaps indicating that she just wrestled a dark match? She welcomes the crowd to the show and hypes the upcoming USPW Liberty and Justice. Then she announces that tonight, in this ring, we will have a contract signing for the championship match between Bruce the Giant and Freddie Datsun. [CENTER] [U]Campbell opens the show and hypes Bruce and Datsun.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Kashmir Singh vs. The Masked Mauler[/B][/CENTER] Kashmir Singh gets a win over the Masked Mauler, making this a pretty good month for Singh. He finished the match with an STF, which Singh is now calling the “Singh it in!” The match wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t very good either (it is the Masked Mauler, after all). [CENTER][U]Kashmir Singh defeated The Masked Mauler in 3:33 by submission with a Singh it in![/U] [B]Rating: E+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Captain USA vs. Citizen X[/B][/CENTER] Captain USA and Citizen X continue the Forces of America/Dark Cure feud here in a singles match. Citizen X starts the match off by blindsiding Captain USA (who is trying to get a USA chant going). X then controls the meat of the match, but Cap’ makes a comeback and pulls out the win. [CENTER][U]Captain USA defeated Citizen X in 5:20 by pinfall with a Hail To The Chief.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER] After the match, Black Eagle and Raven Nightfall entered the ring and assaulted Captain USA. Citizen X recovered from the Hail to the Chief and joined in, making it a three-on-one assault on Captain USA. The crowd chanted for Jim Force, but he was no where to be seen. Following the assault, Raven Nightfall grabbed a microphone and asked Captain USA if he knew where Jim Force was...but Cap’ was in no position to answer and the Dark Cure left the ring, after Nightfall cryptically claimed that the Dark Cure knew the exact location of Jim Force. [CENTER][U]The Dark Cure assault Captain USA.[/U] [B]Rating: E+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Happy Elwood vs. Madman Boone[/B][/CENTER] Boone squashed Elwood in a completely one-sided match that was intended to make Boone look dangerous. After toying with the young wrestler, Boone mercifully ended the match with a Boone and Bust. [CENTER][U]Madman Boone defeated Happy Elwood in 5:43 by pinfall with a Boone and Bust.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
During intermission, Charlize Angelle comes out again to entertain the crowd. [CENTER][U]Charlize Angelle does intermission[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Alex Braun vs. Peter Valentine[/B][/CENTER] Peter Valentine hasn’t been able to have a good match with anyone that isn’t Bruce the Giant and this trend continued tonight. Braun tried to carry Valentine in the match, but Valentine seemed off his game and looked sloppy in the ring. Midway through the match, Madman Boone walked out, wearing his chef’s hat and holding his giant whisk. He approached the ring, claiming to want to scout his competition. About 6 minutes in however, Valentine distracted the referee and Boone drilled Braun with the handle end of the whisk. Valentine went for the cover, but Braun kicked out after a long two. Valentine worked Braun over some more, then he and Boone launched another heel plan to take Braun down. Boone laid the whisk against the corner, then walked around the ring, climbed on the apron and acted as if he were going to enter the ring. The referee immediately honed in on Boone and began to argue with the mad chef. Valentine then grabbed the whisk and tried to hit Braun, who ducked the shot, kicked Valentine in the stomach and shoved the whisk handle into his forehead. Braun slid the whisk out and covered Valentine. [CENTER][U]Alex Braun defeated Peter Valentine in 9:35 by pinfall after using a foreign object. During the match we also had Madman Boone run in and attack Alex Braun.[/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER] After the pinfall, Boone slid into the ring and hit a Boone and Bust on Alex Braun. Boone then hit his ridiculous and exaggerated “BAM!” maneuver. After this, Boone left the ring and grabbed his whisk, apparently intend on assaulting Braun with it, but a small army of referees and security officials kept Boone from inflicting any more damage on Braun. [CENTER][U]Boone attacks Braun.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Stevie Grayson vs. Acid[/B][/CENTER] Acid makes the last appearance of his talent trade contract with the USPW in a solid match with Stevie Grayson. The match is long (for USPW standards) and features quite a bit of back and forth action, with both men hitting a couple of high spots. In the end, however, Acid is just a bit too much for Grayson, who goes down following an Acid Rain Bomb. [CENTER][U]Acid defeated Stevie Grayson in 11:48 by pinfall with an Acid Rain Bomb.[/U] [B]Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER]
USPW staff then set up a desk and two chairs in the ring. Kelsey Campbell then enters the ring (now in a business suit) and reminds the crowd that they are about to witness the contract signing for the match between Freddie Datsun and Bruce the Giant for the USPW World Championship at Liberty and Justice. Freddie Datsun is announced first. He is met with a large round of applause and cheers from the crowd. Bruce the Giant is then announced. He (accompanied by Seduction) then walks onto the entrance ramp and receives an even larger round of applause and cheers from the crowd. Bruce then enters the ring. Campbell has both men sit down. Datsun signs the contract first. Bruce then signs the contract. After the signing, both men stand up and shake hands. The handshake turns awkward, however, as neither man is apparently willing to release the other’s hand. Words are then exchanged and soon, Bruce and Datsun are having a stare down in the ring. Campbell and Seduction step between the wrestlers and peace is restored, but not before an aura of tension is created. [CENTER][U]The contract signing and stare down[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]The Lords of War, Steve Flash, and Jesse Christian vs. The Towers of Power, Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] The main event for this tour stop was something of a train wreck. The match was completely overbooked and the referee had trouble keeping order throughout the match. Every wrestler was able to get off at least one signature move, but the contrasting styles, sheer numbers, and competing egos pretty much ensured that this match had zero psychology. The match ended after things spilled out of control into another four way brawl. The Towers of Power and the Lords of War spilled out of the ring and brawled up the entrance ramp. Steve Flash and Jesse Christian were then left to brawl with Ota and Umaga and seemed to be doing well until they were distracted by Sneer on the outside. This distraction proved critical, as Rhino Umaga was able to capitalize with a Rhino Charge on the unsuspecting Jesse Christian, thus picking up the win for his team. [CENTER][U]The Towers of Power, Rhino Umaga and Fumihiro Ota defeated The Lords of War, Steve Flash and Jesse Christian in 11:11 when Rhino Umaga defeated Jesse Christian by pinfall with a Rhino Charge.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER] [/INDENT][/INDENT]
[SIZE=1] Next: The TV show, maybe tonight, depending on formatting. [B]Summary of Results and Ratings:[/B] Kashmir Singh defeated the Masked Mauler (E+) Captain USA defeated Citizen X (D) Madman Boone defeated Happy Elwood (D) Alex Braun defeated Peter Valentine (D-) Acid defeated Stevie Grayson (C+) The Towers of Power, Rhino Umaga and Fumihiro Ota defeated the Lords of War, Steve Flash, and Jesse Christian (D) Overall: D+ [/SIZE]
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[INDENT][INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]USPW American Tour[/B] Wednesday, Week 4 March 2007 Location: The Arkansas Coliseum Attendance: 2000 (Sold out) [/CENTER] [USPW Superstar Showcase opens backstage. Kelsey Campbell and Micky Starr are standing together, waiting by and staring at a door. There is a brief pause, but then the door opens and Sam Strong appears.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kc9e.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MickyStarr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Sam Strong shakes hands with Starr and Campbell.] [B]Campbell:[/B] It’s good to see you, Sam. [B]Starr:[/B] Yeah, it’s been awhile big guy. Glad to have you backstage. [B]Strong:[/B] It’s good to be here, brothers. [B]Campbell:[/B] So, have you decided Sam? [Strong nods.] [B]Strong:[/B] I have and you’ll find out when everyone else does. [Campbell nervously chews on her bottom lip, but nods to indicate that she understands.] [CENTER][U]Kelsey Campbell and Micky Starr welcome Sam Strong.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[As Strong, Starr, and Campbell walk down the hallway. A figure appears behind them, holding a crow bar. It is Thomas Morgan.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [As a nervous Morgan starts to creep down the hall and follow Strong, Starr, and Campbell, a female voice is heard.] [B]Voice:[/B] Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, what are you doing? [Morgan freezes, then turns around. Wanda Fish is standing behind him.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Morgan:[/B] I was on my way to take out the Commissioner. [Fish shakes her head.] [B]Fish:[/B] With Strong and Starr there? That’s really not a good plan Tommy. [B]Morgan:[/B] But you said that you wanted me to take her out... [B]Fish:[/B] And I still do. Just not this week. Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, be patient. Let’s see what Strong says tonight. You can always take her out next week and after that… I’ll [I]handle[/I] you. [Morgan nods. The expression on his face is half excitement, half fear.] [CENTER][U]Fish stops Morgan from attacking Campbell… for now.[/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Nicky Champion vs. Black Eagle[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/NickyChampion.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RavenNightfall.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Champion and Eagle met up for a short, but exciting, fast paced match. Despite their contrasting styles, the two workers obviously have a good deal of chemistry. After a brief back and for exchange, Black Eagle dropped Nicky Champion with a New Jersey Turnpike. [CENTER][U]Black Eagle defeated Nicky Champion in 3:39 by pinfall with a New Jersey Turnpike.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RavenNightfall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [Following his victory, Black Eagle stands in the center of the ring. As usual, Black Eagle puts on his mysterious persona. Raven Nightfall then enters the ring, strutting about like usual. She has a microphone.] [B]Nightfall:[/B] Tonight, with our leader’s victory over Nicky Champion, the Dark Cure has struck another blow against American tyranny. Another great blow will be struck against Corporate America when Jim Force joins the Dark Cure. Jim… our message is true and clear. Join us and unleash your potential. Join us, and know what it is like to be truly in touch with the Force. [Captain USA’s music begins to play over the arena’s sound system. Accordingly, Captain USA appears on the entrance ramp.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CaptainUSA.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Captain USA:[/B] Jim Force is a good, honest, hardworking American! There’s no way in hell that he’ll join the likes of the Dark Cure! [B]Nightfall:[/B] Are you sure, Captain? [B]Captain USA:[/B] Oh, I’m definitely sure. Jim Force is USA all the way! [B]Nightfall:[/B] Heh. Then where has he been lately? Why hasn’t he been by your side? In fact, why isn’t he by your side now? [B]Captain USA:[/B] I’m sure he has his reasons. [B]Nightfall:[/B] Indeed he does. And those reasons include the pull of the Dark Cure. Captain USA… you are all alone. Nicky Champion and Happy Elwood are too weak to help you. Jim Force will soon be with us. And just as the United States of America is alone in the global community, Captain USA will soon find himself alone in the USPW! [B]Captain USA:[/B] That’s not true! Jim won’t betray me! And even if it was true, it wouldn’t matter! I’ll fight you people to the bitter end! [Black Eagle takes the microphone from Raven Nightfall.] [B]Black Eagle:[/B] We’ve never doubted your bravery or commitment, Captain, only your moral fiber. Regardless, Raven speaks the truth. Jim Force will soon wear our colors. But… this has gone on long enough. Let us find this bitter end that you seek. Let us find that bitter end at Liberty and Justice. You, me… in a no-disqualification, last man standing match. [B]Captain:[/B] No DQ, last man standing? Trying to get the advantage by having Citizen X and Raven Nightfall help you out? That’s fine, it won’t matter! I accept your challenge and I’m eager to see your faces when Jim Force shows up to even the odds! You’re on, you commie punk! [CENTER][U]Black Eagle challenges Captain USA, USA accepts[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Robert Oxford vs. Thomas Morgan[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxford.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Robert Oxford received a warm-up match against “Sex Driven” Thomas Morgan as he heads into Liberty and Justice set to face the undefeated Frankie Perez. Morgan and Oxford, despite being talented wrestlers, couldn’t seem to get the crowd interested in the match. This was not a huge deal, however, as the match was fairly quick, with Oxford winning via a Top Rope Kneedrop. [CENTER][U]Robert Oxford defeated Thomas Morgan in 3:39 by pinfall with a Top Rope Kneedrop.[/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[Following the match, Frankie Perez runs into the ring.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Perez immediately attacks Robert Oxford. He catches the older wrestler off guard and soon has him on the ground, in the P-Clutch. While holding Oxford down, Perez berates him for being old and the crowd for liking old people. Referees swarm the ring and finally get Perez off of Oxford.] [CENTER][U]Frankie Perez attacks Robert Oxford [/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[Now, Wanda Fish approaches the ring.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [She grabs a microphone, but before she can start speaking, the crowd boos her. She smiles.] [B]Fish:[/B] I’m sorry guys, I know you’re upset. But don’t worry; I wasn’t going to let you go the entire night without seeing me… [The crowd continues to boo. Fish adopts a model-like pose, as she stares at the ceiling, soaking in the boos.] [B]Fish:[/B] And don’t worry, I wouldn’t let you leave tonight without seeing another “open male” challenge! [And yet more boos and more posing by Wanda.] [B]Fish:[/B] Now, I was hoping that Steve Flash would accept my challenge tonight. He’s been aching to get in the ring with me. I know that he’s been dying to give me a flash [I]bang[/I]…but sadly, he won’t be accepting my challenge tonight. [And the crowd boos Ms. Fish some more.] [B]Fish:[/B] Hey, hey, hey. It’s not my fault… Steve is already in a match later tonight. But don’t worry, I’ve found a replacement… [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HarryAllen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Fish motions towards the entrance ramp. Suddenly, TCW regular Harry Allen stumbles through the ramp, with Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga coming up just behind him. Ota and Umaga proceed to assault Allen on the ramp, then start beating the young wrestler towards the ring. Finally, they send him into the ring and the match begins.] [CENTER][U]The Fish Open Male Challenge Continues[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Harry Allen vs. Wanda Fish[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HarryAllen.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Something about the way that Allen and Fish interacted really set the crowd off, as they were hot for this squash match. As usual, Ota and Umaga had already done all of the work to Fish’s opponent and the result of the match was never really in question. Despite being physically beaten, however, Allen remained defiant throughout the match, which earned him the respect of the fans. Finally, after a few minutes of toying with the young TCW cruiserweight, Wanda Fish put him away with a Dish of the Day. [CENTER][U]Wanda Fish defeated Harry Allen in 3:55 by pinfall with a Dish Of The Day.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Freddie Datsun vs. Java[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Java.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was Freddie Datsun’s last warm-up match heading into Liberty and Justice. Java is hard to read, as some weeks he looks positively useful in singles matches, while in other weeks, he seems useless. This week, Freddie and Java just couldn’t get it done, and Datsun picks up the win in what proved to be a flop of a match. [CENTER][U]Freddie Datsun defeated Java in 4:52 by pinfall with a Patriot Press.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Bruce the Giant vs. Tribal Warrior (non-title)[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Seduction.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TribalWarrior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Despite having a roster of monster heels, Tribal Warrior is the only man on the roster that can match Bruce the Giant in terms of physical strength. This equality of power made for an interesting match, as Tribal Warrior’s offense against Bruce seemed legitimate. Unfortunately, both men’s inability to sell offense hurt the face value legitimacy, but the match was still better received than Datsun/Java. Bruce picked up the win with a Giant Choke Slam. [CENTER][U]Bruce the Giant defeated Tribal Warrior in 4:46 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[Following the match, Java enters the ring and attacks Bruce the Giant. Bruce does a good job of fending Java off, but soon, Tribal Warrior is up, and Bruce is getting overwhelmed by Savage Fury.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Java.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TribalWarrior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Seduction runs to the back. Savage Fury continues to assault Bruce for a few minutes, until… Seduction runs back out with Freddie Datsun.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Datsun hits the ring and sends Tribal Warrior out with a clothesline. He then goes to clothesline Java, but Java ducks and Datsun clothesline Bruce. Datsun tries to explain, but Java attacks Freddie from behind. Bruce catches a second win, pulls Java off, and sends him out of the ring. Datsun offers Bruce his hand, but Bruce slaps a choke hold on the flannel wearing wrestler, and drives Freddie Datsun down with a Giant Choke Slam. Seduction quickly slides in the ring to stop Bruce from attacking Freddie.] [CENTER][U]Freddie Datsun tries to save Bruce from Savage Fury, but ends up hitting Bruce. Bruce then choke slams him.[/U] [B]Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[As we return from the commercial break, Sam Strong’s music begins to play and the crowd erupts. Strong makes his way to the ring, stopping frequently to pose and interact with fans. Finally, Strong enters the ring.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Strong:[/B] Well, let me tell you something USPW Fans! A few months ago, I hired a young woman named Kelsey Campbell to be the new commissioner of the USPW! Since then, a man I used to call a friend, Shane Sneer, has been causing a lot of problems in the USPW! [The crowd predictably boos Shane Sneer.] [B]Strong:[/B] ‘Cause ya’ know, Shane Sneer thought he’d be the new commissioner of the USPW! But I made a business decision, I wanted someone young, someone fresh, so I brought in Campbell. Let’s face it fans, Campbell is Hollywood! She’s been in movies, she’s been in the ring, she’s young, gorgeous, and enthusiastic. And I don’t know about you folks, but I think she’s been doing a fantastic job, brothers! [Strong paces around the ring, looking to the fans.] [B]Strong:[/B] But Sneer wouldn’t let her have moment of glory! He had to bring in Wanda Fish… [And more boos for the surprisingly over Wanda Fish.] [B]Strong:[/B] And, now brothers, Fish and Campbell have been at each other’s throats for the last two months! So, let me tell you something… Kelsey Campbell called me up a couple of weeks ago and said that she wanted to get in the ring. She said that she wanted to update her contract to include wrestling. She said that she wanted Wanda Fish, brothers! [The crowd pops at the thought of Campbell vs. Fish.] [B]Strong:[/B] At first, I didn’t think that this was a good idea. After all, brothers, I brought her in to be the commissioner, not a wrestler. But after sitting at home, watching the tapes, listening to the fans on the internet, I’ve decided to put Campbell in the ring! [Another decent pop.] [B]Strong:[/B] But, seeing how she hasn’t wrested for over 3 years, brothers, I’m not going to toss her to the sharks. I’m not going to place her in a one on one match with an assassin like Fish. No, I can’t do it brothers! [The crowd is more or less silent, waiting for Strong finish his announcement.] [B]Strong:[/B] Instead, I’m going take four other men that have been involved in this situation. And I’m gonna take two of them, and team them up with Wanda Fish. And I’m gonna take the other two and team them up with Kelsey Campbell. And at Liberty and Justice, brothers, you’re gonna see the island stomper, Rhino Umaga, the deadly ninja Fumihiro Ota, and the femme fatale herself, Wanda Fish… take on Steve Flash, Jesse Christian, and Kelsey Campbell! [The crowd is excited about this announcement. [B]Strong:[/B] So, what’cha gonna do, Shane Sneer, when my commissioner and her partners run your little band of misfits out of town? What’cha gonna do!? [Sam Strong then tosses the microphone down, takes off his shirt, and starts posing for the crowd, who still really love the veteran. This back and forth posing goes on for a good 5 minutes.] [CENTER][U]Sam Strong announces Ota/Umaga/Fish vs. Flash/Christian/Campbell for Liberty and Justice.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [U]Then, Sam Strong works the crowd.[/U] [B]Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Steve Flash and Jesse Christian vs. Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JesseChristian.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/ShaneSneer.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] In a preview of the match that Sam Strong made for Liberty and Justice, Ota and Umaga took on Flash and Christian. All four men are reasonably good to great in the ring and the match was off to a solid start. Unfortunately, the USPW has adopted a sell PPV mentality, refusing to give a clean finish to a match that has implications for Liberty and Justice. This would be fine and dandy, if, well, the USPW had a PPV contract. Regardless, this match turned into a 4 man brawl. The referee could not regain control of the situation and after failing to get a man in each corner, decided to DQ both teams. [CENTER][U]Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga drew with Steve Flash and Jesse Christian in 7:51 following a double disqualification.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[The disqualification did not stop the four way brawl, which continued despite the ongoing objections of the referee. Wanda Fish soon appeared through the entrance curtain.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Fish ran to the ring, but just as she was stepping through the ropes to help Ota and Umaga, the crowd popped. USPW commissioner Kelsey Campbell burst through the entrance curtain and started running to the ring.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kc9e.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Fish smiled as Campbell ran towards. Fish then opted to not enter the ring and dove the apron, tackling Campbell on her approach. The women rolled around, each getting 5 or so seconds on top, but had reached something of a stalemate, as additional referees and backstage officials entered the ring to stop the melee.] [CENTER][U]Wanda Fish and Kelsey Campbell go at it on the outside, while Ota/Umaga/Flash/Christian battle in the ring.[/U] [B]Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[SIZE=1] Internet update and Liberty and Justice preview up next, but probably not before the weekend... [B]Summary of Results and Ratings:[/B] Black Eagle defeated Nicky Champion (C) Robert Oxford defeated Thomas Morgan (D-) Wanda Fish defeated Harry Allen (C) Freddie Datsun defeated Java (D) Bruce the Giant defeated Tribal Warrior (D+) Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga drew with Steve Flash and Jesse Christian (D+) Overall: D+ [/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/uspwfandotcom-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][INDENT]Jim Force late?[/INDENT][/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Jim Force showed up very late to this week’s taping of USPW Superstar Showcase. He was not being used that night, so this did not cause any problems. Kelsey Campbell was reportedly not happy with his tardiness, but opted to not say anything to the fan favorite. [/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][B]Acid returning for another 3 shows?[/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]The USPW are negotiating to use Acid for three more shows next month, including the big monthly event, Freedom Fight. Apparently, USPW officials were happy with the response that Acid has received from USPW fans. [/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][B]Liberty and justice preview[/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask vs. Real Big Men vs. Savage Fury vs. the Demons of Rage in a Tag Team Carnage Match (Winner gets a shot at the USPW World Tag Team Titles at the next Superstar Showcase)[/INDENT][/INDENT] [I][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]While both the teams of Grayson and Fox Mask and T-Rex and Giant Redwood (Real Big Men) have looked impressive as of late, neither team has cemented their position as the number one contenders to the tag team titles. Savage Fury and the Demons of Rage just received title opportunities, but are still in the hunt. Which team will receive the next tag team title match?[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/I] [INDENT][INDENT]Captain USA vs. Black Eagle in a Last Man Standing Match[/INDENT][/INDENT] [I][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Black Eagle challenged Captain USA to this match at last week’s Superstar Showcase. The Dark Cure claim that this will be the end of their feud with the Forces of America, as they claim to be in the process of recruiting Jim Force and Black Eagle intends to destroy Captain USA. Will this be the end of this feud and what will become of Jim Force? [/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/I] [INDENT] [INDENT]Warlord Pain vs. Danny Rushmore for the USPW National Title (DQ’s lead to title change) The Lords of War vs. The Towers of Power for the USPW World Tag Team Titles[/INDENT][/INDENT] [I][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]The Lords of War and the Towers of Power have met in both tag team and singles competition this month and so far, nothing has been resolved. Danny Rushmore has agreed to defend his National Title against Warlord Pain in a match where DQ’s lead to title changes, in exchange for another shot at the World Tag Team Titles. Will one team walk away with both the World Tag Team and National Titles, will we see a double swap, or will the belts stay right where they are?[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/I] [INDENT] [INDENT]Robert Oxford vs. Frankie Perez in a Submission Match [/INDENT][/INDENT] [I][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Oxford was insulted by Perez’s remarks against wrestlers over the age of 40. Can the veteran hand Perez his first loss, or Oxford be another notch on Frankie’s belt?[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/I] [INDENT][INDENT]Alex Braun vs. Madman Boone in a Hardcore Rules Match[/INDENT][/INDENT] [I] [INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Braun and Boone have been going at for over a month now. Their match at Red, White, and Blue ended in disqualification. This will not happen in this Hardcore Rules Match. Will Braun send the chef back to the kitchen or will Boone whisk up a dish of defeat for Alex Braun?[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/I] [INDENT][INDENT]Steve Flash, Jesse Christian, and Kelsey Campbell vs. Fumihiro Ota, Rhino Umaga, and Wanda Fish.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [I][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Sam Strong announced this match at last week’s Superstar Showcase. This marks the in-ring debut of Kelsey Campbell on live USPW television. Will Campbell and her supporters win, or will Sneer’s clients send a strong message to Kelsey Campbell?[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/I] [INDENT][INDENT]Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun for the USPW World Title[/INDENT][/INDENT] [I] [INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Datsun defeated Peter Valentine to be named the number one contender for Bruce the Giant’s belt. Most of the month, Bruce and Freddie were able to maintain their friendship and were even successful as a tag team against the Demons of Rage. As the month progressed, tension has started to build between Bruce and Freddie, casting some doubts about how clean this match will be. Will Bruce continue his reign as World Champion, or will Datsun start a new era in the USPW?[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/I]
[SIZE=1] [B]Prediction List[/B]: USPW Liberty and Justice Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask vs. Real Big Men vs. Savage Fury vs. The Demons of Rage in a Tag Team Carnage Match to determine the number one contenders for the tag team titles Captain USA vs. Black Eagle in a last man standing match Warlord Pain vs. Danny Rushmore for the USPW National Title (Title changes hands on DQ) The Lords of War vs. The Towers of Power for the USPW World Tag Team Titles Robert Oxford vs. Frankie Perez Alex Braun vs. Madman Boone in a Hardcore Rules maatch Steve Flash, Jesse Christian, and Kelsey Campbell vs. Fumihiro Ota, Rhino Umaga, and Wanda Fish Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun for the USPW World Title [/SIZE]
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USPW Liberty and Justice Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask vs. [B]Real Big Men[/B] vs. Savage Fury vs. The Demons of Rage in a Tag Team Carnage Match to determine the number one contenders for the tag team titles [I]They get the next shot at Lords of War[/I] Captain USA vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] in a last man standing match [I]Black Eagle is just better.[/I] Warlord Pain vs. [B]Danny Rushmore[/B] for the USPW National Title (Title changes hands on DQ) [I]Danny gets the singles belt but not the tag[/I]. [B]The Lords of War [/B]vs. The Towers of Power for the USPW World Tag Team Titles [I]Warlords retain to face Real Big Men[/I] [B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Frankie Perez [I]Will probably be best match of night[/I] [B]Alex Braun[/B] vs. Madman Boone in a Hardcore Rules maatch [I]hard one to call, but I think Braun is due.[/I] [B]Steve Flash, Jesse Christian, and Kelsey Campbell[/B] vs. Fumihiro Ota, Rhino Umaga, and Wanda Fish [I]Face win, but nasty heel beatdown afterwards[/I] Bruce the Giant vs. [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] for the USPW World Title [I]This really all depends on how long Bruce's contract is. I'm guessing it's now as Freddie is your only real "viable" alternative as world champion currently.[/I]
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USPW Liberty and Justice [b]Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask[/b] vs. Real Big Men vs. Savage Fury vs. The Demons of Rage in a Tag Team Carnage Match to determine the number one contenders for the tag team titles [i]It's a wild pick, but it would be refreshing to have tag team champs that can wrestle, so let's give a shot to those two.[/i] Captain USA vs. [b]Black Eagle[/b] in a last man standing match [i]No way Captain will win the big one. Also, a win from the Dark Cure will hopefully mean the end of this feud.[/i] Warlord Pain vs. [b] Danny Rushmore/b] for the USPW National Title (Title changes hands on DQ) [i]Rushmore will find a way to use the stip to his advantage.[/i] [b]The Lords of War[/b] vs. The Towers of Power for the USPW World Tag Team Titles [i]Go job so far from the champions, let's keep the belt on them for a bit longer.[/i] Robert Oxford vs. [b]Frankie Perez[/b] [i]Perez losing ? Not yet![/i] [b]Alex Braun[/b] vs. Madman Boone in a Hardcore Rules maatch [i]Braun has much more upside than Boone who will always be a midcard act with his gimmick. Hopefully, Braun will beat Boone hard enough for this feud to end.[/i] Steve Flash, Jesse Christian, and Kelsey Campbell vs. [b]Fumihiro Ota, Rhino Umaga, and Wanda Fish[/b] [i]I'm going with the heel on the premise of a new ally for them.[/i] Bruce the Giant vs. [b]Freddie Datsun[/b] for the USPW World Title [i]I'm going with the upset here, even though Bruce is doing a fine job. Same reasoning as Dragonmarck.[/i]
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Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask vs. [B]Real Big Men [/B]vs. Savage Fury vs. The Demons of Rage in a Tag Team Carnage Match to determine the number one contenders for the tag team titles Captain USA vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] in a last man standing match Warlord Pain vs. [B]Danny Rushmore [/B]for the USPW National Title (Title changes hands on DQ) [B]The Lords of War [/B]vs. The Towers of Power for the USPW World Tag Team Titles Robert Oxford vs. [B]Frankie Perez[/B] [B]Alex Braun [/B]vs. Madman Boone in a Hardcore Rules maatch Steve Flash, Jesse Christian, and Kelsey Campbell vs. [B]Fumihiro Ota, Rhino Umaga, and Wanda Fish[/B] Bruce the Giant vs. [B]Freddie Datsun [/B]for the USPW World Title Like the others, I don't see who else Bruce could lose the belt to, unless he retains here but loses in a 2nd match. Sey-duck-shin may well have something to do with it ... Looking at the 6-man, I just think the heel team is better (sorry, Steve Flash) ... Alex Braun may well go over, although he does always seem an early person to retire in my games, so how much you'll be able to push him on I'm not sure ... Perez to keep his roll going ... Tag and National titles to stay where they are. I don't see the challengers for those belts as viable holders at this point ... Black Eagle has to win ... and I'd imagine the new Real Big Men team will get a bit of a shove in the right direction in the opener.
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[INDENT][INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]USPW Liberty and Justice[/B] Saturday, Week 4 March 2007 Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds Attendance: 2871 [B]Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask vs. Real Big Men vs. The Demons of Rage vs. Savage Fury in a Tag Team Carnage Match[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/StevieGrayson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TRex.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonSpite.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Java.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TribalWarrior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tag team carnage rules dictate that the match is fought under Texas Tornado elimination rules. As one would imagine, this 4-way tag team match was overbooked and completely out of control from the start. It’s not fair to say that the action went back and forth, as there was really no clear flow or momentum following the match. Grayson eliminated Java first, which sent Savage Fury to the back. Soon after, T-Rex got the pinfall on Fox Mask, sending Grayson and Fox Mask to the back. And finally, T-Rex managed to pin Demon Spite, securing the victory for his team. Having won this match, Real Big Men move on to receive a title shot against the Lords of War at next week’s edition of Superstar Showcase. T-Rex seemed a bit tired as the match progressed and Jakki, as usual, did great work at ringside, as her Redwood really are a good pairing. [CENTER][U]Real Big Men defeated Fox & Hound, Savage Fury and The Demons of Rage in 9:54; the order of elimination was Savage Fury first, then Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask, and finally The Demons of Rage.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[Having picked up the victory, Real Big Men celebrates in the ring with their manager Jakki White Trash.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TRex.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JakkiWhiteTrash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Jakki obtains a microphone. The crowd pre-boo’s her.] [B]Jakki:[/B] Yeah, you’re all just jealous! Jealous of my men! [Jakki speaks as though she were on the Jerry Springer show.] [B]Jakki:[/B] But it don’t matter! My men are too big, too strong, and too good for all you haters! And they’re too good for the Lords of War and they're too good for the Towers of Power! My men are going straight to the top. And ain’t nothin’ anyone can do about it! Because my men are real men… and they’re big men. That’s right, they’re Real Big Men! [CENTER][U]Jakki White Trash hypes her clients.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[After Jakki and her “men” leave the ring, the Dark Cure’s music begins to play and the somewhat underused Citizen X, Raven Nightfall, and Black Eagle approach the ring.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RavenNightfall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [As the Dark Cure enters the ring, they call for a microphone. Citizen X speaks first.] [B]Citizen X:[/B] Tonight, the Dark Cure strikes another blow against the Forces of America. Tonight, we strike the final blow… tonight, our leader will dispose of Captain USA. [Raven now takes a turn at the microphone.] [B]Raven Nightfall:[/B] And Jim Force will be revealed for what he truly is… a member of our faction. Captain USA is without allies, while the Dark Cure grows. Tonight, the Dark Cure washes its hands of the Forces of America. And starting tomorrow, new targets, new goals… new enemies. [CENTER][U]The Dark Cure say that they are done with the Forces of America.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Captain USA vs. Black Eagle in a no DQ Last Man Standing Match[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CaptainUSA.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RavenNightfall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This last man standing match was overbooked from the get go, presumably to compensate for Captain USA’s deteriorating in-ring skills. Black Eagle dominated the short back and forth wrestling exchange. Whenever Cap’ tried to make a comeback, Citizen X would land a well placed shot to turn the tide or Raven Nightfall would trip him. Eventually, Black Eagle opted out of this being a one-on-one at some point, as he called in the Dark Cure to make it a three-on-one on Captain USA. Jim Force then ran out to the ring, grabbed a chair and slid in. Force planted Citizen X with a chair shot. Raven Nightfall bailed from the ring. Black Eagle stared emotionlessly at Force. The stare made Force look a little uneasy, but he shook it off and took a massive swing at Black Eagle. Eagle ducked, however, and Captain USA, who was just returning to his feet, was struck instead, planting him in the middle of the ring. Eagle stood in the corner, while Jim Force checked on Captain USA. The referee, confused and frustrated by this point, started the 10 count. Captain USA did not stand up in time. [CENTER][U]Black Eagle defeated Captain USA in 5:31 when Captain USA could not beat a ten count. During the match we also had Citizen X run in and attack Captain USA. During the match we also had Jim Force hit Captain USA.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[Following the match, Jim Force helps Captain USA to his feet.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CaptainUSA.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [After getting to his feet, Captain USA shoves Jim Force. Force looks a little surprised, then tries to explain to Cap’ that the chair shot was an accident. Captain USA doesn’t seem to buy this and the pair argue in the ring for a bit, before separately exiting.] [CENTER][U]Captain USA and Jim Force argue.[/U] [B]Rating: E+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW_National.jpg[/IMG] [B]Danny Rushmore vs. Warlord Pain for the USPW National Titles[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WarlordPain.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Rushmore and Warlord Pain met as part of a deal between the Towers of Power and Lords of War to ensure that both Warlord Pain and the Towers of Power received title shots at this event. As an additional stipulation, it was ruled that the USPW National Title could change hands on DQ, thereby eliminating Mick Muscle’s ability to interfere on his partner’s behalf. The match itself was a pleasant surprise. While Rushmore and Pain have no good or bad chemistry to speak of, they seemed to shine in this one on one match, which the fans seemed to enjoy. Predictably, this was not a brilliant technical match, but the hard-hitting power offense of both men looked good and was definitely watchable. After a short back and forth exchange, Rushmore hit Warlord Pain with a spear, his new finisher, which he calls the Big Rush. [CENTER][U]Danny Rushmore defeated Warlord Pain in 4:50 by pinfall with The Big Rush. Danny Rushmore makes defense number 4 of his USPW National title.[/U] [B]Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lords of War vs. The Towers of Power for USPW Tag Team Titles[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WarlordPain.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WarlordAgony.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MickMuscles.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was the second half of the agreement made between the Towers of Power and Lords of War. Warlord Pain and Danny Rushmore were a bit winded as this match started, so Mick Muscles and Warlord Agony carried the early part of the match. Unfortunately, the tag team match never gathered the same momentum as the previous single’s match, and the crowd simply did not get into the action. The Lords of War picked up the win after a short, back and forth brawling affair, when Warlord Pain pinned Mick Muscles following a War Machine. [CENTER][U]The Lords of War defeated The Towers of Power in 4:52 when Warlord Pain defeated Mick Muscles by pinfall with a War Machine. The Lords of War make defense number 5 of their USPW World Tag Team titles.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Robert Oxford vs. Frankie Perez in a Submission Match[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxford.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Oxford and Perez started the match off with a back and forth technical display. Oxford seemed to come out on top of each exchange, which frustrated Frankie Perez to no end. Eventually, Perez snapped and started brawling with Oxford, which caught the veteran off guard. Perez then controlled the next few minutes of the match. While in control, Perez used every dirty trick in the book to try to secure a victory (including the old rope grab during the abdominal stretch, the fishhook during the rear chin lock, hair pulling to stop counters, and so on). Eventually, Perez’s continual cheating was too much, and Oxford decided to even things up by sneaking in a well placed low blow, which the referee did not observe. Oxford then humiliated Perez by tying him up in his version of a P-Clutch (which is just a camel clutch). Perez struggled and tried to escape, but couldn’t break the veteran’s grasp. Finally, Perez verbally submitted and received his first loss in the USPW. [CENTER][U]Robert Oxford defeated Frankie Perez in 8:51 by submission after blatantly cheating.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Alex Braun vs. Madman Boone in a Hardcore Rules Match[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/AlexBraun.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MadmanBoone.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Alex Braun brought a grocery cart full of hardcore goodies to the match, while Chef Madman Boone only brought his whisk. Boone immediately tried to use the Whisk on Braun, but ended up on the wrong end of a trashcan shot, and the match deteriorated from there. I use the term deteriorate, not because the match wasn’t entertaining, but because there was virtually no wrestling involved in the match. Boone and Braun beat each other with everything that Braun brought to the ring, the Whisk that Boone brought to the ring, and everything that happened to be outside the ring (including chairs, the ring steps, the ring post, the ring apron, the guard rail, the ring bell, and so on). Braun gave Boone everything that he had, but the Mad Chef was in top form tonight, and would not be denied his victory. Boone again hit his “BAM!” maneuver on Braun, then finished him off with a Boone and Bust. [CENTER][U]Madman Boone defeated Alex Braun in 10:34 by pinfall with a Boone and Bust.[/U] [B]Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER]
[Backstage, a camera has caught up to Frankie Perez, who is in the process of brutally assaulting Robert Oxford. Oxford’s head is bloodied and he’s collapsed against the wall. Perez is standing over Oxford, driving stomps into his midsection.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxford.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Perez:[/B] You cheating bastard! No one beats Frankie Perez! NO ONE! [USPW backstage officials rush the scene and pull Perez away. Perez continues to yell “NO ONE!” as the officials check on Oxford.] [CENTER][U]Frankie Perez has assaulted Robert Oxford.[/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Steve Flash, Jesse Christian, and Kelsey Campbell vs. Fumihiro Ota, Rhino Umaga, and Wanda Fish[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JesseChristian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kc9e.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The majority of this match was fought by the male competitors, as Campbell and Fish opted to only enter the ring against each other and to avoid Ota/Umaga/Flash/Christian. The guys put on a decent back and forth match, but despite their workrate, the crowd was far more interested in seeing Fish and Campbell go at it (which only happened two times during the meat of the match, each for short periods of time). Eventually, things spiraled out of control and all six competitors were in the ring. The female wrestlers were legal and the male wrestlers conveniently eliminated themselves from the action, by clotheslining each other out of the ring and brawling on the outside. Inside the ring, Campbell hit an impressive looking DDT on Fish and appeared to have the match won, when Shane Sneer jumped on the apron. Campbell was distracted by Sneer and literally pulled him over the top rope, into the ring (much to the crowd’s delight). Campbell drove her boot into Sneer’s stomach and was about to hit her DDT on him, when Fish scrambled to her feet and connected with a Dish of the Day to the back of the head and picked up the win. [CENTER][U]Fumihiro Ota, Rhino Umaga and Wanda Fish defeated Steve Flash, Jesse Christian and Kelsey Campbell in 10:59 when Wanda Fish defeated Kelsey Campbell by pinfall when Shane Sneer interfered.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[Following the match, Flash and Christian slid into the ring to check on Campbell. Unfortunately, Sneer and company were not quite done, as Ota and Umaga attacked Flash and Christian from behind. The surprise attack was effective and soon, Flash and Christian were laid out by a Ninja Strike and Rhino Charge. Fish then had Ota and Umaga pull Campbell up and she hit a Swordfish on the USPW commissioner (it did not draw blood, presumably because Fish was wearing wrestling boots, not spiked heels [or, more likely, Campbell didn’t want to blade]). After decimating their opponents, Ota, Umaga, Fish, and Sneer stood triumphantly in the ring, soaking in the boos from the crowd.] [CENTER][U]Ota/Umaga lay out Flash/Christian.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B] [U]Wanda Fish hits the Swordfish on Kelsey Campbell.[/U] [B]Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER]
[Bruce the Giant’s music starts and the World Champion, accompanied by Seduction, approaches the ring.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Seduction.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Bruce and Seduction enter the ring. Bruce calls for a microphone and starts to work the crowd.] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] G’day. [The crowd responds with a resounding “G’Day” of their own.] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] Tonight, Bruce defends his shiny belt against Freddie Datsun. Now, mostly Bruce thinks that Freddie is a nice guy. Sure, it's a bit weird that he always wears that flannel shirt. But maybe Datsun is always cold. Or maybe it's his favorite shirt. Hard for Bruce ta say. [Bruce shrugs.] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] But lately, Freddie has been getting in Bruce's face. And last week, Freddie actually hit Bruce and tried to hurt him. Well, Bruce is not so sure why Freddie is being so mean, but Bruce will smash the flannel wearing bloke tonight, just like Bruce smashed Freddie with a choke slam last week. [The crowd cheers, as usual. It seems as though Bruce has the fan support going into this face vs. face match.] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] Bruce loves his fans! [CENTER][U]Bruce the giant hypes his upcoming match with Freddie Datsun.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW_World.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun for the USPW World Title[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Seduction.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Bruce and Freddie, despite their issues leading up to the event, had a clean and respect-filled match for the World Title. Essentially, this match was about Bruce’s power and size and Datsun’s brawling and technical know-how. Unfortunately, despite the great angles leading up to the match, the pair simply do not seem to click in the ring. And despite the fact that both men are over and have good in-ring psychology, they seemed to stumble over each other, not sure what the other man was calling out in the ring. Bruce controlled the first 5 minutes of the match and tossed Datsun around like a rag doll. Eventually, Datsun was able to duck a big boot, and delivered a nice chop block to the back of Bruce’s leg, sending the big guy down to one knee. Datsun then took over on offense. Unfortunately, Bruce’s size limits a lot of Datsun’s potential offensive moves, so the Datsun offensive streaks mostly consisted of punches, kicks, dropkicks, clotheslines, and such. To be fair, the match was booked to look open and Datsun managed to take Bruce off his feet three times (once with the chop block to the knee, once with a flying double ax-handle and once with a standing neck breaker). Eventually, Freddie tried to go for a Patriot Press, but he couldn’t get Bruce up. Bruce took advantage of this and took Datsun down with a vicious looking clothesline. Datsun scrambled to his feet, but was met with a choke hold, which was followed by a Giant Choke Slam. [CENTER][U]Bruce the Giant defeated Freddie Datsun in 13:37 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam. Bruce the Giant makes defense number 7 of his USPW World title.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[Following the match, Bruce and Seduction celebrate in the ring. After a few moments, Datsun struggles to his feet and walks up behind Bruce. Datsun grabs Bruce by the arms and spins him around. Bruce and Datsun stand toe-to-toe for a second, then Datsun raises Bruce’s arm. The faces then celebrate in the ring together.] [CENTER][U]Bruce the Giant, Freddie Datsun, and Seduction celebrate.[/U] [B]Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER] [/INDENT][/INDENT]
[SIZE=1] [B]Summary of Results and Ratings:[/B] Real Big Men defeated Savage Fury, Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask, and the Demons of Rage (D) Black Eagle defeated Captain USA (D) Danny Rushmore defeated Warlord Pain to retain the USPW National Title (C-) The Lords of War defeated the Towers of Power to retain the USPW World Tag Team Titles (D) Robert Oxford defeated Frankie Perez (D+) Madman Boone defeated Alex Braun (C-) Fumihiro Ota, Rhino Umaga, and Wanda Fish defeated Steve Flash, Jesse Christian, and Kelsey Campbell (D+) Bruce the Giant defeated Freddie Datsun to retain the USPW World Title(D+) Overall: C- (because of angles… I’m guessing?) This weekend: End of the month reports and (maybe) a preview of the next card. [/SIZE]
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[INDENT][INDENT][QUOTE=Capellan;293569]This is a fun dynasty. I think the Fish/Campbell story is really clicking, and Jakki White Trash and her Real Big Men have potential (which is not something you usually say about Redwood).[/QUOTE] Glad you are enjoying the dynasty. And, for the record, if Real Big Men really do have potential, it's all because of Jakki :)
[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]USPW End of the Month Report: March 2007 Presented to: The USPW Booking Committee (Sam Strong, Danny Jillefski, and Shane Sneer) [/CENTER][/B] [B][U] Part 1: Quantitative Talent Evaluation[/U][/B] [I][U]Rankings[/U][/I] The following rankings are based on a scoring system developed by Kelsey Campbell. The scoring system assigns a weighted point value to each wrestler that controls for a number of factors. These factors include number of wins, number of draws, average quality of opponent, average quality of angle, average match rating, push at the beginning of the month, ownership of a championship belt, number of title matches/defenses, number of matches at special events, number of televised matches, number of dark matches, skill changes, popularity changes, and rules violations. [U]Singles Rankings[/U] 1. Bruce the Giant (23.01) 2. Freddie Datsun (18.13) 3. Danny Rushmore (16.62) 4. Fumihiro Ota (14.21) 5. Rhino Umaga (13.38) 6. Wanda Fish (13.36) 7. Madman Boone (13.05) 8. Alex Braun (12.89) 9. Frankie Perez (12.61) 10. Steve Flash (12.21) Close: Jesse Christian (12.10), Captain USA (11.30), Peter Valentine (11.29), Mick Muscles (10.87), Black Eagle (10.70) [U]Tag Rankings[/U] 1. Lords of War (18.56) 2. Real Big Men (14.32) 3. Stevie Grayson and Fox Mask (12.87) 4. Savage Fury (10.05) 5. American Spirit (9.73) [I][U]Popularity Changes[/U][/I] Popularity shifts are based on in-ring fan reactions, merchandise sales, and online polls. This measure is currently not weighted, meaning that a change at higher levels of popularity is worth the same as a change from a lower level of popularity. [U]Popularity Increases[/U] 1. Fox Mask 2. Freddie Datsun 3. Stevie Grayson 4. Rhino Umaga 5. Wanda Fish 6. Frankie Perez 7. Nicky Champion [U] Popularity Decreases[/U] 1. Peter Valentine 2. Java 3. Demon Anger [U][I]Skill Increases[/I][/U] Skill changes are based on reports from our backstage staff and road agents. This measure is a weighted average, as certain skills are more valued to our company than others. 1. Giant Redwood 2. Eric the Bull 3. Jesse Christian 4. Peter the Hillbilly 5. T-Rex [U][I] Avg. Quality of Angles[/I][/U] Road agents ranked each angle used on television based on their perceptions, fan reactions, and intermittent online polling. This list was compiled by taking the summing all of a worker’s angle scores together and dividing the sum by the total number of angles that they participated in. Possible limitations of this measure include both the fact that secondary workers in angles receive the same score that primary workers receive and the fact that this measure might misrepresent the value of workers that participated in fewer angles. 1. Sam Strong 2. Kelsey Campbell 3. Freddie Datsun 4. Bruce the Giant 6. The Masked Mauler 6. Peter Valentine [I][U]Avg. Quality of Matches[/U][/I] Road agents ranked each match (both televised and non-televised) based on their perceptions, fan reactions, and intermittent online polling. This list was compiled by taking the sum of all the match rankings for a particular wrestler and dividing this value by the number of matches that wrestler participated in. Like the average quality of angle measure above, a significant limitation of this measure is that might misrepresent the value of workers that participate in fewer matches. 1. Madman Boone 2. Stevie Grayson 3. Alex Braun 4. Bruce the Giant 5. Steve Flash
[U] [B]Part 2: Qualitative Talent Evaluation[/B][/U] Note: This section must include the current (end of the month) USPW champions. It also must include an additional random sample of 10% (rounded up) of the USPW roster. Full time tag teams are counted as a single entity. This month’s random sample was tag team heavy and includes American Spirit (second month in a row), Steve Flash, Micky Starr, Real Big Men and Captain USA. [CENTER][U]Bruce the Giant[/U] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Booking Team Report[/U] Push: Ideally, Bruce the Giant would be used as a Main Eventer so his current position is perfect. Booking Strategy: Based on his current push and skills, Bruce the Giant should be used as a stepping stone to give other people the solid victories that they need to put themselves into the main event scene. His own victories should come over midcarders who aren’t about to break into the upper reaches of the card, to at least keep him looking like a threat. Titles: Bruce the Giant is the current holder of the USPW World Title. There is no problem with him holding it. He has made 7 defenses so far. [U]Road Agent Report[/U] Current Skills: Bruce the Giant has great Performance skills, good Rumble abilities, weak Technical abilities, and weak Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are good, and physically he is great. Potential: He has the potential to get a lot better at Rumble Skills. He can still improve at Flying Skills. He can still improve at Technical Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Entertainment Skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Physical Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Performance Skills. Booking Strategy: He is strongest with his Rumble skills, so booking him against other hard-hitters will play to his strengths. He is quite entertaining; he should do very well in interviews and angles. He has excellent Performance skills, and could be useful in helping train up some of our workers aren’t as good. [U]Commentary[/U] Bruce continues his reign as the USPW World Champion. His match with Datsun at Liberty and Justice was disappointing, but ultimately, it was better to find out that they had poor chemistry during that event than it would have been to find out that they had poor chemistry on a televised event. It is probably best to move Bruce on to another feud, as the lack of chemistry with Datsun limits the utility of continuing that rivalry. [CENTER][U]Danny Rushmore[/U] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Booking Team Report[/U] Push: Ideally, Danny Rushmore would be used as a Midcarder, so his current position is perfect. Booking Strategy: Based on his current push and skills, Danny Rushmore should be looked at as a bridge to take our potential stars in the midcard into a spot where they can begin to start their push into the main event scene. We need him to look relatively strong for that to be effective though, so he should be given victories over weaker opponents on a regular basis. Titles: Danny Rushmore is the current holder of the USPW National title. There’s no problem with him holding it. He has made 4 defenses so far. [U]Road Agent Report[/U] Current Skills: Danny Rushmore has great Performance skills, good Rumble abilities, weak Technical abilities, and weak Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are weak, and physically he is good. Potential: He has the potential to get a lot better at Rumble Skills. He can still improve in Flying Skills and Technical Skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Entertainment Skills. He can still improve at Physical Skills and has the potential to get a lot better at Performance Skills. Booking Strategy: He is strongest with his Rumble skills, so booking him against other hard-hitters will play to his strengths. He is very dull and should be kept away from microphones. He has excellent Performance skills, and could be useful in helping train up some of our workers aren’t as good. [U]Commentary[/U] Danny Rushmore has been an acceptable (although, not terribly exciting) National Champion. The matches with Warlord Pain were hotshotted at the end of the month, as to give the National and World Tag Team title holders something meaningful to do at Liberty and Justice. Rushmore’s lack of microphone skills makes it unlikely that he’ll continue to hold the National Title much longer, as he probably can’t maintain his part of an screen feud. [CENTER][U]The Lords of War[/U] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WarlordAgony.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WarlordPain.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Booking Team Report[/U] Push: Warlord Agony should be used as a Main Eventer, so his current position is perfect. Warlord Pain should be used as a Upper Midcarder, so his current position is also perfect. Booking Strategy: Based on their current push and skills, the Lords of War should be gradually phased out of the tag team main event scene. Titles: The Lords of War are the current holders of the USPW World Tag Team titles. There’s no problem with them holding the belts. They have made 5 defenses so far. [U]Road Agent Report[/U] Current Skills: The Lords of War have good Performance skills, decent Rumble abilities, and weak Technical and Flying abilities. Warlord Agony’s Entertainment Skills are great and physically, he is good. Warlord Pain’s Entertainment Skills are good and physically, he is great. Potential: Warlord Agony can still improve at Entertainment Skills and has the potential to get a lot better at Performance Skills. Warlord Pain can still improve at Rumble Skills, Flying Skills, Entertainment Skills, Physical Skills, and Performance Skills. Warlord Pain has the potential to get a lot better at Technical Skills. Booking Strategy: The Lords of War are strongest with their Rumble Skills, so booking them against other hard-hitters will play to their strengths. They are quite entertaining and should have no problem connecting with fans in interviews and angles. [U]Commentary[/U] The Lords of War successfully defended the tag team gold against the Towers of Power while Warlord Pain failed in a bid to capture the National Title. While they haven’t exactly been bringing down the house, it’s hard to be overly critical of the Lords of War, when the rest of the tag team division seems to be in the same boat. [CENTER][U]American Spirit[/U] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/NickyChampion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HappyElwood.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [U]Booking Team Report[/U] Push: Ideally, both Happy Elwood and Nicky Champion should be pushed as Lower Midcarders, so their current positions are perfect. Booking Strategy: Based on their current push and skills, American Spirit are basically a fixture in the midcard, who aren’t going to be rising up or falling down the rankings any time soon. They can be used to maintain a balance to our roster, being a step below the main stars, but a step above the potential stars and has-beens. Titles: American Spirit does not hold any titles at the moment and their momentum really needs improving before they should become involved in the title picture. [U] Road Agent Report[/U] Current Skills: American Spirit have good Performance skills and decent Entertainment skills. Happy Elwood is physically decent and has weak Rumble abilities, but decent Technical and Flying abilities. Nicky Champion is physically good and has good rumble skills, but weak technical and flying abilities. Potential: American Spirit has the potential to get a lot better at Performance Skills and have the potential to get better at Technical and Flying skills. Happy Elwood has the potential to get a lot better at Rumble, Entertainment, and Physical skills. Nicky Champion has the potential to improve at entertainment skills, but is coming to his peak in terms of Rumble and Physical skills. Booking Strategy: American Spirit lack charisma and aren’t going to get over with great interviews yet. They should probably be paired up against teams with good rumble skills, although they are likely to improve if booked against better teams. [U]Commentary[/U] Nicky Champion resigned with the USPW in March, thus ensuring that American Spirit will remain a tag team for the time being. Both men have gained popularity over the last couple of months, but are likely to remain at the bottom (just above the Hillbillies) of the tag team division, as they really do not yet have the necessary skills to climb up the division. [CENTER][U]Steve Flash[/U] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Booking Team Report[/U] Push: Ideally, Steve Flash would be used as a Midcarder, so his current position is perfect. Booking Strategy: Based on his current push and skills, Steve Flash should be looked at as a bridge tot take our potential stars in the midcard into a spot where they can begin to start their push into the main event scene. We need him to look relatively strong for that to be effective though, so he should be given victories over weaker opponents on a regular basis. Titles: Steve Flash does not hold any titles at the moment. His momentum really needs improving before he should become involved in a title picture. [U]Road Agent Report[/U] Current Skills: Steve Flash has great Performance skills and good Rumble, Technical, and Flying abilities. His entertainment skills are weak, but physically, he is good. Potential: He has the potential to get a lot better at Rumble, Entertainment, and Physical skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Performance skills, but can still improve at technical skills. Booking Strategy: Steve Flash is a good all-rounder, although using him against someone really awful would probably expose his weaknesses. He is very dull, and so should be kept well away from any live microphones at all costs. He has excellent Performance skills, and could be useful in helping train up some of our workers who aren’t as good. [U]Commentary[/U] Steve Flash continues to be involved in the Shane Sneer/Kelsey Campbell feud. As this feud is starting to pick up even more steam (with the inclusion of Jesse Christian and the entrance of Campbell into the ring), it is expected that Steve Flash will stay involved in this storyline. [CENTER][U]Real Big Men[/U] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TRex.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Booking Team Report[/U] Push: Ideally, T-Rex would be used as a Main Eventer and Giant Redwood would be used as an Upper Midcarder, so their current positions are perfect. Booking Strategy: Based on their current push and skills, Real Big Men should be used as stepping stones to give other people the solid victories they need to put themselves into the main event scene. Their victories should come over midcarders who aren’t about to break into the upper reaches of the card, to at least keep them looking like threats. Titles: Real Big Men do not currently hold any titles. Their momentum really needs improving before they should become involved in a title picture. [U]Road Agent Report[/U] Current Skills: Real Big Men have good Performance skills, but weak Rumble, Technical, and Flying abilities. Their entertainment skills are decent and physically, T-Rex is great and Giant Redwood is good. Potential: Real Big Men can still improve at Rumble, Flying, Technical, and Entertainment skills. They have the potential to get a lot better at Physical and Performance skills. Giant Redwood can still improve at Entertainment skills. Booking Strategy: Real Big Men are pretty awful in the ring and on their own, lack the charisma to get over. [U]Commentary[/U] The team of Real Big Men was originally created to fulfill Strong’s request that Giant Redwood be used more frequently. Individually, they are awful in the ring and cannot put on solid tag team matches. Together, for whatever reason, they have been fairly impressive. Jakki White Trash really helps their charisma and has assisted in gathering heat for the team, which will probably continue to see some measure of success into the near future. [CENTER][U]Micky Starr[/U] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MickyStarr.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Booking Team Report:[/U] Push: Ideally, Micky Star would be used as a Personality, so his current position is perfect. Booking Strategy: N/A Titles: N/A Road Agent Report N/A [U]Commentary[/U] While not overly active backstage or on screen, Micky Starr is on a lifetime contract with the USPW and is going to make occasional appearances at USPW shows here and there. [CENTER][U]Captain USA[/U] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CaptainUSA.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U] Booking Team Report[/U] Push: Ideally, Captain USA would be used as a Upper Midcarder, so his current position is perfect. Booking Strategy: Based on his current push and skills, Captain USA should be looked at as a bridge to take our potential stars in the midcard into a spot where they can begin to start their push into the main event scene. We need him to look relatively strong for this to be effective though, so he should be given victories over weaker opponents on a regular basis. Titles: Captain USA does not hold any titles at the moment. [U] Road Agent Report[/U] Current Skills: Captain USA has great Performance skills, good Entertainment skills, and weak Rumble, Technical, and Flying abilities. Physically, he is decent. Potential: He can still improve at Entertainment skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Performance skills. Booking Strategy: Captain USA is pretty awful in the ring and we’re probably not going to get good matches out of him, period. He is quite entertaining and should do well in interviews and angles. He has excellent Performance skills, and could be useful in helping train up some of our workers who aren’t as good. [U]Commentary[/U] Captain USA is coming off a loss to Black Eagle in a Last Man Standing match at Liberty and Justice. While Cap’ isn’t great in the ring, he tends to get decent (D+ usually) match ratings and is likely to continue to receive televised matches.
[B][U]Part 3: USPW Payouts[/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/marchpayout02.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Note: C.Wages represents a worker's monthly wages from the USPW for the current month. A.Wages represents a worker's annual wages from the USPW (through the current month).
[B][U]Part 4: USPW Finances[/U][/B] [U]Income[/U] [INDENT]PPV Revenue: $0 Ticket Sales: $305,811 Sponsor: $14,885 Merchandise: $8,460 Misc.: $0[/INDENT] [U]Expenditure[/U] [INDENT]Workers: $320,300 Show Costs: $111,500 Marketing: $500 Merchandise: $5,943 Production: $800 Misc.: $1000[/INDENT] [U]Summary[/U] [INDENT]Net Profit: -$110,887 Available Assets: $5,685,307[/INDENT] Evaluation: As expected, the USPW lost money for a third month in a row. This month’s losses, however, were smaller than last month’s losses. It appears as though the strategy of running additional shows is not detrimental to the USPW financially.
[B][U] Part 5: The Competition[/U][/B] Note: Popularity measures are based on a common ranking system employed by totalextremewrestling.com [INDENT][B]SWF [International]:[/B] (not direct competition, as they are considerably larger than USPW)[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Popularity: Their popularity has remained a consistent B- over the past month. Their average ranking for March shows was a C+. Titles: Kid Toma defeated Zimmy Bumfhole for the SWF Shooting Star title. Bumfhole had held the title since December of 2006 and made 10 successful defenses. Talent: Calamari Kid extended his contract with the SWF.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT] [B]TCW [National]:[/B] (not direct competition, as they are considerably larger than USPW)[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Popularity: Their popularity has remained a consistent B- over the past month. Their average ranking show for March shows was a low B-. Titles: No titles changed hands in TCW during March. Talent: Robert Oxford and Wrestling Machine 1 extended their deals with TCW.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][B]DAVE [Cult]: [/B](USPW currently has a working agreement with DAVE, but DAVE is still probably are closest competitor in terms of size, prestige, and popularity.)[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Popularity: DAVE’s popularity in the U.S remained a D throughout the month of March. DAVE only put on one show in March and it was ranked a C+. Titles: No titles changed hands in March for DAVE. Talent: Shawn Gonzalez and Hell’s bouncer extended their deals with DAVE.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][B]AAA [Regional]: [/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Popularity: The popularity of AAA remained a steady F+ for the month of March. AAA’s single show in the month of March was ranked a D+. Titles: No titles changed hands in March for AAA. Talent: Grace Harper and Jim Lou Freebush extended their deals with AAA.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][B]CZCW [Small]: [/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Popularity: The popularity of CZCW remained a steady F- for the month of March. CZCW’s single show in the month of March was ranked a D+. Titles: Matt Sparrow defeated Insane Machine for the Costal Zone Xtreme title. Insane Machine held the belt from December of 2006 and made a single title defense. Talent: No talent news for CZCW in March.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B][INDENT]NYCW [Small]:[/INDENT][/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Popularity: The popularity of NYCW remained a steady F- for the month of March. NYCW’s single show in the month of March was ranked a D+. Titles: The Masked Mauler and Rick Sanders (calling themselves the Real Main Event) defeated Wiley Coyote for the NYCW Tag Team titles. Wiley Coyote held the belts since September of 2006 and had a single successful title defense. Talent: Land Mass has now left NYCW.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B][INDENT]MAW [Small][/INDENT][/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Popularity: The popularity of MAW has remained a consistent F- for the month of March. MAW’s single show in the month of March was ranked a D. Titles: No titles changed hands in MAW in March. Talent: No talent news in March for MAW.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B][INDENT]BSC [Small][/INDENT][/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Popularity: The popularity of BSC has remained a consistent F- for the month of March. BSC’s single show for the month of March was ranked an E. Titles: No titles changed hands in March for BSC. Talent: No talent news for BSC in March.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B][INDENT]RIPW [Small][/INDENT][/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Popularity: The popularity of RIPW has remained a consistent F- for the month of March. RIPW’s single show in March was ranked as an E. Titles: No titles changed hands in March for RIPW. Talent: Lion Heart, Mikey James, and Rob L. Miskovsky extended their deals with RIPW.[/INDENT][/INDENT] Other news: RIPW has risen to small size.[/INDENT][/INDENT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/uspwfandotcom-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT] [B]Perez and Oxford[/B] [INDENT]Backstage, the word is that Perez was originally slated to go cleanly over Oxford. Oxford heard about this and refused to do the job, placing Campbell in a bit of backstage pickle. She ended up hot-shotting the match, giving the win to Oxford, but allowing Perez to take him out later in the night. [/INDENT] [B]Alicia Strong[/B] [INDENT]…has entered the world of wrestling. This young female prospect has it all (looks, talent, charisma, and a wildly powerful and successful father). No word on whether she’ll be brought into the USPW or not, but given the fact that her father is the owner, the USPW’s recent decision to allow Campbell and Fish to wrestle and her friendship with Campbell… well, we’ll just have to wait and see. [/INDENT] [B]American Tour temporarily sidelined[/B] [INDENT]The USPW has temporarily canceled the American Tour. The creative team feels as though they can present better angles and story lines if they only have to focus on one show a week. [/INDENT] [B]Releases…[/B] [INDENT]Coinciding with the cancellation of the USPW American Tour, several workers were released from the USPW. Currently, these workers include the Hillbillies and Eric the Bull. [/INDENT] [B]USPW Showcase preview[/B] [INDENT]Wednesday, from the Arkansas Coliseum live on National Pride TV![/INDENT] [INDENT]The Lords of War vs. Real Big Men for the USPW World Tag Team Titles[/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][I]The Lords of War retained the titles against the Towers of Power and now have to face Jakki’s Real Big Men, after they successfully won the tag team carnage match at Liberty and Justice. Can the Lords of War deflect another serious challenge or will Real Big Men wear the gold around their wa…across their shoulders?[/I][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]Steve Flash and Jesse Christian vs. the Demons of Rage[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][I]Flash and Christian were on the losing end of the big six man tag team match at Liberty and Justice. This week, they are looking both to get back on the winning track and to send a message to Sneer and his clients. The Demons of Rage, on the other hand, have been in a proverbial funk since coming up short in both of their recent tag team title opportunities. Will the veterans get back on track?[/I][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]Bruce the Giant vs. Peter Valentine for the USPW World Title[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][I]As promised by Commissioner Campbell, the winner of the title match at Liberty and Justice, is set to defend the USPW World Title against Peter Valentine this week. Can Valentine shake his Bruce slump, or will the largely popular Bruce the Giant continue to hold onto the gold?[/I][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[SIZE="1"] Back from a small break. But things will still be slow - it's just the nature of this time of year. Anyhow - this card is finished, but I'll probably hold off posting it until Tuesday or so. Prediction List (there will, of course, be more than 3 matches - those are the only matches that I wanted to announce :P) The Lords of War vs. Real Big Men for the USPW World Tag Team Titles Steve Flash and Jesse Christian vs. The Demons of Rage Bruce the Giant vs. Peter Valentine for the USPW World Title[/SIZE]
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The Lords of War vs. Real Big Men for the USPW World Tag Team Titles [I]Dble DQ to see if a longer feud will be worth it.[/I] [B]Steve Flash and Jesse Christian[/B] vs. The Demons of Rage [I]Demons are on their way out.[/I] [B]Bruce the Giant[/B] vs. Peter Valentine for the USPW World Title [I]If Freddie didn't win, Valentine sure isn't going to.[/I]
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The Lords of War vs. [B]Real Big Men [/B]for the USPW World Tag Team Titles [B]Steve Flash and Jesse Christian[/B] vs. The Demons of Rage [B]Bruce the Giant [/B]vs. Peter Valentine for the USPW World Title Like D-Mack, I can't see Valentine being your next champion. Flash and Christian have far more upside than the Demons at this point. And I'd give Real Big Men a non-title win over the Lords to build up to another match between them.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW.jpg[/IMG] [INDENT][INDENT] Wednesday Week 1 April 2007 Location: The Arkansas Coliseum Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Dark Match: Alex Braun vs. Citizen X[/B][/CENTER] Braun was way out of Citizen X’s league and it showed, as Braun controlled the action from the opening bell. Just as Braun was about to wrap this one up, Nightfall tripped him up. The referee saw the trip and called for the DQ. [CENTER][U]Alex Braun defeated Citizen X in 4:10 when Citizen X was disqualified when Raven Nightfall ran in and attacked Alex Braun.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER] [Black Eagle and Raven Nightfall enter the ring following Citizen X’s defeat. Eagle stands over X, looking down at his fallen protégé. Nightfall grabs a microphone and states that Black Eagle is “most disappointed in your performance, X” and that “it is in your best interests to improve.” [CENTER][U]Dark Angle: Black Eagle and Raven Nightfall seem disappointed in Citizen X.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[Now, Freddie Datsun makes his way to the ring. Datsun is a stand-up guy and does not make any excuses for his loss to Bruce, instead, stating that he wants to congratulate the big guy and focus on climbing back up the card.] [CENTER][U]Dark Angle: Datsun states that he is starting the hike back to the top.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Dark Match: Freddie Datsun vs. Eric the Bull [/B][/CENTER] And apparently, Datsun is starting his climb tonight. And, apparently, Datsun is starting from the very bottom of the mountain, as he defeats Eric the Bull in a completely one-sided affair. [CENTER][U]Freddie Datsun defeated Eric the Bull in 3:32 by pinfall with a Patriot Press.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[B][/CENTER]

[USPW Superstar Showcase opens on Shane Sneer, Wanda Fish, Fumihiro Ota, and Rhino Umaga standing in the ring. Sneer, as usual, is dressed in a sports coat and looks like a sleazy used-car salesmen. Fish, Ota, and Umaga, on the other hand, are dressed for action, although Fish does have a small backpack on.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/ShaneSneer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Sneer:[/B] At Liberty and Justice… [I]my[/I] team of Wanda Fish, Fumihiro Ota, and Rhino Umaga destroyed the team made up of USPW Commissioner, Kelsey Campbell, Steve Flash, and that turncoat, Jesse Christian. And once again, we’ve shown that Campbell is woefully inadequate as a commissioner and insignificant as an in-ring competitor. [Sneer passes the microphone to Fish.] [B]Fish:[/B] That’s right. Last night, our pretty, pretty little princess commissioner was put right in her place… flat on her back! … Oh wait, I’m sure she’s used to that position. [The crowd boos Fish.] [B]Fish:[/B] You guys can boo all you want… it doesn’t change a thing. By definition, there can be only one dominant female in the USPW. And physically, I’ve shown that [I]I[/I] am that dominant female. I beat Kelsey Campbell… in and out of the ring… during and after the match last night. And on top of that, I’ve beaten an incredible list of male challengers in the open male challenge. In the ring, I am the dominant female in the USPW. [More boos.] [B]Fish:[/B] But, outside the ring, Campbell still holds the power. She still makes the matches. And aside from my embarrassment that some failed actress is even involved in my industry, her backstage power is nothing short of a direct challenge to my status and power. So, I want Campbell gone. I thought maybe last night’s loss would convince her to run off into the sunset, but apparently not. Nope. It seems as though I’m going to have to hurt her. So, Kelsey. Call up Sam Strong. Get him to put you in another match with me. This time, one on one. No boy buffers. And after I send you home, broken, battered, bruised, and crying… Strong will have no choice but to let you go. And I’ll be the undisputed queen of the USPW. [And yes, even more boos.] [B]Fish:[/B] Now, for the open challenge. I know, I know. I said that I’d end the open challenge when Campbell stepped in the ring with me. But that half-hearted effort that she gave in our tag team match last night… well, that doesn’t cut it. So, until I get Campbell in the ring, one-on-one, the open male challenge continues. So, who will it be? [CENTER][U]Shane Sneer and Wanda Fish work the microphone, while Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga look intimidating.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Happy Elwood vs. Wanda Fish[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HappyElwood.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Happy Elwood accepted the “open male” challenge. This is a landmark occasion, as this is the first time that a male competitor has accepted the “open male” challenge without any extra persuasion from Ota or Umaga. Accordingly, this is the first time that Fish has been in the ring in a single’s match with a male opponent that hasn’t been pre-destroyed for her (although Umaga and Ota’s presence outside the ring still gives her some advantage). Fish and Elwood really seemed to click, and despite the short nature of the match, were able to get the crowd really involved. Fans were excited to see Fish on the receiving end of some offense, although Elwood’s offense was fairly limited, consisting of a side-headlock, a couple of hip tosses, and a standing key lock. Elwood seemed hesitant to unleash his full offensive set on Fish. Fish, on the other hand, had no such reservations and ended the match with a Blonde Ambition (a figure-four), after driving Elwood down with a nasty looking dropkick to the side of knee. [CENTER][U]Wanda Fish defeated Happy Elwood in 4:42 by submission with a Blonde Ambition.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[Following the match, Sneer sends Ota and Umaga back into the ring. Elwood is struggling to get to his feet (while still selling the Blonde Ambition), when Ota drives him back down with a Ninja Strike. While Ota and Umaga work Elwood over a bit, Fish slips off her shoes, reaches into her bag, and pulls out the spiked heels. After putting them on, she directs Ota and Umaga to hold Elwood up. Wanda Fish then bounces off the ropes and drives a seated dropkick into the top of Elwood’s head, reviving her Swordfish maneuver. The crowd boos when Elwood rolls over, and reveals a cut across the top of his head.] [CENTER][U]Happy Elwood is Swordfished.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Lords of War vs. Real Big Men for the USPW World Tag Team Titles[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WarlordAgony.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WarlordPain.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TRex.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JakkiWhiteTrash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Lords of War won this title opportunity by winning the tag team carnage match at Liberty and Justice. Jakki, as usual, did great work at ringside and helped to get the crowd interested in the match. Unfortunately, there was never really any match to speak of, as the match started off with a four-man brawl that the referee couldn’t control. In short order, all four men were on the outside of the ring, bashing each other into any object that made a suitably loud noise. The referee shrugged and started the 10 count. Jakki tried to get her team to move the match back into the ring, but it was out of her hands. The referee reached the ten count and, it seems, that Real Big Men have squandered the title opportunity. [CENTER][U]The Lords of War drew with Real Big Men in 4:44 following a double count out. The Lords of War make defense number 6 of their USPW World Tag Team titles.[/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[Backstage, we see Seduction and Kelsey Campbell walking down the hall together. They appear to be having a pleasant conversation.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Seduction.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kelseycampbell5a.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Seduction:[/B] So, are you’re doing ok? [B]Campbell:[/B] Yeah, I’m doing ok. Fish got me pretty good last night, but this is far from over. [B]Seduction:[/B] You know, if you need any help, I can talk to Bruce… [B]Campbell:[/B] Thanks. I’ll keep it in mind, especially for Umaga and Ota. But I really need to handle Fish myself. [Seduction nods. Campbell and Seduction are at the end of a hallway. It appears as if they have to go in opposite directions.] [B]Seduction:[/B] I understand. But, just keep my offer in mind. [B]Campbell:[/B] Sure thing! [Seduction touches Campbell on the arm and smiles. The women then walk away from each other.] [The camera angle then switches and we “Sex Driven” Thomas Morgan hiding behind a stack of boxes. He appears to be holding a small fishing net.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Morgan:[/B] Ah, I hear her heels. This is my chance. [Thomas Morgan springs out and tosses a net on the woman walking down the hall. Thomas Morgan has “caught” Seduction with the net. Seduction freaks out a little bit and falls to the floor.] [B]Morgan:[/B] Ha! I got you Kelsey! Kelsey… you’re not Kelsey! You’re Seduction. [Seduction does not look pleased and is trying to take the net off.] [B]Morgan:[/B] Uh, sorry babe. Morgan was not trying to catch you, I was after Campbell. [Thomas Morgan bends over and starts taking the net off of Seduction. He quickly pauses.] [B]Morgan:[/B] Hmm. I suddenly feel as though I’m being watched? [Thomas Morgan looks around. The astute viewer would have noticed Fumihiro Ota ducking around a corner, but Thomas Morgan was looking the other way.] [B]Morgan:[/B] Must be in my head. But hey… now that you’re here… Let's go to my place and do the things that I'll tell everyone we did anyway. [Seduction is not amused.] [B]Morgan:[/B] No? We can go back to your place instead and play Pearl Harbor. I’ll lay down and you can blow the Hell out of me! [Now, Seduction is smiling.] [B]Morgan:[/B] Ah… so I’ve caught your interest. [Thomas Morgan nods, apparently feeling very proud and self-assure.] [B]Seduction:[/B] No, not particularly. But, the guy behind you has. [Thomas Morgan turns around and yes, you guessed it, he’s face to chest with Bruce the Giant.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Morgan:[/B] Ay! No es bueno! [Thomas Morgan jumps back, Bruce takes a swing at him, but can’t quite reach the shorter man. Thomas Morgan quickly runs down the hall. Bruce bends over, grabs the net, and tosses it to the side. He then helps Seduction up.] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] Sey-duck-shin ok? [B]Seduction:[/B] Yes, Bruce. Thanks to you. [As Bruce and Seduction walk off, we see Fumihiro Ota appear from the shadows. He darts off in the same direction as Thomas Morgan.] [CENTER][U] “Sex Driven” Thomas Morgan tries to capture Kelsey Campbell with a net. Instead, he captures Seduction and is scared off by Bruce the Giant.[/U] [B]Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Captain USA vs. Madman Boone[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CaptainUSA.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MadmanBoone.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Captain USA attacked Boone with an uncharacteristically high degree of intensity. Unfortunately, his vicious assault on Boone really just seemed to wake the mad chef up, who paced around the ring, with a twisted smile on face, while Cap’ continued to deliver clubbing blows to the back. Boone eventually turned around and decimated Cap’ with a three move set, which included a nasty short clothesline, a gut buster, and a flying knee drop. Mercifully, Boone then put Cap’ away with a Boone and Bust. [CENTER][U]Madman Boone defeated Captain USA in 4:53 by pinfall with a Boone and Bust.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[Following the victory, Madman Boone exits the ring, grabs his giant whisk, a bucket of ingredients, and a microphone, then reenters the ring. Captain USA is working on pulling himself to his feet, but Boone slaps the whisk across his back which sends the masked veteran down to the mat.] [B]Boone:[/B] Alright, guys. I’m going to make a fantastic American stew! Now, this is an easy dish to make, because the ingredients are fairly easy to acquire. First, and most importantly, you need some aged American beef. Fortunately, that’s easy enough to come by in the USPW! [Cap rolls over, and starts to get up, but another Whisk shot sends him back down.] [B]Boone:[/B] Next, I like to add some tomatoes to add some fluid. You can dice them or slice them, if you like. But me, I’d rather use smashed tomatoes! [Boone reaches into his sack, pulls out four tomatoes, and then flings them down onto Captain USA. Two of the tomatoes smash, the other two bounce off.] [B]Boone:[/B] Now, you should make sure that the tomatoes are really mixed in there. So take your spatula and smash those tomatoes in good. [Boone sets his whisk down, reaches into the bucket, pulls out a large grilling spatula, then slaps it on Captain USA, in the general region where the tomatoes struck.] [B]Boone:[/B] Next, I like to add some lettuce. Romaine, ice burg, doesn’t really matter. It’s mostly for looks. [Boone reaches into the bucket again, pulls out a half a head of lettuces, and then shoves it into Captain USA’s face, grinding it down. The crowd is booing now.] [B]Boone:[/B] Now, let’s just toss on some more things for flavor. Let’s see, we have some garlic cloves and some onions. [And yes, Boone reaches into the bucket, pulls out the cloves and onions, and then viciously throws them down on Captain USA. The crowd has now started to chant for Jim Force.] [B]Boone:[/B] Ok, now stir it all up! [Boone grabs the whisk again, hits Captain USA three more times, then starts the grind the spindles of the whisk into the side of Cap’s face. The exposed part of Cap’s face is covered in red goo, some of which might be blood, some of which might be smashed tomatoes.] [B]Boone:[/B] Ok, now we need to finish this dish up. Just need to make sure that you season it before you serve it! [Boone reaches into the bucket, pulls out a pepper grinder, then starts grinding pepper into Captain USA’s face. Cap, who is more or less unconscious from the whisk shots, still reaches up and grabs his eyes, selling the pepper burn. The crowd continues to chant for Jim Force, but he is nowhere to be seen.] [B]Boone:[/B] And of course, you need some salt! [Boone reaches into the bucket once more, pulls out a box of kosher salt, then pours a good pile into his hand. He stalks around Captain USA, waiting for Cap’ to move his hands. Eventually Captain let’s his guard down, and…] [B]Boone:[/B] BAM! [Boone flings the salt into Captain USA’s face. Somewhere, in other another dimension, a short, Portuguese-American chef and a former football/wrestling star are asking their respective lawyers if they can sue for copyright infringement.] [CENTER][U]Madman Boone cooks American stew.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[Backstage, Wanda Fish is walking down a hallway, holding a piece of paper, while she looks around.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Fish:[/B] Third giant box to the left? [Fish looks down the hallway. There is, in fact, an entire row of giant boxes.] [B]Fish:[/B] How can he write notes in English when he only speaks Japanese? Hmm… Oh well. [Fish walks down the hallway. She stops at the box and pulls the lid open. A frightened looking Thomas Morgan sits inside the box.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Fish:[/B] Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. How are you going to take Campbell out for me if you’re hiding in a box? [Morgan peaks his head out, then looks around.] [B]Morgan:[/B] I tried! I followed her and Seduction down the hall. But then they split up and I couldn’t tell which one went which way. Then I had this net and I threw it. But I caught Seduction. Then Bruce the Giant came out and I ran down the hall. [B]Fish:[/B] What? [B]Morgan:[/B] Uh… I screwed up and Bruce tried to maul me. [Fish shakes her head.] [B]Fish:[/B] Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. What am I going to do with you? You’re really holding up our date. And I’ve been [I]aching[/I] have a night on the town with you. I really, really, [I]really[/I] want to see if you’re everything that you say you are. But, if you don’t hold up your end of the deal, well, then I can’t hold up mine. [Morgan stands up. He’s still in the box.] [B]Morgan:[/B] But I tried! [B]Fish:[/B] You’ve been trying for some time now! I want results. One more week, Tommy. That’s all you get. If you don’t handle Campbell for me by the end of Superstar Showcase next week, well, then I’m not going to handle you at all. But Umaga and Ota… well, they might be handling you in a way that you won’t enjoy. [Morgan gulps.] [B]Morgan:[/B] No problem. I’ll handle it next week! [B]Fish:[/B] Good. Now get out of that ridiculous box. [CENTER][U]Wanda Fish finds Thomas Morgan hiding in a box.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Steve Flash and Jesse Christian vs. The Demons of Rage[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JesseChristian.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonSpite.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Flash and Christian looked determined and dangerous throughout this short match. They attacked with enough intensity as to keep the veteran Demons off guard and quickly wrapped up this match, much to Demons dismay (and backstage complaints). [CENTER][U]Steve Flash and Jesse Christian defeated The Demons of Rage in 4:55 when Steve Flash defeated Demon Anger by pinfall with a Flash Bang.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[After the match, Jesse Christian and Steve Flash grab microphones.] [B]Flash:[/B] At Liberty and Justice, Shane Sneer and his goons pulled another fast one on us. But the truth of the matter is that Ota and Umaga cannot beat us fairly. Each and every time we’re in the ring with them, it’s the same thing. Either Fish or Sneer interferes. But that’s ok, you guys keep cheating, and we’ll keep being a thorn in your sides. [B]Christian:[/B] And to think, I almost went along with your plans, Shane. You treated me so well in the SCCW… but here, you’re different. You’re not much better than a small time crime boss. And Umaga, Ota, and Fish… they’re your thugs and prostitutes. But we’re not done with them. Not by any means. We want a rematch. [B]Flash:[/B] And we want it in a cage, where you and Fish can’t stick your noses in. [B]Christian:[/B] Oh, and you guys don’t have a choice. Kelsey Campbell has signed the match… it’ll be me and Flash against Ota and Umaga, in a Texas tornado steel cage match, at USPW Freedom Fight! And, to give you guys a warm up, our friend and ally, Campbell, has given me a match with Umaga next week. And in a few weeks, Ota and Flash will hook up. So, Rhino… I’ll see you next week. [CENTER][U]Christian and Flash challenge Ota and Umaga to a series of matches.[/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[After Flash and Christian leave the ring, Bruce the Giant’s music begins to play, much to crowd’s pleasure. Bruce, along with Seduction, head to the ring.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Seduction.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Seduction gives Bruce a hug, then adopts a position outside the ring. Bruce grabs a microphone and starts to work the microphone.] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] G`day! [As usual, the crowd responds with a massive “G’Day” of their own.] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] Bruce is bloody happy ta be here today, because Bruce loves his job `n` Bruce loves his fans! [The crowd loves him too.] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] But Bruce is a little down tonight. Bruce has ta face lying, cheating Peter Valentine again. Peter Valentine who hurt Sey-duck-shin. Peter Valentine who Bruce has smashed many times. [Bruce shakes his head.] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] But Valentine really wants Bruce’s shiny belt. And Bruce can't blame him for that, it is a nice belt. Could be a bit bigger, but it's still pretty. And so, tonight, Bruce will again smash Valentine, because he 's trying steal my belt, because he is mean ta Sey-duck-shin, `n` because he's a jerk. So, Valentine, hurry up `n` come out here, so I can get ta smashing you. [Valentine’s music begins to play, but we fade to a commercial before he comes out.] [CENTER][U]Bruce loves his fans and hates Peter Valentine.[/U] [B]Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW_World.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bruce the Giant vs. Peter Valentine for the USPW World Title[/B][/CENTER] Bruce the Giant and Peter Valentine put on a shortened version of their last match, minus the cage. Valentine still stalled to start things off, Bruce dominated when Valentine finally committed, and Valentine turned things around by cheating. Bruce came back from Valentine’s cheats and practically drove him through the mat with a Giant Choke Slam. [CENTER][U]Bruce the Giant defeated Peter Valentine in 8:33 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam. Bruce the Giant makes defense number 8 of his USPW World title. [/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[Following the win, Bruce and Seduction celebrate in the ring for awhile. As they leave, Peter Valentine begins to stir and he stares at Bruce and Seduction, as they exit the main stage. Valentine then flips, and he can loudly be heard yelling “WHY CAN’T I BEAT HIM?” over and over, as he runs around the ring, kicking the ropes, punching the turnbuckles, and generally acting like a complete madman. Valentine continues to freak out, as we fade to the USPW logo.] [CENTER][U]Peter Valentine freaks out.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[/INDENT][/INDENT] [SIZE=1] [B]Summary of Results and Ratings:[/B] Wanda Fish defeated Happy Elwood (C) The Lords of War drew with Real Big Men to retain the USPW World Tag Team Titles (D-) Madman Boone defeated Captain USA (D) Steve Flash and Jesse Christian defeated the Demons of Rage (D+) Bruce the Giant defeated Peter Valentine to retain the USPW World Title (D+) Overall: D+ [/SIZE]
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