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Seattle Pro Wrestling: Where you can flex for America.

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OOC: My first shot at a diary... takes place a while after I first starting using the fed, because until now it hasn't been too interesting. Hope you enjoy! Two years have passed… (Give or take…) (A couple weeks…) And I still remember that first day as being the only one with hope. [B]TWO YEARS AGO!!!![/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/oakston87/AaronStingray.JPG[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][I’m thinking to myself.][/I] [B]To Myself:[/B] Okay, so you’ve been unemployed for a year, I’m living in a car, and my entire homeland of Australia was sunk to the bottom of the ocean thanks to president McCain, but only after being chased out of it by the local idiots for “killing the crocodile hunter”. Today’s a new day. Today is the day of Aaron Stingray. Oh god, did that just sound like a Dr. Seuss rhyme? Oh the places I’VE gone… hehe… Okay, focus. I’ve got to get this job. This place is rumoured to be the next big thing. [I][I arrive at the front door to a moderate sized, well kept, ultra shiny building.][/I] [B]To Myself:[/B] SPW: Seattle Pro Wrestling. They’ve been looking for someone with knowledge in the business, and that’s me. Or at least that’s what I’ll convince em. At the least they could use someone with some actual talent to throw into the ring for the adoring fans. [I][I walk into through the automatic sliding doors. Those always make me feel like a Jedi. Beautiful receptionist-type greets me at the front. Brunette, young, perky, crikey.][/I] [B]Receptionist:[/B] Hello, and welcome to Seattle Pro Wrestling Headquarters, a subsidiary of Thomas Enterprises. How may I assist you today? [B]Stingray:[/B] I’m Aaron Stingray; I’m here to meet with Mr. Thomas about the Head Booker position. [B]Receptionist:[/B] Mr. Thomas has been expecting you. Head all the way down the hall and take a left. It’ll be the only door you’ll see then. [I][I take one last look as Ms. Perky and follow her directions. I reach a nice set of double oak doors, and open them by twisting at the blindingly shiny handle. I immediately see the man I’m here to meet: Gil Thomas, owner of Thomas Enterprises and SPW, and possibly the second richest man on the west coast of America. Guy looks to be in good shape for his mid 40s. Healthy, full head of un-dyed, dark hair. Also, some punk rocker type with a spiky red mohawk and more tattoos than could ever be necessary is sitting infront of his desk in some happy sounding discussion. ][/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/oakston87/GilThomas.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/oakston87/Spike.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Stingray:[/B] Mr. Thomas? [B]Gil Thomas:[/B] You must be the Australian kid we called in. Aaron Stingray, right? [I][I nod. How deep.][/I] [B]Thomas:[/B] Spike, would you mind giving us a moment in private? [B]Spike:[/B] No problem, Gil. [I][He starts walking towards me.][/I] Hey bro, fight the establishment. [B]Stingray:[/B] Uh, yeah… cool. Keep on truckin’ man. [I][I could swear I could feel him thinking about hitting me in the back of the head. How odd.][/I] [B]Thomas:[/B] I’m glad you stopped by Aaron. I’ve been really anxious to meet you. I’ve read over some of your proposed ideas for the company, and I’ve also seen some old footage of you in the ring. All I can say is that I’m impressed. I’ve been a business man ever since I opened up my first knitted clothing store, so believe you me when I tell you I know what’s good for business. [I][Knitted believe you… what?][/I] [B]Thomas:[/B] And what’s good for SPW? You, Aaron. I don’t even have to hear anymore from you. You’re the perfect man for this company, and it’d be my honor to sign you on has both head booker and wrestler for SPW. [I][Cha-ching comes to mind.][/I] [B]Stingray:[/B] Sounds cool. [CHA-CHING!] So fill me in on the details around this place. Tell me about the current roster, what type of fans you’re trying to attract, and anything else I’ll need to get started. [B]Thomas: [/B]Of course Aaron, of course. You and me kid, we’re gonna build the greatest wrestling company the world has ever seen. God it’s good to be alive. [B]TODAY![/B] [B]Thomas:[/B] Oh god, I hate being alive… [I][I’m staring at a view considered pathetic by even the lowest of standards. Or highest, which ever sounds worse. Gil Thomas still reeks of alcohol, and clumps of his graying hair are falling onto his desk, mixed in with a large amount of sweat.][/I] [B]Thomas:[/B] We’re doomed, Aaron, doomed… Thomas’s Knitwear is gone thanks to this fad of not wearing clothes made from yarn… Our old HQ is gone after Primal Rage took that speedball and burned the place to the ground… The police are still convinced I gave him the drugs and the gasoline… And last night, my son called me “poopy” and kicked me in the knee. [I][I don’t want to be here.][/I] [B]Stingray:[/B] Sir… are we going to talk about tonight’s event? [B]Thomas:[/B] What event? [B]Stingray:[/B] SPW… the wrestling company that you own? [B]Thomas: [/B]Oh, right… how’s that going? I hope you’re giving Bobby Thomas the time in the ring he deserves. I really like that man, he’s the last hope for this company you know. [B]Stingray:[/B] Gil… Bobby signed off to NOTBPW about 7 months ago. He’s gone. [B]Thomas:[/B] (muffled moans)… Well, what do we have? [I][I pull out our official roster list… maybe he’ll actually remember me showing it to him this time before he takes another 12 shots of tequila.][/I] [B]Main Eventers:[/B] Aaron Stingray (Face) Burning EXILE (Heel, Outcast title holder) Remmy Skye (Face) Insane Machine (Heel, Championship title holder) Bart Biggz (Face) [B]Upper Midcarders:[/B] Velocidad (Face) Primal Rage (Heel) Cameron Vessey (Heel, Northwestern title holder) Tom Angelus (Face) Rhino Umaga (Heel) [B]Midcarders:[/B] Spike (Heel) Mark Smart (Face) Nathaniel Ca$ino (Heel, why doesn’t he just use an “S” in his name?) Kashmir Singh (Face) Warren Technique (Heel) Billy Cutter (Face) Camilo Ibanez (Face) [B]Lower Midcarders:[/B] Danny Patterson (Heel) Joey Beauchamp (Heel) Rashid Lawal (Heel) Maverick Holmes (Face) Tempest Appleby (Face) [B]Openers:[/B] Rahabad Lawal (Heel) Edward Cornell (Face) [B]“Enhancement” Talent:[/B] Cal Sanders (Who cares) [B]Managers:[/B] Beach Babe Bunnie (because she rapes Remmy Skye) Kristen Pearce Dharma “The Initiative” Gregg [B]Announcers:[/B] Remmington Remus Ted Ross (Colour guy) [B]Referee:[/B] Oz Lord [B]Road Agent:[/B] Marcus McKing
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;272595]Beach Babe Bunnie (because she rapes Remmy Skye)[/QUOTE] Huh? Anyway, I like the start of this so far. It's nice to see Gil Thomas getting a bit of dynasty love for a change (even if his knitting empire has collapsed) and it looks like you've developed a solid roster in those two years of game time. That render used for Aaron Stingray takes me back a bit too.
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Guest The Aussie
You killed Australia? You maniac. damn youse, god damn youse all to hell. jk, Should be alright to check out.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;272617]Huh? Anyway, I like the start of this so far. It's nice to see Gil Thomas getting a bit of dynasty love for a change (even if his knitting empire has collapsed) and it looks like you've developed a solid roster in those two years of game time. That render used for Aaron Stingray takes me back a bit too.[/QUOTE] Yeah, to be honest I found it on the main render thread. I suck at rendering myself, but it was perfect for Aaron Stingray, so thanks to whoever made it. And Gil Thomas is there due purely to luck. Decided to let someone at random buy SPW... it was Gil.
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