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A little confused with Show Ratings

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Soooo.... I'm playing with SWF and a best I've gotten a B+ rating for a show. Other than that everything seems to fall from a B- to B's (must be a boring booker? hah jk) My problem is this, I just had a show where I had 2 matches at an A, one at a B+, and had 3 segments at a B+ as well as one even being at an A* towards the end of the show. My final match flopped and only got me a C (Groucho Bling and Remo have terrible chemistry I guess) however, 2 of my B+ angles came at the end when he destroyed Groucho.. and then Elmo tried to attack him, but he laid him out too. In the end, the show was labeled a B-? Is it because my final match was a C? Because I'm looking at my overall show and it looks to have gotten a lot of high ratings, I should have atleast had a B/B+ show? I guess I'm kinda lost to all of that.
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The main event (the last MATCH on the card) has a bigger impact on the final rating than anything else, so a poor main event can ruin an otherwise good card. The match before the main event has a slightly bigger impact aswell. Angles have less of an impact on the overall rating than matches do (you're lucky, SWF is a heavily entertainment-based product so angles do matter more than usual. For someone like DaVE, CZCW, or even TCW, angles have even less impact on the show grade because they're focused more on wrestling). The overall rating isn't simply an average of all the segment ratings, there are loads of factors that affect it. SWF's problem is that Remo is pretty much your only main eventer with any sort of talent (other than Jack Bruce, of course), so getting good show ratings is going to be tricky until you've built up some other guys. That's why WCW always sucked - the guys people were paying to see were crap, and the undercard usually either did nothing at all, or got mauled by the main eventers ¬_¬
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That's what I was thinking... I just didn't know for sure since my Main Events have been decent, however, I tend to pull atleast one A match but it tends to be in the middle of my card. So I guess this is how you learn to become better at the game... Be able to notice the small things like that. Like I put the belt on Angry Gilmore (as a face) because i wanted to have someone with good in-ring ability to be the champ, but so far my popularity is falling faster than ever... And his matches tend to be a B overall no matter what I do! Now on the other hand, Christian Faith who isnt really good at anything other than charisma & psychology... He puts on an A match with practically EVERYONE you put in front of him. Maybe it's time to move the title to Faith?! hah. Who knows.
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I got Angry Gilmore over to around an A (which is pretty much what Faith is barring a couple A*'s). Right now they are both wrapped up in a four way feud with those two, Remo, and Runaway Train! A huge four way feud... So I'm hoping that that gets Gilmore over enough?! Idk.
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