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WWF 1993 Rewriting History

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O.O.C. No real backstory for this one. All that really needs to be told is the start date is October 1993. Razor Ramon just won the I.C. title after defeating "The Model". And the current WWF champion Yokozuna is currently in a hot feud with The Undertaker. I will have the occasional match with my user character, but I'm starting him with an F in just about everything (including popularity) so you don't have to worry about him being on TV for a long time. Special thanks goes out to [B]Adam Ryland[/B] for such a hugely addicting game, and to [B]DocStevens[/B] so such an awesome mod. [CENTER][B]THE ROSTER:[/B] [B]Main Eventers:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Yokozuna[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Bret Hart [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Razor Ramon [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Shawn Michaels [/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Mr. Perfect[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Million Dollar Man[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Lex Lugar The Undertaker[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Diesel[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Randy Savage[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jim Duggan [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Bam Bam Bigelow [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jeff Jarrett[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Owen Hart Rick Steiner[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Pierre Outlette[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“The Model” Rick Martel[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Irwin R. Schyster[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Scott Steiner Tatanka[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders:[/B] [COLOR="red"]The Mountie[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Jim Neidhart Koko B. Ware[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Ludvig Borga[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Marty Jannetty Mabel [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Crush[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Bushwhacker Luke [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Doink the Clown [/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Billy Gunn[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Adam Bomb[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Bushwhacker Butch Bart Gunn[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Beau Beverly[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Virgil[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Steven Dunn[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Bastian Booger[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Mo[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Fatu[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Timothy Well[/COLOR] [B]Openers:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Samu[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]The 1-2-3 Kid [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Barry Horowitz[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Tom Pritchard[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Blake Beverly[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Jim Powers[/COLOR] [B]Enhancement Talent:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Jimmy Del Ray Clayton “Pretty Boy” Adams Damien Demento[/COLOR] [B]Women’s Division[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rockin Robin Jacqueline [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Bull Nakano[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Luna Vachon[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Alundra Blaze [/COLOR] [B]Occasional Wrestlers:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Brooklyn Brawler El Matador Terry Taylor[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jerry Lawler[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Bob Backlund [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Giant Gonzales[/COLOR] [B]Managers:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul Bearer[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Lanny Poffo [COLOR="Red"]Mr. Fuji[/COLOR] Harvey Wippleman[/COLOR] [B]Announcers:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Gorilla Monsoon Howard Finkel Jim Ross[/COLOR] [B]Color Commentator:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Vince McMahon[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Bobby Heenan[/COLOR] [B]Authority Figures:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Linda McMahon Shane McMahon Jack Tunney Jimmy Snuka[/COLOR] [B]Referees:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Bill Alfonso Earl Hebner Tim White[/COLOR] [B]Road Agents:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Dave Hebner[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Gerald Brisco[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Sgt. Slaughter[/COLOR] [B]Personalities:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Todd Pettengill[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Afa[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Jim Cordaris[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Chief Jay Strongbow[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Jack Lanza Skinner[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]J.J. Dillon[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Bruce Pritchard Raymond Rougeau[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Johnny Polo[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Pat Patterson[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Tag Teams:[/SIZE] [/B] [COLOR="red"]Dudes with Attitudes (Shawn Michaels and Diesel)[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]High Energy (Owen Hart and Koko B. Ware) Men on a Mission (Mo and Mable)[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Money Inc. (Million Dollar Man and Irwin R. Schyster)[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The Beverley Brothers (Beau Beverley and Blake Beverley)[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]The Bushwhackers (Bushwhacker Luke and Bushwhacker Butch)[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The Quebecers (The Mountie and Pierre Outlette)[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn and Bart Gunn)[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Well Dunn (Steven Dunn and Timothy Well)[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner)[/COLOR] [B]Stables:[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Titles:[/SIZE][/B] [B]WWF World Heavyweight:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Yokozuna (Won on June 13, 1993)[/COLOR] [B]WWF Intercontinental:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Razor Ramon (Won on September 27, 1993)[/COLOR] [B]WWF Tag Team:[/B] [COLOR="red"]The Quebecers (Won on September 13, 1993)[/COLOR] [B]WWF Women’s Championship:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alundra Blaze (Won on September 1, 1993)[/COLOR] [B]WWF King of the Ring:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Bret Hart (June 13, 1993)[/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]WWF Raw [/SIZE][/COLOR] Live Monday Week 1 September 1993 San Antonio Coliseum in San Antonio, TX [/B] Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels W/ Diesel Bam Bam Bigelow W/ Luna Vachon Vs. Jim Duggan The Quebecers Vs. The Steiner Brothers The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. Bob Backlund Plus... Another exciting edition of The Kings Court Tune in Monday 9pm 8 central[/CENTER] Quick Picks: Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels W/ Diesel Bam Bam Bigelow W/ Luna Vachon Vs. Jim Duggan The Quebecers Vs. The Steiner Brothers The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. Bob Backlund Feedback comments and predictions are welcome. I'm going largely off memory in terms of storylines and characters so if something doesn't match the time period please let me know.
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Quick Picks: [QUOTE]Bret Hart Vs. [B]Shawn Michaels W/ Diesel[/B] *always thought Michaels and diesel made a good pair [B]Bam Bam Bigelow W/ Luna Vachon[/B] Vs. Jim Duggan * Do not let Duggan win, he was at the house show I went to and my first thought was "Oh My God, I remember when this guy got beat by savage 20 years ago" (maybe not 20 but a long time ago) The Quebecers Vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] * Assuming this is not for the title, meaning a win will set them up for one [B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] Vs. Bob Backlund *Anyone but Backlund[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE]Bret Hart Vs. [B]Shawn Michaels W/ Diesel[/B] Why? - Bret Hart will have to compete against both HBK and Diesel I'm guessing, so there is no way he would be able to keep up with Shawn while also having to keep his eyes on Diesel the entire time. That's what made HBK/Diesel such a great pairing. Maybe have Owen get involved? [B]Bam Bam Bigelow W/ Luna Vachon[/B] Vs. Jim Duggan Why? - Bam Bam is legit, Duggan is not. [B]The Quebecers[/B] Vs. The Steiner Brothers Why? - It would be too easy to put the titles on The Steiners. It would be more interesting to make the Quebecers a legit tag team. This way you could actually have a functioning tag team division. [B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] Vs. Bob Backlund Why? - I loved 1 2 3 Kid! He had sooo much promise at this time, and it would make sense to start moving him up the roster by picking up big victories over some bigger names. If only he could have kept consistent, The 1-2-3 Kid could have been a much bigger star in the WWF! Especially if you went with the 1-2-3 Kid/Razor Ramon pairing... Put them together in the Kliq with HBK and Diesel and could have various members help him "make his way up"... Only to potentially push to a "I made you.. I will end you" kind of storyline between a turning member of the Kliq and 1-2-3 Kid... A la Orton/HHH in the WWE. [/QUOTE] Good intro card. Get some stuff established.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF Raw [/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Monday Week 1 September 1993 San Antonio Coliseum in San Antonio, TX Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out) Jim Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Hello and welcome to Monday Night Raw! I’m you’re host Jim Ross alongside the owner of the WWF Vince McMahon.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“Thanks Jim. We have some great action tonight as Shawn Michaels comes home to San Antonio tonight to square off against Bret “The Hitman” Hart.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Yes that should be a slobber knocker ladies and gentlemen, but our first match of the night is someone who is still new in the WWF, The 1-2-3 Kid taking on an old vet and former champion Bob Backlund.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Hype Rating: D+[/COLOR] The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. Bob Backlund [quote]The kid showed a lot of fire early on hitting Backlund with a spinning heel kick, and an impressive missile dropkick. Backlund however has found himself on the defensive more than once in his career and he waited patiently for the kid to make a mistake. A missed Moonsault later and Backlund had The Kid right where he wanted him.[/quote] Bob Backlund defeated The 1-2-3 Kid in 4:35 by pinfall with an Airplane Spin. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] Notes: Turns out these two have pretty good chemistry inside the ring. Backlund was able to teach The 1-2-3 Kid a few moves as well and as a result his Rumble skills have improved. [SIZE="4"]I've got my eye on you...[/SIZE] After the match was over the camera showed The 1-2-3 Kid shaking his head in disappointment, then it faded to the locker room where The Million Dollar Man was watching the match on a monitor and looked very pleased. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Blue"]“What a hard fought victory for Backlund.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Right you are Vince, but let’s not take anything away from the kid either he looked determined tonight and really gave it his all.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“Indeed he did Jim, but what I’m wondering is why did DiBiase seem so interested in this match?”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“I asked myself the same question, and the truth is with someone like The Million Dollar Man you can never be too sure.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“Well I’m sure we’ll find out in time, but right now we have a tag match between the current champions The Quebecers and The Steiner Brothers.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Hype Rating: B-[/COLOR] The Quebecers Vs. The Steiner Brothers [quote]The Steiners received a huge pop when they made their way to the ring and they really played to the crowd well. The Quebecers got the early hand in this one, but the experience of the Steiners came into play and they were able to make the quick tag when the other was in trouble. This match got a little out of hand late in the match and when Scott Steiner and The Mountie took the fight to the outside their respective partners joined them in the rumble and the ref was forced to throw this one out.[/quote] The Quebecers drew with The Steiner Brothers in 7:57 following a double count out. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] Notes: These two teams have a lot of skill and experience between the two. And the fact that this was a nontitle match might be all The Steiners need to request a rematch. Scott Steiner was able to improve on his Rumble Skills while Rick improved his Technical and Performance skills. Vince: [COLOR="Blue"]“What a shame for The Steiners, they really could’ve gained a lot from a victory there.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“You’re right Vince, but if you ask me they should still get another chance to prove they can beat the champs. I mean they did fight them to a no contest.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“A valid point Jim, but rights now let’s focus on the action in the ring as the next match gets underway.”[/COLOR] Bam Bam Bigelow W/ Luna Vachon Vs. Jim Duggan [quote]After Hacksaw paraded around the ring with his 2X4 screaming “HOOO” for five minutes, the match finally got underway. Duggan landed a few crisp right hands that made the big man from Asbury Park stumble but as Duggan bounced of the ropes Luna was there to trip him up and give Bigelow the upper hand. These two big men slugged it out for a good portion of the 5 minutes, but as Duggan came off the ropes and landed a huge forearm to the bald head of Bigelow Vachon quickly jumped onto the ring apron and argued with the ref so he wouldn’t make the count. A furious Duggan got up to confront Vachon but she was quick to jump off the apron. However as Duggan turned to focus on the match Bigelow was already back on his feet and hammering away at Duggan.[/quote] Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Jim Duggan in 5:36 by pinfall with a Greetings from Asbury Park. [COLOR="Red"]Ratings: B[/COLOR] Notes: A solid performance from these two wrestlers. Luna and Bigelow have a certain connection that very few manager/clients have and it really added to the match. Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“What a match, I can’t believe that witch Luna Vachon cost Duggan the win.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“That was low even for Bigelow, but a win is a win, and the bottom line is Bigelow won and Duggan didn’t.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Speaking of low, let’s cut now to Jerry Lawler for another episode of The Kings Court.”[/COLOR] [quote]The camera cuts back to the ring where it has been decked out with red carpet and a throne. Jerry Lawler is standing in the middle of the ring with a huge grin on his face. Lawler: [COLOR="Red"]“Good Evening Peasants. Tonight I have a very special treat for all of you. That’s right today not only are you going to be graced with the presence of The King…”[/COLOR] (A Burger King chant begins to form among the crowd.) Lawler: [COLOR="red"]“Not only are you going to be graced with my presents, but you’re also going to be graced with the presence of a champion. Not just any champion, but the WWF Champion! Ladies and gentleman my guest today…Yokozuna!”[/COLOR] The crowd erupts in boos as Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji make their way to ringside, Mr. Fuji waving the Japanese flag high in the air for the entire world to see. Lawler: [COLOR="red"]“Thank you for coming tonight, I’m sure you both must be very busy.”[/COLOR] Fuji: [COLOR="red"]“It is the duty of a true champion to speak to his people.”[/COLOR] Lawler: [COLOR="red"]“Well you’re certainly a true champion. I mean you’re client has held the WWF title now for over 3 months beating the likes of that no good cheater Bret Hart…”[/COLOR] The crowd erupts with the mention of Bret Lawler: [COLOR="red"]“Don’t mind them, they’re idiots. And then perhaps even more impressively you destroyed The Undertaker just weeks ago.”[/COLOR] Fuji: [COLOR="red"]“The Undertaker feeds off the fear of his victims, but my Yokozuna is not afraid. He is not afraid of these mind games that The Undertaker pla…”[/COLOR] Suddenly the lights go out and the crowd roars as the bells of The Undertaker ring. After several minutes the lights come back on and Mr. Fuji and Yokozuna are half way up the ramp when The Undertaker and Paul Bearer appear on the Titontron. Bearer: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yokozuna… You say you are unafraid of my Undertaker. You claim to have destroyed the power of the night. But oh no Yokozuna, you see the creatures of the night have spoken. Oh yesss. And Yokozuna my Undertaker will destroy you.”[/COLOR] There is an eerie silence for a minute, then The Undertaker tosses his hair back, his eyes seem to be inside his skull somewhere. [COLOR="blue"]Undertaker: “Rest…In…Piece” [/COLOR] The lights go back out as The Undertaker’s music plays and when they come back on both Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji have very worried looks on their faces.[/quote] [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] Notes: It looks like the feud between the dead man and Yokozuna is far from over. The Undertaker seems to want revenge, and Yokozuna doesn’t seem to want anything to do with him. Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Do you think The Undertaker got his attention?”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“Not only did he get his attention, I think Yokozuna may have bitten off more than he can chew.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Next up folks is the Main Event. Bret “The Hitman” Hart versus “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels.”[/COLOR] Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels W/ Diesel [quote]The house exploded when Bret Hart was introduced, and to a few peoples surprise the same can be said when Michaels made his way to the ring. This was due largely to the fact that he’s from the San Antonio area of course. This match was back and forth from the beginning and everyone was well aware of the bad blood between these two. Michaels got the upper hand after Bret missed with a second rope elbow drop. Michaels decided to work the leg of The Hitman apparently hoping to prevent him from being able to apply his famous Sharpshooter.[/quote] (We join the match now in progress) Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“Irish whip by Michaels…”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“But the Hitman reverses it. He has Michaels in the corner and is pounding away at his head.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“The crowd is counting along 8…9…10 Michaels staggers and falls in the center of the ring.”[/COLOR] Ross: “[COLOR="blue"]The Hitman is looking to the crowd; he has Michaels by the legs.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“Here it comes he has the sharpshooter locked in! Can he make Michaels tap?”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Wait a minute…Diesel is in the ring. Bret doesn’t see him.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“A big boot to the back of the head by Diesel and the ref has disqualified Michaels.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Yeah but that isn’t stopping Diesel, he’s pounding away at the Hitman.” Vince: “Oh no…no no he can’t!”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“He’s calling for it…Oh My God. Jackknife Power Bomb, on the Hitman, and Bret is out cold.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“Michaels is on his feet now. Diesel is holding the Hitman up…and Michaels lands a side suplex!”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“look at them, they’re laughing. They are standing over the mangled body of the most beloved superstar in this sport and laughing.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“Ladies and gentlemen we are out of time tune in Sunday for a great episode of WWF Superstars.”[/COLOR] Bret Hart defeated Shawn Michaels in 12:45 by DQ after Diesel attacked Bret Hart [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] Notes: As if taken from real life, these two don’t seem to click in the ring which is why the rating was as low as it is. Bret however is improving in his Flying Skills, while Michaels improved in his Rumble and Performance skills. [COLOR="red"]Final Ratings: C+[/COLOR] Final Notes: A pretty horrible rating for what I thought was a solid card. The main event really hurt us a lot had that been at least a B+ I think this show would’ve gone over a lot better. Still he have some solid storylines from it and I think the WWF is heading in the right direction. Ratings: 29.88 (USA Network) 4.93 (TSN Network) 2.95 (Sky Network) [/B][/CENTER] Thanks to everyone who's reading, please let me know what you think so far. I know it's still early but all input is welcome. Pick Em Leaders: [B]Zobeto227:[/B] 1/4 (25%) [B]mystic:[/B] 1/4 (25%) The first cards are always the hardest to predict, plus there was a draw, not much you can do about that.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="5"]WWF Superstars[/SIZE][/COLOR] Live Sunday Week 1 September 1993 Desert Sun Stadium Yuma, AZ [SIZE="4"]Intercontinental Championship Match:[/SIZE] Razor Ramon Vs. Mr. Perfect Jeff Jarrett Vs Lex Lugar The Bushwhackers Vs. Men on a Mission The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. Doink the Clown [SIZE="4"]Women’s Championship Match:[/SIZE] Alundra Blaze Vs. Jacqueline [/B][/CENTER] Quick Picks: Razor Ramon Vs. Mr. Perfect Jeff Jarrett Vs Lex Lugar The Bushwhackers Vs. Men on a Mission The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. Doink the Clown Alundra Blaze Vs. Jacqueline Feedback comments and predictions are welcome.
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Quick Picks: [B]Razor Ramon[/B] Vs. Mr. Perfect Jeff Jarrett Vs [B]Lex Lugar[/B] The Bushwhackers Vs. [B]Men on a Mission[/B] [B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] Vs. Doink the Clown [B]Alundra Blaze[/B] Vs. Jacqueline Feedback comments and predictions are welcome.
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[B]Razor Ramon[/B] Vs. Mr. Perfect ~Two great workers here and you can not really go wrong with picking a winner. Heck might even end up with a draw if you wanted to really build up a feud. Jeff Jarrett Vs [B]Lex Lugar[/B] ~Jeff Jarrett is nothing but a regional jobber and Lex Luger is the Total Package...enough said! [B]The Bushwhackers[/B] Vs. Men on a Mission ~I always found the Bushwhackers entertaining so I will go with them! [B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] Vs. Doink the Clown ~Gotta go with the Kid! [B]Alundra Blaze[/B] Vs. Jacqueline ~I have to stick with the veteran on this one.
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Quick Picks: Razor Ramon Vs. [B]Mr. Perfect[/B] I think that would be... Perfect. Jeff Jarrett Vs [B]Lex Lugar[/B] [B]The Bushwhackers[/B] Vs. Men on a Mission Sorry guys, but they're my fellow countrymen so go the Kiwis [B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] Vs. Doink the Clown [B]Alundra Blaze[/B] Vs. Jacqueline
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[B]Razor Ramon[/B] Vs. Mr. Perfect ~I see Razor winning this one by interference or underhanded tactics to keep his title. Should be a good match, though. Jeff Jarrett Vs [B]Lex Lugar[/B] ~Unless Jarrett is going to receive a rise in status from this match I see little reason for him to go over Luger. The Bushwhackers Vs. [B]Men on a Mission[/B] ~The Bushwhackers are too silly be to taken seriously. MoM will squash them like a bug. The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. [B]Doink the Clown[/B] ~1-2-3 loses again and DiBiase remains happy for some reason... [B]Alundra Blaze[/B] Vs. Jacqueline ~Blaze is solid and I doubt that Jacqueline has a significant chance at winning here.
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O.O.C. I just realized my last couple of posts have said September, that's my bad. The month is October sorry if I confused anyone. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars [/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 1 October 1993 Desert Sun Stadium Yuma, AZ Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out) [/B] [COLOR="blue"]Monsoon: “Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to WWF Superstars. My colleague today is Bobby Heenan.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Heenan: “That’s Mr. Heenan to you Baboon.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Monsoon: “Um… I think you mean Monsoon.” [/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“No, I mean Baboon. I mean come on you sound like a monkey.” [/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“We are going to get straight to the action folks. And first up is a women’s title match.”[/COLOR] [B]Women’s Championship Match: Alundra Blaze Vs. Jacqueline[/B] [quote]This was a slow match to get the crowd worked up for what’s in store. The match itself only lasted about 4 minutes in total and was highlighted by a bridging German Suplex by Blaze.[/quote] Alundra Blaze defeated Jacqueline in 4:33 by pinfall with a Bridging German Suplex. Alundra Blaze makes defence number 1 of her WWF Ladies Championship title. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A solid opening match. I honestly didn’t expect this type of rating for a women’s match. These two had some natural chemistry in the ring that I’m sure added to the grade. [/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“What a great way to kick off an action packed night.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“You’re kidding right?”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“What was wrong with the match?”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“Women belong in the kitchen Monsoon not the ring. Someone get those two an apron.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Well then perhaps you’ll be impressed with the next match.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“Yeah what’s next…midgets?”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Unbelievable… Next up we have The 1-2-3 Kid taking on Doink the Clown.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“Come on I was close. Clowns, Midgets, what’s the difference?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Rating hype angle: D[/COLOR] [quote]As the camera pans back to get a glimpse of the 1-2-3 Kid before his match, the kid is seen discussing something with The Million Dollar Man. By the looks of things, DiBiase seems to be giving him a few pointers.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. Doink the Clown[/B] [quote]As usual the kid came out fired up using a variety of martial arts to catch Doink off guard. Whatever DiBiase said to him seemed to have worked because the 1-2-3 Kid dominated this match from the start. After a huge spinning heel kick that nearly took Doink’s head off the 1-2-3 kid finished him off with a Moonsault.[/quote] The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Doink the Clown in 5:36 by pinfall with a Moonsault. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: These two didn’t seem to click well in the ring. The 1-2-3 Kid seems to be making huge strides however in developing himself already and Doink was a real pro taking the job to a lesser talent.[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well an impressive victory there by the 1-2-3 Kid, but I wonder why The Million Dollar Man has taken such a special interest in him.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“What’s that suppose to mean? Why is there always a conspiracy theory every time a vet tries to help out a new wrestler? Maybe DiBiase is just a professional and he sees a bright future for the kid.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Right… and maybe the Red Sox will win a world series.”[/COLOR] [quote]The President of the WWF, Jack Tunney, comes to the ring next and announcers that this Monday night on Raw Yokozuna will have to defend his title against none other than…The Undertaker.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]Men on a Mission Vs. The Bushwhackers[/B] [quote]A tag team match here with everyone’s favorite team The Bushwhackers. Luke is in the ring first against Mo and gets the early advantage pinning him in the turnbuckle and then licking his head. The fans go nuts, but Mo is furious and wastes no time tagging in his much larger tag partner. Luke and Butch try everything they can to get the big man down, but Mable is just too big and powerful for them and after a Big Splash Luke is lucky to be alive.[/quote] Men on a Mission defeated The Bushwhackers in 7:39 when Mabel defeated Bushwhacker Luke by pinfall with a Big Splash. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Not the match I was hoping for. Men on a Mission could be a huge threat in the WWF if Mable could last longer than 5 minutes. Unfortunately the future doesn’t look so bright for the Bushwhackers who are there for comedy relief.[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Wow will anyone be able to stop Mable? He’s huge; the Bushwhackers couldn’t even get him down using a double team.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Were the Bushwhackers drunk? They licked Mo. Licked him Monsoon!”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well they always were known for their unorthodox ways.”[/COLOR] [B]Lex Lugar Vs. Jeff Jarrett[/B] [quote]A country music star was born tonight as Jeff Jarrett hit the ring two steppin. Lugar however had the power of the fans on his side and after flexing on Jarrett he wasted no time going to work. Jarrett however would prove true to his heel roots by gaining the upper hand after a nicely timed low blow. He would quickly learn however that strutting around a man you just hit in the jewels is costly and once Lugar recovered Jarrett wanted no part of him.[/quote] Lex Luger defeated Jeff Jarrett in 7:55 by pinfall with a Running Forearm. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A very impressive match. I was unsure what type of ratings Jarrett would get, but if he can perform like this on a regular basis then who knows maybe he’ll have his own promotion some day.[/B] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“Was that guy singing country music?”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yes I believe he was.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]I think that was the first time I’ve ever wanted Lugar to win. Thank god someone shut that man up.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Well next up is the main event of the night, and you can rest assure no one will be singing country music.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“The Intercontinental title will be on the line as one of my good friends Razor Ramon defends against Mr. Perfect.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“You and Ramon are friends?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Heenan: “Of course I love the man’s work ethic.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Rating hype angle: B[/COLOR] [B]Intercontinental Championship Match: Razor Ramon Vs. Mr. Perfect[/B] [quote]In a Perfect main event Razor got the upper hand when he flipped his tooth pick at Perfect. This enraged Perfect and as he came at Razor The Bad Guy began to unload on him. Perfect would gain the upper hand however after Ramon went for an early Razor’s Edge but Perfect countered it into a back body drop. Once on the offensive Perfect used his superior technical skills to keep Ramon on the mat, but the champ would soon get to the ropes then get to the outside to regroup.[/quote] (We join the match in progress) Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Hip toss to Razor, and Perfect has the sleeper hold locked in. This could be it, Ramon’s eyes are fading into his head. The ref checks his arm 1…2… and there’s still life left in the bad guy. Ramon now on his feet. Elbow to the midsection, and again.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Razor bounces off the ropes. Sunset flip, he has Perfect rolled up.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]1…2.. Ramon has his feet on the ropes, the ref doesn’t see it…3! Razor Ramon retains the title, what a snake!”[/COLOR] Heenan: “Ha! That was brilliant, perfectly executed match by Razor.” Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Perfectly executed? He cheated Bobby.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“What? I didn’t see anything, and neither did the ref. Razor Ramon retains the title.”[/COLOR] Razor Ramon defeated Mr. Perfect in 22:43 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. Razor Ramon makes defence number 1 of his WWF Intercontinental title. [COLOR="red"]Rating: A*[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A great match that should’ve won them both a few more fans. These two complimented each other perfectly (no pun intended) and really helped each other develop. Razor Ramon is improving in Technical Skills, and Perfect is improving in Rumble Skills.[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Well I was hoping for a B+, and had it not been for that lame tag match we may have gotten it. Still tune in to Raw tomorrow night where the WWF champion Yokozuna defends his title against the man he ran scared from last week The Undertaker.[/B] [B]TV Ratings:[/B] [COLOR="red"]27.32 (USA Network) 5.47 (TSN Network)[/COLOR] [/CENTER] Thanks to everyone who's reading, please let me know what you think so far. I know it's still early but all input is welcome. [B]Pick Em Leaders:[/B] [B]Lexa90:[/B] 5/5 5/5 (100%) [B]The Ego:[/B] 5/5 5/5 (100%) [B]DocStevens:[/B] 4/5 4/5 (80%) [B]USWA_Fan:[/B] 4/5 4/5 (80%) [B]theoutlaw321:[/B] 4/5 4/5 (80%) [B]tristram:[/B] 3/5 3/5 (60%) [B]mystic:[/B] 4/5 5/9 (55%) [B]smurphy1014:[/B] 2/5 2/5 (40%) [B]Zobeto227:[/B] 1/4 1/4 (25%)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF Raw[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Monday Week 2 October 1993 Jacksonville Coliseum Jacksonville, FL [SIZE="4"]WWF Championship Match:[/SIZE] Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji Vs. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer Money Inc. Vs. High Energy Ludvig Borga Vs. Jim Neidhart Brooklyn Brawler Vs. Adam Bomb Feedback comments and predictions are welcome.[/B][/CENTER] Quick Picks: Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji Vs. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer Money Inc. Vs. High Energy Ludvig Borga Vs. Jim Neidhart Brooklyn Brawler Vs. Adam Bomb
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[B]Yokozuna[/B] w/ Mr. Fuji Vs. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer I Don't think that Yokozuna would lose the title on Free TV [B]Money Inc.[/B] Vs. High Energy Well Money Inc. is the stuff so... [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] Vs. Jim Neidhart Now the Title Run that Ludvig Borga should have gotten. Brooklyn Brawler Vs. [B]Adam Bomb[/B] Is Adam Bomb Kane??? But you all know the result of a Brooklyn Brawler match :D
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Aiming to keep my 100% record in tact........ [B]Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji[/B] Vs. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer - I sense a twist tho of some sort.... [B]Money Inc.[/B] Vs. High Energy Ludvig Borga Vs. [B]Jim Neidhart[/B] Brooklyn Brawler Vs. [B]Adam Bomb[/B]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF Raw[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Monday Week 2 October 1993 Jacksonville Coliseum Jacksonville, FL Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out) [/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello everybody and welcome to another exciting edition of Monday Night Raw. I’m Jim Ross alongside as always with Vince McMahon. And Vince tonight we will see Yokozuna put his title on the line against The Undertaker, how do you think that will unfold.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Well Jim as intimidating as The Dead Man is, Yokozuna has defeated him before, and you’ve got to think he’ll be able to do it again.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Well we’ll soon find out, but first let’s get to our first match.”[/COLOR] [B]Brooklyn Brawler Vs. Adam Bomb[/B] [quote]The Brawler is loved by the fans for his years of hard work and dedication to the business. He actually controlled a good portion of this match, schooling Adam bomb with the basics such as a Piledriver and swinging neck breaker. Bomb would of course gain the momentum and later the victory.[/quote] Adam Bomb defeated Brooklyn Brawler in 4:57 by pinfall with The Meltdown. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A solid opening bout. The good thing about the Brawler is his ability to put guys over, while still teaching them a thing or two in the ring. Adam Bomb is improving in his performance skills.[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Another victim of The Meltdown Vince, and I have to be honest, that’s a very devastating move.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Indeed it is Jim, and that’s what makes Adam Bomb so unique because he has a move that is so deadly he can shift the entire momentum of the match in the blink of an eye.”[/COLOR] [quote]The camera pans to the back where we see The 1-2-3 Kid entering the arena. A few seconds later a limo pulls up and The Million Dollar Man exits. The Kid stands with his mouth hung open as he looks from his 1985 Pinto to the brand new limo DiBiase arrived in.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“And it looks like The Million Dollar Man is flaunting his money around.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Well Jim when you have the connections of someone like Mr. DiBiase it’s hard not to flaunt it.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Well one thing is for sure, he got the attention of The Kid with that entrance.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="red"]“Yes he did, and you have to wonder if it was intentional or not.”[/COLOR] [B]Ludvig Borga Vs. Jim Neidhart[/B] [quote]The big man from Germany is still looking to make a name for himself tonight against another powerhouse Jim Neidhart. These two big men wasted no time trading blows and it was Borga with his hammer like fists that got the upper hand. As solid as this match was it looked more like a boxing match the way these two men slugged it out.[/quote] Ludvig Borga defeated Jim Neidhart in 5:37 by pinfall with a Stiff Punch. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Another C rated match as we near the halfway point of the show. Borga is one of those people who’s on the fence with me right now in terms of future employment. And the way he gets received by the fans is going to be critical.[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Wow did you see the power behind those punches?”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“I thought he was going to take Neidhart’s head off with that last one.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Ross: “While little is known about this monster German one thing is sure, he can pack a punch.”[/COLOR] The camera flashes back to the locker room where The 1-2-3 Kid is talking to DiBiase. Kid: [COLOR="Blue"]“I just wanted to thank you Mr. DiBiase for the advice you gave me last week, I think it really made a difference in my match against Doink.”[/COLOR] DiBiase: [COLOR="Red"]“Please, you’ve got talent kid and if you keep a good head on your shoulders you can go far.”[/COLOR] (DiBiase hands him a hundred dollar bill) DiBiase: [COLOR="red"]“Now go out and get yourself a nice dinner kid, you’ve earned it.”[/COLOR] The Kid leaves with a smile on his face and a hundred bucks richer. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]Money Inc. Vs. High Energy[/B] [quote]This was a classic matchup between good and evil. DiBiase was the first one down to the ring and offered a kid 100 dollars if he could spit his gum into the air and catch it in his mouth. Excited the kid spit his gum high into the air but just as it was about to land back in his mouth DiBiase swatted it out of the air and headed for the ring laughing. The match was very back and forth with a great deal of technical skill being displayed. Late in the match DiBiase had Owen hurt badly and needing a tag. Miraculously Owen made it to his corner to tag in the fresh Koko, but his partner wasn’t there. A quick look around the ring reveled Koko on the outside battling with IRS. This gave DiBiase enough time to continue his assault on Owen and end the match with the Million Dollar Sleeper.[/quote] Money Inc. defeated High Energy in 13:21 when Million Dollar Man defeated Owen Hart by submission with a Sleeper. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A great match the really got the fans worked up. I’ve always been a fan of Money Inc. they always struck me as one of the ultimate heel teams of all time. DiBiase is improving in Technical and Performance Skills. IRS is improving in Rumble Skills, and Owen Hart is improving in Rumble Skills.[/B] After the match Koko B. Ware comes to ensure his partner is ok, but is met with a shove by Owen. After a few heated words that couldn’t get picked up by our cameras Owen stormed off by himself leaving his partner alone in the ring bewildered. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Looks like there’s some animosity brewing with High Energy.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“I’m sure it’s nothing. Owen is just a very competitive individual and wanted to win. After a long shower him and Koko will be on good terms.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Well I hope you’re right, for their sake. Up next however is our Main Event and is should be a classic as the WWF Champion Yokozuna prepares to take on The Undertaker.”[/COLOR] [B]WWF Championship Match: Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji Vs. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer[/B] [quote]I still get chills down my spine every time the lights go out and the bells of The Undertaker toll. I’m sure I’m not the only one who was rattled, but you wouldn’t be able to tell with Yokozuna because he was introduced after The Undertaker. The Dead man began his assault on the champ the minute he rolled into the ring hitting him with vicious right hand followed by a shot to the throat. Yokozuna would fight back however and look to end it early after he tossed the Undertaker into the corner and tried to follow with a huge corner splash but the Undertaker was able to get his boot up at the last second. This set him up for the tightrope which he executed with precision. Yokozuna would again get the upper hand on the Taker and get him into the corner, but before he could capitalize on the situation The Undertaker would sit up and get the crowd roaring.[/quote] (We join the match in progress) Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“There’s no quit in The Undertaker as he fights back against the champion. Yokozuna again tosses the Taker in the corner.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Did you see that Me. Fuji just threw something in The Undertaker’s eyes he’s blind!”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Yokozuna now capitalizing gets a running start and sandwiches the Undertaker between himself and the turnbuckle that’s got to be it.”[/COLOR] Vince: “Me. Fuji is praising Yokozuna for a job well done.” Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“I can’t believe it! The Undertaker just sat up, how can anyone even more after that much weight hits them?”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="red"]“I don’t know but he means business. Right hand by the Taker, and another one. Yokozuna is dazed, and Mr. Fuji is on the apron.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“But the Undertaker sees him he grabs Fuji by the throat, listen to this capacity crowd.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="red"]“Choke slam on Mr. Fuji!”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“But Yokozuna was lying in wait and just nailed The Undertaker with a belly to belly suplex.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“And he isn’t down yet, he’s climbing the ropes…BONZAI!”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“The Undertaker’s chest has got to be crushed, here’s the count…and it’s over. Yokozuna holds onto his title, but Mr. Fuji isn’t moving.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="red"]“Yokozuna is going to check on his manager now, and wait a minute…The Undertaker just sat up!”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“We’re out of time folks join us Sunday on WWF Superstars.”[/COLOR] Yokozuna defeated The Undertaker in 8:01 by pinfall with a Banzai Drop. Yokozuna makes defence number 1 of his WWF World Heavyweight title. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Well an eight minute match and Yokozuna was exhausted. Not that I’m surprised, but still hopefully a few more of these and he’ll have more stamina. The match was a huge success I think, and everyone seems to be happy (except for Mr. Fuji) The Undertaker is improving in Rumble Skills. Yokozuna is improving in Rumble and Performance Skills.[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Well it’s a step in the right direction, even though I’m continuously hurting my popularity. I feel like a lot of my younger talent is getting noticed though, as that’s going to be important if I’m around for the long haul.[/B] [B]TV Ratings:[/B] [COLOR="red"]23.62 (USA Network) 5.45 (TSN Network) 3.25 (Sky Network)[/COLOR] [/CENTER] Pick Em Leaders: Lexa90: 4/4 9/9 (100%) The Ego: 3/4 8/9 (89%) DocStevens: 4/5 (80%) USWA_Fan: 4/5 (80%) theoutlaw321: 4/5 (80%) tristram: 3/5 (60%) mystic: 5/9 (55%) smurphy1014: 2/5 (40%) Zobeto227: 1/4 (25%)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 2 October 1993 Philadelphia Spectrum Philadelphia, PA [/B] [B]Number 1 Contender Match for the Intercontinental Title: Mr. Perfect Vs. Shawn Michaels w/ Diesel Randy Savage Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/ Luna Vachon The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. “The Model” Rick Martel The Beverley Brothers Vs. The Smoking Gunns Marty Jannetty Vs. Crush[/B] [/CENTER] Quick Picks: Mr. Perfect Vs. Shawn Michaels w/ Diesel Randy Savage Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/ Luna Vachon The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. “The Model” Rick Martel The Beverley Brothers Vs. The Smoking Gunns Marty Jannetty Vs. Crush
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Mr. Perfect Vs. [B]Shawn Michaels w/ Diesel[/B] [B]Randy Savage[/B] Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/ Luna Vachon [B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] Vs. “The Model” Rick Martel The Beverley Brothers Vs. [B]The Smoking Gunns [/B] [B]Marty Jannetty[/B] Vs. Crush That's a fairly stacked Superstars. It'll be interesting to see how the main event and Jannetty/Crush go, but I'm pretty sure about the other ones.
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Mr. Perfect Vs. [B]Shawn Michaels w/ Diesel[/B] Thanks to his bodyguard [B]Randy Savage[/B] Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/ Luna Vachon Bam Bam was a hella athlete, especially for his size, damn shame he's gone... but Macho Man is the Macho Man... Dig it, OOH YEAH! The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. [B]“The Model” Rick Martel[/B] The 1-2-3 Kid is a bit inexperienced here, and I think the Model's scent of arrogance will take this one. The Beverley Brothers Vs. [B]The Smoking Gunns[/B] Don't know much about the Beverley Brothers TBH. [B]Marty Jannetty[/B] Vs. Crush I could see you going Crush given the tragedy that's just occured (yet another one, when will it end?) but to me Jannety was better than being an also ran Rocker.
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