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WWF 1993 Rewriting History

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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 1 November 1993 L.A. Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles, CA Ludvig Borga Vs. Randy Savage The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer Vs. Diesel High Energy Vs. Money Inc. Jeff Jarrett Vs. Marty Jannetty WWF Women’s Championship Match: Luna Vachon Vs. Rockin Robin [/B][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Ludvig Borga Vs. Randy Savage The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer Vs. Diesel High Energy Vs. Money Inc. Jeff Jarrett Vs. Marty Jannetty Luna Vachon Vs. Rockin Robin
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[QUOTE=marchhaire;285258]Good show. I suck pretty hard at picking WWF during the New Generation era, I suppose.[/QUOTE] LOL don't get discouraged man. I'm trying to push a few guys the "real" WWF would've never dreamed that makes it harder to pick. Keep at it, eventually you'll start to pick up on my tendencies and it will be much easier.
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[B]Ludvig Borga[/B] Vs. Randy Savage I'm gonna wet my pants if Borga wins, but he deserves it, maybe he wins by cheating... [B]The Undertaker[/B] w/ Paul Bearer Vs. Diesel This is a hard one, but I pick the Deadman High Energy Vs. [B]Money Inc.[/B] Easy.... I think :D [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] Vs. Marty Jannetty JAnnetty is a jobber... [B]Luna Vachon[/B] Vs. Rockin Robin There is no reason for Luna to drop the title already.
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Ludvig Borga Vs. [B]Randy Savage[/B] ~Someone is going to interfere and cost Borga this match...I can just feel it. [B]The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer[/B] Vs. Diesel ~Undertaker gets the duke unless Diesel starts getting a god push. High Energy Vs. [B]Money Inc.[/B] ~Owen will eventually turn on Koko but in the meantime High Energy just can't get anything going and Money Inc. will win [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] Vs. Marty Jannetty ~Should be a good match but Jannetty just isn't cutting it right now and will lose. [B]Luna Vachon[/B] Vs. Rockin Robin ~We haven't had much exposure to Robin so Vachon wins.
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 1 November 1993 L.A. Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles, CA Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out)[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to WWF Superstars where tonight The Macho Man Randy Savage takes on up and comer Ludvig Borga, but first we have women’s action.”[/COLOR] [B]WWF Women’s Championship Match: Luna Vachon Vs. Rockin Robin[/B] [quote]Luna makes her first title defense taking on Rockin Robin. Luna came out looking vicious while Robin…well actually I’ve never seen here. So being that I have to at least know what my champion looks like, I think it’s safe to say you know who wins this one.[/quote] Luna Vachon defeated Rockin Robin in 5:01 by pinfall with a Lunar Eclipse. Luna Vachon makes defence number 1 of her WWF Ladies Championship title. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A successful defense by Luna. I’m hoping that holding the title will help out some of here skills, and overness.[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Luna makes a great title defense and Bobby you have to admit that was an impressive match.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“No I don’t, I can’t believe you made me sit through that.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh come on that was a great match.”[/COLOR] [B]Jeff Jarrett Vs. Marty Jannetty[/B] [quote]“The Regional Jobber” takes on a former star in Jannetty and he looks impressive. Jarrett works on the legs of Jannetty throughout the match. Jannetty started firing back but the pains in his legs were to much to bare and soon Jarrett was back in control. [/quote] Jeff Jarrett defeated Marty Jannetty in 6:04 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Not the rating I was hoping for, but a win for JJ none the less. These two didn’t have any chemistry in the ring however, so don’t expect to see these two in the ring together again.[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“An impressive win by Jarrett and I really think he’s starting to make a name for himself here in the WWF.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“For once you’re right Monsoon I could really enjoy this Jarrett character…if he had better taste in music.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Ladies and gentlemen we are going now to an interview with Mr. Perfect while he recovers in his hospital bed.”[/COLOR] Pettengill: [COLOR="blue"]“I’m here with Mr. Perfect who…”[/COLOR] (Perfect grabs the mic from Pettengill) Perfect: [COLOR="blue"]“Razor Ramon, you think you’re cute trying to pull off the greatest move this sport has even seen? You’re lucky I’m in this hospital bed Ramon, because the second I get out I’m coming after you. And I’m not going to stop until I have the gold and you’re the one in this damn bed!”[/COLOR] (A doctor comes in seconds later) Dr: [COLOR="Red"]“Hey yo… it’s time for your daily medication Chico.”[/COLOR] Perfect: [COLOR="Blue"]“What the hell? You’re not my…”[/COLOR] Before he can finish the sentence the doctor begins assaulting Perfect with the pan his pills were in. He then rips off his gown to reveal to the world that it is in fact Razor Ramon. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“That sneaky…how did he get a doctors outfit?”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Who cares Monsoon, the man is obviously a master of disguise.”[/COLOR] [B]High Energy Vs. Money Inc.[/B] [quote]High Energy hasn’t had a match in several weeks, but Owen has been on a bit of a streak as of late and is hoping to continue his winning ways. Koko started the match off with IRS and soon had him in the corner pummeling him. Owen and Koko looked great out there making frequent tags and really looking like the High Energy of old. DiBiase got involved in the match and quickly turned things around on Koko however while IRS took care of Owen on the outside.[/quote] Money Inc. defeated High Energy in 9:41 when Million Dollar Man defeated Koko B. Ware by submission with a Million Dollar Dream. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A decent match here. I was hoping for a little better of a grade, but this will have to do for now.[/B] After the match while Koko was unconscious in the middle of the ring IRS dragged Owen back into the ring and him and DiBiase began destroying him. DiBiase then called to the back and soon Sean Waltman appeared with a chair and helped in the complete destruction of Owen Hart. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“What savages! Owen has a match against Waltman tomorrow night and the sleazy punk just gave himself the upper hand.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Such harsh words Monsoon. Waltman is just doing what is necessary to get noticed in the WWF. It isn’t his fault the management is blind.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“He could do it like everyone else, by winning fairly and earning his place, not like this.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Hasn’t anyone told you Monsoon, nice guys finish last.”[/COLOR] [B]The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer Vs. Diesel[/B] [quote]The battle of the big men and these two went toe to toe with neither of them backing down. The Undertaker showed his agility early one connecting with a top rope clothesline that caught Diesel off guard. As the Undertaker fired away at Diesel he was soon distracted when Ludvig Borga made his way down to ringside and assaulted Paul Bearer. Like weeks past The Undertaker went to the aid of his manager and paid the price as Diesel gained the upper hand, and the win.[/quote] Diesel defeated The Undertaker in 13:11 by pinfall with a Jack-Knife Powerbomb. During the match we also had Ludvig Borga run in and attack Undertaker. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A needed win I think to keep Diesel creditable while Borga continues to be the thorn in The Undertaker’s side.[/B] After the match ended Ludvig Borga made his way back up the ramp looking very pleased with the carnage he just caused. As he walked backward up the ramp he was stopped in his tracks when he bumped into none other than Lex Lugar who made the German wish he would’ve just stayed in back. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“I can’t believe Diesel was able to get The Undertaker up for a Jacknife, what strength.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“I’ve been saying all along Monsoon that you’re underestimating Diesel. Just because he’s Shawn Michaels bodyguard doesn’t mean he isn’t a threat in the ring.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well you’re right about that he’s certainly a threat, but you have to wonder how much of a threat he would be without all this interference.”[/COLOR] [B]Ludvig Borga Vs. Randy Savage[/B] [quote]Savage was the first one out to the ring followed by Borga who still seemed to be limping around after the beating he just received at the hands of Lex Lugar. When the bell rang it was all business though, and Borga quickly over powered the much smaller Savage. That didn’t last for long however as Savage battled back with the crowd chanting his name. [/quote] (We join the match now in progress) Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Hard right hand by Savage and he’s really in control.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“He needs to open his fist, he should be disqualified.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Borga is reeling and looks like he may fall, Savage now off the ropes…but Borga catches him in midair! What strength. Borga now setting him up will we see a rack?”[/COLOR] (Suddenly the lights go out and the crowd explodes. Several seconds later the lights flash back on and Borga is laying in the center of the ring busted wide open with Savage standing in the corner looking confused.) Monsoon: [COLOR="Red"]“I don’t know what happened folks, but Savage is heading up top looking to finish this. Borga now groggy but on his feet…Double Axe Handle by Savage and this one is over!”[/COLOR] Randy Savage defeated Ludvig Borga in 15:42 by pinfall with a Double Axe Handle. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Another successful match by both Borga who is really starting to shine in the main event, and by Savage who manages good ratings every outing. The power outage…well one can assume it was the power of The Undertaker…but no one really knows for show.[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Another solid show, but I seem to have hit a plateau of late. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we can work that out.[/B] [B]TV Ratings:[/B] [COLOR="red"]27.45 (USA Network) 6.63 (TSN Network)[/COLOR] On an even better note the WWF has risen to Global with this show. We are very pleased with this information and plan to adjust the roster accordingly [/CENTER] PICK EM RESULTS: [B]USWA_Fan:[/B] 4/5 4/5 (80%) [B]marchhaire:[/B] 4/5 5/9 (56%) [B]Lexa90:[/B] 3/5 5/9 (56%) [B]theoutlaw321:[/B] 3/4 (75%) [B]Astil:[/B] 3/4 (75%) [B]The Ego:[/B] 3/4 (75%) [B]THEDEMONSEED:[/B] 2/4 (50%)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Raw[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Monday Week 2 November 1993 Magbee Center in Tulsa, OK Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Lex Lugar Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman Vs. Owen Hart Tag Team Championship Match: The Quebecers Vs. The Smoking Gunns Jerry “The King” Lawler Vs. Jim Powers[/B][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Lex Lugar Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman Vs. Owen Hart The Quebecers Vs. The Smoking Gunns Jerry “The King” Lawler Vs. Jim Powers
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[B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] Vs. Lex Lugar ~I like both of these guys so this is a tough call. I'm going to go with Bam Bam through some shenanagins. Really a tossup match. [B]Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman[/B] Vs. Owen Hart ~Waltman has a new gimmick by the look of things and we can't kill it out of the gate can we? [B]The Quebecers[/B] Vs. The Smoking Gunns ~I could see the Gunns winning this match by countout or DQ so the Quebecers can keep the straps. However, I think the Quebecers will cheat to get the win. Jerry “The King” Lawler Vs. [B]Jim Powers[/B] ~Jim Powers is new. No reason to put Lawler over here. Not much he can really offer.
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Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. [B]Lex Lugar[/B] I would like to say Bam Bam, but Luger will win... maybe an attack after the match. Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman Vs. [B]Owen Hart[/B] I will say Owen gets a lucky win, and then the Million Dollar man will get crazy on Sean [B]The Quebecers[/B] Vs. The Smoking Gunns The Champs will win. [B]Jerry “The King” Lawler[/B] Vs. Jim Powers I'm gonna say Jerry Lawler, I don't know why, I just have a hunch :D
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First i got to say I love this. Quick question so are there going to be PPV's evrey month like there is now, or did you just adda couple more then they had back then? Also I too when younger loved the Smoking Gunns i remember how they would always use the blind tag where the opponet would be chasing the one only for him to slide under the ropes as the other attacked from behind.
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[QUOTE=masterded;286734]First i got to say I love this. Quick question so are there going to be PPV's evrey month like there is now, or did you just adda couple more then they had back then? Also I too when younger loved the Smoking Gunns i remember how they would always use the blind tag where the opponet would be chasing the one only for him to slide under the ropes as the other attacked from behind.[/QUOTE] I'm going to have a PPV every month. I know they only had 4 around this time, but it's also right around the time they started having all of the "in your house" events. The Gunns were a great tag team in their day, but I haven't had much luck pushing the tag divison it's an aspect of my booking I desprately need to fix. Thanks for reading :D
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Dude, sorry i havent predicted for a week or two, but im back to do so, Hopefully you will win diary of the month, and id be so pleased if u did, because i was the one to vote you up for it. I love your simplistic, but accurate descriptions and writing, keep it up mate. Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. [B]Lex Lugar[/B] Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman Vs. [B]Owen Hart[/B] The Quebecers Vs. [B]The Smoking Gunns[/B] [B]Jerry “The King” Lawler[/B] Vs. Jim Powers
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="red"]WWF Raw [/COLOR] Live Monday Week 2 November 1993 Magbee Center in Tulsa, OK Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out)[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello everybody and welcome to another sold out edition of WWF Raw. Tonight we will see Owen Hart take on Sean Waltman, as well as Bam Bam Bigelow squaring off against Lex Lugar. But first let’s get to the ring where “The King” Jerry Lawler faces Jim Powers.”[/COLOR] [B]Jerry “The King” Lawler Vs. Jim Powers[/B] [quote]A great match to start off Raw, Lawler is a solid veteran who really comes out week in and week out. Jim Powers is still an up and comer but he’s starting to show signs of promise. This was a quick match where Lawler sold Powers as being a true power house and really made him look like a credible wrestler.[/quote] Jim Powers defeated Jerry Lawler in 4:56 by pinfall with a Powerslam. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: As Lawler’s wrestling career comes to a close, he still has no problem putting over the younger talent. That says a lot about his character and professionalism.[/B] [B]After the match the reigning WWF President made his way to the ring.[/B] Tunney: [COLOR="Blue"]“Lately I’ve been getting a lot of letters and complaints about the way the WWF has been ran. It seems our wrestlers have gotten out of control. You see when the fans come to see a match they expect to see a battle between two men to decide who the better athlete is. Instead we have people running in and interfering with matches week in and week out, personally I’m sick of it.”[/COLOR] (The fans cheer is agreement with the President) Tunney: [COLOR="blue"]“That’s the reason I’m here tonight. From here on out any wrestler who decides to get involved in a match in any way is going to be suspended indefinitely. Furthermore I have decided that the WWF Championship will be on the line at Survivor Series when Yokozuna faces off against The Undertaker, but it won’t be a regular match. You see I want to ensure that no one breaks the no interference rule on that one. So to ensure the match is fair it will take place inside a Steel Cage!”[/COLOR] (The fans practically blow the roof off when this announcement is made. Satisfied Jack Tunney heads back to the locker room.) [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“And what do you think about that Vince, a no interference rule here in the WWF, how do you think that’s going to change things?”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“It’s interesting to say the least. People like Shawn Michaels may need to think up a new strategy to survive from here on out.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“And at Survivor Series we are going to see The Undertaker take on Yokozuna in a steel cage, how huge is that?”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Very huge, and if I were Yokozuna I’d be a little worried”[/COLOR] [B]Tag Team Championship Match: The Quebecers Vs. The Smoking Gunns[/B] [quote]With all the action that has taken place these last few weeks, the tag division has taken a back seat to it all. That all changes here at both teams come out fired up. The Smoking Gunns led this one early as Bart hammered away at Pierre, but a few underhanded tactics while the ref had his back turned and Billy Gunn found himself in desperate need of a tag.[/quote] The Quebecers defeated The Smoking Gunns in 5:54 when Pierre Outlette defeated Billy Gunn by pinfall with a Cannonball. The Quebecers make defence number 2 of their WWF World Tag Team titles. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Notes: I have really disappointed myself with the lack of push the tag division has gotten. I’m hoping to bring it back to life here in the next few weeks. I really think if sold right The Quebecers could look legit.[/B] [B]After the match the camera cuts back to the locker room where DiBiase is standing with Sean Waltman.[/B] DiBiase: (laughing) [COLOR="red"]“Tonight my client, Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman takes on that punk from Canada Owen Hart. Owen we all know you have just a fraction of the talent that Bret has and if you had any dignity at all you would give wrestling up and just become a rodeo clown. See tonight after Sean destroys you then it’s on to Survivor Series where we takes on that reject with a hair dress. The Million Dollar Man has taken him to the top and proven once again that EVERYBODY has a price. [/COLOR](laughing)” [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Note: DiBiase is golden on the mic, and Waltman has really made huge strides in just over a month here since I took over.[/B] S[B]ean “The Show Stealer” Waltman Vs. Owen Hart[/B] [quote]Waltman gets more and more heat with each outing and with DiBiase at his side I really think he’s going to be a great heel. Owen was still feeling the effects of last night’s beating at the hands of DiBiase, IRS, and Waltman. Sean was explosive as always in this match and did a great job of keeping Owen on his back. DiBiase didn’t get involved to much in this match after the announcement of Jack Tunney but did make it a point to argue with the ref on a few separate occasions leaving Owen free for Waltman to choke the life out of.[/quote] Sean The Show Stealer Waltman defeated Owen Hart in 7:42 by pinfall with a Spinning Heel Kick. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A solid match and with the win Waltman heads to Survivor Series to face off against the undefeated Tatanka. Sean The Show Stealer Waltman is improving in Rumble skills. Sean The Show Stealer Waltman is improving in Performance skills.[/B] After the match Waltman and DiBiase continued the beating on Owen until Koko B. Ware came to the aid of his partner. Koko battled back DiBiase as Owen gained the upper hand on Waltman. After the two cleared the ring of Waltman and DiBiase Koko went to embrace his partner and friend Owen Hart but was met instead with a solid kick to the chin that left him out cold. Owen stood over top of his partner for a moment perhaps regretting what he did then turned and left the ring. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Was this the heel turn of Owen everyone was waiting for, or will Koko forgive and forget?[/B] [B]Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Lex Lugar[/B] [quote]This was a match of huge proportion. Both men have been pretty successful so far in the WWF, and both men are big powerful guys. Lugar started things off on top with a series of rights and lefts then sent Bigelow off the ropes, however Luna was quick to pull her client out of the ring and get him to regroup before Lugar could capitalize. Once back in the ring Bigelow began his assault on Lugar.[/quote] (We join the match in progress) Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Lugar now starting to fight back, but a low blow from Bigelow and Lex is hurting.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“The ref just gave him a warning let’s see if Bigelow actually listens.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Lex now getting the momentum back with solid right hands and Bigelow is dazed. Lugar off the ropes now, we may see a forearm here. Bigelow ducks it, and Lex nails the ref!”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“The official is out cold, and now Lugar is going to check on him.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Bigelow now sees the opportunity and is pummeling Lex. Wait, what’s going on here? Luna has here women’s title and is in the ring, she’s telling Bigelow to whip Lugar to her and she’s going to knock him out. Here it comes now, irish whi…no it’s reversed! And Luna just knocked out her own client. Running forearm on Vachon and flies out of the ring! The ref is getting back up, the cover…and Lex Lugar has beaten the odds, what a match.”[/COLOR] Lex Luger defeated Bam Bam Bigelow in 12:32 by pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A great main event that has once again made Lugar look like a powerhouse.[/B] After the match Lex Lugar grabs a mic. Lex: [COLOR="Blue"]“Borga! Borga I know you’re back there, get the hell out here!”[/COLOR] (After a few seconds Borga’s music hits and the native from Finland comes out looking none to happy.) Lugar: [COLOR="Blue"]“You think you’re someone special? You think you can really defeat The Total Package? I’ve defeated people twice your size. Look at these arms Borga, they’re as big as your leg!”[/COLOR] Borga: [COLOR="Red"]“I have proven to the world, that Ludvig Borga is better than you Lex Lugar. I’ve defeated you once, and I can do it again.”[/COLOR] Lugar: [COLOR="Blue"]“If you’re so sure about that how about you give me a rematch. That’s right Survivor Series I’ll show you why The USA is a superpower, and Finland well they’re just another blip on the radar.”[/COLOR] Borga: [COLOR="Red"]“I say…let’s not wait for Survivor Series.”[/COLOR] (Borga tosses down the mic and rushes towards the ring. Lugar goes to meet him half way…and we’re out of time.) [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Another match is set for Survivor Series, and Borga…well maybe I’ll get him a manager.[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Another B. Still a great show I thought, and maybe even the first that didn’t have a single match end in interference always a plus.[/B] [B]TV Ratings:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]31.43 (USA Network) 6.84 (TSN Network) 3.35 (Sky Network)[/COLOR][/CENTER] Pick Em Results: USWA_Fan: 3/4 7/9 (78%) marchhaire: 4/5 5/9 (56%) Lexa90: 2/4 7/13 (54%) masterded: 2/4 (50%) The Ego: 1/4 4/8 (50%) theoutlaw321: 0/4 3/8 (36%) Astil: 3/4 (75%) THEDEMONSEED: 2/4 (50%)
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[QUOTE=The Ego;286820]Dude, sorry i havent predicted for a week or two, but im back to do so, Hopefully you will win diary of the month, and id be so pleased if u did, because i was the one to vote you up for it. I love your simplistic, but accurate descriptions and writing, keep it up mate. [/QUOTE] No worries man, I'm sure you've had your hands full with your diary. I could never keep up with all the graphics its pretty amazing. Thanks for the kind words about the diary man I really am glad that you guys are enjoying this. The way diary of the month looks it seems at if it's going to Outlaw. Which can't really be upset about it really is a great read and I recomend it to anyone who hasn't had the chance to read through it yet. Plus it's whereI stole the idea about keeping track of Pick Em stats. Thanks Outlaw ;)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 2 November 1993 Frost Arena in Brookings, SD “The Model” Rick Martel Vs. Randy Savage Jim Duggan Vs. Diesel Tatanka Vs. I.R.S. Adam Bomb Vs. Crush Vs. Jim Neidhart Men on a Mission Vs. The Beverley Brothers[/B][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: “The Model” Rick Martel Vs. Randy Savage Jim Duggan Vs. Diesel Tatanka Vs. I.R.S. Adam Bomb Vs. Crush Vs. Jim Neidhart Men on a Mission Vs. The Beverley Brothers
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“The Model” Rick Martel Vs. [B]Randy Savage[/B] ~I like Martel but I don't see him having a reason to beat Savage unless he's getting a major push soon. Since there is a good number of top heels right now not really a need to keep Martel strong, at least not yet. Jim Duggan Vs. [B]Diesel[/B] ~Diesel is too strong to lose to Duggan. Hoooooo! [B]Tatanka[/B] Vs. I.R.S. ~Gotta keep Tatanka undefeated for Waltman since they are going to mix it up @ Survivor Series. I love IRS though so its tough to pick against him. Adam Bomb Vs. [B]Crush[/B] Vs. Jim Neidhart ~Out of the three I can't see Neidhart winning. This is a really tough call between Bomb and Crush but I'll go with Crush because I think he has more potential. [B]Men on a Mission[/B] Vs. The Beverley Brothers ~I'm glad your going to push the tag division more, it should add a lot to the diary and the way your running the WWF. That said, MoM get the easy win here over the joke Beverley's.
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“The Model” Rick Martel Vs. [B]Randy Savage[/B] You really need some kind of storyline to the Macho Man.. OOOH YEEAAH Jim Duggan Vs. [B]Diesel[/B] Duggan will feel the Jacknife Powerbomb [B]Tatanka[/B] Vs. I.R.S. Yeah yeah Undefeated streak yada yada [B]Adam Bomb[/B] Vs. Crush Vs. Jim Neidhart Last time I picked Bomb, I picked wrong, maybe this time then [B]Men on a Mission[/B] Vs. The Beverley Brothers
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[CENTER][B]WWF Superstars Live Sunday Week 2 November 1993 Frost Arena in Brookings, SD Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out)[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello everybody and welcome to the jam packed Frost Arena, where 10,000 people have gathered to see “The Macho Man” Randy Savage take on “The Model” Rick Martel.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s right and we’ll also see my personal favorite Diesel take on that rotten Jim Duggan.”[/COLOR] [B]Men on a Mission Vs. The Beverley Brothers[/B] [quote]We start the night off with tag team action where Men on a Mission have been on a bit of a streak. This is due mainly to the fact that no one can seem to be able to handle the 500 pounder Mable. This match saw similar results where Mable was able to literally squash his opponents. Men on a Mission defeated The Beverley Brothers in 5:32 when Mabel defeated Blake Beverly by pinfall with a Big Splash.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: MOM continues their winning ways while Mo improves his Technical Skills.[/B] After the match we cut to the back where Scott Steiner is entering the arena. The fans cheer as he heads to the locker room, but out of nowhere the Quebecers attack him and leave him a crumpled up mess on the concrete. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“The Quebecers strike again, this time seemingly out of nowhere.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“What a great strategy these two have, you have to love the way they play to their advantages.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s cheating and shouldn’t be tolerated.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“It’s in genius and is why they are the current tag team champions.”[/COLOR] [B]Adam Bomb Vs. Crush Vs. Jim Neidhart[/B] [quote]The first ever triple threat match we’ve had since I’ve been booker and these three set the bar. The veteran Neidhart played to his favor and allowed Bomb and Crush to destroy each other early while he sat back and watched. They eventually came to their senses however and decided to double team the bigger Neidhart to take him out. That worked out great for awhile until they could no longer co-exist and Neidhart once again gained the upper hand.[/quote] Jim Neidhart defeated Adam Bomb and Crush in 7:44 when Jim Neidhart defeated Adam Bomb by pinfall with a Flying Sledgehammer. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A really good match all things considered. Neidhart picks up the much needed win here and looks impressive doing so.[/B] After the match Rick Steiner hits the ring looking angry. Steiner: [COLOR="Blue"]“You know something since day one The Steiners have earned everything that’s been given to them. We waited in the shadows as all the other teams got title shots except us. We didn’t say a word when we got screwed out of the titles time and time again. And we didn’t say a thing when those pansies The Quebecers weaseled their way to the top of the tag team division, but if you think I’m going to just stand by and say nothing when the two of you jump my brother then you have another thing coming.” [/COLOR] (The fans cheer the enraged Steiner adding fuel to the fire) Steiner: [COLOR="blue"]“Mountie if you’re half the man you say you are then tomorrow night on Raw you’ll face me like a man. And if you’re the man I think you are then I’m sure you’ll cower in the corner while your partner attacks me from behind. But that’s ok, because Rick Steiner is a man, and you just made this personal.”[/COLOR] (Steiner tosses down his mic and leaves the ring not even waiting for a response.) [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“How about that Bobby, Rick Steiner just called out The Mountie.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“What’s he mean The Mountie will cower in the corner so his partner can attack from behind, when has that ever happened.”[/COLOR] [B]Tatanka Vs. I.R.S.[/B] [quote]Tatanka takes on Money Inc. member Sean Waltman at Survivor Series and he’s looking to make a statement in this match. DiBiase and Waltman are both absent from ringside tonight probably due to the warning the president put out on Raw about interference. That worked to Tatanka’s advantage as he didn’t have to keep looking over his shoulder for the illegal help.[/quote] Tatanka defeated Irwin R. Schyster in 12:31 by pinfall with a Tomahawk Chop. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: An average match here as both men seem to be very unspectacular. Tatanka is improving in Technical skills. Tatanka is improving in Performance skills.[/B] After the match ended Tatanka’s victory was short lived as the other two members of Money Inc. ran down to ring side and Tatanka faced a 3 on 1 attack. He fought them off as long as he could until finally the numbers got the better of him [B]Rating: B-[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well Money inc. may have gotten the best of Tatanka tonight, but make no mistake about it he’ll be ready for them at Survivor Series.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Whatever you say Monsoon, I think at Survivor Series Money Inc. is going to rustle his feathers. Ha get it rustle his feathers.” Monsoon: “Yes I get it Bobby…I get it.”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Duggan Vs. Diesel[/B] [quote]The All American Jobber against a man who’s been on a tear as of late. I don’t think I have to go into much detail about how this match went down…do I?[/quote] Diesel defeated Jim Duggan in 9:38 by pinfall with a Big Boot. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Another win for Diesel, another lose for Duggan.[/B] (Todd Pettengill is backstage now with Owen Hart) Todd: [COLOR="Blue"]“Owen, Monday night on Raw we watched as you turned your back on your tag team partner Koko B. Ware and attacked him after your match with Money Inc. Why?”[/COLOR] Owen: [COLOR="Red"]“I’ll tell you why Pettengill. I’m sick of playing nice! I’m sick and tired of being referred to as Bret’s little brother, or Koko’s partner. I have a name damn it! I’m “the black hart” Owen Hart. And I’m better than my washed up brother has ever been. All Koko was doing was holding me back, wasn’t that obvious? So I did the only thing I could do, I cut him loose. From now on Owen Hart works alone.”[/COLOR] (Owen storms off shoving Pettengill with his shoulder as he passes.) [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Not the rating I hoped for, but let’s see if this new attitude of Owen’s does him any good.[/B] [B]“The Model” Rick Martel Vs. Randy Savage[/B] [quote]A great main event here as The Model looks to get back on the winning track tonight. Savage started things off with the crowd behind him early on. He caught Martel with cross body press on the outside then followed up with some stiff right hands. Back inside the ring Martel fought back and looked to have the advantage until he went for a boston crab and got kicked face first into the turnbuckle.[/quote] Randy Savage defeated 'The Model' Rick Martel in 13:05 by pinfall with a Flying Elbow Drop. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A great main event and another great win for Savage. I didn’t expect this type of match from Martel however and I’m very pleased with what he’s been producing as of late.[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: This one hurt our popularity, and my pride a little bit.[/B] [COLOR="Red"]TV Ratings: 25.18 (USA Network) 6.45 (TSN Network)[/COLOR] [/CENTER] PICK EM RESULTS: USWA_Fan: 4/5 11/14 (79%) marchhaire: 4/5 9/14 (64%) Lexa90: 4/5 11/18 (61%) theoutlaw321: 4/5 7/13 (54%) masterded: 2/4 (50%) The Ego: 4/8 (50%) Astil: 3/4 (75%) THEDEMONSEED: 2/4 (50%)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF Raw[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Monday Week 3 November 1993 Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY Intercontinental Championship Match: Razor Ramon Vs. Bret Hart Yokozuna Vs. Marty Jannetty Rick Steiner Vs. The Mountie Fatu Vs. Virgil[/B][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Razor Ramon Vs. Bret Hart Yokozuna Vs. Marty Jannetty Rick Steiner Vs. The Mountie Fatu Vs. Virgil
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[B]Razor Ramon[/B] Vs. Bret Hart ~Tough one to call. Bret's a high guy on the card, as is Ramon, and it'd be tough for him to take a loss. However, I expect Ramon to get a win here by cheating to keep his title. [B]Yokozuna[/B] Vs. Marty Jannetty ~Poor Marty...another squash for the WWF champ as he heads into Survivor Series to face the Undertaker. [B]Rick Steiner[/B] Vs. The Mountie ~Rick Steiner will beat the Mountie in order to further the Steiner-Quebecer issue. However, I wouldn't be surprised if after the match he gets treated to a severe beatdown. [B]Fatu[/B] Vs. Virgil ~Fatu shouldn't lose to Virgil as Virgil is cannon fodder for better talented wrestlers. Interesting that Fatu is getting singles matches over teaming with Samu.
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