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WWF 1993 Rewriting History

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[B]Mr. Perfect[/B] Vs. Shawn Michaels w/ Diesel I know.. Risky move [B]Randy Savage[/B] Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/ Luna Vachon OOOH YEAAAH!!! [B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] Vs. “The Model” Rick Martel The Beverley Brothers Vs. [B]The Smoking Gunns[/B] [B]Marty Jannetty[/B] Vs. Crush
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[B]Mr. Perfect[/B] Vs. Shawn Michaels w/ Diesel ~Perfect was cheated by Ramon in the last match so I figure he'll get the win here to get another crack at the championship. Randy Savage Vs. [B]Bam Bam Bigelow w/ Luna Vachon[/B] ~I'm gonna go with the upset. I think Bigelow should be elevated as Savage is a bit past his prime. I think Luna will interfere to help Bigelow out. [B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] Vs. “The Model” Rick Martel ~Picked against the Kid last time which was stupid. Interesting storyline with DiBiase and he'll help the Kid get another win here. The Beverley Brothers Vs. [B]The Smoking Gunns[/B] ~The Beverley's are a joke. The Gunns dominate and win. Marty Jannetty Vs. [B]Crush[/B] ~Crush has too much power and will overwhelm Jannetty ala Jannetty-Borga @ SummerSlam 1993.
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Quick Picks: [QUOTE]Mr. Perfect Vs. [B]Shawn Michaels w/ Diesel[/B] Diesel gets it right and costs perfect the match [B]Randy Savage[/B] Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/ Luna Vachon either way Luna gets involved. I say miscommunication will cost Bigelow here. [B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] Vs. “The Model” Rick Martel Never thought the model was any good The Beverley Brothers Vs. [B]The Smoking Gunns[/B] I'll go to the fridge during this match Marty Jannetty Vs. [B]Crush[/B] if Jannetty picks up the victory I will be shocked and Jannetty will be beaten to a pulp[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars [/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 2 October 1993 Philadelphia Spectrum Philadelphia, PA Attendance: 26,454 [/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Good evening ladies and gentleman it’s time for another episode of WWF Superstars.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“Didn’t you learn by last week’s numbers Monsoon, no one wants to listen to you talk.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“I thought we had pretty good numbers last week.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Great you just scared away half the television audience, just get to the match.”[/COLOR] [B]Marty Jannetty Vs. Crush[/B] [quote]Jannetty was once a huge fan favorite while teaming up with Shawn Michaels as The Rockers. However, he hasn’t been able to find his hitch since the two of them broke up and has been forced to help push the younger talent up the card. [/quote] Crush defeated Marty Jannetty in 6:22 by pinfall with a Full-Nelson Slam. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: While I can’t really see either of these two every breaking out of the Midcard region, they can still put on solid opening matches. Crush is improving in Rumble Skills.[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Crush picks up the victory and Booby you have to wonder if Jannetty is ever going to find stardom again.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“What do you mean again Monsoon? Michaels carried that jobber and made him bigger than he could ever imagine. He should just get out while he has some dignity left.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“How can you say that? Marty Jannetty is great.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“And another couple thousand just turned the station.”[/COLOR] Backstage now we see Yokozuna sneaking around the corner, in an obvious attempt to not be seen by someone. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]The Beverley Brothers Vs. The Smoking Gunns[/B] [quote]A solid tag team match up here, as we look to pump life into the dying tag division. Blake and Bart started things off with an exchange of fists that left Bart in control. One low blow later however and Blake was able to make the tag to his partner. Eventually the Gunns would get the upper hand using frequent tags and a combination of solid team moves to put their opponents away.[/quote] The Smoking Gunns defeated The Beverley Brothers in 7:36 when Billy Gunn defeated Blake Beverly by pinfall with The Gunn-Slinger. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Notes: I remember liking The Smoking Gunns as a kid, but I don’t really remember why. I don’t even remember the Beverley Brothers, but I can see why they don’t come across as being very memorable. Bart Gunn is improving in Performance skills.[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Well what did you think of that Booby?”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“Are you kidding? Those two cheated, and I’m started a petition to get that match reversed. I mean doesn’t that ref understand you can only have one man in the ring at a time?”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“You’ve got to be kidding, The Beverly Brothers used double teaming tactics just as much.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“Oh I see, so know you’re condoning cheating. That figures.”[/COLOR] [B]The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. “The Model” Rick Martel[/B] [quote]The Kid started this match off just like all his others, with passion and a lot of martial arts. Martel is a veteran to the game however and he was quick to recover and begin working on the legs of his younger opponent. The Kid would eventually get the momentum back on his side but he had a hard time performing his moves because of the beating his legs had received. This left the door open for “The Model” to take advantage again. 'The Model' Rick Martel defeated The 1-2-3 Kid in 7:45 by submission with a Boston Crab.[/quote] [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: The 1-2-3 Kid continues to put up impressive ratings. I’m really surprised with the rating this one got with no chemistry comment.[/B] After the match The President of the WWF Jack Tunney came to ringside and announced that tomorrow night on Raw The Steiners are going to get another shot at The Quebeckers and if they win they will be named the number one contenders for the WWF Tag Team Titles. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]Randy Savage Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/ Luna Vachon[/B] [quote]Bigelow always intimidated me as a kid. I mean I guess some of it was because he was such a big man, but more importantly because he had flames tattooed on his head! I mean you have to be a bad SOB to have flames tattooed on your head. Apparently Savage wasn’t as intimidated as I was because he went right after Bigelow playing the crowd the whole way. More than once Luna tried to get herself involved but every time Savage would look her way she would cower in the corner somewhere. The ending of the match was an unexpected one however, as Bigelow lay motionless on the floor Savage went to the turnbuckle for his signature elbow drop, but Luna once again grabbed his foot. Savage tried to shake her off but was unable to before Bigelow recovered and superplexed him off the turnbuckle.[/quote] Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Randy Savage in 7:35 by pinfall with a Top Rope Headbutt. [COLOR="red"]Rating: A*[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Wow! I didn’t see that coming at all. These two put on an unbelievable match that’s probably going to make me regret not making it the main event. These two had great chemistry in the ring, and didn’t miss any of their spots. I couldn’t have asked for a better match. Bam Bam is improving in Performance Skills.[/B] The camera goes backstage next and we see Yokozuna still creeping around the backstage area. As he turns the corner The Undertaker is standing there in wait. Yokozuna nearly jumps out of his…whatever the hell it’s called that he wears. As Yokozuna runs off in fear Jim Duggan comes out from behind a door laughing as he carries the cardboard cutout away. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Who knew Duggan could be such a funny character.[/B] [B]Number 1 Contender Match for the Intercontinental Title: Mr. Perfect Vs. Shawn Michaels w/ Diesel[/B] [quote]As talented as Michaels is he looks even more dangerous whenever he’s around his 7 foot friend. You could tell that Perfect was weary of Diesel all match long because he didn’t seem to have that same pep in his step while he was in the ring. Diesel, of course, made his presence felt early and often distracting the ref so that Michaels could choke the life out of his opponent. It looked like Perfect didn’t have a chance to win this match... until…[/quote] (We join the match in progress) Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Right hand by Perfect, followed by a crisp DDT.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Come on Diesel, Shawn needs you.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Well you’re right about one thing, Michaels is in a whole world of trouble. Vertical suplex by Perfect, but wait a minute Diesel is on the apron again.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“That’s team work Monsoon you wouldn’t know anything about that.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Perfect doesn’t see him. Wait a minute, wait a minute, what’s that? Bret Hart! Bret Hart is running down to the ring. He spins Diesel around and is firing away at the big man.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“No, he’s not suppose to be here.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Well he is here, and he’s the equalizer. Diesel is down… Perfectplex by Mr. Perfect. The ref is making the count…It’s over. Bret Hart just gave Mr. Perfect a shot at Razor Ramon.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“I can’t believe this, I feel sick.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Perfect now is looking at Bret Hart. They nod at each other out of respect and Bret exits the ring to allow Perfect to celebrate. We are out of time here folks see you next week.”[/COLOR] Mr. Perfect defeated Shawn Michaels in 17:44 by pinfall with a Perfectplex. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Not as great as the Savage match, but it was still a great send off for the show. You can bet Shawn Michaels is going to have something to say about it.[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Not bad at all. I imagine the WWF however is suppose to be getting A’s so there is still work to be done. However, as a whole we did increase our popularity.[/B] TV Ratings: [COLOR="red"]28.03 (USA Network) 5.57 (TSN Network)[/COLOR] [/CENTER] Pick Em Leaders: [B]DocStevens:[/B] 4/5 (80%) [B]USWA_Fan:[/B] 4/5 8/10 (80%) [B]Lexa90:[/B] 2/5 11/14 (79%) [B]The Ego:[/B] 2/5 10/14 (71%) [B]theoutlaw321:[/B] 3/5 7/10 (70%) [B]tristram:[/B] 2/5 5/10 (50%) [B]mystic:[/B] 2/5 7/14 (50%) [B]smurphy1014:[/B] 2/5 4/10 (40%) [B]Zobeto227:[/B] 1/4 (25%) [B]marchhaire:[/B] 1/5 1/5 (20%)
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[QUOTE=marchhaire;277593]That's a fairly stacked Superstars. It'll be interesting to see how the main event and Jannetty/Crush go, but I'm pretty sure about the other ones.[/QUOTE] Yeah you shouldn't see many more cards stacked like this. It just isn't how it was done back then and I'd like to keep it real...at least for now. Thanks to everyone who has left feed back and predictions, I hope you're all enjoying this as much as I am.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF Raw[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Monday Week 3 October 1993 Charlotte Coliseum Charlotte, NC Bret “The Hitman” Hart Vs. The Million Dollar Man Yokozuna Vs. Jim Duggan The Undertaker Vs. Ludvig Borga The Quebeckers Vs. The Steiner Brothers PLUS... The contract is going to be signed for Razor Ramon and Mr. Perfect to face off at No Mercy[/B][/CENTER] Quick Picks: Bret “The Hitman” Hart Vs. The Million Dollar Man Yokozuna Vs. Jim Duggan The Undertaker Vs. Ludvig Borga The Quebeckers Vs. The Steiner Brothers
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[B]Bret “The Hitman” Hart[/B] Vs. The Million Dollar Man Great match, massive fan of the Million Dollar Man. Money Money Money, hahahaha... [B]Yokozuna[/B] Vs. Jim Duggan [B]The Undertaker[/B] Vs. Ludvig Borga The Quebeckers Vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B]
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[B]Bret “The Hitman” Hart[/B] Vs. The Million Dollar Man This is a hard one, but the Hitman will win [B]Yokozuna[/B] Vs. Jim Duggan No Doubt about this [B]The Undertaker[/B] Vs. Ludvig Borga I would really like to see Borga getting the victory, But The Undertaker is the Top Contender for the WWF Championship, You do the count [B]The Quebeckers[/B] Vs. The Steiner Brothers Cheat to the win
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[B]Bret “The Hitman” Hart[/B] Vs. The Million Dollar Man ~If this was the late 1980s Ted would be going over but its the 1990s now and he needs to elevate younger talent. Should be a great match, though. [B]Yokozuna[/B] Vs. Jim Duggan ~Yokozuna crushes Duggan....I hate that guy. [B]The Undertaker[/B] Vs. Ludvig Borga ~As with Yokozuna, the Undertaker wins his match to keep building him up for an eventual rematch. The Quebeckers Vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] ~A tossup match. Not sure who to pick here but the Steiners will manage to outmanuever the Quebecers just a little bit to win the match.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF Raw[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Monday Week 3 October 1993 Charlotte Coliseum Charlotte, NC Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out) [/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“We’re coming to you live from the sold out Coliseum in Charlotte North Carolina. Tonight we have a special treat as Bret Hart squares off against The Million Dollar Man, and the Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon and Mr. Perfect sign the contract that pits them against one another at this month’s No Mercy PPV. But first we head to the ring where The Steiners take on The Quebeckers for a chance to earn a shot at the titles.”[/COLOR] [B]The Quebeckers Vs. The Steiner Brothers[/B] [quote]All four men were fired up for this one with so much on the line. The Mountie started things off with Rick Steiner and the former amateur wrestler was quick to get the Mountie in a full nelson. The experience of The Steiners paid off however and soon The Mountie was desperate to make a tag. Pierre finally got involved in the match but a running bulldog made quick work of him, leaving Scott Steiner alone in the ring with The Mountie.[/quote] The Steiner Brothers defeated The Quebecers in 7:32 when Scott Steiner defeated The Mountie by pinfall with a Frankensteiner. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: An unusual high profiled match to start things off on Raw, but much needed. The Quebeckers have had trouble finding a win as of late, but have managed to not lose their titles, how much longer can that last? Rick Steiner is improving in Technical Skills.[/B] We go backstage now where The Million Dollar Man is in his dressing room going over a few moves with a very eager 1-2-3 kid. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“DiBiase has really taken a special interest on The 1-2-3 Kid I only hope the kid realizes what he’s dealing with.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“You’re right Jim, The Million Dollar Man has a way of manipulating newer talent, and I only hope this isn’t the case with The Kid.”[/COLOR] [B]The Undertaker Vs. Ludvig Borga[/B] [quote]This was a squash match in the making. Borga put up a small fight early on with the dead man, but the skill of The Undertaker was just too much for him to handle.[/quote] The Undertaker defeated Ludvig Borga in 5:32 by pinfall with a Tombstone. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Not a lot to say on this one. While I like the look of Borga, he just isn’t in the same league as The Undertaker.[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“There’s an impressive victory, and you have to wonder if Yokozuna was in the back watching as that took place.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m sure he was Jim, and you’ve got to wonder what kind of effect this mind game has played on the champion.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Well we’ll get to see tonight as he seeks revenge against Duggan after that stunt he pulled last night on Superstars.”[/COLOR] [quote]A table is set up in the middle of the ring for the contract signing. The President of the WWF Jack Tunney comes to the ring first, followed shortly after by Mr. Perfect. The music of the champion Razor Ramon plays next and “The Bad Guy” walks to the ring to a chorus of boos. Razor and Perfect are on opposite sides of the table with Tunney at the head of it. Tunney: “Gentleman the stage has been set. October 20th at WWF No Mercy we will see Mr. Perfect challenge Razor Ramon for the Intercontinental title.” The fans cheer at the announcement.[/quote] Tunney: [COLOR="blue"]“In front of you is the contract making this match so. However, be warned that should you Razor interfere or assault Mr. Henning in any way before your match you will be stripped of your title.”[/COLOR] Razor is beside himself and the crowd is eating it up. Tunney: [COLOR="blue"]“Furthermore, Mr. Henning should you attack Mr. Ramon before your match then you will lose your contendership and never be allowed to fight for the title again. Now Mr. Henning you sign first.”[/COLOR] Mr. Perfect gives his ****y smile for several seconds then without taking his eye off of Razor he signs the contract. Tunney: [COLOR="blue"]“Very good, now Mr. Ramon.”[/COLOR] Razor flicks his toothpick in the face of Mr. Perfect and laughs as he signs the contract, he then rips the mic away from Tunney. Razor: [COLOR="Red"]“Hey yo, you want to go to war with the bad guy Chico. OK, but remember The Bad Guy will win at all costs chico.”[/COLOR] The two wrestlers come nose to nose jawing off on one another before Razor laughs, turns and walks away. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: I expected better results from this, but regardless the match has been set, and our PPV is taking form.[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well the signing took place Vince, but do you think these two can go the rest of the month without fighting one another?”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Well they have to you heard what the president said, the risks are just to high.”[/COLOR] [B]Yokozuna Vs. Jim Duggan[/B] [quote]Another match that was completely one sided. Yokozuna took control from the start and dominated the entire match. Duggan did get a slight burst of offense after a USA chat got started, but sadly it was short lived at the champ barely broke a sweat.[/quote] Yokozuna defeated Jim Duggan in 4:46 by pinfall with a Leg Drop. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Well guess Duggan will think twice before playing anymore jokes on people bigger than him.[/B] After the match Yokozuna went to leave the ring and standing at the entrance way was The Undertaker. No words were said, and no one moved but you could sense that The Undertaker was in the head of the champion. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Bret “The Hitman” Hart Vs. The Million Dollar Man[/B] [quote]The fans blew the roof off as Bret made his way to the ring. DiBiase got a huge pop too as he came out passing money out to the crowd. This died very quickly however once they realized it was nothing more than monopoly money, and they grew enraged with him. The match was one for the books, these two wrestlers are both technically sound, and make very few mistakes in the ring. Bret would get DiBiase in a headlock and he would counter it with a backdrop. These two men went back and forth the entire match with no end in sight.[/quote] (We join the match in progress) Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]Figure four now by the Hitman, can he get DiBiase to tap?”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="red"]“The million dollar man makes it to the ropes and he slips outside to regroup.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“But Bret’s going after him, he’s on the top rope. Cross body, and DiBiase is feeling it. Bret now gets back in the ring not wanting to be counted out, and the ref goes to check on DiBiase.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="red"]“There’s some commotion in the crowd.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Here comes Diesel! Diesel has emerged from the crowd and is hammering away at Bret Hart while the ref checks on DiBiase. Boot to the midsection, Jackknife Power Bomb, Bret is out. And now Diesel is making a quick escape.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="red"]“The ref is back in the ring now, obviously confused about Hart being knocked out.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“DiBiase staggers into the ring, he lays a limp arm over Bret…and this one is over, unbelievable.”[/COLOR] Million Dollar Man defeated Bret Hart in 12:42 by Pinfall [COLOR="Red"]Rating: A[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A great match, and it looks like there may be a grudge match between Bret and Diesel. The problem for Bret is where there’s Diesel, Michaels usually isn’t to far behind.[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Another solid card, and I think I’ve got my style at least for now. This is probably going to be one of the few cards where there’s less lower card talent. That’s going to be one of the focal points of this diary is trying to use the lower card workers regularly.[/B] [B]TV Ratings:[/B] [COLOR="red"]24.22 (USA Network) 5.68 (TSN Network) 3.32 (Sky Network)[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B]Pick Em Leaders:[/B] [B]USWA_Fan:[/B] 3/4 11/14 (80%) [B]DocStevens:[/B] 4/5 (80%) [B]Lexa90:[/B] 3/4 14/18 (78%) [B]The Ego:[/B] 4/4 14/18 (78%) [B]theoutlaw321:[/B] 3/4 10/14 (71%) [B]tristram:[/B] 3/4 8/14 (57%) [B]smurphy1014:[/B] 4/4 8/14 (57%) [B]mystic:[/B] 7/14 (50%) [B]Zobeto227:[/B] 1/4 (25%) [B]marchhaire:[/B] 1/5 (20%) A pretty easy card this time around with not a lot of twists thrown in. Thanks for everyone who's been keeping up with this, it really makes it more enjoyable to write when you know other people are enjoying it to. And for those who are interested in WCW *cough* Tristram *cough* I'll be giving a recap of what they are up to at the end of the month.
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O.O.C. So it turns out that due to my neglagence No Mercy is being held this Sunday (Week 3) Instead of next Sunday like I had thought. What that means is that the storylines aren't going to be as developed as I had hoped. More specificly the "no contact" rule between Perfect and Ramon, but minor details that you guys shouldn't have to worry about. Hopefully it doesn't happen again. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF Superstars[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 3 October 1993 Foxboro Stadium Foxboro, MA Diesel Vs. Randy Savage Ludvig Borga demanded a rematch and got one: The Undertaker Vs. Ludvig Borga Tatanka Vs. Bastian Booger High Energy Vs. Men on a Mission Luna Vachon Vs. Jacqueline[/B][/CENTER] Quick Picks: Diesel Vs. Randy Savage The Undertaker Vs. Ludvig Borga Tatanka Vs. Bastian Booger High Energy Vs. Men on a Mission Luna Vachon Vs. Jacqueline
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[QUOTE=USWA_Fan;278229][B]Bret “The Hitman” Hart[/B] Vs. The Million Dollar Man ~If this was the late 1980s Ted would be going over but its the 1990s now and he needs to elevate younger talent. Should be a great match, though.[/quote] Typically I would agree with you, but I actually think Ted still has a lot left in his tank. Who knows maybe he'll take more of a manager's role in the months to come...or maybe he'll be a WWF Champion ;) Thanks for reading. [QUOTE=tristram;278142][B]Bret “The Hitman” Hart[/B] Vs. The Million Dollar Man Great match, massive fan of the Million Dollar Man. Money Money Money, hahahaha... [/QUOTE] You know I think to this day that is one of my top 5 favorite entrances. Not to mention the gimmick was done wounderfully, *sigh* the good ol' days
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[B]Diesel[/B] Vs. Randy Savage Diesel is unstoppable!! [B]The Undertaker[/B] Vs. Ludvig Borga Stop squashing Borga... I'm from Finland so :D [B]Tatanka[/B] Vs. Bastian Booger Tatanka was on fire these days High Energy Vs. [B]Men on a Mission[/B] Luna Vachon Vs. [B]Jacqueline[/B]
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Diesel Vs. [B]Randy Savage[/B] ~Bret Hart interferes to cost Diesel the match and furthers a tit-for-tat grudge match later on. [B]The Undertaker[/B] Vs. Ludvig Borga ~I actually had to think hard about this one. Although Borga got squashed last time, you still have Yoko in the wings. Since this is shortly before the pay-per-view I imagine the dead man will win by a DQ and get beaten down by two of the "foreign fanatics." [B]Tatanka[/B] Vs. Bastian Booger ~Bastian Booger...terrible gimmick and not a great worker to boot. I figure Tatanka will win simply because he's got more to offer. High Energy Vs. [B]Men on a Mission[/B] ~High Energy are having problems. Koko will probably lose, Owen will go crazy, and MoM will laugh to the locker room with the victory. Luna Vachon Vs. [B]Jacqueline[/B] ~I want to pick Luna but Jacqueline had a great match with Alundra Blayze so maybe a program between them is in the works.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 3 October 1993 Foxboro Stadium Foxboro, MA Attendance: Pending [/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello and welcome to another exciting episode of WWF Superstars. We are just hours away from No Mercy and things are already getting red hot.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Can we just get to the action please Monsoon?”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“First up is a women’s match where the winner will get to face champion Alundra Blaze later on at No Mercy.”[/COLOR] [B]Luna Vachon Vs. Jacqueline[/B] [quote]Luna is a very intimidating person, and despite how solid Jacqueline is I can’t help but think she was a little worried coming into this one. This wasn’t a very long match just a little something to get the fans ready for later.[/quote] Luna Vachon defeated Jacqueline in 5:18 by pinfall with a DDT. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: I’ve never been very big on having a women’s division and this is why. While I don’t want to scrap the whole thing just yet I’m still very hesitant on booking the matches.[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“And it’s going to be Luna Vachon to get a title shot later on, what do you think about that Bobby?”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Huh, what, it’s over? Oh thank God.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“You’re unbelievable that was a great match.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“Yeah I’m sure it was, now what’s next?”[/COLOR] [B]High Energy Vs. Men on a Mission[/B] [quote]What’s up with that ridiculous green outfit Owen wears? I mean really who made the decision that was cool? This wasn’t a bad match up, however High Energy was at a major size disadvantage and try as they might they just couldn’t take Mable down. This of course led to their defeat and Owen Hart walking back to the locker room alone.[/quote] Men on a Mission defeated High Energy in 6:11 when Mabel defeated Koko B. Ware by pinfall with a Big Splash. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+ [/COLOR] [B]Notes: This is turning out to be a not so great card. I can only hope things get better from here on out, because I can’t have any more D matches. Koko is improving in Rumble Skills. Mo is improving in Rumble, Technical, and Performance skills.[/B] [quote]The camera cuts backstage now where Rick and Scott Steiner are in their dressing room congratulating each other about getting another shot at the tag titles tonight at No Mercy. When suddenly The Quebeckers storm into the dressing room and begin pummeling them. Eventually security gets there to pull them off but it looks like the damage has been done.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Tatanka Vs. Bastian Booger[/B] [quote]Tatanka has been on a tear since entering the WWF, and is actually boasting an undefeated streak. Of course The Bastian Booger claims that’s going to end tonight, but if anyone has seen more than 5 minutes of WWF programming then they know that just isn’t going to be the case.[/quote] Tatanka defeated Bastian Booger in 8:14 by pinfall with an Indian Death Drop. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Still getting low ratings, and I’m starting to think I should get some new “jobbers”.[/B] [B]The Undertaker Vs. Ludvig Borga[/B] [quote]The dead man takes on the German in this matchup of power. And for the most part it was very one sided and used as a warm up match for The Undertaker. However something strange did happen near the end. As the Undertaker went for the tight rope, Yokozuna actually ran (ok he hobbled) down to ring side and began assaulting Paul Bearer. He then stole the urn of The Undertaker and ran backstage. Not realizing what was going on until Yokozuna was half way up the ramp. The Undertaker gave chase, and incidentally got himself count out.[/quote] Ludvig Borga defeated The Undertaker in 12:38 when The Undertaker was counted out after chasing after Yokozuna. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Chase Angle: A[/COLOR] [B]Notes: An interesting twist here, and you have to wonder if The Undertaker is going to be able to get his urn back before No Mercy.[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yokozuna just ran off with The Undertaker’s urn. I’m failing to see his game plan here Bobby, but it certainly got The Undertaker’s attention.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Who cares about that, did you see it? Ludvig Borga just defeated The Undertaker.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“That doesn’t count the Undertaker was chasing after Yokozuna.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“It looked to me like he was running scared.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“You never seize to amaze me.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]It ‘s a natural gift.”[/COLOR] [B]Diesel Vs. Randy Savage[/B] [quote]Shawn Michaels wasn’t here for this one, he decided to no show to rest up for his match later tonight. This was still a classic match though with Diesel showing his brute strength and man handling Savage. Savage has been around for awhile however and knows there’s more than one way to beat a big man, and immediately started working on the legs of Diesel. It wasn’t long before Diesel had trouble standing up and Savage continued to lay it on him. However, after a missed top rope elbow, Diesel was back in control and looking for a win.[/quote] (We join the match in progress) Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Big boot by Diesel and Savage is out cold.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“He’s calling for it, here comes the Jacknife Powerbomb.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Wait a minute, Bret Hart is out on the entrance ramp, and he’s calling out Diesel. Diesel answers and tosses Savage to the side, and Bret is making his way to the ring.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“Look out Diesel Savage is waking up.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Indeed he is and Diesel has no clue, Bret is climbing the stairs to the ring. Savage now attacking Diesel from behind.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“I can’t believe this, Bret Hart is cheating again.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“It looks like some of Diesel’s own tricks are coming back to haunt him. Double Ax Handle by savage, here’s the cover…and this one is over.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Look at Bret Hart, outside laughing.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“We’re out of time here ladies and gentlemen, but it’s not to late to order No Mercy from your local cable company and continue to watch this incredible action.”[/COLOR] Randy Savage defeated Diesel in 17:52 by pinfall with a Double Axe Handle. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A great match really with these two. Savage proves that even at 40 maybe I can use him after all. And who knows maybe I can make Nash a decent wrestler who cares about younger talent, instead of…well you know. Diesel is improving in Technical Skills.[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Overall a good show, and all of my main talent should still be fresh for their matches at No Mercy. Let’s see how the first big PPV pans out.[/B] [B]TV Ratings:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]27.35 (USA Network) 5.48 (TSN Network)[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B]Pick Em Leaders:[/B] [B]USWA_Fan:[/B] 3/5 14/19 (74%) [B]Lexa90:[/B] 2/5 16/23 (70%) [B]theoutlaw321:[/B] 2/5 12/19 (63%) [B]DocStevens:[/B] 4/5 (80%) [B]The Ego:[/B] 14/18 (78%) [B]tristram:[/B] 8/14 (57%) [B]smurphy1014:[/B] 8/14 (57%) [B]mystic:[/B] 7/14 (50%) [B]Zobeto227:[/B] 1/4 (25%) [B]marchhaire:[/B] 1/5 (20%)
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[QUOTE=Lexa90;279175][B]Diesel[/B] Vs. Randy Savage Diesel is unstoppable!! [B]The Undertaker[/B] Vs. Ludvig Borga Stop squashing Borga... I'm from Finland so :D [/QUOTE] Diesel unstoppable...I don't know about that but he is a fairly imposing individiual. And as far as Borga goes...well I'm not from Finland but he may have my attention ;) [QUOTE=USWA_Fan;279201]Diesel Vs. [B]Randy Savage[/B] ~Bret Hart interferes to cost Diesel the match and furthers a tit-for-tat grudge match later on. [B]The Undertaker[/B] Vs. Ludvig Borga ~I actually had to think hard about this one. Although Borga got squashed last time, you still have Yoko in the wings. Since this is shortly before the pay-per-view I imagine the dead man will win by a DQ and get beaten down by two of the "foreign fanatics." [B]Tatanka[/B] Vs. Bastian Booger ~Bastian Booger...terrible gimmick and not a great worker to boot. I figure Tatanka will win simply because he's got more to offer. High Energy Vs. [B]Men on a Mission[/B] ~High Energy are having problems. Koko will probably lose, Owen will go crazy, and MoM will laugh to the locker room with the victory. Luna Vachon Vs. [B]Jacqueline[/B] ~I want to pick Luna but Jacqueline had a great match with Alundra Blayze so maybe a program between them is in the works.[/QUOTE] Get out of my head! While you didn't get everything right, your reasoning is pretty much right on the mark with mine...I don't like that :p
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF No Mercy[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 3 October 1993 Foxboro Stadium Foxboro, MA WWF Championship Match: Yokozuna Vs. The Undertaker WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Razor Ramon Vs. Mr. Perfect Shawn Michaels Vs. Bret Hart WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Quebeckers Vs. The Steiner Brothers 1-2-3 Kid Vs. Jeff Jarrett WWF Women’s Championship Match: Alundra Blaze Vs. Luna Vachon [/B][/CENTER] Quick Picks: Yokozuna Vs. The Undertaker Razor Ramon Vs. Mr. Perfect Shawn Michaels Vs. Bret Hart The Quebeckers Vs. The Steiner Brothers 1-2-3 Kid Vs. Jeff Jarrett Alundra Blaze Vs. Luna Vachon
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[B]Yokozuna[/B] Vs. The Undertaker ~Something will happen that will enable Yokozuna to keep the title and extend the feud further into Survivor Series and to a possible December ppv. Razor Ramon Vs. [B]Mr. Perfect[/B] ~Perfect is determined to win the belt for a third time and in a great technical encounter will defeat Ramon. [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] Vs. Bret Hart ~Bret loses after Diesel interferes. HBK better just hope that interference doesn't backfire. The Quebeckers Vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] ~Steiners earned a tag title match with an earlier win and I think they'll take the straps here. 1-2-3 Kid Vs. [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] ~These 1-2-3 Kid matches are killing me as far as predictions go. Jarrett had a good match with Luger earlier in the month and isn't really a jobber for the Kid. Since the Kid struggles against top tier foes I'll pick Jarrett here. [B]Alundra Blaze[/B] Vs. Luna Vachon ~I'm not a big fan of women's wrestling but I always loved the Blayze-Bull Nakano matches. Unfortunately, that's not the case here. It'll be a decent match but I think Blayze finishes her off with the German suplex to move on to Jacqueline or another woman who gets brought in (just don't let it be Bertha Faye).
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Yokozuna Vs. [B]The Undertaker[/B] -Undertaker would be the only right choice... [B]I[/B] Know [B]you[/B] Know it [B]Razor Ramon[/B] Vs. Mr. Perfect Ramon was a great Champ... Should continue atleast awhile longer [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] Vs. Bret Hart I will also say... Remember The Big Bad Diesel [B]The Quebeckers[/B] Vs. The Steiner Brothers Steiners don't win again!!! [B]1-2-3 Kid[/B] Vs. Jeff Jarrett You have pushed the Kid so much, so I don't see a reason for him to lose [B]Alundra Blaze[/B] Vs. Luna Vachon Jaqueline feud coming :D
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]WWF No Mercy[/COLOR] Live Sunday Week 3 October 1993 Foxboro Stadium Foxboro, MA Attendance: 75,000 (Sold Out) [/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello and welcome to tonight’s PPV No Mercy. I’m your host Jim Ross and beside me is Bobby Heenan. We start off the action in a big way tonight as Luna Vachon faces Alundra Blaze for the women’s title.”[/COLOR] [B]WWF Women’s Championship Match:[/B] [B]Alundra Blaze Vs. Luna Vachon[/B] [quote]On a night when every title is on the line, the women kick it off first. These two sport different styles of wrestling. While Alundra is very textbook, and technical. Luna is a scrapper and while she may not be the most technical women in the world, she knows how to fight. That’s what this match came down to a good old fashioned cat fight.[/quote] Luna Vachon defeated Alundra Blaze in 7:54 by pinfall with a Lunar Eclipse. Luna Vachon wins the WWF Ladies Championship title. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: We have a new women’s champion. While I’m sure this was very unexpected for some people, I just feel that right now I can get more out of Luna being the champ.[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“I can’t believe it, we have a new women’s champion.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“What isn’t there to believe Jim? It’s obvious Luna is the better wrestler.”[/COLOR] Jim: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well that remains to be seen, but what a way to kick off this great PPV.”[/COLOR] [B]1-2-3 Kid Vs. Jeff Jarrett[/B] [quote]The kid started off this one with a round house that nearly took Jarrett’s head off. His martial arts seems to have really improved over the last couple of weeks and he was firing on all cylinders tonight. However, Jarrett got back into the match late and after a handful of illegal tactics found himself winning the match.[/quote] Jeff Jarrett defeated The 1-2-3 Kid in 7:55 by pinfall with The Stroke. During the match we also had Million Dollar Man turn on The Kid. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Not the rating I was hoping for, but it did it’s job. I’m still undecided on how I’m going to use Jarrett. Will he be the jobber you all hope for, or will he go on to one day become the WWF champion…only time will tell.[/B] After the match The 1-2-3 Kid stayed in the ring and seemed really down on himself, when suddenly The Million Dollar Man emerged from the entrance and got into the ring with the kid. DiBiase: “You know I’ve been watching you for the last couple of weeks and I’ve seen real potential in you kid. You know what you’re lacking?” The kid shakes his head no and DiBiase continues. DiBiase: [COLOR="red"]“You’ve got the talent, you’ve got the guts, but what you don’t have is the experience. What you need is someone in your corner who knows the ins and outs of the ring. Someone who understands that if you’re going to make it to the top in this business you don’t do it by playing nice. Some times you have to break some rules. Are you willing to break some rules to get to the top?”[/COLOR] The kid thinks about this question as the fans give their response with a chorus of boos. DiBiase: [COLOR="red"]“I said, are you willing to do whatever it takes to get to the top?”[/COLOR] After another few seconds of thought The Kid shakes his head yes. DiBiase: [COLOR="red"]“Then let me help you out, let me be your official manager. Together the sky’s the limit. What do you say?”[/COLOR] Ecstatic The Kid agrees and the two shake hands as they leave to the sound of “Money, Money, Money, Money…” [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: And there you have it. The 1-2-3 Kid and The Million Dollar Man are now officially working together.[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“I can’t believe what I just saw. The 1-2-3 Kid just made a deal with the devil.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“No he didn’t Jim. What the kid did right there was make a wise business decision. I’ll tell you what, maybe I had this kid pegged all wrong, maybe he’s smarter than he looks.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“How can you say that? These fans loved the 1-2-3 Kid and he just sold them all out.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“What did these people ever do for him? Ted DiBiase will when him ten times more matches than “the fans” ever will.”[/COLOR] [B]WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Quebeckers Vs. The Steiner Brothers[/B] [quote]Marking what I do believe is the third time in a month these two teams have met, The Quebeckers are looking to finally score a win against the brothers. Things didn’t look good for them early on however as Rick Steiner began assaulting The Mountie the minute the bell sounded. The Steiners were able to use frequent tags and keep the fresh man in while The Quebeckers looked lost. A low blow later however and Pierre was in the ring and cleaning house. The Quebeckers are perhaps the best in the business when it comes to distracting the ref and other team mate so they can utilize their double team moves and it really came into play tonight. The ending came when The Mountie distracted the ref in the corner while Pierre ran in with the title and laid Scott Steiner out cold with it.[/quote] The Quebeckers defeated The Steiner Brothers in 12:37 when The Mountie defeated Scott Steiner by pinfall. The Quebecers make defence number 1 of their WWF World Tag Team titles. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Not the rating I was looking for, but a successful title defense by The Quebeckers and The Steiners are in shock. Rick Steiner is improving in Technical Skills.[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]I can’t believe it, The Steiners had the match in hand.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Had Jim, they had the match in hand, that is until The Quebeckers ripped it out of their hands like any true champion would do.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“They cheated and you know it.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Well it’s like they always say…if you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.”[/COLOR] [B]Shawn Michaels Vs. Bret Hart[/B] [quote]Shawn Michaels dances his way out to the ring, with his bodyguard at his side. Bret knew he was going to be in for a long night. The match started off very quick with each man trying to one up the other. Eventually Bret would win the upper hand only to be tossed into the corner by Michaels. From there Michaels would argue with the ref as Diesel pummeled The Him Man in the corner. Bret would battle back however the match would end with him in the face of Diesel as Michaels snuck up from behind and delivered a Side Slam.[/quote] Shawn Michaels defeated Bret Hart in 14:54 by pinfall with a Side Slam. During the match we also had Diesel run in and attack The Hitman. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: The odds seem to be stacked against our favorite hero, let’s see if he calls it quits or tries to get even in the future.[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“How is Bret suppose to win, when it’s 2 on 1?”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s his fault Jim, he should know not to pick fights with people with a posse.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="red"]“And Shawn Michaels should fight his own battles.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Blue"]“He does, he just makes sure he has help when he needs it. You can’t fault the guy for being smart.”[/COLOR] [B]WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Razor Ramon Vs. Mr. Perfect[/B] [quote]The match started off with these two men standing in the center of the ring and staring each other down until Ramon flipped his toothpick in Perfect’s face. From there he continued to send blow after blow to the skull of Mr. Perfect. This set Perfect off however and he battled back eventually hitting Razor with a series of suplexes than only earned him a 2 count. Eventually the fight would end up outside the ring however where the rules would be tossed out the window and these two would battle up the ramp using every weapon they could pick up along the way. The ref had no choice be to call this match a double count out.[/quote] Razor Ramon drew with Mr. Perfect in 21:02 following a double disqualification. Razor Ramon makes defence number 2 of his WWF Intercontinental title. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: A[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Not a “perfect” match, but defiantly not a bad one either. There’s a lot of bad blood between these two, and with no real winner being decided here, you can bet that this one is far from over. [/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]Wow, what hatred these two have for each other. They are probably still fighting backstage as we speak.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Smart move by Razor though ensuring that he isn’t going to lose the title, Perfect played right into his plan.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“And what plan would that be?”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“His plan to not lose the title of course.”[/COLOR] [B]WWF Championship Match: Yokozuna Vs. The Undertaker[/B] [quote]There was nowhere left for Yokozuna to hide tonight as The Undertaker hit the ring without his urn. Yokozuna came to the ring looking very confident as well and these two wasted no time slugging it out. It was the Taker to get the upper hand as he sent the champ into the ropes and connected with a thrust to his throat. As the Undertaker pounded away at Yokozuna we were all forced to ask the question where was his urn?[/quote] (We join the match in progress) Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“The Undertaker is man handling the champ, he wants what’s rightfully his.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“The urn?”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“No the WWF title, but I’m sure the urn place a factor in it as well. He has Yokozuna by the neck this could be it.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“No way he’ll never get him off the ground.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Wait a minute, here comes someone carrying…it’s the Undertaker’s urn.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“The taker sees him and he releases the hold on Yokozuna.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“Not smart, from behind now Yokozuna hammering away at the taker. And here it comes Leg Drop. Here’s the cover…Yokozuna retains. And wait a minute, the masked man is climbing into the ring to celebrate. 2 on 1 against the Taker and he’s in trouble.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="red"]“Here comes someone else!”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="blue"]“It’s Lex Lugar! Lugar is coming to the aid of the Undertaker and he’s cleaning house! Clothesline and Yokozuna falls outside. And the Undertaker is back on his feet now. He has the masked man by the neck, the hood comes down it’s…Ludvig Borga? Choke Slam on Borga and The Undertaker get’s back his urn, as him and Lugar stand side by side in the middle of the ring.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Match Rating: B Run in Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A slight twist here in the plot of the WWF Championship that I hope everyone enjoyed. Borga is becoming red hot here in the WWF and with the attention of The Undertaker this could be the feud he’s been looking for to make it big in the US.[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Well my first PPV, and to be honest I didn’t think it was happening until next week, so the stories weren’t as developed as I’d hoped but I think we made due pretty nicely with what we had. Overall a pretty successful month for us so far, I would’ve liked some higher ratings, but hey wouldn’t we all.[/B] [COLOR="red"][B]PPV Buy Rate: 8.29[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] Pick Em Leaders: USWA_Fan: 4/6 18/25 (72%) Lexa90: 2/6 18/29 (62%) theoutlaw321: 12/19 (63%) DocStevens: 4/5 (80%) The Ego: 14/18 (78%) tristram: 8/14 (57%) smurphy1014: 8/14 (57%) mystic: 7/14 (50%) Zobeto227: 1/4 (25%) marchhaire: 1/5 (20%) Not many participants this time around. But none the less, this was our first PPV and while there weren't many title changes I think everything is developing nicely. As always feedback and comments are welcome.
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