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WWF 1993 Rewriting History

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[B]Razor Ramon[/B] Vs. Bret Hart I can't belive Scott losing the title at RAW... no... He will retain in some way [B]Yokozuna[/B] Vs. Marty Jannetty My GAAAWD!!! Squash! :D [B]Rick Steiner[/B] Vs. The Mountie The Steiners need the title shot, and by losing to The Mountie wouldn't be the way to get it [B]Fatu[/B] Vs. Virgil Fatu wins, He does it for The Rock, He does it for the people :D When does he start dancing and wearing a thong???
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]WWF Raw[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Monday Week 3 November 1993 Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY Attendance: 28,009[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello and welcome to Monday Night Raw! I’m Jim Ross alongside my partner Vince McMahon, and do we have a show for you today.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s right Jim, tonight we’ll see Yokozuna in action, along with the Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon as he battles Bret “The Hitman” Hart.” [/COLOR] [B]Fatu Vs. Virgil[/B] [quote]Fatu really impressed us a few weeks ago showing off tremendous athletic ability for a big man. This week he has the chance to do it again against Virgil. While these two remain a bit unknown in the WWF Fatu has the size and look to really make it far. On top of that he’s not afraid to go to the top which is something you rarely see in big men.[/quote] Fatu defeated Virgil in 4:46 by pinfall with a Big Splash. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A decent match to open up Raw. Fatu continues to look impressive.[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Another impressive victory by Fatu. Our next match features two men with a bit of history.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s right Jim. Rick Steiner publicly called out The Mountie last night after The Quebecers assaulted his brother in the backstage area.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“The Quebecers are notorious for helping each other in singles matches Vince. And with the new ruling by the WWF President regarding interference it’s going to be interesting to see just what The Mountie does here.”[/COLOR] [B]Rick Steiner Vs. The Mountie[/B] [quote]Steiner wasted no time in this one assaulting The Mountie the second he hit the ring. You could see the fire in Steiner’s eyes as he laid punch after punch into The Mountie. The end of the match came when Steiner went to try and use the top rope on what he thought was a down Mountie.[/quote] Unfortunately for him The Mountie was playing possum and as soon as he went to go up top The Mountie struck. The Mountie defeated Rick Steiner in 6:37 by pinfall with a Cattle Prod. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Notes: A solid match and surprisingly enough The Mountie pulls it off with no outside interference. Rick Steiner is improving in Technical skills.[/B] After the match The Quebecers decided to add insult to injury and take out the final Steiner brother, however Scott Steiner emerged from the back with a steel chair and chased the villains from the ring. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Yokozuna Vs. Marty Jannetty[/B] [quote]Not much of a match really as Yokozuna dominated this one from the beginning. Basicly Jannetty was torn apart here and showed little to no offense at all. He did do his part on making the champ look incredibly deadly.[/quote] Yokozuna defeated Marty Jannetty in 3:48 by pinfall with a Leg Drop. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: The type of match I come to expect from our champ regardless of the person he has to face. Yokozuna looked great out there, the only real problem with him is his stamina.[/B] [B]Intercontinental Championship Match: Razor Ramon Vs. Bret Hart[/B] [quote]Two of the best the WWF has to offer in this era, in my own honest opinion. Ramon has been red hot as of late and Hart has recently went on a streak of his own. The match was fast paced from the beginning with no one person having the advantage much at all throughout the match. As JR would put it “It was a good old fashioned slobber knocker.”[/quote] (We join the match in progress) Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Ramon now with the advantage, Irish Whip here, but Hart reverse it, and sends Ramon to the outside.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s what makes Bret such a great wrestler is his ability to counter you at any given second.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Ramon looks like he’s had enough, he’s heading back up the ramp.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“But Bret says not so fast and he’s going after the champ.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“They are on the ramp now solid right by Hart, but a low blow by Ramon!”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Razor’s in control now, but they need to get back in the ring.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“The ref is on 7 as they battle back towards the ring, can they make it back in? 9…Bret goes to get on the apron…but Razor has his foot! He’s not letting him get back in to start the count over. This one’s going to end as a draw folks.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Bret’s irate, he’s going after Ramon.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“But Razor has broken away now and is heading back up the ramp and behind the curtain. Bret’s right behind him thou… Oh My God! Bret Hart has just been laid out cold. It’s Diesel! Diesel was hiding in wait behind the curtain. And now the two on one against The Hit Man.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="red"]“Looks like Bret should’ve just excepted the draw JR.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Here we go now Ramon is setting him up for the Razor’s edge off the ramp.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s going to kill him!”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“He’s got him up…wait a minute! It’s Perfect! Mr. Perfect is here and he just laid out Ramon and Diesel!”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“I thought the doctor said he had to stay.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“He’s here now, and he just saved Bret Hart’s life! We’re out of time folks, join us next week on Raw!”[/COLOR] Razor Ramon drew with Bret Hart in 16:07 following a double count out. Razor Ramon makes defence number 3 of his WWF Intercontinental title [COLOR="Red"]Rating: A Run in Rating: B+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: I can’t get a B+ to save my life. Sooner than later these are going to bring down my overness then I’m going to be in a world of trouble.[/B] [COLOR="Red"]TV Ratings: 31.17 (USA Network) 6.81 (TSN Network) 3.36 (Sky Network)[/COLOR][/CENTER] PICK EM RESULTS: [B]USWA_Fan:[/B] 3/4 14/18 (78%) [B]Lexa90:[/B] 3/4 14/22 (64%) [B]marchhaire:[/B] 2/4 11/18 (61%) [B]theoutlaw321:[/B] 2/4 9/17 (53%) [B]masterded:[/B] 2/4 4/8 (50%) [B]The Ego:[/B] 4/8 (50%) [B]Astil:[/B] 3/4 (75%) [B]THEDEMONSEED:[/B] 2/4 (50%)
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[CENTER][B]WWF NEWS[/B][/CENTER] Luke Williams A.K.A. Bushwhacker Luke sustained a minor concussion during a dark match in last night’s WWF Raw. Luke is said to be in good health with no serious injuries as a result of it. As a safety measure WWF officials have said that Luke will be sidelined for at least a month to ensure his safety. In other WWF news, a source from inside WWF headquarters is pleased to announce that the WWF has come to terms with former WCW worker Booker T. As of now it is still unknown what role Booker will have with the company, but it’s a move that should vastly improve the quality of matches.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 3 November 1993 Spectrum Arena in Philadelphia, PA Razor Ramon and Diesel Vs. Mr. Perfect and Bret Hart The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer Vs. Jeff Jarrett Jim Duggan Vs. Doink the Clown The Headshrinkers Vs. The Smoking Gunns Alundra Blaze Vs. Bull Nakano[/B][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Razor Ramon and Diesel Vs. Mr. Perfect and Bret Hart The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer Vs. Jeff Jarrett Jim Duggan Vs. Doink the Clown The Headshrinkers Vs. The Smoking Gunns Alundra Blaze Vs. Bull Nakano
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Razor Ramon and Diesel Vs. [B]Mr. Perfect and Bret Hart[/B] ~Tossup match but I think Perfect/Bret win and then get beaten down afterward by Ramon and Diesel. [B]The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer[/B] Vs. Jeff Jarrett ~Gotta put over the Undertaker for the upcoming pay-per-view. Jim Duggan Vs. [B]Doink the Clown[/B] ~Heel Doink rules. Duggan is a joke character as well. Tough to really decide this midcard battle but I think Doink takes it by outthinking Duggan. [B]The Headshrinkers[/B] Vs. The Smoking Gunns ~Hard match to pick since the Headshrinkers haven't been used too much. However, I'll go with the Headshrinkers because Fatu has been on a run as a singles. [B]Alundra Blaze[/B] Vs. Bull Nakano ~Nakano is a great women's wrestler but a face needs to make a run to get the women's title back, especially if this is hyper kayfabed 1993.
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Razor Ramon and Diesel Vs. [B]Mr. Perfect and Bret Hart[/B] If Perfect is the No 1 contender to the IC belt, then he has to win some matches right?? ;) [B]The Undertaker[/B] w/ Paul Bearer Vs. Jeff Jarrett Undertaker wins, and soon also the WFF Championship. [B]Jim Duggan[/B] Vs. Doink the Clown I've never liked Duggans wrestling skills, but as an entertainer HELL YEAH!! Doink was and always will be a jobber [B]The Headshrinkers[/B] Vs. The Smoking Gunns I have to go with the Shrinkers, Rikishi's push can't have been for nothing [B]Alundra Blaze[/B] Vs. Bull Nakano Meh, who cares :D
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 3 November 1993 Spectrum Arena in Philadelphia, PA Attendance: 24,461[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="blue"]“Hello folks and welcome to yet another edition of WWF Superstars we are just 1 week away from what is sure to be a historic Survivor Series where the WWF Champion Yokozuna faces The Undertaker inside a steel cage. We’re not short on action tonight either as four men with a checkered past set to do battle as Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect team up to face Diesel and Razor Ramon.”[/COLOR] [B]Alundra Blaze Vs. Bull Nakano[/B] [quote]A decent match here, Alundra is still upset about losing her title and is trying to prove she’s worthy of a rematch. She won my vote tonight finishing off Bull Nakano in just over 5 minutes.[/quote] Alundra Blaze defeated Bull Nakano in 5:25 by pinfall with a Bridging German Suplex. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Perhaps I was a fool to take the belt off of Blaze. I haven’t seen rating even close to this with matches that Luna is in.[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“And the former champion makes a statement here tonight wouldn’t you say Bobby?”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“I’m going to say what I always say Monsoon, these chicks should leave the fighting to the men and just stay home and clean.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well then perhaps you’ll like this next match between The Headshrinkers and The Smoking Gunns.”[/COLOR] [B]The Headshrinkers Vs. The Smoking Gunns[/B] [quote]Fatu has had his way in the ring lately and he’s hoping to get his partner Samu in on some of the action. The Smoking Gunns while not winning much lately are still a largely popular tag team. I say it’s because of the goofy hats they wear, but what do I know.[/quote] The Smoking Gunns defeated The Headshrinkers in 5:37 when Billy Gunn defeated Samu by pinfall with The Gunn-Slinger. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: The Gunns pick up their first win and now let’s see if they get some type of momentum or if I just like teasing all of you.[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“A much needed win there for The Smoking Gunns wouldn’t you say Bobby?”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Do you think management would frown upon it if I started drinking during the show?”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“You’re one in a million you know that.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“I do what I can.”[/COLOR] [B]I WANT YOU...[/B] The camera fades backstage now to the dressing room of The Steiner Brothers Rick: [COLOR="Blue"]“Quebecers it seems we’ve underestimated you’re ability to cheat. While we knew we were stepping in the ring with some dirty players we had no idea the measures in which the two of you would go. One week ago you nearly hospitalized my brother here, then on Raw Mountie you somehow come out n top against me.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Scott: “What my brother is trying to say is…we’re sick of it. And we know that the cowards that you are you’re not planning on giving us the time of day for a rematch. So we’ve decided to go ahead and sign the match for you.”[/COLOR] (Scott holds up a contract that the camera zooms in on) Rick: [COLOR="blue"]“See it turns out The Steiner’s have friends in high places, and they seem to think that a Tag Team Title match at Survivor Series is just what the doctor ordered. So…see ya on Sunday!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Jim Duggan Vs. Doink the Clown[/B] [quote]Battle of the jobbers? Perhaps, but if I’m going to keep these guys at least half way credible one of them has to win. Besides they have both put on decent matches for me in the past couple of months. What kind of employer would I be if I didn’t throw them a bone every once in awhile.[/quote] Jim Duggan defeated Doink the Clown in 7:36 by pinfall with a Tackle. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Notes: looks like Duggan is the one that got the bone. Doink’s gimmick just isn’t really going to work once we make the complete transition into the “attitude era”[/B] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Jim Duggan picks up the win, but Bobby what about the announcement by The Steiners, they found someone to grant them a title match.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s the sneakiest thing I’ve ever heard of Monsoon! If I were the Quebecers I would boycott the match. I mean what kind of organization just lets a couple of goons strong arm the champs like that.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh come on, you’re not saying they don’t deserve a shot.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Of course that’s what I’m saying. They had their chance and they blew it, it’s as simple as that.”[/COLOR] [B]The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer Vs. Jeff Jarrett[/B] [quote]Getting into the better matches now, The Undertaker came out looking determined as ever. Take nothing away from Jarrett though he didn’t back down at all. In fact he brought the match to the Undertaker before Taker ever even got into the ring. Of course he would pay severely for that, but hey it was a good effort.[/quote] The Undertaker defeated Jeff Jarrett in 13:08 by pinfall with a Tombstone. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: With just one week left both The Undertaker and Yokozuna look unstoppable, but only one will walk away from the cage. Who will it be? Call Gene Okerlund at 1-800-ripoff to find out. Only 1 dollar the first minute and 60every minute after.[/B] [B]Beat Down...[/B] After the match the camera cuts backstage where Randy “Macho Man” Savage is laying in a pool of his own blood. The camera pans wide in search of the assailant but no one is in sight. [COLOR="red"]Rating: A*[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Savage looks like he was beaten with a baseball bat, who in the world would do such a thing?”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“He probably just slipped and fell. Have you been on those floors backstage? They’re like ice.”[/COLOR] [B]Razor Ramon and Diesel Vs. Mr. Perfect and Bret Hart[/B] [quote]These four men hate each other, and rightfully so. Ramon got the most heat during his entrance and in somewhat of a shock Perfect got the biggest pop after making his in ring return after the assault Ramon laid on him. It looked as if Razor and Perfect were going to start things off but as soon as the bell rang and Perfect came after him, Razor made the quick tag and Perfect was on the receiving end of a giant boot to the face. Perfect would eventually get his hands on Razor however and that’s when things would get interesting.[/quote] (We join the match in progress) Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Perfect now in control hitting Razor and Diesel with a double Lariat. Razor off the ropes now, spine buster! Perfect makes the cover…but Diesel is back up and breaks it up, but here comes Bret!”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Come on ref do your job and get Hart out of there.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Bret now working on Diesel in the corner, as Perfect hammers away at Ramon. Wait a minute Bret’s in trouble here, Jacknife! Diesel just Powerbombed Bret Hart. Perfectplex on Razor at the other end of the ring. Here’s the cover can Diesel get there in time…NO! It’s over Bret and Perfect win!”[/COLOR] Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect defeated Diesel and Razor Ramon in 18:20 when Mr. Perfect defeated Razor Ramon by pinfall with a Perfectplex. [COLOR="Blue"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A great match that really did exactly what I wanted it to do. The story continues with these four and it’s only getting better. Bret Hart is improving in Flying skills. Mr. Perfect is improving in Technical skills. Mr. Perfect is improving in Performance skills.[/B] [B]Revenage...[/B] The victory was short lived however, as soon as Diesel got to Perfect he began his assault. Soon Razor was back on his feet and just as Bret staggered to his he was hit with a Razor’s Edge. With Bret completely incapacitated that left Diesel and Razor to do whatever they wanted to Perfect, and they didn’t stop until he tasted two Jacknife Power Bombs and Three Razor’s Edges. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: After a beating like that I’ll be impressed if Mr. Perfect can even find the arena next week let alone participate in a match.[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: This was one of the most “realistic” shows I think I’ve done. The problem of course is, if I continue to shoot for realism then I’m eventually going to get fired.[/B] TV Ratings: [COLOR="Red"]25.49 (USA Network) 6.71 (TSN Network)[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B]PICK EM RESULTS:[/B] USWA_Fan: 3/5 17/23 (74%) Lexa90: 3/5 17/27 (63%) marchhaire: 3/5 14/23 (61%) masterded: 3/5 7/13 (54%)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF Raw[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Monday Week 4 November 1993 Boston Garden in Boston, MA Randy Savage Vs. Shawn Michaels Ludvig Borga Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow Tatanka Vs. Owen Hart IRS Vs. Jim Powers[/B][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Randy Savage Vs. Shawn Michaels Ludvig Borga Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow Tatanka Vs. Owen Hart IRS Vs. Jim Powers
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[B]Randy Savage[/B] Vs. Shawn Michaels This is a hard one, but you have been pushing The Macho Man pretty much lately, but I could easily go with HBK [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow My GOD!!! Borga for the win, isn't Bam Bam heel??? Heel vs Heel??? [B]Tatanka[/B] Vs. Owen Hart Tatanka wins [B]IRS[/B] Vs. Jim Powers aaah, Jim Powers, the booring guy... The WCW Jobber, the WWF Jobber... IRS RULES :D
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Randy Savage Vs. [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] ~I'm going to go with a dark horse pick here. Although Savage has been solid and gotten solid wins I think if the Undertaker wins the strap at Survivor Series he's going to need built up opponents so I'm going to go with Michaels because he'd be a heel opponent for the Dead Man. Ludvig Borga Vs. [B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] ~Borga has had more to do with the main event scene but I think Bigelow deserves the push more and I think that'll be a direction you explore. [B]Tatanka[/B] Vs. Owen Hart ~Tatanka needs to keep being undefeated for the Survivor Series. [B]IRS[/B] Vs. Jim Powers ~Powers is "new" and has gotten some wins against lesser competition but IRS is too strong to lose to an unproven Powers.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]WWF Raw[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Live Monday Week 4 November 1993 Boston Garden in Boston, MA Attendance: 15,000 (Sold Out)[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello and welcome to Monday Night Raw! I’m your host Jim Ross alongside as always with Vince McMahon. We are less than one week away from Survivor Series folks and you can feel the tension in the year. Another great match up has been announced where you the viewers have let your voices be heard. The famous Survivor Series match will be the team of Jim Powers, The Steiner Brothers and El Matador taking on the team of Ted DiBiase, Sean Waltman, IRS and “The Model” Rick Martel. And Vince what kind of disadvantage is that going to leave the guys who have to compete again that night?”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“It’s going to leave them at a huge disadvantage no question about that, but everyone here in the WWF is in tremendous shape and I think they will have no problem going the distance.”[/COLOR] [B]IRS Vs. Jim Powers[/B] [quote]Jim Powers is still a bit of an up and comer while IRS has been taking more of a tag team role. Still both these men laid it all on the line here, and really surprised me with their effort. Oddly enough the rest of Money Inc. wasn’t in tow tonight.[/quote] Jim Powers defeated Irwin R. Schyster in 6:06 by pinfall with a Powerslam. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Wow I was amazed by this one. Turns out these two have great in ring chemistry together. And this should be a huge boost for Jim Powers’ popularity.[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“What a way to kick of the show. And Vince perhaps that was just a little taste of what’s to come Sunday night.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“It very well could be JR, but let’s not forget that at least 3 of the members of that Money Inc. team are very used to working together. It’s going to be interesting to see what kind of effect that has on the outcome.”[/COLOR] [B]Tatanka Vs. Owen Hart[/B] [quote]Another decent match here as Tatanka prepares to head into Survivor Series. Owen Hart as a heel has always been much more effective IMHO, and his underhanded tactics tonight cost him the match after losing his temper and assaulting Tatanka with a steel chair.[/quote] Tatanka defeated Owen Hart in 8:19 by disqualification. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Tatanka keeps his undefeated streak intact here, but not without paying a huge price. Tatanka is improving in Technical skills.[/B] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Owen Hart is out of control Vince. First he assaults his friend and tag partner Koko B. Ware for no reason at all, and now this. What do you think set him off?”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“I’m not sure what’s going on with Owen right now, but I can tell you this, as long as he keeps this state of mind he’s going to be a very tough opponent.”[/COLOR] [B]A Perfect Match[/B] Curt Henning’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring looking just as ****y as ever. Perfect: [COLOR="Blue"]“You know something Razor, there was a time when I respected you as a wrestler. I mean you never had half the talent as me, but I respected you anyway. Now you resort to not only fighting with weapons, but dressing up as nurses. How about you leave what you do in your personal time at home at this weekend at Survivor Series fight me like a man! Oh and one other thing Razor, since you seem to like to use your share of weapons I thought we could use the greatest weapon of all and make this…A LADDER MATCH! Now, that sounds…Perfect!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: I could never actually capture Mr. Perfect’s promo like they use to be, but him and Razor in a ladder match sure does sound awesome.[/B] [B]Ludvig Borga Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] [quote]This is a big match because both wrestlers have been on really impressive streaks as of late. This started off as a slugfest and didn’t stray much. Bigelow hit a couple of high risk moves that only he can do, but somehow Borga seemed unphased by this and battled back.[/quote] Ludvig Borga defeated Bam Bam Bigelow in 7:35 by pinfall with Stiff Punches. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Borga beats Bigelow cleanly here, and proves that just maybe he can be a main event contender without the outside help of others.[/B] [B]Randy Savage Vs. Shawn Michaels[/B] [quote]This was another match for the record books. Savage came out looking fired up and seemed pretty lively after the assault last night. Michaels of course came out dancing and stripping as always and while he was getting booed pretty loudly he still had his share of ladies ogling him. The match started off very fast paced with Michaels starting things off with a German suplex. Savage would of course make a comeback and have Michaels on the verge of losing.[/quote] (We join the match in progress) Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Savage now with a series of rights and Michaels looks to be about out of it Vince.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Yeah I’m amazed he’s still on his feet.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Savage now going up…wait a minute. The lights have shut off and… Oh My God! Savage is unconscious in the middle of the ring and is a bloody mess.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Michaels staggers over…and he picks up the win, but who in the world?”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, just a few weeks ago Vince this very thing happened to Yokozuna and the speculation was the work of The Undertaker.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Well yeah, but what beef would he have with Savage?”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Unfortunately that remains a mystery, and while medical personal are attending to Randy Savage we are going to have to say goodnight from Boston.”[/COLOR] Shawn Michaels defeated Randy Savage in 12:56 by pinfall [COLOR="Red"]Rating: A*[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Attack Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Savage puts on another amazing match, and at this rate he may just be the company’s MVP. Of course the mystery remains who is behind these viscous attacks, is it the work of The Undertaker?[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Finally a grade better than a B. Hopefully we can soon break into the A category and then the sky is the limit.[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]TV Ratings:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Red"]31.27 (USA Network) 6.92 (TSN Network) 3.33 (Sky Network)[/COLOR] [/CENTER] PICK EM RESULTS: [B]marchhaire:[/B] 3/4 18/27 (67%) Nice job this week... I gave you an extra point for the Taxes comment...priceless :D [B]USWA_Fan:[/B] 2/4 19/27 (70%) [B]Lexa90:[/B] 2/4 19/31 (61%) O.O.C Just want to take time to thank everyone who has continued reading and giving support to this diary, it hasn't gone unnoticed. Especially the three people mentioned above who manage to make predictions at every show. For the next show I'm thinking about doing away with all the "commentary" between matches. To be honest I don't feel like I'm capturing it very well and it doesn't really add anything to the write up itself other than time., but if you guys particulary like it then I'll keep it in just let me know your thoughts. I could even just bring it back for PPV's it really just depends on how much you guys like it. Anyway, again thanks for reading and as always feedback is always welcome.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 4 November 1993 Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY Shawn Michaels Vs. Bob Backlund Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Jim Neidhart Adam Bomb Vs. Booker T Billy Gunn Vs. Fatu Men On a Mission Vs. The Beverley Brothers [/B][/CENTER] Quick Picks: Shawn Michaels Vs. Bob Backlund Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Jim Neidhart Adam Bomb Vs. Booker T Billy Gunn Vs. Fatu Men On a Mission Vs. The Beverley Brothers
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Haha cool, this show is going to be from Rupp Arena. I'm from KY and live close to Lexington. [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] Vs. Bob Backlund ~Don't really know much about Backlund's role in the company so I'll go with HBK. [B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] Vs. Jim Neidhart ~Bigelow has to re-establish some momentum after the loss to Borga on RAW. Adam Bomb Vs. [B]Booker T[/B] ~Booker's debut so he shouldn't lose! Billy Gunn Vs. [B]Fatu[/B] ~Fatu is on a role as a singles even though the Headshrinkers lost to the Gunns in tag action. I imagine he'll win here by cheating but you never know. [B]Men On a Mission[/B] Vs. The Beverley Brothers ~Beverly Brothers are the jobbers of the tag team division.
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Fantastic Raw, congrats on the B+. I've been more than a little shocked with some of the ratings I've gotten booking ahead in my WCW 1997 game, but post the initial struggle, pulling an A show became a posibility. When it happened twice in two weeks, I nearly jumped. You'll get it. As far as your style goes, I'd really only use the commentary if it's needed for a segment or something...like announcing a match. I do like the "match has been joined in progress" thing in the main event...it makes it stand out. Anyhow...predictions! [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] Vs. Bob Backlund A nice rebound for HBK after putting on a showstealer vs. Savage (feud forthcoming, hopefully). Backlund needs to snap. [B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] Vs. Jim Neidhart Who? Adam Bomb Vs. [B]Booker T[/B] Hell yes. Nice signing. [B]Billy Gunn[/B] Vs. Fatu Smoking Gunns > Headshrinkers...especially if they had Sunny. Two years too soon. [B]Men On a Mission[/B] Vs. The Beverley Brothers The Harris Twins don't deserve a win over Sir Mo and Big Daddy V.
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[B]Shawn Michaels[/B] Vs. Bob Backlund I'm intrested to see how these guys click in the ring, but HBK should win [B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] Vs. Jim Neidhart Bam Bam, BAm Bam, Bam Bam... Adam Bomb Vs. [B]Booker T[/B] This is the hard one of the night, you have gave a little push to Bomb, but Booker T is such a good signing, so he's gotta win Billy Gunn Vs. [B]Fatu[/B] The Big Kish wins [B]Men On a Mission[/B] Vs. The Beverley Brothers I Have always been a huge Viscera/Mable fan, and The Beverley Bros are not anything compared to MOAM And BTW I really like the style you write these shows, I don't care about the commentary really, But it's good when there is the "We join the match in progress" So keep it up :D
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Live Sunday Week 4 November 1993 Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY Attendance: N/A[/B] [B]Men On a Mission Vs. The Beverley Brothers[/B] [quote]This was a very one sided match that MOM completely dominated. The entire thing only lasted about four minutes and in that time we saw Mable pretty much single handedly take out both member of The Beverley Brothers.[/quote] Men on a Mission defeated The Beverley Brothers in 4:31 when Mabel defeated Beau Beverly by pinfall with a Big Legdrop. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Not a bad way to start off the night. Add that to the fact that most of the “bigger” stars are competing at the PPV and it makes this that much better. Mabel is improving in Performance skills.[/B] [B]Fatu Vs. Billy Gunn[/B] [quote]Flash back to just one week ago when The Smoking Gunns and The Headshrinkers met in tag team action and you’ll remember that it was Billy Gunn who picked up the win for The Gunns. He’s hoping to use some of that momentum here tonight, while Fatu hopes to continue his successful run as a singles wrestler. Billy looked pretty good early on but Fatu would get the momentum back after a bloody and battered Bart stumbled down the ramp. Billy would run out to check on his sibling and that would ultimately cost him the match.[/quote] Fatu defeated Billy Gunn in 7:31 by count out. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Another win by Fatu, but you have to wonder how the match would’ve ended had Bart not stumbled his way down the ramp. Will the Gunns be looking for revenge next week?[/B] [B]Get It Now…[/B] [quote]After the match Heenan and Monsoon go on to talk about the upcoming Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title at Survivor Series and reminds the fans at home that it’s not to late to order it on PPV.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Adam Bomb Vs. Booker T[/B] [quote]The much anticipated debut of Booker T has arrived, I can only assume that is because in a different universe Booker goes on to be a huge player in the wrestling world. It will be interesting to see how he gets used in this universe. Before I “acquired” Booker T from “that other company” he was working as a face tag team known as Harlem Heat. He hadn’t really done anything note worthy in WCW before he made the jump to the big leagues, and I’m hoping to really get him known more of a WWF legacy than a WCW one. With all that being said his first match in the WWF wasn’t an easy one as he faced a red hot Adam Bomb (no pun intended.) The match was a great one filled with lots of brawling and not much in the way of high risk moves.[/quote] Booker T defeated Adam Bomb in 13:29 by pinfall with a Scissors Kick. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A successful debut here for Booker T and an impressive one at that. Booker T is improving in Rumble skills. Booker T is improving in Performance skills.[/B] After the match Booker T grabs the mic. Booker: [COLOR="Blue"]“I came to the WWF for one reason and one reason only, to win the WWF title.”[/COLOR] (Booker gets a few cheers nothing fancy.) Booker: [COLOR="blue"]“What you saw tonight was only the beginning. There’s a new dog in town, and I’m hungry!”[/COLOR] (Booker goes to leave, but before he can some new “hip” country music song plays over the PA and out struts Jeff Jarrett.) Jarrett: [COLOR="red"]“I don’t know who the hell you are, and frankly I don’t really care. You see double J Jeff Jarrett made his claim here in the WWF while you were down south wrastlin those has beens!”[/COLOR] (Double J actually gets some cheers here with his remark towards WCW.) Jarrett: [COLOR="Red"]“You say you want to prove yourself 2-Pac? Then how about later on tonight at Survivor Series you go one on one with J E Double F J A Double R E Double T?”[/COLOR] Booker: [COLOR="Blue"]“Look here playa, you want a match with me tonight that’s fine, but after I kick your two steppin, long haired, country ass back to Nashville I don’t want to hear anymore of your crying when I win the WWF title.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Turns out Booker T still doesn’t have very good mic skills. I also just realized we said hell and ass in the same segment, don’t be surprised if we lose our timeslot. [/B] [B]Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Jim Neidhart[/B] [quote]Bigelow came out tonight with a bit of a chip on his shoulder after his loss last week. Neidhart on the other hand came out looking just as goofy and uncoordinated as ever. Despite all that however he still managed to put on a good match, and actually had it won at one point until Luna would sneak in a low blow while Neidhart was close to the ropes then Bam Bam would finish him off with a Greeting from Asbury Park.[/quote] Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Jim Neidhart in 11:57 by pinfall with a Greetings from Asbury Park. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A not so bad match here really, I expected a little worse. Bigelow recovers from his latest lose meanwhile I contemplate giving good old Jim the pink slip for some fresher talent.[/B] [B]THERE'S STILL TIME...[/B] [quote]Monsoon and Heenan go on here to once again talk about how great of an event Survivor Series is going to be and we are reminded that we will see the WWF Champion Yokozuna take on The Undertaker in a Cage match. The show starts in less than 30 minutes but it’s still not to late to order now.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: A[/COLOR] [B]Shawn Michaels w/ Diesel Vs. Bob Backlund[/B] [quote]Wasn’t it close to this time (maybe 95) when Backlund would go on to win the WWF title only to lose it to Diesel in like 5 seconds at a house show in Madison Square Garden? Ah memories… This match however wasn’t for the title but it did include Backlund and Diesel was at ringside. Backlund put on a technical clinic in this one putting Michaels in moves I’ve never even seen before.[/quote] (We join the match in progress) Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Backlund now with solid kicks to the midsection backing Michaels into the corner. And look at this now, Michaels is trying to call time out.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“What a poor sport Backlund is, the man called time out give him a break.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“There’s no time out in professional wrestling. The ref however is telling Backlund to allow Michaels to get up since he’s on the ropes. And Backlund now getting in the face of the ref, apparently he doesn’t like to be told what to do.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“See I told you he was a bad sport.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Wait a minute, Diesel just slipped something into Michaels’ hand, what was that?”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“I didn’t see anything?”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Michaels now on his feet, Backlund turns around, and Michaels just clocked him with whatever it was that Diesel gave him! Backlund is out on his feet!”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]You know what that means…good night sweetheart!”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Super kick my Michaels…and this one is over!”[/COLOR] Shawn Michaels defeated Bob Backlund in 11:46 by pinfall with a Sweet Chin Music. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: A[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Well I can’t say I expected an A out of these two, maybe Backlund does deserve another title run…no? Just checking. [/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: I’m actually ok with this since I tried not to use anyone who was going to be used on the PPV. I’m really hoping Survivor Series is a huge success, I could use the ego boost.[/B] [COLOR="Red"]TV Ratings: TBA[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]PICK EM RESULTS:[/B] [B]marchhaire:[/B] 4/5 22/32 (69%) [B]USWA_Fan:[/B] 5/5 24/32 (75%) [B]Lexa90:[/B] 5/5 24/36 (67%)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF Survivor Series[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 4 November 1993 Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY Attendance: N/A WWF Championship Cage Match: Yokozuna Vs. The Undertaker Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match: Razor Ramon Vs. Mr. Perfect Survivor Series Rules Fan Picked Match: Ted DiBiase, IRS, Sean Waltman and “The Model” Vs. The Steiners, Jim Powers, and El Matador Bret Hart Vs Diesel Lex Lugar Vs. Ludvig Borga WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Quebecers Vs. The Steiner Brothers Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman Vs. Tatanka Booker T Vs. Jeff Jarrett Crush Vs. Koko B. Ware [/B][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Yokozuna Vs. The Undertaker Razor Ramon Vs. Mr. Perfect Ted DiBiase, IRS, Sean Waltman and “The Model” Vs. The Steiners, Jim Powers, and El Matador Bret Hart Vs Diesel Lex Lugar Vs. Ludvig Borga The Quebecers Vs. The Steiner Brothers Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman Vs. Tatanka Booker T Vs. Jeff Jarrett Crush Vs. Koko B. Ware
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WWF Championship Cage Match: Yokozuna Vs. [B]The Undertaker[/B] There will be a NEW WWF CHAMPIOOON!! Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match: [B]Razor Ramon[/B] Vs. Mr. Perfect I stillwouldlike to see a longer run for Razor, and I hope you think so too :D Survivor Series Rules Fan Picked Match: [B]Ted DiBiase, IRS, Sean Waltman and “The Model” [/B] Vs. The Steiners, Jim Powers, and El Matador Got to be the victors here... El Matador??? :D [B]Bret Hart [/B] Vs Diesel This is a hard one, but I think the Excellence of Excecution will win Lex Lugar Vs. [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] There is only one right choice, make it :p WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Quebecers Vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] this is the show when the Steiners will finally win the belts [B]Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman [/B] Vs. Tatanka Waltham in 2 matches?? Okay, He's not [U]that[/U] good :D [B]Booker T [/B] Vs. Jeff Jarrett Make him a King already :D [B]Crush[/B] Vs. Koko B. Ware There always have to be some fillermatches, and this is one. Hoping for a good PPV here, It looks like one, looking at the card :)
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