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Name Help! Post YOUR suggestions on Femme Fatale.com!

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Hello everyone. In my Cornellverse dynasty, I had an interesting situation arise. Well, one that [B][I]I[/I][/B] found interesting anyway, and perhaps some few of my readers as well. And maybe you too! Two of my custom-made workers had the same first names as another two of the 'standard' workers; I introduced Miss and Missy Midnight. Of course, I also had on the roster Miss Mexico and Missy Masterson. Didn't think anything of it at the time... As I wrote, especially when the Midnight Sisterz fought Miss Mexico and Missy Masterson, the first names started getting a little confusing. " '[I]And there goes Missy with a {insert wrestling move here}...[/I]' Waitaminute... I should describe which one..." I found myself doing that again and again and again. Apparently readers had the same reaction, as Beeker suggested I change the Midnight Sisterz names. So, I got to thinking... I didn't [B][I]want[/I][/B] to change their names. As custom characters of my own creation, they're instantly favorites of mine. Go figure. But I did realize something had to be done, and something cool may come of it. Now, how would I do it...? And then it hit me... a Name Challenge Match! Like a Title Fight, but for the rights to the names Miss and Missy. The Midnight Sisters v/s Miss Mexico and Missy Masterson. Well, I thought it sounded cool, anyway. So I did it. I also made it a 'spoiler' match, with an extra tag-team of Roz Larren and Roxy Kitten, whom I dubbed the Wildcats due to their animalistic themes (Ok, so Roxy's really a rocker chick, but her name's [U][I]Kitten[/I][/U] for cripes sake! Gotta love that!). The Wildcat's sole mission was to foil things up. If either other team was put out by them, then the whole thing would be a bust, the Name Challenge would void, and that would set things up for a rematch. Some real drama there. Who would win, if anyone? And how long would it go on for?! I booked it in-game with no winner. Didn't name one. And since AAA, my promotion-of-choice, is an SE fed and none of the wrestlers involved had any much overness at all, I thought it a pretty even chance that anyone could win it, thus making it (to my mind anyway) a 'fair' contest. Wouldn't you know, but the Midnight Sisterz and Mexico and Masterson jumped Wildcats right away like they were teamed together! So much for the spoilers. Guess they didn't want anyone ruining their fight for their names! Wildcats went out almost imediately. Then the four Name Challengees went after it with a vengeance. Long story short, the Midnight Sisterz won! So they keep the names Miss and Missy, and now Mexico and Masterson have to change their names. Then I decided on Cool Thing #2. What if, to try and be nice about it, the Midnight Sisterz got together and posted on some website a sort of poll (Kayfabe, mind you) where people could suggest names to help Mexico and Masterson out. Then I thought, wouldn't it be cool if I got [B][I]you[/I][/B] people in on it! So that's what I'm doing here, now. Please, feel free to post [B][I]your[/I][/B] suggestions on alternate/cool names for Miss Mexico and Missy Masterson. A change of either the first name(s) only or the entire name is acceptable. So let's have fun with it! You all are so creative, I can't wait to see what you come up with! As my diary approaches the next show, when they'll debut with their new names, one of you will have named them! That's right. I'll choose one of the submissions for the names. So live on, people! Here's your chance at a small slice of immortality! Or at least being able to say, "Hey! I came up with that one!" :cool: For those who don't read dynasties, and for those not into Cornellverse and so may be reluctant to respond due to lack of familiarity, I include the following 'Podcast' Miss and Missy Midnight did to set up the Name Help Forum Thread. To give you an idea of the flavor of things, and perhaps get you 'in the mood'...
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[CENTER][I]Exerpt from [/I][URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23973"][B]Days in the Life - Confessions of a Triple 'A' Worker[/B][/URL] [/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f212/NordVolf/TEW%202007/a_FemmeFatale.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Transcript FemmeFatale.com Women In Sports Podcast Monday, January Week 3, 2007 10:00am PST Studio Interview with Miss and Missy Midnight, wrestlers in AAA. {Erika Reals} "[I]Hello! I'm Erika Reals, and you're listening to Femme Fatale Dot Com's Monday Morning Podcast! Where we bring you, week in and week out, Women In Sports from all across the good ol' U S of A.[/I] "[I]Our broadcast, as always, is from the Seattle Pacific University Campus studio in Seattle Washington, where the students and faculty of the Media and Telecommunications Studies department are gracious enough to donate studio time and talent to produce, record and broadband out our Podcast. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, as well as our Saturday 'Women In Sports News Weekly', they bring our podcasts to you listeners out there via our very own web site! For which we are eternally grateful to them! Here's hoping if any of you professors out there are listening, you give all these Communications Majors an 'A' for this![/I] "[I]And speaking of 'A'... Or more specifically, Triple-A! That's right, once again we have news of Angel Athletic Association! This Podcast brings us something unusual that is sure to delight all you listeners out there. Because I had the opportunity to talk to none other than the new, up and coming 'Sisterz of Raslin' themselves, the Midnight Sisterz![/I]" {Young, Girlish Voice} "[I]Hey, la![/I]" {Slightly Older, Girlish Voice} "[I]Yeah, hey![/I]" {Erika, laughs} "[I]Hey there you two! Now, for those who don't have a clue who you are yet, why don't you tell us![/I]" {Young Voice} "[I]Well, I'm Missy Midnight, an' this is my sister, Miss Midnight![/I]" {Older Voice} "[I]Yeah, I'm Miss Midnight.[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yepyep! We're bran' new wrestlers for Angel Athletic, and want to say a big 'Hey La!' to all you folks out there in Internet Land![/I]" {Erika, laughs again} "[I]Well 'hey la' to you too! Now, as our fans out there know already, normally I'm the one that [B]tirelessly[/B] hunts down all sorts of news stories and arranges interviews about Women In Sports for our listeners out there, but as I said earlier this is unusual, because [/I]you[I] girls called [B]me[/B]![/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yeppers! We sure did![/I]" {Miss} "[I]Yes ma'am, we did.[/I]" {Erika} "[I]Now, for you fans out there listening, the Midnight Sisterz called me Sunday evening. And these two had a wonderful idea that tickled my fancy [B]so[/B] much that I arranged to have them come down to our studio here this morning for a Podcast interview! So girls, I hope you're not shy because thousands and thousands of people listen to this Podcast, four times a week, all across the nation![/I]" {Missy, giggling} "[I]Of course we're not shy! We wouldn't be wrestlin' if we were, right?![/I]" {Erika, laughs yet again} "[I]Good point, Missy. Now, before we get to the heart of the reason you girls called, why not give us all some info on you two. You know, something about you that fans may want to know, in case they never heard of you.[/I]" {Miss} "[I]Well, we're young yet, I'm out of school a year and Missy here's still in, and we're just getting started wrestling...[/I]" {Missy, interrupting} "[I]But I'm fixin' to graduate this year, you know! An' I'm not skippin' this morning neither so Mom, no need to get upset![/I]" {Erika} "[I]Oh, right! Special day today on account that school is out for your basketball team making regionals![/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yeppers! Big, just uberHUGE rally later this morning, too! Go, Seattle Central High Manatees!!![/I]" {Miss, patiently} "[I]Yeah, that's right. Anyway, we're new wrestlers for Angel Athletic Association, which if you out there don't know, that's the premier women's wrestling promotion in the whole United States, based right here out of Seattle Washington.[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yup yup! An' the only [B]real[/B] women's wrestling promo too! See, most other wrestling promotions are mostly guys and only have a women's division, not [B]all women[/B] like Angel! An' Babes of Sin City, based out of Vegas, don't really count on account that even though they're all women too, they're more like a Vegas Nightclub kind of show, not really wrestling...[/I]" {Miss} "[I]Sis, that is so rude![/I]" {Missy} "[I]Well, I'm just sayin'! Not that B.S.C. [B]aren't[/B] bosh or anything, either! They put on some really boshness shows, real entertainment! In fact, we got one of their wrestlers working with Angel right now, so that pro'lly tells you right there just how bosh they [B]really[/B] are! Anyway, I was just sayin', you know.[/I]" {Erika} "[I]You have a wrestler from Vegas with you now?![/I]" {Miss} "[I]Yeah. Roxy Kitten's her name, and she's pretty great. She's a good wrestler, someone on par with us, but mostly she's a whole lot of fun...[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yeppers! She's the boshness babe! Got her own Rock Group VW Mini-bus an' ever'thing![/I]" {Erika} "[I]Now wait a minute... I thought you said she was a wrestler.[/I]" {Miss} "[I]She is, but she's also a huge fan of music, plays guitar and sings in a band of her own. They're not famous or anything, just sort of a hobby because they love it.[/I]" {Erika} "[I]I see. So, as a lead-in to you girls' idea, tell us a little about what led up to it.[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Sure! Well, it all started, really, when me an' sis here joined Angel Athletic as Miss and Missy Midnight...[/I]" {Erika} "[I]And for those listeners out there who don't know, you're the daughters of Lorna Midnight, is that right?[/I]" {Missy, proudly} "[I]Yeppers, Erika! That's why we're the Midnight Sisterz, don't'cha know![/I]" {Erika} "[I]Right. And Lorna is one of the upper tier wrestlers there, right? I believe they call that the 'upper card' or something?[/I]" {Miss, a little sour} "[I]Yeah, something like that. Was, anyway. Long story. [B]Anyway[/B]... Turns out that there were [B]already[/B] a Miss and Missy in Angel Athletic; Miss Mexico and Missy Masterson.[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yep! Oh, but not that we were tryin' to steal their names or anything![/I]" {Miss} "[I]No, we weren't. But it still lead to problems, you know, having the same name and all, and turns out it was causing more than a few big problems too...[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yuppers! We don't wanna bore you with details or nothin', but there was some real resentment goin' on, lemme tell you![/I]" {Miss} "[I]Yeah. So anyway, this last Saturday, at our Saturday Spectacular show, we all at Angel decided to hold a Name Challenge Match.[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yeppers! Was kinda like a Title Match or a Prize fight, in case you out there listenin' didn't know whut that means.[/I]" {Erika} "[I]Wow. So you fought over the names?![/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yeppers, Erika! We sure did! Heck of a fight, too![/I]" {Miss} "[I]Yeah, longest fight we've ever been in. Just about all we could handle and then some.[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yep yep! But wouldn't you know, me an' sis came out on top! Yay, Midnight Sisterz!!! Wahoo![/I]" {Erika, laughing} "[I]Well congratulations, you two![/I]" {Miss, turning very serious} "[I]Thanks, Erika. But it's not all fun and games...[/I]" {Erika} "[I]Oh? How so? More problems?[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yeah, kinda. Which is the reason we called you![/I]" {Miss} "[I]Yeah. You see, the winners of that match got to keep their first names...[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Miss an' Missy, which is now officially us![/I]" {Miss} "[I]Yeah, and the loosers have to change theirs.[/I]" {Erika} "[I]Ooohhh. Well I bet that makes the other two, Miss Mexico and Missy Masterson was it(?), pretty sore.[/I]" {Miss} "[I]Yeah, that's them. And, well, they're not exactly sore...[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yep yep! See, we're all friends, Mexy an' Masterson an' us...[/I]" {Miss} "[I]Well, not so much Mexico, on account we're the good girls and she's one of the bad ones...[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yeah, she's kinda a heel. But Mexy's pretty bosh [B]anyway[/B]. An' we don't wish nothin' bad on her or nothin, either! In fact, we kinda feel bad they've got to change their names. I mean, we know how we'd feel if someone made us change [B]our[/B] names...[/I]" {Miss} "[I]Yeah, we feel kind of bad about it.[/I]" {Erika} "[I]Well I think that's actually sweet of you two.[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yeah, but that's not the really suh-[B]weet[/B] part![/I]" {Miss} "[I]Yeah. See, Missy Masterson, well, she's sometimes known as 'Misfit', but that name sort of bothers her, and we can see why...[/I]" {Erika} "[I]Yeah, I can see that too.[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yep yep! An' Mexy, she's kinda, well, not shy, but not real loud either, kinda quiet...[/I]" {Miss} "[I]Yeah, so, well, they're having some difficulty thinking of new names.[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yeppers! An' since, well, me an' sis here kinda [B]started[/B] the whole thing, wouldn't it be so bosh if we could help them out![/I]" {Erika} "[I]Well, what did you girls have in mind?[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Can I tell it, sis?![/I]" {Miss, wryly} "[I]Suuure...[/I]" {Missy, excited} "[I]BOSHNESS! Anyway, we thought, wouldn't it be the uber-boshness if we could set up a web site or something where people could submit alternate names for Miss Mexico and Missy Masterson, so they wouldn't have to have such a brain-buster about it, you know!? An' that would give a little exposure to Angel Athletic too, for all the people out there who weren't fans yet, you know, kinda to say, 'Hey la, come on over an' give us a lookit!' [/I]" {Erika} "[I]You know, I think that's a great idea![/I]" {Miss} "[I]Thanks, Mz. Reals. But see, we didn't really have a place on any web site that we thought would reach a big enough viewer or listener base or whatever...[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yeppers! So that's when we thought of Femme Fatale Dot Com! We were, like, 'Hey, wouldn't it be [B]so[/B] bosh if they could host it!' An' sis here was, like, 'Sure, we could ask. Worse they could do is say no![/I]'" {Erika, laughs} "[I]Well, it really is a great idea, so we here at Femme Fatale Dot Com decided to tell you girls yes![/I]" {Missy} "[I]YAY! Go, Femme Fatale Dot Com!!![/I]" {Erika, laughing} "[I]Thanks! Anyway, all you listeners out there, we've set up on our forums a thread for you to log in and submit what [B]you[/B] think are good alternate names for Miss Mexico and Missy Masterson. So log in and weight in! And please, be kind, as these names are going to be carried by those two wrestlers for perhaps a very long time...[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yeah, please! No, like, dirty or really unboshness names, puh-leeze! Think 'o somethin' [B]you'd[/B] be proud to wear yourself, you know![/I]" {Erika} "[I]Missy, I couldn't have put it better myself.[/I]" {Missy} "[I]That's why I'm here![/I]" {Erika, laughing} "[I]Right you are, Missy. And I'd like to thank you both for taking the time to come in here and have me interview you![/I]" {Miss} "[I]Thanks, ma'am. The pleasure was all ours.[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yuppers, Erika! It was, like, [B]so[/B] utterly bosh to be here![/I]" {Erika} "[I]All right. So, you listeners out there. Log in, right here, and submit [B]your[/B] ideas for new names for Miss Mexico...[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Who's really from Mexico, by the way! Oh! An' she's got flame red hair, too![/I]" {Erika} "[I]Oh! Thanks. And Missy Masterson...[/I]" {Missy} "[I]Yeah, an' Masterson's a kinda young, fun-lovin' sort, really boshness, so she needs one of those uberly bosh names![/I]" {Erika} "[I]Right you are. Thanks again, Miss and Missy![/I]" {Miss} "[I]Welcome, ma'am. Thank [B]you[/B].[/I]" {Missy, voice warbling slightly as if she were waving energetically} "[I]Yuppers, Erika! Tah![/I]" {Erika, chuckling} "[I]That was Miss and Missy Midnight, two brand new, up-and-coming wrestlers for Seattle Washington's very own all-women's wrestling promotion, Angel Athletic Association. I'm Erika Reals, and you've been listening to Femme Fatale Dot Com's Monday Morning PodCast, Women In Sports![/I]"[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=mystic;276780]to make it easier and get more people, add a link to the diary. that way people don't have to search through the diary section to find it.[/QUOTE] What a great idea, Mystic! And here it is: [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23973"]Days in the Life - Confessions of a Triple 'A' Worker[/URL] by yours truely, NordVolf. So there you have it. Now, it's time for [B][I]you[/I][/B] to post your ideas! And if you don't know Cornellverse, here's a little blurb about each: [QUOTE][IMG]http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f212/NordVolf/TEW%202007/MissMexico.jpg[/IMG] Miss Mexico Miss Mexico is a veteran female worker from Tampico, who is a solid, reliable competitor, recognisable for her trademark bright red hair. She mainly works Mexico and California, but followed regular opponent Joanne Rodriguez to AAA in 2005.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f212/NordVolf/TEW%202007/MissyMasterson_alt10.jpg[/IMG] Missy Masterson "Miss Fit" Missy Masterson is a rookie Canadian high flier with a lot of potential. She is particularly noted for her ever-changing eccentric ring attire, ranging from full-on goth, through catholic schoolgirl outfits, to S&M french maids, and so on.[/QUOTE] Now mind you, the sky really is the limit, so let's get some creative juices flowing! Especially for Missy Masterson! She has something like a dozen different pictures in the database for each of the 'ideas' listed in her database blurb and then some! So she really does have a variety of looks, and thus name potentials! And if nothing else, maybe, if we asked [B][I]real[/I][/B] nice, one of the hugely talented peeps on TEW's Render Thread would like to take a stab at making pictures to suit their new names... ;)
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Woo-hoo! First suggestions to me! Shame all I have is stuff rather generic...ah, well, I still like them! :D In any event, here's what I have: [U]For Missy Masterson[/U] [B][I][SIZE="4"]Claire “The Angel” Masterson[/SIZE][/I][/B] (using Missy’s alternate picture #18-yes, I know, it’s not that creative, but work with me here.) Profile: After losing the name challenge match to Miss and Missy Midnight, Masterson was forced to stop using the name “Missy” while in AAA. This was a problem easily remedied, as she decided to revert to using her real name in the ring. Also, in an effort to play the role of the Midnight Sisterz’ foil, she elected to find the one costume of those she has used before to be the counterpart to the darkness that is midnight. What better than the holy light of an angel? Thus was Claire “The Angel” Masterson re-born in AAA. [U]For Miss Mexico[/U] [B][I][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Blood Sunrise[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B] Profile: Following the shocking loss to the Midnight Sisterz in the now-infamous “Name Challenge,” Miss Mexico found herself on the horns of a dilemma. One sleepless night, after looking at herself in the mirror, she could see the beginnings of a new dawn in the reflection of the mirror. The way it made her bright-red hair look as if it was covered in blood, the inspiration hit her then and there. Miss Mexico could be no more; in her place was Blood Sunrise, sent forth with one purpose. Just like the sunrise banishes the darkness, she would find a way to banish the Midnight Sisterz once and for all. Then, all of AAA will fall before her, and the blood will stain every sunrise for years to come.
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Surely you jest. :p If you're going to change names, it would make sense to change gimmicks and/or styles as well. If that's the case, what I would do is repackage Mexico as a luchadora and name her 'La Azteca' or 'Angel del Anillo'. Or, something that just came to me is, give her a name with a Spanish reference (like Quince or Catorce) or steal a real life worker's name (Estrellita, perhaps?). La Cazadora ("The Hunting" or "The Huntress") has a ring to it as well. Missy's pretty useless in the ring, with her strongest points making her a far better manager than wrestler. I'd just stick her with whatever gimmick came to mind at the time and give her a name that fits the gimmick. Like, if she had a Cheerleader or High Society gimmick, I'd name her Muffy or Margo Helot. Maybe bring Alison Capone in and give Missy an Underworld/Mafia type of gimmick and name her Lucky (ala Jackie Collins).
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Good suggestions so far. I like them. And Remmy, you're right. Gimmick changes are fair game; I'd thought to do that, specific gimmick dependant on the winning name(s), of course. Hadn't thought of style changes, though. Also very doable, and so noted. Great job so far, people. Let's keep it going!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow, SF! I like that! Now, for those who really [I][U]do[/U][/I] know Spanish... Is there a difference between the feminine and masculine forms for such a name? As in, is 'El Rojas' a masculine form? And if so, what's the feminine form, as, well, Mexico [B][I]is[/I][/B] a woman... ;)
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[QUOTE=NordVolf;282297]Wow, SF! I like that! Now, for those who really [I][U]do[/U][/I] know Spanish... Is there a difference between the feminine and masculine forms for such a name? As in, is 'El Rojas' a masculine form? And if so, what's the feminine form, as, well, Mexico [B][I]is[/I][/B] a woman... ;)[/QUOTE] 'El' is typically masculine. 'La' is feminine. And the Spanish term for sunrise is.....salida del sol (rise of the sun) or, in some dialects, sunrisa as a shortened/contracted term. I don't think you need 'red' in the name, in a strict sense. A term or name that implies the color could work just as well, without being quite so obvious. Look at a name like Diana La Cazadora. Translated to English, it means 'Morning Call The Huntress". That's the kind of name you're shooting for, I think. The name 'Estrellita' is a familiar/friendly way of saying 'star'. Generally, -ita appended to a (feminine) name or term adds a friendly connotation (so 'Doris' becomes 'Dorita', etc). In the masculine, it's -ito (so 'Pedro' becomes 'Pedrito'). So as you might expect, Carly Colon's name ('Carlito') has a basis in the language he was born into. But this isn't Catalan just like many of the expressions we use in America bear little to no resemblance to 'the Queen's English'. A simple word like 'albóndigas' can have totally different meanings depending on which Spanish speaking country you're in (like 'fag' in the US and the UK differ) and what environment you're speaking in (formal, familiar/friendly, etc). How 'bout Roja Amanecer? Means 'red dawn'. You can replace 'roja' with any color, really. 'Negra' (black) for a goth gimmick, for example.
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Wow! Thanks, Remmy! You know... all this is actually getting me excited about Miss Mexico, as I already am about Masterson. I know, Masterson sucks talent-wise, and most people seem to be sick to death of her, but, well... I like her picture(s). Yep, I'm that shallow. Anyway, I got in my head 'who they are' as people now, and will be revealing that as my diary goes on. And Remmy, you bought it. I'll be PMing you on the lucadore scene soonish. Like I'd been planning for a while now on the joshi scene... ;)
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Curse my inability to speak Spanish! Why couldn't she be German; I might have had a better idea then! *Mutters darkly as he plans to buy out AAA and job Mexico/whatever her name is to Roxy Kitten, on loan from BSC....* On a serious note, I'm looking forward to how you're going in corporate this into your diary...and thanks to Remmy for correcting my obviously flawed Spanish.
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