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Brock Lesner is.....TNA???

The Stallion

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ok the post did not go through. Here is the post [QUOTE]Mike Johnson is reporting that TNA is currently in negotiations with Brock Lesnar. Kurt Angle is trying to talk him into signing a deal and Dixie Carter has already had one secret meeting with Lesnar in Nashville. [/QUOTE]
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Does the no compete include appearing on a rival show? It worked with Pacman after all... :rolleyes: Kurt Angle is batsh*t crazy these days and I don't think Dixie Carter knows wrestling beyond the guff that Double J and Angle hit her off with so maybe both of them [I]truly believe[/I] its possible even when it doesn't appear it is?
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Hey, this might not be impossible. When Lesnar and the WWE came to their settlement out of court, reporters at the time just assumed that his no-compete extended util the date he originally signed for which was mid 2010. Now, if that were not the case, and Lesnar could negotiate with TNA, it would be a great move on their part. For about the two months it would take them to book him into absolute oblivion who generates the same amount of non-revenue as the rest of the roster. But still..a good idea. Should note that 411 and wrestlingobserver aren't reporting anything though.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;277491]Gerweck is a good source though, so I trust them. Its just weird to hear this. However a Joe vs. Lesner vs. Angle match would be a dream match.[/QUOTE] I think we've learnt from Angle/Joe that any dream match involving Kurt Angle won't be able to live up to the hype. I just don't think Angle is capable of putting on an awesome match anymore, personally.
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;277495]I think we've learnt from Angle/Joe that any dream match involving Kurt Angle won't be able to live up to the hype. I just don't think Angle is capable of putting on an awesome match anymore, personally.[/QUOTE] While not as good as he once was, his matches with Joe were still very good. Now maybe that was Joe carrying the match, I was not around to see Angles matches with Steiner and Cage, but I still think he can put on a really good match. On another note, would it not be awesome if Lesner was Angles "undisclosed" tag team partner for the TNA Tag Team Titles?!
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;277495]I think we've learnt from Angle/Joe that any dream match involving Kurt Angle won't be able to live up to the hype. I just don't think Angle is capable of putting on an awesome match anymore, personally.[/QUOTE] Pfffft.....TNA's booking would ruin any boost they get from Lesnar's signing long before he ever step foot in the ring against Joe and/or Angle.
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To people that are saying that Lesnar isn't allowed to do this: I'm pretty sure if that were the case, they wouldn't even be trying, cuz TNA knows that if they did that and it wasn't allowed, WWE would sink them with a lawsuit. I'm pretty sure TNA probably looked into that before they started talkin to Brock.
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[QUOTE=wolfwwe;277534]To people that are saying that Lesnar isn't allowed to do this: I'm pretty sure if that were the case, they wouldn't even be trying, cuz TNA knows that if they did that and it wasn't allowed, WWE would sink them with a lawsuit. I'm pretty sure TNA probably looked into that before they started talkin to Brock.[/QUOTE] Your also forgetting that TNA is ass backwards and rarely makes sense. They're the diet cola with more calories than the original.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;277540]Your also forgetting that TNA is ass backwards and rarely makes sense. They're the diet cola with more calories than the original.[/QUOTE] Ah there goes the TNA is stupid jokes. I bet if you go backstage at an event, you would probably have a way different opinion. I would be willing to bet that the people that make the decisions at TNA are very intelligent business people. We gotta be real here, companies in general look into things before they make decisions. They are not stupid.
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[QUOTE=wolfwwe;277555]Ah there goes the TNA is stupid jokes. I bet if you go backstage at an event, you would probably have a way different opinion. I would be willing to bet that the people that make the decisions at TNA are very intelligent business people. We gotta be real here, companies in general look into things before they make decisions. They are not stupid.[/QUOTE] See: WCW One time a show was supposed to be based soley around a returning Rick Steiner. However that did not happen..... because they forgot to tell him. But you're right, I'll never know until I am actually there. But to be honest, they are making alot of the silly mistakes that made people think WCW was doing it on purpose. (Hotshotting belts, killing heat with dumb angles, etc.) So its only natural that I think that they are run by chimps just like WCW was apparently...
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[QUOTE=wolfwwe;277555]Ah there goes the TNA is stupid jokes. I bet if you go backstage at an event, you would probably have a way different opinion. I would be willing to bet that the people that make the decisions at TNA are very intelligent business people. We gotta be real here, companies in general look into things before they make decisions. They are not stupid.[/QUOTE] I'm sorry, but is there anything in the way they book their product or the way they've run their company's interests to make you think the people running TNA are 'very inteligent business people?' I tend to agee that TNA wouldn't be in negotiations with Brock if they didn't think they could sign him, but this IS the same company that just threw money at Pacman Jones, hyped his debut, and set up a feud without ever bothering to find out if he would be alllowed to ..you know..actually wrestle.
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I don't really like Lesnar at all... Thought of him as an ******* who never paid his dues and just became a main event powerhouse out of nowhere. However, he's a great wrestler and TNA could really go far with him if they booked him right. ya know?! However, if they bring him in and do what they've done to pretty much everyone else who has come into the company... Then Brock Lesnar will end up looking like a "bumbling Fool who is fed stupid storylines".
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;277568]I'm sorry, but is there anything in the way they book their product or the way they've run their company's interests to make you think the people running TNA are 'very inteligent business people?'[/QUOTE] The bookers and the other people that make storyline decisions are different from people who make signings. I wasn't saying the bookers are very intelligent.
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[QUOTE=wolfwwe;277582]The bookers and the other people that make storyline decisions are different from people who make signings. I wasn't saying the bookers are very intelligent.[/QUOTE] OK, but my example still stands: this is the company that just paid money and used time on a PPV for Pacman Jones without ever bothering to find out if the guy would be able to actually wrestle. I already said you are probably right, but it's not like its outside the realm of possibility that they dropped the ball completely on this.
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Lesnar comes in, everyone shuffles down a rung, Joe is pushed aside in favour of Angle fighting his buddy for the "OMG CHAMP OF DA UNIVERZZZZ!" Title(s) and, three months later, Lesnar jobs to Tomko. Not saying any of this WILL happen but I can't shake the feeling it might.
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