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DOTM Nomination Thread: August

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[QUOTE=tristram;282175]I can't say I've read the thread much between working and studying, (yeah yeah flame me but someone's got to find a cure for cancer), but I'd like to either nominate or back up the nominations of... WWE - What a Shocker! WWE - Frank Sinatra Style And if you don't like it, I got two words for you. That's Ok.[/QUOTE] how dare you find a cure for my CAW in SvR2007 :O
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[QUOTE=tristram;284648]Ouch dawg, who does he tag with? Herpes? Managed by Irregular Heart Beat? :D[/QUOTE] Cancer and Badd Hart, actually. Teams called Death Sentance. Basically a rip off of two of my favs, Jeff hardy and Bret Hart. Although I have like 15 CAWs, so yeah... Cancer and Punk Perfection are my favs.
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[QUOTE=Anubis;284640]Well there weren't too many nominations, why not just put them all in and let the votes go however?[/QUOTE] Because the system is in place, and we can't just go not using it when it suits us... Because if we didn't use it this time, and next time someone doesn't get to the voting, then they'll complain. Oh, it's been brought to my attention that Nevermore's ECW: Worldwide isn't eligible, as the rules state that there must be two shows in the last month for a dynasty to be nominated, and well... ECW: Worldwide hasn't had any shows this month. Sorry Nevermore. EDIT: Still waiting on Tristram and Payne btw ;)
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;285282]Oh, it's been brought to my attention that Nevermore's ECW: Worldwide isn't eligible, as the rules state that there must be two shows in the last month for a dynasty to be nominated, and well... ECW: Worldwide hasn't had any shows this month. Sorry Nevermore.[/QUOTE] S'all good, son ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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