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Death Camp Wrestling: Not for the weak of heart

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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]WARNING:[/COLOR][/B] **If you don't like blood, guts, lighttubes, barbwire, thumb tacks and tons of swearing then this diary isn't for you. You've been warned.** [B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url][/B] [I]Have you ever walked down a dark alley at midnight and felt as if someone's following you? Me neither. Death Camp Wrestling is an up and coming wrestling promotion filled with crazy mofo's willing to kill themselves to make a living in this sport. We don't give a **** if our stuff is too "raw", this ain't no Sports Entertainment bull****. We're tearin' **** up at the American Legion on Friday, May 11th 2007. So all you sick mofo's who wan't to watch blood splatter onto your lap, come on down. It's an +20 show. Advanced tickets are $15, tickets will be $20 at the doors. Don't you miss out![/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Death Camp Wrestling Bloodlust[/COLOR][/B] [B]live at the American Legion in Detroit, Michigan[/B] The Montreal Monster, [B]Green Phantom[/B] looks to destroy former XPW Star, "The Hardcore Homo" [B]Angel[/B] "The Triple X Xpress" [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B] will take on fellow Canadian hardcore wrestler [B]Ice[/B] Vulgar Display of Power, [B]Brain Damage & Deranged[/B] are looking to get bloody with [B]Insane Lane & Freakshow[/B] [B]Beef Wellington[/B] is set on using his Ass Punch against "The Samoan Murder" [B]Zu[/B] The California Gangsta, [B]Murdah Mack[/B] will be throwin' it down against Detroit, Michigan's own, [B]The DBA[/B] in an all-out Gangsta Warfare In the main event, 100 Lighttube Deathmatch [B]The Juggulator[/B] takes on Deathmatch Legend, [B]Madman Pondo [/B] Now if you're still not sold on the show, well then check out some insane clips of Madman Pondo vs Juggulator at IWA: East Coast: [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Death Camp Wrestling presents... [COLOR="Red"]Bloodlust[/COLOR] Live at the American Legion in Detroit, Michigan infront of 10 people[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"]The American Legion looks dark and dusty tonight. There's a worn-out wrestling ring in the middle of the Legion. Nothing fancy, just what you'd expect at a low budget independent wrestling show. Before any real introduction is given, "Holla Back Girl" by Gwen Stefani hits. "The Hardcore Homo" Angel walks out, dressed in pink from head to toe. He steps inside of the ring and grabs a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Angel:[/B] Welcome to Death Camp Wrestling, ladies and gentlemen! [COLOR="red"]The small but loud crowd starts booing him. [/COLOR] [B]Angel:[/B] Ya know, I've been single for a loooong time now, like oh my God! And I was thinkin' that maybe I could find myself a life partner tonight. Possible somebody in the crowd would love to have a wild night? [COLOR="red"]The crowd absolutely hates Angel right now, yelling anti-homosexual things at him. [/COLOR] [B]Angel[/B]: Come oon. I know you guys would like it. I swallow... [COLOR="red"]Thankfully, "War Machine" by Kiss interrupts before there's a riot. Green Phantom walks out to everyone's delight. Phantom steps inside of the ring and stands face to face with Angel. [/COLOR] [B]Angel[/B]: Ya know I usualy don't date guys under masks... [COLOR="red"]Angel checks out Phantom from head to toe then smiles. [/COLOR] [B]Angel[/B]: But with you big boy, I'll make an exception! [COLOR="red"]The Green Phantom is not amused. He grabs Angel by his neck and tosses him across the ring. A referee runs out and signals for the opening bell.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/angel.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/greenphantom.jpg[/IMG] [B]"Hardcore Homo" Angel vs The Green Phantom[/B] Green Phantom tosses Angel around inside of the ring, hitting a huge Powerslam. Angel rolls to the outside to re-group. Phantom brawls with Angel around ringside. The Hardcore Homo's face is quickly introduced to the steal guardrails, busting him wide open. Green Phantom tosses Angel back inside of the ring and hits his Phantasm(Half Nelson Sit-out Cradle Piledriver). The Monster from Montreal gets a quick 3 count. [B]Winner: Green Phantom(8:18) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/braindamage.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/deranged.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/insanelane.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/freakshow.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vulgar Display of Violence(Brain Damage & Deranged) vs Insane Lane & Freakshow[/B] This match is an all out brawl. All 4 men trade stiff punches at ringside. The crowd is in disbelief on how stiff this match is. Brain Damage nearly takes Insane Lane's head off with a stiff chairshot. While on the offensive end, Brain Damage plays off the crowd, he then turns to punch Lane which in turn gets countered into an Overhead T-Bone Suplex. Brain Damage's body makes a loud thud sound after being suplexed on the solid ground. Elsewhere, Deranged and Freakshow are exchanging stiff headbutts. Deranged gets the upperhand and starts tossing chairs at Freakshow. It isn't long untill Freakshow is laying on the ground and covered in chairs. Both teams continue to destroy each other around ringside. The fight eventualy spills to the backstage lockerroom. It doesn't seem as if these two teams are going to be returning to ringside any time soon so the referee calls for a DRAW. [B]Winners: DRAW(15:28) E[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]We jump straight to our next match. "Lap Dance" by N.E.R.D. hits as Sexxxy Eddy makes his way to ringside. Eddy grabs the microphone from the ring announcer. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy:[/B] Detroit, Michigan, I'm ready to rock out with my **** out!! Are there any ladies here tonight, that wan't a ride on the Triple Sex Xxpress?! [COLOR="red"]The crowd points to the only woman sitting in the audience. Eddy tells her to come inside of the ring. She steps under the bottom ring rope and stands next to Eddy. Sexxxy Eddy checks her out, turning her around and stopping her so that her back is facing him. He points out her great lower figure. He lifts her off of her feet and lays her on her back in the middle of the ring. Eddy stands over her and rips off his pants, revealing his usual thong ring attire. Sexxxy Eddy then proceeds to grind up against her, giving her a lapdance. Eddy helps her back onto her feet and escourts her to her seat. "Fixation On The Darkness" by Killswitch Engage hits as Ice walks out. He walks up to the girl who just recieved a lapdance from Sexxxy Eddy and slaps her across the face. The crowd immediately turns on Ice, booing him outta the building.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/sexxxyeddy.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/ice.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sexxxy Eddy vs Ice[/B] The match starts off slow with both men fighting over a lockup. Sexxxy Eddy gets the upperhand and manages to nail Ice with a Bodyslam then follows up with a quick Moonsault out of the corner. Ice uses some underhanded tactics to get the upperhand. A fork comes into play when Ice takes one out from his boots. Eddy's forehead gets ripped into by the fork, causing him to bleed buckets. An attempt to end things early fails, as Sexxxy Eddy manages to backdrop Ice when he attempted a Powerbomb. Sexxxy Eddy grabs ahold of a chair and places it across Ice's chest. Eddy comes crashing down on Ice with a big Splash, that was enough for the 3 count. [B]Winner: Sexxxy Eddy(11:47) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Before any other match can be announced, Vulgar Display of Violence and Freakshow/Insane Lane brawl all the way back toward ringside. All 4 men are soaked in their own blood. Freakshow tosses Deranged into a row of chairs. The crowd scrambles away so they do not interfere with this bloody warfare. Brain Damage has Insane Lane in a headlock and rams his head into the backdoor. Damage and Lane fight outside of the Legion, brawling in the parking lot. It isn't long untill Freakshow and a bloodied Deranged make their way outside of the Legion, following their partners. As soon as these 4 returned, they have officaly disapeared once again. Can these two tag teams be controled here in D.C.W.?[/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/beefwellington.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/zu.jpg[/IMG] [B]Beef Wellington vs Zu[/B] The Samoan's large presence scares Wellington a bit. Beef timidly walks up to Zu and asks for a double high five. Zu doesn't know what to make of Beef's proposal. The crowd yells at Zu to give the Canadian a pair of high fives. Zu grins and walks on over towards Beef as if he's going to give in when the Samoan nails his opponent with a kick to his mid-section. While Beef is bent over from the devestating kick, Zu lifts him up onto his shoulders and walks around the ring with him. After a few minutes of displaying his opponent like a trophy drapped across his shoulder, Zu drops Wellington in a modified Dominator. The Samoan picks up the 3-count. [B]Winner: Zu(5:21) E[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]"Straight Outta Compton" by N.W.A. hits as Murdah Mack walks out and does the "West Coast" sign with his hands. Mack steps inside of the ring and grabs the microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Murdah Mack:[/B] I've always been told that Detroit is the biggest hustlin' city in the world, that it's a gangsta's paradise... [COLOR="red"]The crowd cheers. [/COLOR] [B]Murdah Mack:[/B] Well dem' bitches were lying cuz Detroit is straight out whack! [COLOR="red"]The crowd quickly turns on Mack and boo's him outta of the building.[/COLOR] [B]Murdah Mack:[/B] Shut the **** up! I can't wait to get out of this damn forsaken city and go back home to the West Side cuz ya know that it's the best side. Bitches betta be throwin' dem dub's up... [COLOR="red"]Murdah Mack does the West Side sign with his hands. The crowd is irate. Suddenly, Detroit's own The D.B.A. walks out with a 2x4 wrapped in Barbwire and Lightbulbs. D.B.A. steps inside of the ring and forcefully grabs the microphone away from Mack.[/COLOR] [B]The D.B.A.:[/B] See I don't think ya understand. Ya see Detroit is like a brotha that'll smotha your motha and make your sista think I love her. But at the end of it all when you're just about to leave, you'll figure out that you just got ****ed! [COLOR="red"]D.B.A. smashes the 2x3 across Mack's head. The Lightbulbs shatter and shards of glass explode into the air. A referee runs out and calls for the bell. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/dba.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/murdahmack.jpg[/IMG] [B]The D.B.A. vs Murdah Mack[/B] Mack is already a bloody mess. D.B.A. uses the Barbwire on his 2x4 to cut Mack even deeper. Mack fights back and nails D.B.A. with a Backbreaker. Murdah unties one of his boots and takes it off. He grabs a pocket knife which was concealed within the sole of his boots. Mack proceeds to slice D.B.A.'s forehead open with the knife. Mack finds a table and sets it up in the corner, leaning up against the turnbuckle. Murdah tries to lift D.B.A. up for a Powerbomb into the corner Table but D.B.A. manages to slip behind him. D.B.A. spears Mack through the table and pins him to end the match. [B]Winner: The D.B.A.(11:34) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]A few D.C.W. backstage assistants set-up the ring for the 100 Lighttube Deathmatch. They place Lighttubes inbetween the ring ropes and place the remaining lighttubes up against each turnbuckle. "What is a Juggalo" hits as The Juggulator walks out to a surprisingly good ovation. Detroit's own, Juggulator carefully slides underneath the bottom rope and into the ring, trying not to break any of the lighttubes. "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins hits. Deathmatch legend, Madman Pondo walks out to the loudest pop of the night. The crowd starts a "Madman-Pondo!" chant. Pondo carefully slides into the ring and stares his opponent down. These two have bad blood ever since their match at IWA: East-Coast.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/madmanpondo.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/juggulator.jpg[/IMG] [B]100 Lighttube Deathmatch Madman Pondo vs The Juggulator[/B] Pondo and Juggulator fight over a Lockup. They try to bull each other into the Lighttubes. Neither man is successfull. Juggulator grabs a Lighttube. Pondo grabs one for himself. They smash the Lighttubes into each other as if they were swords. Juggulator and Pondo continue to grab Lighttubes and duel with them. Finally, Pondo manages to break a Lighttube over Juggulators head. The Deathmatch Legend uses the broken Lighttube to slice open Juggulator's forehead. The Juggulator is bleeding buckets, using the ring ropes to get himself back up to his feet. Pondo lays out 4 Lighttubes in the center of the ring. While Pondo is laying out the tubes, Juggulator nails him from behind. The Juggulator Suplexs Madman Pondo ontop of the laid out Lighttubes. Shards of glass stick to Pondo's back. While Pondo is on the ground, Juggulator grabs a handfull of Lighttubes and breaks them over Pondo's head, busting him wide open. Both men are now bleeding very heavily. Juggulator finds a Garbage Can and proceeds to fill it with as many Lighttubes as he can. The Detroit native rams Pondo's head into the Trash Can then climbs to the top rope, attempting to dive ontop of Pondo and the Trash Can filled with Lighttubes. Unfortunately, Pondo stops Juggulator as he got to the top then tosses him off of the top turnbuckle and into the Garbage Can, head first. The Trash Can falls over and the lighttubes explode upon impact. Pondo climbs to the top and hits a top rope Senton while Juggulator was stuck inside of the Trash can. Madman Pondo covers him for the 3 count. [B]Winner: Madman Pondo(18:58) E[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Medical Assistance run out and aid Juggulator, helping him out of the Garbage can. Juggulator is bleeding an insane amount of blood from various cuts on his body. Pondo grabs a microphone as he watches Juggulator get some medical assistance. [/COLOR] [B]Madman Pondo[/B]: I've fought a bunch of crazy mother ****ers across the world but that ****er is one of the toughest sons of bitches that I've ever fought! I don't think that this company could ever find another tougher mother ****er like that guy right there... [COLOR="red"]As soon as Pondo said that, a large figure in a leather jacket and hoodie walks out. This mysterious man steps inside of the ring and stands face-to-face with Pondo. Madman has no clue who the hell this guy is.[/COLOR] [B]Madman Pondo:[/B] Who the hell are you?! [COLOR="red"]The unknown large man takes the microphone away from Pondo. [/COLOR] [B]Supreme[/B]: I'm a 4-time King of the Deathmatch Champion, my name is Supreme, and I am that tough ****er that this company has found! [COLOR="red"]Supreme takes off his hoodie as the crowd(those who know who he is) pop huge. Supreme hasn't been seen ever since XPW has closed his doors, he has been spending most of his time training wrestling students in California. What is Supreme doing in Detroit?! But most importantly what's he doing in D.C.W.?! Madman Pondo and Supreme stare each other down. The show comes to an end as these two try to intimidate each other. Eventualy Supreme exits the ring as Madman Pondo celebrates with his fans. [/COLOR] [B]Final Show Rating: E+[/B] [B][U]Death Camp Wrestling's "Bloodlust"[/U][/B] -Green Phantom def. Angel -Vulgar Display of Violence & Insane Lane/Freakshow fought to a No Contest -Sexxxy Eddy def. Ice -Zu def. Beef Wellington -The D.B.A. def. Murdah Mack -Madman Pondo def. The Juggulator[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Imerak;290383]A good start, even if the wrestling talent doesn't seem to be all there. I really liked the crowd interaction bits, which conveyed how small a fed we're dealing with. Minor quibble though -- isn't Beef Wellington dead?[/QUOTE]You're thinking of Biff Wellington. Anyways, good start. I'll keep reading it, but hopefully it won't be one of the ones that gets abandoned after like a week or two.
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[CENTER](He isn't the original, this Beef Wellington is a Canadian wrestler who has wrestled in IWS, CZW & a few other indy promotions. He's very much alive unless he recently died and I didn't hear about it.) [B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url][/B] [I]Death Camp ****ed **** up at the American Legion in Detroit, Michigan. If you missed the show well then **** you. Let's re-cap what you ****s missed out on... Green Phantom straight out ****ed up "The Hardcore Homo" Angel Vulgar Display of Violence and Insane Lane/Freakshow couldn't settle **** in the ring so the match was called a No Contest. Deranged damaged his ear drum during the match and will be out for a few weeks. Sexxxy Eddy made Ice his bitch. Zu ripped apart Beef Wellington The D.B.A. defended his hometown from the "West Coast Destroyer" Murdah Mack. Madman Pondo beat The Juggulator after they ****ed each other up with lighttubes and ****. But that's not all. 4-time King of the Deathmatch Champion, Supreme, made his debut and stood tall up against Madman Pondo. Death Camp will return with all of the maddness next month in Los Angeles, California in the Patroit Hall. Here's what's scheduled to take place...[/I] [B]Death Camp Wrestling presents...[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]"Unscarred in Cali"[/COLOR][/B] [B]live at the Patroit Hall in Los Angeles, California[/B] [B]The Green Phantom[/B] looks to continue his path of destruction when he takes on [B]Ice[/B] [B]"The Hardcore Homo" Angel[/B] continues his search for a life partner when he takes on [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B] The Gangsta Warfare continues when California's own [B]Murdah Mack[/B] & [B]"The Rock Superstar" Kaos[/B] takes on [B]The D.B.A.[/B] & former ECW Superstar, [B]Tony DeVito[/B] One half of Vulgar Display of Violence, [B]Brain Damage,[/B] takes on [B]Insane Lane[/B] [B]The Juggulator[/B] looks to redeem himself by taking on [B]Freakshow.[/B] In a No-Ropes Barbwire Match, former 4-time King of Deathmatch Champion and California native, [B]Supreme[/B] takes on the Deathmatch Legend, [B]Madman Pondo[/B] Also featuring Orange County, California's favorite pornstar, [B]Jenna Haze.[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Death Camp Wrestling presents... [COLOR="Red"]Unscarred in Cali[/COLOR] Live at the Patroit Hall in Los Angeles, California infront of 9 people[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="red"]Death Camp debuts in California and for whatever reason the attendance is down. The scheduled Madman Pondo vs Supreme main event match will not be happening tonight as Pondo no showed to go wrestle someplace else. The crowd was informed of the announcement at the start of the show. The Death Camp fans kicked off the show by chanting "**** You Pondo!". Such sweet hearts. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][B][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/greenphantom.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/ice.jpg[/IMG] Green Phantom vs Ice[/B] Ice immediately charges at Phantom and delievers a few body blows. It doesn't seem as if it effected the Green Monster much as Ice gets pie faced across the ring. Phantom nails a huge Powerslam in the middle of the ring, nearly putting his opponent away early. Ice quickly rolls out of the ring, from harms way, to re-group. Ice throws a Chair at Phantom's head as he rolls to the outside. The Canadian Monster gets thrown into a row of chairs, screwing some of their fans out of their seats. Ice starts tossing random chairs inside of the ring, looking to finish off his opponent. Back in the ring, Ice attempts to Suplex Phantom ontop of a pile of chairs. Unfortunately, he isn't strong enough to lift the larger wrestler. Green Phantom knocks Ice out with a hard punch then Powerbombs Ice ontop of the chairs. That was enough to seal the victory of the Canadian. [B]Winner: Green Phantom - 11:55 E[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]"Lapdance" by N.E.R.D. hits. Sexxxy Eddy walks out to some cheers. He steps inside of the ring and grabs a microphone.[/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy:[/B] California!! The Triple Sex Xxxpress is ready to rock out with his **** out, right here in the City of Angels!! [COLOR="red"]The crowd cheers him on. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B]: Now which lucky young lady wants to-- [COLOR="red"]"Holla Back Girl" by Gwen Stefani interrupts Eddy's opening match ritual. "The Hardcore Homo" Angel walks out and makes his way towards ringside. He steps inside of the ring and looks over Eddy. [/COLOR] [B]Angel:[/B] I may not be a young girl but I'd love a lapdance... [COLOR="red"]Sexxxy Eddy looks disgusted. He backs away, nodding his head. The crowd starts a "**** You Homo!" chant. Angel gets closer to Eddy. [/COLOR] [B]Angel[/B]: Ooh come on. If you stick with me, I can make all your wildest dreams come true. [COLOR="red"]Eddy nods his head in a "no". Angel stops him before he could say anything else. [/COLOR] [B]Angel:[/B] Don't be so quick to say "no". You want a young girl? Well I can make that happen... [COLOR="red"]Angel points to the enterance way, "Holla Back Girl" re-plays, suddenly Orange County's Jenna Haze walks out to a large pop. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/JennaHaze-phrog8v8r.jpg[/IMG] She struts out and into the ring. Sexxxy Eddy starts to get excited. [/COLOR] [B]Angel:[/B] She's all yours big boy.... [COLOR="red"]Sexxxy Eddy lifts Haze up and places her laying down in the center of the ring. He stands above her, ripping his pants off. Eddy grinds the California Porn Star to everyones delight. Angel is in the corner watching the entire thing and loving it. He walks up to Eddy, stopping his lapdance with Jenna. [/COLOR] [B]Angel:[/B] So whaddya say? Stick with me and there'll be plenty more of that. [COLOR="red"]Sexxxy Eddy smiles and shakes Angel's hand. It seems they have formed some sort of alliance. The crowd doesn't seem to happy about that. Some tribal Samoan music plays as Zu walks out toward ringside. He steps inside of the ring and looks at Eddy and Angel as if they were his prey. Sexxxy Eddy tosses Angel to Zu and rolls out of the ring with Jenna Haze. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][B][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/angel.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/zu.jpg[/IMG] "Hardcore Homo" Angel vs Zu[/B] Zu lifts Angel up onto his shoulders and nails him with a Dominator. The crowd pops large for the destruction of the Hardcore Homo. Zu pins him for the quick and easy 3 count. [B]Winner: Zu - 3:23 E-[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/braindamage.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/insanelane.jpg[/IMG] Brain Damage vs Insane Lane[/B] Both men come out of their corners swinging wild punches. It's an all-out war. Damage and Lane land some of the most intense and stiffest punches ever. The fight spills to the outside. Damage nearly takes Lane's head off of his shoulders with a Chairshot. Insane Lane gets busted wide open. Brain Damage finds a table and sets it up near the ring apron. Damage drags Lane up on the ring apron and attempts to Powerbomb him through the table. Lane blocks it and counters it by Back Dropping Brain Damage off of the ring apron and right through the table. It breaks in half. The crowd starts up a "Holy ****!" chant. Insane Lane grabs a Camera Chord and chokes Damage with him. He has it wrapped around his neck tightly. The referee goes over to check on Damage, he seems to be passed out. The ref calls for the bell. [B]Winner: Insane Lane - 14:56 E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]"Straight Outta Compton" by N.W.A. hits as Murdah Mack and Kaos the Rock Superstar walks out. They get a solid reaction. They step inside of the ring, Mack grabs the microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Murdah Mack[/B]: Finally, I'm home! Back in the West Coast and ya'll lemme hear it if ya think it's the Best Coat!! [COLOR="red"]The crowd pops loud. [/COLOR] [B]Murdah Mack[/B]: Tha's what I taught. Now throw dem Dub's up in the air! [COLOR="red"]Mack does the West Side sign with his hand. The hometown wrestlers seem to be getting quite the re-action. Detroit's The D.B.A. and former ECW Superstar, Tony DeVito walk out. The slide inside of the ring and start brawling with the California natives. The match is officaly underway.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][B][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/dba.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/tonydevito.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/murdahmack.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/kaos.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B]The D.B.A. & Tony DeVito vs Murdah Mack & Kaos the Rock Superstar[/B] The D.B.A. and Murdah Mack stick to brawling with each other. Mack reaches into his pants and pulls out a Pocket Knife. D.B.A. gets his forehead cut wide open. Kaos and DeVito trade punches. Kaos hooks DeVito up for a Sliced Bread #2 but the former ECW wrestler counters it into a Back Suplex. Mack stabs away at D.B.A. with his pocket knife. There's blood pouring out from his head. Before any further damage could be done, DeVito nails Mack from behind. Tony nails Mack with a Huge Powerbomb. Before DeVito could cover Mack, Kaos grabs ahold of him and nails a Sliced Bread #2. Kaos covers him, 1...2..3!! [B]Winners: Kaos the Rock Superstar & Murdah Mack - 9:41 E+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/juggulator.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/freakshow.jpg[/IMG] The Juggulator vs Freakshow[/B] Both men walked out with Lighttubes in their hands. Freakshow asks Juggulator to nail him over the head with his Lighttube. Juggulators swings and breaks the Lighttube over his head. Freakshow shrugs it off as if saying "is that all you got?". Juggulator now demands Freakshow to nail him with his Lighttube. Freakshow breaks the Lighttube over his opponents head. A cloud of dust explodes over the ring and when the dust clears a bloody Juggulator is standing tall. Freakshow and Juggulator exchange Forearm shots. Freakshow gets the upperhand then nails Jugg's with an Overhead Suplex. Juggulator fights back. Nailing a flurry of stiff Headbutts. Juggulator calls for a deadly Lariat. He hits the ropes but gets caught with a Powerslam. Freakshow covers him for the 3 count. [B]Winner: Freakshow 11:31 E-[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Death Camp's ring crew run out and replace the ring ropes with Barbwire Ropes. The crowd takes a quick piss/smoke break before the action re-starts. [/B] [COLOR="red"]Supreme walks out to the loudest pop of the night. He looks pissed off. The former King of the Deathmatch Champion slides into the ring and grabs a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Supreme[/B]: I came to Death Camp Wrestling to fight some of the toughest mother ****ers on the planet. But apparently, nobody in this company has any balls. Madman Pondo decided to wrestle someplace else because he finally realized that he doesn't have what it takes to beat me. Nobody in this ****ing company has what it takes to-- [COLOR="red"]"Lap Dance" by N.E.R.D. hits. Sexxxy Eddy walks out with Jenna Haze. He makes his way down towards ringside with the sexy Porn Star. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy:[/B] I was sitting in the back, making out with Jenna, when I overheard you saying that nobody in this company has what it takes to beat you?! Maybe where you're from, this ****hole you call California, the competition was easy but I've fought the best around the world. I've been in Death Matches, I've been in Cages of Death, I've been wrapped in Barbwire and tonight I'm going to beat you down infront of all of these pieces of ****!! [COLOR="red"]Supreme looks impressed. [/COLOR] [B]Supreme:[/B] You wanna wrestle me, in a Barbwire Ropes match? [COLOR="red"]Eddy nods his head in a "yes". [/COLOR] [B]Supreme:[/B] You're on! [COLOR="red"]Supreme punches Eddy as hard as he can across his face. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][B][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/sexxxyeddy.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/supreme.jpg[/IMG] Barbwire Ropes Deathmatch Sexxxy Eddy vs Supreme[/B] Supreme tosses Eddy into the Barbwire ropes, his flesh gets ripped open. Eddy's back begins to bleed. Supreme rakes Eddy's head with a piece of Barbwire. The crowd is strongly behind Supreme. Eddy starts fighting back. He tosses Supreme head first into the Barbwire Ropes. The ropes snap, causing Supreme to land hard on the outside. Eddy climbs to the top rope and dives ontop of Supreme. The crowd shows their appreciation. Eddy finds a Garbage Can underneath the ring. He tosses Supreme back inside of the ring and climbs to the top rope with the Garbage Can. Sexxxy Eddy puts the Garbage Can over his head and attempts a Diving Moonsault. Unfortunately, Supreme moves out of the way, causing Eddy to come crashing down hard. Supreme grabs some gasoline and pours it over his right arm. He lights it on Fire. Supreme nails Eddy with a Burning Lariat! Supreme covers him... 1....2...kickout!! Sexxxy Eddy shows tons of heart kicking out of that deadly move. Supreme wraps himself in Barbwire then climbs to the top rope. The "Walking Horror Show" hits a Barbwire Toad Splash ontop of Eddy. 1....2...3!! That was all that the bloody Sexxy Eddy could take. [B]Winner: Supreme - 14:55 D[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]The crowd starts up a dueling "Thank you Supreme! Thank you Eddy!" chant. Supreme helps Sexxxy Eddy up to his feet and gives him props. The show ends with Supreme celebrating with the crowd. [/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: E+[/B] [B][U]Death Camp Wrestling's "Unscarred in Cali"[/U][/B] -Green Phanton def. Ice -Zu def. Angel -Insane Lane def. Brain Damage -Murdah Mack & Kaos the Rock Superstar def. The D.B.A. & Tony DeVito -Freakshow def. The Juggulator -Supreme def. Sexxxy Eddy[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url][/B] California was invaded by the most violent and bloodiest wrestling around. Sure there were some problems but Death Camp still delievered. If you missed out here's what you ****ers missed... Madman Pondo was unable to show up cuz he was punching some ****er in his face elsewhere... Green Phantom destroyed Ice "The Hardcore Homo" Angel formed an alliance with Sexxxy Eddy after he offered him current pornstar Jenna Haze Zu tore Angel apart within a matter of minutes Insane Lane choked out Brain Damage with a Camera Chord California's own, Murdah Mack & Kaos the Rock Superstar beat former ECW Star Tony DeVito and The D.B.A. Freakshow ****ed The Juggulator up Supreme beatdown Sexxxy Eddy in a Barbwire Ropes Deathmatch. Death Camp looks to return to Detroit, Michigan with another ****in' crazy ass show next month. You ****ers better show up cause there's no telling what's gonna go down. [B]Death Camp Wrestling presents... [COLOR="Red"]"Shattered Dreams"[/COLOR] live at the Saloon in Detroit, Michigan[/B] [B]The Juggulator[/B] looks to pick up a win when he fights [B]Ice[/B] [B]"Hardcore Homo" Angel & Sexxxy Eddy[/B] are looking to survive against [B]The Green Phantom & Zu[/B] Former ECW Star, [B]Tony DeVito[/B] is out for revenge against [B]Kaos the Rock Superstar[/B] [B]The D.B.A. [/B]is set to settle the score against [B]Murdah Mack[/B] in a Gangsta Deathmatch In a Plates of Glass Tag Team Deathmatch, [B]Vulgar Display of Violence(Brain Damage & Deranged) [/B]take on [B]Freakshow & Insane Lane. [/B] Now this Plates of Glass Deathmatch has some ****ed up history. At "Bloodlust", Freakshow ****ed up Deranged Eardrum, forcing him to stay out of action for a month. If that wasn't enough. At "Unscarred in Cali", Insane Lane choked out Brain Damage. So you can be ****in' sure that Vulgar Display of Violence is determined to get some revenge. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Blood & Guts News Report[/COLOR][/B] [B]Week 2 - June:[/B] -[B]Deranged[/B] is fully healed from a Busted Eardrum at the hands of Freakshow. He's looking forward to ****ing up [B]Insane Lane & Freakshow[/B] in a Plates of Glass Deathmatch at "Shattered Dreams". -[B]Madman Pondo[/B] no-showed "Unscarred in Cali" because he had prior commitments to IWA: Deep South. Death Camp is already looking into re-scheduling [B]Madman Pondo vs Supreme[/B] for a later date. So keep your ****ing eyes open for that. -If you ask me, which nobody did, [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B] really broke out at "Unscarred in Cali". You may hate him for siding with [B]Angel[/B] but the mother ****er showed tons of balls fighting [B]Supreme[/B]. -A lot of people have been asking me, "Whats a [B]Gangsta Deathmatch[/B]?". Well, to be honest, I don't have a ****in' clue, but from what I heard there'll be [B]4 Trash Cans [/B]in each corner with [B]random weapons [/B]inside and a [B]Fully Loaded Staple Gun [/B]hanging above the ring. There...****ing happy? -Death Camp returns to Detroit, Michigan in July for [B]"Shattered Dreams", [/B]don't you dare ****ing miss out. It will be a turning point for the company, so be there. [/CENTER]
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This is my favorite real world dynasty. Behind the hardcore it is well booked with good story. I would love to see some titles and maybe a program between Kaos and Eddie, you most talented two. The Juggulator looks to pick up a win when he fights [B]Ice[/B] [B]"Hardcore Homo" Angel & Sexxxy Eddy[/B] are looking to survive against The Green Phantom & Zu Former ECW Star, Tony DeVito is out for revenge against [B]Kaos the Rock Superstar[/B] The D.B.A. is set to settle the score against [B]Murdah Mack [/B]in a Gangsta Deathmatch In a Plates of Glass Tag Team Deathmatch, [B]Vulgar Display of Violence[/B](Brain Damage & Deranged) take on Freakshow & Insane Lane.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]Death Camp Wrestling presents... [COLOR="Red"]Shattered Dreams[/COLOR] Live at the Saloon in Detroit, Michigan infront of 15 people[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="red"]Death Camp returns to Detroit, Michigan and we're greeted with the largest attendance yet. A whoping 15 people have showed up tonight, waiting to see blood and guts. Let's kick things off with The Juggulator vs Ice before anybody decides to leave. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/juggulator.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/ice.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Juggulator vs Ice[/B] Ice gets rammed into the turnbuckle head first, knocking him loopy. Juggulator looks real focused tonight, denying Ice of any offense. Ice tries to fight back but gets slammed across the head by a Chair. The dented chair is now being used to choke him out. Ice struggles for air. Juggulator lays a chair out in the middle of the ring then nails Ice with a Jumping Piledriver ontop of it. That's about enough to give Juggulator his first Death Camp victory. [B]Winner: The Juggulator- (10:18) E-[/B] [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]"Lap Dance" by N.E.R.D. hits. "Hardcore Homo" Angel and Sexxxy Eddy walk out. Angel tries to hold Eddy's hand along his way toward ringside, Eddy swats Angel's hand away. Eddy grabs a microphone.[/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B]: Last month, I agreed to stick around with you as long as you delivered the goods. At "Unscarred in Cali" you brought me Jenna Haze, what do you have for me tonight? [COLOR="red"]Angel gets up and close with Eddy, he speaks into his microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Angel[/B]: I got you an 8 inch... [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B]: I don't want that!! What did I tell you about acting that way?! [COLOR="red"]Angel looks frusterated. [/COLOR] [B]Angel[/B]: Fine. But I know you'll eventually cum around... [COLOR="red"]Eddy looks disgusted. Angel points at the enterance curtain when 3 teenage girls walk out. They step inside of the ring and stand around Eddy. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B]: This is what dreams are made of!! [COLOR="red"]Eddy gets ready to give the teenage girls his signature lapdance when "War Machine" by Kiss interrupts him. The Green Phantom and Zu walk out. The girls quickly exit the ring as the match gets started. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/sexxxyeddy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/angel.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/greenphantom.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/zu.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sexxxy Eddy & Angel vs Green Phantom & Zu[/B] Green Phantom and Zu take turns destroying Angel. The Hardcore Homo takes one helluva beating during the early stages of the match. Angel tries to tag out to his partner but Eddy wants no part of this beat down. Some miss-comunication occurs when Zu gets pushed into Phantom by Angel. Green Phantom gets knocked off of the apron and sent crashing into the guard rails. Angel quickly tags out to his tag partner. Sexxxy Eddy jumps into the ring and nails Zu with some strikes. Eddy knocks the Samoan down with a Jumping Clothesline. Eddy then finishes things off by placing a Garbage Can over his body and nailing a Top Rope Moonsault. Zu couldn't make the count. [B]Winners: Sexxxy Eddy & Angel - (11:45) E+[/B] [/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]After the match, Green Phantom and Zu have a staredown. Phantom blames [/COLOR][COLOR="red"]their loss on the Samoan. The two large men go their own seperate ways but not before letting each other know how they feel. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"Bullet with Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins hits. Madman Pondo makes a special guest appearance. Pondo steps inside of the ring and grabs a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Madman Pondo[/B]: Last month I was scheduled to fight Supreme, unfortunately I had to take care of business elsewhere. But I'm here right now to challenge that fat **** next month, right here in Detroit, Michigan! [COLOR="red"]The crowd pops. [/COLOR] [B]Madman Pondo[/B]: But that's not all. I don't want to beat that fat ass in any ordinary match, ohh noo, I want to fight him next month in a Taipei Deathmatch!! [COLOR="red"]The crowd pops even louder. [/COLOR] [B]Madman Pondo[/B]: That means both of our hands will be dipped in glue then we'll roll our fists around in broken glass. So you know some motha ****er is gonna get his head carved and it's probably gonna be Supreme!! [COLOR="red"]"Pondo! Pondo!" chants errupt out from the small crowd. Pondo walks to the back. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/tonydevito.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/kaos.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tony DeVito vs Kaos the Rock Superstar[/B] This match is an all-out brawl. Both men exchange strikes, nailing each other with Forearms. DeVito's strength helps him get the upperhand, knocking Kaos over with a strong strike. Kaos fights back. The Rock Superstar dives ontop of the former ECW Superstar with a Crossbody, DeVito catches Kaos and tosses him over his head with an Overhead Exploder. DeVito calls for the end, he lifts Kaos up for a Powerbomb, Kaos counters the Powerbomb into a quick Hurricanrana. 1...2....3!! Kaos sneaks out of the match with a quick victory. [B]Winner: Kaos the Rock Superstar - (14:35) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]"Straight Outta Compton" by N.W.A. hits. Murdah Mack walks out to a sea of boo's. Mack steps inside of the ring and grabs a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Murdah Mack[/B]: I'm sick of all of this gangbangin'!! This war ends here!! Tonight we're gonna find out who's the baddest motha ****in' gangsta in this company!! So throw ya dub's up cuz the West Coast is the Best Coast!! [COLOR="red"]The crowd starts up a "**** the West Coast!" chant. The D.B.A. walks out to some cheers. He steps inside of the ring and stares Mack down. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/dba.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/murdahmack.jpg[/IMG] [B]Gangsta Deathmatch The D.B.A. vs Murdah Mack[/B] There's 4 Garbage Cans filled with random weapons in each corner, there's also a Loaded Staplegun hanging above the ring. Murdah Mack rams D.B.A.'s head into a corner turnbuckle then pulls out a Walking Cane out from the Garbage Can and nails him across the back. D.B.A. kicks Mack in the mid-section, he grabs the Garbage Can and nails Mack across the back, denting the Can. [B]*GUNSHOT*[/B] "Natural Born Killaz" by Dr. Dre & Ice Cube hits. [B]New Jack [/B]walks out with a Guitar in his hand and a Sickle on a chain around his neck. The crowd explodes. New Jack steps inside of the ring and nails D.B.A. with the Guitar, breaking the Guitar in half. Murdah Mack attacks New Jack from behind. Mack grabs a Keyboard and raises it over his head, New Jack kicks Mack and steals the Keyboard away from him. Jack nails Mack across his head with the Keyboard. New Jack finds a Ladder and sets it up in the middle of the ring, he grabs the Staple Gun. Jack staples a 1 dollar bill onto D.B.A.'s head. While Jack is stapling, Mack nails New Jack with a Chair across his back. Mack taunts the crowd now that he's on the offensive side. He goes over to New Jack only to get lowblowed. New Jack grabs the Chair and climbs the Top Rope. Murdah Mack gets destroyed by a Top Rope Chairshot. New Jack covers him. 1...2....3!! New Jack picks up the surprising win. [B]Winner: New Jack - (9:46) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Afterwards, New Jack grabs a microphone. The crowd is on their feet. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/200px-NewJack.jpg[/IMG] [B]New Jack[/B]: Now I wantcha to answer one thing for me. How in the hell are you going to find out who the baddest motha ****in' gangsta is when you don't include the "Original Gangsta" New Jack?! Huh?! I created all of this gangbangin' hardcore bull****. **** Murdah Mack! **** D.B.A.! New Jack put hardcore wrestling on the map and now he's going to put Death Camp on the motha ****in' map. So all you motha ****a's in the back betta realize, I don't give a ****, if you hear a gunshot ya'all betta know your ass is mine! [COLOR="red"]*Gunshot* "Natural Born Killaz" hits. New Jack celebrates with the crowd. Crossing his arms in an "X". [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Death Camp's ringcrew sets up the ring for the Plates of Glass Deathmatch. They place 4 extremly large Plates of Glass in each turnbuckle. They also set up a Barbwire Glass Plate Spider Webb on the outside of the ring. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/braindamage.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/deranged.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/insanelane.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/freakshow.jpg[/IMG] [B]Plates of Glass Tag Team Deathmatch Vulgar Display of Violence vs Insane Lane & Freakshow[/B] Insane Lane and Freakshow attack Vulgar Display of Violence on their way out towards ringside. The match starts before anybody could even step inside of the ring. Freakshow tosses Deranged into a row of chairs, taking some fans out in the process. Freakshow starts tossing chairs ontop of the fallen Deranged. Brain Damage and Insane Lane trade punches around ringside. Damage starts headbutting Lane, busting Insane Lane wide open with one of his vicious headbutts. Freakshow nails Brain Damage from behind with a Chairshot. Lane and Freakshow throw Brain Damage inside of the ring. They hit a Double Brainbuster through a Plate of Glass. Freakshow covers him... 1....2....Deranged breaks up the pinfall. Deranged and Freakshow start brawling again. Freakshow attempts to Powerbomb Deranged through a Plate of Glass but it gets blocked. Deranged summons up all of his power to Backdrop Freakshow through a Glass Plate. Shards of glass shatter as Freakshow lays in a puddle of his own blood. Brain Damage and Insane Lane grab ahold of chairs. They exchange chairshots inside of the ring, neither man is willing to go down. Damage hits Lane with one last deadly chairshot, forcing him to fall down to a knee. Brain Damage lifts Insane Lane up for a Powerbomb and tosses him onto the Barbwire Glass Plate Spider Webb on the outside. The glass explodes, Insane Lane is stuck on the Barbwire Spider Webb, the barbwire ripping away at his skin. Deranged and Brain Damage are left alone with Freakshow. Damage sets up the final two Plates of Glass ontop of two open chairs. Deranged and Brain Damage double Body Slam Freakshow through two Plates of Glass. They both stack ontop of him for the pin. 1....2....3!! Vulgar Display of Violence finally pick up the victory over Insane Lane and Freakshow. [B]Winners: Vulgar Display of Violence - (15:05) E[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]The crowd gives both teams a standing ovation. Brain Damage and Deranged celebrate with the crowd as Insane Lane and Freakshow get medical assistance. What does Death Camp have in store for us next month?[/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: E [/B] [B][U]Death Camp Wrestling's "Shattered Dreams"[/U][/B] -The Juggulator def. Ice -Sexxxy Eddy & Angel def. Green Phantom & Zu -Kaos the Rock Superstar def. Tony DeVito -New Jack def. Murdah Mack & The D.B.A. -Vulgar Display of Violence def. Insane Lane & Freakshow [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url][/B] If you missed "Shattered Dreams" then you can **** off. Not only did Madman Pondo challenge Supreme to a Taipei Deathmatch for next months show but the man who started all of this hardcore violence, New Jack made his debut. The next show is a month away, we're returning to the Saloon in Detroit, Michigan. It's an +20 show. Advanced tickets are $15, tickets will be $20 at the doors. Don't you miss it! [B]Death Camp Wrestling presents... [COLOR="red"]"Taipei"[/COLOR] live at the Saloon in Detroit, Michigan[/B] [B]Tony DeVito[/B] takes on [B]Murdah Mack[/B] in an all-out fight [B]Insane Lane[/B] tries to recover from his huge loss when he takes on [B]the Juggulator[/B] [B]Vulgar Display of Violence[/B] look to continue their domination by destroying [B]Sexxxy Eddy & "Hardcore Homo" Angel[/B] [B]The Green Phantom[/B] looks to settle things with [B]Zu[/B] "The Original Gangsta" [B]New Jack[/B] is looking to get bloody with [B]Freakshow[/B] [B]Kaos the Rock Superstar[/B] takes on the debuting [B]Scotty Vortekz[/B] and [B]Danny Havoc [/B] in a 1 Fall 3-Way Dance If you dont know who the **** Danny Havoc and Scotty Vortekz are, well then here's a video to catch you up on things: In a Taipei Deathmatch, [B]Madman Pondo[/B] takes on [B]Supreme[/B] The Taipei Deathmatch is practicly 3 months in the making so you better not miss out on these two crazy ****ers carving into each other. Unless one of these fags decides not to show up then we're all ****ed. And here's a video of Supreme just for the ****ing hell of it [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url] [COLOR="Red"]Blood & Guts News Report[/COLOR][/B] [B]Week 2 July:[/B] -[B]Beef Wellington[/B] will be off to tour with DDT in Japan. Death Camp wishes him all of the best. -[B]Insane Lane[/B] had to get 18 stitches across his back from landing ontop of the Barbwire Glass Plate Spider Net. Lane has notified us that he'll be at 100% come "Taipei". -Look out for the debut of [B]Danny Havoc[/B] and [B]Scotty Vortekz[/B]. Both men are very talented Jr. Heavyweights who feel right at home in an extreme enviroment. -For those of you who don't understand the rules to a [B]Taipei Deathmatch[/B], here's some quick explaining: Both men drip their hands in glue, they then roll their fists in pieces of broken glass, there's no pinfalls or submissions, the only way to pick up a win is by Knockout. So there ya have it. Now you know way the Taipei Deathmatch is the most dangerous match in professional wrestling. [/CENTER]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Death Camp Wrestling presents... [COLOR="Red"]Taipei[/COLOR] Live at the Saloon in Detroit, Michigan infront of 10 people[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="red"]Upon entering the crowd is told that [B]Madman Pondo[/B] will not be appearing tonight. Fans were offered either a full refund or to stick around and watch a special attraction match. Some fans stayed and some fans left. There were 10 fans left before it was time to start the show.[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/beefwellington.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/joshabercrombie.jpg[/IMG] [B]Beef Wellington vs Josh Abercrombie[/B] Beef Wellington seems to be a bit more serious tonight. The match starts off with some mat wrestling, both men trade holds back and forth. Abercrombie nails a Jumping Side Kick across Beef's head which sends him rolling to the outside. Josh Abercrombie soars over the ring ropes nailing Wellington with a Plancha. Back in the ring, Beef boots Abercrombie in the mid-section, stopping the majority of his momentum. Beef calls for the Ass Punch but Abercrombie manages to avoid it. Josh Abercrombie hits his opponent with a Brain Buster then follows up with a Phoenix Star Press. The referee counts to 3. [B]Winner: Josh Abercrombie(14:51) D-[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Afterwards, Beef Wellington thanks the fans for their support before leaving to Japan to tour with DDT. The fans show their appreciation by giving him a standing ovation.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/murdahmack.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/tonydevito.jpg[/IMG] [B]Murdah Mack vs Tony DeVito[/B] Tony DeVito nails Murdah Mack with a Running Lariat immediately after the bell. DeVito keeps his opponent grounded with some stiff stomps and elbow drops Murdah Mack tries to fight back, nailing DeVito with some punches across his mid-section. DeVito takes Mack's head off with a Knee Strike. Tony DeVito nails a Seated Urange Suplex then covers him for a quick and easy 3 count. [B]Winner: Tony DeVito(7:58) E-[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Supreme makes his way towards ringside. The crowd gives him a nice ovation. He steps inside of the ring and grabs a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Supreme:[/B] So I come here all the way from California to find out that Madman Pondo pussied out again?! What the ****?! Who the **** am I suppose to face now? [COLOR="red"]Suddenly, Sexxxy Eddy and Angel run out and double team Supreme, getting revenge for what happened at "Unscarred in Cali". Eddy and Angel start stomping away at Supreme. Luckily, before any damage could be done, Kaos the Rock Superstar runs out with a chair. Kaos nails Angel with a chairshot across his head then tosses him outside of the ring. Kaos stands inbetween Supreme and Eddy, holding the chair above his head, ready to knock out Sexxxy Eddy. But just as you think Kaos is going to hit Eddy, Kaos turns and nails Supreme instead. The Rock Superstar continues to nail Supreme with a flurry of Chairshots while he's down. Kaos grabs a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Kaos[/B]: Supreme, everyone knows that you're my uncle. You trained me and taught me everything I know. But it's time for me to break out. Just think of the money and respect I'd get if I beat you, a former King of the Deathmatch Champion, in a Taipei Deathmatch. I'd be a God! So I took it upon myself to take Pondo's place in tonight's main event. [COLOR="Red"]The crowd boo's Kaos out of the building.[/COLOR] [B]Kaos:[/B] Uncle, just remember, when it's all said and done and I become a Deathmatch God, it'd nothing personal...it's just business. [COLOR="red"]Kaos grins as the crowd boo's even louder. "Rock Superstar" by Cypress Hill hits as he makes his way to the back. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/juggulator.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/insanelane.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Juggulator vs Insane Lane[/B] This match is an all-out brawl. Both men exchange stiff headbutts inside of the ring, busting each other wide open. The fight quickly spills to the outside. Insane Lane starts grabbing chairs from ringside and tossing them at Juggulator. It isn't long untill Juggulator is litteraly burried underneath them. Back in the ring, Insane Lane tries to Exploder Suplex Juggulator but it gets blocked, Juggulator counters the suplex into an Elevated DDT. The Juggulator applies a Chinlock while stabbing Lane across his forehead with a pair of Scissors. Blood pours out from Lane's head like running water. Insane Lane taps out. [B]Winner: The Juggulator(7:52) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/greenphantom.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/zu.jpg[/IMG] [B]Green Phantom vs Zu[/B] These two monsters take their time staring each other down. The crowd doesn't seem to pleased. Phantom and Zu exchange Knife Edge Chops, busting each others chests open. Zu headbutts Phantom, knocking him out on his feet. Zu runs off the ropes but gets caught by a Big Boot. Green Phantom quickly follows up with a Double Underhook Piledriver. He covers his opponent quickly after. 1....2....3!! That was enough to beat the Samoan. [B]Winner: Green Phantom(8:47) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Freakshow walks out with Barbwire Baseball Bat. He steps inside of the ring, looking around for his opponent. [/COLOR] [B]Freakshow:[/B] New Jack, you think you can ****ing scare me?! I've fought the craziest mother ****ers on the planet. What makes you any different?! [COLOR="red"]*Gunshot* "Natural Born Killaz" by Ice Cube & Dr. Dre hits. New Jack walks out dragging a Garbage Can filled with weapons. He tosses the Garbage Can inside of the ring and slides in. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/newjack.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/freakshow.jpg[/IMG] [B]New Jack vs Freakshow[/B] Freakshow swings his Barbwire Baseball Bat at New Jack but he ducks and kicks Freakshow low. New Jack grabs a Wooden Crutch from his weapon filled garbage can. He cracks the Crutch across Freakshow's back. New Jack then grabs ahold of a Staple Gun and a 1 dollar bill. He staple the dollar bill onto Freakshow's forehead then hits him across his head with the Garbage Can. Freakshow fights back, hitting an impressive Powerslam on New Jack. Freakshow nails New Jack across the back with his bat. He uses the Barbwire wrapped around the Bat to cut open New Jack's forehead. Freakshow swings a Chair at New Jack but misses. New Jack throws the Garbage Can across Freakshow's head. New Jack grabs ahold of the chair and climbs to the top rope, Freakshow gets hit with a Top Rope Chair Shot. New Jack covers him for the 3 count. [B]Winner: New Jack(10:28) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/dannyhavoc.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/scottyvortekz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Danny Havoc vs Scotty Vortekz[/B] These two start things off at a much faster pace. Vortekz tosses Havoc to the outside and soars ontop of Havoc with a Suicide Dive. Back in the ring, Danny Havoc nails Vortekz across his head with a Chairshot then lays the chair out in the middle of the ring and DDT's him ontop of it. Havoc sets up a table inside of the ring. While he's setting it up, Vortekz nails him from behind and lays him out ontop of the table. Scotty Vortekz climbs to the top rope and comes crashing down ontop of Havoc with a Double Knee Drop. Vorketz crawls ontop of Havoc for the pinfall. [B]Winner: Scotty Vorketz(12:22) E[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/sexxxyeddy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/angel.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/braindamage.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/deranged.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sexxxy Eddy & "Hardcore Homo" Angel vs Vulgar Display of Violence[/B] Angel looks to still be suffering from the chairshot he recieved earlier. For some reason Angel starts off with Deranged Deranged tosses Angel around the ring. Angel tries to tag out but Deranged pulls him back into the center of the ring and nails a Sit-Out Piledriver. Brain Damage gets tagged in, he Power Bombs Angel across the ring. Unfortunately when he Powerbombed him, he tossed him a bit too close to his tag partner and Angel managed to tag out. Sexxxy Eddy jumps into the ring and dropkicks both men, Brain Damage gets sent to the outside. Angel holds a chair over Derange as Eddy hits a beautiful Top Rope Moonsault. This could be it... 1....2....Supreme runs out with his Fists covered in Pieces of glass, ready for his Taipei Deathmatch. He breaks up the pinfall. Supreme punches Eddy the **** out. Angel tries to save his life partner but Supreme knocks him out too. Brain Damage gets back inside of the ring and stares Supreme down. Supreme punches Damage across his face then hits him with a Running Powerslam. Supreme ****ed up pretty much everyone in this match. I guess nobody wins. [B]Winner: No Contest(7:34) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Supreme grabs a microphone from the ring announcer. [/COLOR] [B]Supreme[/B]: You ****ers want to **** with me?! **** you!! Kaos, I raised you ever since you were a ****in' kid and this is how you re-pay me? Fine. Get your ****in' ass out here so I can show you why blood is thicker than water!! [COLOR="red"]"Rock Superstar" by Cypress Hill hits. Kaos walks out timid, he has his hands covered in Broken Glass as well. The crowd starts up a "Supreme's gonna kill you!" chant. Kaos slides into the ring and stares down Supreme. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/supreme.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/kaos.jpg[/IMG] [B]Taipei Deathmatch Supreme vs Kaos the Rock Superstar[/B] There's no pinfalls or submissions. The only way to win this match is by knocking your opponent the **** out. Supreme takes a swing at Kaos but he ducks. Kaos dropkicks Supreme's leg out from underneath him. Supreme falls down to one knee, Kaos then follows up with a Dropkick across his head. Kaos quickly mounts Supreme as he's down and starts to throw wild punches. Supreme tries to cover up but the pieces of glass glued to Kaos' fists cuts him. Kaos uses a piece of glass to dig deep into Supreme's forehead. Supreme is covered in his own blood. Kaos hooks Supreme up for a Sliced Bread 2, Supreme tosses him off and takes his head off with a Clothesline. "The Walking Horror Movie" punches The Rock Superstar across the head, knocking him out cold. The referee checks on him then calls for the bell. Kaos is unable to continue. [B]Winner: Supreme(14:49) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]A bloody Supreme stands tall inside of the ring as the crowd chants his name. The crowd celebrates with their favorite Deathmatch wrestler as the show comes to an end. [/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: E[/B] [B][U]Death Camp Wrestling's "Taipei":[/U][/B] -Josh Abercrombie def. Beef Wellington -Tony DeVito def. Murdah Mack -The Juggulator def. Insane Lane -Green Phantom def. Zu -New Jack def. Freakshow -Scotty Vortekz def. Danny Havoc -Vulgar Display of Violence fought to a No Contest with Sexxxy Eddy & Angel -Supreme def. Kaos the Rock Superstar in a Taipei Deathmatch[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url] [COLOR="Red"]Blood & Guts News Report[/COLOR][/B] [B]Week 2 August: [/B] -[B]Madman Pondo[/B] left to tour with Big Japan Pro Wrestling in Japan which is why he wasn't able to appear at "Taipei". It's not certain when he's gonna return. -Expect an [B]Xtreme Strong Style Division[/B] added to the company in the near future, especialy after [B]Josh Abercrombie[/B] impressed everyone at "Taipei". -Death Camp returns next month to Detroit, Michigan for a 2-Day Tournament to crown the [B]King of the Deathmatch Champion[/B]. Both shows are 19+ so if you're younger, get a fake I.D. and buy some tickets. Here's what you crazy mother ****ers can expect... [B]Death Camp presents... [COLOR="red"]King of the Deathmatch Tournament Night 1[/COLOR] live at the Saloon in Detroit, Michigan[/B] [B]First Round of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament:[/B] [B]Barbwire Boards Deathmatch[/B] Sexxxy Eddy vs Deranged [B]Stacked Tables Deathmatch[/B] Brain Damage vs Angel [B]Falls Count Anywhere Gangsta Deathmatch[/B] New Jack vs Tony DeVito [B]T.L.C.: Tables, Lighttubes & Chairs Deathmatch[/B] Kaos the Rock Superstar vs Danny Havoc [B]Barbwire Ladder Deathmatch[/B] Scotty Vortekz vs Insane Lane [B]Home Run Derby Deathmatch[/B] Freakshow vs Supreme [B]Thumbtack Deathmatch[/B] The Juggulator vs Green Phantom [B]4 Corners of Pain Deathmatch[/B] Murdah Mack vs ?? ?? [B]featuring Internet Pornstar, Tyra Banxxx[/B] [B]Death Camp presents... [COLOR="red"]King of the Deathmatch Tournament Night 2[/COLOR] live at the American Legion in Detroit, Michigan[/B] [B]Second Round of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament:[/B] featuring a Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch, 100 Lighttube Deathmatch, Unlucky 12 Deathmatch, & a Electrified Lighttubes Deathmatch [B]Non-Tournament Match[/B] Josh Abercrombie vs Masked Wrestler [B]Semi-Finals of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament:[/B] featuring a Hot Coals & Lit Cigarettes Deathmatch & a Drunken Deathmatch [B]Non-Tournament Match[/B] Niles Young w/Noel Harlow vs Cheech [B]Finals of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament:[/B] featuring a No-Ropes Barbwire Ropes, 300 Lighttubes, 4 Corner Glass Plate & Whatever the **** else Deathmatch [B]featuring Internet pornstar, Tyra Banxxx[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url] [COLOR="Red"]Blood & Guts News Report[/COLOR][/B] [B]Week 4 August:[/B] -Death Camp has just found out that [B]Insane Lane[/B] will not be able to compete in the [B]King of the Deathmatches Tournament[/B]. Replacing him will be no stranger to Deathmatch tournaments, [B]J.C. Bailey[/B]. [B]Barbwire Ladder Deathmatch[/B] [COLOR="red"][B]Scotty Vortekz vs J.C. Bailey[/B][/COLOR] [B]J.C. Bailey Tribute Video:[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Death Camp Wrestling presents... [COLOR="Red"]King of the Deathmatch Night 1[/COLOR] Live at the Saloon in Detroit, Michigan infront of 13 people[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Tyra Banxxx kicks things off by walking out and greeting the fans. She steps inside of the ring and finds herself a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Tyra Banxxx[/B]: How are ya'all doin' tonight? [COLOR="red"]The crowd cheers. [/COLOR] [B]Tyra Banxxx: [/B]Tehehe. Tonight, 18 men will bloody each other for a chance to become Death Camp's first ever King of the Deathmatch Champion! I a-- [COLOR="red"]"Lapdance" by N.E.R.D. hits. Sexxxy Eddy and "the Hardcore Homo" Angel walk out. Eddy steps inside of the ring and holds the ropes for Angel, the Hardcore Homo slowly steps into the ring making sure to bend over and show off his ass to the crowd. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Sexxxy Eddy walks on over towards Tyra and looks at her from head to toe. He licks his lips, like an animal watching over his prey, then finally grabs a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy:[/B] Tyra, Tyra, Tyra, where have you been all of my life? You know, tonight may be the start of the King of the Deathmatch tournament but it could also be a start to a beautiful friendship between the two of us. So whaddaya say, wanna triple the Sexxx Xpress? [COLOR="red"]Tyra looks over Eddy, she doesn't look too impressed. [/COLOR] [B]Tyra Banxxx:[/B] No thanks. [B]Sexxxy Eddy:[/B] Huh? Wait. What do you mean, "no thanks"? Nobody, EVER, turns me down. [B]Tyra Banxxx[/B]: Look I'm just not into guys who swing both ways. (looking over at Angel) [COLOR="red"]Eddy nods his head. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy:[/B] No. We're just friends...nothing more. [B]Angel:[/B] That's not what you said last night after I su-- [B]Sexxxy: Eddy[/B]: Hey! I said we're just friends!! [COLOR="red"]Tyra gets inbetween them. [/COLOR] [B]Tyra Banxxx:[/B] Listen, I'm looking for a tall, dark, strong man who's not afraid to get his hands dirty. I don't think you boys can give me what I'm looking for. Sorry. [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B]: Tall, dark & strong? Where the hell are you going to find a man like that? [COLOR="red"]"People=****" by Slipknot hits as Brain Damage walks out. Eddy and Angel look at each other in terror. Damage steps inside of the ring and tosses Eddy to the outside. Angel jumps on Damage's back and starts punching away at him. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/braindamage.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/angel.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round in the King of the Deathmatch Tournament Stacked Tables Deathmatch Brain Damage vs "Hardcore Homo" Angel[/B] There's 4 stacked tables(a table placed ontop of another table) on the outside of the ring. The object of the match is to put your opponent through the tables first then pin him. Brain Damage tosses Angel off of his back and strikes him with a Big Boot. Angel looks as if he's seeing stars. Tyra slides a chair into the ring, Brain Damage grabs it and nails Angel over his head. Damage sets the chair up in the middle of the ring then Chokeslams Angel ontop of it. The bloodthirsty crowd goes nuts. Damage calls for the end. He lifts Angel up for a Powerbomb then tosses him outside of the ring through a Stacked Table. Brain Damage rolls out of the ring and pins his opponent. The referee has no trouble counting to 3. [B]Winner and Advancing to the 2nd Round: Brain Damage(5:50) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Afterwards, Brain Damage celebrates inside of the ring with Tyra. It looks as if Banxxx is way more interested in Brain Damage. They walk to the back for some more celebrating. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/juggulator.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/greenphantom.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round in the King of the Deathmatch Tournament Thumbtack Deathmatch The Juggulator vs Green Phantom[/B] The wrestling ring's covered in Thumbtacks. There's about 500 Thumbtacks covering the mat. Juggulator and Phantom trade strikes. Juggulator gets busted open early by one of Green Phantom's headbutts. Blood slowly starts to drip down from Juggulator's head. Phantom charges but Juggulator manages to Droptoe Hold Phantom onto some Tacks. The thumbtacks drive into Phantom's head and hands. He quickly tries to remove as many tacks as he can from his hands. Juggulator stomps his opponent's head into a pile of thumb tacks, forcing more tacks to pierce through his skull. Phantom's mask becomes a bloody red. Green Phantom catches his opponent and hits a Sit-Out Slam. Juggulator's back is covered in dozens of tacks. Phantom attempts a Double Underhook Piledriver but Juggulator blocks it. Juggulator forces a hand full of tacks into Phantom's mouth then hits a Stone Cold Stunner. He quickly covers him. 1....2....3!! Juggulator manages to put away the Canadian Monster. [B]Winner and Advancing to the 2nd Round: Juggulator(9:31) E[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/scottyvortekz.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/JCBailey.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round in the King of the Deathmatch Tournament Barbwire Ladder Deathmatch Scotty Vortekz vs JC Bailey[/B] There's a Ladder wrapped in Barbwire standing in the middle of the ring, above it is a Slip to get into the 2nd round. The only way to advance is to obtain the slip. Bailey and Vortekz fight over a lockup. Bailey gets his head rammed first into the Ladder, his forehead gets cut open. Vortekz tries to climb up the ladder but Baily pushes it over, sending Scotty crashing outside of the ring. Vortekz landed hard. While Scotty re-groups on the outside, JC Bailey dives ontop of him. Back in the ring, Bailey tries to climb up the ladder. Vortekz jumps off of the top rope and Dropkicks the ladder from underneath him. Bailey lands head first into the mat. Scotty lays Bailey ontop of the ladder and climbs to the top, he jumps off for a Double Knee Drop, JC Bailey rolls out of the way while Scotty Vortekz crashes ontop of the ladder. JC Bailey quickly climbs up the ladder and obtains the Slip. [B]Winner and Advancing to the 2nd Round: JC Bailey(15:27) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Tony DeVito and The D.B.A. make their way towards ringside. They step inside of the ring, DeVito grabs a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Tony DeVito[/B]: For years I've been searchin' da streets for a gang. Tonight, I finally found a man who's worthy of bein' in my gang, who's worthy of bein' apart of Da Baldies. Let me introduce to you, comin' outta Detroit, The D.B.A.!! [COLOR="red"]The crowd starts up a "**** you D.B.A.!" chant. D.B.A. nearly loses his mind, he tries to attack a fan but DeVito holds him back. [/COLOR] [B]Tony DeVito[/B]: Save your energy, bro! We're Da Baldies now. We have bigger fish to fry. [COLOR="red"]D.B.A. grabs the microphone from DeVito. [/COLOR] [B]The D.B.A.: [/B]You right, dawg. These bitches aren't worth it. I'm the meanest, toughest, craziest Gangsta here and these ****ers know it! [COLOR="red"]*Gun Shot* "Natural Born Killaz" by Dr. Dre & Ice Cube. hits. New Jack walks out with a Guitar over his shoulder. The crowd pops huge. New Jack slides into the ring, he ducks D.B.A.'s clothesline and smashes the Guitar over his head. DeVito ambushes New Jack from behind while he's busy with DBA. The referee calls for the bell.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/tonydevito.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/newjack.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round in the King of the Deathmatch Tournament Falls Count Anywhere Gangsta Deathmatch Tony DeVito vs New Jack[/B] DeVito beats New Jack down in the corner. New Jack tries to fight back but DeVito nails him with a Knee Lift. He tosses him outside of the ring. Tony DeVito whips New Jack into the guardrail, he charges at him but Jack backdrops him into the crowd. New Jack grabs a chair and throws it at DeVito's head. The chair's heavily dented. New Jack brawls with DeVito in the concession stand. Jack clears the merchandise table and rams DeVito's head into it. Tony DeVito lays ontop of the table, knocked out, New Jack climbs up the stairs to the top of the balconey. The crowd starts up a "New Jack! New Jack!" chant. New Jack crosses his arms, saluting the crowd, he dives off of the Balconey and lands ontop of DeVito. "Holy ****! Holy ****!". He covers him. 1...2....3!! New Jack defeats his former ECW enemy. [B]Winner and Advancing to the 2nd Round: New Jack(8:37) E[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/sexxxyeddy.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/deranged.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round in the King of the Deathmatch Tournament Barbwire Boards Deathmatch Sexxxy Eddy vs Deranged[/B] There's wooden boards with Barbwire Stapled onto them in each corner. On the outside there's a Table set up, wrapped in Barbwire. Eddy quickly Dropkicks Deranged's legs out from underneath him. Sexxxy Eddy starts nailing him with a flurry of punches and kicks. Sexxxy Eddy charges at his oppent, Deranged Overhead Suplexs him into a Wooden Barbwire Board. The Barbwire gets caught underneath Eddy's skin. He has to rip himself off of the boards. Deranged lays one of the boards out in the middle of the ring. He lifts Eddy up in a Powerbomb position, Sexxxy Eddy manages to counter it into a Hurricanrana. Deranged lands onto of the Barbwire Board. The Triple Sexxx Xpress slides the Barbwire Table inside of the ring. He sets it up in the corner. Deranged nails Eddy from behind. He German Suplexs Eddy outta his boots. Deranged stalks Eddy, waiting untill he stands up so that he can Gore him through the table. Deranged charges, Eddy moves out of the way, Deranged crashes into the Barbwire Table. The crowd is breathless. Eddy crawls ontop of him for the pinfall, 1...2...3. [B]Winner and Advancing to the 2nd Round: Sexxxy Eddy(15:28) D-[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]"Straight Outta Compton" by NWA hits. Murdah Mack walks out and steps inside of the ring. He grabs the microphone away from the ring announcer. [/COLOR] [B]Murdah Mack: [/B]Yo I've been hearin' that I have a mystery opponent. Well that's straight up bull****. How am I suppose ta train when I have no idea who my opponent is. ****in' bull****. You know what, I don't care who my opponent is! Cuz I'm gonna kick that crackas ass, throw my Dub's in the air, then go home as the King of the Deathmatch Champion! [COLOR="red"]"Messiah" by Fear Factory hits. The Messiah walks out to a large ovation. A "Me-ssi-ah!" chant starts up. Messiah slides into the ring and acknowledges the crowd. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/murdahmack.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/themessiah.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round in the King of the Deathmatch Tournament 4 Corners of Pain Murdah Mack vs The Messiah[/B] In one corner there's a Barbwire Board. In the other corner there's a Glass Plate. In the 3rd corner there's a Bed of Nails. And in the last corner there's a Dozen Lighttubes. Messiah and Mack start brawling. Mack gets tossed into the ropes and Backdropped across the ring. Messiah grabs a Lighttube and smashes it over Mack's head. He starts carving into Murdah's head with a broken piece of Lighttube, cutting him open. Mack tries to fight back. He grabs a Lighttube and breaks it over Messiah's back. Mack is in control now. He rams Messiah's head into the Bed of Nails, cutting him wide open. Mack lays out the Barbwire Board in the middle of the ring and Slams Messiah ontop of it. Murdah Mack climbs to the top rope and dives off with an Elbow Drop. Messiah rolls out of the way and Mack lands ontop of the Barbwire. Messiah lifts Murdah Mack on his shoulders. He nails a Running DVD through the Plate of Glass. Both men are motionless. Messiah covers Mack, 1...2....3!! [B]Winner and Advancing to the 2nd Round: The Messiah(9:51) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/kaos.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/dannyhavoc.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round in the King of the Deathmatch Tournament Tables, Lighttubes & Chairs Deathmatch Kaos the Rock Superstar vs Danny Havoc[/B] There's Tables, Lighttubes and Chairs all around ringside. The match can only be won by Pinfall, Submission or Knock Out. Havoc and Kaos grab a pair of Lighttubes. They circle each other, studying each others moves. Kaos nails Havoc over his head with the Lighttube. Havoc falls to one knee but shakes it off quickly. Havoc nails Kaos over his head with a Lighttube. Kaos falls down to a knee. Both men start exchanging strikes. Kaos gets annoyed quickly and tosses a chair at Havoc's head. Kaos swings a Chair at Havoc but he dodges it and Dropkicks the Chair into Kaos' head. Danny Havoc grabs the Ladder and slides it into the ring. He sets it up in the middle of the ring. Havoc drags Kaos up the Ladder. Both men are at the top of the Ladder. Havoc attempts to Suplex his opponent of the Ladder but he blocks it. Kaos nails Havoc with some punches. While Havoc is loopey from the strikes, Kaos nails a Sliced Bread #2 off of the Ladder. Kaos covers his opponent, 1...2...3. [B]Winner and Advancing to the 2nd Round: Kaos the Rock Superstar(14:48) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Supreme makes his way out towards ringside for the final 1st Round match of the Tournament. The crowd shows him their appreciation by chanting his name. Freakshow walks out next. He taunts the crowd on the way to the ring. The crowd starts up a "**** him up Su-preme, **** him up!" chant. Freakshow and Supreme stare each other down when suddenly "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins hits. Madman Pondo runs out from the crowd. He steps inside of the ring with a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Madman Pondo:[/B] It always seems that whenever I have to fight Supreme's fatass something always comes up. Well guess what, I'm here right now so why don't why make this match a Triple Threat Match! [COLOR="red"]The crowd cheers. Freakshow and Supreme both nail Pondo with a Stiff Punch, agreeing to a 3-way. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/supreme.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/freakshow.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/madmanpondo.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round in the King of the Deathmatch Tournament Home Run Derby Deathmatch Supreme vs Freakshow vs Madman Pondo[/B] There's a Plastic Baseball Bat covered in Thumbtacks in attached to each corner. Freakshow and Supreme double team Pondo. They double suplex him. It isn't long untill Freakshow turns on Supreme and starts nailing him with punches. Freakshow grabs a Thumbtack Bat and nails Supreme scross the back. Supreme's back is covered in Thumbtacks. Pondo recovers and grabs a Bat of his own. He clocks Freakshow across the back of his head with it. Freakshow rolls out of the ring, trying to pull out the thumbtacks out of his head. Pondo and Supreme start trading punches. They get tried of punching each other and start Headbutting each other instead. Both men become a bloody mess after busting each other open with Headbutts. Freakshow rolls back in the ring and nails both men with a Thumbtack Bat. He rams the Thumbtack covered Bat into Pondo's head, bloody pours down from his forehead. Supreme nails Freakshow from behind. He lifts Freakshow up on his shoulders and nails a Samoan Drop. He quickly climbs to the top rope and hits a Mecca Toad Splash on Freakshow. He holds the Splash in a Pin, 1...2...3!! Supreme advances!! [B]Winner and Advancing to the 2nd Round: Supreme(14:51) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Afterwards, Madman Pondo attacks Supreme from behind. He nails Supreme with a Thumbtack Bat multiple times, Supreme tries to cover up but he just gets nailed in his forearms. The Walking Horror Movie is covered in Tacks. Pondo slides a Table into the ring and places Supreme ontop of it. Pondo climbs to the top rope and crashes ontop of Supreme with a Diving Senton. Death Camp officals run out and pull Pondo away from Supreme. Madman Pondo beats the **** out of them, tossing them all out of the ring. The show comes to an end with Pondo standing over a bloody and destroyed Supreme.[/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][B]Final Rating: E+[/B][/SIZE] [B][U]Death Camp's "King of the Deathmatch Night 1" Results:[/U][/B] Brain Damage def. Angel The Juggulator def. Green Phantom JC Bailey def. Scotty Vortekz New Jack def. Tony DeVito Sexxxy Eddy def. Deranged The Messiah def. Murdah Mack Kaos the Rock Superstar def. Danny Havoc Supreme def. Freakshow & Madman Pondo[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url] [COLOR="Red"]Blood & Guts News Report[/COLOR] Week 4 August:[/B] -[B]Madman Pondo[/B] has left for Japan after his vicious attack last night, he will NOT be attending Night 2 of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament. -Here's what you can expect for the conclusion of our Championship Tournament: [B]Death Camp presents... [COLOR="red"]King of the Deathmatch Tournament Night 2[/COLOR] live at the American Legion in Detroit, Michigan[/B] [B]Second Round of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament: Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch[/B] Brain Damage vs Sexxxy Eddy [B]Unlucky 12 Deathmatch[/B] JC Bailey vs New Jack [B]100 Lighttubes Deathmatch[/B] Kaos the Rock Superstar vs The Messiah [B]Electrified Lighttubes Deathmatch[/B] Supreme vs The Juggulator [B]Non-Tournament Match[/B] Josh Abercrombie vs The Masked Wrestler [B]Semi-Finals of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament: featuring a Hot Coals & Lit Cigarettes Deathmatch & a Drunken Deathmatch[/B] [B]Non-Tournament Match[/B] Niles Young w/Noel Harlow vs Cheech [B]Finals of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament: featuring a No-Ropes Barbwire Ropes, 300 Lighttubes, 4 Corner Glass Plate & Whatever the **** else Deathmatch featuring Internet pornstar, Tyra Banxxx[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]Death Camp Wrestling presents... [COLOR="Red"]King of the Deathmatch Night 2[/COLOR] Live at the American Legion in Detroit, Michigan infront of 11 people[/SIZE] [COLOR="red"]The show kicks off with "Lapdance" by N.E.R.D. blasting through the speakers. Sexxxy Eddy walks out alone and pissed off. He steps inside of the ring and wastes no time finding a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B]: Last night, Tyra did what no other women has ever done to me, she rejected me. No living female has ever rejected the Triple Sexx Xpress!! So I'm giving you one more chance to get your tiny ass out here, apologize and have the greatest time of your life. [COLOR="red"]"People=****" by Slipknot interrupts. Brain Damage walks out along with Tyra Banxxxs. He steps inside of the ring, Tyra stands behind him. Eddy tries to get to Tyra but Brain Damage tosses him across the ring. Eddy gets frusterated and jumps ontop of him, nailing him with punches. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/braindamage.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/sexxxyeddy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Second Round of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch Brain Damage w/Tyra Banxxx vs Sexxxy Eddy[/B] Eddy gets ontop of Damage and nails him with a few punches. He slides to the outside and grabs a Water Jug on a Wooden Stick from a fan. Eddy nails Damage across the head with it. Eddy grabs a Chair and swings at Damage, he ducks, Brain Damage kicks the chair into Eddy's face. Brain Damage grabs a Barbwire Cheese Gratter from a fan. He starts to Grate Eddy's forehead open with it. Blood pours from Eddy's temple. Brain Damage sets up a Table on the outside. Damage headbutts Eddy as hard as he can then lays him out ontop of the table. Brain Damage climbs the top rope. He dives, Tyra pushes Eddy off of the table, Damage crashes through the table. Tyra Banxxx holds a Chair ontop of Damage's body while Eddy hits him with a Moonsault off of the apron. He covers him for the pin. 1....2....3!! Tyra Banxxx helps Eddy advance in the tournament. [B]Winner and advancing into the Semi-Finals: Sexxxy Eddy(11:45) D-[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]After the match, Tyra Banxxx embraces Sexxxy Eddy with a kiss. The two celebrate their victory. The crowd chants "She's a crack whore!". Eddy and Tyra walk to the back, ignoring the fans. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/supreme.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/juggulator.jpg[/IMG] [B]Second Round of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament Electrified Lighttube Deathmatch Supreme vs The Juggulator[/B] There's a bed of lit Lighttubes in the middle of the ring. There's also a few Tubes leaning up against the turnbuckles. Supreme looks like he's still recovering from Pondo's attack. Juggulator ambushes Supreme from behind. He smashes a couple of Lighttubes across Supreme's back. Juggulator uses a broken piece of Lighttube to carve into Supreme's flesh. The Juggulator swings a Lighttube, Supreme ducks and punches his opponent across his face. Supreme places a Lighttube ontop of Juggulators head then headbutts them. Pieces of glass lodge themselves into Juggulators forehead. Supreme lifts Juggulator up and Powerbombs him into the bed of plugged in Lighttubes. Juggulator's back immediately turns black from the electrical burns. Supreme covers him. 1....2....3!! Supreme continues his win streak here in Death Camp. [B]Winner and advancing onto the Semi-Finals: Supreme( 11:41) E-[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/newjack.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/JCBailey.jpg[/IMG] [B]Second Round of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament Unlucky 12 Deathmatch New Jack vs JC Bailey[/B] The point of the match is to staple 12 1 dollar bills onto your opponent's body. New Jack nails Bailey across the head with an Elbow. He applies a headlock on Bailey and staples his first dollar ontop of Bailey's head. New Jack 1-0 New Jack body slams his opponent then staples another dollar on Bailey's stomache. New Jack 2-0 Bailey starts fighting back, he nails New Jack with a running Dropkick. Bailey grabs a Chair and nails him across the head. JC Bailey staples 3 1 dollar bills onto New Jack's back. JC Bailey 3-2 New Jack low blows his opponent. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Knife. He slices Bailey's forehead open. Blood splatters all over the mat. New Jack staples 2 1 dollar bills onto Bailey's eyelids, one for each eye. New Jack 4-3 Bailey screams in agony. New Jack tries to staple him again but Bailey boots him away. JC Bailey manages to staple both of New Jack's cheecks. JC Bailey 5-4 Bailey climbs the top rope and dives off with a Legdrop, New Jack moves, Bailey crashes hard. New Jack staples 4 1 dollar bills onto Bailey's crotch. New Jack 8-5 New Jack climbs to the top rope and nails JC Bailey over the head with a Top Rope Chairshot. New Jack staples the final 4 1 dollar bills onto his opponents body. New Jack 12-5 [B]Winner and advancing onto the Semi-Finals: New Jack(12:29) E[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/themessiah.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/kaos.jpg[/IMG] [B]Second Round of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament 100 Lighttube Deathmatch The Messiah vs Kaos the Rock Superstar[/B] There's 100 Lighttubes stuck inbetween the ring ropes. Both men are surronded by deadly Lighttubes. Messiah breaks a Lighttube across Kaos' head. The Messiah beats Kaos down with some stiff strikes. Messiah lifts Kaos up on his shoulders for his God Smack, Kaos elbows his way out of the move. The Rock Superstar dropkicks Messiah into the ropes, breaking about a dozen of Lighttubes with his back. Kaos breaks Lighttube after Lighttube over Messiah's body. It isn't long untill he's a bloody mess. Kaos attempts his Sliced Bread #2, Messiah counters it by tossing him over his shoulder, Messiah lifts Kaos up on his shoulders and nails the God Smack(TKO) ontop of a couple of Lighttubes. He pins him. 1...2....3!! Messiah advances. [B]Winner and advancing onto the Semi-Finals: The Messiah(12:21) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/nilesyoung.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/noel.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/cheech.jpg[/IMG] [B]Non-Tournament Match Niles Young w/Noel Harlow vs Cheech[/B] Cheech uses his agility to fly around the ring. After some quick armdrags and headscissors, Niles decides to roll out of the ring to re-group. Cheech dives ontop of Niles with a Suicide Dive. Back in the ring, Cheech hits the ropes for another offensive move when Noel Harlow grabs ahold of Cheech's foot. Niles attacks Cheech from behind as he's distracted. Niles nails Cheech with some punches and stomps. Young nails an impressive Stalling Suplex on Cheech for a near fall. Young attempts another suplex but Cheech flips out of it. Cheech rolls Young with with a tight Hurricanrana Pin for a 2 count. Young takes Cheech's head off with a stiff Clothesline. He boots his opponent in the mid-section and nails the West Niles Virus. Young quickly covers him for the 3 count. [B]Winner: Niles Young(6:38) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]"Lap Dance" by N.E.R.D. hits. Sexxxy Eddy along with Tyra Banxxx walks out. Eddy looks as if he's a bit tired. They step inside of the ring. [/COLOR] [B]Sexxxy Eddy(out of breath): [/B]Like I said earlier, there's not a girl alive who can resist the Triple Sexx Xpress. Tell em babe, how was the ride... [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/tyrabanxxx024.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tyra Banxxx[/B]: It was wonderfull babe. The greatest 4 minutes... [COLOR="red"]Eddy whispers something in her ear. [/COLOR] [B]Tyra Banxxx:[/B] The greatest 30 minutes of my life. [COLOR="red"]Eddy grins and yells, "I can go all night long!". [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The crowd starts up a "Brain Da-mage!" chant.[/COLOR] [B]Tyra Banxxx[/B]: Brain Damage?! Ha!! There's no way a guy like that can pleasure a girl like me. Come on, look at me. I deserve waaayy better than that idiot. [COLOR="red"]Supreme walks out, bloody and hurt. He steps inside of the ring and stares both Tyra and Eddy down. Sexxxy Eddy hide behind Tyra, Supreme shoves Banxxx out of the way when Eddy eyerakes him.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/sexxxyeddy.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/supreme.jpg[/IMG] [B]Semi-Finals of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament Lit Cigarettes & Hot Coals Deathmatch Sexxxy Eddy vs Supreme[/B] There's a bed of Lit Cigarettes and Hot Coals in the middle of the ring. This could be the most dangerous match of the night. Eddy punches and stomps away at Supreme. Tyra throws a chair to Eddy, Sexxxy Eddy nails Supreme across the head with it. Eddy lays out the chair on the ground and DDT's Supreme ontop of it. Sexxxy Eddy gets an impressive near fall. Supreme starts fighting back. He nails Eddy with a Powerslam, nearly crushing him. He climbs to the tope for a Mecca Toad Splash, Tyra enters the ring and low blows him while he's up there. Sexxxy Eddy holds Supreme and tells Tyra to hit him with a cheap shot. Luckily before Tyra could hit him, Brain Damage runs out and slides into the ring. Damage wraps his hands around Tyra's neck and Choke Slams her across his knee. Supreme low blows his way out of Eddy's hold then Powerbombs him ontop of the bed of Cigarettes and Hot Coals. He covers him. 1...2....3!! Supreme's going to the Finals. [B]Winner and advancing into the Finals: Supreme(11:41) D-[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/newjack.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/themessiah.jpg[/IMG] [B]Semi-Finals of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament Drunken Deathmatch New Jack vs The Messiah[/B] Both men are forced to drink 10 shots before the bell, after every 5 minutes they have to stop fighting and drink another 10 shots. The match ends when a wrestler is no longer able to stand. Both men seem to stumble a bit after the first 10 shots, probably being a little light headed from loss of blood and alcohol. Messiah and New Jack exchange punches. Most of them barely connecting. The first 5 minutes are up, the referee forces both men into their own respective corner, they drink another 10 shots. Messiah clotheslines New Jack. He covers him for a pinfall but the referee has to remind him that theres no pins. New Jack lowblows Messiah and rams his head into the turnbuckle. 5 minutes have past, both men are forced to drink another 10 shots. New Jack doesn't really seemed all too phased. Messiah comes out of his corner and throws a punch, he misses and falls on his face. The referee starts to count, 1....2....3....4....5...6...7...8....9....Messiah gets to a knee but before he could stand he starts puking...10!! The referee calls for a decision, New Jack wins the bout. [B]Winner and advancing into the Finals: New Jack(10:29) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/joshabercrombie.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/maskedwrestler.jpg[/IMG] [B]Non-Tournament Match Josh Abercrombie vs The Masked Wrestler[/B] The match starts off with some mat wrestling. Abercrombie gets the upperhand, he uses some quick Dropkicks to take his opponent off of his game. The Masked Wrestler cuts Abercrombie's momentum off with an Airplane Spin. Abercrombie gets stomped into the corner. Masked Wrestler leaps onto Abercrombie and tosses him outta the corner with a Monkey Flip. The crowd doesn't seem to like Masked Wrestler much especialy after he flips them off. Abercrombie fights back, nailing a flurry of Clotheslines and Elbows. He lifts Masked Wrestler up and drops him with a Brain Buster. Abercrombie climbs to the top and attempts his Phoenix Splash, Masked Wrestler puts up his knees, Abercrombie is bent over holding his stomach when he gets nailed by a Yakuza Kick. Masked Wrestler covers him, 1...2....3!! [B]Winner: The Masked Wrestler(9:33) D-[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Afterwards, The Masked Wrestler unlaces his mask and slowly takes it off. The crowd is in awe when they find out he's [/COLOR][B]Trent Acid[/B]. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/Trentacid1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"]The former CZW Jr. Heavyweight and Tag Team Champion grabs a microphone. [/COLOR] [B]Trent Acid[/B]: Death Camp Wrestling, your Ultra-Violent Savior is here!! [COLOR="red"]The crowd pops. The Midnight Express theme hits as Trent Acid struts all the way to the back. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The Death Camp ring crew replaces the ring ropes with Barbwire for the Finals of the Tournament.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/newjack.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/dcw/supreme.jpg[/IMG] [B]Finals of the King of the Deathmatch Tournament[/B] [B]No-Ropes Barbwire Ropes, 300 Lighttubes, 4 Corner Glass Plates & Whatever the **** else Deathmatch[/B] [B]New Jack vs Supreme[/B] This match is the Finals of the Tournament and it is for the King of the Deathmatch Championship. Both men look tired and hurt. New Jack nails Supreme over his head with the handle of his Sickle. He tosses Supreme head first into a Plate of Glass. The Glass shatters all over the place. Supreme fights back and breaks a couple of Lighttubes across New Jack's head. Supreme lifts Jack up and Slams him into a Plate of Glass. New Jack gets his head cut open by the Barbwire Ropes, Supreme digs the Barbwire deep into his opponents skin. Supreme tosses Jack into the ropes but it gets reveresed, Supreme breaks the Barbwire Ropes and lands hard on the outside. While Supreme is laid out on the outside, New Jack climbs to the top rope and hits Supreme with a Splash. 1.....2.....3!! NEW JACK WINS THE TOURNAMENT!! [B]Winner and the King of the Deathmatch Champion: New Jack(14:36) E+[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]New Jack is presented with the King of the Deathmatch Championship as well as a Trophy. A bloody New Jack raises his Championship and Trophy high up in the air, celebrating his newly won gold. The crowd starts up a "Thank you New Jack!" chant.[/COLOR] [B]New Jack[/B]: Since day one, I've told all ya'all that I'm the real deal. I just proved it tonight that I'm the baddest motha ****a on the planet. And I'm tellin' all ya'all right now, if there's anybody out there that thinks they can take me on, they know where they can find me, right here in Motha ****in' Death Camp Wrestlin'!!! [COLOR="red"]New Jack celebrates in the crowd with the fans. The shows comes to an end with a huge party. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/newjack1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Final Rating: E[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Death Camp's "King of the Deathmatch Night 2" Results:[/U][/B] -Sexxxy Eddy def. Brain Damage -Supreme def. The Juggulator -New Jack def. JC Bailey -The Messiah def. Kaos the Rock Superstar -Niles Young def. Cheech -Supreme def. Sexxxy Eddy -New Jack def. The Messiah -Trent Acid def. Josh Abercrombie -New Jack def. Supreme[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][url]www.deathcampwrestling.com[/url] [COLOR="Red"]Blood & Guts News Report[/COLOR] Week 1 September:[/B] -Death Camp would like to congratulate [B]New Jack[/B] on being the first ever King of the Deathmatch Champion. -[B]Tyra Banxxx[/B] suffered a sprained back at the hands of Brain Damage. She is looking to take legal action against the Deathmatch Monster. -Death Camp's next show will be at The Saloon, it'll be an 18+ show, featuring the return of the lovely [B]Jenna Haze[/B]. [B]Death Camp Wrestling presents... [COLOR="red"]"Gangsta's Paradise"[/COLOR] Live at the Saloon in Detroit, Michigan 4-Way Elimination Deathmatch for the King of the Deathmatch Championship[/B] [B]New Jack(c)[/B] vs [B]Sexxxy Eddy[/B] vs [B]Supreme [/B]vs [B]The Messiah[/B] "The Anarchist" [B]Arik Cannon [/B]makes his debut against [B]Niles Young[/B] [B]Cheech [/B]takes on "The Ultra-Violent Savior" [B]Trent Acid[/B] [B]Josh Abercrombie[/B] goes one-on-one against [B]Kaos the Rock Superstar[/B] [B]Da Baldies(Tony DeVito & The D.B.A.) [/B]tangle with [B]Danny Havoc & JC Bailey[/B] [B]The Juggulator[/B] looks to get bloody with [B]Scotty Vortekz[/B] [B]Brain Damage [/B]is set on taking some aggression out on [B]Murdah Mack[/b] [B]**Just Added**[/B] Death Camp will make a huge announcement about upcoming shows! [B]also featuring the return of pornstar, Jenna Haze[/B][/CENTER]
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