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TEW07 Roster Manager

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Hi guys, I recently created a custom spreadsheet to help with organising my Roster etc. I thought it could be useful to others here also. It was created in Excel 2003, but hopefully will work in the XP/2001 version also. [U][B]FEATURES[/B][/U] - 2x Database Roster sheets (one has brandsplit the other does not). - 1x Full Roster sheet (can be used to view entire roster in their push category and also assign them a title etc.) - 3x Brand Roster sheets (similar to the Full Roster Sheet but for individual brands only) - 1x Info sheet (I created this to keep track of all title holders - may be useful to some) - Also a List sheet which holds the info needed for Push/Brand/Role (Face/Heel). I have included an "injured" category within Push. Please Note - I have used a fair amount of Data Verification throughout this workbook, so if you have any problems either I or someone on the boards should be able to sort out your situation. Brand Names should be changed in the List sheet. Data Verification should automatically change them in the BrandList on a Roster sheet. Unfortunately, I am not very useful with VBA coding so at the moment most things such as moving workers between sheets/brands have to be done manually (it is just a little extra effort and time for the user) When you load the file it pops up with a macro warning. Just click to disable (there are no active macros - I removed them as they didn't work effectively at the time) I've posted both a blank database and also my personal database in a zip file to show how I've used it. Feel free to modify the layout to your own liking but please have the decency to not re-release it as your own. Comments are more than welcome. Thanks & enjoy, T-Jay.
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For me it helps visualise the breakdown of workers within the roster (especially in the Full Roster, and Brand sheets). I used the design idea from the old EWRevenge game as it was something I felt was missing in TEW07. It's easier to be able to see who is where on the roster so you can easily match up workers for matches rather than trying to memorise them.
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no probs ... help yourself.... I'm slowly trying to find a way to automate many of the features there, preferably so from the main roster page everything else (Brand sheets etc) will update/change as the main sheet changes.... nice in theory at least. Would also like to see if there's a way to capture data from the game to create a program that does the whole thing automatically (within reason) - somewhat based on the old Arsenic Editor from EWRevenge era.
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Yeah, I was looking at that. I would like to find a way to enter a name in the Roster screen, then have that value show up on the Brand screen, under the heading it falles in, like Main Event, Upper mid and the like. I will look into it. Also, I added a tally value for checking the number of matches a person has had. It is a macro, though.
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Here is what I figured out so far. Put it in Sheet One, under the Macro--> Visual Basic [QUOTE]Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column < 4 Then 'does upto column D Worksheets("sheet2").Range("A" & Target.Row).Formula = "=sheet1!A" & Target.Row Worksheets("sheet2").Range("B" & Target.Row).Formula = "=""Position"" & sheet1!A" & Target.Row End If End Sub [/QUOTE]
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Mind ya, I think there may be a few problems. For example, what if there is moer than 5 per side in the Main Event? New titles? I think you need a FAQ for your idea, so it can be edited. I also can't figure out what the dropdown menus for the titles are for (Top 10, Custom..). Very cool, and I believe it can be great, but, I still don't understand.
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Ok firstly with the Full Roster sheet. If you click any cell within say the face side on one of the positions (eg midcard) then goto Data... Validation, it pops up a screen that has list then below it the number of cells being used as that list. If you need 40 cells for each side (face/heel) then change the last cell number in that list or you can highlight the required cells (eg C46-C86) make sure "Apply these changes to other cells with the same setting" is checked. (I made the cells between each heading for positions part of this face side - same applies to the heel side also). The same principle applies in regards to the Women's Division and also the Occasional Wrestlers (I gave them their own list to seperate from main roster) The Validation principle applies not only to the Heel side but also to the Titles as well. (You may wish to change where or whom the titles are open to), I made the 1st available to M.E's only. The 2nd title and tag titles available to UpperMids/Midcard. And the 4th Title plus tag titles again only for the LowerMids/Openers (I decided to give the openers a chance to fight for the lower title and also for the tag titles - change it as you see fit) The idea with the Validation applies similarly to the seperate Brand Sheets as well. Same principle. Also with regards to sorting, I've had to sort names within each position the long way (Data... Sort.. then No Header Row and Column C or D depending on which side your sorting). Unfortunately having to sort each card position seperately is a necessary evil unless you don't mind it mixed up. I personally (also when sorting), will include the B or E column in regards to workers with titles but only sort the rows as No Header and Column C/D. I hope this has made some sense, if not I will try to explain in more detail. Yes, I do agree that a FAQ may be a good idea.... I'll have to get onto that shortly. P.S. .... Regarding your question about Top 10, Custom etc in the lists... that's Excel's list deal. It's not necessary for this Workbook but is a detail Excel puts in regardless (just ignore it) Also those lists are made using data from the LIST sheet and sorted out through data verification again. For sorting the entire roster, I recommend selecting from A5-I5 and down how ever many rows you need then just click the sort A-Z button (or Sort from the Data menu and click No Header and sort from Column A) this sorts everything from the perspective of the wrestlers name. As you may have noticed with the lists you can have it sorted for Face/Heel, roster position etc to help remove clutter. Any other questions or comments let me know and I'll try my best to answer them quickly. Thanks, T-Jay.
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Hey, I have another macro for you and The Genius to work on. What I have it for, is for a Streak Counter. Use on the first page of my roster screen, in the W/L/D columns, and see if you can change it to fit yours. [QUOTE]Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Row > 1 And Target.Row < 106 And Target.Column < 5 And Target.Column > 1 Then If ActiveCell.Offset(1 - ActiveCell.Row, 0).Text = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 6 - ActiveCell.Column).Text Then ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 5 - ActiveCell.Column).Formula = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 5 - ActiveCell.Column).Value + 1 Else ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 5 - ActiveCell.Column).Formula = 1 ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 6 - ActiveCell.Column).Formula = ActiveCell.Offset(1 - ActiveCell.Row, 0).Text End If End If End Sub [/QUOTE] And, a copy of my Excel sheet is attatched.
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Payne... awesome stuff.... my "Genius" just knows a lot more about VBA/VB than I do and so far has helped quite a bit with trying different ideas... we had started working on a Access database with forms etc to make it visually better.... didn't quite work out so I went back to this spreadsheet and tweaked it. I hope my explanation about the Validation was good enough to understand. (I apologise if I dummed it down, but I thought maybe someone else who may read it might need the extra info).
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