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C-Verse Mod

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I'm not really sure if it can even be considered a mod, but I figure I've been on this board long enough I should make some type of attempt to give back. So this is the first step for me. I'm still really in the planning phases of this so far and input from some of you guys would be great. [CENTER][B]Backstory:[/B][/CENTER] July 2007: Wrestling in Japan had reached new heights. People would flock to areana to see their favorite wrestlers compete. All seemed to be going well in the world of Japanese wrestling, except for one minor issue. While intrest in wrestling was continuing to climb, fans suddenly turned on all American wrestlers. People like Hell Monkey, Dean Daniels, and Doug Peak who were all fairly successful in Japan soon found themselves suddenly being booed out of arenas. As the year went on the feeling was this would pass, but it didn't soon no company in Japan would take a chance on any American Wrestlers and they were forced to move back to the USA to find work. The problem with this however was that the style of wrestling in America was so much differant than that of Japan. Some wrestlers decided they had enough and went on hiatus while others had a better idea, they would open their own comapny in America. October 2007: Rocky Mountain Wrestling (I'm open to a better name by the way) was opened. Hell Monkey was named the official owner with Dean Daniels and Insane Machine both having minor shares of stock. Insane Machine was named the head booker and soon the process of putting together a roster was in order. The three friends decided their main objective as a company besides putting on quality wrestling shows was to give workers who were otherwise not afforded an oppurtunity the chance to wrestler. They wouldn't sign a single person who had a job with another company. Anyway that's the basic backstory, again it's a work in progress and this is my first "mod" so I'm more than open to suggestions. Also anyone who would like to help please let me know, particularly people who are graphicly inclined. So my first question is would anyone be interested in this at all? And my second question is, who should be on the roster, and do you think it should include women's wrestling? Working Roster: Hell Monkey Insane Machine Dean Daniels Paul Steadyfast Puerto Rican Power Jack Griffith The Idaho Punisher Dermot O’Logical Little Bill Lebowski
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