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WWE: Baby steps...

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Early Monday (Week 2, Nov 2007) Credit: Wrestlingexposed.com Smackdown Loses Superstars [Quote] Wrestling Exposed has just learned that Smackdown has lost Big Daddy V, Chris Masters, and Santino Marella. Word going around is that all three were upset about the directions of their characters on one end, but on the other end. Some few that Big Daddy V was upset up, because he was asked by management to lose some weight, that Masters failed another drug test and there was no other choice but to fire him, and in the case of Santino… reports are sketchy at best, but some believe that he had heat on him from management after an altercation with Edge backstage at Smackdown Live Event. [/quote] Raw Burnt [Quote] Smackdown isn‘t the only brand that has seen some loses Raw has parted ways with The Highlanders, Roddy Piper, and Daivari! Daivari‘s release comes as some what of a shock as he was in a middle of a push, but some are reporting that Shawn Daivari was feeling burnt out and just didn‘t want to stay on the road any more. The Highlander‘s release was not so much as shock… the duo have been turning up late up for shows and generally bring down the morale of the locker room. Piper‘s release came about because creative just didn‘t have any thing for him after Highlanders… other than jobbing to Orton which he refused to do. [/quote] Extreme Cuts [Quote] ECW wasn‘t safe either… ECW unlike Smackdown and Raw only lost two superstars… Balls Mahoney an ECW Original. The word being passed around that Mahoney even though management was high on his work and preparing him for a push to the ECW Television title was let go. Mahoney‘s contract was ending towards the end of this month and it was rumored that he was going to resigned, but shot himself in the foot when he came out and announced that he has a drinking problem. In which Vince McMahon himself decided to let the superstar go citing that he has a no tolerance policy towards drinker. The other wrestler no longer will be seen in ECW is Rick Steiner, but the reason for his release is unknown at this time.[/quote]
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