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RWR - A Revolution In Pro Wrestling (C-Verse)

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Bleugh. You know the days that the sun decides "hey, I hate that guy, let's torment him after his long drinking night by pounding his head into the foundation!"? I do. And despite the fact that the sun's grammar is atrocious, it was still one of those days. Today, I was going to get a job! I graduated from college three months ago, and was still unemployed. You'd think that a college degree would get you employment somewhere, anywhere, ya know? But it doesn't, not when it's just a liberal arts degree that set's you up with no real skills, and no real talents. But we all must persevere. So I swung my feet out of bed, stumbled around after feeling the blood rush from my head, and staggered down the hall to the bathroom. After watering the floor, I fell down the stairs, trying to tie my robe as I went. There are issues for me when I get hungover, and the lack of coordination is first and foremost among them. But I dealt with that, fighting my way through the waves of nausea, until I made it to the coffee machine. Coffee's my savior on days like today, and after a battle, involving me burning my hands several times, and missing the cup twice, I sat down with "a steaming hot of joe" and opened the paper to the classifieds. Hmm. Another fantastic crop of job opportunities awaited me. Fast food chef. Secretary. Paper boy. Dog walker. Damn you educational system in America. So there I sat, contemplating my future, when the idea struck me. An idea that would change my life forever, and change how I viewed the world, and how it viewed me. I'd be a substitute teacher! [i]Note: This is backstory. We haven't got to the good part. This is not a story of me being a substitute teacher.[/i]
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Now, I'm not a rich man. But I am a smart one, so I managed to graduate a semester early, leaving me about ten thousand dollars in the bank. Sounds like quite the bundle, right? Wrong. I didn't have enough to make myself set for s***, and I know it. So I need a job, or something like that. I went upstairs to take a shower, and went on down to the local high school. So there I was, sitting in the principals office. Mr. Smith, the man of the hour, stepped in. He took a bottle out from under the desk, took a swig, and gave me the job. Didn't look at my resume, didn't check anything. Just said "You the guy?" I answered "yeah." and he gave me the job, and sent me off to Room 515 to help the English students. I stepped into Room 515, and was immediately hit in the face with a paper ball. This didn't bode well, and the sight before me was in tune with that. There were kids everywhere, kids on desks, kids on chairs, kids outside windows, kids outside windows, and kids f***ing everywhere! It was an issue. I then "dealt" with the issue by sitting down and just putting my head in my hands and letting them go crazy, and contemplated my future. Now, a bit of background information, that relates back to the topic a little more. I've always been a fan of pro wrestling. But not the "SWF and HGC Sports Entertainment" mold of pro wrestling, the BHOTWG style of puroresu, or the CZCW high-octane style. The in-ring style of pro wrestling, that can get the crowd into the action without a word being spoken. And that factors into my decision. But first, I have to get there. So I'm sitting in my chair, and I pull out the lesson plan. Only five or six minutes of the period had gone by, so I managed to control the class. (By whipping a paper ball at some kid's head. As a sub, you're allowed to do such things. It's in the unwritten code.) The teacher wanted them to discuss "What they wanted to do when they grow up. Now, this teacher was one of them maternity leave types, and she must have been feeling sappy, because even I, several years removed from high school, could tell this was a dumb ass topic. But I got a little discussion going, and nothing really struck me as I asked the kids what they wanted to be. Until two. The first answered the question "What do you want to do when you grow up? " with "Drugs." I thought he was a cheeky f***er, and tipped him an approving nod. I then asked the question to another kid, with dark hair and pale skin. He said, and this started everyting. "I want to open my own wrestling company." Eureka dammit! I asked him his name, and he said Remmington Remus. (This was a senior class, in mid December, so this fits by the way.) I just went on at the time, but after class, I grabbed him before he got out the door. Me - [i]"Really? You really want to open a wrestling promotion?"[/i] Remmington - [i]"Yup. Since I tore up my knee, it's been what I wanted to do. My brother Roderick's down in North Carolina, looking for a job. But I'm up here in Jersey, waiting for the right thing to come along. But he wants to make it on his own man, no handouts from my promotion."[/i] I cut him off, he was starting to ramble. But I got the idea that started this whole odyssey. I thought about that ten thousand in the bank. My last ten thousand. The seed money, for a new start. Remmington Remus quickly signed on to do the announcing and road agenting. And so we went, Remus and I. We decided on a name. Real Wrestling Revolution. A revolution in pro wrestling.
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Remmington made up the first flyers to advertise the first RWR ever show. [CENTER][b][u]RWR Start Your Engines[/b][/u][/CENTER] Real Wrestling Revolution opens its doors at the Weston Gymnasium with a show that'll knock your socks off! No angles, no interviews. An hour of Pure Wrestling before the Tri-State Basketball League kicks off another season! So be there, and see the best independent wrestling in the area,! An eight man tournament will begin at Start Your Engines, with the first round of four matches taking place. [b][u]Cal Sanders vs. Raphael[/b][/u] [i]Cal Sanders is a veteran independent wrestler with great mat wrestling ability, and some high flying skills to boot. Raphael, as some of you who have been to RIPW events, is a ****y young man, but he's got ability to back it up. Who will win to advance?[/i] [b][u]Thomas Morgan vs. Frankie Dee[/b][/u] [i]Two Canadian stars go one-on-one at Start Your Engines, as "Trademark" Thomas Morgan faces off with "White Angel" Frankie Dee. Morgan's a mat wrestler with good skill, while Dee has the stiffest kicks in pro wrestling. Who will move on to the second round?[/i] [b][u]Ginko Kuroda vs. Rafael Ruiz[/b][/u] [i]An intergender match here, as Ginko Kuroda will face Rafael Ruiz in the third match of the first round. Rafael Ruiz is a former champion down in Mexico, and Kuroda's no slouch either. Who will go on?[/i] [b][u]Kashmir Singh vs. Marc Speed[/b][/u] [i]Kashmir Singh and Marc Speed round out the opening round, as they battle to claim the final spot in the second round. Singh's got a great all around game, while Speed's submissions make him a threat at any time. The final spot is up for grabs, and both men want to take it! Which one will do so is up to them![/i] Be there, LIVE at the Weston Gymnasium, or watching On-Demand at [url]www.rwrwrestling.com[/url] for all the action! Come see the birth of a brand new player in the pro wrestling arena. Come see The Revolution Of Pro Wrestling! Cal Sanders vs. Raphael Thomas Morgan vs. Frankie Dee Ginko Kuroda vs. Rafael Ruiz Kashmir Singh vs. Marc Speed Predictions welcome, and I will count.
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Cal Sanders vs. [B]Raphael[/B] [I]Sanders is good, but his extreme lack of charisma means he is doomed to a life of jobbing while Raphael has decent upside.[/I] [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] vs. Frankie Dee [I]Morgan can definitely carry a starting company[/I] [B]Ginko Kuroda[/B] vs. Rafael Ruiz [I]Just because a little japanese girl beating a big macho latino is funny.[/I] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Marc Speed[/B] [I]Speed has serious potential while Singh is another destined career enhancement talent[/I]
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[B]Cal Sanders[/B] vs. Raphael - No matter what people say, Cal Sanders has potencial, and I've tried to push him, but I've come up short. So a push for Cal would be awesome. Thomas Morgan vs. [B]Frankie Dee[/B] - Never liked Thomas Morgan, don't know why, just one of those Cornellverse characters I disliked. So +1 fo Dee. [B]Ginko Kuroda[/B] vs. Rafael Ruiz - "Just because a little japanese girl beating a big macho latino is funny." - Dragonmack [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Marc Speed - Kashmir Singh is amazing, he's brought my local federation from the bottom to up there, and he's always been loyal, and doesn't ask for too much of pay raise, and he's a great all rounder. Pit him with Frankie Dee, with the right product, and bam, nice stuff.
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[center][b][size=4]RWR Start Your Engines[/size][/b] Saturday, Week 4, January 2007 The Weston Gymnasium (9 Fans)[/center] [b]Cal Sanders defeated Raphael[/b] Sanders is just the kind of wrestler we here at RWR want to push. All the wrestling ability in the indy world, but very little mic skill or charisma. But with just matches on the horizon, Sanders should be free to flourish. Raphael's good at both, which also helps him out here. But the match is good, with Raphael playing the cowardly primadonna, continuously shying away from fighting, with Sanders just coming after him. And Raphael eventually gets caught in the submission Cal calls the Tree Cutter, and taps out. [b]Winner: Cal Sanders[/b] (C-) [b]Thomas Morgan defeated Frankie Dee[/b] Morgan comes out to the ring, taunting for the crowd, and spitting abuse at the fans in the front row. Dee walks out focused, serious, shadowboxing with the air and preparing for his match. Morgan's just better then Dee at the moment though, and we need Frankie for another thing, which will be explained at our third event. But for now, Morgan goes after Dee, dropping him to the mat, working over his legs, and neutralizing his stiff striking ability. Dee gets a few licks in, but the punishment on his legs takes its toll, and eventually Morgan drops him with the Trademark Slam, and covers for the win. [b]Winner: Thomas Morgan[/b] (C-) [b]Rafael Ruiz defeated Ginko Kuroda[/b] Rafael Ruiz is a former lucha champion, and therefore the highest-profile member of the beginning RWR roster. And therefore, as much as the "Japanophiles" of our audience seem to be rooting for Kuroda, Ruiz is too much for the joshi talent. Rafael Ruiz shows no emotion as he stretches the smaller woman, twisting her in a variety of submission maneuvers. Kuroda uses her flexibility to reverse a few, but Ruiz manages to lock in the devestating Ruiz Wrench (A Fujiwara Armbar), and get the submission victory. [b]Winner: Rafael Ruiz[/b] (C-) [b]Marc Speed defeated Kashmir Singh[/b] We like Kashmir Singh a lot here in RWR, but Marc Speed's too much for Kashmir here. The tap or snap mentality works with our crowd, and Kashmir's fun babyface maneuvers, tempered as they are with his good working ability, don't put him on the same level. Speed manages to take Singh down to the mat, and choke him out for the win. [b]Winner: Marc Speed[/b] (C-) [center][size=4][b]Overall: C-[/b][/size][/center]
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Remmington and I met up after the show, and set out our plans for Struggle For Glory. There are two scheduled matches, and the first ever RWR Championship Match will be held! Yeah, that's it. But then the real show begins. [center][b][u]RWR Struggle For Glory[/u][/b][/center] Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you for coming to our first ever event, held in the Weston Gymnasium to a rabid crowd! You came to see some of the best independent action in professional wrestling, and you will get even more if you come to the next show, RWR Struggle For Glory! Please come, it's only two dollars and you'll see the best in the world! [b][u]Cal Sanders vs. Thomas Morgan[/b][/u] Two of the best technicians in Real Wrestling Revolution will face off to determine the first finalist in the tournament to determine the RWR Champion! Will it be the Cal Sanders, the man who upset the ****y Raphael in the first round, or Thomas Morgan, who beat the martial artist Frankie Dee? [b][u]Rafael Ruiz vs. Marc Speed[/b][/u] The former champion from Mexico faces off against the MMA Bad Ass, Marc Speed for the final spot in the RWR Championship match! Both of these men dominated their debuts here in RWR, and they're looking to move on! Who will win, and make their way to the finals?! [b][u]Sanders/Morgan vs. Ruiz/Speed[/b][/u] The winners of the two semi-final matches will go at it to determine the first ever RWR Champion! Be there to witness the crowning of a champion! The event will be held LIVE at the Weston Gymnasium, and On-Demand online at rwrwrestling.com, so you have no excuse for missing this great pro wrestling action! One way or another, see the first ever RWR Champion being crowned! Cal Sanders vs. Thomas Morgan Rafael Ruiz vs. Marc Speed Sanders/Morgan vs. Ruiz/Speed (RWR Championship)
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[center][size=4][b]RWR Struggle For Glory[/b][/size] Saturday, Week 4, February 2007 The Weston Gymnasium (11 Fans)[/center] [b]Cal Sanders defeated Thomas Morgan[/b] Cal Sanders pulls the major upset here by defeating the heavy favorite Thomas Morgan. The battle between the two is open, with neither man able to take the advantage. Morgan manages to hit the Trademark Slam, but it's a false finish, as Sanders kicks out at two-and-a-half! Morgan looks shocked, as Sanders battles back, eventually locking in the Tree Cutter for the victory. [b]Winner: Cal Sanders[/b] (C) [b]Rafael Ruiz defeated Marc Speed[/b] Another seeming upset, as the "Mexican Bulldog" manages to take down the MMA Bad Ass," Marc Speed. This is a technical showcase from the beginning, with both men trying to submit the other. But neither man gives an inch, and they're both breathing heavily in this even matchup. But Ruiz finds a little extra, managing to reverse a Speed Lock attempt into the Ruiz Stretch, and punch his ticket to the finals. [b]Winner: Rafael Ruiz[/b] (C) [b]Rafael Ruiz defeated Cal Sanders to win the RWR Championship[/b] Rafael Ruiz is the first ever RWR Champion, as Cal Sanders' Cinderella bid falls just short. This battle is a thirty-minute epic, with both men almost taking it several times. But when Sanders went up top for a flying cross-body he calls the "Lumberjack Leap," Ruiz managed to hit a fallaway slam, leaving both men down. At nine, Ruiz struggles to his feet, and manages to drape an arm over Sanders, who kicks out at two. Rafael Ruiz ends it then by bouncing off the ropes, spearing Cal Sanders out of his shoes and continuing the combo into the Ruiz Stretch for the win. [b]Winner: Rafael Ruiz[/b] (C+) [center][size=4][b]Overall: C[/b][/size][/center]
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After the show, the booking team (made of Remmington and I) got together, and planned out the next show, RWR March Blows In. Rafael Ruiz would have a rematch with Cal Sanders, as well as the opening bout in a battle for a brand new RWR title, the RWR Junior Heavyweight Championship. Also, the next challenger for the title would be determined, as Thomas Morgan and Marc Speed would face off. March Blows In was looking to be huge, and Remmington sent out the fliers to hype it up. [size=3][center][b][u]RWR March Blows In[/b][/u][/size][/center] RWR is fresh off another great event, and we're coming back to you LIVE from the Weston Gymnasium on Monday, Week 3, October 2007! Please come to see the best independent action in pro wrestling, as we see Rafael Ruiz and Cal Sanders have their rematch for the RWR Championship, the next contender be established as Thomas Morgan goes one-on-one with Marc Speed, and the first of two fatal-fourways to determine the two contenders for the RWR Junior Heavyweight Championship! [b][u]Tempest Appleby vs. Frankie Dee vs. Mark Smart vs. K-Squared[/b][/u] This match is going to be held under elimination rules, with the winner going on to the championship match in two months. This will be the first high-flying extravaganza here in RWR, so be there for all the all-out action! [b][u]Marc Speed vs. Thomas Morgan[/b][/u] The two semi-finalists from the RWR Championship Tournament go at it here, to determine the next contender for the RWR Championship! Who will win in this matchup, and earn themselves a shot at the gold! [b][u]Rafael Ruiz vs. Cal Sanders[/u] -RWR Championship-[/b] The title is on the line, as the rematch between Rafael Ruiz and Cal Sanders is the main event at RWR March Blows In! The match will be held under Submission rules, as both of these technical artists will battle at their best to see who walks away with the gold!
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I'm normally attracted to start from nothing diaries and this looks pretty good so far. Predictions.... Tempest Appleby vs. [B]Frankie Dee[/B] vs. Mark Smart vs. K-Squared [I]Being Elimination rules Smart should get jobbed out first as he's no-where near on the same level as the other three. Hard to stick a pin in any of the others, but I'll go for the man who was on the first show in Frankie Dee. [/I] [B]Marc Speed[/B] vs. Thomas Morgan [I]I get the feeling you're a bit higher on Marc Speed and his Tap or Snap gimmick than you are on Morgan.[/I] [B]Rafael Ruiz[/B] vs. Cal Sanders -RWR Championship- [I]Too early for Ruiz drop the championship[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]RWR March Blows In[/B][/SIZE] Saturday, Week 4, March 2007 The Weston Gymnasium (14 Fans)[/CENTER] [B]Tempest Appleby defeated Frankie Dee, K-Squared and Mark Smart[/B] A good opening match is won by the veteran Canadian Tempest Appleby, but the real star of the match is "White Angel" Frankie Dee. Dee destroys Mark Smart with one kick as the bell rings, picking up the quick elimination. K-Squared holds on a minute longer, but he gets rocked with another kick, and goes down too. But Appleby manages to halt the moment of the raging Dee, with a flying dropkick of his own. Dee kicks out of a pin attempt, and takes the fight to Appleby, trying to beat him into submission. Appleby manages to get away though, and takes him down with a drop-toe hold, into the Apple Dumpling (450 Splash) for the win. [B]Winner: Tempest Appleby[/B] (C-) [B]Thomas Morgan defeated Marc Speed[/B] Thomas Morgan picks up a sneaky victory here, but Speed looks strong enough to challenge on his own. Another technical showcase here, with both men going all out to take the other one down. Speed's submission abilities are negated however by Thomas Morgan's unwillingness to leave the safety of the ropes. Speed keeps trying to take Morgan down, but he's always too close to the ropes, and Morgan keeps getting the holds broken. In the end, Speed complains to referee Oz Lord, and Morgan rolls him up, holding the tights to get the win. [B]Winner: Thomas Morgan[/B] (C) [B]Rafael Ruiz defeated Cal Sanders to retain the RWR Championship[/B] Cal Sanders put up another excellent fight, but Rafael Ruiz was too much for the underdog lumberjack. The battle was another technical showcase, with neither man able to gain the advantage for the longest time. Sanders used his speed to take the lead, but Ruiz kept doggedly kicking out of different pinning attempts, or breaking submission holds. Sanders turned up the volume, going all out on the champ, but Ruiz would not go away. In the end, the Ruiz Stretch ended it, as it has ended every Rafael Ruiz match thus far here in RWR. Rafael Ruiz makes Defense #1 of his RWR Championship. [B]Winner: Rafael Ruiz[/B] (C+) [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Overall: C[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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After another excellent show, Remmington and I met behind closed doors for a good talking out for the next few. We had set our puro-style storylines in motion here, as two started tonight. The third would start next month. Rafael Ruiz goes one on one with Thomas Morgan. Yeah, and the second fatal-four way, plus Kashmir Singh versus Julian Watson, a puro-style battle. [CENTER][B][U]RWR Tri-State Showdown[/U][/B][/CENTER] Another event is in the books, and RWR rolls on to Tri-State Showdown! We've got a dual main event for you tonight, as Kashmir Singh takes on the puro talent Julian Watson, and RWR Champ Rafael Ruiz defends against Thomas Morgan! Also, the second fatal fourway to determine the contenders for the RWR Junior Heavyweight Championship! [B][U]Velocidad vs. Phenomenal E vs. Raphael vs. Ginko Kuroda[/U][/B] Another month, another fatal fourway as the lucha libre sensation Velocidad, the canadian showstopper Phenomenal E, the arrogant prick Raphael, and the Joshi Warrior Ginko Kuroda go at it, to see who will face Tempest Appleby for the RWR Junior Heavyweight Championship! [B][U]Kashmir Singh vs. Julian Watson[/U][/B] In what's sure to be a hard-hitting affair, Kashmir Singh goes one-on-one with GCG youngster Julian Watson! This is going to be a sleeper, so be there at the Weston Gymnasium to see it! [U][B]Rafael Ruiz (c) vs. Thomas Morgan[/U][/B] -RWR Championship- Thomas Morgan earned his shot at the "Mexican Bulldog" by defeating Marc Speed under... dubious circumstances, but here he is, and he will get a shot at the gold against Rafael Ruiz next month at Tri-State Showdown! Be there, to see a great match! Velocidad vs. Phenomenal E vs. Raphael vs. Ginko Kuroda Kashmir Singh vs. Julian Watson Rafael Ruiz (c) vs. Thomas Morgan
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