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Rip Chord: Where it All Begins Again (CV75)

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[QUOTE=SadisticBlessings;296333] Pat Deacon is actually a face in the default 1975 database, while Chord, as always, is a heel. TWL has a proliferation of great babyface brawlers, actually. At the top of the card, though, not many great technicians for Chord to work with other than McCoy. [/QUOTE] My mistake. I must have misread the booking screen.
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[b]C) Deal with his own problems for now.[/b] How many times can I vote on that? Because I'm afraid everyone's gonna make Rip Chord a saint after his recent turn from sinning. I'd like to see Rip make some changes to his life but a week sober alcoholic then trying to aid Bowman or McCoy. To quote Scotty from Star Trek "Itz tooo muc' Cap'in, ye goota shut'er doawn!" Combined with having just received the book in TWL, I can't see Rip being able to keep that many bottles in the air at once. *** Also fantastic Choose-your-own(communal)-adventure concept Mr. T.
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I was going to go for A, thinking that it would be easier to deal with a druggie than a fellow alcoholic, but remembering my past work experience, it occurred to me that sometimes you have to help yourself before you can help others. With that said, I have to agree with Beeker on his take of the psychology of this...I also vote for [B]choice C[/B].
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  • 1 year later...
Great dynasty. It's very thoughtful and very well written all the way. - Cool stuff. =) I would approach [B]A.)[/B] McCoy and speak to him in the presence of Bowman at first. Bowman should realize, that it's about McCoys drug abuse and Chord stopped drinking. Then pull Austin out to a private talk. - Depending on his personality Bowman should a.) feal bad, b.) be pissed at you, or c.) ignore the whole thing. a.) and b.) can work in your favor later, because you catched Bowmans attention. If it's c.), you can forget about him, because he won't have a breakthrough regardless of your doing. So, I go with [B]A.)[/B]. P.S.: To all you cowardly C-voters... ;-) ...Rip also need someone to talk about his problems. And who is better suited than a friend, who also tries to get clean? It doesn't reduce Rips chances. It only changes the game. Edit: Mhm... I guess, I'm a bit late... Too bad, that the story didn't continue. It was an excellent diary.
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