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Tues Jan. wk 3. Top 10 most over male wrestlers in Europe. 1. Shelton Benjamin, CMLL. 2. Nigel McGuinness, NOAH, GSW, FIP + ROH. 3. Raven, Unemployed. 4. CM Punk, CMLL. 5. Edge, New Japan. 6. Juventud Guerrero, Dragons Gate. 7. Brock Lesnar, Dragons Gate. 8. Kane, Unemployed. 9. Trent Acid, WSX, BJW + WXW. 10. Sheamus O'Shaunessy, ASW. Top 10 most over female wrestlers in Europe. 1. Lisa Fury, ASW. 2. Roxi, ASW. 3. Jazzy Bi, NWE. 4. Cheerleader Melissa, ASW. 5. Jetta, ASW. 6. Lacrima Christi, FSF, KO:QOC + NWE. 7. Blue Nikita, CLM. 8. Jennidee, GSW + KO:QOC. 9. Skye, 1PW:UK, KO:QOC + TXW. 10. Wesna, FSF, GSW + KO:QOC. Weds Jan. wk 3. Power 25. 1. Triple H (1) (Inactive). 2. John Cena (2) (Beat Duece Snuka). 3. The Undertaker (3) (Inactive). 4. Trevor Murdoch (4) (Inactive). 5. Booker T (6) (Inactive). 6. Johnny Milan (5) (Lost the WWE Intercontinental Title). 7. Gregory Helms (10) (Won Intercontinental Title). 8. Matt Hardy (7) (Lost in Tag Match, down 1). 9. Shannon Moore (9) (Inactive). 10. Mickie James (8) (Pinned by The Miz down 2). 11. Tajiri (11) (Inactive). 12. Thunder + Lightning (12) (Inactive). 13. The Experience (13) (Inactive). 14. AMW (14) (Inactive). 15. Maven (15) (Inactive). 16. The Miz (17) (Got pin in Tag match). 17. Armando Alejandro Estrada (16) (Inactive, down 1). 18. John Walters (18) (Inactive). 19. Beth Phoenix (20) (In team that beat her opponant at the Royal Rumble). 20 Paul Burchill (19) (Inactive, down 1). 21. The Hart Bros. (21) (Cheated out of Tournament by the Horsemen). 22. The Horsemen (24) (Through to Final of Tag Tournament). 23. Ariel (22) (Inactive, down 1). 24. Jimmy Yang (23) (Inactive, down 1). 25. James Keenan (25) (Inactive). WWE.com Preview: With only 1 more show after this weeks Experience before the Royal Rumble expect all Hell to break loose with everyone wanting to get the better of their potential opponants, we have the other Semi-Final in the Tag Team Tournament this week and Booker T gets his hands on Trevor Murdoch at last as they fight no DQ. Has weel as all this we have been informed that Eric Bischoff as made a preview 10 man battle royal with the winner getting the no.30 spot in the Royal Rumble dont miss all this and more at 12.00 on Comedy Central, from Pepin Gym, Vermont. Matches: No. DQ Booker T vs Trevor Murdoch. ECW Title match: Armando Estrada vs Funaki. Tag Title Tournament Semi-Final: Thunder + Lightning vs AMW. 10 Man Battle Royal for no. 30: Undertaker, Johnny Milan, Matt Hardy, John Cena, Tajiri, Jimmy Yang, Elijah Burke, D-Wreck, John Walters and The Miz. Predict away!!!
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No. DQ Booker T vs [B]Trevor Murdoch[/B]. ECW Title match: [B]Armando Estrada[/B] vs Funaki. Tag Title Tournament Semi-Final: [B]Thunder + Lightning [/B]vs AMW. 10 Man Battle Royal for no. 30: [B]Undertaker,[/B] Johnny Milan, Matt Hardy, John Cena, Tajiri, Jimmy Yang, Elijah Burke, D-Wreck, John Walters and The Miz
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WWE Experience Live on Comedy Central from Pepin Gymnasium, Vermont. [b]Thunder + Lightning vs America's Most Wanted[/b]. These 2 are probably the 2 best Tag Teams in the WWE right now and get the longest match in the competition Thunder + Lightning use their power advantage to good effect and get a few near falls but AMW show their "heart" and refuse to be put away the finish comes when Lightning tries to come in from the outside but the ref stops him and Armando Estrada uses this time to run in with his ECW Title belt he swings for James Storm and misses and just about glances Thunder Storm superkicks Estrada sending him out the ring follows him out tagging in Harris has he does who hits a Spear and gets the 3 count at 12.54. After the match ... ... Thunder + Lightning are argueing with Estrada they push him onto his backside .. .. and The 4 Horsemen run out and attack AMW leaving them down sending them a message for the Final at the Royal Rumble. [b]ECW Title match: Armando Alejandro Estrada vs Funaki[/b]. Funaki puts up a good fight and a few times he almost has the definately distracted Dictator of Hardcore beat, Estrada does however manage to retain without assistance for once following multiple chairshots to the head of Funaki he pins him for the 3 count. Backstage Triple H is with Maryse and a mic. "At the Royal Rumble i go 1 on 1 with mr former friend Booker T ... " Maryse "You say former Hunter but theres many people who are wondering what happend between you 2 there must be more to it than miscommunicatios!?" HHH "Yes there is you see in this business you dont get many GREAT friends Shawn Michaels is about the only 1, you get alot of politicking goin on behind the scenes people trying to garner favours 2 get a Title shot ... and i know for a FACT that Booker T has been into a board meeting and struck some kind of deal with the directors ... and as far has this business goes you may as well say he struck a deal with the Devil"!!! [b]No DQ match: Trevor Murdoch vs Booker T[/b]. The match barely hits the 2 minute mark when Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley returns and takes a seat at the announce table she refuses to answer any of Jingo's or JBL's questions the match is going pretty even until at a little past the 5 minute mark Triple H comes walking down with a Sledgehammer he enters the ring hits Trevor Murdoch with it and Booker T bails protesting to Triple H that whatever he thinks is going on he is wrong ... ... Steph grabs a mic "Hunter ... What has happend to you!? Your out here to attack your only Friend in the WWE with a Sledgehammer!? Is what you think you know true? Or have i been playing you as usual "accidently" leaving little messages for you to find here and there ... hahahaha". At this she walks away leaving Triple H and Booker to stare each other down .. for a few seconds before Booker re-entered the ring remembering the No DQ and pinned Murdoch. [b]Battle Royal for no.30 spot in the Royal Rumble: Undertaker, Johnny Milan, Matt Hardy, John Cena, Tajiri, Jimmy Yang, Elijah Burke, D-Wreck, John Walters and The Miz.[/b] All 10 men started in the ring the order of elimination was: The Miz by Hardy, Jimmy Yang by Cena, Elijah Burke by Tajiri, Tajiri by D-Wreck, D-Wreck + Johnny Milan by The Undertaker leaving Matt Hardy, The Undertaker, John cena and John Walters ... Cena paired off and eliminated Walters while the Undertaker did the same to Matt Hardy and soon after John Cena was sent over by the Deadman meaning The Undertaker will enter the 2011 Royal Rumble at no.30. Quick Results: Dark Matches (announced has Royal Rumble qualifiers: X-pac bt Noriega. Little Guido bt Cody Rhodes. TV Show: AMW bt Thunder + Lightning. Armando Estrada bt Funaki to retain the ECW Title. Booker T bt Trevor Murdoch. The Undertaker wins the battle royal to enter the Rumble at no.30. TV Rating: 2.84 (Down again. .06). Biggest pops of the night: Triple H, Booker T + The Undertaker. Biggest Heel heat of the night: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, Armando Estrada + John Cena. Fans moment of the night: Undertaker winning the Battle Royal.
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Tues Jan. wk 4. Top 10 most over male wrestlers in the UK. 1. Jon Ryan, All Star. 2. Stu Sanders, All Star. 3. Brock Lesnar, Dragons Gate. 4. Frankie Sloan, All Star. 5. Martin Stone, All Star. 6. Drew McDonald, All Star. 7. Dean Allmark, All Star. 8. Chris Whitton, All Star. 9. The Big Show, Unemployed. 10. Mark Sloan, All Star. Top 10 most over Female wrestlers in the UK. 1. Cheerleader Melissa, All Star. 2. Jetta, All Star. 3. Minx, All Star. 4. Lisa Fury, All Star. 5. Roxi, All Star. 6. Molly Holly, Unemployed. 7. Stephanie Scope, All Star. 8. Candice Michelle, Unemployed. 9. Mercedes Martinez, All Star. 10. Jazzy Bi, NWE. Weds Jan. wk 4. Power 25. 1. Triple H (1) (Took down Trevor Murdoch with a Sledgehammer). 2. The Undertaker (3) (Won the no. 30 spot for the Royal Rumble). 3. John Cena (2) (Was in the last 2 in Battle Royal). 4. Booker T (5) (Beat Murdoch but after HHH had Sledgehammer'd him). 5. Trevor Murdoch (4) (Lost match). 6. Johnny Milan (6) (In Battle Royal). 7. Matt Hardy (8) (In last 4 in Battle Royal). 8. Gregory Helms (7) (Inactive). 9. Shannon Moore (9) (Inactive). 10. Mickie James (10) (Inactive). 11. Tajiri (11) (Decent showing in the Battle Royal). 12. AMW (14) (Through to final of Tag Title Tourny). 13. The Experience (13) (Decent showing by both men in the Battle Royal). 14. Thunder + Lightning (12) (Beat in Semi final of Tag Tournament). 15. Maven (15) (Inactive). 16. Armando Alejandro Estrada (17) (Defended the ECW Title succesfully). 17. John Walters (18) (Good showing in the Battle Royal). 18. The Miz (16) (Out first in the Battle Royal). 19. Beth Phoenix (19) (Inactive). 20. Paul Burchill (20) (Inactive). 21. The Hart Bros. (21) (Inactive). 22. The Horsemen (22) (Inactive). 23. Ariel (23) (Inactive). 24. Funaki (New) (Good match against Armando Estrada). 25. Jimmy Yang (24) (2nd man out of Battle Royal). WWE.com Preview: With only a day to go before the Royal Rumble Triple H is punished for his Sledgehammer assault on Trevor Murdoch by getting a Gauntlet match against Strip away Vanity and Shannon Moore. With an announcement this week that their will be a mini 10 women Rumble 4 of the competitors will be on show tune in to WWE Experience to see all this and more at 12.00 on Comedy Central. Matches: Gauntlet match: Triple H vs John Babel - Troy Exodus - Shannon Moore. WWE Cruiserweight Title: Tajiri vs James Keenan. Johnny Jeter vs X-Pac. Michelle McCool vs Jersey vs Jillian Hall vs Cameron Rain. Predict away!
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[b]WWE Experience live from the Memorial Stadium, New Jersey.[/b] Triple H starts the show off in the ring "So tonight just 1 day away from the Royal Rumble ... I have to fight not 1 .. not even 2 .. But 3!? 3 different men in 1 night .. " Music hits and out comes Booker T "Hunta ... Your bein played sucka .. The only meeting i've ever had with any directors was to get our Tag Title's back .... But last week you came out to the ring with that Sledgehammer (shakes his head) ... i saw it in your eyes sucka you wudda hit ME with that thing ... well no matter how bout at the Rumble when me n you go 1 on 1 we make it no DQ!?" HHH "... Now i'll "dig" that ..." Booker " .. SUuuuckkkaaahhhh". [b]X-Pac vs Johnny Jeter[/b]. X-Pac gets the win in his first match on TV for awhile hitting the X-Factor and getting the pinfall at 4.56. We get a promo video aired showing past Royal Rumble's . [b]WWE Cruiserweight Title match: Tajiri vs James Keenan[/b]. We get a pretty decent matt based match here with both men putting on a good showing the end comes when Tajiri kicks out after a STO at the very last second then as Keenan lifts him up he hits a Buzzsaw Kick out of nowhere and pins for the 1 2 3 at 9.47. Backstage we see America's Most Wanted with Junkyard Smokes they start to give a promo but are soon attacked by Idol Stevens and KC James of the Horsemen both team brawl around the backstage area until officials and security are able to break them up. [b]Jersey vs Michelle McCool vs Jillian Hall vs Cameron Rain[/b] The match barely hit the 5 minute mark when it was thrown out by the ref thanks to interfearance from Amazing Kong, Shaul Guerrero, Rebecca Knox and Nikita Lea. Triple H comes out for his match and before his opponants come out Ariel walks out with a mic "Hunter Hearst Helmsley ... Triple H to his friends ... if he had any ... its time you bowed down .. dropped to your knees before ...." She is cut off when Triple H had walked over to her and he grabbed the mic and threw it too the floor ... [b]Triple H vs John Babel[/b] The first part of the gauntlet is over quickly as Babel ran out angry at HHH's treatment of Ariel straight into a few fists from Hunter he was hit with a Pedigree and dispatched of via pinfall at 3.02 ... [b]Triple H vs Troy Exodus[/b]. Just to stop the beatings from following the same formula Thriple H won this 1 by Submission locking in a Figure Four Leg Lock and Exodus tapped at 3.05 ... [b]Triple H vs Shannon Moore[/b]. The final part of the match was a little harder but Triple H soon got the better of Shannon hitting a fist to his stomach as he jumped from the top rope and then a Pedigree and a 1 2 3 at 4.17 and it was all over. Quick Results: Dark Matches: Second City Saints bt Major Bros. Ariel bt Alexa Thatcher. TV Show: X-Pac bt Johnny Jeter. Tajiri bt James Keenan to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title. Jersey vs McCool vs Jillian vs Rain no contest. Triple H bt John Babel - Troy Exodus - Shannon Moore. TV Rating: 3.00 (Up .16). Biggest pops of the night: Triple H, Booker T + Chris Harris. Biggest Heel heat of the night: Ariel, Cameron Rain + Beth Phoenix. Fans moment of the night: The Horsemen + AMW brawling backstage.
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[b]WWE Presents The Royal Rumble:[/b] [b]WWE Heavyweight Title Match, No DQ: Triple H vs Booker T[/b]. [b]WWE Tag Team Title Tournament Final: America's Most Wanted vs The Horsemen[/b]. [b]WWE Womens Title Match: Mickie James vs Beth Phoenix.[/b] 10 Women Mini Rumble: Amazing Kong, Cameron Rain, Shaul Gurrero, Nikita Lea, Jersey, Jillian Hall, Michelle McCool, Ariel, Kisu + Rebecca Knox. [b]30 Man Royal Rumble:[/b] Jamie Lethal, Armando Estrada, Elijah Burke, D-Wreck, Gregory Helms, John Cena, John Walters, Maven, Thunder, Lightning, The Undertaker (no.30), Trevor Murdoch, Colt Cabana, Funaki, Johnny Milan, Little Guido, Paul Burchill, James Keenan, The Miz, Tajiri, Noriega, Duece Snuka, Jamie Noble, Matt Hardy, Shannon Moore, Clinton Brockley, John Babel, Troy Exodus, Cody Rhodes + Mystery Wrestler. Go on predict away!!!
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WWE Heavyweight Title Match, No DQ: [B]Triple H[/B] vs Booker T. WWE Tag Team Title Tournament Final: [B]America's Most Wanted [/B]vs The Horsemen. WWE Womens Title Match: [B]Mickie James[/B] vs Beth Phoenix. 10 Women Mini Rumble: [B]Amazing Kong[/B], Cameron Rain, Shaul Gurrero, Nikita Lea, Jersey, Jillian Hall, Michelle McCool, Ariel, Kisu + Rebecca Knox. 30 Man Royal Rumble: Jamie Lethal, Armando Estrada, Elijah Burke, D-Wreck, Gregory Helms, John Cena, John Walters, Maven, Thunder, Lightning, The Undertaker (no.30), Trevor Murdoch, Colt Cabana, Funaki, Johnny Milan, Little Guido, Paul Burchill, James Keenan, The Miz, Tajiri, Noriega, Duece Snuka, Jamie Noble, Matt Hardy, Shannon Moore, Clinton Brockley, John Babel, Troy Exodus, Cody Rhodes + [B]Mystery Wrestler[/B]
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[b]WWE Presents The Royal Rumble.[/b] Live on PPV from The Pepsi Arena in Albany, New York. The Show starts with a long video showing all the previous ends to the last 23 Royal Rumbles. Linda McMahon kicks off the show welcoming everyone to the first PPV of 2011 and showing the WWE World Tag Team Titles to the crowd before introducing the 2 Teams that will fight for the Title's. [b]WWE World Tag Team Title Match: The Horsemen vs America's Most Wanted.[/b] The Horsemen of Idol Stevens + KC James was on their own tonight the announcers put over that Johnny Milan must be prepareing himself for the Rumble match AMW pick up the victory and win the World Tag Team Titles after a Catatonic from Chris Harris on KC James at 15.49. While AMW are celebrating we go backstage and get a few words from some of the participants in the Royal Rumble match Elijah Burke + D-Wreck with JYS and Gregory Helms + Matt Hardy with Maryse. [b]WWE Womens Title match: Mickie James vs Beth Phoenix.[/b] Beth dominates Mickie with a size and strength advantage for alot of the match but as as happened in alot of Mickies matches she shows a real will to fight and picks up the win after a Mick Kick at 7.52 to retain the Womens Championship. Backstage we go to Triple H's dressing room "Tonight i go 1 on 1 with Booker T .. and i am p!ssed of witch wont be good for Booker ... but it also wont be good for anyone associated with Stephanie McMahon she's tried to play me twisted things to get me n Booker to fight well we'll have our match and after i retian MY Heavyweight Title i'm coming for everyone of your lackeys Steph ... They will be playing a p!ssed off GAME!" We go now to JYS who is with Armando Estrada, Thunder + Lightning and James Keenan they say they will be working together to make sure one of them will face HHH OR Booker at Wrestlemania and do Steph proud. We then go to Maryse who is with Booker T who tells us he wants this win real bad its the biggest match of his career and he will give it his all ... and if he doesn't win ... he mentions the word retirement but then quickly goes over that and says he can't lose. [b]WWE Heavyweight Title match, No DQ: Triple H vs Booker T.[/b] Both men give everything they've got in this match we get it all Triple H Pedigrees Booker through the announce table Booker Book-End's HHH onto 2 chairs both men are almost down for a 10 count at 1 point ... the end comes after Triple H moves out from a Booker T Scissor Kick attempt both men spin around and Triple H reacts a fraction of a second quicker than Booker kicking him in the stomach and hitting a Pedigre and we get the innevitable 1 2 .. the ref stops counting at the very last moment Triple H looks at him and its Bookers right foot its on the bottom rope Triple H lifts him up sets up the Pedigree again moves right to the centre this time but Booker backbody drops him and as HHH starts to get up we get a Scissor Kick and 1 2 .. no this time Triple H's foot is on the rope Triple H rolls out the ring and goes under for his Sledgehameer stares at Booker then changes his mind the fight continues Booker goes for a Book-End Hunter elbows his way out of it and a big shock .... Triple H hits a Book-End and 1 2 3 and Triple H is the winner and still WWE Heavyweight Champion the finish came at 28.01. We see a short video showing highlights of the female wrestlers of the WWE and up next is the Diva Rumble. [b]The 10 Diva Rumble:[/b][i]2 Women start and 1 enters every 2 minutes.[/i] [center][b]Numbers 1 and 2 are Shaul Guerrero and Jillian Hall[/b] repectively they fight for the entire 2 minutes neither 1 getting too much of an advantage [b]Number 3: Cameron Rain[/b] Rain joins the fray quickly and after laying a few hits on both diva's she forms an alliance of sorts with Jillian and they take out Shaul [b]Elimination 1: Shaul Guerrero[/b] [b]Number 4: Nikita Lea[/b] [b]Number 5: Kisu[/b] Kisu and Jillian are fighting and in the other corner Rain tries to put Nikita over.. [b]Number 6: Amazing Kong[/b] The moment the other women were dreading arrives ... Kong goes on a rampage as soon as she hits the ring [b]Eliminations 2 + 3: Kisu + Rain[/b] [b]Number 7: Jersey[/b] Jersey, Jillian and Nikita are taking it in turns at trying to take down Kong to very little success .. [b]Number 8: Rebecca Knox[/b] Rebecca Knox goes for Kong and soon we have all other diva's vs Amazing Kong she manages to still put up a fight and out goes ... [b]Elimination 4: Jersey[/b] .. but as she was putting Jersey over the others saw their chance and mainly Rebecca Knox and Nikita (but the others were involved) they managed to put her over .. [b]Elimination 5: Amazing Kong[/b]. .. and she grabbed Nikita and Jillian lifted her legs sending her over too [b]Elimination 6: Nikita[/b] [b]Number 9: Ariel[/b] 3 in the ring now Ariel, Jillian and Rebecca Knox ... Jillian is clearly tiring now and as the countdown clock for the last entry gets to 1 she is sent out by Rebecca Knox [b]Elimination 7: Jillian Hall[/b] [b]Number 10: Michelle McCool[/b] 3 in again and with a highly energetic and clearly motivated Michelle McCool we soon have 1 when she sends Rebecca Knox over and out [b]Elimination 8: Rebecca Knox[/b] We are left with the last 2 being the 2 freshest girls Ms McCool continues to look good and its looking like she will be the 1 to Eliminate Ariel ... until the Vampyre spits blood into Michelle McCool's face and she is soon eliminated [b]Elimination 9: Michelle McCool[/b] [b]Winner: Ariel[/b][/center] John Cena tells everyone he will be winning the Royal Rumble ... .. The Undertaker says tonight 29 men will rest .. in .. peace .. ... and finally Trevor Murdoch warns Triple H that he will get his revenge on him at the grandest stage of them all Wrestlemania ... all he has to do first is beat up 29 other men .. just a regular night at the bar then. [b][center]The Royal Rumble match:[/b] [b]Numbers 1 + 2 are: Duece Snuka and Jamie Noble[/b] They fight for the 2 minutes with Snuka getting most of the early exchange [b]Number 3: James Keenan[/b] Keenan goes for Snuka helping out Noble they have him up in the corner has the countdown clock comes on .. [b]Number 4: Paul Burchill[/b] .. Burchill saves Snuka and he pairs off against Noble while Snuka and Keenan fight they have the Heels in preciarious positions when the countdown comes up ... [b]Number 5: Little Guido Maritato[/b] .. The little Italian American helps Snuka put out Keenan and then he starts fighting with him ... [b]Elimination 1: James Keenan[/b] [b]Number 6: Clinton Brockley[/b] Brockley arrives and helps out fellow Brit Burchill together they manage to send Little Guido over the top rope .. [b]Elimination 2: Little Guido Maritato[/b] [b]Number 7: Funaki[/b] The 5 men continue to look for openings ... [b]Number 8: D-Wreck[/b] D-Wreck arrives and immediately shows he's a big hitter sending out Duece Snuka .. [b]Elimination 3: Duece Snuka[/b] .. and before another entry arrives Clinton Brockley is also eliminated by his friend Paul Burchill .. [b]Elimination 4: Clinton Brockley[/b] [b]Number 9: Johnny Milan[/b] Milan takes an absolute age getting to the ring leaving the 4 already in the ring to fight it out .. he's only in the ring around 20 seconds before the next entry is due .. [b]Number 10: Troy Exodus[/b] 6 wrestlers now in the ring Burchill fighting Exodus, Funaki with D-Wreck and Milan with Noble soon as the countdown clock pops up Johnny Milan throws out Jamie Noble .. [b]Elimination 5: Jamie Noble[/b] .. meaning Paul Burchill as now been in the longest [i]14 minutes[/i] [b]Number 11: Colt Cabana[/b] Cabana saves Burchill from D-Wreck sending him over ... [b]Number 12: John Walters[/b] with 7 in the ring this is the most thats been in so far ... [b]Number 13: Thunder[/b] The big man enter at the unlucky for some spot ... he soon becomes the man with the most eliminations so far by sending out Troy Exodus, John Walters and the impressive D-Wreck ... [b]Eliminations 6, 7 + 8: Troy Exodus, John Walters + D-Wreck[/b] [b]Number 14: Tajiri[/b] Tajiri enters with a flurry os big kicks to the other 5 superstars before Johnny Milan takes him down and they continue to fight, Thunder is wearing down Cabana and Burchill is brawling with Funaki ... [b]Number 15: Armando Alejandro Estrada[/b] Halfway through the entrys and Estrada goes straight to help out Thunder and together they get Cabana up to the top rope and ever the opportunist Johnny Milan comes over to help getting in the final touch and he's out .. [b]Elimination 9: Colt Cabana[/b] [b]Number 16: Ultimo Dragon[/b] Ultimo Dragon is the mystery entrient he uses a few highflying attacks much to the shock of the fans and the commantators until going to a ground based attack on Estrada .. [b]Number 17: Noriega[/b] Noriega goes for his fellow Puerto Rican Thunder ... the ring is really filling up now with 8 in the ring [i]Paul Burchill 28 minutes, Funaki 22 minutes + Johnny Milan 18 minutes the longest[/i] [b]Number 18: Lightning[/b] now the 2 monster Thunder + Lightnin are united and directed by Armando Alejandro Estrada they start to dominate sending out 4 men before another entry arrives ... [b]Eliminations 10, 11, 12 + 13: Noriega, Funaki, Tajiri + Paul Burchill[/b] [b]Number 19: Gregory Helms[/b] Helms is immediately took down by the beremoths Thunder + Lightning, Johnny Milan is watching the action from outside the ring leaving Ultimo Dragon to help Helms they manage to use their speed to get some offence in but are soon worn down again .. [b]Number 20: Cody Rhodes[/b] Cody Rhodes goes right at the big men but they soon have him held in the air with a double choke hold and send him over and they turn to a huge cheer from the crowd because Ultimo Dragon sends Estrada out with a headscissors and he grabs the ropes to pull himslelf back in ... [b]Eliminations 14 + 15: Cody Rhodes + Armando Alejandro Estrada[/b] .. Johnny Milan again see's his chance and pulls Dragon out from the outside and re-enters the ring ... [b]Elimination 16: Ultimo Dragon[/b] [b]Number 21: Maven[/b] Maven + Helms vs Thunder + Lightning is the way the fighting goes with Johnny Milan looking undecided, and he doesn't have to wait too long for his opportunity when the countdown clock hit 1 a slight distraction meant he hit a dropkick sending Thunder over the top ... [b]Number 22: Elijah Burke[/b] [b]Elimination 17: Thunder[/b] Milan and Helms are fighting, Lightning and Burke are beating down Maven ... [b]Number 23: John Babel[/b] Babel accomplishes something for Strip away Vanity he is the shortes man in this years Rumble match lasting 6 seconds before Burke sent him packing .. [b]Elimination 18: John Babel[/b] [b]Number 24: Trevor Murdoch[/b] The big texan arrives and he and the big monster Lightning immediately pair off hitting each other with big punches in the center of the ring while the others are in the corners .. [b]Number 25: John Cena[/b] The big guns are arriveing now and the 7 becomes 6 again with Cena sending out Burke [b]Elimination 19: Elijah Burke[/b] 6 in the ring [i]Johnny Milan 34 minutes, Lightning 16 minutes and Maven 10 minutes are the longest[/i] [b]Number 26: Shannon Moore[/b] [b]Number 27: Matt Hardy[/b] 8 in the ring soon becomes 4 before 28 arrives ... Hardy and Shannon Moore fighting, Maven and Lightning, Milan and Helms + Cena vs Murdoch .. [b]Number 28: The Miz[/b] Eliminations 20, 21, 22, 23: Shannon Moore, Lightning, Helms + Cena[/b] [b]Number 29: Jamie Lethal[/b] Lethal fights The Miz, Hardy and Murdoch are in the corner trying to get an advantage on each other and Maven has Milan in a sticky situation on the corner post just hanging on ... [b]Number 30: The Undertaker[/b] the last 7 is 6 before The Deadman manages to lurch to the ring when The Miz Eliminates Jamie Lethal .. [b]Elimination 24: Jamie Lethal[/b] .. Taker arrives and The Miz leaves he throws him straight over the top .. [b]Elimination 25: The Miz[/b] .. next to go is Maven again its the Deadman who sends him out .. [b]Elimination 26: Maven[/b] ... we are down to the last 4 and just hit the hour mark when Undertaker sends out Johnny Milan [i]he lasted 47 minutes[/i] and Murdoch then hits a massive running Lariet sending the Deadman out .. [b]Eliminations 27 + 28: Johnny Milan + The Undertaker[/b] .. The Undertaker annoyed grabs Murdoch trying to pull him over and Matt Hardy grabs Murdochs legs to send him over but he manages to break free of Taker's grasb and a kick to Matt's crown jewels had stopped his fight ... and Matt Hardy is sent over the top .... [b]Winner of the 2011 Royal Rumble: Trevor Murdoch[/b][/center] Quick Results: Dark Matches: Steel bt X-Pac. Jeter + Yang bt Major Bros. Onryo bt Brian Lawler. The Royal Rumble: AMW bt The Horsemen to win the WWE World Tag Team Titles. Mickie James bt Beth Phoenix to retain the WWE Womens Title. Triple H bt Booker T to retain the WWE Heavyweight Title. Ariel won a 10 Diva Battle Royal. Trevor Murdoch won the Royal Rumble match.
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Mon Feb. wk 1. Buy Rate: 3.30 (Up 1.94). Pops of the night: HHH, Jamie Lethal and The Undertaker. Heel heat of the night: Ariel, Thunder + Lightning. Match of the night: Heavyweight Title match. Fans worst match: Diva battle royal. Tues Feb. wk 1. Top 10 most over Male wrestlers in Canada. 1. Monty Brown, Unemployed. 2. Chris Jericho, CMLL. 3. Edge, New Japan. 4. Brock Lesnar, Dragons Gate. 5. Mr. Kennedy, Zero1 MAX. 6. Carly Colon (Carlito), NWE. 7. Shelton Benjamin, CMLL. 8. Bobby Lashley, Unemployed. 9. The Sandman, Unemployed. 10. Jeff Hardy, Unemployed. Top 10 most over Female Wrestlers in Canada: 1. Maria, Unemployed. 2. Molly Holly, Unemployed. 3. Trinity, CLM. 4. Mima Shimoda, CMLL. 5. Melina Perez, Unemployed. 6. Taylor Matheny, UXW. 7. Kristal Marshall, Unemployed. 8. Veronika Vice, MLWA, Shimmer. 9. Princesa Sugey, CMLL. 10. La Amapola, CMLL. Weds Feb. wk 1. Power 25. 1. Triple H (1) (Retained Heavyweight Title). 2. Trevor Murdoch (5) (Won the Royal Rumble). 3. The Undertaker (2) (3rd in Royal Rumble). 4. Booker T (4) (Good in Title match). 5. Johnny Milan (6) (Lasted 47 minutes). 6. John Cena (3) (Down 3, not a great showing in the Rumble). 7. Matt Hardy (7) (Decent showing in the Rumble). 8. Gregory Helms (8) (Looked good in the Rumble match). 9. Mickie James (10) (Succesfully defended her Womens Title). 10. Shannon Moore (9) (Down 1, not a great Rumble). 11. AMW (12) (New WWE World Tag Team Champions). 12. Thunder + Lightning (14) (Dominated part of the Rumble). 13. Tajiri (11) (Decent Rumble). 14. The Experience (13) (Decent Rumble). 15. Maven (15) (Had a fairly impressive Rumble). 16. Paul Burchill (20) (Had a really good Rumble lasted half an hour). 17. John Walters (17) (Didnt get much of a chance in Rumble match). 18. Armando Alejandro Estrada (16) (Lasted awhile in Rumble but didn't do much). 19. The Miz (18) (Did ok in Rumble). 20. Beth Phoenix (19) (Lost in Womens Title match). 21. Ariel (23) (Won Diva Battle Royal). 22. The Harts (21) (Inactive, down 1). 23. The Horsemen (22) (Lost in Final of Tag Title Tournament). 24. Funaki (24) (Did ok in Rumble match). 25. Colt Cabana (New) (Had a quite good Rumble match). WWE.com Preview: AFter last weekends Royal Rumble and impressive showings by both Paul Burchill and Colt Cabana these 2 men will be in action and add to that not only the Winner of the 2011 Royal Rumble going 1 on 1 with the man he eliminated last Matt Hardy but also we will have the winner of the Womens Rumble Ariel teaming up with the dominating monsters Thunder + Lightning to take on Michelle McCool teaming with 2 other men that did well in the Rumble Maven + Gregory Helms. Matches: Maven, Gregory Helms + Michelle McCool vs Ariel, Thunder + Lightning. Trevor Murdoch vs Matt Hardy. Paul Burchill + Colt Cabana vs The Horsemen. Mickie James + Nikita Lea vs Jillian Hall + Cameron Rain.
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[b]WWE Experience live from the Brazell Stadium, Arizona.[/b] [b]Maven, Gregory Helms + Michelle McCool vs Ariel, Thunder + Lightning.[/b] Thunder + Lightning continue where they left off at the rumble dominating other wrestlers their sheer power proves too much for Maven and Helms and with the Vampyress on their side to nullify Miss McCool they get the victory after she locks in the Chokehold STO and McCool taps at 7.04. After the match Maven is beat down by Thunder, Lightning and Armando Estrada, Estrada directs play and they send a message to the roster by putting Maven through a Table with a double chokeslam ... .. and Gregory Helms is attacked before he can help Maven by Shannon Moore, Troy Exodus + John Babel they beat him down and Ariel pulls a container from under the ring filled with a red liquid and Helms recieves a Blood Bath! [b]The Horsemen vs Paul Burchill + Colt Cabana[/b] With a little help from a Reid Flair distraction Kc james is able to hit a chair shot to Colt Cabana and then pin him for the 1 2 3 giving the Horsemen the victory at 6.54. Matt Hardy is backstage with JYS he reminds everyone it took Trevor Murdoch a kick to Matts groin to win the Royal Rumble and tonight!? He gets revenge. [b]Jillian Hall + Cameron Rain vs Nikita Lea + Mickie James[/b] The WWE Womens champion and her partner Nikita get the victory here with Nikita and Jillian fighting outside the ring Mickie James hits the Mick Kick on Rain and gets the 3 count at 6.00. Eric Bischoff comes out to the ring he thanks the fans for watching the Royal Rumble and making it a great success and he reminds them that in 2 weeks it is No Way Out and that Trevor Murdoch will have No Way Out when he will go 1 on 1 with Booker T inside a steel cage, and also after watching the show earlier he has a couple of ideas ... Armando Alejandro Estrada will defend his ECW Title in a Street Fight against Maven and Gregory Helms will get his revenge against Shannon Moore in a Ladder match and finally Triple H will defend his WWE Heavyweight Title against the man who was very impressive in the Royal Rumble match ..... Johnny Milan. [b]Trevor Murdoch vs Matt Hardy[/b]. Hardy was on make Murdoch look good duty tonight the big texan very nearly dominated the whole match Hardy got a near fall after a Side-Effect though but he soon lay down for the 3 count after a massive Lariet from the redneck wrecking machine at 16.49. Quick Results: Dark matches: Hart Bros. bt Reid Flair + Jon Moxley. Alexa Thatcher bt Rebecca Knox. TV Show: Ariel, Thunder + Lightning bt Maven, Gregory Helms + Michelle McCool. The Horsemen bt Burchill + Cabana. Mickie James + Nikita Lea bt Jillian Hall + Cameron Rain. Trevor Murdoch bt Matt Hardy. TV Rating: 3.01 (Up 0.01) Biggest pops of the night: Mickie James, Howard Finkle + Maven. Biggest Heel heat of the night: Ariel, Armando Estrada + Trevor Murdoch. Fans moment of the night: No Way Out match announcements.
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Weds Feb. wk 2. Power 25. 1. Triple H (1) (Inactive). 2. Trevor Murdoch (2) (Won in main event). 3. The Undertaker (3) (Inactive). 4. Booker T (4) (Inactive). 5. Johnny Milan (5) (Inactive). 6. John Cena (6) (Inactive). 7. Matt Hardy (7) (Lost in main event). 8. Mickie James (9) (Got pin in tag match). 9. Gregory Helms (8) (Lost in 6 man tag match). 10. Shannon Moore (10) (Attacked Gregory Helms). 11. Thunder + Lightning (12) (Won in 6 man tag match). 12. AMW (11) (Inactive). 13. Tajiri (13) (Inactive). 14. The Experience (14) (Inactive). 15. Maven (15) (Lost in 6 man tag and beat down afterwards). 16. Paul Burchill (16) (Inactive). 17. John Walters (17) (Inactive). 18. Armando Alejandro Estrada (18) (Guided Thunder + Lightning to beat down Maven). 19. The Miz (19) (Inactive). 20. Ariel (21) (Won in 6 person tag match). 21. Beth Phoenix (20) (Inactive, down 1). 22. The Horsemen (23) (Won tag match). 23. Strip away Vanity (new) (Attcked and gave Gregory Helms a blood bath). 24. The Harts (new) (Inactive). 25. Funaki (24) (Inactive, down 1). WWE.com Preview: With No Way Out only a couple of weeks away on this weeks WWE Experience we will find out who will face AMW for their newly won Tag Titles and also who will face Tajiri for the WWE Cruiserweight Titles. Triple H vs Thunder. Tag Title no.1 contenders match: Strip away Vanity vs The Experience vs Jimmy Yang + Funaki. Cruiserweight Title no.1 contenders match: Jamie Lethal vs Little Guido vs X-pac vs Noriega. Johnny Milan vs Booker T.
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[b]WWE Experience Live on Comedy Central from the Young Arena, Iowa.[/b] The show kicks off with Idol Stevens, KC James and Reid Flair of The Horsemen in the ring Idol has the mic "Unfortunatley you fans dont get to see our great leader Johnny Milan face off against Booker T tonight .. has he is in Europe on a very high profile fashion shoot ... but his more than able replacement is fellow Horseman .... KC James". [b]KC James vs Booker T[/b]. Booker has to deal with Reid Flair and Idol Stevens at ringside causing distractions and he even had Reid Flair enter the ring only to taste matt has he got hit down with a Bookend .. Booker T got the victory after the Scissors Kick at 5.57 ... ... after the match Idol Stevens entered the ring and he got a Bookend for his troubles has well and Booker leaves with all 3 Horsemen layed out. Backstage Triple H has just arrived and tells JYS that tonight is step 1 and he takes out Thunder and Lightning Armando Estrada and the little weasel James Keenan will be soon. [b]Strip away Vanity vs The Experience vs Jimmy Yang + Funaki.[/b] Elijah Burke and D-Wreck are the bigger names in the match and dominate a lot of the match Ariel directs her Emo soldiers to take out Funaki outside the ring and inside Elijah hits Yang with The Experience and gets the 1 2 3 and The Experience will face AMW at No Way Out. ... Shannon Moore comes out to help Strip away Vanity take down Funaki and he suffers the fate Gregory Helms got last week a Blood Bath. [b]X-Pac vs Little Guido vs Jamie Lethal vs Noriega[/b]. The match is pretty even with all four men getting a even amount of ring time the victory though is Jamie Lethal's after hitting the Lethal combination on X-Pac and he will now face Tajiri for the WWE Cruiserweight Title at No Way Out. Thunder is stood with Maryse backstage he warns Triple H that if he thinks he will be beating him easily he is greatly mistaken. [b]Thunder vs Triple H[/b]. Thunder is clearly the more powerful worker and dominates the early going but to the delight of the fans HHH fights back and manages to hit the Pedigree and get the pinfall at 5.59 and out runs the cavelry ... ... Armando Alejandro Estrada, Lightning and James Keenan run out and attack Triple H soon Thunder is up and joining in the attack has wekk they set up a table to put him through it but Hunter is saved by ..... Trevor Murdoch he runs out and clears the ring leaving only James Keenan stood between Murdoch and Triple H and they Double Chokeslam him through the Table sending a message loud and clear to Thunder and Lightning. Quick Results: Dark matches: The Miz + The Major Bros. bt Duece Snuka, Johnny Jeter + Cody Rhodes. Undertaker bt Onryo. John Cena bt Chris Steel. TV Show: Booker T bt KC James. The Experience bt Strip away Vanity and Jimmy Yang + Funaki. Jamie Lethal bt Little Guido, X-Pac and Noriega. Triple H bt Thunder. TV Rating: 2.98 (Down .03). Biggest pops of the night: Triple H, Booker T and Funaki. Biggest Heel heat of the night: Ariel, Armando Estrada + Trevor Murdoch. Fans moment of the night: Triple H and Trevor Murdoch working together.
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Weds Feb. wk 3. Power 25. 1. Triple H (1) (Won in Main Event). 2. Trevor Murdoch (2) (Saved HHH from beatdown). 3. Booker T (4) (Won match up 1). 4. The Undertaker (3) (Inactive, down 1). 5. Johnny Milan (5) (Not at show). 6. John Cena (6) (Inactive). 7. Matt Hardy (7) (Inactive). 8. Mickie James (8) (Inactive). 9. Gregory Helms (9) (Inactive). 10. Shannon Moore (10) (Attacked and gave blood bath to Funaki). 11. Thunder + Lightning (11) (Attacked Triple H). 12. AMW (12) (Inactive). 13. The Experience (14) (New no.1 contenders for Tag Titles). 14. Tajiri (13) (Inactive, down 1). 15. Maven (15) (Inactive). 16. Paul Burchill (16) (Inactive). 17. John Walters (17) (Inactive). 18. Armando Alejandro Estrada (18) (Inactive). 19. The Miz (19) (Inactive). 20. Ariel (20) (Accompanied Strip away Vanity to ring and orchistrated attack on Funaki). 21. Beth Phoenix (21) (Inactive). 22. Jamie Lethal (new) (No.1 contender to WWE Cruiserweight Title). 23. The Horsemen (22) (Idol Stevens lost and KC James took down easily both by Booker T). 24. Strip away Vanity (23) (Lost in no.1 contenders match). 25. The Harts (24) (Inactive, down 1). WWE.com preview: With only 1 day togo until No Way Out we have had 5 matches announced for the PPV so far expect another 1 or 2 announced on saturdays WWE Experience and they will fight in the Main Event at Wrestlemania but Saturday night they team up its Trevor Murdoch and Triple H vs Thunder + Lightning. Matches: Triple H + Trevor Murdoch vs Thunder + Lightning. Undertaker vs Armando Alejandro Estrada. Maven vs James Keenan. WWE Womens Title match: Mickie James vs Jillian Hall.
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[b]WWE Experience live from the All Star Coliseum, Puerto Rico.[/b] Mickie James is in thr ring when the show starts she is excited that she is the WWE Womens champion and after she beats Jillian Hall tonight her road to Wrestlemania begins and she plans to be in the best shape of he life when she faces Ariel in defence of her Title at the biggest PPV of the year the granddaddy of them all ... Wrestlemania! [b]WWE Womens Title match: Mickie James vs Jillian Hall.[/b] Mickie James picks up the victory and retains her Womens Championship at 4.49 after getting the 3 count after a Moonsault ... .. after the match Mickie becomes the latest victim of the damn Emos' (has JBL calls them) and gets a Blood Bath Ariel then takes a mic as Shannon Moore, John Babel and Troy Exodus stop stewards from getting to Mickie James to check she's ok ... ... "Mickie you talk about getting in the best shape of your career .. well that won't matter because i the Vampyress will destroy you ... and let the Blood flow ..". [b]The Undertaker vs Armando Alejandro Estrada[/b]. The Deadman dominated and picked up the victory here he also suffered the extra embarresment of his opponant at No Way Our Maven watching from the commantary position, Undertaker got the victory at 5.52 after a Chokeslam. Backstage we see Shannon Moore running for cover with Ariel has they are chased by Gregory Helms and Funaki (2 men who have recieved Blood Bath's the last few weeks) they end up brawling with John Babel and troy Exodus. [b]Maven vs James Keenan[/b]. Maven continues to be having a good night after the loss his No Way Out opponant Armando Estrada suffered at the hands of the Undertaker he picked up a win here beating James Keenan after hitting a Halo DDT and getting a 3 count at 8.04. Backstage Triple H talks about his anger almost getting him in a little bover last week and tonight he will kill 2 birds with 1 stone and take out both Thunder and Lightning and at the same time show Trevor Murdoch just how the game is played ... Murdoch then shows up and warns Triple H to simmer down and not be angry save that for a bar fight inside the ring its all about the competition lets go out there and enjoy beating up a couple of freaks. [b]Thunder + Lightning vs Trevor Murdoch + Triple H[/b]. Surprisingly Murdoch and HHH work quite well together Trevor Murdoch looks like getting the pin hitting Lightning with a massive Lariet but instead he tags in Triple H inviting the shocked King of Kings to hit the Pedigree wich he does all the time watching Murdoch who goes outside to brawl with Thunder stopping him from breaking the pin that Hunter makes and they get the victory at 13.01 and the show ends with Triple H and Trevor Murdoch shaking hands and the commantators hurridly announcing that they've had word that Ariel will face an opponant of Mickie James' choosing at No Way Out. Quick Results: Dark Matches: Duece Snuka bt Jon Moxley. John Cena bt John Walters. Amazing Kong bt Kisu. TV Show: Mickie James bt Jillian Hall to retain WWE Womens Title. Undertaker bt Armando Estrada. Maven bt James Keenan. Triple H + Trevor Murdoch bt Thunder + Lightning. TV Rating: 2.92 (Down 0.06). Biggest pops of the night: Triple H, Mickie James + The Undertaker. Biggest Heel heat of the night: Thunder, Lightning + Ariel. Fans moment of the night: Trevor Murdoch letting Triple H get the pin.
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[b]No Way Out[/b]. Final Card: WWE Heavyweight Title match: Triple H vs Johnny Milan. Cage match: Trevor Murdoch vs Booker T. WWE World Tag Team Titles match: America's Most Wanted vs The Experience. Extreme Rules, ECW Title match: Armando Alejandro Estrada vs Maven. Ladder match for the WWE Intercontinental Title: Gregory Helms vs Shannon Moore. WWE Cruiserweight Title match: Tajiri vs Jamie Lethal. Ariel vs Opponant of Mickie James' choice.
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WWE Heavyweight Title match: [B]Triple H[/B] vs Johnny Milan. Cage match: [B]Trevor Murdoch[/B] vs Booker T. WWE World Tag Team Titles match: [B]America's Most Wanted [/B]vs The Experience. Extreme Rules, ECW Title match: [B]Armando Alejandro Estrada [/B]vs Maven. Ladder match for the WWE Intercontinental Title: [B]Gregory Helms [/B]vs Shannon Moore. WWE Cruiserweight Title match: [B]Tajiri [/B]vs Jamie Lethal. [B]Ariel[/B] vs Opponant of Mickie James' choice
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[b]WWE Presents: No Way Out[/b]. [i]Live on PPV from TD Waterhouse Arena in Orlando, Florida.[/i] A video package showing the main fueds opens the show. [b]Extreme Rules ECW Title match: Armando Alejandro Estrada vs Maven[/b]. Maven put up a good fight and even had Estrada down for near falls a couple of times but it was again a run in that helped the dictator of Hardcore hang on to the ECW Title Thunder ran in and Chokeslammed Maven onto a trash can and Armando Estrada got the 3 count and retained at 15.05. ... Has Thunder and Estrada celebrate out comes Paul Heyman clapping his hands "Well done Mr. Estrada you've once again managed to hang onto the ECW Heavyweight Championship a Title that means alot to me in this business so much that it makes me wish i was a braver man and i would challenge you for the Title ... but i'm not but what i am going to do is bein as though Thunder wants to fight so badly i'm putting HIM in an Extreme rules match against .... The Undertaker! ... and that match is ... next". [b]Extreme Rules match: Undertaker vs Thunder[/b]. The 2 big monsters put on a typical big man brawl all over ringside with Estrada stopped from interfearing by Maven .. the finish comes at 10.56 when The Undertaker Chokeslams Thunder onto 4 chairs and pins for 3. Backstage we have Maryse and she is with Johnny Milan "Tonight Maryse i take what i deserve .. the WWE Heavyweight Championship of the world ... and i'll show all these unfashionable fans that Triple H may be playing a "Game" but The New Generation Horsemen are serious championship material"! [b]WWE Cruiserweight Title match: Tajiri vs Jamie Lethal[/b]. These 2 Cruiserweights put on a wrestling clinic for the Orlando crowd with plenty of near falls and matt based action Tajiri manages to retain his Title after a long 2 count after Lethal had hit him with the Lethal Combination Tajiri then ended it with a viscious looking Buzzsaw Kick followed by a 3 count at 14.01 after the match they showed their respect for each other and shook hands. A video is played showing Shannon Moore and the rest of the Emo stable giving others Blood Bath's especially showing Gregory Helms getting his. [b]Ladder match for the WWE Intercontinental Title: Gregory Helms vs Shannon Moore[/b]. We get very fast pased action in this match has well as plenty of high spots as is usually expected in WWE Ladder matches Shannon Moore put in alot of good offence even dominating a good portion of the match showing just how far he had come in recent monthes but it was Gregory Helms who won the match and retained the I.C Title after both men were climbing a ladder each and Helms sent Moore's ladder crashing down sending the Emperor of Emo through a nest of tables and Helms managed to retrieve the Title Belt at 17.49. Backstage is Booker T and he is with JYS "Hey Sucka tonight i finally get a chance to beat that damn redneck Trevor Murdoch ... and when i do!? It will prove once and for all that its Booker T that should be facing Hunta at Wrestlemania .. now can you dig that!? ...." Booker T walks off leaving JYS to turn the corridor and see AMW he goes to ask them a few questions when Booker T walks back into view looks around and shouts "SSUCKKAAAAHHHH". [b]WWE World Tag Team Title match: America's Most Wanted vs The Experience[/b]. The Experience show why they are 1 of the best Tag Teams in the WWE putting in an impressive display and almost winning the Titles when Burke hit the Elijah Express on Chris Harris but the count was broke at 2 by The Cowboy who managed to get the win for his team hitting D-Wreck with the Superkick and then pinning him at 17.10. Backstage Mickie James is with Maryse she tells her she will be announcing her hand picked mystery opponant for Ariel right after she's watched Booker T vs Trevor Murdoch. [b]Cage match: Trevor Murdoch vs Booker T[/b]. The 2 Texan's put on a brawl Booker T manages to get some measure of revenge on The Redneck Wrecking machine by busting him open on the Cage walls but it is Trevor Murdoch who picks up the victory to continue is impressive streak on the way to Wrestlemania he climbs out the cage winning the match at 18.03. Ariel comes out to the ring and demands to know who her opponant is she shows us just why she deserves respect with a video package she'd prepared. Mickie James comes out and reveals Ariels opponant ..... Mickie James!!! [b]Ariel vs Mickie James[/b]. Mickie James got the victory over her future opponant for her Womes Title at Wrestlemania but still managed to suffer greatly when after the match ... .. Strip away Vanity attacked her and put her through a beating until they was eventually chased off by Funaki + Jimmy Yang. Triple H is backstage and informs Johnny Milan is the worst Horseman in the history of the stable even worse than Mongo McMichael ... and with his flashy coats he's more like maybe a My Little Pony man ... and Johnny Milan may like playing games but Triple H is the Game yadda yadda yadda. [b]WWE Heavyweight Title: Triple H vs Johnny Milan[/b]. Triple H gets the expected victory to retain the WWE Heavyweight Title even with interfearances from the rest of the New Generation Horsemen Reid Flair, Idol Stevens and KC James the big surprise is that once again trevor Murdoch helps his future Wrestlemania opponant Triple H by helping him in the overwhealming odds of The Game vs The Horsemen. Triple H pinned Johnny Milan after hitting the Pedigree on him at 22.03. Quick Results: Dark Matches: Lightning bt Cody Rhodes. Amazing Kong bt Michelle McCool. Jersey bt Jillian Hall. Pay Per View: Armando Estrada bt Maven. Undertaker bt Thunder. Tajiri bt Lethal. Gregory Helms bt Shannon Moore. AMW bt The Experience. Trevor Murdoch bt Booker T. Mickie James bt Ariel. Triple H bt Johnny Milan. Buy Rate: 2.56 (Down 0.74). Pops of the night: HHH, Mickie James + Chris Harris. Heel heat of the night: Trevor Murdoch, Ariel + Thunder. Match of the night: Heavyweight Title match: Triple H vs Johnny Milan. Fans worst match: ECW Title match.
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Weds Feb. wk 4. Power 25. 1. Triple H (1) (Retained the WWE Heavyweight Title). 2. Trevor Murdoch (2) (Again helped HHH, won in the Cage match). 3. The Undertaker (4) (Won in an unadvertised match against Thunder). 4. Booker T (3) (Lost to no.1 contender Murdoch). 5. Johnny Milan (5) (Failed to win Heavyweight Title). 6. John Cena (6) (Inactive). 7. Mickie James (8) (Beat her future opponant Ariel). 8. Gregory Helms (9) (Succesfully defended I.C Title). 9. Matt Hardy (7) (Inactive, down 2). 10. Shannon Moore (10) (Lost in I.C Title Ladder match). 11. AMW (12) (Succesfully defended the World Tag Team Titles). 12. Thunder + Lightning (11) (Thunder lost to Undertaker on PPV, on last TV show they both lost in Main Event). 13. Tajiri (14) (Looked good in his defence of the Cruiserweight Title). 14. The Experience (13) (Lost in Tag Title match). 15. Maven (15) (Failed to win ECW Title). 16. Armando Alejandro Estrada (18) (Up 2 after retaining the ECW Title). 17. Paul Burchill (16) (Inactive, dow 1). 18. John Walters (17) (Inactive, down 1). 19. The Miz (19) (Inactive). 20. Ariel (20) (Lost her PPV match, but got revenge after with help from her friends she gave Mickie James a massive beating). 21. Jamie Lethal (22) (Lost in match but looked very impressive in defeat). 22. Beth Phoenix (21) (Inactive, down 1). 23. Strip away Vanity (24) (Helped Ariel beat up Mickie James). 24. The Horsemen (23) (Tried and failed to help Johnny Milan win the WWE Heavyweight Title). 25. The Harts (25) (Inactive). WWE.com Preview: The road to Wrestlemania continues and wwe.com has learned this year we see the return of the Money in the Bank Ladder match and the first 2 competitors for that match will be revealed this week on WWE Experience so tune in at 12.00 on Comedy Central to find out this and more! Matches: John Cena + The Miz vs Matt Hardy + Gregory Helms. Ariel vs Kisu. Booker T, Duece Snuka + Maven vs The Horsemen (Reid Flair, Idol Stevens + KC James). Trevor Murdoch vs Paul Burchill.
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[b]WWE Experience[/b] [i]Live from The Dodge City Civic Center, Kansas[/i]. [b]Trevor Murdoch vs Paul Burchill[/b]. The big Texan powers his way through the Brit Paul Burchill ending the match with a massive Lariet and getting the 3 count victory at 4.57. .. Out comes Triple H clapping his hands and mic in hand "Well done Trevor well done, how bout' next week you really show what you can do and face a champion like i will .. I will be taking on ECW Champion Armando Estrada as the final man who aligned himself with Stephanie McMahon .... and i've just spoke to Eric Bischoff and he's agreed to let you take on either one of the tag champs ... and Murdoch dont go getting yourself injured you've got The Game to play at Mania .... Oh almost forgot your match next week!? Will be a Street Fight"!! John Cena is in Eric Bischoff's office backstage demanding to be put in the Money in the Bank Ladder match at Wrestlemania ... and Bischoff grants his request and informs him he will be faceing another Money in the Bank competitor tonight Matt Hardy and that match is .. next. [b]John Cena + The Miz vs Matt Hardy + Gregory Helms.[/b] All four men give their all and the match ends with all four men getting to hit their big moves but its Gregory Helms who has the best luck hitting Cena with a Shining Wizard and 3 seconds later its over he got the pin at 12.03. Ariel is backstage with Maryse where she spends her time intimidating her rather than saying much other than that she will probably have to be decleared WWE Womens Champion at Wrestlemania by default has there is no way Mickie James will ever be back. [b]Ariel vs Kisu[/b]. Ariel gets the win after locking in the Chokehold STO and Kisu tries to fight it but has no choice but to tap out at 3.10. Backstage Idol Stevens and KC James challenge AMW to a Tag Team Title match at Wrestlemania and give them 1 week to reply. [b]Booker T, Duece Snuka + Maven vs The Horsemen (Reid Flair, Idol Stevens + KC James).[/b] Idol Stevens + KC James try to send a message to AMW in the hope of getting their match but unfortunately for them their opponants prove just too much for the with Booker T getting the full stop to the match hitting Reid Flair with the Book-End and pinning him for the 1 2 3 and the win for his team comes at 11.58. Right after the pinfalls the commantators play that they've just recieved an important message something is going on backstage .... we see Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff argueing it appears that Eric isn't happy that Heyman put Undertaker and Thunder in a match and that he undermined his authority there arguement soon goes back to "the good old days" and why they hate each other the days of the big 3 and Eric's WCW nearly killing wrestling so Heyman claims and Bischoff claims Paul E's ECW was a joke garbage company and Heyman is only working because of all the money he still owe's ... ... Out of nowhere Amazing Kong grabs Paul Heyman in a Bear Hug position and charges him through the door leaving the commantators to OMG (and holy sh!t chants from the fans). Quick Result: Dark Matches: Hart Bros. bt Jon Moxley + X-Pac. Onryo bt Johnny Jeter. TV Show: Trevor Murdoch bt Paul Burchill. Matt Hardy + Gregory Helms bt The Miz + john Cena. Ariel bt Kisu. Booker T, Duece Snuka + Maven bt Reid Flair, Idol Stevens + KC James. TV Rating: 3.91 (Up .99). Biggest pops of the night: Triple H, Booker T + Paul Heyman. Biggest Heel heat of the night: Trevor Murdoch, Ariel + John Cena. Fans moment of the night: Booker T getting the win.
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Monday March wk 1. WWE have come to terms with the release of Jon Moxley we wish him all the best with his future eneavers. Weds March wk 1. Power 25. 1. Triple H (1) (Announced he will face Estrada next week). 2. Trevor Murdoch (2) (Beat Burchill). 3. Booker T (4) (Got the pinfall in Main Event). 4. Undertaker (3) (Inactive). 5. Johnny Milan (5) (Inactive). 6. Gregory Helms (8) (Pinned Cena in tag match). 7. John Cena (6) (Pinned by I.C Champ Gregory Helms). 8. Matt Hardy (9) (On winning team in Tag match). 9. Mickie James (8) (Inactive, down 1). 10. Shannon Moore (10) (Inactive). 11. AMW (11) (Inactive). 12. Thunder + Lightning (12) (Inactive). 13. Tajiri (13) (Inactive). 14. Maven (15) (On winning team in 6 man Main Event). 15. The Experience (14) (Inactive, down 1). 16. Armando Alejandro Estrada (16) (Inactive). 17. Duece Snuka (new) (Was on winning team in Main Event). 18. Paul Burchill (17) (Lost). 19. Ariel (20) (Won match). 20. John Walters (18) (Inactive, down 2). 21. The Miz (19) (On losing team). 22. Amazing Kong (new) (Destroyed Paul Heyman). 23. Jamie Lethal (21) (Inactive, down 2). 24. Beth Phoenix (22) (Inactive, down 2). 25. The Horsemen (24) (Challenged AMW to a match at Wrestlemania). WWE.com Preview: The road to Wrestlemania continues will AMW except The Horsemens challenge who will be announced for the Money in the Bank match this week and in what condition is Paul E. Hetman in!? Find out all this and more at 12.00 on Comedy Central. Matches: Triple H vs Armando Estrada. Trevor Murdoch vs Chris Harris. Money in the Bank Qualifying match: Elijah Burke vs The Undertaker. Loser's manager leave's the WWE: Paul Heyman's Charge vs Eric Bischoff's charge.
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