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Ridley Revolution Wrestling (Cornellverse)

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I rolled over in bed and looked at my beautiful wife. [I]“You know what? … I’m bored”[/I] I said to her. My name is Joel Ridley and I am 27 years old. I have been running my own business since the age of 18 and it would be an understatement to say that it has been a success. From humble beginnings in Queensland, Australia, we now had offices all over the world, and the business had done so well that I hardly had to work anymore, I just employed people to do it all for me. These days I generally just oversee the work of my managers and company operations from my office in New York, where I now lived with my wife and young family. [I]“Not with you”[/I], I said, poking my tongue out at her, [I]“with my everyday life. I’ve done everything I’ve ever wanted to do, have a successful business and more money than I can ever need, a loving family and a beautiful wife, it’s all perfect. I honestly don’t have anything to do with my time!”[/I] [I]“You should get a hobby then”[/I] she said, giving me a kiss on the forehead as she sat up. [I]“I do have a hobby”[/I] I replied cheekily, [I]“following wrestling online and playing TEW”.[/I] [I]“Haha, you and your bloody wrestling”[/I] she said with a grin, [I]“and you spend way too much time playing on your damn computer”[/I] [I]“It’s just such a great game is all, running your own wrestling company, making all the decisions, dealing with the wrestlers, I really enjoy it”.[/I] Luckily she didn’t know I actually had two licenses for TEW, and I spent even more time playing it on my office computer than I did at home. [I]“I often wonder what it would really be like, running my own wrestling company”[/I], I said, a light-bulb suddenly flicking on in my head. [I]“Don’t even think about it”[/I] she replied jokingly… knowing that once I had an idea I very rarely let it go. [I]“No, seriously. I think I could do this. Start my own wrestling company. It would certainly give me something to do, that’s for sure.”[/I] I mulled over this idea for a little while. [I]“How much money do you think I would need?” I said, “$10,000, $20,000, $100,000?”[/I] [I]“Like hell you are using any of our money for this”[/I] she said, and this time I knew she was serious. [I]“If this is what you really want to do then you are on your own. Just make sure that you leave plenty of time for me and the kids!”[/I] [I]“Of course dear”[/I] I said, as she rolled over and went back to sleep. And thus Ridley Revolution Wrestling was born.
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[B][/B]From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW Opens[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/RRW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] RRW is the latest promotion to enter the wrestling world, as they announced their arrival with a press conference yesterday. The new promotion is apparently already in negotiations with several well known wrestlers, and is aiming to run a debut show very shortly. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]More on Ridley Revolution Wrestling[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/RRW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ridley Revolution Wrestling is an upstart promotion, owned and operated by young Australian Joel Ridley, that is looking to take the wrestling world by storm. A successful businessman, Ridley opened the promotion in January 2007 as a hobby, with no money, no popularity and no prestige, looking to see how far he could take it. Blending a unique mix of modern wrestling action and sports entertainment, combined with a focus on young, talented wrestlers, RRW seems to have the world at its feet. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Further information on RRW owner Joel Ridley[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/JoelRidley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Joel Ridley is a young Australian wrestling revolutionary who is looking to take on the world. While he may not ever make it big as a wrestler due to his size and lack of skills, his brain and business acumen will take him a long way in the industry. [/QUOTE]
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It is not entirely uncommon for a successful businessman to make the step into the world of Professional Wrestling. Knitwear magnate Gil Thomas has been involved in various promotions in the past, and in Mexico Joaquin Soler (famous for running a company that found lost airport baggage) and Jorge Ibanez (the inventor of Snockey – it’s all the rage in Samoa) both own wrestling promotions. Dental hygiene expert Tyler Baker owned 21st Century Wrestling in the UK before the promotion ran into financial difficulties, and of course who could forget the one and only J.K. Stallings Jr., who started Hollyweird Grappling Co. (which would later become Total Championship Wrestling, probably the second most popular promotion in the US, if not the world). Let’s just hope that my career as a wrestling promoter turns out better than Baker's and Stallings' did. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] I decided to open RRW in the Tri-State region, mainly because that’s where I lived and my wife would have killed me had I needed to do much travel for my “hobby”. I had seriously considered basing the promotion out of Chicago due to the lack of competition in the Great Lakes area, but who am I kidding, RRW isn’t going to be competition to ANYONE for a long time yet. Thus we became the third promotion in the Tri-States. Phil Vibert’s Danger and Violence Extreme is a hardcore based promotion that runs mainly out of Philadelphia and can claim to be the third most popular promotion in the United States, offering a product that they classify as Cult Entertainment. And of course there is New York City Wrestling (based in New York – der), an unapologetic throwback to an older era that offers Slow Paced Traditional wrestling. So I figured that to give us some breathing space we would start off holding shows in New Jersey, moving to other venues in the Tri-States once we started to grow. I also decided that we were going to fall somewhere in the middle of the two regarding our wrestling product as well. While traditional wrestling will always be a key feature (unlike the hardcore, cult antics of DaVE), I figured that we’d do it in a modern, fast paced style (as opposed to the slow pace of NYCW). We’d also include elements of realism and lucha-libre, with just a splash of the hardcore and daredevil style that DaVE fans had come to enjoy. Finally, there would also be the occasional hint of comedy, and a small appeal to the mainstream audience, since this is the area where we can possibly pick up some new non-wrestling fans. We would devote about 80% of our time to wrestling matches, but also give the talent a little time to cut promo’s so that they could make some sort of connection (however small) to the crowd. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] The next problem was money. My wife was adamant that I was not to use any of our money on this project, and obviously I couldn’t run at a loss, so I had to figure out a way to make some cash. Realistically, we’re not going to be able to attract a significant crowd, and any spectators we do get wont pay any more than $2-$3 a ticket. I’d need to spend some money on legal stuff like contracts and copyrights, marketing our shows, finance and administration, as well as production (some mic's and a camera so we could make some DVD’s) and merchandise (screen print some t-shirts for our wrestlers and such). I figured each of these “departments” would need about $150 a month to operate. Then there would be the cost of the venue hire (probably $200 for the tiniest of venues), and actually holding the show. And of course I would have to pay the performers. Not very much, mind you - I guess I’m going to be scraping the bottom of the barrel.
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I’ve been a wrestling fan for as long as I can remember. I grew up watching American wrestling in Australia (albeit several months behind the actual happenings), and with the advent of the internet I was able to really get into all of the behind the scenes action. When I moved to the United States, as well as being able to follow TCW and SWF more closely, I started purchasing tapes of smaller promotions and got to know the independent wrestling scene as well. Hell, I even “landed” a “gig” writing a monthly column for a wrestling website about the latest news on the Indy scene. So I wasn’t going in totally blind. Only mostly. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] The first person I contacted then was to one of my “colleagues” from the website I wrote for. He goes by the screen name “The Insider” and claims to have all of the latest news, gossip and rumours, direct from the wrestlers themselves. I figured he’d be a good place as any to start for info on people who were looking for some work. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] “The Insider” proved to be to be a useful source of information. He suggested I get all of my support staff in place to begin with, and passed on the phone numbers of some people he thought would be interested in working with me. The first position I had to fill was a road agent. I saw this as probably the most important position, as this guy needed to be someone who knew his way around the wrestling ring, would be able to lay out entertaining matches for the young wrestlers, and provide me with feedback on what we were doing right and what we were doing wrong. I was basically looking for a right-hand man, so to speak. And sometimes it turns out that the best man for the job is a women. From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW Sign Reece Paige[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/ReesePaige.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Yesterday evening saw the completion of the signing of Reece Paige by RRW. The deal is said to be a pay-per-appearance arrangement, meaning that she can work for other promotions too. Fans are expected to get to see the new signing at the promotion’s next show. Reese Paige was one of the most exciting female wrestling talents around when she was in her early 20s, but a serious ankle injury sidelined her permanently at just 23. She now works as a road agent, and occasional trainer. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] I didn’t have the budget to fly people in to conduct face to face interviews, so most conversations I had were by phone. I did however have the chance to meet on of my prospective employees in person, as the guy I hired to be our referee was a local. From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]Chad Brent To RRW[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/ChadBrent.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] An announcement on the website of Chad Brent that was posted last night has revealed that he has singed a pay-per-appearance contract with RRW. He is said to be excited by the deal, and is looking forward to taking part in his first show. Chad Brent is a referee from New York. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] Since we were going to record our shows to DVD and sell them to make some money, I needed to hire an announce team. However I wasn’t really impressed with the list of colour commentators that I received from “The Insider”, and I was actually watching a tape of a Canadian Charisma Championship Combat show when I came across the ideal person for this position. From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]Katie Cameron Joins RRW[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Last night saw RRW complete the signing of Katie Cameron, as they continue to bolster their roster. An official statement on their web site indicated that fans will likely get their first view of the new signing at the next show. Katie Cameron is the girlfriend of "The Amazing" Jacob Jett, and she started appearing regularly as his manager in 4C in 2006. She had no history with the business prior to meeting Jett, but her undeniable charisma, not to mention her obvious sex appeal, have allowed her to become a fan favourite very quickly. Outside of the wacky world of pro wrestling, Cameron works as a marketing manager for a large telecommunications firm. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] The announcer would also be a key member of the team, and as an obvious face of the company I wanted someone fresh and young, with a bit of talent, plenty of potential and a lot of flair. I soon discovered that quality announcers don’t come cheap, but I eventually found the perfect guy to fill the role (well he’d better be perfect, for the amount I am paying him!). From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW Get Remmington Remus[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/RemmingtonRemus.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] RRW announced last night that they have completed the signing of Remmington Remus. It is understood that the deal is a pay-per-appearance arrangement, so that Remmington Remus will be able to work for other companies too. He is expected to make an appearance at the next show. Remmington Remus was a very promising young cruiserweight talent, who was gaining rave reviews for his tag team work with his twin brother Roderick (as The Remus Twins). Sadly, in mid 2006, at the age of just 18, Remmington was involved in a serious motorcycle accident that basically destroyed his left knee, forcing him to retire. While his brother attempted to continue as a singles wrestler, Remmington reinvented himself as an announcer so that he could stay in the sport. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] So by Saturday, Week 1, January 2007 my support staff were in place and my little promotion was starting to take shape.
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Since these guys (as an all encompassing term that includes males and females) would play such a big part in the running of our shows, I decided to include all of them on the creative team for Ridley Revolution Wrestling. I gave each of them the chance to offer suggestions on which workers we should hire, and needless to say I wasn’t surprised when Remmington Remus was the first to approach me. [I]“Obviously you know a bit about wrestling”[/I] Remmington said, [I]“so no doubt you know that before my accident forced me to retire and take up announcing I was part of the hottest up-and-coming tag team in the United States, ‘The Remus Twins’, with my brother Roderick”.[/I] [I]“Yes”[/I], I replied, [I]“I used to follow your career a little and I know there were several people in the industry who thought very highly of your team.”[/I] [I]“Well Roderick has done a hell of a lot to help me out since the accident and I thought I should return the favour by trying to get him a job”[/I], Remmington said. [I]“Sure thing mate,”[/I] I said, [I]“it’s the least I could do. Let’s get him in for a chat hey?”[/I] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] The Remus Twins sat across from me in my office, Remmington looking immaculate in a perfectly tailored suit, and Roderick dressed more casually, having just finished a session in the gym. [I]“Well, I reviewed your resume Rod, and checked out the demo tape you made up for me, and what can I say?”[/I], I enthused. [I]“I’m very impressed. I think that your style is exactly what I am looking for and you would fit right in with the vision that I have for the promotion.”[/I] [I]“Thank man”[/I], grinned Roderick, [I]“where do I sign?”.[/I] I pushed the contract over to him, and he flicked through the standard legal gibberish with Remmington looking over his shoulder, until he found the part that interested him the most, his wage. It was actually a bad idea offering the boys a coffee before the meeting, as they both spat it out all over my brand new mahogany desk. [I]“$125 an appearance!!”[/I], Roderick exclaimed. [I]“I wouldn’t get out of bed for that much! I want at least $650 each time I step in the ring for you.”[/I] [I]“Sorry mate”,[/I] I replied, [I]“as you know we’re a start up promotion and I can hardly afford to pay for the coffee you so kindly messed up my desk with, let alone pay that much for a performer.”[/I] [I]“Ha”[/I], said Roderick with a huff, [I]“I’m outta here”.[/I] And thus ended my first contract negotiations with a professional wrestler. I had a feeling it was going to be a long month.
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I spent the rest of the afternoon ignoring phone calls from Remmington Remus. Just before I was about to go home for the day, I gave in and finally decided to answer … [I]“I just wanted to apologise for Rod’s reaction today”[/I] said Remmington. [I]“I probably should have seen that coming. I hope that you’re still happy for me to work for you.”[/I] [I]“Mate, that’s no problem”[/I] I replied. [I]“A deal’s a deal, and I definitely want you on board.”[/I] [I]“And I’ll tell you what”,[/I] I added, [I]“I’ll put Roderick on my shortlist, and when the company starts to grow and we’ve got a bit more money I’ll make sure I give him a call”.[/I] [I]“Thanks man, I appreciate it”,[/I] said Remmington. [I]“Let’s get out there show the wrestling world what we’ve got”.[/I] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] Luckily for me, when I met with Katie Cameron the next day she was able to recommend some Canadian workers that would make a good fit for the promotion and not demand an outrageous wage. Consequently, Ridley Revolution Wrestling was able to sign it’s first few workers. From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW Get Thomas Morgan[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Last night saw RRW complete the signing of Thomas Morgan, as they continue to bolster their roster. An official statement on their web site indicated that fans will likely get their first view of the new signing at the next show. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan is a great mat wrestler, who has never gotten the break his talent deserves. This is especially puzzling as he has the charisma to back up his in-ring ability. [/QUOTE] From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]Alan Parent To RRW[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] RRW announced last night that they have completed the signing of Alan Parent. It is understood that the deal is a pay-per-appearance arrangement, so that Alan Parent will be able to work for other companies too. He is expected to make an appearance at the next show. "Parental Abuse" Alan Parent is a solid technical wrestler, and has a long, bright future ahead of him. A student of the game, his hero is Japanese legend Haruki Kudo, and he uses many of his moves in tribute [/QUOTE] From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]Tempest Appleby Joins RRW[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Yesterday evening saw the completion of the signing of Tempest Appleby by RRW. The deal is said to be a pay-per-appearance arrangement, meaning that he can work for other promotions too. Fans are expected to get to see the new signing at the promotion’s next show. Tempest Appleby, "The Mover From Vancouver", is a very fast lightweight worker, who has an awesome range of top rope moves at his disposal. As well as his homeland of Canada, he also fights regularly in Mexico and Japan. [/QUOTE] From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW Sign K-Squared[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] An announcement on the website of K-Squared that was posted last night has revealed that he has singed a pay-per-appearance contract with RRW. He is said to be excited by the deal, and is looking forward to taking part in his first show. K-Squared is a high flying Canadian rookie, who is slowly developing into a decent all-round worker. He used to work under his real name, Kenny Kuntz, but he soon switched to his current ring name as he didn't want to endure an entire career of "creative" chants. His main claim to fame so far has been with CGC, where under the name Stunning Stuart he was one half of the babyface tag team The Varsity Boys. His time there only lasted a year though, as he was released in November 2006. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] One thing I noticed though was that the name of Katie’s boyfriend Jacob Jett did not come up during our discussions, so I decided to ask her about it. [I]”Well I think Jacob is destined for great things”,[/I] Katie said. [I]“He’s just signed with Canadian Golden Combat so he’ll hopefully be on TV every week, and I know that North Of The Border Pro Wrestling also have their eye on him. I honestly didn’t want to waste you time.”[/I] [I]“And besides”,[/I] she added, [I]“I heard about your meeting with Roderick Remus, and Jacob’s worth a hell of a lot more than he’ll ever be”.[/I] She winked at me, turned, and walked away with a huge grin on her face. [I]“Don’t let Remmington ever hear you say that”,[/I] I thought to myself, smiling.
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Being a New York local Chad Brent obviously new a little about the demographic we were trying to reach, and he suggested we should add an international flavour to our roster to try and attract some new fans to wrestling. So I hired an Indian and a Mexican. From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]Kashmir Singh Joins RRW[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Yesterday evening saw the completion of the signing of Kashmir Singh by RRW. The deal is said to be a pay-per-appearance arrangement, meaning that he can work for other promotions too. Fans are expected to get to see the new signing at the promotion’s next show. One of the few Indian-born pro wrestlers, Kashmir Singh is a pretty good all-rounder, whose densely muscled physique gives him incredible power for someone of his size. Has spent his early career entirely in Puerto Rico. [/QUOTE] From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]Velocidad To RRW[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/Velocidad.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] An announcement on the website of Velocidad that was posted last night has revealed that he has singed a pay-per-appearance contract with RRW. He is said to be excited by the deal, and is looking forward to taking part in his first show. Although it may be very early in his career, some veterans of the lucha libre scene are already hailing young Velocidad as the "next big thing" to hit Mexican wrestling. Although he is still inexperienced, inconsistent, and lacking finesse, what cannot be denied is that he is one of the quickest wrestlers you will ever seen, moving around the ring with a dizzying pace and energy. Making his pro debut in September 2006, big things are expected from him. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] Though-out this time, I had also been keeping in contact with “The Insider”, from the website I wrote for, who had recommended that I’d need to hire at least twelve workers to make my promotion look “professional”. Hence he also offered up a list of potential hirees, and a few more signings were made. From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW Get Valentine[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/Valentine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Last night saw RRW complete the signing of Valentine, as they continue to bolster their roster. An official statement on their web site indicated that fans will likely get their first view of the new signing at the next show. Valentine is a rookie with a solid all-round game, who is considered to be a bright prospect. His arrogant heel act is always a good one. He also sometimes works under the name Romeo Romaro. [/QUOTE] From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]Ben Williams To RRW[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] RRW announced last night that they have completed the signing of Ben Williams. It is understood that the deal is a pay-per-appearance arrangement, so that Ben Williams will be able to work for other companies too. He is expected to make an appearance at the next show. "Bump Machine" Ben Williams is a youngster hoping to break into wrestling, who so far has been restricted to being used as cannon fodder for other workers. He has under-rated microphone skills. [/QUOTE] From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]TJ Bailey Joins RRW[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/TJBailey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Yesterday evening saw the completion of the signing of TJ Bailey by RRW. The deal is said to be a pay-per-appearance arrangement, meaning that he can work for other promotions too. Fans are expected to get to see the new signing at the promotion’s next show. Tyler James "TJ" Bailey is a young all-rounder, just breaking into the sport. His biggest claim to fame so far is that he has appeared as a jobber on some TCW shows, getting beaten by stars like Liberty and Ricky Dale Johnson. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] So that made it nine workers down and only three more signings to make, and I was really starting to feel a real buzz of excitement surrounding my little wrestling promotion.
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With my roster starting to take shape I thought it would be a good time to announce the plans for our first event. I got the creative team together, and despite Remmington Remus continually dropping hints about “a talented young wrestler that we could hire to put in the main event”, we nutted out a card that we though would serve as a worthy debut show for Ridley Revolution Wrestling. From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW announces RRW Revolution[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/RRW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ridley Revolution Wrestling today announced that their debut show, RRW Revolution, will be held on Friday, Week 4, January 2007, at The Weston Gymnasium in New Jersey. Ben Williams vs Valentine, and Kashmir Singh vs Alan Parent will take place at the event, as well a match to crown the first RRW Revolution Champion. Tickets are available for $2 at the venue. [/QUOTE]
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I finished watching the Tuesday, Week 3, January 2007 episode of SWF Supreme TV (Eric Eisen defeated Remo in the main event) and looked over the final three contracts on my desk. These three were Reese Paige’s suggestions, two of whom she considered to be very underrated wrestlers who were worth taking a gamble on, and the third being a young wrestler with unlimited potential and the world at his feet. From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW Get Cal Sanders[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Last night saw RRW complete the signing of Cal Sanders, as they continue to bolster their roster. An official statement on their web site indicated that fans will likely get their first view of the new signing at the next show. "The Leaping Lumberjack" Cal Sanders is a technically-gifted youngster from Winnipeg, who seems to have a bright future ahead of him. Sadly his lack of charisma will probably keep him from achieving his full potential. [/QUOTE] From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]Gentleman Jim King To RRW[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/GentlemanJimKing.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] RRW announced last night that they have completed the signing of Gentleman Jim King. It is understood that the deal is a pay-per-appearance arrangement, so that Gentleman Jim King will be able to work for other companies too. He is expected to make an appearance at the next show. Gentleman Jim King is a young all-rounder from Delaware who has started to get noticed thanks to his technical skills and wacky character of a perfectly-mannered gentleman. [/QUOTE] From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]Frankie Dee Joins RRW[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Yesterday evening saw the completion of the signing of Frankie Dee by RRW. The deal is said to be a pay-per-appearance arrangement, meaning that he can work for other promotions too. Fans are expected to get to see the new signing at the promotion’s next show. Frankie Dee is a rookie wrestler who is Canadian by birth, but has strong Asian roots. He debuted in 2004, and was quick to learn how to incorporate his excellent martial arts skills into his ring work. By the end of 2006, feeling he now had the experience to express himself fully, he reinvented himself. Dying his hair white, and displaying several prominent (fake) tattoos, he began calling himself the "White Angel", and carrying himself as an ultra-serious and honourable fighter. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] My wife sat down beside me at the dinner table, placing my meal in front of me. [I]“I’m actually impressed that you managed to get all of this together so quickly”[/I], she said, [I]“and I am amazed that you managed to convince wrestlers to work for you”.[/I] [I]”Yeah me too, but wrestling is a cut-throat industry and people will work wherever they can for a pay check I guess”[/I], I replied. [I]“I just hope I can keep them all happy though”,[/I] I said [I]”because I definitely won’t be able to use them all on every show.”[/I] [I]“Yep, that certainly is going to be a challenge, I hope you have fun with that”,[/I] she laughed. [I]“And I hope I’m gonna be able to afford to pay the guys that I do use”,[/I] I thought to myself, before tucking into my lamb roast.
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I had let each of the workers know whether or not they’d be needed for RRW Revolution so that they didn’t fly in for no reason, but it pleased me no end to see all of them come to New Jersey anyway to show support for our first show. I got them all together to go over some stuff with the creative team, and give them a (hopefully) inspirational pep talk before the event began. [I]“So gimmick wise, we know each of you has a preferred starting gimmick,”[/I] said Reese Paige, [I]“but while we’ve tried to keep the basis of your gimmicks to something you are used to we also modified them slightly to something that we thought better suited your individual skill sets and the needs of the promotion. I’ll get around to each of you before the show to go over our ideas”.[/I] [I]“With regards to alignments,”[/I] added Katie Cameron, [I]“Ben, Kashmir, Frankie, Cal, Tempest, TJ and Velocidad will all work as faces, while the rest of you – Thomas, Alan, Kenny, Jim and Valentine – will start out as heels … hey, wait a minute, that’s not even?”.[/I] [I]“Yeah, you can blame Remmington for that,”[/I] chuckled Chad Brent. [I]“Hey!”[/I] exclaimed Remmington Remus. [I]“But obviously we will monitor your performances and the crowd reactions,”[/I] continued Chad, [I]“and alter any gimmicks and handle any turns as needed”.[/I] [I]“And since we won’t be able to use too many wrestlers on each show, storylines won’t be a priority straight away”,[/I] Remmington said, [I]“but if something in one of the shows clicks we’ll no doubt be able to take the ball and run with it.”[/I] It was my turn to speak and I looked around the room, making eye contact with each individual along the way. [I]“And personally, I’d just like to thank each and every one of you for coming on board and giving me the opportunity to work with you,”[/I] I said. [I]“I’d just like to let you know that I am always here to help you guys out, if you have any problems or there is anything that you are not happy with just let me know and I’ll do whatever I can to make it work. And one of my goals with Ridley Revolution Wrestling is to give an opportunity to and develop young wrestlers, and hopefully see them go onto bigger and better things – so if you do get the opportunity to work for other promotions along the way, I certainly wont be stopping you. That said, I think with a bit of luck and a lot of hard work this promotion has the potential to achieve great things, and when we do reach the top of the ladder you all can say that you were there the day the wrestling revolution began”.[/I] And with that, Ridley Revolution Wrestling was ready for their first show.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/RRW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]RRW Revolution[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Weston Gymnasium[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]Friday, Week 4, Janaury 2007[/CENTER][/B] [B]Pre-Show Segment 1 :[/B] Joel Ridley appears on-screen, and reveals that he is the new commissioner, and his reign of power begins tonight. [I]“My name is Joel Ridley, and I am the owner of Ridley Revolution Wrestling. I’ve come out here tonight to introduce myself and welcome you to my promotion. Unlike many owners and authority figure in wrestling companies around the world however, Ridley Revolution Wrestling is not all about me – it is about the wrestlers – so this is the first and last time that I will appear before you. So without further ado – LET THE REVOLUTION BEGIN!!”[/I] [B]Segment Rating :[/B] F- [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 1 :[/B] We are shown a backstage segment where Valentine gives a bunch of flowers to Katie Cameron, and then they kiss. “The Ladies Man” Valentine is walking backstage with a bunch of flowers. He approaches Katie Cameron from behind, startling her, and hands her the flowers. While she is still in shock he leans over and kisses her, then continues on his way as Cameron looks on, bewildered. [B]Segment Rating :[/B] E [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 2 :[/B] Ben Williams vs Valentine [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/icon_vs2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/Valentine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Match Result :[/B] Ben Williams defeated Valentine in 5:59 by pinfall. In the first ever match for Ridley Revolution Wrestling, Ben Williams and Valentine faced off in an entertaining contest. Although Valentine appeared to have the advantage in wrestling skills, Williams was able to pick up the victory with a surprise roll-up in around 6 minutes. [B]Match Rating :[/B] E+ [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 3 :[/B] Having picked up the victory, Ben Williams goes out into the crowd to celebrate with his people. “The Fan’s Own” Ben Williams is jubilant about picking up the win against Valentine, and to celebrate he jumps the crowd barrier and starts hugging and high-fiving the fans in attendance, saying over and over that he “did it for you guys.” [B]Segment Rating :[/B] F [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 4 :[/B] Kashmir Singh vs Alan Parent [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/icon_vs2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Match Result :[/B] Kashmir Singh defeated Alan Parent in 5:35 by submission. Kashmir Singh took on Alan Parent in the night’s second bout, and it was an excellent match between the Indian all-rounder and the technician from Canada. Singh and Parent were evenly matched through out the contest but in the end Parent succumbed to the submission expert, tapping out to one of the many moves in Singh’s arsenal in 5:35 [B]Match Rating :[/B] D [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 5 :[/B] Thomas Morgan has an interview in which he taunts Frankie Dee. [I]“My name is Thomas Morgan, and tonight I will become the first ever RRW Revolution Champion. I mean, is there even any doubt? I’m up against a twenty year old nobody, who is yet to achieve anything of note in the wrestling industry. I’m a veteran of the sport, I’ve wrestled all over the world, picking up countless victories along the way, so why should tonight be any different. Frankie Dee, whoever you are, at least you’ll get a chance to get in the ring with the “Trademark”. But when you are counted down for the one, two, three you will know, as I do, that there can be only one true champion in this promotion – Thomas Morgan. You can Mark My Words!”[/I] [B]Segment Rating :[/B] E+ [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 6 :[/B] RRW Revolution Championship - Thomas Morgan vs Frankie Dee [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/originalbelt05.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/icon_vs2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Match Result :[/B] Thomas Morgan defeated Frankie Dee in 5:56 by pinfall. Thomas Morgan wins the RRW Revolution Championship title. The main event of RRW Revolution saw two Canadians battle to become the first ever RRW Revolution Champion, as veteran Thomas Morgan took on youngster Frankie Dee. In a hard fought contest, Dee proved that he was more than capable of hanging with his more experienced opponent, but in the end Morgan took the gold with a pinfall victory in 5:56. [B]Match Rating :[/B] D [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B]Overall Show Rating :[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/grade_d.jpg[/IMG]
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Out Of Character post : [QUOTE=Dvdmanny;297587]I like where you're going with this and I'll keep checking in on you. I love Cornell-verse diaries. I wish a couple of you great diary writers would get together and play a multi-player game together and write a diary for that.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=ReapeR;297589]Interesting so far. I do enjoy a good start from the ground up dynasty. I'll keep reading.[/QUOTE] Now that the first show is out of the way I thought I'd just say thanks guys. I'm not the most creative person alive but I'm a TEW veteran and hopefully I can keep it somewhat interesting. Things should pick up pace a bit now too with any luck. Cheers!
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From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW Revolution[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/RRW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ridley Revolution Wrestling held RRW Revolution last night in The Weston Gymnasium, and drew 18 fans. The feedback has been extremely positive, it was apparently a great show for them. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] I bought Reese Paige breakfast (mmmm, pancakes) on Saturday, Week 4, January 2007 while we went over her notes from the show the night before. [I]“Well going over the angles first,”[/I] Reese said, [I]“there were no specific comments to make about your introductions, Ben’s adventure into the crowd or Thomas Morgans taunting of Frankie Dee. They were all pretty much as expected. However Valentine surprised me, I think he is learning to show more charisma and developing better performace skills”.[/I] [I]“Well that’s good news”,[/I] I said. [I]”Putting him in angles with Katie Cameron is definitely going to help him along.”[/I] [I]“Speaking of Katie Cameron”,[/I] Reese continued, [I]“her colour commentary gave both the Williams/Valentine and Singh/Parent matches a boost. On the other hand though, the announcing quality of Remmington Remus wasn’t up to the same standard of Singh/Parent or Morgan/Dee.”[/I] [I]“Hmm, that’s something to think about, but I doubt there’s much we can do. I’m probably already paying more than I can afford for Remmington as an announcer, and to get a better one will only cost significantly more,”[/I] I replied. [I]“True”,[/I] said Reese. [I]“Now, worker wise, a few things stood out to me last night. I thought Alan Parent and Frankie Dee both improved their performance skills from what I’ve seen of them in the past, and Thomas Morgan’s flying skills showed definite improvement as well.”[/I] [I]“That’s great,”[/I] I said, [I]“I always like hearing about workers improving their skills – it can only help us down the track.”[/I] [I]”And finally,”[/I] said Reese, [I]“I think Kashmir Singh and Alan Parent have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances.”[/I] [I]“Cool, we’ll have to keep that one in mind and match them up again in the future”,[/I] I said, smiling to myself because I had planned on having Kashmir and Alan wrestle regularly anyway. [I]“Overall”,[/I] she concluded, [I]“this show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.”[/I] [I]“Excellent!”[/I] I said with a grin, [I]”I can’t ask for any more than that”.[/I] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] We finished up breakfast and I spent the rest of the morning digesting the good news that Reese had given me during out meeting. Now hopefully my accountant will give me some good news as well.
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On Sunday, Week 4, January I met with my accountant to go over the financial details for Ridley Revolution Wrestling. [I]“Looking at ticket sales, you had an attendance of 18 people at $2 a ticket, which obviously makes $36”[/I] he said, in his no nonsence manner. [I]“Yeah”,[/I] I said, [I]“I never really expected to make money on tickets this early”.[/I] [I]“You spent $150 each on marketing, merchandising, production, legal and administration,”[/I] he continued, [I]“and $8 on the cost of the actual merchandise sold. The good news is that you sold $11 worth of merchandise.”[/I] [I]“Haha,”,[/I] I laughed, [I]“a Thomas Morgan shirt, a RRW cap and a Frankie Dee foam hand that was.”[/I] [I]“The cost of renting the Weston Gymnasium was $200 as you know”,[/I] the accountant said, moving on briskly, [I]“and running a small show sets you back $500, so that’s $700 total in show costs”.[/I] [I]“And finally there is the cost of your employees. You used 6 workers ($150 each for Frankie Dee and Thomas Morgan and $125 each for Alan Parent, Kashmir Singh, Ben Williams and Valentine) and your 4 show staff ($450 for Remmington Remus, $225 for Chad Brent, $200 for Reese Paige and $100 for Katie Cameron) altogether for a total of $1775 in wages”[/I] he concluded. [I]“So I hope you’ve got some more money coming in from somewhere, because at the moment you are a couple thousand in the red”.[/I] Luckily, I had happened to come across a small New Jersey based company owned by a wrestling fan, who offered to give us approximately $3000 a month in sponsorship in exchange for selling their “The History of American Wrestling” book series during our shows. Hey, the Weston Gymnasium is co-owned by a school after all and anything to get the kids reading was good news if you ask me. I handed the accountant a cheque for $3210 (book sales had gone very well!). [I]“Well in total then”[/I] he said, working quickly,[I]”that’s $3257 in income and $3233 in expenditure. So congratulations, for the month of January you have made a profit of $24.”[/I] [I]“Woohoo”[/I], I shouted, causing him to jump. [I]“This might actually work after all!”.[/I] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] So as I went to bed on the last day of January 2007, I hugged my wife, thanked her for putting up with me and thought to myself [I]“Ridley Revolution Wrestling has arrived!”.[/I]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Out Of Character post : [QUOTE=steev42;299047]Good stuff so far. A little more detailed than some others, but I think in this case, that's a good thing. Congratulations on making a profit on your first show![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Dvdmanny;299515]Yeah congrats as well. I'll be keeping an eye on RRW. And I'm a Frankie Dee mark but I hate his name. Great looking character but a weak name for someone who wants to be taken seriously[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Astil;299525]Very nice, the out of the arena segments are very well written. Ill read.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the props guys :) Sorry for the delay, I haven't had much TEW time the last few weeks but hopefully I'm back on track now. I'm trying to make the non-show segments more involved to show the challenges of using a start-up promotion, and there's only so much I can do on the shows with a small budget and only using 6 wrestlers per show. Things should pick up speed with RRW now the roster is set and shows have started. Hope you enjoy!
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I decided to get in touch with each of my wrestlers and staff during the first week in February to see how they were fitting in with RRW, and how they thought the promotion was going. I was pleased to find out that everyone was satisfied with things – the responses I got were fairly standard from each individual : [I]“I think that my current push is good, I have no complaints”[/I], and with regards to general morale it was [I]“I have no complaints to make”[/I]. Hopefully I would be able to continue to keep everyone happy for the foreseeable future. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] During Week 2, February 2007 the creative team (myself, Katie Cameron, Reese Paige, Remmington Remus and Chad Brent) got together to discuss plans for our second show. The main topic was how to use the workers that didn’t get to wrestle at “RRW Revolution”, while also continuing to build off of the first show. It wouldn’t do much good using six wrestlers one month then a different six the next month – that would be like basically running two different promotions, and no one would be able to build any momentum. And as much as I would have liked to use every wrestler every month, the budget just wasn’t big enough at this early stage. Of course, the budget meant nothing to Remmington Remus, who was full of helpful ideas as always : [I]“I know what we can do”,[/I] he said, [I]“we could bring in a mystery wrestler to take on Thomas Morgan in the main event. What about my brother Rod? It’d bring the house down!”[/I] [I]“It’d bring the company down more like it”[/I], I replied. [I]“Unless you are willing to work for free Remmington, or unless Rod can wrestle against himself three times on the show, it’s not gonna happen. Sorry mate!”[/I] Nonetheless, we were able to come up with a plan for our next show – “RRW No Turning Back”. From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW to hold RRW No Turning Back[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/RRW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ridley Revolution Wrestling today announced details of their February show, RRW No Turning Back. The show will be held on Friday, Week 4, February 2007, at The Weston Gymnasium in New Jersey. TJ Bailey, K-Squared and Tempest Appleby will make their RRW debuts while Kashmir Singh, who was victorious against Alan Parent at RRW Revolution, will take on the newly crowned RRW Revolution Champion Thomas Morgan. Tickets are currently available for $2 at the venue. [/QUOTE]
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Chad Brent and I decided that we should check out our “competition”, so on Thursday, Week 4, February 2007 we headed off to New York City Wrestling’s show “Lost In The City”. In front of 300 people they put on a D+ rated card, with a main event featuring Grandmaster Phunk defending his NYCW Empire Title against Whistler (C-). I wondered how long it would be before I could attract that many fans and be able to feature 8 matches on a card and still turn a profit. Danger and Violence Extreme, meanwhile, had been touring the country for their television tapings, featuring in the Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, South East and New England regions, as well as holding their PPV “Counter Culture” in the Tri-State. Their cards had been consistently hitting C and C+ ratings, so they seem to be going from strength to strength. In reality though, it wasn’t a particularly good time to be in the wrestling business. The US economy wasn’t too crash hot (D+) and it only seemed to be getting worse (falling), while the industry as a whole was in the middle of a huge decline (E-) and that didn’t look to be getting better anytime soon (falling). However that wasn’t my immediate concern, as it was Friday, Week 4, February 2007 and I had a show to run.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/RRW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="5"][CENTER]RRW No Turning Back[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][CENTER]The Weston Gymnasium[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]Friday, Week 4, February 2007[/CENTER][/B] [B]Segment 1 :[/B] K-Squared has an interview in which he taunts TJ Bailey. [I]“Finally … K-Squared … has arrived … in Ridley Revolution Wrestling!. Tonight, K-Squared is taking on TJ Bailey, and K-Squared knows one thing – TJ stands for Total Jobber. There is no doubt that K-Squared will be victorious, so sit back, relax and enjoy K-Squared’s performance."[/I] [B]Segment Rating :[/B] E- [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 2 :[/B] TJ Bailey vs K-Squared [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/TJBailey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/icon_vs2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Match Result :[/B] TJ Bailey defeated K-Squared in 6:25 by pinfall. TJ Bailey and K-Squared made their RRW debuts in the nights first battle. Both being 23 year old lightweight entertainers meant they were evenly matched but K-Squared dominated early, using underhand tactics to hold the advantage. However Bailey was able to mount a comeback after K-Squared became a little too arrogant and started playing to the crowd. The finish came after Bailey reversed one of K-Squared’s moves and was able to get the pinfall over a shocked opponent. [B]Match Rating :[/B] E+ [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 3 :[/B] Alan Parent cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Tempest Appleby. [I]“Welcome to Ridley Revolution Wrestling. This show is rated PG – Parental Guidance recommended. Tonight, I take on “The Mover From Vancouver, Tempest Appleby, and when I’m finished with him, he won’t be moving very much at all. So viewers out there, take note - I’m Alan Parent and I’m Gonna Make You Tap!"[/I] [B]Segment Rating :[/B] F [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 4 :[/B] Tempest Appleby vs Alan Parent [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/icon_vs2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Match Result :[/B] Alan Parent defeated Tempest Appleby in 5:46 by submission. After losing to Kashmir Singh at RRW Revolution, Alan Parent came out to try and dominate Tempest Appleby and did so by focusing his attack on the knee of his cruiserweight opponent. This limited Appleby’s ability to go to the top rope and use the many attacking moves in his arsenal, and Parent was able to score a solid victory by submission in just under 6 minutes. [B]Match Rating :[/B] D [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 5 :[/B] Kashmir Singh does an interview in which he challenges Thomas Morgan. Thomas Morgan comes out and accepts, setting up a singles bout between the two. [I]“At RRW Revolution, I withstood the challenge of Alan Parent and came out victorious. Tonight, I want to continue my winning ways by beating Thomas Morgan for the RRW Revolution Championship.”[/I] said Singh. Thomas Morgan appears at the top of the entrance way with the RRW Revolution Championship around his waist. [I]“I’m not scared to take you on”,[/I] said Morgan. [I]“But there is no chance in hell that you will take this belt off me. You can Mark My Words!”[/I] [B]Segment Rating :[/B] E- [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 6 :[/B] RRW Revolution Championship - Thomas Morgan vs Kashmir Singh [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/originalbelt05.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/icon_vs2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Match Result :[/B] Thomas Morgan defeated Kashmir Singh in 6:21 by pinfall. Thomas Morgan makes defence number 1 of his RRW Revolution Championship title. RRW Revolution Champion Thomas Morgan defended his newly won title against Indian Kashmir Singh. Both men were victorious at RRW Revolution and came into this bout with confidence high, and Singh dominated early using his strength to maintain the advantage over the champion. Morgan, the more experienced of the two, absorbed Singh’s offence and used his technical abilities to counter the challenger. The evenly matched contest ended when Morgan was able to capture Singh in a pinning predicament and the Indian couldn’t get his shoulders up in time. [B]Match Rating :[/B] D [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]Overall Show Rating :[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/grade_d.jpg[/IMG]
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From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW No Turning Back Report[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/RRW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ridley Revolution Wrestling held RRW No Turning Back last night in The Weston Gymnasium, and drew 16 fans. The feedback has been extremely positive, it was apparently a great show for them. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] During breakfast with our road agent Reese Paige on Saturday, Week 4, February (omelette this month) we went over her observations from the previous nights show. [I]“There were no specifics comments to make in regards to K-Squared’s and Alan Parent’s promos,”[/I] she started, [I]“but when Kashmir Singh challenged Thomas Morgan I noticed that he is definitely improving at acting, learning to show more charisma and developing better performance skills.”[/I] [I]“It’s good to see that Kashmir is making the most of the chances we are giving him,”[/I] I commented in reply. [I]“All of the matches went well,”[/I] Reese continued, [I]“but I thought that TJ Bailey seemed off his game during his match with K-Squared”.[/I] [I]“Yes, consistency is certainly an area of opportunity for him,”[/I] I agreed. [I]“But despite that, TJ did show an improvement in his performance skills”[/I] said Reese. [I]“And it will be no surprise that I think Kashmir Singh is improving in technical skills as well.”[/I] [I]“Matching him with Thomas Morgan will have that effect,”[/I] I laughed. [I]“Finally, Katie Cameron’s colour commentary gave a boost to each of the matches,”[/I] Reece added, [I]“but the announcing quality wasn’t up to the same standard of the Alan Parent/Tempest Appleby or Thomas Morgan/Kashmir Singh matches”.[/I] [I]“Hmmm, good old Remmington Remus,”[/I] I thought out loud. [I]“Overall though, I’d say the same thing I told you last month,”[/I] she concluded, [I]“this show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.”[/I] [I]“Cool,”[/I] I said with a smile, [I]“be sure to let everyone know to keep up the good work.”[/I] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] We finished up our discussion (and our breakfast) and I left to prepare for my next meeting – with my friendly neighbourhood accountant.
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Sunday, Week 4, February was my date with destiny, to go over the February financials with my accountant for Ridley Revolution Wrestling. [I]“Attendance of was down this month from 18 people to 16 people,”[/I] he started, [I]“which at $2 a ticket gives you $32 in ticket sales”.[/I] [I]“Show costs were the same as last month,”[/I] he continued. [I]“The cost of renting the Weston Gymnasium was $200, and running a small show costs $500, so that’s $700 in total”.[/I] [I]“Your set costs of $150 each on marketing, merchandising, production, legal and administration are also consistent,”[/I] he said, stating the obvious, [I]“and this month you actually sold $48 worth of merchandise while spending $34 on the cost of the actual merchandise sold.”[/I] [I]“Oh good”,[/I] I replied, [I]“the fans might actually be taking to the promotion then if they are willing to buy stuff from us.”[/I] [I]“Your sponsorship cheque came through from the book company,”[/I] said the accountant, [I]“adding $3106 to your income, which is slightly down from last months $3210”.[/I] [I]“Hmmm …”[/I] I thought to myself. [I]“And then obviously there is your wage bill. You used 6 workers again this month ($150 each for K-Squared and Thomas Morgan and $125 each for Alan Parent, Kashmir Singh, Tempest Appleby and TJ Bailey) and your 4 show staff of course ($450 for Remmington Remus, $225 for Chad Brent, $200 for Reese Paige and $100 for Katie Cameron) for a total of $1775 in wages all together, which is identical to last month”[/I] he concluded. [I]“So unfortunately,”[/I] the accountant said, after a pause for added effect, [I]“that is $3186 in income and $3259 in expenditure. An $11 improvement in merchandising helped offset a $4 decline in ticket sales, but the $104 shortfall in sponsorship means your $24 profit for January has turned into a $73 loss in February. Your account is now $49 in the red, and you can expect to hear from your bank in the morning.”[/I] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] So at the end of February 2007 things were not quite as good as they could have been. Despite having a good month wrestling wise Ridley Revolution Wrestling was in financial trouble already, and my career as a wrestling promoter could turn out to be a lot shorter than expected.
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