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Ring of Fire: Fighting Every Step of the Way

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[B]Sharp & Heath [/B]vs. Absolutely Flawless [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]vs. Rhys Vali Don Henderson vs. [B]UK Dragon[/B] [B]Merle O'Curle [/B]vs. K'Lee Hawkins vs. British Samurai in an elimination match for the ROF Championship I'll go with Sharp & Heath as you seem to want to head towards a more modern product ... Bulldozer should take Vali apart. I'm not quite sure why I've still got The Tribe on my own roster after all this time ... Dragon is better than Henderson, fatigue or no fatigue ... O'Curle to retain. I'm at a point in my own game where I'm wishing I didn't have worker restrictions on. Looking at the free agent pool in other countries that I can't access, I'm desperately resisting the temptation to tamper with the editor! :D
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;298242] I'll go with Sharp & Heath as you seem to want to head towards a more modern product ... Bulldozer should take Vali apart. I'm not quite sure why I've still got The Tribe on my own roster after all this time ... Dragon is better than Henderson, fatigue or no fatigue ... O'Curle to retain. I'm at a point in my own game where I'm wishing I didn't have worker restrictions on. Looking at the free agent pool in other countries that I can't access, I'm desperately resisting the temptation to tamper with the editor! :D[/QUOTE] Broader, rather than necessarily more modern, but yeah. The title is, in part, a mock-serious dig at trying to get new ideas past 'Sammy', bless 'im. (I like the challenge, much as I know that ultimately it'll come down to failure.) As for the tribe, I'm assured that Narfi has an upside, and am fascinated by this notion. I may eventually give him sufficient work to see it. Vali... I don't know. If and when I reach the point I can expand to larger shows safely, I'll want jobbers, right? As a side note, we're coming up on the shows I'm actually starting to get happy with. Part of that is gonna be the guys becoming more over, part of it is me getting the hang of things. I think. Does anyone know if consistency can improve? That's Stardust's best chance to get pushed properly, rather than used in the semirandom way he has been to date...
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Friday Week 2 March Norman Blue Athletic Centre 53 in attendance In the dark I put Sharp & Heath up against Absolutely Flawless, who I felt needed more use. Lance Martin hit the Body Rocker on Heath for a win at 9:37. Again, even careful scripting wasn't enough to give this match pace and flow. RATING: E [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Rhys Vali[/B] So for the 'Dozer's debut I manage to put him up against someone he has no chemistry with. Thankfully, it was reasonably short; in 6:56 the Backdrop Driver gave the rookie his first win. RATING: E+ This will not be a good show. Peaches and I spent a couple of minutes talking up Merle's streak of late, his title shot, and his victory over the champ for the gold. Peaches seemed to get into it; she's getting better at this. RATING: E [B] Don Henderson vs UK Dragon[/B] I like Don and he clicks well with Merle, so I was hoping to push him up into the title scene. This – going the time limit with the former champ – is the first step, though it was somewhat hindered by one simple fact. Don and the Dragon don't click. RATING: D+ [B]Merle O'Curle vs. K'Lee Hawkins vs. British Samurai in an Elimination Match for the ROF Championship[/B] Better. Much better, in fact; Samurai and K'Lee went toe to toe in the early going after Sammy dropped Merle with a blistering powerbomb, and the two of them looked like stars as they brawled round the ring. Unfortunately for Sammy, Merle recovered before he could do more than stagger K'Lee and delivered a sweet dropkick to the back of the knee, at which point K'Lee hit a shining wizard (of all things!) to pin him at twenty minutes in. Then it was just K'Lee and Merle and a series of textbook demonstrations of how to power out of submission holds and twist free of throws before Merle managed to turn a flying clothesline into an impromptu Celtic Wreath for the win at 27:56. RATING: C I'm so glad of that main event. Those three pulled things back to a point where this was one of our better shows. I don't begrudge Merle his raise now; more than I'd expected, but UKW has been showcasing him too. OVERALL: C- Nothing to choose between us and UKW this week in terms of fan response. I have to believe we're getting there. Beat out 21CW too.
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[B]El Critico [/B]vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Gob Narfi [B]Johnny Highspot [/B]vs. Jonni Lowlife for the #1 Contendership Eric Future vs. [B]Billy Robinson[/B] [B]Merle O'Curle [/B]vs. K'Lee Hawkins in a two out of three falls match for the ROF Championship I'll go with Critico over Bulldozer (and Narfi has no chance) ... interesting match between tag partners. Highspot is better than Lowlife at this stage ... Robinson is far better than Eric Future, who needs to stay in a tag team for at least the next 10 years ... I don't see Hawkins as capable of carrying the main strap, so I'm going with O'Curle.
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El Critico vs. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Gob Narfi Bulldozer ain't losing to no damn Jumping Jack Flash from Mexico ¬_¬ [B]Johnny Highspot[/B] vs. Jonni Lowlife for the #1 Contendership Highspot is clearly superior to Lowlife. Eric Future vs. [B]Billy Robinson[/B] Eric is the future, but he's nowhere near the present. [B]Merle O'Curle[/B] vs. K'Lee Hawkins in a two out of three falls match for the ROF Championship Merle is a certified badass. Certified badasses don't lose to men called Kelly.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;298300] men called Kelly.[/QUOTE] I honestly think that detail drives my liking for him. I don't know why it should, but it does seem to. I'm having better results with K'Lee, by and large, than most seem to be, but I couldn't tell you why. As an aside, the random details put into the summaries by the program will, in next week's main event, start a very bizarre trend that seems massively out of character for ROF but which seems to be doing well for us. Stay tuned...
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Friday Week 3 March Norman Blue Athletics Centre 52 in attendance In the dark: the Bulldozer took on Critico and Gob Narfi, two grapplers I figured he should gel with. Narfi eventually ate the backdrop driver and took the pinfall at 14:47. Solid match, though. I'll take it over last week. RATING: D [B]Johnny Highspot vs. Jonni Lowlife for the #1 Contendership[/B] Tag team partners collide! Highspot put Lowlife away with a frog splash after thirteen minutes. Again, a solid match, and again, better than last week... RATING: D [B]Eric Future vs. Billy Robinson[/B] Donny told me he left Billy to call this one. Bad idea; it was weak. Maybe Billy just didn't like losing the match. Eric got the pin in 10:31 with a Time Slice. Donny keeps telling me Future X need a boost, and I gotta admit I'm not seeing it. RATING: D- [B]Merle O'Curle vs. K'Lee Hawkins in a two out of three falls match for the ROF Championship[/B] The two top dogs from last week clashed again. I've been trying since the start to build a situation where Merle, K'Lee, Sammy and Dragon are all guys who can be shoved into a title match against any of the others without anyone thinking any of this is odd, while using the bulk of the card to showcase the rest of the roster. I think I'm getting there. K'Lee tried hard but couldn't get it; Merle rolled him up after eighteen minutes and got his feet on the ropes for the three count, and while K'Lee came back and damn near killed him, at the twenty-nine minute mark Merle got clear of a crossface chickenwing with a low blow that the ref missed, and Merle immediately went to a scorpion deathlock for the submission to win in two straight falls. RATING: C In a lot of ways, we're treading water at this point, in terms of audience reaction; but every week word gets out to someone else. We're building a rep here, and that's the key to all this. OVERALL: C- On a definite plus side, all I have to do is maintain this and Sammy can have no cause for complaint. We're definitively better known in the Midlands, and the prestige of wrestling here, from what I can tell, has gone up. A number of our wrestlers are getting better known, too, to listen to locker room scuttlebutt; Merle more than most but we're not the only ones shoving him up there. Critico's actually got a small following out of Birmingham these days, and he seldom makes it online! ...And that is interesting. 21CW have stopped selling out their shows.
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Absolutely Flawless vs. Future X Velocidad vs. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] [B]Johnny Highspot [/B]vs. El Critico for the #1 Contendership [B]Merle O'Curle [/B]vs. UK Dragon for the ROF Championship in a submission match I'll go with Merle as it's a submission match. I love both those wrestlers though (in a manly, platonic kind of way)...Critico didn't beat Bulldozer, so he shouldn't be beating a champ either...Bulldozer to continue his roll...Tag match is hard to call as you seem to like neither the cheesy grins of the Martins or Future X. As Petey Barnes is by far the MVP of the 4 men involved, I'll go with Future X. Plus I chose them to lead my tag division in the early days!
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Friday Week 4 March Norman Blue Athletic Centre 52 in attendance Future X battled Absolutely Flawless in the dark. I left this one entirely up to Donny to script out, with no stipulations, and Donny put Petey over Lance with a Future Shock. I need to ask Donny how much upside he sees in X. RATING: D [B]Velocidad vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] Two talented openers. I gave them their full fifteen minutes of fame, close enough, and Velocidad put on a fantastic show as the plucky little guy, nearly winning twice with victory rolls and sunset flips. In the end, though, the Backdrop Driver was coming and it put him away at 14:37 RATING: D [B]Johnny Highspot vs. El Critico for the #1 Contendership[/B] See, Sammy? This is what I'm talking about. Imagine how well the crowd'll react when a) these two are properly known and b) we actually have a crowd. In one of our best midcard bouts since Merle moved out of the midcard these two tore it up over ten minutes before Highspot finally nailed the frog splash on his third attempt. It's his sixth defence; I have to figure out whether to keep him rolling for the record or move him on soon, really. RATING: D+ [B]Merle O'Curle vs. UK Dragon for the ROF Championship in a submission match[/B] Enh. This was really, really good, and then the ending hit, in (which surprised me) pretty much a replay of last week; Merle low blowed clear of a rear submission and locked in one of his own, this time a boston crab. Seems Donny loves the idea of repeating controversial main event finishes. If I ever do anything that really gets talked about they'll still be doing it in ten years. The fans weren't as appreciative this time. RATING: C- Afterward, Merle walked across to the Dragon and offered his hand. Either he was trying to con his way out of his dirty tricks or he wanted to apologise. I've gotta hand it to Dragon, he played it well, milking those 52 fans for all they were worth before shaking Merle's hand. RATING: C- Bah. A weak show, though we're still getting talked up. Membership on the forums is up. On the other hand, some of that may've been grapplers distracted by backstage shenanigans. Seems Highspot and Hawkins have taken a shine to each other and they're running a poker game in the locker room... OVERALL: D+ And we're STILL outdoing 21CW!
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Friday Week 1 April Norman Blue Athletic Centre 58 in attendance In the dark Amo del Gato and Gob Narfi tested Tigre Salvaje Jr, our newest signing. Narfi got the pin on Tigre with the Hammer of Thor at 12:37. Flow wasn't brilliant, despite scripting from Donny. I'm slowly reaching the conclusion he's not comfortable booking triple threats. Reasonable start, though, considering two of these guys have virtually no rep in the UK. RATING: E [B]UK Dragon vs. British Samurai[/B] Beautiful work from two wrestlers who've reached a point of knowledge of each other's style that's almost as good as having solid chemistry together. At 13:33 Dragon got the Dragon Drop for the win, but they both looked like champs out there. RATING: C [B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Johnny Highspot for the #1 Contendership[/B] If I'm building the flyers up, but also investing in the Bulldozer, I need to make sure he can mesh to their style. This was excellent; Brandon kicked out of the frog splash seven minutes in and turned a missile dropkick into a backdrop driver at the thirteen minute mark, only to see Johnny roll out of the ring before he could cover, and the battle was on in earnest – but two minutes proved to be too little for either man to finish the job and the time limit was upon them. RATING: D [B]Merle O'Curle vs. Petey Barnes for the ROF Championship in a two out of three falls match.[/B] Donny and Sammy have been on at me to give Petey a run with the main eventers and this was a testbed for that, see whether he could handle the length the main event runs at. Ideally I'd have matched him against a non-champion, but Merle has been well worth keeping in the longer slot for the last little while. Man, this was good. Petey came out hard and fast, targeting Merle's arms with a vicious assault, and very early on picked up a string of five near-falls before Merle caught him with a DDT to halt the pace. Petey kicked out and they eased off, a lot more cautious again, but he made the mistake of trying a wheelbarrow bulldog and ended up eating a German suplex at seventeen minutes in to lose the first fall. Then he came back with a vengeance; by twenty-four minutes in he was in a position to hit the Future Shock, went for it, and got caught with a low blow while the ref was unsighted. Merle tied him up in the Celtic Wreath and it was done. Strangely, the crowd didn't complain this time. RATING: B- Oh hell yeah. Best show yet by a long way. Seems like Petey's occasional appearances have made him a star without me noticing – thank heavens for booking committees, right? I can't help think that if my dark boys and the Bulldozer were all the way over this would've made headlines. Still good. OVERALL: C+ We beat UCR again. Sooner or later this will stop surprising me. Wish I'd had the chance to see their show live, though – they have good people. It bugs me that they're not gaining traction. For the first time since I started paying attention, though, we also outdid UKW. MOSC had their monthly show this week; as usual, it was trash, but what a shock. And 21CW didn't use any of our crossover talent and bombed. Well, except for this kid Turtle, who apparently looked pretty good. Apparently we're putting out the best product going of our 'competition'... And bear in mind, I'm enjoying our stuff, but this is still a depressing fact. If Sammy had done this before The Nova Incident the TV deal might've gone somewhere else, assuming I'd had time to build.
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Nice B- Always good when you get those B- and they start becoming more and more steady. [B]El Critico[/B] vs. Velocidad Both are fairly good, with little popularity in the UK, but I'm saying Critico has a bigger upside. British Samurai vs. [B]Petey Barnes[/B] Peteys push continues back to another shot sometime down the line. Johnny Highspot vs. [B]Don Henderson[/B] vs. Walter Morgan in an elimination match for the #1 Contendership Meh. [B] K'Lee Hawkins[/B] vs. Billy Robinson in a two out of three falls match Billy Robinson looks like a girl and I don't like him.
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[QUOTE=theunholyicon;298632] [B]El Critico[/B] vs. Velocidad Both are fairly good, with little popularity in the UK, but I'm saying Critico has a bigger upside. [/QUOTE] Yeah, I'd hate to be using them at this point in a British company that relied on overness more than ROF. As it is, they're pretty solid, and if ROF changes style along the way (fat chance) they should have built up a following. Critico in particular is picking up more popularity than I expected from his primarily-dark-match history. I'm wondering if some of my merchandise is a career retrospective DVD or something.
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