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up and down in weight classes.....

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as the owner/promoter will we have the ability to ask fighters to gain or lose wieght in order to fight in specific wieght classes? or will fighters have a listing or skill that states the different wight classes they can compete in? example: randy couture can fight as: light heavywieght heavywieght it would be cool if fighter had the flexibility to fight within one wieght class either direction.....
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To expand upon that: Fighters have minimum and maximum weights which effect what divisions they possibly can fight in. On top of that, whether they will want to change weight will also be controlled by the hidden Destiny stat for each fighter (so in one game a fighter may be cool with moving up a division, in another he may not). You can ask fighters to change by talking to them, and they can also change of their own accord (which is reported on the web site so that you can keep track).
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