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Southern Hardcore Wrestling: Backyard Wrestling In The UK

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/shwbanner.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Tahoma"][B][SIZE="3"]Wrestling In The UK:[/SIZE][/B] When you want to see wrestling live in the UK, there are 3 promotions out there for you to choose from. Starting with the oldest first, there is Men Of Steel Combat. MoSC were created back in 1980 at a time when the UK wrestling scene was virtually dead, and for over twenty years were the number one promotion in the country. This was because they had a sensible business plan, running low cost "blood, beer and brawling" shows for Northern crowds, and so were never in financial danger. They suffered a huge blow in 2006 when 21CW were taken over by Jeff Nova and got a TV deal, which almost overnight turned MoSC from number one to a very distant second. Since the 21CW revamp, MoSC have stayed mainly up in scotland where attendance hasn't slumped. Next there is Ring Of Fire. Ring Of Fire is a promotion from the Midlands, who have been slowly building up a reputation for offering good clean pure wrestling to UK fans. Originally they were owned by Geordie Jimmy Morris, but he left to try and find fame in Japan, and the group were taken over by British Samurai. They also suffered a big set-back in late 2006, when 21CW had a massive revival under Jeff Nova's leadership, and with a TV deal as the lure, managed to take a good proportion of ROF's talented roster away. ROF's venues of choice are spread across the midland and they rarely venture into Scotland or Southern UK. Finally there is 21st Century Wrestling. 21CW debuted in 2001 with a high-flying action-oriented product. Although a critical success, commercially they were a flop and struggled badly. In September 2006, on the brink of bankruptcy, they were taken over by UK celebrity Jeff Nova. His vision was to take the Sports Entertainment style that had made SWF a global power and give it a uniquely English twist. He used his fame to get them a TV deal, gave the promotion a virtual makeover, and the result was a complete change in fortunes. 21CW travel across the UK, performing at the larger venues, but rarely make it lower than London. And for 3 southerners living on the coast, the lack of live wrestling just wouldn't do. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/Kris.png[/IMG] [B]'Killer' Kris Adonis[/B][/CENTER]
Kris was your stereotypical bored teenager. He grew up watching downloaded episodes of Danger Zone TV and wanted to be Eric Tyler when he grew up. To that end, he began training at his local school at nights and built a mock ring in his backyard. At weekends, he would invite mates around to try re-enact bumps they had seen and invent new bumps to impress each other. After a few shows in his yard, Kris adopted the in-ring name of 'Killer' Kris Adonis, and became a regular at his local Accident & Emergency.
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/ThePhoenix.png[/IMG] [B]Adam a.k.a The Phoenix[/B][/CENTER]
At school, Adam could only have been described as an outcast. While he could join in with any group, he prefered the solitude of the local park to let his mind wander and come up with money making schemes. He would be frequently seen sitting in silence with his long time friend Tiffany, a girl who's past was speculated about but none of the local children knew for sure the exact circumstances behind her. One day Adam, caught sight of an ambulance turning up outside someones house and went over to investigate. A blooded Kris was being stretchered out having been knocked out during one of his 'shows'. 2 weeks later Kris was putting on another show, and Adam was in attendance. Kris invited Adam to participate in a match and although he was beaten very quickly without much of a fight, Adam was hooked, and began to discuss with Kris ways to improve.
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/tiffany.png[/IMG] [B]Tiffany Everclear[/B][/CENTER]
When Tiffany was young, she lost her parents. The stories that go around the neighbourhood claim that Tiffany was present at the time of their deaths but cant remember what happened. The police reports suggest that her father had found out about her mothers affair (and to be honest, everyone else knew) and had killed her before killing himself, but there were a lot of inconsistancies in the report to fully confirm that. Since that day, Tiffany was left in the care of her grandfather, who has reported hearing her crying at least once a week ever since. Not openingly vocal, Tiffany's friendship with Adam flourished due to the fact that he never pushed her for information and could quite happily sit in silence. However, both are starting to come of age, and Adam has started bringing Tiffany to Kris's events in the hopes of bringing Tiffany out of her shell.
[B][CENTER]****[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]With 'Killer' Kris's wrestling skills, The Phoenix's brains and business smarts, and Tiffany Everclear's looks, Southern Hardcore Wrestling was born, coming [B][U]LIVE[/U][/B] from Kris's backyard every month..[/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/backyard.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]January 2007:[/B] Southern Hardcore Wrestling began as more of an organisation than the club it had been previously, and a few of its founding members grew dissatified and left, with replacements being drafted in from the local area's bored youth. The Phoenix came up with the idea that while they wernt on an contract to appear, they would have to sign a waiver before each show that any injuries suffered as a result of the match were not the responsibility of SHW but of the injured party themselves. All SHW would do was call the ambulance or give them a lift to the hospital. While The Phoenix was working over the legal paperwork for SHW, Kris Adonis was working on a trademark match. For the shows before now a makeshift ring would be made in his yard but he actively promoted wrestlers to make use of the environment. He expanded this idea into what he called the SHW Backyard Wrestling Match. The rules were simple: [LIST][FONT="Tahoma"]Anything can be used as a weapon. Creativity would be key to find new ways of using the environment to injure your opponent or you could use any of the dangerous items stored in the shed to inflict damage[/FONT] [/LIST][LIST][FONT="Tahoma"]There were no pinfalls. The match either ends at a pre-arranged time limit or when your opponent cannot stand any longer. If the referee finds the opponent knocked out at any point, the match is over.[/FONT] [/LIST] With the matches sorted and offical SHW waivers in place, the advertising for the NEW & IMPROVED SHW began appearing on bustops and shop windows. [/FONT]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"]SHW Backyard Wrestling[/SIZE] [I]'Killer' Kris Adonis's Backyard[/I] Monday Week 3 January 2007 7 In Attendance [B]Match 1:[/B] Carl Edwards [B][I]Vs[/I][/B] Glen Ward Carl Edwards defeated Glen Ward in 7:34 when Glen Ward was knocked out. [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][B]Note:[/B] The 7 fans in attendance seemed to crap all over Carl Edwards, which isn't surprising considering Edwards was exhausted about 5 minutes in.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]Match 2:[/B] Manchester Fly Boy [I][B]Vs[/B][/I] The Minor Annoyance Manchester Fly Boy defeated The Minor Annoyance in 7:38 when The Minor Annoyance was pinned and could not beat a ten count. [B]Rating:[/B] F- [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][B]Note:[/B] I think the bring your own beer idea might have been a mistake. The crowd hated both of them, but at least they had the energy to go on to the end[/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]Match 3:[/B] Norman Gates [I][B]VS[/B][/I] 'Killer' Kris Adonis Norman Gates defeated 'Killer' Kris Adonis in 7:34 when 'Killer' Kris Adonis was knocked out. [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][B]Note:[/B] A hot crowd was against 'Killer' Kris Adonis,chanting for him to not come back. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]Final Rating:[/B] F[/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][B]Final Note:[/B] Even though they seemed to have hated all the wrestlers, the fans went away happy. Thats good to see.[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/house.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"] [I][B]Kris's Mums Living Room[/B][/SIZE][/I] With every new promotion, there are bound to be a few teething problems, and the first cropped up right away. The Phoenix had arranged some local sponsers for each show to help finance SHW and pay any appearance fees, however one workers fee was beyond paying. That man was Melvin Riggs. Riggs was a free spirited team mate from Kris Adonis' school years and was recommended for the road agent position by Kris himself. However with the first show just a day away, The Phoenix neglectfully never filled in the contract completely leaving Riggs to name his price. Riggs paid himself $500 for the appearance and ruined the budget for the next two months. When the charge was found out Riggs was let go and a cheaper replacement found in Darius Hughes, a former MoSC worker who had retired and settled down in the area. However Riggs' overcharging had got the bank on the case, and with everyone overdrawn, SHW would have to tighten the belt a little.[/FONT]
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[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][B]SHW Backyard Wrestling[/B] [I]'Killer' Kris Adonis's Backyard[/I] Monday Week 3 February 2007 6 Fans In Attendance[/CENTER] [B]Match 1:[/B] Glen Ward [B][I]Vs[/I][/B] Mike Peterson Mike Peterson defeated Glen Ward in 7:38 when Glen Ward could not beat a ten count [B]Rating:[/B] D- [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][B]Notes:[/B] [I]While the crowd didn't seem particularly thrilled with seeing Mike Peterson wrestle they still loved the match. It looks like Ward and Peterson have great chemistry and i think we could see them face off again and again.[/I][/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]Match 2:[/B] Norman Gates [B][I]VS[/I][/B] Pierre DuPont Pierre DuPont defeated Norman Gates in 7:50 when Norman Gates was pinned and could not beat a ten count. [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][B]Notes:[/B] [I]Not as good as the last match but at least the crowd wernt booing either of them.[/I] [/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]Match 3:[/B] 'Killer' Kris Adonis [B][I]VS[/I][/B] Tyrone Hughes 'Killer' Kris Adonis defeated Tyrone Hughes in 7:37 when Tyrone Hughes could not beat a ten count. [B]Rating:[/B] F [QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][B]Notes:[/B] [I]One of the problems with putting a retired wrestler back in the ring is lack of fitness and Tyrone Hughes was visibly tiring toward the end of his match.[/I][/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]Final Rating:[/B] F+[/FONT]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE][B][FONT="Arial"]To:[/B] The Owners of Southern Hardcore Wrestling We regret to inform you that your request for a loan has been declined. We feel that your 'business' doesn't have the potential to grow and repay this loan, and any attempt to support your venture would only mean a temporary reprieve from closure. However, should your circumstances change and SHW looks like it could support itself then perhaps we can look into a way of supporting you The Bank[/FONT][/QUOTE] Things were looking dire at SHW. With The Phoenix, Tiffany, and Kris all working for free, they had still lost $1,545 in just 2 months. The local sponsors were supplying $1,600 a month towards costs but after all the show marketing, and production costs had been paid, there was only $150 left to pay any workers that they wanted to appear that month. And paying the 5 wrestlers and 1 roadagent $125 a month meant that at the very least, SHW were losing $600 a month and the bank were warning about taking them to court for non payment.[/FONT]
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[FONT="Tahoma"]The bankruptcy case was fairly quick.. Despite SHW not putting on a show in their last month, once the sponsors had paid up, they still wound up being around $300 in debt, and the banks pulled the plug on the entire operation. The Phoenix took the brunt of most of the allegations, with Tiffany and Kris only being called in to explain The Phoenix's spending patterns.. They seized all of his assets, his flat and his car before declaring him bankrupt and kicking him out the courtroom. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] The court case was soon out of Kris's mind as he began the process of rebuilding his reputation. He began to bring back his friends who had left upon the formation of SHW and they began wrestling again in his yard, this time not as an organisation but just as something to do. Tiffany Everclear was clearly shook up that her best friend was the only one taking the blame for SHW's demise. She tried to consol him, but The Phoenix began to grow distant. The Phoenix was a broken man. After the court case, he wandered for a few days wondering what to do now, and he could barely look at Tiffany anymore. He felt like he had let her down, and decided to do something about it. A month after the court case, Tiffany headed to the house where The Phoenix was staying. Upon arrival, she found a note left to her:[/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Tiff.. I wish i could have told you this to your face, but i know that you would have wanted to join me, and i need to do this on my own. When i began SHW with you and Kris i wanted it to be something that would bring us closer together and bring you out of your shell, but all i did was get you drooled over by men wanting blood and paraded around for a court trying to decide the best way to punish me. Its not what i wanted for you. Im going away for a while. I need to take stock on my life and find some value in it. You know.. Something to live for.. While im gone, it gives you a chance to grow without me. Something you have never had a chance to do before. I dont know when i will be back, but when i am, your the first person im looking up.. Adam[/FONT][/QUOTE] [CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"]The End ........... or is it?[/FONT][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Clarity;307553]Yeah.. What part hooked you.. I do have a couple of plans for this though so stay tuned[/QUOTE] Well first off, your description of Adam aka Phoenix reminds me a lot of myself. He's a "Solitary Man" (oh yeah, I just quoted a Neil Diamond song) and I have a soft spot for people like that, especially since he seems pretty cool. Also, and don't laugh, but I'm a hopeless romantic, and as simple as the story is, it's effective. Adam really cares about Tiffany enough that he feels hat him leaving would in the end help her. I really hope this doesn't end. I want to see what develops between Tiffany and Adam. Actually, the only character I don't really like is Kris, but that's because to me he seems kind of one-dimensional, but your other are just amazing. Maybe I'm analyzing too much :D
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Kris never had too much development during the SHW-era but there was a story arc i was planning on taking him on which i never quite got around to. Right now im trying to decide the best way of carrying this on.. although maybe i should put it out there for opinions. [B]1)[/B] The first option would be advance the game 6 months or so and see what promotions are hiring, and jump back into the game/story there. [B]2)[/B] Bring the characters into WreSpi2 as part of Adam's quest [B]3)[/B] Drop the games from the story and just write what i think should happen next
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Don't do the Wrespi thing. Definitely don't drop the TEW part of the game either. Maybe create a resurgence. Kris moves to a different region (maybe out of the country) and starts up a new wrestling promotion backed by small time investors or something. The mix of TEW and the story was amazing and I think it should continue.
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