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Harlem Wrestling Alliance: Yes, it's as bad as it seems...

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Ok, I haven't forgotten about this, but one of my friends was involved in an auto accident and I've been with them since. So, basically it might be another couple of days or so before I get back to this. Thanks in advance to understanding and being a loyal reader. I will be coming back to this, don't worry. km007
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Sent out a feelers to two generated workers: [B]Glenn Head[/B], a decent well-rounded grappler and [B]Victor McMahon[/B], a referee that literally oozes charisma. No, really, he does. I had him in my office for a meeting and when he left, there was this going substance all over my desk and floor. Or was that something else? Nah, there’s no way that guy busted on my desk…or did he? [B]Glenn Head[/B] signed for the hefty sum of $125. He’s a lower midcard babyface, which means he’s stuck between [B]Bulletproof[/B] and [B]The Rainbow Warrior[/B] in terms of sheer awesomeness. Now it’s time to saddle him with a gimmick that will make the crowd turn on him, because let’s face it, my crowd hates everybody…except for the racist’s people…weird… I got a new office. Actually, I just roam the halls because I don’t want to return to my office…. Then I signed [B]Victor McMahon[/B]. Maybe it’s the name, maybe it’s the bona fide charisma, or maybe it’s that he’s serving out his punishment for desecrating my desk, but regardless, he’s a part of the HWA family now. [B]Chicago Championship Wrestling[/B], developmental of the [B]APWF[/B], has signed [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] to a PPA deal and they’re on the verge of offering him a developmental deal. Not good folks, not good at all…[B]KKK[/B] is going to be ****ed. [B]Redneck Bill’s[/B] contract came up for renewal. Yeah, I laughed too… The American Independent show is still out drawing us and putting on better shows…wow, we suck. But at least we suck Hard(core)… That was funnier in my head… [B]Tron the Pusher[/B] said on the radio that the more he gets pushed, the worse he performs. Well don’t worry too much Tron, because your *** ain’t ever getting pushed. In a side note, how did Tron the Pusher get on the radio? Honestly, anyone know? We tried to make a big hire…but then I remembered who I booked for, so that idea was redundant…
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Hold Down the Block[/COLOR] 4th Week, June, Friday, 1975 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Jack Vandal[/B] vs.[B] Warren Young[/B] The ongoing battle between the self-proclaimed “Savior of All Things Wrestling” and the owner of the HWA has been heated and violent. Will they settle their differences in the much hyped Submission match? Or will this feud of tradition versus change continue. Time will tell since it’s the only other feud not based around the word ‘Honkey.’ [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] vs. [B]Disco Stu[/B] The champion and challenger each get a warm-up bout before their big match at July’s New York State of Mind. If you really have any doubts about who’s going to win this one, leave now. [B]KKK[/B] vs. [B]Lefty Jenson[/B] Ditto. But the King of New York championship will be on the line. (hey, I have to give the people some reason to watch…)[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Hold Down the Block[/COLOR] 4th Week, June, Friday, 1975 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 34 people (No F’n Way) All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Match** [B]Glenn Head [/B]defeated [B]Redneck Bill[/B] via pinfall. Notes: Redneck Bill is gone mutha******’! The crowd won’t miss him or his abomination of his profession. And they still hate him. Head tried to get the crowd behind him. He even tried to start a cheer by banging on the turnbuckle and chanting ‘What does everybody want!?’ The crowd promptly told him to shut the **** up. [B]F+[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Magnum Johnson [/B]defeated [B]Disco Stu[/B]. Notes: It’s almost blasphemy to not have our biggest star on the actual show. Oh well, he didn’t fit. He’ll deal with it. And they both have great chemistry together. Figures… [B]D-[/B] With Johnson walking up the ramp posing to the crowd, KKK jumps him from behind. Totally unprepared for such an assault, Johnson is helpless to stop the attack. KKK piledrives Johnson right on the stage, sending a clear message to his foe about what lies ahead at HWA: New York State of Mind. [B]E[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] [B]KKK[/B] defeated [B]Lefty Jenson[/B]. (Was there really any doubt?) KKK makes defense number 2 of the King of New York championship…while in New Jersey… Notes: Lefty Jenson? Really? Like he would have any chance at winning a title? [B]E+[/B] A transparency hype video/colored drawing by [B]Old Man Rivers[/B] runs/is shown to the crowd for next month’s showdown between KKK and Magnum Johnson. [B]E[/B] (Camera shows backstage area where [B]Victor McMahon[/B] is with his client, [B]Warren Young[/B]) [COLOR="Green"]“Ladies and Gentlemen, this man right here is the owner and founder of the HWA. He does everything he can to keep this company afloat. He pours his own money and covers everything. He protects this company from the evil with-in, and that’s you Mr. Jack Vandal. See, hardcore wrestling isn’t out of place here. Maybe if you went to Florida, or California, or even Canada, they’d look at you funny, but not here. Not in the Tri-State. These people, my people, our people, are different. We don’t do things like the rest of the country. We are on the cutting edge of the country here. We are on the cutting edge of entertainment. We are going to revolutionize the sport of professional wrestling whether you like it or not Mr. Vandal. So go ahead, stage your crusade and try to smite us. But Mr. Vandal, I assure you, you will not end hardcore wrestling because hardcore wrestling is the next era, the next generation. It will far outlive you. So fight my client Mr. Young, do what you must. But don’t think that somehow obtaining a victory over my client will somehow end the next revolution in the industry…”[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] (With that, Warren Young makes his way to the ring) [B]Jack Vandal[/B] defeated [B]Warren Young[/B] via submission after using the ring bell when the referee’s back was turned. Notes: Oh come on. An E, Really? They couldn’t do better than that? That sucks. Damn you Vandal and damn you Young. Well, not Young, you sign my paycheck. Praise be to Young! [B]E[/B] Final Grade: [B]E[/B] Awful, awful show. It was a success and raised our popularity, but it should have been so much better. But we did set an attendance record; I’ll take that any day. And the lack of stereotyping black people was missing from this one. I miss all the jive talking. Maybe that accounts for the low rating…I’ll have to make up for it next show.
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Our popularity is at 5.9% but our prestige is only at 4.4% and money keeps disappearing… But that’s not because of [B]Redneck Bill[/B], cause he’s gone. Nice transition, huh? Offered two more contracts. If I would have signed them, they would cost the equivalent of one show. Needless to say, they’re still unemployed. Just like Redneck Bill! Take that you worthless piece of ****. We outdrew the American Independent show!! Yea, it’s a slow news month… [B]Disco Stu[/B] was resigned. I didn’t have much choice, I do have a wrestling company to promote…not that Disco Stu helps, it’s just a war of attrition in Harlem right now… [B]Championship Wrestling from Boston[/B] is in need of a new booker now that [B]Iron Mike Milligan[/B] has left the company. As a joke, I applied. As an answer, I got a dollar. Are we really that poor that other companies feel bad for us?
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: New York State of Mind[/COLOR] 4th Week, July, Friday, 1975 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] vs. [B]KKK[/B] The feud that runs HWA (literally) has reached the second match-up between the two biggest stars in the promotion. While the gold will be on the line, this match-up isn’t about wrestling at all, but about racial equality. Will Magnum Johnson do for the black population what Malcolm X or Martin Luther King Jr. did? No, no he won’t, but you should still tune in to see what goes down. Does it really matter? Look at the main event, nothing we do can top that.[/CENTER]
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Magnum Johnson for the title and the win! Because Triple K is on his way out to greener pastures... well... at least pastures with less blacktop! (Yup, worked in a racist joke there.) You need some jive talkin', honkey hatin' deep soul bruthas in the next update. And you could revolutionize history by inventing the hibby... the dippy the hip hop n' dontcha dare stop! He can work with the pimp and the pusher! Old school boom box as a foreign object. Hell yah! Love the blaxplotation! (Even d/l'ed the 1975 mod to get a better idea of the characters.)
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: New York State of Mind[/COLOR] 4th Week, July, Friday, 1975 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 32 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Match** [B]Glenn Head [/B]defeated [B]Bulletproof[/B] via submission. Notes: This is just to get Glenn some experience. I figure if you can survive a match against Bulletproof, you’re good to go in the HWA. And the fans still hate Bulletproof with a passion…and no, not of the Christ… [B]F+[/B] **Dark Promo** ([B]Jack Victory [/B]& [B]Lefty Jenson[/B] bump into each other backstage) [COLOR="red"]“Who the **** are you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“I’m Lefty Jenson. I was in a title match last month. I almost won.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Yea, and I’m ****ing Tina Turner.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“No, it’s true, I was. Ask anybody.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“And I’m really ****ing Tina Turner, matter of fact, I don’t know why I’m here. I should be with her. Oh wait, I’m here to beat the **** outta snot nose bastards like you. Thinking hardcore wrestling is the right thing to do, you’re pathetic.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“I’m pathetic? You had to cheat to beat Warren Young last month. That’s pathetic.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“You lil’ bitch…You know I’m going to kick your *** for saying that I’d have to cheat to beat a ****tard like Young.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Whoa, whoa. What’s going on back here? Come on Jack, what are you doing? And you Lefty, upset that you couldn’t win the big one? You know what, how about both of you wrestle each other tonight since you’re so ****ed at each other.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“I’m going to make Lefty wish he switched over and wrestled Righty.”[/COLOR] (Vandal walks away.) [COLOR="Blue"]“What the hell did that mean?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Got me…”[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Jack Victory[/B] defeated [B]Lefty Jenson[/B] via pinfall. Notes: Lefty could use something to freshen up his character. What the hell is Lefty’s character? Pasty white dude? [B]E[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] [B]Warren Young[/B] & [B]Mr. G [/B]are already in the ring, ready to start off the show! [B]Mr. G[/B] defeated [B]Warren Young[/B] via interference from Jack Vandal. Notes: For as short as this was, and for the ending, E+ is fine. That’s something we all can live with. [B]E+[/B] ([B]Victor McMahon[/B] is in the ring interview [B]Magnum Johnson[/B]) [COLOR="Green"]“Any choice words for your opponent tonight Magnum?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Ya know, this is some bad ****. Some cracka-*** honkey saying that my people ain’t worth it. Saying that because of my skin color, I’m bad. *****, you have no idea how bad I am. I’m so bad I kick my own ass. So take your poor Spam eatin’ *** back to what eva white supremacist mutha******’ decided to spawn you. Times are changing. Shaft is the future, not Gerald Ford. *****, who would vote for that rangy *** whitey? The dude’s so old…"[/COLOR] ([B]KKK [/B]jumps Johnson from behind. He beats him with the butt of the microphone until he’s satisfied. McMahon and Stripeshirt force KKK out of the ring. With a smirk, he gets ready for his match to begin. When he enters the ring, Magnum sits up. KKK is in disbelief. Stripeshirt checks on Johnson, and rings the bell to start the match.) [B]D[/B] [B]Magnum Johnson [/B]defeated [B]Krooked Kop Kyle [/B]by disqualification. KKK became frustrated because Johnson wouldn’t be pinned, so he snapped and continually pummeled Johnson with a steel chair. Stripeshirt called for the bell, awarding Johnson the victory. Notes: They still don’t click… [B]D-[/B] Final Grade: [B]D-[/B] Success and population boost. Notes: Yeah! We’re back on track. D- shows at HWA are like a Jewish Christmas, meaning they rarely happen…
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[B]Championship Wrestling from Boston[/B] have made an offer to[B] KKK[/B], hoping to make him a part time player in their mid card. He’ll get more exposure…but he’ll command a larger paycheck from me too… Rookie high-flier [B]Eddie Vessey[/B] has signed a short term deal with the HWA. He’ll get a few tryout matches to see if he can hang with the big boys in Harlem…aka, not be killed by Bulletproof… KKK accepted CWB’s offer. [B]American Independent Circuit Wrestling[/B] has grown in size to the Regional level. This isn’t good because now they need talent and we’re the only place that they can pillage from… [B]Bulletproof’s [/B]contract has come up for renewal…let’s see what he wants… The HWA is not proud to proclaim that they have come to agree on a contract extension for the true bastardizer of the profession, Bulletproof. He knows what his role will be and will do his best, but more likely his worst. He released a statement following the signing of the contract, which we quote [COLOR="Red"]“Yo fool, all I care ‘bout is da duckets baby, da duckets.”[/COLOR] Thank you Mr. Proof…
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Public Enemy No. 1[/COLOR] 4th Week, August, Friday, 1975 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] & [B]Warren Young [/B]vs. [B]KKK[/B] & [B]Jack Vandal[/B] The biggest tag team match of the century [B]Omar Grandsbury[/B] (sucks) vs. [B]Glenn Head[/B] (sucks a little less) If this gets an F+, I’m satisfied… [B]Mr. G [/B]vs. [B]Tron the Pusher[/B] Come one, come all to see Mr. Chicken Wing connoisseur take on Mr. Doesn’t Show Up…In a battle of the unbeatens who will reign supreme? [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Public Enemy No.1[/COLOR] 4th Week, August, Friday, 1975 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 27 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Match** [B]Eddie Vessey[/B] defeated [B]The Rainbow Warrior [/B]via pinfall in 5:47. Notes: I didn’t expect much more from this, just wanted to see how the crowd treated the rook. Needless to say, as long as you’re not gay or black, the HWA crowd loves you… [B]F+[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Glenn Head[/B] defeated [B]Omar Grandsbury [/B]via pinfall in 4:34. Notes: Wow…the crowd hates Omar, he needs a gimmick change, he was off his game, and these two don’t click…I thought I got rid of Redneck Bill… [B]F+[/B] **Intermission** (Camera shows [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] backstage with the Head Booker…aka, [B]me[/B]) [COLOR="Blue"]“One mo’ shot, that’s all I’m askin’. Let me get this honkey right where I want ‘em.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“You get one shot, and one shot only. You don’t beat him this time, you’re not getting another title shot. There’s more deserving men on the roster. I can’t be giving you every title shot.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“*****, please. That cracka *** hoe Lefty got a shot last month. Don’t be dissing me *****, don’t. You know what I be doing with these Hush puppies….shwip, right up yo ***. Dig that honkey cat.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Ok, I’ll try to…”[/COLOR] [B]C[/B] (Oh snap) ([B]Tron the Pusher[/B] makes his way to the ring, to little fan fare.) ([B]Mr. G[/B] interrupts his entrance by showing up on stage with the only backup mic that the HWA owns...please don't break it, please don't break it, please don't break it...) [COLOR="Red"]“I don’t know how many of you all know this, but I’m undefeated in the HWA. I’m one of the most recognized stars of the promotion. Whether it be curb stomping a fool or laying waste to the many that want what I got, you people know the name Mr. G. If you knows it, and I knows it, then why the **** don’t management knows it. Tron, you an unlucky bitch tonight. I’m gonna prove my worth against your sorry black ***.”[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [B]Mr. G [/B]defeated [B]Tron the Pusher [/B]via pinfall Notes: The crowd despises Tron…and he’s the good guy. He connects with our crowd though, he’s a F’n drug dealer…and Mr. G was off his game, super… [B]E[/B] ([B]KKK[/B] confronts [B]me[/B] backstage) [COLOR="red"]“What the **** is your problem?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Wha…who? Me?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Yeah you”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“I’m actually doing quite well Kyle…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Then what in the story book world of blue hell made you grant that inkface a title shot. I’ve already beaten that powder burn, what more do I got to do? Hell, I figured at least a white man would have more sense than that…”[/COLOR] (KKK storms off) [COLOR="green"]“Ok…that was different…”[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] (KKK and Johnson are talking on every show now…) [B]KKK[/B] and [B]Jack Vandal [/B]defeated [B]Magnum Johnson [/B]and [B]Warren Young [/B]when KKK pinned Young using a handful of tights. Notes: I have no complaints with these. It advanced two, yes two storylines. But even better was the fact that it didn’t suck the sweat off of a goats balls…which happens a lot in the HWA, especially in the lower card… [B]D-[/B] Final Grade: [B]E+[/B] Notes: **** that ****! That’s a D show if I ever saw one. Someone’s going to pay…
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[B]Magnum Johnson [/B]has switched from being a brawler to being more of an entertainer…hey, whatever floats your boat kid, you still suck… Now I know why he changed his style…[B]SWF[/B] has offered him a PPA contract…I’m not happy about this… And now its official…he signed with [B]Eisen[/B]…This is not good. [B]OLLIE [/B]fell in size. They are now classified as a cult promotion. This does nothing for the HWA though. [B]Action Jackson[/B] has come up for a contract renewal. Needless to say, he will be back even though he’ll command an exuberant amount of money…well, for the HWA anyway… And [B]Mr. G’s[/B] contract has come up too…don’t worry, he’ll be back. He’s a franchise player in the realm of the HWA. [B]Redneck Bill[/B] Update: Still sucks
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Ready to Die[/COLOR] 4th Week, September, Friday, 1975 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] vs. [B]Jack Vandal[/B] Magnum has a tough test ahead of him in Vandal, but surely his eyes are set towards next month’s HWA: Shook Ones, where he’ll be challenging KKK for the King of New York Championship. The Self-proclaimed Savior of Professional Wrestling might use this match as his proving ground that he deserves a shot at the top, and only, title in HWA. [B]KKK[/B] vs. [B]Jacques Strapp[/B] The Canadian mat specialist makes his HWA debut by challenging KKK for the King of New York championship! There’s so many potential problems involved with this…oh, let’s list them: It’s the King of New York title, it’s defended in New Jersey, Strapp is Canadian…yeah, you get the picture… [B]Dancin’ Rick[/B] & [B]Disco Stu[/B] ([COLOR="red"]Boogie Nights[/COLOR]) vs. [B]Eddie Vessey[/B] & [B]Glenn Head[/B] (umm…any suggestions readers?) What do you get when you mix inexperience with disco? Suck to the power of x. Plus, everybody’s favorite former college quarterback, [B]Warren Young[/B], will make some type of appearance! That will surely boost the **** out of the ratings![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Ready to Die[/COLOR] 4th Week, September, Friday, 1975 Held at: The Weston Gymnasium in front of 36 people All matches contested under hardcore rules unless listed otherwise[/CENTER] **Dark Promo** Hype Transparency plays showing [B]KKK[/B] vs. [B]Magnum Johnson [/B]for next month’s [COLOR="red"]HWA: Shook Ones.[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Boogie Nights [/B]defeated [B]Vessey[/B] & [B]Glenn[/B] when Dancin’ Rick pulled the tights of Vessey during the pinfall. Notes: I don’t really expect much from these four. It’s just to see if I can do something with my tag division while building some new stars… [B]F+[/B] **Dark Match** [B]Warren Young[/B] beat the **** out of [B]Bulletproof[/B] Notes: It did what it was supposed to do… [B]F+[/B] **Dark Promo** (After his match, Young grabs a mic from ringside) [COLOR="Blue"]“All right Jack, I’ve had enough of this. We’ve battled in singles matches. We’ve battled in tag matches. We’ve battled in specialty matches. Yet, we are still feuding. So I ask you Jack, you vs. me one more time. In two month’s time, at November’s HWA: Through the Wire, you fight me in a barbed wire match. You beat me, then no more hardcore wrestling. I beat you, well…let’s just say it will be more than interesting…"[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] [CENTER]**Intermission**[/CENTER] ([B]KKK[/B] is in the ring with a mic, ready to address the crowd) [COLOR="red"]“You people, yeah I’m talking about the ****ing monkey’s in the audience, are telling me that Magnum Johnson, the dirtiest moolie of them all, gets another chance at my title? Hell, why don’t we just open the floodgates of hell and let all the South Africans wrestle me. I’ll beat them all, but seriously, when’s a white man going to get his? It’s almost like they’re putting unqualified *****’s in positions over qualified whites. That ain’t right. Guess I’ll just have to pull the whip out and show these people a thing or two…”[/COLOR] ([B]Jacques Strapp[/B] makes his debut and heads toward the ring) [B]D-[/B] [B]KKK[/B] defeated [B]Jacques Strapp [/B]via pinfall to make another defense of the King of New York Championship. Notes: Strapp is just here to make the other guys look good. [B]E+[/B] ([B]Magnum Johnson[/B] is on stage with a mic) [COLOR="blue"]“A moolie? A monkey? A *****? Really? Ya know Kyle, you should really stop puttin’ me down cuz it’s gonna make you feel a whole lot worse when I leave next month with that piece of gold you got round your waist. I don’t gotta tell you how bad my Hush Puppies are shakin’, waiting to kick some fine cracka’ ass. They haven’t been this excited sine Dolemite came out. Now dig that sucka.”[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] and [B]Jack Vandal [/B]drew when the ref had to call the match. KKK attacked Magnum Johnson and following that attack, Warren Young came down to beat on Jack Vandal. Gus Stripeshirt couldn’t maintain order, so he stopped the match. Notes: Can you say cluster****? Cause that’s what this was. [B]D-[/B] Final Grade: [B]D-[/B] Notes: Hells yea, that’s what I’m talking about. We are consistently putting on D- shows now. In theory, our next two shows should be our best yet. My hope is that one or both crack the D mark. That’s sad isn’t it? And now that I’ve said that, those two shows will bomb balls.
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[QUOTE=km007;311652]Yea, that is totally my bad...I'm an original ecw fan, so Victory's name keeps popping up...I'll make sure to watch it more carefully next time...[/QUOTE] Go with it. Jack Vandal Victory - JVV...it has a ring, eh? Eh!?!
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Somehow [B]Tron the Pusher[/B] keeps getting on the radio. Don’t ask me how. My guess? He’s the DJ’s weed guy. [B]KKK [/B]extended his deal with [B]AICW[/B]. When we get bigger, we’re going to rage a gangland war on those punk ass *******. We made a super secret signing. Yes, it’s super secret. If it turns out he super sucks, then it’s not a big deal…he better not super suck anything…We have [B]The Rainbow Warrior[/B] for that... [B]OLLIE[/B] lost their television spot…Mexico has never been so depressed…besides the whole dirty thing… [B]The Sultan[/B] has been jailed for two years. No one cares.
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Shook Ones[/COLOR] 4th Week, October, Friday, 1975 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Magnum Johnson[/B] vs. [B]Krooked Kop Kyle[/B] in a scaffold match The feud to end all feuds. Will Johnson prevail or will the white race remain supreme? Who will walk out of shook ones with the King of New York championship. [B]Jack Vandal [/B]vs. [B]Lefty Jenson[/B] It’s time to tune up the band as Vandal takes on Jenson in a battle of white people… [B]Warren Young [/B]vs. [B]Super Secret Mystery Signing[/B]… Who is Warren Young facing? Why is it such a secret? Who could this possible mega superstar be? [B]Buck Winslow[/B]? [B]American Giant[/B]? [B]Dan Stone[/B]? [B]Rocky Streets[/B]? [B]Tyson Lang[/B]? Who is it? The suspense is killing me…[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=km007;311945][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]HWA: Shook Ones[/COLOR] 4th Week, October, Friday, 1975 The Weston Gymnasium [COLOR="Blue"][B]Magnum Johnson[/B] [/COLOR]vs. [B]Krooked Kop Kyle[/B] in a scaffold match The King of New York, the Sultan of Soul, the Baddest Mutha F***a in your Hood... [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jack Vandal [/B][/COLOR]vs. [B]Lefty Jenson[/B] Jack Vandal... He needs start vandalizing stuff, or the HWA fans are probably to reject him. [B]Warren Young [/B]vs.[COLOR="Blue"] [B]El Patron[/B]… [/COLOR] Pssssssshyeah right. Like El Patron would be caught dead in HWA.
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