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C:True Hollywood Story..

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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]C(ornellverse)True Hollywood Story[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Hello everybody and welcome to the newest edition of the C True Hollywood Story! This is the story of the biggest and best wrestling promotion in the Cornellverse today, the one and only [B]Supreme Wrestling Federation.[/B] The promotion is lead by the most controversial and most successful entrepreneurs in the history of the world, Richard Eisen. Eisen single handedly destroyed the territorial system that was once in place during the early days of wrestling. Some fans and former wrestlers despise the man for this, calling him a cheat saying he used under handed tactics. Eisen who doesn’t dispute that he didn’t always play fair is also beloved but his employees. With the territorial system out of the way, wrestlers no longer had to wrestle for more then one promotion, some guys even wrestled for as many as a dozen at a time. Traveling from coast to coast for only a few hundred dollars, Eisen changed that when he offered what is now called written contracts. A written contract is just what it sounds like: a written agreement between Rich and his employees that states that they cannot leave him until the contract is over. This is the story from 2007 and on, taking an in depth look at the promotion, in a way that wrestling hasn’t been seen from. Eisen has been on top of the wrestling world for a long, long time, so long that when we asked him, he responded by telling us that he couldn’t even remember how long it has been. But the end of 2006 made it a little tougher on the man, as his main rivals TCW also known as Total Championship Wrestling was hot on his heels and his old employee, one of the best even he admits that he ever had Sam Strong took over the up and coming United State Pro Wrestling. So on January 1st, 2007 Richard Eisen decided to change things forever, he changed his product, it was already dedicated to sports entertainment but this new formula he cooked up meant that any wrestler could probably become a star at any given time. [B][COLOR="Red"]The Formula:[/COLOR] [/B] [B]Key:[/B] Mainstream [B]Heavy:[/B] Comedy [B]Medium:[/B] Cult, Risque [B]Low:[/B] Hardcore [B]None: [/B]Traditional, Modern, Realism, Hyper Realism, Lucha, Pure, Daredevil [B]Match Ratio:[/B] 50% [B]Match Intensity:[/B] 20% [B]Match Danger: [/B]0% [B]Minor Match: [/B]5 minutes [B]Medium Match:[/B] 8 minutes [B]Main Match:[/B] 13 Minutes [B]Face/Heel Divide:[/B] Strong [B][COLOR="Red"]Promotion Pacts[/COLOR][/B] [B]WAR: [/B]DAVE, USPW, TCW [B]Child Company:[/B] Rhode Island Pro [B]Working Agreement[/B]: NOTBPW, UCR Eisen also made a couple of goals that he wanted to stay true to, for 2 years he wouldn’t sign any body who wasn’t resilient (B-) because he decided he didn’t want to waste money paying for guys who got hurt all the time, he also wasn’t going to be signing any wrestlers over the age of 35 because they are more likely to be hurt then younger guys. (Except the guys I already sent out offers to!) For one year, he didn’t want to fall from his top spot. He was international and he didn’t plan on falling off his high horse. With his show airing in both the USA and the UK that didn’t seem like it could ever happen.. or could it? [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Magenta"]The Roster:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Heels[/COLOR]-[COLOR="Blue"]Faces[/COLOR] [B]Main Eventers[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Remo Runaway Train[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Christian Faith Enygma Jack Bruce Skull DeBones Steve Frehley[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders: [/B] [COLOR="Red"]Angry Gilmore Eric Eisen Joe Sexy Rich Money Sam Keith Squeeky McClean[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Elmo Benson[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Big Smack Scott Enforcer Roberts Frederique Antonio Garcia Kurt Laramee Marc DuBois[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Brett Biggz Calamari Kid Groucho Bling Jumbo Shrimp Lobster Warrior Robbie Retro[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Akima Brave Bart Biggz Kid Toma Randy Bumfhole Zimmy Bumfhole[/COLOR] [B]Openers:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Grease Hogg Knuckles Lead Belly Shady K[/COLOR] [B]Enhancement:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Andre Jones[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Mikel Alonso[/COLOR] [B]Manager:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]The Guru[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jessie Dawn The Cheerleader[/COLOR] [B]Announcers and Color:[/B] Duane Fry Jerry Eisen Peter Micheals Ana Garcia [B]Refs:[/B] Darren Smith Ric Young Shane Stones [B]Authority:[/B] Richard Eisen [B]Road Agent:[/B] Chief 2 Eagles [B]Tag Teams:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Death Row:[/COLOR] Knuckles and Shady K [COLOR="Blue"]High Concept:[/COLOR] Groucho Bling and Elmo Bensen [COLOR="Red"]Sexual Aggresion:[/COLOR] Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore [COLOR="Red"]The Almighty Dollar:[/COLOR] Remo and Rich Money [COLOR="Blue"]The Amazing Bumfholes:[/COLOR] The Bumfholes [COLOR="Blue"]The Biggz Boyz: [/COLOR]The Biggz Brothers [COLOR="Red"]The Dirty White Boys: [/COLOR]Grease Hogg and Lead Belly [COLOR="Blue"]The Samoan Wildboyz:[/COLOR] Akima Brave and Kid Toma [COLOR="Blue"]The Squid Squad: [/COLOR]Calamari Kid and Jumbo Shrimp [COLOR="Blue"]The Underwater Union:[/COLOR] Lobster Warrior and Calamari Kid [COLOR="Blue"]The Warriors of The Deep:[/COLOR] Lobster Warrior and Jumbo Shrimp [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Champions:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] SWF Shooting Star: Zimmy Bumfhole SWF North American: Rich Money SWF World Heavyweight: Runaway Train SWF World Tag Team: Brett and Bart Biggz[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]SWF Supreme TV Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][COLOR="White"]SWF When Hell Freezes Over is just two weeks away and nothing has been announced yet! Rumors have been swirling all over the world as just what will happen at the first Pay Per View of 2007. Mr. Authority Richard Eisen vowed to not let the fans know anything until 2007, and now that it is 2007 what will Eisen have to say about the first pay per view of the new year? Two of the biggest, heaviest hitters in Wrestling history will go head to head when the Big Smack Scott the most controversial man in wrestling today will take on the up and coming “Disco Stud” Robbie Retro. What will happen when this two Titans of the ring meet one on one in a match that could catapult the winner into the title scene? “The King Of The Streets” Kurt Laramee will also be in action on the first card of 2007, Kurt has named himself as the big favorite but his opponent “The Spanish Phenom” Mikel Alonso wants to prove that 2006 was just a bad year and that 2007 holds something better. Dawn The Cheerleader has signed his tag team The Biggz Boyz up for a match against Lead Belly and Grease Hogg, The Dirty White Boys in a non-title tag team match. What will happen when the champs take on one of the meanest, hungriest tag teams in recent history? If the White Boys win, will they get a title shot? Will the law be enforced this week on SWF Supreme TV when Enforcer Roberts tries to do just that when he takes on former SWF Tag team champion and SWF training camp graduate, Randy Bumfhole. With no challengers named yet for any title what will be in store for Zimmy Bumfhole, Rich Money, and Runaway Train? Will the champs find out who they will fight at when Hell Freezes Over? Will they be in action? Will there be contender matches? Will they even be champions by the end of the night? The only thing that you know for sure, is that you don’t know anything for sure when you watch SWF Supreme TV so who else will appear? What else will happen? The only reason to find out the answers to all these questions is to watch SWF Supreme TV, Live tonight at 9:00 Eastern time on America-Sports-1[/COLOR]. [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Confirmed matches: [/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="White"]Big Smack Scott vs. Robbie Retro Kurt Laramee vs. Mikel Alonso The Dirty White Boys vs. The Biggz Boyz Enforcer Roberts vs. Randy Bumfhole[/COLOR][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[B]Big Smack Scott[/B] vs. Robbie Retro [I]Gimme some BSS[/I] Kurt Laramee vs. [B]Mikel Alonso[/B] [I]Meh.[/I] The Dirty White Boys vs. [B]The Biggz Boyz[/B] [I]I like em, what can I say.[/I] [B] Enforcer Roberts[/B] vs. Randy Bumfhole Kind of a weak card considering all the stars in SWF? Just my opinion though.
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Thank you all for your predictions and comments. If you want I can give the winner of the predictions a special task every show or maybe every month, something small that will affect the diary? Sorry it took so long, I tried hard and had to create some storylines. Hope you enjoy the show.. [CENTER][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"][B]SWF Supreme TV[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE][B]Preshow:[/B] [B]Eric Eisen beats Akima Brave[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]Eric Eisen got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren't impressed. The announcing quality lifted the match. This match lifted the crowd. [/SIZE][/I] [B]Squeeky McClean beats Lobster Warrior[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]This match lifted the crowd. Lobster Warrior is improving in Performance skills. [/SIZE][/I] The brand new ultra cool video of Supreme Wrestling Federation starts off the night as the pyro goes off on stage and the camera pans the audience, not stopping any where in particular but we can see a sign that says The Underwater Union Rox My Sox and another one that says Rich has no $$, there were plenty more but if I went through them all, I wouldn’t have any to use at the next show. Anyway the camera goes to far and has to pan backwards to the announce table where we have the familiar faces of Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen. They are both looking fantastic, and their spirits reflect that as they talk about the end of 2006 and run down the unstar studded card that is kicking off 2007, they get cut off right in the middle though. [B]An Announcement [/B] Richard Eisen, the commissioner of SWF makes his way down to the ring, in his normal swagger, looking like an idiot. Oh no that was a different owner. Eisen makes his way down to the ring in a normal pace, walking like an every day human being, although he is dressed better and looks a lot nicer. Eisen makes his way into the ring and calls for the microphone as he does every time he gets into the ring. I have been running a smooth sailing operation in the industry for a very long time and never have I ever had a single problem with a wrestler as I do now with a man, he’s not even a man. Christian Faith, for the past 2 months you have been in the back, playing jokes on the boys, talking about the boss. (the fans begin to boo franticly at the thought of their hero doing such a terrible thing). You think I didn’t hear about that? I have eyes in the back of my head and ears all around me, and enough is enough. I tried to fire you once before, and you brought your stupid little lawyers right into this ring and they said I couldn’t do it. But I have found a loophole Mr. Faith and next week you will be in a handicap match against Death Row and if you do not win that match, you are fired. I have the paper work already filled out, take a look right there. (Eisen holds out a clipboard with papers on it). You see it? That my friend is your pink slip, your ticket out of here, you are free to go work wherever you want. Don’t worry Chris, I wouldn’t leave you without a job, the country club that I attend is hiring drink servers. [B]Rating: B[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]A Storyline has moved forward.[/SIZE][/I] [B]A Night Off?[/B] [I]Eisen continued to speak:[/I] Speaking of my country club, I would like to talk about my good friend Rich Money! As you stupid fans know Rich has been coming out here for the past 3 weeks and giving a shot to a fan in a “Rags 2 Riches”. Well you fans aren’t good enough for that so I cancelled it. [I]The fans boo relentlessly at this decision, some even throwing trash into the ring. [/I] [B]Rating:C-[/B] [B]A New Debut?[/B] Eisen continues to walk around the ring, just soaking in the noise from the fans as he moves his hands up and down telling the fans to lower the noise so he can continue to speak, but the pricks don’t. What did you expect? Eisen brings the microphone back up to his mouth and begins to speak again: One of my other best friends will be joining this promotion soon, very soon, maybe even tonight. [I]Eisen gives the fans a wink as he continues to walk around the ring and only to stop when he speaks.[/I] Who is this friend? You will just have to wait to see. When you meet him you will know that he’s my friend and let this be a warning to each and every member of that locker room; if anything, anything at all happens to my friend you will have HELL to pay. [I]Eisen exits as his entrance music hits.[/I] [B]Peter Michaels:[/B] [I]For those of you new to Supreme Wrestling Federation, the “Rags 2 Riches” match that was alluded to by, the commissioner, Richard Eisen is a match where Rich Money actually picks a person out of the crowd to face him in a match for 5,000 dollars. [/I] [B]Rating:C+[/B] [B]Enforcer Roberts vs. Randy Bumfhole[/B] This was a quick match; you will soon see that all the matches are going to be quick in SWF, that saw Enforcer Roberts dominate, Randy barely got any offense in as he sold the offense of Roberts well to protect him. Roberts picked up the victory with the R.C.T submission hold. [B]Rating:C-[/B] [SIZE="1"][I]The announcing quality lifted the match. A storyline has been moved forward one stage with this match. Enforcer Roberts is improving in Performance skills. Randy Bumfhole is improving in Technical skills. Randy Bumfhole is improving in Performance skills. [/I][/SIZE] [B]The Alliance[/B] We cut to the back where Kurt Laramee is in the back withnone other then Big Smack Scott who stands behind him. Laramee begins talking into the camera: The King of The Streets is back on your television screeeeen and tonight he is not alone as behind me stands the most controversial wrestler to ever hit the big timmmeee. [I]He turns around and pats Big Smack Scott on the chest, Scott doesn’t move just looking menacingly in to the camera. [/I] The rest of the locker better be on high alert because us two got the thing on lock. So anybody who wants some can come get some. Oh and Richy boy, I heard you got some little pay per view coming up, after I destroyer that loser Mikel Alonson and Big Scott here stomps the sh*T outta that fake ass hippy ****er, we deserve a title shot. Ain’t no doubt in the King Of The Streets mind that we will be them test tube babies, The Biggz Boyz. [B]Rating:C+[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]Big Smack Scott is improving at acting. Big Smack Scott is learning to show more charisma. [/SIZE][/I] [B]DuBois vs. Toma[/B] Marc DuBois and Kid Toma fought in a hard fought, well scripted match that saw each man get equal offense. In the end Toma was unable to finish off the Can’t Miss Prospect, 19 year old DuBois who won the match with The Marc Of Excellence. [B]Rating:C+[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]The announcing quality lifted the match. Kid Toma is improving in Technical skills. Kid Toma is improving in Performance skills. [/SIZE][/I] [B]The Big Debut!!!?[/B] The lights go completely out in the arena and a big pink spot light is put in the center of the ring, the light is of a playboy bunny and some unfamiliar sexual music hits the speakers as a man comes out in a suit, with a lady on each arm. The man gets into the ring and introduces himself as the friend of Richard Eisen. The man says that he’s the richest man in the world and he can buy anything he wants. He tells the fans that he will be buying the best wrestlers in the world and that nothing can stop him because he has the looks, the money and the mind to get anything and everything that he wants. The man that says his name is Playboy Jake Sawyer. [B]Rating:C[/B] [B]Gotta Have Faith[/B] Christian Faith cuts a promo in the back next where he basically tells the fans that he will not be going anywhere. That he will beat The Dirty White Boys. He doesn’t talk much about them as he goes on about Richard Eisen more, and ending the interview by telling the fans that they have to have faith in Faith! Rating:B [I][SIZE="1"]A Storyline has moved forward[/SIZE][/I] [B]Enygma vs. Andre Jones[/B] Enygma beats Jones in under 2 minutes in this complete and total squash. Jones tried to hold on for as long as he could which was about 2 seconds after the Engyma Variation was locked on for the quick tap out. [B]Rating:C[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [/SIZE][/I] [B]Death Row vs. High Concept[/B] Elmo Benson picked up the victory over Shady K in this battle between two tag teams headed in directions, I’m not sure if they are headed in the same or different as of yet, but you will soon find out as I will too. Death Row was protected throughout the match as they basically brawled and High Concept sold well but as I stated earlier it was not enough as Benson picked up the victory over K. [B]Rating:C[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Elmo Benson stood out as being good. Shady K is improving in Technical skills. Elmo Benson is improving in Technical skills. Groucho Bling is improving in Performance skills.[/SIZE][/I] [B]Tag Team Titles![/B] We cut to the back where Richard Eisen is on the phone at his desk as the tag team of Sexual Aggression bust through the door. Angry Gilmore says that they want a tag team title match at When Hell Freezes Over. Eisen tells them that every team wants a shot at the tag team title but only one team can get a shot, so if The Dirty White Boys defeat The Biggz Boyz they will get the shot, next week there will be a tourney to decide who gets the shot. [B]Rating:B-[/B] [B]Alonso[/B] [I]with Jessie[/I] [B]vs. Laramee[/B] Mikel Alonso is already in the ring when Kurt Laramee comes out with Big Smack Scott, the referee gets out of the ring to send Scott to the back for not having a managers licenses, while this is going on Laramee takes off his chain and clocks Alonso over the head with it, the ref slides back into the ring and this match is over in 3 seconds as he makes the count. [B]Rating:D[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]Jessie did some good work at ringside. Mikel Alonso and Jessie have excellent chemistry together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [/SIZE][/I] [B]SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/B] The Guru, the manager of Runaway Train comes out to the ring and says that Richard Eisen has giving his client the choice of any worked in the SWF to give a title shot to. The Guru announces they want to give the shot to Skull DeBones but he needs to know DeBones decision right now. Skull comes out to a massive heave of cheers and says that he does accept! The Guru says that this will be Skulls last match, and just the beginning of the destruction that will be left behind by Runaway Train. Skull begins walking down the ramp when from out of nowhere, Train comes down and attacks Skull from the back. A ton of wrestlers and agents come out to stop the carnage but its only ends after the painful looking Train Wreck is hit on the floor. The Guru trash talks a lifeless Skull DeBones as he and his client make their way up the ramp and to the back. [B]Rating:B[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]The Guru performed poorly in this segment. This segment lifted the crowd. The Guru is learning to show more charisma[/SIZE][/I] [B]Hype and SWF Shooting Star Title[/B] Dawn The Cheerleader appears with her clients the Biggz Boyz and she hypes up the upcoming match, not really saying anything special. But she does say that Bart Biggz is using his rematch clause (every champion in SWF has one, as of right now) at SWF When Hell Freezes Over. Bart’s brother, Bret doesn’t look too happy as he questions his brother being able to wrestle two matches in one night at the Pay Per View. [B]Rating:C-[/B] [B]The Biggz Boyz [/B]with [I]Dawn The Cheerleader [/I]vs. [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] This was a non-title match that saw each team get equal offense, and it was scripted very well. All 4 men were in the ring at the end of the match when Bart Biggz stole the victory by pinning Grease Hogg after Bret hit the Biggz UP. Bret celebrates the victory as Bart just walks away, it seems like there is a lot of tension between the brothers. [B]Rating:C-[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]Brett Biggz got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren't impressed. Dawn The Cheerleader did some good work at ringside. Brett Biggz and Dawn The Cheerleader are an awkward pairing, they just have no chemistry whatsoever. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Grease Hogg is improving in Performance skills. Lead Belly is improving in Technical skills. Lead Belly is improving in Performance skills[/SIZE][/I]. [B]Jerry Eisen:[/B] [I]The victory by the Biggz Brothers means that there will be a tournament starting next week to name the number one tag team contenders for those titles![/I] [B]Open Challenge[/B] Rich Money came out and said that he can’t fight any one from the crowd because Richard Eisen doesn’t think they are good enough and he agrees. But he says that he talked his buddy into letting him get a match tonight, and he’s making an open challenge for any one from the back to face him in a NON-title match tonight [B]Rating:B[/B] [B]The Response[/B] Jack Bruce comes out and announces that he will accept that challenge that Rich made, but Money tries to back out saying that he will fight anyone but Jack Bruce. But Bruce says that there is no getting out of it now. [B]Rating:B+[/B] [B]Big Smack Scott vs. Robbie Retro [/B] This was a very GOOD (in my mind, we’ll see the rating when I’m done writing the show) match that saw each man get equal offense and look very strong. Unfortunately it ended in a draw when Robbie Retro came in to attack Robbie Retro which cause Jumbo Shrimp and Calamari Kid to come down and fight off Laramee and Scott. The referee had no choice but to call this a double DQ. [B]Rating:C (YES)[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]The vocal crowd were all over the case of Big Smack Scott, who they hate. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [/SIZE][/I] [B]Christian Faith vs. Rich Money[/B] You guys were right the card was a little weak but not after this match! Faith and Money do what most of the matches do right now and that’s be open! Trading blows with Money playing the cowardly heel, trying to call time out and run out of the ring, only for Faith to go out and get him. Both guys looked really good with their offense but this match end in another DQ this time Playboy Jake Sawyer came down to the ring and with his cane tripped up Christian Faith. Does this mean that Jake and Rich are in cahoots? Probably not! Since Rich Money got outta the ring as quickly as he can and head towards the back, as the show ends. [B]Rating:B+[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]This match lifted the crowd. Jack Bruce is improving in Performance skills. Rich Money is improving in Technical skills. [/SIZE][/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Overall rating:C+[/COLOR][/B] [I][SIZE="1"]You used Richard Eisen far too mcuh on this show. There was a general feeling that the promotion should really be offering more storylines to follow, given that it's supposed to focus on the entertainemtn aspect of wrestling. I think this show might have actualy hurt our popularity overall.[/SIZE][/I] [/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][QUOTE][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]News and Notes[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] - The small size of the roster makes the promotion look amateurish in the eyes of the fans. That will be taken care of soon, real soon. - SWF Supreme TV drew a 8.25 rating on America-Sports-1. TCW tied our promotion with a C+ overall rating but its television rating was a 26.00. - A former SWF North American Champion has been signed! SWF Supreme TV has drawn a .21 rating this week on UK Broadcasting Secondary. - The first worker out of the SWF Developmental promotion RIPW has been brought up, who is it? Stay tuned to find out! - The following workers have been signed to RIPW, some have been there but now are property of SWF: Raphael, Nevada Nuclear, Lion Heart, Justin Sensitive, Brendan Idol, Velocidad, Sammy The Shark, Panda Mask II, Oscar Golden, Mainstream Hernandez, Aristocrat, and Remmington Remus. - A 45 Year old veteran from back in the old East Coast Wars has signed with SWF, who is it? Subscribe to SWF Supreme Information for just 29.99 a month! - A former SWF World Champion, back from 1978, the only man to hold the belt in that year, and for all of 79 has signed a contract. What does this bad man have planned for the SWF roster? - SWF has just signed a deal with MAW that will see Mid Atlantic Wrestling become the second developmental promotion for Supreme Wrestling Federation. It is a deal that Richard Eisen is very happy with! - Eisen has already started to send guys to MAW, they have signed: Mikey James, Jerry Martin, Roderick Remus and Darryl Devine. - Crippler Ray Kingman the wrestling great has signed with SWF, he will be a backstage road agent, meaning that Chief 2 Eagles won’t have to do it all himself anymore. We are very excited to have him on our team! - The domination of great managers doesn’t seem to be ending with Playboy Jake Sawyer as Carl Batch was recently picked up by the company, there is no word as of yet what exactly he will be doing. - As part of our relationship with UCR in Europe Angry Gilmore is going there where he will make one appearance. [/QUOTE][/CENTER] Feel free to post your questions and comments! I will be making a few new storylines, I already have one in mind. Preview for the next show will be up in a few days. Thanks.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]SWF: Supreme TV Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE]Last week SWF chief Richard Eisen made a match between Christian Faith and The Dirty White Boys for this weeks show. Not only does Christian have to surmount insurmountable odds, if he can’t, he will be fired! That’s right if Christian Faith is not able to beat one of the meanest tag teams SWF has ever seen he will no longer be a member of the SWF roster. What will happen in this 2 on 1 handicap match? What else does Richard Eisen have in store for his biggest foe? The SWF North American Champion Rich Money will also be in action when he takes on a hand picked opponent from the city in the Rags 2 Riches Challenge! Who will respond to the challenge this week? Will Rich at last have to put his money where his mouth is? Speaking of Rich Money, in the Main Event last week while the rich bully took on Jack Bruce, the newly debuted Playboy Jake Sawyer made his way down to the ring and used his cane to tripped up Jack. Jack has been on the look out ever since will he find his target this week? What was playboy’s motivation? We will attempt to answer these questions this week. The tag team tournament starts this week, and there has been no shortage of teams signing up for this. The first round bracket is up and looks like this, the second round will also be taking place tonight! Death Row will be taking on High Concept and the winner of that match will take on the winner of Hate & Discriminate vs. The Samoan Wildboyz and the winner of the match between the victorious teams will go on to the finals at SWF When Hell Freezes Over. The other first round match ups will pit The Squid Squad vs. Sexual Aggression with the winner of that match taking on The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Dirty White Boys. If the White Boys win they will be having 3 matches in one night! Who knows what’s going to happen when the best tag teams in the world battle it out. As part of the SWF World Heavyweight title agreement signed between Skull DeBones and Runaway Train, Train and his manager The Guru was able to pick the warm up match for Skull and they have picked none other then the master of the Proton Lock… Sam Keith! Skull DeBones was able to defraud Runaway Train into allowing him to pick his warm up match as well, so tonight in a non-title match who will Skull pick? The only way to find the answers to these questions is to tune in tonight! And much, much more. [B][COLOR="Lime"]Quick Picks:[/[/COLOR]B] Christian Faith vs. Dirty White Boyz Rich Money vs. Hometown fan Death Row vs. High Concept The Wild Samoan Boys vs. Hate and Discriminate Winner Match 1 vs. Winner match 2 The Squid Squad vs. Sexual Aggression The Dirty White Boys vs. The Amazing Bumfholes Winner Match 3 vs. Winner Match 4 Sam Keith vs. Skull DeBones Runaway Train vs. ???[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. Dirty White Boyz [B]Rich Money[/B] vs. Hometown fan Death Row vs. [B]High Concept[/B] The Wild Samoan Boys vs. [B]Hate and Discriminate[/B] [B]Winner Match 1[/B] vs. Winner match 2 The Squid Squad vs. [B]Sexual Aggression[/B] The Dirty White Boys vs. [B]The Amazing Bumfholes[/B] [B] Winner Match 3[/B] vs. Winner Match 4 [B]Sam Keith[/B] vs. Skull DeBones [B]Runaway Train[/B] vs. ???
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