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GCG: The Pride Of The Tiger

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img453.imageshack.us/img453/4128/gcgat3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [INDENT]"The oldest promotion in Japan, Golden Canvas Grappling were once the most powerful wrestling promotion on the planet. While engaged in a bitter war for superiority with BHOTWG during the 1980s, a series of poor business decisions by their owner Hansihiro Furusawa led them to get comprehensively beaten and left them in financial ruin. They are now a shell of their former self, struggling to survive, and hoping that their next generation of stars can lead them back to their former state of glory."[/INDENT] That's where GCG stands today. A promotion in a deep decline, fighting to right themselves and return to glory. Hanshihiro Furusawa was the man responsible for the hole GCG finds themselves in. I'm the man responsible for getting them out of it. My name is Beckett, and I have been around GCG for a darn long time. And yesterday, the day before the next GCG tour, the job of head booker has been given to me, by my unofficial "godfather," Kazu Yoshizawa. He and my father have been friends for years, becoming friends away from the limelight of pro wrestling, instead becoming friends in the outside world. And today, those ties have paid off for me. I know that sounds callous, but this has been... my dream for a very long time. Senpai Kazu will still be a major force in the booking, but at the moment, I'm in charge. Apparently, Furusawa is furious, but he leans towards that state in all forms of being. The upcoming tour has been entitled [B]GCG Reborn Tour[/B] with one show per week on Sunday evenings. The drop from the traditional two shows per week to one is in response to GCG's growing financial issues, and hopefully slow the bleeding that the company's been feeling. Two rookies, and one veteran have been signed to full-fledged GCG contracts. - SUKI - Hitomaro Suzuki - Masutaro Kataoka And these two gajin have been brought in for the tour. - Frankie Perez - Merle O'Curle [I]OOC: Backstories are never my strongest point, but I hope it was enough to pique your intrest. I've never written on this site, but since there's no C-Verse anywhere else, I figured this was the place to be.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Main Eventers[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/HiroyasuGakusha.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hiroyasu Gakusha[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Hiroyasu Gakusha is a GCG pure blood, who has been being groomed as the figurehead of the company's "next generation" for many years. The muscular 270-pounder, who enjoys nothing more than throwing his opponents around with many suplex variations, made huge steps toward that in 2006, both winning the historic world title and following that up by defeating the legendary Yoshifusa Maeda in a true "torch passing" match. Finisher: Gakusha Golden Bomb (Tiger Bomb) Signature Moves: Gakusha Strike (elbow to face), Plunge Gakusha Strike (diving elbow strike to outside of ring), Roaring Gakusha Strike (roaring elbow) Title History: GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (w/ Kiminobu Kuroki), GCG Openweight Championship, [U]GCG World Heavyweight Championship (current)[/U][/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/ToshiharuHyobanshi.jpg[/IMG] [B]Toshiharu Hyobanshi[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Toshiharu Hyobanshi is an extremely talented young brawler who has been called the "new Tadiyuki Kikkawa" by some. A GCG pure blood, he slowly been brought up the ranks since his debut in 1998, always being groomed as a potential company ace. He went a long way to justifying that faith in the summer of 2006 when he scored several wins over the legendary Kazu Yoshizawa, his mentor, who retired a few months later. Is said to be romantically involved with 5SSW star Kiko Sakakibara. Finisher: Nova Bomb Redux (Orange Crush Bomb) Signature Moves: Hyobanshi Face Plant (facebuster w/ knee), Nova Bomb Original (Blue Thunder Bomb), Nova Burst (short-range spear), Nova Strike (Mongolian chop), Side Swipe (kick to face of opponent on all fours) Title History: GCG Openweight Championship (2x), GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (w/ Namboku Makuda)[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Pistol Pete Hall[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Pistol Pete Hall was a big name in the 1980's, where as a young man he was renowned for being one of the best big men workers around. He performed mainly in Japan, where he was in much demand. He went into retirement in 1992 to become a trainer, citing a problematic knee injury. However, the injury was eventually resolved with surgery, and he returned to active competition in 2005 with a new fire, and swiftly established himself as one of the big guns in Golden Canvas Grappling. Finisher: Pistol Whip Lariat Signature Moves: Cattle Rush (Oklahoma Stampede), Triplet Elbow Drops (three elbow drops in succession) Title History: none[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/JimmyCox.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jimmy Cox[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Jimmy Cox is a good all-round wrestler with a very good look, who for many years was seen as just a reliable midcarder. It was that solid, consistent image that got him hired by Golden Canvas Grappling in August 2004 when they had a temporary shortage of wrestlers to fill their midcard, but a string of awesome performances turned his entire career around, and he is now a big star in the East. A lot of that is down to his Immortal Driver, which has become one of the most over moves in Japan. Finisher: Immortal Driver (cradle piledriver) Title History: GCG Openweight Championship[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dark Angel[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT] Profile: Dark Angel is one of the premier super junior wrestlers in the world. Beginning his career in the UK under his real name, Cliff Wilson, he was soon on his travels, working in North America and Japan. It was in Japan that he developed the Dark Angel character, and it has stuck with him ever since. By 2005, age had begun to lessen his high flying ability dramatically, but he soon responded by improving his technical wrestling, and some would say he has become an even better worker as a result. Finisher: Descent Into Hell (double underhook facebuster) Signature Moves: Falling Angel Moonsault Title History: MOSC UK Championship (2x), NOTBPW Canadian Championship (2x)[/INDENT]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Upper Midcarders[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/Takayuki2000.jpg[/IMG] [B]Takayuki 2000[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT] Profile: Takayuki 2000 is a talented Japanese worker who is closely associated with Golden Canvas Grappling, where he has spent his entire career. His name is a reference to his debut, which took place on the 4th January 2000. One of the brightest young stars that GCG have produced via their youth system, Takayuki 2000 has been developed carefully by the company management, who see in him the talent and natural charisma that could make him one of the biggest stars in Japan. Finisher: Persian Deathlock (elevated leg lock) Signature Moves: Takayuki Attack (knee lift with point of knee), Takayuki Air Attack (flying Takayuki Attack from second turnbuckle), Takayuki Bomb Attack (flying double knee drop from top rope), Third Degree Burn (released German suplex) Title History: [U]GCG Openweight Championship (current)[/U][/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Marlowe[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Jack Marlowe is a wrestler who has a dual-life. In North America and Mexico he is best known as Jungle Jack, a leopard-skin clad wild man. Meanwhile, in Japan, he is known by his real name, and is a highly respected tough brawler and one of GCG's top foreign talents. No matter where he works, or under what name, he clearly has the tools to be a huge success - good looks, a great muscular physique, power, surprising agility and a lot of charisma. Finisher: Jungle Jack-Hammer (Northern Lights Bomb) Title History: none[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/ShotaroIkina.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shotaro Ikina[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Shotaro Ikina is a wrestler who has found some degree of fame with Golden Canvas Grappling, but whose popularity is generally accepted to far exceed his actual talent. A lot of this is to do with his Ikina Driver, a devastating face buster, which is hugely respected. He is best known as a tag team wrestler; he held the GCG tag titles on two occasions with Naonubu Murkami, and in recent years has formed another championship-winning duo, this time with young Yasuhide Tayama. Finisher: Ikina Driver (Pedigree) Title History: GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (2x, w/ Naonobu Murkami; 1x w/ Yasuhide Tayama)[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/KiminobuKuroki.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kiminobu Kuroki[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: "Super K" Kiminobu Kuroki is one of the new generation of Golden Canvas Grappling wrestlers who the company are hoping will lead them into a bright new era. When he first debuted it was clear that he had the charisma and manner of a future champion, but question marks were raised over his skill levels, which were clearly a step below some of his peers. Since then he has worked hard, and with the aid of some of the GCG veterans, he has managed to develop himself into a much better wrestler. Finishers: Mercury Sleeper (modified Dragon Sleeper), Kuroki Krush (delayed brainbuster) Title History: GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (w/ Hiroyasu Gakusha), GCG Openweight Championship[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/YasuhideTayama.jpg[/IMG] [B]Yasuhide Tayama[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: "The Coming Storm" Yasuhide Tayama is a big, physically intense brawler from Japan. Coming through the GCG youth system, he was originally seen as a bit of a lost cause - while he was undoubtedly tough, his wild brawling style was not a good fit for the company at all, and he struggled. However, with a lot of help from the veteran Naonobu Murkami, he has since managed to channel his aggressive style into a far more "GCG-friendly" package, and is now looking like he could become a big star. Finisher: none Title History: GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (w/ Shotaro Ikina)[/INDENT]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Midcarders[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/StuartFerdinand.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stuart Ferdinand[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Stuart Ferdinand is a veteran American worker who has been a regular in Japan throughout his career, where his methodical technical style is respected. He was with Pride Glory Honor Wrestling for 5 years, but left in 2006 to try his luck with Golden Canvas Grappling instead. Since joining GCG, his main successes have been in the tag team ranks, where he has formed a highly-rated tandem with Nathan Coleman. It is widely predicted that they will taste tag team gold sooner rather than later. Finisher: Fisherman's Suplex Title History: [U]GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (w/ Nathan Coleman)[/U][/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/NathanColeman.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nathan Coleman[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: "The Pioneer" Nathan Coleman is a tough brawler from Oklahoma, who is best known for his work in Japan, where he is a particular favourite with the Golden Canvas Grappling fans. In fact, his Japanese work far overshadows his North American achievments, where he has mainly stuck to working occasional independent shows. That may be able to change though, as in December 2006 he agreed to start working for DAVE as well as GCG. Finisher: Pioneer Twist (torture rack neckbreaker) Title History: [U]GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (w/ Stuart Ferdinand)[/U][/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/NaonobuMurkami.jpg[/IMG] [B]Naonobu Murkami[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Naonobu Murkami is a highly respected veteran in Japan, where he is best known as a long-serving member of the Golden Canvas Grappling roster. He had a three year reign with the GCG title between 1999 and 2002, and that has been by far the high point of his career to date. In recent times he has been busy in the tag team ranks, where his team with Shotaro Ikina resulted in two tag team title reigns, but that team seems to have now ended, leaving him without focus. Finisher: Belly to Belly Suplex Title History: GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (2x, w/ Shotaro Ikina), GCG World Heavyweight Championship[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shingen Miyazaki[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT] Profile: Shingen Miyazaki is a highly-rated Japanese worker who moved to Canada early in his career to learn his craft with the Stone family in NOTBPW. After three years in that environment, learning from fantastic workers like Dan Stone Jr, Jeremy Stone, and Sean McFly, he had turned into a fine versatile wrestler, and returned to his homeland to compete for Golden Canvas Grappling. It is said that the GCG management see him as future world champion material. Finisher: Ankle Lock Title History: NOTBPW Young Lion Championship[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eagle Kawasa[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Eagle Kawasawa is a masked high flier who has started to get over with Japanese fans thanks to his graceful aerial style and ability to come back from lots of punishment. He was originally trained by Japanese legend Optimus for one year, and that shows in some of his moves and mannerisms. Strangely, he has been working for GCG since 2003, when WLW or BHOTWG's Junior division seem like far more natural fits for a wrestler of his style. Finisher: Vision Quest (Shining Wizard-style enzuigiri) Title History: none[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/BarryGriffin.jpg[/IMG] [B]Barry Griffin[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Barry Griffin first came to fame in his home country of England, where he became a star for the MOSC promotion, winning their world title on four separate occasions. He gained a reputation for being a solid technical competitor who could be relied upon to always bring the goods. A tour of Japan with Golden Canvas Grappling followed, and he has since become a regular with them, even moving to be based in Japan so that he can concentrate on his career. Finisher: Powerbomb Deathlock Title History: MOSC UK Championship (4x)[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/SamoanMachine.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samoan Machine[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Samoan Machine (Bali So'oialo) is a very intense competitor who is starting to make waves in Japan. Strong, technically skilled, and with the tenacity of a pit bull, Machine is slowly building a fearsome reputation as a top class fighter. He originally broke into the sport with Golden Canvas Grappling, making a name for himself with his performances in the tag team ranks alongside Rhino Umaga, but as of 2006 he has also been working for the INSPIRE promotion, working under his real name. Finishers: Unbreakable Sleeper (Rear Naked Choke), Samoan Driver (Celtic Cross) Title History: GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (2x, as Samoan Destruction Inc., w/ Rhino Umaga)[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] [B]Masutaro Kataoka*[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Masutaro Kataoka is a very good Japanese all-round worker who has surprisingly not been given an opportunity with any other major groups since being released by BHOTWG in late 2003. He wrestled for the company for 10 years, and gained a reputation for being a very reliable performer, and many still wonder why they released him. He is well known for two big moves in particular, a double arm suplex into a backbreaker, and his finisher, a raised single leg crab ("Sunrise Hold"). Finisher: Sunrise Cross (Raised Leg Single Crab) Title History: None[/INDENT]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Other:[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/HenryBennett.jpg[/IMG] [B]Henry Bennett[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Henry Bennett is nicknamed 'The Trouble From Tennessee', which is actually more of a reference to his semi-legendary drinking exploits than his in-ring reputation. He was always a decent technical wrestler throughout his career, even when he was just breaking in on the independent scene, but it has been his experiences with GCG in Japan, with whom he has been working regularly since 2002, that have allowed him to develop into more of a well-rounded competitor. Finisher: Figure Four Leglock Title History: none[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/JulianWatson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Julian Watson[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: "The Maverick" Julian Watson is a Canadian worker who has kept a low profile in North America, busily concentrating on building his reputation in Japan instead. Debuting for Golden Canvas Grappling in 2004 while still in his early twenties, Watson has gradually been working his way up the rankings ever since, while simultaneously improving his skills. Originally a one dimensional brawler, his years in the East have seen him develop into a good all-round performer, not to be underestimated. Finisher: none Title History: none[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/NambokuMakuda.jpg[/IMG] [B]Namboku Makuda[/B][/CENTER] Profile: "The Pit Bull" Namboku Makuda is one of Golden Canvas Grappling's young stars, making his debut for them in 2004. He is known for his tenacity in the ring, which is how he got his nickname. Still learning his craft, his main fame so far has come in the tag team ranks, where he has formed a championship-winning regular team with the more famous Toshiharu Hyobanshi; getting to team with one of the biggest names in the promotion has helped Makuda enormously. Finisher: Dangerous Brainbuster Title History: GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (w/ Toshiharu Hyobanshi) [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT] Profile: Rav "Rhino" Umaga, the elder brother of SWF's Akima Brave, is a second generation Samoan competitor who has been steadily building a career in Japan for the past few years as a formidable power-based fighter. He is probably best known for his regular tag team with Samoan Machine in Golden Canvas Grappling, with the duo having been one of the most dominant in the company over the past two years. Tough as nails and very talented, many think that Rhino can go on to greatness. Finisher: Rhino Charge (spear) Signature Moves: Samoan Crab (Boston Crab) Title History: GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (2x, as Samoan Destruction Inc., w/ Samoan Machine)[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] [B]SUKI*[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: SUKI is Ryunosuke Matsuki, a technically gifted young wrestler who was trained in the Golden Canvas Grappling dojo. While his talent was evident, he graduated at a time when GCG were trying to cut costs, and so he was never brought onto the main roster. Instead, he went to the independent scene, where he wrestled under his real name for a year. In 2006, as well as debuting an awesome new "dickish heel" persona, he changed his ring name to SUKI to reflect the change in attitude. Finisher: SUKI Special III, Mountain SUKI Title History: None[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/HitomaroSuzuki.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hitomaro Suzuki*[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Hitomaro Suzuki is an extremely bright prospect, a hard-hitting 260lb blend of technique and fire. He was picked up by INSPIRE in 2006, and is generally seen as one of their top "next generation" fighters. Finisher: None Title History: None[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/QuickKickNakao.jpg[/IMG] [B]Quick Kick Nakao[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Quick Kick Nakao is a young lightweight worker hoping to make an impact in Japan. As his name suggests, his lightning fast and ultra-accurate kicks are a huge feature of his work, and are a result of an extensive kick-boxing background. He has been working with Golden Canvas Grappling since 2004, but the general feeling is that he needs to bulk up (he is only 214lbs) and put a lot more work into his chain and mat wrestling skills before he can start rising up the card. Finisher: Double Footed Stomp Title History: none[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [B]Frankie Perez*[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: "P-Dawg" Frankie Perez is a talented young wrestler from California, who has swiftly risen to cult stardom with CZCW. A hard-hitter, Frankie is well known for his ultra stiff kicks, and it is his ultra-violent no-nonsense style of attack that has made him a huge favourite with tape traders and Internet fans around the world. A true student of the game, as 2007 begins, he is not only looking to continue to rise in CZCW, but has also made it clear that he'd like to travel to Japan to compete. Finishers: P-Clutch, Perfect Parity Title History: Coastal Zone Xtreme[/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/MerleOCurle.jpg[/IMG] [B]Merle O'Curle*[/B][/CENTER] [INDENT]Profile: Merle O'Curle, "The Irish Stretching Machine", is an excellent European-style submission worker, who seems to have an endless supply of painful holds in his arsenal. Perhaps his only drawback is that as good as he is technically, he is one of the least flashy wrestlers around, and that makes it hard to be successful with a large proportion of modern audiences. He holds the distinction of being the first and last wrestler to hold the short-lived 21CW Strong Style title. Finisher: Celtic Wreath Title History: 21st Century Strong Style (2x)[/INDENT]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Title Histories[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/GCG_World.jpg[/IMG] [B]GCG World[/B] [CODE]Golden Canvas Grappling World Title March 2006 Hiroyasu Gakusha April 2002 Yoshifusa Maeda (5) August 1999 Naonobu Murkami June 1997 Yoshifusa Maeda (4) August 1996 Kazu Yoshizawa (3) April 1996 Rip Chord August 1995 Yoshifusa Maeda (3) August 1993 Dread (2) December 1992 Yoshifusa Maeda (2) July 1991 Dread January 1991 Kazu Yoshizawa (2) September 1990 -- Vacant Due To Injury -- January 1988 Sadaharu Jimbo (4) September 1982 Yoshifusa Maeda October 1981 Kazu Yoshizawa August 1981 -- Vacant Due To Injury -- November 1980 Hanshiro Furusawa (2) July 1978 Sadaharu Jimbo (3) December 1976 Yoshinaka Toshusai January 1972 Sadaharu Jimbo (2) April 1969 Hanshiro Furusawa March 1965 Sadaharu Jimbo (unifies two older titles)[/CODE] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/GCG_Openweight.jpg[/IMG] [B]GCG Openweight[/B] [CODE]Golden Canvas Grappling Openweight Championship December 2006 Takayuki 2000 September 2006 Jimmy Cox May 2006 Toshiharu Hyobanshi (2) February 2006 Kiminobu Kuroki November 2005 Hiroyasu Gakusha July 2005 Toshiharu Hyobanshi (awarded new championship by board)[/CODE] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/GCG_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [B]GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles[/B] [CODE]Golden Canvas Grappling World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles November 2006 Stuart Ferdinand and Nathan Coleman May 2006 Samoan Machine and Rhino Umaga August 2005 Toshiharu Hyobanshi and Namboku Makuda January 2004 Hiroyasu Gakusha and Kiminobu Kuroki August 2003 Shotaro Ikina and Yasuhida Tayama November 2002 Junnosuke Fukuzawa and Tasuku Shinozuka February 2002 Toshiki Shibanumo and Toshinobu Taku August 2001 Junnosuke Fukazawa and Kimitada Yanagita (2) July 2000 Yoshifusa Maeda and Kazu Yoshizawa (4) February 1999 Junnosuke Fukazawa and Kimitada Yanagita August 1998 Naonobu Murkami and Shotaro Ikina (2) May 1997 Yoshifusa Maeda and Kazu Yoshizawa (3) June 1996 Naonobu Murkami and Shotaro Ikina February 1996 Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant June 1994 Yoshifusa Maeda and Kazu Yoshizawa (2) March 1994 Demon Anger and Demon Spite January 1992 Yoshifusa Maeda and Kazu Yoshizawa (awarded new championship)[/CODE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]GCG Rebirth Tour[/SIZE] Week 1 Newsletter[/B][/CENTER] Golden Canvas Grappling opens up 2007 with the beginning of a brand-new tour! Entitled [B]Rebirth[/B], this tour will show the path to the top of the Japanese wrestling world! With some new faces, and also the favorites from the past and future, GCG is on its way to the top once again! GCG is back! And to begin this rebirth, the most anticipated match in GCG history has been signed! Hiroyasu Gakusha, the GCG World Heavyweight Champion and the protege of Yoshifusa Maeda, will take on Toshiharu Hyobanshi, protege of Yoshizawa for the GCG World Heavyweight Championship! This is the rebirth of the greatest rivalry in wrestling history, and you need to be at the Toyama Hall in Chubu to see it! Also on the card: Pistol Pete Hall faces off with Dark Angel in a battle between two top contenders! Takayuki 2000 defends his Openweight crown against Shigen Miyazaki! Stuart Ferdinand & Nathan Coleman defend their GCG World Tag Team Championships against "The Master of The Immortal Driver" Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama! Plus two brand-new workers make their debuts as SUKI takes on Hitomaro Suzuki! And in Ibaraki Community Hall in Kanto, a huge tag match main events Show #2 of the Rebirth Tour. Pistol Pete Hall & Toshiharu Hyobanshi team up to face Hiroyasu Gakusha & Dark Angel! Whoever wins will put themselves into immediate title contention, so come to see who wins! Plus: Takayuki 2000 defends against new signee Masutaro Kataoka! Watson & Marlowe vs. Ikina & Tayama! Samoan Machine says goodbye, as he heads out to BHOTWG, to try his luck against their competition, against Rhino Umaga! SUKI and Hitomaro Suzuki battle once again! [B]GCG Rebirth Tour (Show #1) Toyama Hall (Chubu)[/B] [LIST=1] [*]Hiroyasu Gakusha (c) vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi (GCG World Heavyweight) [*]Pistol Pete Hall vs. Dark Angel [*]Takayuki 2000 (c) vs. Shigen Miyazaki (GCG Openweight) [*]Ferdinand & Coleman vs. Ikina & Tayama (GCG World Tag Team) [*]Hitomaro Suzuki vs. SUKI [/LIST] [B]GCG Rebirth Tour (Show #2) Ibaraki Community Hall (Kanto)[/B] [LIST=1] [*]Pistol Pete Hall & Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha & Dark Angel [*]Takayuki 2000 (c) vs. Masutaro Kataoka (GCG Openweight) [*]Watson & Marlowe vs. Ikina & Tayama [*]Rhino Umaga vs. Samoan Machine (Samoan Machine's Farewell Match) [*]Hitomaro Suzuki vs. SUKI [/LIST] [I]Predictions Welcome[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcg/GCG-1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]GCG Rebirth Tour (Sunday)[/SIZE] Toyama Hall (1000 Fans)[/B] [QUOTE][CENTER]Main Show[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][U]MATCH #1: Hitomaro Suzuki vs. SUKI[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/HitomaroSuzuki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] A good opener between two future prospects of GCG with the arrogant technician SUKI getting the win. Suzuki's a bigger man then SUKI, but the smaller man negated his size advantage by working over the legs of Suzuki, taking away his power and giving himself the advantage. These submission holds took their toll on the hard-hitting Suzuki, who could not put away SUKI. In the end, the SUKI Special III managed to make the brawler Suzuki tap out, but Suzuki will be looking for revenge next week, in Kanto, Japan.[/CENTER] [LIST] [*]SUKI defeated Hitomaro Suzuki by submission with a SUKI Special III (C+) [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH #2: Ferdinand & Coleman (c) vs. Ikina & Tayama GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/GCG_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/StuartFerdinand.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/NathanColeman.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/ShotaroIkina.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/YasuhideTayama.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The first title match in this new era of Golden Canvas Grappling ends with the champs making their first defense. Ikina and Tayama put up a good fight, but the teamwork of the champs proves to be their undoing. Tayama does the bulk of the fighting, stuck in the corner of the champs, with his partner out of reach. But Tayama battled free, kicking out of several pinfall attempts, and tagged into the fresher man. But Ikina didn't come in like the proverbial House of Fire, instead he is quickly hit with the Fisherman's Suplex by Stuart Ferdinand for the three-count. [LIST] [*]Ferdinand & Coleman defeated Ikina & Tayama by pinfall when Stuart Ferdinand hit the Fisherman's Suplex on Shotaro Ikina (C) [*]Ferdinand & Coleman make defense #1 of their GCG World Tag Team Titles [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH #3: Takayuki 2000 (c) vs. Shigen Miyazaki GCG Openweight Title[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/GCG_Openweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/Takayuki2000.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] An open battle between two young stars of Golden Canvas Grappling turns into a fantastic sleeper match. Both men have good technical prowess, but Takayuki 2000's puroresu ability gives him the edge here. He's able to escapse from Miyazaki's submission holds, batter him with forearms and elbows, and then work on his signature submission. Miyazaki managed to fight back, but ate the Takayuki Attack, and then a Takayuki Air Attack, setting up the finish. [LIST] [*]Takayuki 2000 defeated Shigen Miyazaki by submission with the Persian Deathlock (B) [*]Takayuki 2000 makes defense #1 of his GCG Openweight Title [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH #4: Pistol Pete Hall vs. Dark Angel[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gcgpics/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A great match between two main eventers of Golden Canvas Grappling. Pistol Pete Hall shows that he can still go at 45 here, out muscling the smaller Dark Angel to take the early advantage. But Angel comes back with eye gouges, back rakes, and traditional heel manuevers, that get him real heat here in Japan. He sets Hall up for the Descent Into Hell, but Hall lifts him up and drops him. Hall then picks Angel up, only to plant Angel back down with the Oklahoma Stampede, use his momentum to bounce off the ropes, and blast Dark Angel with the Pistol Whip Lariat for the victory. [LIST] [*]Pistol Pete Hall defeated Dark Angel by pinfall with the Pistol Whip Lariat (B) [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U]MATCH #5: Hiroyasu Gakusha (c) vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi GCG World Heavyweight Title[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/GCG_World.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/HiroyasuGakusha.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/BeckettWrestling/ToshiharuHyobanshi.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The first main event of the GCG Rebirth Tour is fantastic, as Hiroyasu Gakusha defeats Toshiharu Hyobanshi to retain the gold in a very even matchup. Both men get lots of offense, battering each other with strikes, and wearing one another down with submission holds. The finishing sequence of the match is fantastic, with Hyobanshi hitting the Nova Burst for a two-count, but Gakusha kicked out. Another near fall ensued, when Hyobanshi then lifted Gakusha up, and hit the Nova Bomb Original. Gakusha kicked out again. Hyobanshi set Gakusha up for the Nova Bomb Redux, but Gakusha slipped out, grabbed Hyobanshi, and hit him with the Gakusha Golden Bomb for the win. [LIST] [*]Hiroyasu Gakusha defeated Toshiharu Hyobanshi by pinfall with the Gakusha Golden Bomb (B+) [*]Hiroyasu Gakusha makes defense #1 of his GCG World Heavyweight Championship [/LIST] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Overall: B[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]TV Rating: 0.17[/B] [I]OOC Notes: Good show, with an excellent main event match. Hyobanshi/Gakusha is a rivalry that I'll be looking to play off for the next several for a good long while, due to the history of the matchup. Hall/Angel is also something I'll work with. GCG lost over four thousand dollars with this event, though. But I'll fix that soon. I hope.[/I]
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Well. Here's my prediction for day 2. 1. Pistol Pete Hall & Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. [B]Hiroyasu Gakusha & Dark Angel[/B] 2. [B]Takayuki 2000 [/B](c) vs. Masutaro Kataoka (GCG Openweight) 3. [B]Watson & Marlowe[/B] vs. Ikina & Tayama 4. Rhino Umaga vs. [B]Samoan Machine[/B] (Samoan Machine's Farewell Match) 5. Hitomaro Suzuki vs. [B]SUKI[/B]
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Diaries for different promotions, are like Buses sometimes, you wait for one to come along and then two come along at once, and that's what appeared to has happened with GCG. I'm not going to say whose is better but I will say both will at-least have me as a reader at this moment in time and it will be interesting to see the different directions you both take Golden Canvas in. I think Gakusha-Hyobanshi is the in-built default feud at the start of every GCG diary though. Anyway like Midnightnick I'll leave my predictions for the second show. [B]Pistol Pete Hall & Toshiharu Hyobanshi[/B] vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha & Dark Angel [I]The tag win will help give Hyobanshi a win back over Gakusha. Pistol Pete despite his age could also feature in the World Title mix eventually.[/I] [I]Dark Angel was one of the best in 2005, and he is still very skilled but injuries and an over-worked schedule are starting to catch up and when NOTBPW establish their National standing in the game, he'll probably sign a written contract with them.[/I] [B]Takayuki 2000 (c)[/B] vs. Masutaro Kataoka (GCG Openweight) [I]Not time for Takayuki to drop the belt yet.[/I] [B]Watson & Marlowe[/B] vs. Ikina & Tayama [I]Ikina & Tayama just had their shots at the belts, and Watson/Marlowe could be built up as a legitimate Gaijin Bad-ass duo.[/I] [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Samoan Machine (Samoan Machine's Farewell Match) [I]Whilst it would be quite classy to send Machine out with a win, losing to Umaga would be no great shame and you can't really afford not to put over the people who will be staying on to help GCG get themselves out of their slump.[/I] Hitomaro Suzuki vs. [B]SUKI[/B] [I]SUKI has all the potential to be a star performer.[/I]
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1. Pistol Pete Hall & Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. [B]Hiroyasu Gakusha & Dark Angel[/B] I've never liked PPH and I think the Champions tag team will win anyway. 2. [B]Takayuki 2000 (c)[/B] vs. Masutaro Kataoka (GCG Openweight) I'm with TK on this one 3. Watson & Marlowe vs. [B]Ikina & Tayama[/B] I like to see Japanese guys built up in Japanese feds 4. Rhino Umaga vs. [B]Samoan Machine (Samoan Machine's Farewell Match)[/B] I'l go againt the grain and give Machine his farewell match. 5. [B]Hitomaro Suzuki[/B] vs. SUKI Hitomaro Suzuki has just as much talent as SUKI possibly more.
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GCG Rebirth Tour (Show #2) Ibaraki Community Hall (Kanto) Pistol Pete Hall & Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. [B]Hiroyasu Gakusha & Dark Angel[/B] [B]Takayuki 2000 (c)[/B] vs. Masutaro Kataoka (GCG Openweight) [B]Watson & Marlowe[/B] vs. Ikina & Tayama [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Samoan Machine (Samoan Machine's Farewell Match) Hitomaro Suzuki vs. [B]SUKI[/B]
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