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One Man's Journey (C-Verse)

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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;311819]Good - clear and uncluttered.[/QUOTE] Cool.. I didn't want the shows to ruin the story style i have been pushing here, so thats why i wrote them that way. Most TV shows should only be in one part (time permitting) but the PPV's will probably be split. Now im home i can actually get to writing the 2nd part
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[CENTER][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]UCR: Sweet Pain Part II[/CENTER]
With the tag team action out of the way, the crowd settled in for the next match. The video screen flicked back on and again and the crowd see the backstage locker rooms with a sign at the bottom saying 'Earlier'. Geena The Warrior Princess has just been getting herself dressed up and is heading to the locker room door when it swings open knocking her backwards. Entering the room is Miss Information who immediately tries to help Geena up. [I]'You did that on purpose didn't you'[/I] Geena shouted. [I]'Did what.. Opened the door?'[/I] Miss Information replied. [I]'You purposedly tried to injure me didn't you' [I]'Your kidding.. Why.. Neither of us are in title contention tonight. Injuring you serves no purpose'[/I] Geena was obviously very upset about the whole thing.[/I] [I]'You did.. I know it.. With me out the way, you'd be able to try become the number one contender'[/I] Geena shrieked. [I]'Oh right.. Im already that'[/I] [I]'Right.. Then how about you prove it later on tonight'[/I] [I]'Sure'[/I] Miss Information said. With that Miss Information chuckled as Geena left the locker room. [B]Rating:[/B] ??? (Stupid browser died when i copied all the info in) And with that, the screen flicked off, and Geena The Warrior Princesses music hit and she storms out to the front of the entrance ramp. Geena then proceeds to perform a few poses for the adulation of the crowd before strutting her stuff to ringside. Following her shortly afterwards comes Miss Information drawing bigger cheers and wolf whistles from the crowd. She laps it up as she wiggles her way ringside for the next match. [CENTER][B]Match 3:[/B] Geena The Warrior Princess [I][B]VS[/B][/I] Miss Information[/CENTER] As the bell rang, both women stood there staring at each other, as if daring the other to make the first move. Geena finally broke the stalemate and flew at Miss Information, but she was ready and moved out the way. Miss Information caught Geena on the way back and sent her to the mat before attempting various submission moves on her opponent. Geena struggled free and finally began some offence of her own. She knocked Miss Information to the mat and climbed on top and started pounding upon her. Sensing the momentum was in her favour, Geena scooped Miss Information up in readiness for an Amazon Plunge, but Miss Information broke free and connected with a Samurai Kick, a move taught to her by her mentor British Samurai. A quick cover followed but only a two count was made. Geena began fighting off Miss Information and finally connected with an Amazon Plunge before trying a pinfall of her own and sealing the win. [B]Rating:[/B] D Geena and Miss Information began clearing the ring as another video aired on the screen. It showed Joey Beauchamp looking very strong and various different views of his finisher, Breeze Block. It then cuts to the #1 contendership tournament that had been going on the last few weeks with the likes of Super Falcon, Poppa Punisher, Puffy The Sand Iron Player all involved.. After a few dramatic finishes, it highlighted the fact that Super Falcon had worked his way through all the other challengers for a chance at the European Championship tonight. The video ended and Super Falcon was already in the ring. Joey Beauchamps music hit the stands and the champion appeared ringside. Wearing the belt over his shoulder he strutted down to the ring, stopping occasionaly for a quick bit of abuse at a fan. Once ringside, the ref took the belt and held it aloft for everyone to see what was at stake tonight. [CENTER][B]Match 4:[/B] Joey Beauchamp [SIZE="1"](c)[/SIZE] [B][I]VS[/I][/B] Super Falcon [I]for the UCR European Championship[/I][/CENTER] The bell sounded and both men started at each other, attempting move after move upon each other, countering, and counter-countering each other in an effort to be the first to take their opponent to the mat scoring a crucial mental advantage with neither man making any ground. Finally Super Falcon connected with a bulldog leaving Joey grounded. Falcon began to work Joeys legs to keep him grounded but it wasn't long before he broke free and regained some footing. A few well timed moves later and the tide had begun to turn. Falcon was beginnning to show signs of tiring out when Joey set him up for a Breeze Block. He rolled him over and grabbed a leg for the pinfall. [B]Rating:[/B] C [CENTER]End Of Part II[/CENTER][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial Narrow"][I]Going to have to split this into 3 parts. Having just got home from work and having had a weekend full of work, partying and insomnia, im shattered. Will get the third and final part up later.[/I][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]UCR Sweet Pain III [I](The third & final part of the 2007 Sweet Pain Trilogy)[/I][/CENTER]
Joey Beauchamp is finishing up his celebrations as everyone gears up for the next match. Upon turning the corner and leaving the venue, Jeri Behrs music starts and she begins making her way down to the ring. Instead of just entering right away, Jeri smiles and waves at the fans before finally entering and wiggling her behind to massive wolf whistles. Finally when the cheers are beginning to die down, the music changes, and Anni Ki appears at the ramp gently teasing a lollipop around her mouth and then sucking it suggestively. She begins to work her way ringside, and the more observant fans stopped to notice Joey Beauchamp peering back out the curtain watching his girlfriends sexy walk. Upon reaching himside, she eyes up a young lad behind the rails, runs her hand up his chest and hands him the lollipop before climbing into the ring for her match. [CENTER][B]Match 5:[/B] Anni Ki [SIZE="1"](c)[/SIZE] [I][B]VS[/B][/I] Jeri Behr [I]for the UCR Female Championship[/I][/CENTER] The bell sounded and the girls walked around the ring, circling each other. Anni Ki started the show with a quick armdrag following it up quickly with a dropkick. Jeri soon recovered from this and started working in some armbars to wear her opponent down, however Jeri wasn't able to maintain her offensive long before Anni took over. Stomps and Armbars by Anni followed each other making sure Jeri would stay on the mat. Jeri managed to get to her feet and was attempting a running clothesline when Anni countered it into a firemans carry takedown. But even that wouldn't keep Jeri down, as she got back up for more. Jeri connected with a running dropkick and then locked in a La Magistal Cradle and then a spinning head scissors but Anni kept getting back up, and countered with a twisting face crusher to secure the pinfall. [B]Rating:[/B] E+ Anni Ki celebrated her win quickly as the video screen lit up again. The film it showed was a celebration of Byron's numerous accomplishments in UCR, most notably his third UCR World Combat championship win. It showed his wins against the likes of Captain Hero, White Knight, & Sergei Kalashnov in recent weeks and his very first win against Doctor Insane way back in 2001. The film finally ends and the crowds anticipation is reaching fever pitch as the announcer takes the microphone for the final time of the night. [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [I](I think. Damn browser died didn't it, the one that i had the notes saved in)[/I] The announcer heads into the ring with the microphone. [I]'LADIES & GENTLEMAN... TONIGHTS MAIN EVENT IS FOR THE UCR... WORLD... COMBAT... CHAMPIONSHIP.... INTRODUCING THE CHALLENGER....'[/I] With that Louis Figo Manico's music started and the UCR owners music hit the venue. He appears at the entrance ramp looking raring to go and heads down to the ring without even acknowledging his fans, so set on winning the belt as he was. Louis climbs into the ring and starts warming up. [I]'AND THE CHAMPION... FROM BOURNEMOUTH, ENGLAND.... BYRON!!!!'[/I] Finally the cream of UCR arrives at the venue and the roof blows off the place. Byron is standing there at the top of the ramp loving every bit of attention he is receiving. Byron runs his hand over his belt before taking the walk to the ring. Upon his arrival, he takes the belt off, and plants a kiss upon it before handing it to the referee. Byron climbs in the ring, and the match begins. [CENTER][B]Match 6:[/B] Byron [SIZE="1"](c)[/SIZE] [B][I]VS[/I][/B] Louis Figo Manico [I]for the UCR World Combat Championship[/I][/CENTER] Byron wasn't waiting and as soon as the bell rang, he launched into an attack upon Louis. It began with knife edge chops and soon progressed into dropkicks and running clotheslines and finally a schoolboy rollup. Byron was trying to end this early but Louis kicked out after barely one. Byron grabbed Louis for a vertical suplex but Louis slipped out and started an attack of his own. With his technical background, Louis started using wristlocks, headlocks and kneebars to wear Byron down. Louis started working more and more on Byrons legs to ground the champion, and went for a dropkick to knee but missed and hit the mat. With Louis gasping for air after his miss, Byron recovered and picked up his challenger for a double underhook suplex which sent Louis sprawled in the middle of the ring. Byron picked him back up again and again sent him flying, this time with a back suplex before finally connecting with his finisher, Upper Class for the win. [B]Rating:[/B] C+ The bell sounded and the announcer took his microphone back. [I]'OUR WINNER & STILL UCR WORLD COMBAT CHAMPION...... BYRON!!!!!'[/I] Confetti filled the air, as Byron took back his belt and began celebrating his win. He went from ringpost to ringpost, holding the championship above his head as the PPV finally finished. [B]Rating:[/B] C [I](Again.. I think. Darn that crash)[/I] [B]Final Rating:[/B] C-[/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/UCR-1.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][B]Match Of The Night:[/B] Joey [I]Beauchamp Vs Super Falcon [SIZE="1"](a hidden gem there i feel)[/SIZE][/I] [B]Notes:[/B] [I]Anni Ki Vs Jeri Behr was a bit of a dud. They really didn't click.[/I][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][I]**Interlude**[/I]
[I]'OUR WINNER & STILL UCR WORLD COMBAT CHAMPION...... BYRON!!!!!'[/I] The credits began rolling as Kris Adonis turned off the television. With some of his new found money he had splashed out for the UCR Sweet Pain Pay Per View. Originally an exercise in learning what sort of moves were coming into wrestling fashion, he had begun to grow interested in the main event and was almost routing for Louis Figo Manico to beat Byron and reclaim the belt for a 4th time. Kris had originally grown to like UCR a few years ago when they had gone through their peusdo hardcore stage, but since the transistion to sports entertainment, he had begun to watch less and less. He had only decided to buy the pay per view as he had heard about Captain Hero's departure and wondered if the new booker was going to bring back the gore. In that way, Kris was a little dissapointed but he had loved the drama that had unfolded in front of him. Kris clicked off the TV and got to his feet, knocking over the empty bottles of cheap lager that he had been downing all night and headed for the door grabbing his bag on the way. He made his way down the street and began to wander on autopilot. The street was deserted as most people were at home with their families watching the late night news or in bed already so Kris was walking in the middle of the road, muttering to himself about just what he would do to Byron if he had the chance and the things he would love to do to Anni Ki's body if he ever had the chance. Kris looked at the road name and realised he had reached his destination. He walked over to a tree and hid behind it. Kris ducked down out of sight and opened the bag, routing through it until he found what he wanted. [I]'Im gonna head to bed in a mo.. Grandpa'[/I] came a voice from somewhere in front of him. Kris grabbed the binoculars that he had found, and put them to his face. He scanned the area and found the source of the noise. He looked over as Tiffany carried out a bag of rubbish from her doorway to the bin and watched the way her top fell away from her chest as she bent over to drop the rubbish off. But the moment passed way to soon for Kris as she headed back inside. Once Tiffany was inside, Kris moved his vision from the doorway to an unlit bedroom. It wouldn't be too long, he thought until that light went on and he could peer through the crack in the curtains at Tiffany getting undressed.
[I]**End Interlude**[/I][/FONT]
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Thanks.. I know people have taken a dislike to Adam in the story, and im alright with that. He is meant to be the protagonist in this story, and i think hopefully by the time the story ends, people will have grown to like him.. Kris however, is the antagonist. Your supposed to dislike him.. oh and trust me.. You will
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/UCR-2.png[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]After The Show..[/SIZE][/CENTER]
Adam watched as the crowds finally finished filing out the Western European Tiny Arena (why they had given it that name, nobody knew) before finally heading backstage. On his way to meet Louis Figo Manico, he passed several of the workers he had booked that night, although none of them knew who he was. After Adam had decided exactly how the show would go, he had given the instructions to Louis to distribute to the crew. He thought it would be better this way than some unknown youngster telling them what to do. After passing the workers and road crew packing up all the gear, he reached the door which temporary housed UCR Headquarters. He knocked on the door and awaited the reply. [I]'Yeah... Come in!'[/I] came the voice from behind the door. Adam stepped into the office and shut the door behind him. In front of him was a very sweaty Louis still in his wrestling gear with just a T-Shirt on to protect his administrative staff from getting wet if they got too close to him. Louis was packing up all the paperwork which housed UCR's files of workers, storylines and attendance figures. [I]'Ah..Adam.. Come in.. Sit down... Cigar?'[/I] Louis said. [I]'No thanks'[/I] Adam replied. Louis had finally put away most of his files but one sat suspiciously on his makeshift desk that he now sat behind. He flipped it open and took out the first page. [I]'Where to start.. I had word from the front desk just before the show ended. We sold out tonight.. Now i dont know if thats got anything to do with the abrupt departure of Swig Svensson but im happy about that and its certainly a mark in the tick box for you.'[/I] [I]'Or things could be picking up in general'[/I] Adam replied. [I]'Maybe.. Maybe... Anyway.. The show itself next.'[/I] He said as he took out another page from his file. [I]'I think it went down pretty well, and you tied up some of the loose ends we had from Swig's era, and can quite happily start some new programs on the next show.'[/I] [I]'Im glad i could help you out'[/I] Adam said as he started to get to his feet. [I]'Not so fast'[/I] Louis said quickly. [I]'At the very least, i want to honour the rest of my agreement. I offered you a room and your welcome to stay until the morning if you so desire. But i do have this for you.'[/I] Louis took the last part of the file and handed it to Adam. It was a 6 page document with each page filled top to bottom with text. At the top of the first page were the words 'Contract Of Employment'. [I]'Sign that, and the jobs yours'[/I] Louis said with a grin on his face. [CENTER]To Be Continued..[/CENTER][/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]3 Days After The Pay Per View[/B] Somewhere in Poland
Everyone began to disembark from the tourbus when it finally ground to a halt itching to stretch their legs a little. Having been stuck in cramped chairs for hours on end, tensions were a little strained and everyone wanted a bit of time to themselves. Louis had spent most of the trip praising everyones abilities and thanking everyone for an excellent show, but when Jeri sat with him for a chat, she saw the bottles of vodka empty on the chair next to him. Louis was a happy drunk so nobody minded. After her conversation with Louis, Jeri moved to the back of the bus, and took a seat. [I]'Im glad you decided to join us'[/I] she said. [I]'After that show you wrote i think you could do great things here in UCR'[/I] Adam was sitting next to her, with the backs of the chairs and the window next to him plastered with pages of information about various things. He looked up at her as if coming out of a trance. [I]'Im sorry.. What... I was miles away'[/I] he said. Jeri laughed. [I]'I was just saying its good your here'[/I] [I]'Thanks.. Im not sure why im here though.. Louis put that contract in front of me, and i just signed.. I dont know why'[/I] [I]'Im sure theres a reason.. But i have a favour to ask if i may'[/I] Jeri grinned again. [I]'Sure.. Whats that'[/I] Adam replied. [I]'Clean yourself up. Louis paid you as well didn't he.. Get yourself some new clothes, have a bath and a shave, because... well... you smell'[/I] Adam ran a hand through his beard. Back in England, he kept a trimmed designer stubble look but since his departure, he hadn't shaved since. It itched like mad on his neck as well causing a slight redness to appear. His clothes as well were the same as he had back home. He was sometimes able to wash them in a local stream in Saint Malo but there was a slight aroma to them. He had been wearing the same set since the pay per view. Jeri placed her hand on top of Adams. [I]'Look.. I saw that picture of you back in the hotel room.. With that guy and girl, and im fairly certain that somethings happened thats messed you up, but if you want to talk about it...Im here okay.'[/I] Adam looked and her and wondered where to start and which failure had been worse. Southern Hardcore Wrestlings demise, or his abandonment of Tiffany. Both were eating away at his heart like a cancer. Even now he could feel his eyes starting to well up and turned to look out the window. [I]'Or..'[/I] Jeri suddenly exclaimed.. [I]'.. I could take you shopping'[/I] It was an obvious attempt to cheer him up which fell short of the mark. Jeri sat there for a while longer, as the rest of the crew got back on the bus and it pulled off again towards their next destination. [CENTER]To Be Continued...[/CENTER][/FONT]
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Counterpoint to the Adam Admiration. If he wasn't such a cowardly protoman running off to the continent to avoid his responsibilities and giving Tiffany more abandonment issues and actually stayed and dealt with the troubles he made, then Tiffany wouldn't be falling prey to the voyeuristic predations of Adam. It's still a good story although I'm going to say it's different to have a story with no real protagonists and the two main male characters both being antagonists.
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[QUOTE=Beeker;317515]Counterpoint to the Adam Admiration. If he wasn't such a cowardly protoman running off to the continent to avoid his responsibilities and giving Tiffany more abandonment issues and actually stayed and dealt with the troubles he made, then Tiffany wouldn't be falling prey to the voyeuristic predations of Adam. It's still a good story although I'm going to say it's different to have a story with no real protagonists and the two main male characters both being antagonists.[/QUOTE] I believe Adam is the protagonist, just more of a tragic hero role.
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The fact that its actually drawing some debate means i think i have done quite a good job of writing him.. When i wrote the end of the previous diary (and technically the start of this one) i pondered over just what would people do.. Imagine you spent many years looking out for your friend, and you put her in a situation that winds up getting her perved over, and paraded around in front of a jury who being up all the events from her past. And this is a very private girl, with her own share of problems. What would you do.. Could you look your friend in the face? Would they be better off if you wernt around.. It depends on the person.. An outward person would probably get over it... An introvert would blame himself... and thats what he did. It may well be the wrong choice in some peoples eyes, but he made it. He took the decision to go out there and try find himself. To leave everything behind and try gain some peace in his mind. Thats a brave thing. But it may well come back and bite him on the ass. While the story doesn't have an ending yet, it does have a few key points already planned.. The first was the voyuerism by Kris Adonis, the second is kinda underway with the last story segment and i have at least 2 more that are in idea stage and not fleshed out. And im sure one day there will be a reunion.. But where and under what circumstances...
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