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DaVE: Rags to Riches

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[I]A [B]Danny Ireland[/B] diary...[/I] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="4"]December 24th, 2006 The Mirage Diner New Rochelle, NY [/SIZE][/FONT]9:30 at night in the middle of a diner in Westchester County, surrounded by Iona college students, drunk layabouts, hipster wastes, and the plumes of smoke from a Cuban cigar.

To be honest, if I’d ever thought of the way I’d break into the wrestling industry, this wasn’t the scene that came to mind.

Across from me were two men whom I’d known for many years now, despite that I’d never met either of them. To my right, lazily eyeing me down while reclining in a postion favouring an injured back (I notice all sorts of things when it’s my fourth cup of coffee), was the lean, hooded, red-headed figure of John Campbell, better known as Nemesis to the wrestling world. Or, as I thought to myself, better yet known as the stepping stone to Tommy Cornell’s career with TCW. As I avoided eye-contact with the topic of many of my past political debates on the industry, my mind flooded with realizations. Sure, when I’d received the call from DAVE’s front office, I’d been excited well enough. But here was this [I]icon[/I] in front of me, the man practically gave birth to mainstream hardcore.

And then there was his counterpart. Directly in front of me, smoking a cigar he’d paid obscenely for the right to enjoy it, was none other than Danger and Violence Extreme’s eccentric owner, Phil Vibert.

I’d figured him taller, to be completely honest.

Vibert looked me over casually as he exhaled deeply, smirking a grin that reminded me how surprised I must have looked.

[COLOR="Green"]“I guess you don’t normally hold business meetings in a diner, huh?”[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"]“Actually,”[/COLOR] I replied, taking my eyes back to my coffee cup in an effort to keep some kind of cool composure. [COLOR="Green"]“Most of it’s usually done from the opposite side of a bar…”[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"]“Or, from what we hear, the other side of a computer screen.”[/COLOR] As I remember the meeting, Campbell’s comment put how uncommunicative he was in retrospect.

At that point, I hadn’t realized what he was referring to, but chuckled along with Vibert nonetheless.

[COLOR="Green"]“I’ll cut to the chase, kid,”[/COLOR] he said, snubbing out the Cuban. I really hate when people call me that. [COLOR="Green"]“Since I don’t like diners, and my cousin will be out of class in an hour. What would you say if I told you we’d heard you were quite the clever e-fed writer?”[/COLOR]

I was surprised, but the coffee helped me hold face. [COLOR="Green"]“I’d say you have some people working under you who have completely too much time on their hands.”[/COLOR]

Nemesis grunted a snicker, which Vibert echoed. [COLOR="Green"]“I’d agree with you there. Truth is, I’ve been told you’ve got quite a reputation for picking winners in the ring.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"]“Wish that applied to the horses.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"]“Yeah,”[/COLOR] Phil said, laughing. “[COLOR="Green"]I’m with you on that. But regardless, DAVE seems to be in need of a booker, someone fresh, but with knowledge and experience of the business. And a few people in the writing department seem to think you’re our guy.”

“Few people in the ring, too,”[/COLOR] continued Nemesis, with something resembling malice leaking through his eyes. [COLOR="Green"]“Rumor’s that a couple hundred people didn’t show last October when you guessed the Giedruyk/Brandon match a day early.”[/COLOR]

The hits kept on coming. With a quirked brow, I attempted a response without being shaken by the contempt in his voice.

[COLOR="Green"]“I’m flattered,”[/COLOR] I replied. [COLOR="Green"]“To think my word means so much… But honestly, it was a predictibaly written match. Brandon needed to drop the title for a shot at the Unified championship, and Giedruyk’s obviously the Blue Chipper on the roster. That push guessed itself.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"]“I wrote that push,”[/COLOR] Campbell spat through clenched teeth.

[COLOR="Green"]“Which is exactly my point,”[/COLOR] cut in Phil Vibert, saving my hide. [COLOR="Green"]“Johnny here’s too close to the ring, too experienced for a biased point of view. We need fresh talent, with fresh ideas that are uncorrupted by the ocean of politics in wrestling.”[/COLOR] He leaned back, his ever-present grin spreading. [COLOR="Green"]“The water’s shallow, and you’re a big fish, kid.”[/COLOR]

I really don’t like it when people call me “kid”.

Regardless of it all, as I was overcome with a feeling of being starstruck yet prideful, I continued on denying what he asked of me.

[COLOR="Green"]“Still, though,”[/COLOR] I enquired. [COLOR="Green"] “Why me? I did three indy shows for some glorified backyard fed when I was seventeen, and now I pour drinks for a living and watch Irish football. There’s got to be some sharp people, new to the business but nevertheless pursuing their career in wrestling.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"]“Because I like a gamble, kid.”[/COLOR] I think I made my point. [COLOR="Green"]“Hell, you must’ve heard about how I bought DAVE in the first place. ‘Phil the Gambler’ ring any bells?”[/COLOR]

“[COLOR="Green"]I follow you,”[/COLOR] I replied. [COLOR="Green"]“Heard you won half on the Series that year.”

“Diamondback’s had it in stone from Game 1.” [/COLOR] He shrugged. “[COLOR="Green"]I knew Rivera would choke.”[/COLOR] I passionately and silently concurred.

[COLOR="Green"]“What’s your answer, kid?”[/COLOR] Somehow, Campbell calling me that never bothers me. [COLOR="Green"]“You gonna pour pints the rest of your days in some caddy shack in the Bronx, or are we gonna toss around some numbers?”[/COLOR]

I should have done a lot of things. Asked for more money, reviewed the finances, inquired about the current direction of the storylines. But hell, I was just some kid pouring drinks and writing fantasy wrestling scripts and diaries, like some open candle in a calm field, just waiting to blow out eventually. How could anyone say no?

My weakness momentarily spiked as my duty to loyalty peaked over my love of money.

[COLOR="Green"]“Wait, hold on,”[/COLOR] I said, putting down my pen in half signature. Campbell looked amazed, and angry (he does often), and Phil looked nervous. [COLOR="Green"]“One stipulation.”

“Shoot,”[/COLOR] replied Phil.

[COLOR="Green"]“C.J. Gambino,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]“Semi-active indy wrestler for the past 4 years. Works around the Tri-State as ‘The Paisan’ Gino Gambino.”[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"]“Sure,”[/COLOR] Campbell said, looking confused. Or maybe annoyed, who can tell. [COLOR="Green"]“he worked a couple dark matches with us back in May. Bright guy, good ideas.” [/COLOR] He smirked. [COLOR="Green"]“We probably should have asked him first, come to think of it.”[/COLOR]

I inwardly cringed, knowing this job would never have come my way if C.J. was their first choice. [COLOR="Green"]“He comes along. Booker powers equal to mine, matching corner offices, any contract he wants on-screen.”[/COLOR]

Phil leaned back in his chair, his smirk returning with a look of interest, as if I had finally challenged his wheeling & dealing skills. [COLOR="Green"]“Hardball, eh?”[/COLOR]

He leaned forward. [COLOR="Green"]“Head seat on the writing team, shared corner office, and I’ll throw him an enchancement deal cause I’m a nice guy.”[/COLOR]

I swallowed.

[COLOR="Green"]“Matching pay,”[/COLOR] I retorted. He smiled.

[COLOR="Green"]“Sure,”[/COLOR] he replied. [COLOR="Green"]“Why not.”[/COLOR]

I swallowed harder.

[COLOR="Green"]“Deal?” [/COLOR] He asked.


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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;318680]Lighten up and let him take it at his own pace it's his first diary.[/QUOTE] Much appreciated with the back up, though I must say that Ramaeno's got a point. I've been spending the last few days catching up on Scapino's diary to blossom some ideas, when I could easily have been pumping out some good stuff for the DaVE diary. But then, in my personal opinion, Scap's diary is never a waste of time. Should have an update tonight, as I've taken the night off to do some work and should be finished shortly. Oh, and Rae? You'd better ressurect the Force interviews in this diary. You've got my full permission. For anyone who doesn't know what I'm referring to, read Ramaeno's former TCW diary that I was helping with. The FUNNIEST stuff you've ever read.
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Welcome to DaVE... [SIZE="2"]December 26th, 2006 DaVE Corporate Offices Fort Lee, New Jersey 6:15 pm[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="6"]I[/SIZE][/B] could probably have figured out better ways to spend the holidays, especially since I was back in the Tri-State Area and not working myself into a restless stupor. But I had to admit, I was far too excited to start work. And that, I assure you, is saying something when it comes to my work ethic. I was halfway through unpacking in the shared office I would have with my cohort, C.J. Gambino. Though he wasn't there to help move in, as he had prior obligations to his wife's family in PA, I knew he was as ecstatic as I. As I picked up the obscenely large bottle of Jameson Gold Blend that C.J. had bought me for Christmas, I remembered how excited he'd been when I told him of our future en devours in DaVE. I can't remember the last time I'd heard him yell that loud, outside of the ring. My fond reminiscence was brought to a screeching halt as a large bundle of folders slammed onto my desk. I looked up, startled, to see a young blonde woman staring down at me. I have to say, she was gorgeous. Any man's secretarial wet dream was encompassed into this woman; long hair in a bun, expensive looking black rimmed glasses, an immaculate figure, and best of all no diamond. The only thing that ruined the perfect Christmas fantasy was the look of utter contempt on her face as she frowned at me. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Ah.. Hi, I'm--"[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Shove it."[/COLOR] I was shocked. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Excuse me?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"] "Vibert hiring deaf guys, too, now? Jesus,"[/COLOR] she spat, crossing her arms. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"What a generous guy he is; takes a poor bartender, gives him a career, and in the mix helps out the disabled."[/COLOR] I fumed. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"And who the Hell let you in here, lady?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"I did,"[/COLOR] she replied. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Since I work here. Sir."[/COLOR] I took note of the title she laid on me, and the malice that she said it with, but it didn't take. She soon explained, however, continuing before I could utter even a word. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Save it. The name's Sophia O'Riley. Don't call me Sophie, cause that's saved for friends. Don't call me Ms. O'Riley, cause then I'll think you're a pervert trying to seduce me for some sick Boss/Secretary fantasy. Are you a perv, Mr. Gardener?"[/COLOR] I had developed a speech impediment. [COLOR="SeaGreen"] "I'll take that as a yes. Well, good for you. Have fun taking care of 'business' in here with your fancy new computer, though I warn you that Mr. Vibert keeps track of internet activity in the offices. Just keep your hands on yourself and the keyboard, or I'll slap you with a sexual harrassment suit so hard that you're mother'll feel it. I'm Sophia, I'm your personal secretary, and behalf of all of us in the office today; Welcome to DaVE, and thanks for ****ing up the holidays for me."[/COLOR] It's rare that I'm speechless. Really, it is. I glanced down at the folders, and she read my mind. [COLOR="SeaGreen"] "Rosters. Storylines. Current title holders, pushes, title histories, and so forth. I hope you can read, because if I have to explain stuff to you on my dinner break I might think you're trying to nail me, and I think we've gone over that bit already, don't you?"[/COLOR] I swallowed hard, my mouth dry. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Yes,"[/COLOR] I replied, hoarse. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Good. You've got your work cut out for you, sir; Mr. Vibert has completely wiped the card clean for Back In Black, and that's going to be in six days. He wants you to revamp the whole system, and for anyone you need to help you. So again, thanks. I could really have used to see my boyfriend this holiday season."[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Why don't you go home, then,"[/COLOR] I replied, struggling to regain my composure. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"I'm sure I can take care of this all myself."[/COLOR] She laughed mockingly. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"I doubt it. But you'll learn quick, I hope; if Vibert says 'jump', you'd better already be off the ground."[/COLOR] She spun, then, leaving me stunned as the clicking of her heels trailed her out of the room. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Call me if you need anything,"[/COLOR] she replied, turning her head briefly. [COLOR="SeaGreen"] "But not too quickly, because--"[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Right, right, because you'll tell the police I tried to rape you. I get the picture."[/COLOR] She smiled for the first time in the entire, though brief, conversation. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"I'm glad we have an understanding, sir."[/COLOR] As I rested back in my chair, trying to comprehend what had just occurred, I pulled the cork out of the whiskey bottle still in hand and took a long swig. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Women..."[/COLOR] As I shook the recent memory of being painted as a leering perverted boss from my mind without mentioning a single word to the girl, I fanned quickly through the papers in the first folder on the desk. True to her word, Sophia had given me a bundle of paperwork explaining every little nook and cranie of Danger and Violence Extreme, starting with the current roster. It read like this: [quote] [FONT="Courier New"][CENTER][SIZE="6"][B][U]Danger and Violence Extreme[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]December-January 2006/07 Working Roster[/SIZE][/B] [B]Written Contract - (W) Lifetime Contract - (L) Pay-Per-Appearance Contract - (P) Exclusive PPA - (E)[/B] [I]Salaries are noted by monthly wages[/I] Babyfaces in [COLOR="Blue"]Blue[/COLOR] Heels in [COLOR="Red"]Red[/COLOR] Owner [B]Phil Vibert[/B] Head Booker [B]Keith Gardener[/B] Booking Team [B]John Campbell Eric Tyler Phil Vibert Chris Caulfield C.J. Gambino[/B] Referees [B]R.M. Stones Ryan Holland[/B] Announcing Team [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mitch Naess[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Emma Chase[/COLOR][/B] [U][B][SIZE="4"] MAIN EVENT[/SIZE][/B][/U] [B][COLOR="Blue"]James Brandon[/COLOR][/B] (W/12k) [Big Cat Brandon] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Chris Caulfield[/COLOR][/B] (W/12k) [B][COLOR="Red"]Edward Peak[/COLOR][/B] (W/12k) [B][COLOR="Red"]Eric Tyler[/COLOR][/B] (W/12k) [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack Giedroyc [/COLOR][/B](W/7k) [U][B][SIZE="4"]UPPER MIDCARD[/SIZE][/B][/U] [B][COLOR="Red"]Taylor Morton[/COLOR][/B] (W/7k) [Acid] [B][COLOR="Red"]Thom Barrowman[/COLOR][/B] (W/7k) [Guide] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jeremy Finch[/COLOR][/B] (W/7k) [Scout] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR][/B] (P/1.8k) [B][COLOR="Blue"]Vincent Tanner[/COLOR][/B] (P/1.8k) [B][SIZE="4"][U]MIDCARD[/U][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Alex Braun[/B][/COLOR] (P/1.5k) [B][COLOR="Red"]Jason Fisher[/COLOR][/B] (P/1.4k) [Hell's Bouncer] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jeff Daniel Morgan[/COLOR][/B] (P/1.4k) [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B] (W/7k) [B][COLOR="Blue"]Johnathan Martin[/COLOR][/B] (P/1.4k) [B][COLOR="Blue"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] (W/4k) [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Bradley[/COLOR][/B] (P/1.4k) [Tank Bradley] [B][COLOR="Red"]Travis Century [/COLOR][/B](P/1.8k) [B][SIZE="4"][U]LOWER MIDCARD[/U][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Arthur Reed [/COLOR][/B](W/4k) [B][COLOR="Blue"]Dallas McWade [/COLOR][/B](P/1.4k) [B][COLOR="Red"]Dean McWade[/COLOR][/B] (P/1.4k) [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ted Powell [/COLOR][/B](W/4k) [B][U][SIZE="4"]OPENERS[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jesus Chavez[/B][/COLOR] (P/.8k) [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nathan Coleman[/COLOR][/B] (P/1k) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rudolph Velasquez [/COLOR][/B](P/.8k) [B][U][SIZE="4"]ENHANCEMENT[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hector Galindo [/COLOR][/B](P/.8k) [B][COLOR="Red"]C.J. Gambino [/COLOR][/B](W/5k) [Gino Gambino] [B][U][SIZE="4"]MISC.[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Catherine Jemson[/COLOR][/B] (P/.35k) [B][COLOR="Red"]Carl Batch [/COLOR][/B](P/.5k) [B][COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert [/COLOR][/B](L/5k) [B]Keith Gardener [/B](W/5k)[/CENTER][/FONT][/quote] Next up came the current tag-teams and on-screen stables, followed by the current titles with their possessors and respective histories. [FONT="Courier New"][quote][CENTER] [B][U][SIZE="5"]CURRENT TAG TEAMS[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I][Champions noted] [Teams Organized via respective pushes][/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]The New Jersey Devils[/COLOR][/B] (c) [I]-John "Tank" Bradley -Alex Braun[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]The New Wave[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Thom "Guide" Barrowman -Jeremy "Scout" Finch[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Adrenaline Rush[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Sammy Bach -Teddy Powell[/I] [B] [COLOR="Red"]The McWade Brothers[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Dean McWade -Dallas McWade[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] The Latino Kings[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Rudy Velasquez -Hector Galindo[/I] [B][U][SIZE="5"]CURRENT STABLES[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I][Champions noted] [Stables organized via respective pushes][/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"] The School of Tradition[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]-Eric Tyler -Thom "Guide" Barrowman -Jeremy "Scout" Finch -Taylor "Acid" Morton[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"] The Latino Kings[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]-Jesus Chavez -Rudy Velasquez -Hector Galindo[/I][/CENTER][/quote][/FONT] [quote] [FONT="Courier New"][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]Danger and Violence Extreme Championship Titles[/SIZE][/U][/B] [SIZE="4"][B][U]DAVE Unified Championship[/U][/B][/SIZE] Current Holder: [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Peak[/COLOR][/B] (Oct '06-Current) [B][U]LAST FOUR TITLE HOLDERS[/U][/B] [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] (May '06-Oct '06) [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] (May '05-May '06) [B][B]Nemesis[/B] (Dec '04-May '05) Eric Tyler[/B] (Jan '04-Dec '04) [B][U][SIZE="4"]DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship[/SIZE][/U][/B] Current Holder: [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack Giedroyc[/COLOR][/B] (Oct '06-Current) [B][U]LAST FOUR TITLE HOLDERS[/U][/B] [B]Big Cat Brandon[/B] (Jan '06-Oct '06) [B]Eddie Peak [/B](Aug '05-Jan '06) [B]Eisaku Kunomasu [/B](May '05-Aug '05) [B]Kurt Laramee [/B](Jan '05-May '05) [B][U][SIZE="4"]DAVE Tag Team Championship[/SIZE][/U][/B] Current Holders: [B][COLOR="Blue"]Alex Braun & Tank Bradley[/COLOR][/B] (Oct '06-Current) [B][U]LAST FOUR TITLE HOLDERS[/U][/B] [B]Sammy Bach & Teddy Powell [/B](Apr '06-Oct '06) [B]Big Cat Brandon & The Wolverine [/B](Oct '05-Apr '06) [B]Scout & Guide[/B] (Jan '05-Oct '05) [B]Alex Braun & Tank Bradley[/B] (May '04-Jan '05)[/CENTER][/FONT][/quote] My mind began to swirl, mixing the words on the pages into a blur, and I put the folder down as my mind flooded with ideas. This was overwhelming, and I'd only read four pages. Sophia was right, I was going to need help if I was going to organize an entire promotion's way-of-work in six days. Then I smiled as the ideas flooded my mind. I immediatly reached for my phone. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Hey, C.J.? How soon can you get over here?"[/COLOR]
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[I][SIZE="4"]OOC Notes...[/SIZE][/I] So obviously, I've added C.J. Gambino to the game, and made a couple of relationship adjustments to him that may or may not be obvious. But those will explain themselves as time rolls on. Currently, this is how his stats are looking upon generation: [quote][B][U] [SIZE="5"]C.J. Gambino[/SIZE][/U][/B] [CENTER]AKA: "The Paisan" Gino Gambino Gender: Male Born: March, 1985 Nationality: American Based In: USA Status: Active Wrestler Style: Entertainer Size: Heavyweight Personality: Free Spirit Additude: Normal Face Gimmick: ****y Heel Gimmick: Underworld Loyalty: None Favoured Role: Wrestler Semi-Favoured Roles: Manager, Colour Commentator, Personality Languages: English (Fluent), Italian (Fluent) Main Finisher: The Spaghetti Deathlock (Submission) Secondary Finisher: The Pizza Plex (Pinfall) [B] PERFORMANCE[/B] Face: 55 Heel: 80 Cool: 80 ****y: 90 Crazy: 60 Legit: 50 Comedy: 15 Weasel: 40 Brute: 60 Weird: 30 Wholesome: 50 [B]SKILLS[/B] (Just noticed at this moment, I can't look at the numerical values. I'll more than likely edit these at a later date, if anyone wishes to know the exacts) Brawling: D Puroresu: F- Hardcore: E- Aerial: E Flashiness: D- Mat: D+ Chain Wrestling: D+ Submissions: C+ Microphone: B- Charisma: B+ Acting: C+ Announcing: D- Athletisism: C Toughness: C+ Stamina: B Power: C Basics: E+ Psychology: C+ Safety: C Consistency: C- Selling: C+ Business: F- Booking: B+ Respect: F Looks: C+ Star Quality: B Intensity: C- Stiffness: D Resilence: B- Menace: C Refereeing: F- MMA: F+ [B]INJURIES[/B] Head: 90 Body: 100 Arms: 100 Legs: 100 Worker Relations: Best Friend of Keith Gardener Strong Dislike of Edd Stone[/CENTER][/quote] In the matches I've booked him in, it seems that the people absolutly can't stand seeing him in the ring. If anyone has any ideas as to why this is, please let me know. Also, I'm obviously not too familiar with designing new characters, so any other helpful advice would be appreciated. Gambino was brought in solely for storyline purposes, as well, so the focus is more on the backstory for his character, and not what he may or may not end up doing in the promotion.
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From ProWrestlingHits.com [quote] [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]NEW FACES FOR A NEW YEAR IN DAVE[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"]John Raid[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"]12.29.06 Fort Lee, New Jersey[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"] [B]In[/B] a brazen move by admitted gambler, in and out of the ring, [B]DaVE[/B] owner and CEO [B]Phil Vibert[/B], [B]Danger and Violence Extreme[/B] has hired a new booker from out of the woodworks.[/SIZE] [B] Keith Gardener[/B] (known to some hardcore NYCW fans as [B]Keith Baron[/B]) put pen to paper early Wednesday morning to become the new head booker for the promotion, replacing [B]John "Nemesis" Campbell[/B] who has held the position since Vibert bought DaVE in 2006. Gardener, who has worked small independent shows in the Tri-State area since he was 16, has mostly worked for NYCW as an announcer/manager, but that isn't saying much. His actual work history for NYCW was [I]four[/I] shows, extremely spaced, and he hasn't shown his face in the industry since 2005, up until now. Sources say he's actually been working as a bartender for the past two years, and the rumor mills are calling that he was mainly hired due to a remarkable ability to predict match outcomes, as well as some writing he's done for various fictional e-feds. Nemesis has refused comment on the hiring, but has mentioned that he's happy to be focusing on his job as a road agent at the moment. Phil Vibert, on the other hand, said, "We're happy to have [Gardener] on board, and we all think he'll bring a lot of great, fresh stuff to the table." In other news, indy wrestler [B]C.J. Gambino[/B] has also signed an outstanding $45,000 9 month written contract with DaVE, breaking down to $5,000 a month. No word yet on how this considerable contract has effected locker room morale, as it is almost unheard of for a worker on an enhancement deal to earn such a living, or hold a written contract with a Cult-sized promotion, though rumors are spreading that his signing was due in large part to his friendship with Keith Gardener. No comments were given from anyone within DaVE concerning Gambino's signing. Gambino, another NYCW local, has been working shows throughout the North East and Canada since he was 18, as opposed to Gardener, usually under the guise of "The Paisan" Gino Gambino. Though always an entertaining individual when given a microphone, Gambino has been known to lack in certain ring abilities, never recieving the proper training he requires, and as of such has bounced from promotion to promotion for the better part of four years. [SIZE="2"]For more on this article, please click [COLOR="Blue"][U]here[/U][/COLOR].[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]To return to the main news page, please click [COLOR="Blue"]here[/COLOR].[/SIZE][/quote]
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From DAVEWrestling.com [quote] [CENTER][SIZE="6"][B]Danger and Violence Extreme Presents...[/B][/SIZE] [B][U][SIZE="5"]BACK IN BLACK 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] [SIZE="4"]On New Year's Day @ the McGaw Arena, in Dumont, New Jersey![/SIZE] Tickets $15 at the door, $10 in advance [SIZE="2"]click [COLOR="Blue"][U]here[/U][/COLOR] to purchase tickets from Ticket Master[/SIZE] Featuring the following matches: [B] Hell's Bouncer[/B] v. [B]Nathan Coleman[/B] [B]JD Morgan[/B] v. [B]Travis Century [/B] and also... [SIZE="4"] [B]Eddie Peak[/B] (c) v. [B]TBA[/B][/SIZE] ...for the [B]DAVE Unified championship title[/B]! Also... DaVE Owner/Commisioner [B]Phil Vibert[/B] to make an important announcement regarding the [B]future[/B] of [B]Danger and Violence Extreme[/B]! Be there as DaVE enters a new year, and a new era in [B]EXTREME WRESTLING[/B]! [I][SIZE="1"]Card subject to change.[/SIZE][/I][/CENTER][/quote]
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A New Year... [SIZE="2"]January 1st, 2007 Dumont, New Jersey 8:47 pm[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="5"] I[/SIZE][/B] have to admit, I was nervous going into this show. I had made some big plans for DaVE over the next year over the last week with C.J., and it was all going to be set into motion here at the McGaw Arena. I had no idea how short of a leash I was on with Vibert and the company, but judging from the distance he and the rest of the staff had kept from me during the preperations over the last week, I was beginning to think it was just enough rope to hang myself with. As I watched the crowd pile in along the halls of the venue, I felt a strong hand pat me on the shoulder. I turned, coming face to face with C.J., my close friend and confidant. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"You're sweating, Keith,"[/COLOR] he said with a grin, straightening my tie. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"You would be, too, if your ass was on the line for the next hour and a half,"[/COLOR] I replied, wiping my brow. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"It is, if you hadn't heard,"[/COLOR] he retorted. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"You brought me in, bro. This contract I'm under is just a pillow for you to rest easy on. You muck it up, and I'm out of a job again come the end of this contract."[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Yeah, well,"[/COLOR] I said, turning away with a scowl. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Thanks for bringing some relief to my night."[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Hey,"[/COLOR] he replied. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"It'll be fine. And if it isn't, who cares? There's always pouring pints at the Cobh to go back to."[/COLOR] He grinned as he patted my shoulder again, and somehow I felt eased in his humor. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Now, get down there and call the play-by-play. It's certainly not gonna help matters if you flake on your first night announcing."[/COLOR] I looked quickly up at the clock, realizing the event would begin within ten minutes. With a silent curse, I hustled for the entrance to the floor. Here we go. [CENTER][B][I][SIZE="2"]Danger and Violence Extreme Presents...[/SIZE][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Back In Black 2007[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"]Monday, January 1st, 2007[/SIZE] At the McGaw Arena in Dumont, New Jersey 5,000 in attendance - SELL OUT CROWD[/CENTER] As I fought for composure with a helpful pat on the knee and smile from [B]Emma Chase[/B], she and [B]Mitch Naess[/B] welcomed my addition to the announcing table, and then welcomed the fans that would eventually view the recorded show. I got a slight feeling of distaste while I sat next to Mitch, but on camera he was as professional as ever. As we opened the show, we announced that owner [B]Phil Vibert[/B], having dropped the kayfabe routine of times past and publically stepped into his role in the promotion, was going to be making an important, and possibly company shaking announcement later on. [CENTER]Rating: [B]B-[/B][/CENTER] The cameras then cut up to [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] as he made his enterance to the ring. As he took the microphone, he detailed how bad of an image the promotion was holding while a maniac like [B]Eddie Peak[/B] held the gold. Promising that his only goal was to redeem the Unified championship by beating, Peak, he called the champion out for a match later in the evening. Peak came out, and accepted with a manevolent grin teasing his face all the while. [CENTER] Rating: [B]B[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Hell's Bouncer[/COLOR][/B] v. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Nathan Coleman[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] Oof. I knew there was going to be a few hiccups during the evening, but from the way the crowd had responded to the opening of the show, it brought my anxiety back full force as I gauged the crowd's blatent dislike for this match-up. The two put on a decent match, with Bouncer tiring near the end, but the real downfall was the way that Coleman really just stunk up the whole ring. As the Bouncer nailed Coleman with the Damnation Drop, I made a mental note of Coleman's performance, knowing he wouldn't have long left with the company if this was his best effort. [CENTER]Rating: [B]E+[/B][/CENTER] After the ring was cleared, [B]Eric Tyler[/B], [B]Guide[/B], and [B]Scout[/B] headed down to ringside. They cut a short promo, promising a swift defeat against their opponents, the [B]Latino Kings.[/B] [CENTER]Rating: [B]D+[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]The School of Tradition[/COLOR][/B] v. [B][COLOR="Red"]The Latino Kings[/COLOR][/B] (Eric Tyler/Guide/Scout) (Jesus Chavez/Hector Galindo/Rudy Velasquez)[/CENTER] Another match that caused me to sweat. Not as bad as the Bouncer/Coleman match-up, but the Kings really brought the match down quicker than the sweat on my brow. I began to internally kick myself as I realized what a mismatch I'd booked, throwing in three workers who should be on a title push against three glorified jobbers who resemebled less of a gang and more of a South of the Border Circus. My relief came quickly, however, when Guide finally put down Galindo for the pinfall. [CENTER] Rating: [B]D+[/B][/CENTER] The cameras then cut backstage, as the crowd watched on the Extreme Screen, showing Hell's Bouncer changing back into his street clothes. The door to the dressing room opened with an abrupt knock, [B]Travis Century[/B] appearing in the doorway. He proceeded to hire Hell's Bouncer, producing a roll of bills from his jacket, for some "extra help with the Lord's work" during his match against [B]JD Morgan[/B]. Hell's Bouncer, though looking unimpressed by Century's attempt to sugar-coat the reasoning behind the offer, accepted. [CENTER]Rating:[B] C[/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]JD Morgan[/COLOR][/B] v. [COLOR="Red"][B]Travis Century[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] This night was beginning to turn into one long disaster in the ring. I could mentally feel Phil Vibert's disapproval from backstage. Sure, he'd said he was a betting man, but there's nothing worse than a gambler's temper after he just lost. The Morgan/Century fight left something to be desired as these two had absolutly no chemistry in the ring. I cursed silently, realizing that the plans I'd had for these two would definatly be hindered from this. At the end of the match, Morgan nearly scored the three count, and began to complain to the ref about a slow count. As the referee was distracted, Century went to his corner to catch his breath, and grab something from Hell's Bouncer to turn the tides in his favour. However, when the huge man produced a set of brass knuckles from his pocket for Century, he slammed the preacher in the face, sending him reeling. Morgan saw his oppurtunity and, pushing past the ref, caught the stunned Century in a nicely executed Northen Lights Suplex, bridging it into the pin for the three count. [CENTER]Rating: [B]E+[/B][/CENTER] As the match ended, leaving Morgan to celebrate his victory, Hell's Bouncer pulled himself into the ring, proceeding to continue the beatdown on Travis Century. After a devastating not one, but two Damnation Drops, Hell's Bouncer turned away to Morgan, who looked him over cautiously. With an unexpected grin, Morgan shook the giant's hand, passing a wad of cash between them, and the Bouncer raised Morgan's hand in victory. [CENTER] Rating: [B]C[/B] (the beatdown), [B]C+[/B] (the celebration)[/CENTER] As some officials helped the brusied and battered Travis Century backstage, the opening theme from Danger Zone TV hit the arena as Phil Vibert walked onto the stage, microphone in hand. After a brief opening speech, introducing himself to the crowd and gauging their enjoyment of the night so far, he grew serious as his true speech began. [COLOR="Green"] "Now, love me or hate me, you've all got to agree with one thing,"[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Green"]"This promotion...is a joke."[/COLOR] The crowd responded with resounding taunts and jeers, but Vibert waved them off. [COLOR="Green"] "Ah, what would you all know, anyway? I [I]own[/I] the company! So I'd say I'm the resident expert here, don't you think?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"He's got a point,"[/COLOR] Emma said next to me. [COLOR="Green"]"Listen,"[/COLOR] I replied. [COLOR="Green"]"I may be the new kid on the block, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that you don't tarnish your own roster's good name."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"That's right, Keith,"[/COLOR] concured Mitch. [COLOR="Green"]"This is definatly going to hurt morale."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"What good name? Besides, they're not paid to have good morale, Naess,"[/COLOR] Emma shot. [COLOR="Green"]"They're paid to put on a show."[/COLOR] Phil waited for the crowd to quiet before he continued. [COLOR="Green"] "Say what you will, folks, but what I say is really what matters in DaVE, ask anyone. And I say that this federation needs a good shake-up. Too many wrestlers are coming out here, night after night, and sucking up the joint with their whining, their ancient feuds, and their laughable performances in the squared circle.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"But,"[/COLOR] he said, that grin that I remembered from the Mirage writing it's way over his face. [COLOR="Green"]"I've got some ideas to spice it up a bit. Everyone backstage, I want you to listen up real good; EVERY.SINGLE.ONE-OF-YOU...is on thin ice, as of right now. But in order to salvage the wreckage of the past year, so that we don't go into 2007 like a used whore..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Now that's just obscene!"[/COLOR] Resounded Mitch. [COLOR="Green"] "The truth hurts sometimes, Naess,"[/COLOR] quipped Chase. [COLOR="Green"]"...we're going to add a new tradtion to DaVE's annual festivities. Ladies and Gentlman, tonight you will bare witness to the first ever [B]Battle Royale Black[/B], a ten-man pinfall or submission only battle royal in which the winner will get a guarenteed shot at the title of his choosing."[/COLOR] The crowd marked slightly at this, but Vibert cut them off. [COLOR="Green"] "ALSO...also! The four final competitors in the battle royal tonight will be given the oppurtunity to pick their seeds in an upcoming tournament for a new title. Ms. Chase, if you wouldn't mind..."[/COLOR] Much to Mitch and my own shock, Emma got up from the booth with a smirk, carrying a velvet bag. As she entered the ring, she opened the bag, producing a large title belt, holding it up for the entire arena to glimpse. [COLOR="Green"] "...folks, feast your eyes on the [B]DaVE Elite Champion's[/B] title! A belt that will ONLY be worn by a true champion, which means none of you slackers in the back will ever see this gold unless you step it up! Now, the contestants in tonight's Battle Royale Black have already been informed, so as they prepare to come down to ringside, I'll let you all dwell on the news I've given you."[/COLOR] With that, Phil left the arena to the same music he arrived, and Emma joined us back at the booth. [COLOR="Green"]"Emma," [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="Green"]"I'm astounded! You knew about this all along?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Congradulations on the expert analysis, newbie."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Emma, I'm shocked you wouldn't tell me about this,"[/COLOR] spat Mitch, looking visably hurt. [COLOR="Green"]"We've worked together at this table for a while now! Where's the loyalty?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"] "You want loyalty, Mitch?" [/COLOR]Replied Emma. [COLOR="Green"]"Go buy a dog."[/COLOR] [CENTER]Rating: [B]C+[/B][/CENTER] The cameras then shot backstage unexpectadly, where a number of staff and workers were crowded around the hallway. As the wave of people parted, two paramedics are seen walking through, carrying a broken and bleeding Chris Caulfield out of the arena on a strecher. [CENTER]Rating: [B]B+[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]1st Annual Battle Royale Black[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][I]10-Man Mayhem Battle Royal[/I] (Featuring [COLOR="Red"][B]Acid[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"][B]Art Reed[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"][B]Big Cat Brandon[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"][B]Dallas McWade[/B][/COLOR], [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack Giedroyc[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B], [COLOR="Blue"][B]Johnny Martin[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"][B]Sammy Bach[/B][/COLOR], [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tank Bradley[/COLOR][/B], and [B][COLOR="Blue"]Vin Tanner[/COLOR][/B])[/CENTER] Not the most impressive battle royal ever, by any standards, but I was hard pressed for workers to book in the Battle Royal, so the abundence of Lower Midcarders in the ring was bound to hurt the match a bit. McWade was the first to go, pinned by Bach after an explosive dropkick off the top ropes. Art Reed and Acid duked it out for a while, working well off of one another, until Big Cat Brandon floored Reed with a clothesline from Hell, leaving Acid to make the pin. Tank Bradley left the ring next, and not quickly enough as the fans absolutly hated one half of the tag-champs, and was shortly followed by Sammy Bach, who tapped to a Triangle Chokehold from Acid. Vin Tanner made some impressive work, then, first pinning Martin and then Joey Minnesota almost directly afterwards. Acid was next to go as Giedroyc and Tanner teamed up on him, allowing Big Cat Brandon to catch his breath. This proved a devastating mistake when Brandon floored both of them, using that moment to pin Giedroyc. Tanner and Brandon then battled it out for another five minutes or so, before Brandon nailed Vin Tanner with the Brandon Bomb Drop, covering for the pin. ..and getting the two-and-a-half count. Tanner made a wonderous recovery, then, battling back against the strong offensive of Brandon. Big Cat, taken off-guard by the sudden surge of energy, finally fell to the V For Victory, and Tanner took the win. [CENTER]Rating: [B]D+[/B][/CENTER] As Tanner celebrated, Phil Vibert came out to the ring and congratulated him. [COLOR="Green"]"One last run in the sun, maybe, eh Vinny?"[/COLOR] Phil grinned, pointing to ringside at the Elite Champion's belt. [COLOR="Green"]"So, besides having a shot at that fine gold right there, who're you going to challenge for a title shot?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"] "That's the easiest question I've ever had to answer, Phil,"[/COLOR] replied Vin with a smile. [COLOR="Green"] "I want the Unified gold wrapped around my waist for once!"[/COLOR] [CENTER] Rating: [B]C[/B][/CENTER] As Mitch, Emma, and myself talked about the up-coming tournament for the Elite Champion's title, which would be held at [B]Total Disruption[/B], as Emma revealed, Eddie Peak made his way to ringside for the main event. As he waited, the standard two minute entry period before forfeit counting down for the injured Chris Caulfield, Peak stood in the ring with a smug look on his face, the Unified title draped casually over his shoulder. Suddenly, when the clock had nearly run out, Chris Caulfield's music came blasting over the P.A., sending a ripple of pops through the crowd as Peak stood flabbergasted in the ring. Caulfield slowly made his way out to ringside, a microphone in hand. [COLOR="Green"]"You really think it was that easy to get rid of me, Peak? Give me a beating before the show like a coward and ship me off in an ambulance?"[/COLOR] Caulfield laughed. [COLOR="Green"]"You MUST be insane, Eddie. There ain't a paramedic in the world who could keep me from kicking your ass tonight. But don't worry, the bus is still right outside waiting, so they can court your broken body back to the hospital when I'm done with you."[/COLOR] With that, Caulfield dropped the mic and charged the ring, and so began the Main Event. [CENTER]Rating: [B]B[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]DAVE Unified Championship Title Bout[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][B]Chris Caulfield[/B][/COLOR] v. [COLOR="Red"][B]Eddie Peak[/B][/COLOR] (c)[/CENTER] It was great match, and Caulfield put up a hell of an effort as the two brutally ripped at eachother for the whole match, making it into more of a street fight than a wrestling bout. In the end, however, Caulfield's injuries proved to be too much to dethrone the powerhouse Eddie Peak, and he was pinned. [CENTER]Rating: [B]C[/B][/CENTER] As Caulfield made his way up the ramp after the match, it dawned on Peak in mid-celebration that he wasn't finished. Peak charged the Hardcore American, belting him across the face with the Unified title, and proceeded to rip him apart up the enterance ramp. Finally, Eddie lifted Caulfield high into the air, hitting the Peak Of Perfection and sending Chris straight through the stage. As officials and paramedics rushed to the stage to make sure Caulfield was still among the living, the show closed out with Peak laughing manically, holding the gold high above his head. [CENTER]Rating: [B]B[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------- In the end, as I listened to the chatter of the exiting crowd, I began to feel releaved. I had used Century too much, and they were expecting less drama, more action, but in the end I felt like Back In Black 2007 could have gone much worse, and-- [COLOR="Green"] "Not bad for your first show,"[/COLOR] exclaimed Phil, sneaking up behind me and finishing my thought. [COLOR="Green"]"But I wouldn't make a habit of this kind of business." [/COLOR] I stiffened. [COLOR="Green"]"I thought tonight was a success, personally." [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Sure,"[/COLOR] he agreed. [COLOR="Green"] "For you. But the company? Well, let's just say that I think these fine fans tonight will think twice about coming back to a DaVE event in the future." [/COLOR] I began to protest, but a shake of Phil's head cut me off. [COLOR="Green"] "There's nothing to say, Keith, I just hope you've got some more tricks up those sleeves."[/COLOR] With that, he walked off into the parking lot, leaving me floored. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder for the third time that night. [COLOR="Green"]"We do,"[/COLOR] C.J. told me with a reassuring smile. [COLOR="Green"]"Don't worry, we do."[/COLOR] [SIZE="2"]Quick Results for [B]DAVE Back In Black 2007[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]From [COLOR="Blue"][U]ProWrestlingHits.com[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] [quote] [I]Hell's Bouncer def. Nathan Coleman [B](E+)[/B] School of Tradtion (Tyler/Scout/Guide) def. The Latino Kings (Chavez/Galindo/Velasquez) [B](D+)[/B] JD Morgan def. Travis Century [B](E+)[/B] Vin Tanner won the 1st Annual Battle Royale Black [B](D+)[/B] Eddie Peak (C) def. Chris Caulfield to retain the DAVE Unified title [B](C)[/B][/I] [/quote] [CENTER][B]FINAL RATING: C-[/B][/CENTER]
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From DAVEWrestling.com [quote][CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Danger and Violence Extreme Presents...[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"][U] DANGER ZONE TV[/U][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"]January 4th at Pennsylvania Park, in Allentown, Pennsylvania![/SIZE] Tickets $10 at the door, Only [B]$5[/B] IN ADVANCE! [SIZE="1"]click [COLOR="Blue"][U]here[/U][/COLOR] to purchase tickets from Ticket Master[/SIZE] Featuring the following matches: [B]Adrenaline Rush[/B] v. [B]The Latino Kings [/B] [B]JD Morgan[/B] v. [B]Travis Century[/B] ...and more! Don't wait til Friday to watch the show, come see your favourite extreme wrestlers battle it out [B]LIVE[/B], as DaVE returns to [B]Pennsylvania Park[/B]! [SIZE="1"]Card subject to change.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/quote] Comments & Predictions are welcomed and appreciated, of course.
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Back In The Saddle [CENTER][I][B]Danger and Violence Extreme Presents...[/B][/I] [B][SIZE="6"] Danger Zone TV[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Thursday, January 4th, 2007[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"][I][B]Previously Recorded for East Coast Today[/B][/I][/SIZE] [B][I]To Be Aired on 1.5.07[/I][/B] [B]Held at Pennsylvania Park, in Allentown, Pennsylvania[/B] 2000 in attendence - SELL OUT CROWD [/CENTER] [B]Mitch Naess[/B], [B]Emma Chase[/B], and I opened up the show, welcoming the viewers at home to the first [B]Danger Zone TV[/B] of the new year. Our introduction to the show was centered on [B]Back In Black's[/B] main event, which left [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] nearly crippled. A video then played, recapping the events of the match, the brutal beating given by Peak after the match, and some footage of Caulfield in Fort Lee Medical Center. One doctor who was interviewed responded that, [COLOR="Green"]"At this moment, it's unlikely Chris Caulfield will return to the ring..."[/COLOR] [CENTER] Rating: [B]B[/B][/CENTER] As we prepared for the first match of the evening, the sorrowful mood was cut short by [B]Eddie Peak's[/B] music. He made his way into the ring, still dressed in his street clothes, but with the Unified title wrapped tightly around his waist. Peak began to brag about the relentless beating he gave Chris Caulfield, proclaiming that he was unlucky not to have ended Chris' life along with his career, and that the fans of DAVE should be thanking him for taking such an absurd wrestler out of DaVE's rosters, adding [COLOR="Green"]"there's nothing 'Hardcore' about a cripple"[/COLOR] for good measure, and the crowd poured on their deafening disagreement. The chatter was cut short, however, by [B]Vin Tanner's[/B] music. Tanner came out to the stage, a disgusted look on his face. But before he could say anything, Peak continued his verbal assault on Tanner. He told Tanner that he was a bad, old joke in the wrestling business, and the fact that he'd never held the Unified title in his time with DaVE was proof enough that he'd never hold it now. He kept on, saying [COLOR="Green"]"People have the nerve to call me insane. But after what I did to Caulfield, Tanner, you've got to be crazier than me to step in the ring and think I won't wreck your brittle old bones."[/COLOR] Tanner, finally having the chance to speak, pointed a finger at the champion. [COLOR="Green"]"What you did to Caulfield wasn't insanity, Eddie, it was a mockery of this company, and an insult to it's fans and the damn ring you're standing in." [/COLOR] He shook his head. [COLOR="Green"]"You're a sick, foolish bastard, and if there's any sense in your brain then you'd realize that without the very company you just spit on, you'd just be some big lunatic in an asylum."[/COLOR] Peak fumed, but Tanner wasn't finished. [COLOR="Green"]"And when I get my shot at the gold come the next big event, you can believe me that I'll be happy to do exactly what Chris was meaning to: I'm going to wipe clean the gold around your waist after I beat you senseless for the right to wear it."[/COLOR] Peak leaned forward on the ropes. [COLOR="Green"]"You think you've got what it takes to beat me, Tanner? Why wait til then? I'd be happy to snap you in half the way I did Caulfield tonight."[/COLOR] Tanner started walking down the ramp to this. [COLOR="Green"]"Peak, if you're so interested in learning how to take a proper beating, I'll just oblige you right now."[/COLOR] The two rushed each other at ringside and began beating the living daylights out of one another. After less than a minute, however, with neither of them offering a clear offensive, officials pulled the two apart, dragging Tanner backstage. Peak, breathing heavily with a wild look in his eyes, grabbed the microphone again. [COLOR="Green"]"I'll see you tonight, Tanner! Make sure you get an extra bed ready next to Caulfield, because he's about to have a roommate!"[/COLOR] [CENTER]Rating: [B]C+[/B] [B][U]Opening Bout[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Adrenaline Rush [/B][/COLOR]v. [COLOR="Red"][B]The Latino Kings[/B][/COLOR] (Sammy Bach/Teddy Powell) (Hector Galindo/Rudy Velasquez)[/CENTER] Although it wasn't nearly as bad a match as their one at Back In Black, this match really sealed the fate of the Latino Kings in my book. They might be young, but they were sloppy, and as they had no place in any proper storylines with DaVE, I was seriously going to have to consider dropping all of them from my roster. The match was pretty even, but it was obvious that Adrenaline Rush was the more experianced team, and Bach finally ended it when he locked Galindo in the Bach on Your Bach as Powell was tied up outside with Rudy. [CENTER] Winners: [B]Adrenaline Rush via Submission[/B] Rating: [B]D[/B][/CENTER] As we came back from the commercial break, we found [B]Travis Century[/B] already in the ring. As the preacher got his microphone, he vowed that the sins of [B]Hell's Bouncer[/B] and [B]JD Morgan[/B] at Back In Black were not forgotten, and that in just a few moments he would inact his vengence through the wrath of God Himself on JD Morgan in their rematch. Before he could talk about his Holy plans for the Bouncer, however, he was cut short when Morgan and Hell's Bouncer leapt from the crowd, beating on Century as the bell was rung. [CENTER]Rating: [B]C[/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"] [CENTER]JD Morgan[/COLOR][/B] v. [B][COLOR="Red"]Travis Century[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Wow, these two really just don't click at all. As I called the match, I made a mental note in my head that I was going to have to end this feud quickly before the mismatch ruined every show I put them in. The match dragged for a good bit, and Hell's Bouncer did us all a favour when he jumped onto the ring apron, chair in hand as Morgan sent the preacher into the ropes. In a quick turn around, though, Century reversed the irish whip, and Morgan collided head first with the chair, busting him open and sending the Bouncer to the floor at ringside. Immeadiatly, referee [B]Stones[/B] called for the bell, proclaiming the match a Double Disqualification. [CENTER] Winner: [B]Draw via Double DQ[/B] Rating: [B]D-[/B][/CENTER] As Century hurried backstage to avoid a further 2-on-1, Hell's Bouncer came into the ring to help JD Morgan, apologizing for the accident. Morgan stared him down hard, but finally took his hand and accepted the apology...then pulled him forward and headbutted the giant in the face, locking on the Cross Atlantic Strech until officials pulled Morgan off of the Bouncer. [CENTER]Rating: [B]C-[/B][/CENTER] The cameras then cut backstage to show [B]Phil Vibert[/B] in his office. As he browsed through some papers, a knock came to his door. [B]Big Cat Brandon[/B] stepped in, shaking hands with Vibert before sitting down to talk turkey. [COLOR="Green"]"I want another shot at Giedroyc, Phil,"[/COLOR] Brandon stated plainly. [COLOR="Green"]"That business back in October was bull****. He got lucky. I should still have the Brass Knuckles title wrapped around my waist."[/COLOR] Phil looked him down for a long moment, then shrugged as he looked back down at his paperwork. [COLOR="Green"]"I'll give it some thought. Get back to me in a week, and I'll have an answer."[/COLOR] Brandon frowned, looking dissatisfied with the answer, but after another questioning glance from Vibert he stood and left as the cameras went to commercial. [CENTER]Rating: [B]C[/B][/CENTER] As the show returned from commercial break, the stage was set for the Main Event; Eddie Peak versus Vin Tanner in a non-title Hardcore Match. [CENTER] [B][U]Hardcore Non-Title Bout[/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Vin Tanner[/COLOR][/B] v. [COLOR="Red"][B]Eddie Peak[/B][/COLOR] (current Unified Champion)[/CENTER] Not as good as I had hoped, but at least the match ended on a high note. Both men were tired by the end of it, both wearing the crimson masks and keeping it pretty even. Peak finally nailed Tanner in the stomach with a shot from a baseball bat, and set him up for the Peak of Perfection. At the last moment possible, though, Tanner slipped out of the move and got the win over a suprised Peak following the V For Victory. [CENTER]Winner: [B]Vin Tanner via Pinfall[/B] Rating: [B]C+[/B][/CENTER] As Tanner celebrated in the ring, Peak came out of his stupor quickly, and as Tanner turned to make another wave to the crowd he came face to face with the very baseball bat that nearly defeated him. With a sickening flop, he fell to the ground, grabbing his face, as Peak viciously pummelled him with the bat. Threatening all the officials that surrounded the ring with the weapon, he set up a steel chair, placing Tanner's leg on it, then slammed the bat home as Tanner sat up and howled in pain. Eddie figured that to be enough as Pennsylvania State Police began to pour out to the ring, and Peak retreated howling with crazed laughter into the crowd, leaving a broken Vin Tanner in the ring. [CENTER]Rating: [B]C+[/B][/CENTER] --------- As I watched the crowd disperse at the announcing booth, I saw [B]John Campbell [/B]approach me. I stood to shake his hand, but none was offered in return. [COLOR="Green"]"I'll admit,"[/COLOR] he started. [COLOR="Green"]"I enjoyed what you put together tonight, kid. But your lack of experiance for the real thing is starting to show, and don't think Phil hasn't caught it." [/COLOR] He breathed out as I sucked in a breath, waiting for the bomb to drop. [COLOR="Green"]"These people don't come out to see some soap opera, Gardener. They come out to see some intense, fast-paced wrestling. Learn to manage your time better at the shows, or you'll be spilling whiskey on a bar again quicker than you can say 'canned'."[/COLOR] He stalked away, leaving me musing over my own mistakes during the evening. [COLOR="Green"] "I hope you've got something big planned for the meeting on Saturday."[/COLOR] And then I smirked. Oh yeah, I had something planned, alright. Quick Results of [B]Danger Zone TV[/B] From [COLOR="Blue"][U]ProWrestlingHits.com[/U][/COLOR] [quote] [I]Adrenaline Rush def. The Latino Kings [/I]([B]D[/B]) [I]JD Morgan drew Travis Century[/I] ([B]D-[/B]) [I]Vin Tanner def. Eddie Peak[/I] ([B]C+[/B])[/quote] [B][CENTER]Final Result: D+[/CENTER][/B]
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From ProWrestlingHits.com [quote] [CENTER][SIZE="6"][B]SHAWN GONZALEZ NEW BOOKER FOR CZCW[/B][/SIZE] [B]Jack Raid[/B][/CENTER] 1.5.07 San Diego, California [SIZE="4"][B]In[/B] a press statement released early today, [B]Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling[/B] announced that veteran indy superstar [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] would be stepping into the Head Booker's seat for the company.[/SIZE] Gonzalez, a survivor of the East Coast Wars dating back to [B]XFW[/B] and the early days of DAVE, noted that he was "surprised and honored when [[B]Cliff Anderson[/B]] approached me for the job... I took it without question." "The Lone Wolf" is also still an employee of DaVE, an outstanding veteran of the company who's made a career out of getting their golden boys over. Though he hasn't seen much time in the limelight, he has no intention of leaving DAVE even though he'll be spending a lot of time in San Diego, now. In other DAVE-related and Gonzalez related news, however, Shawn's proteges the [B]Latino Kings[/B] ([B]Hector Galindo, Jesus Chavez, and Rudy Velasquez[/B]) have parted ways with DAVE, after newly appointed head booker [B]Keith Gardener[/B] ordered to have their contracts terminated, along with a few other workers. When asked for comment, Gardener simply responded that, "They weren't fitting into the promotion's plans anymore. Simple as that." No word on how Shawn Gonzalez has taken the news of his students being fired, but it is rumored that this is just one in a string of big shake-ups within the company, as talks persist of DaVE making a lot of offers around the American independent scene. [SIZE="1"] For more on this article, please click [COLOR="Blue"][U]here[/U][/COLOR]. To return to the main news page, please click [U][COLOR="Blue"]here[/COLOR][/U].[/SIZE] [/quote]
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The Winds Of Change Blow Swiftly... [SIZE="2"]January 6th, 2007 DaVE Corperate Offices Fort Lee, New Jersey 3:30 pm[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="5"]I [/SIZE][/B]sat at the head of a long, boardroom table, and was suddenly reminded of the long talk the coach gives the team before the big game in every terrible sports movie. Or possibly of any gangster movie, where the right hand man sits on the right of the boss, and the go-to guy is on the left. Because that's certainly what had happened; to my right was [B]John "Nemesis" Campbell[/B], sole road agent of [B]DaVE[/B], respected locker-room leader, former Head Booker, and now my least favourite fan. And to my left was my go-to guy; [B]C.J. Gambino[/B], the man who I had been devising the revolution of DaVE with for the last week. He looked at me, nodding, assuring me that everything would work out perfectly. Around the table was every worker currently employed by the promotion. [B]Eddie Peak, James Brandon, Emma Chase[/B]... And directly across from me, smoking a cigar with a "Go on, WOW me" look on his face, was our mutual boss, [B]Phil "The Gambler" Vibert[/B]. I cleared my throat. [COLOR="Green"]"Alright,"[/COLOR] I began. [COLOR="Green"]"I'll admit it, I'm star-struck."[/COLOR] A few chuckles circled the room. I caught Sophia out of the corner of my eye as she rolled her's. [COLOR="Green"]"It's true," [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="Green"]"There's a lot of you in here I've been idolizing for some time... A lot of you who I've watched, critizied, loved..." [/COLOR] My eyes idled on Emma, causing her to smirk. Thankfully, [B]Sammy Bach[/B] hadn't noticed it. [COLOR="Green"]"So yeah, I'll be the first to say that I'm impressed and honoured to be in your presence."[/COLOR] I lit a cigarette, thankful that Vibert wasn't a fan of the Tri-State Smoking Ban, either. [COLOR="Green"]"But now that that's out of the way, I'm also now your boss, whether you like it or not."[/COLOR] I cleared my throat, looking over to CJ. He nodded his encouragement as I continued. [COLOR="Green"]"I'm not the most experianced man in this industry. I'm certainly not the smartest, or the quickest, or even the most creative. Hell, I'm still not even sure why Mr. Vibert approached me for this job..." [/COLOR] I took a short dramatic pause to smoke, letting the words sink in, but not enough as to hurt my image. [COLOR="Green"] "But I plan on making big strides while I'm here, and if you don't want to fit into the vision I have with this company, you can leave now." [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Unless yer under written contract,"[/COLOR] Vibert said with a grin, lightening the mood. [COLOR="Green"]"Then yer ass is mine, regardless."[/COLOR] Polite laughter filled the meeting, but I could tell there was still some uneasiness about me. Particularly from [B]Mitch Naess[/B], who glowered at me the whole time. [COLOR="Green"]"So,"[/COLOR] I continued. "[COLOR="Green"]If you don't like me telling you what to do, tough ****. Take it up with Phil, he's the one who hired me."[/COLOR] I straightened in my chair, nodding to CJ. [COLOR="Green"]"For those of you that don't know this man to my left, he's CJ Gambino, and though he may be on an Enchancement Talent deal on-screen, his word is as important as mine. Again, you may not know him, you may not like him, but his word is golden, and if you don't like it then it's time to part ways, because the two of us are the brains that are going to lift this company to National level."[/COLOR] It was a big claim, and it raised some eyebrows. But at least now I had their attention. [COLOR="Green"]"First order of business,"[/COLOR] I said, taking some papers from CJ. [COLOR="Green"]"You may notice that some of your fellow workers who you've been seeing a lot of recently are gone at the moment. That's perminant. They're no longer employed by Danger and Violence Extreme."[/COLOR] The eyes floated around the room. It was true. [B]The Latino Kings[/B] were absent, as had hit the news yesterday, but so were [B]Carl Batch[/B] and [B]Nathan Coleman[/B]. I'd called [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] yesterday, who was also absent for his own meeting in San Diego with CZCW, to discuss the firing of his students, but he'd been a gentleman about it. [COLOR="Green"]"I understand, Keith,"[/COLOR] he'd said. [COLOR="Green"]"They weren't pulling their weight the way you saw fit, and it's an important time for the company right now. You didn't want them weighing us down. I just hope you'll keep them in mind for the future."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"That speech Mr. Vibert gave at Back In Black,"[/COLOR] I continued, letting the lack of wrestlers sink in after a while. [COLOR="Green"]"That wasn't just some on-screen ploy to introduce Phil to the fans. What he said was the truth; this promotion has big plans, and if you don't pull your weight then you won't be in them. "With that said, I want you all to realize that you're all still here because myself and CJ, as well as the rest of the booking commitee, have plans for all of you over the next year."[/COLOR] I shuffled through some more papers. [COLOR="Green"]"First of all, we've started running house shows, every day of the week, in the North-East. It's extra work for those of you on the rotation, but nevertheless it'll only increase our popularity in our home base, and it'll bring in extra money... Which will be paying all of you, I should remind you.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"] "The following people are going to now be working House Shows for DaVE, starting tonight with a show in Newark: [B]Tayler Morton, Art Reed, James Brandon, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler,[/B] Emma Chase, CJ Gambino, [B]Thom Barrowman, Jack Giedroyc, Joey Minnesota,[/B] Mitch Naess, John Campbell, Sammy Bach, [B]Jeremy Finch,[/B] and [B]Teddy Powell.[/B]"[/COLOR] I looked around the room with a smile, having listed every written contracted worker's name except[B] Chris Caulfield[/B], for obvious reasons. [COLOR="Green"]"Pack you bags, folks, it's off to Newark with you before we hit the road."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"What road are we hitting, exactly?"[/COLOR] Asked Peak. CJ answered the question for me. [COLOR="Green"]"We're putting DAVE on tour,"[/COLOR] he replied. [COLOR="Green"]"Starting with the next Danger Zone, where we'll hit Kentucky. Along with bringing in some new talent to spice up the roster, we're going to hit every territory in the United States for the Danger Zone schedule, so as to boost our popularity slowly all over the States, instead of a quick climb in the Tri-State area."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"What about for the big events?" [/COLOR] Enquired Emma. [COLOR="Green"] "We'll always bring it back home for the big shows, Ms. Chase," [/COLOR]I replied with a smile. [COLOR="Green"] "Gotta keep the hometown fans happy."[/COLOR] Over the course of the next two hours, I went over the in's and out's of where we'd go with the on-screen storylines, the feuds we had planned for the next year, and so forth. By the end of the meeting, I had practically the entire roster eating out of our hands for what was to come. All except Mitch Naess, again, who even refused a handshake from me at the end of the meeting. [COLOR="Green"]"Good stuff we brought to the table, kid,"[/COLOR] said Campbell on the way out, following after Naess. [COLOR="Green"]"Yeah, thanks, John,"[/COLOR] I replied. [COLOR="Green"]"Hey listen, what's Mitch's deal?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Oh him?" [/COLOR] Campbell laughed. [COLOR="Green"]"Don't take it personally. I mean, it is personal, but it isn't." [/COLOR] He saw my confusion, and sighed. [COLOR="Green"]"Mitch is under the impression that he's next in line to take the company over when Phil leaves the business. So anyone who steps into a position of power over him, he views it as a threat, you get it?"[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="Green"]"Sounds like a confidence problem."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"He's harmless,"[/COLOR] responded John. [COLOR="Green"]"I'll see you in Louisville."[/COLOR] I was going to continue grilling him about Mitch, and how to handle the tension, when Sophia tapped my shoulder. [COLOR="Green"]"Boss?"[/COLOR] She said, making sure my eyes didn't stray from her's. [COLOR="Green"]"It's John Turner? Ian's agent?"[/COLOR] I grinned. [COLOR="Green"]"Tell him I'll be right there."[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Midnightnick;319007]That was a great show Fame, I'm surprised. You're pushing Vin Tanner. No one ever does that.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the kind words. Don't get too attached, as I've got big plans for Eddie Peak and the V Man isn't in a lot of them. But I do have separate plans for Tanner, and those should be interesting to see come about.
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From DAVEWrestling.com [quote] [SIZE="6"][B][CENTER]Danger and Violence Extreme Presents...[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][U]DANGER ZONE TV[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]January 11th at Perry Hall in Louisville, Kentucky![/SIZE] Tickets only [B]$5![/B]!! [SIZE="1"]click [COLOR="Blue"][U]here[/U][/COLOR] to purchase tickets from Ticket Master[/SIZE] Featuring the following matches: [B]JD Morgan[/B] v. [B]Travis Century[/B] [I]As the drama continues to unfold between these two, what will come of their latest bout? And what place does Hell's Bouncer hold in the mix, following his botched interference last week at Pennsylvania Park?[/I] [B]The New Wave[/B] v. [B]Adrenaline Rush[/B] [I]With two teams, both former DAVE Tag champions, in the ring, and the addition of Adrenaline Rush's new valet, [B]Jenny Playmate[/B], this should prove to be an excellent match![/I] [B]Acid [/B]v. [B]Art Reed[/B] [I]Watch as these two superb young athletes take each other on in a Lucha Libra style match that promises to be nothing but non-stop excitement![/I] Plus... Get there early to watch the following Dark Match, [B]NOT TO BE SEEN ON TV![/B] [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] v. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] v. [B]Draven[/B] v. [B]Joey Beauchamp[/B] [I]...in a [B]Fatal Fourway[/B] match![/I] Plus more! Be there as DaVE takes to the road in their very first trip to Perry Hall to show Kentucky what [B]EXTREME MEANS[/B]! [SIZE="1"]Card subject to change.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/quote]
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[quote=Derek Fame;319052]Thanks for the kind words. Don't get too attached, as I've got big plans for Eddie Peak and the V Man isn't in a lot of them. But I do have separate plans for Tanner, and those should be interesting to see come about.[/quote] I was going to say, if you wanted to pull out a Rocky Comeback in DAVE, you've got Johnny Martin who I pulled a B Match out of, with Peak. JD Morgan v. [B]Travis Century[/B] The New Wave v. [B]Adrenaline Rush[/B] [B]Acid [/B]v. Art Reed [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] v. Remmy Skye v. Draven v. Joey Beauchamp
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From ProWrestlingHits.com [quote] [CENTER] [SIZE="6"][B]BIG MOVES FOR DAVE[/B][/SIZE] [B]Jack Raid[/B][/CENTER] 1.11.07 Fort Lee, New Jersey [SIZE="4"][B]Danger[/B] [B]and Violence Extreme[/B] [/SIZE][SIZE="4"]have been taking fast, powerful strides, so quickly that this reporter couldn't seem to catch up until the last minute. [/SIZE] To accompany the recent firings of [B]The Latino Kings[/B] last week, shortly followed by the release of [B]Carl Batch[/B] and [B]Nathan Coleman[/B], Head Booker [B]Keith Gardener [/B]has made some significant hirings to boost what seems to be their Midcard roster, as well as their developing young talents. In a risky political play, Gardener announced the hirings of [B]Black Hat Bailey, Mario Heroic, Grandmaster Phunk, Jack Griffith, Java, Tribal Warrior, Ian "Madman" Boone, Jacob Jett, Steph "Jenny Playmate" Williams, Dawn "Persephone" Coombs, Remmy Skye, and Joey Beauchamp.[/B] The risk came in the form of implying that some of the workers (Playmate, Heroic, Skye, Phunk, and Beauchamp) would be appearing on tonight's episode of [B]Danger Zone TV[/B], which are rumored to be signings completed [I]after[/I] the announcement was made. In response to the allegations, Gardener denied any alterior motives to the announcement, and claims all deals were "waiting for the ink to dry" when the card was booked. Also on the topic, Heroic will be working under the name of [B]Draven[/B], a face-painted Crow'esqe character, and Dawn Coombs simply as [B]Dawn[/B], the valet of Grandmaster Phunk. Tribal Warrior and Java will most likely be teaming together yet again. In related news on the roster adjustments, [B]Jim Force[/B] has signed with [B]SWF[/B] again, and [B]"Shooter" Sean Deeley[/B] has renewed his contract for [B]North of the Border Pro Wrestling[/B], both prospects that Gardener was suspected to have been after signing. These hirings are not the only surprising jump that DaVE has made. Tonight marks the beginning of a touring schedule with DaVE, where they will travel the United States for their Danger Zone TV circuit, planning to interrupt the tour only for larger scale events, to be held at the [B]McGaw Arena[/B] in Dumont, New Jersey until further notice. On the topic of such events, National Pay-Per-View carrier [B]USA Free[/B] signed up with DAVE on a six-month contract this past Tuesday, January 9th, leading to DaVE to move all events to the end of each month, all of them being broadcast on Pay-Per-View. It is rumored that, to make up for the gap of time between now and the end of February (the date of [B]DAVE Counter Culture[/B], their next PPV event), DaVE will form a special event at the end of January. [/quote] [SIZE="1"]For more on this article, please click [COLOR="Blue"][U]here[/U][/COLOR]. To return to the main news page, please click [COLOR="Blue"][U]here[/U][/COLOR].[/SIZE]
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[CENTER][B][I]Danger and violence Extreme Presents...[/I][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]DANGER ZONE TV[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Thursday, January 11th, 2007[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"][I][B]Previously Recorded on for East Coast Today[/B][/I][/SIZE] [B][I]To Be Aired on January 12th, 2007[/I][/B] Held at Perry Hall in Louisville, Kentucky 2000 In Attendence - SELL OUT CROWD[/CENTER] With all the new adjustments to DAVE's scheduling and feuds that CJ and I had set into motion, I also decided to try adding Dark Matches to the fold, so as to give some of the lesser talent the push I couldn't give them on screen, due to the show only being an hour. As I watched the fans pour in from the VIP Balcony in Perry Hall, I felt someone nudge up alongside me. From the smell of cigars, I didn't have to look to know it was Phil. [COLOR="Green"]"Big night, tonight,"[/COLOR] he said. I nodded a silent response. [COLOR="Green"]"First night of this new tour idea you conceived. Hope it works out."[/COLOR] I looked over to Phil, and noticed something that was either anxiety or excitement in his eyes. He crossed his arms, looking at me with a grin. [COLOR="Green"]"I never thought we'd be hitting the road with DAVE so soon, y'know. Always thought we should reach a little higher before we start moving around the country."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"It's the smart thing to do,"[/COLOR] I replied. [COLOR="Green"]"If we're going to make a grab for National exposure, we're going to have to build up our overness in the other areas of the country. With Danger Zone only broadcasting with ECT, we don't have much of a choice other than this."[/COLOR] He nodded, turning and making for the locker rooms. [COLOR="Green"]"Like I said, kid,"[/COLOR] he replied, causing me to frown. [COLOR="Green"]"I hope it works out... For your sake." [/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U]Dark Match[/U][/B] [B]Fatal Four-Way[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Joey Minnesota[/B][/COLOR] v. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Remmy Skye[/B][/COLOR] v. [COLOR="Red"][B]Joey Beauchamp[/B][/COLOR] v. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Draven[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] I was definetly looking forward to seeing the debut of my newest enhancement talent, and I've got to say I was impressed. Certainly, the fact that the three newbies jobbed out to Minnesota, an established part of the Midcard, didn't hurt, but they all worked the match so well that I'm not sure it would have mattered. In the end, Minnesota pinned Beauchamp for the three-count, bringing my experiment of dark matches to a close. So far, so good. [CENTER]Winner: [B]Minnesota via Pinfall[/B] Rating: [B]C[/B][/CENTER] After that, our newest valet, [B]Dawn[/B], came out and fired off DaVE Danger Zone t-shirts into the crowd, a trick I'd heard the SWF used to employ thought up by their own gambled-on booker. Worked like a charm, and the fans ate her up... Well, at least they wished the could have, and got some free shirts in the mix. [CENTER]Rating: [B]C-[/B][/CENTER] ---------- As the night opened up, Mitch, Emma, and myself welcomed the viewing audiences at home to another addition of Danger Zone TV. Before we were even into the opening segment, however, we were interrupted by [B]JD Morgan's[/B] music. Amidst a chorus of jeers, JD Morgan appeared on the stage next to, surprisingly, [B]Hell's Bouncer.[/B] The two walked to the ring, Morgan still in his street gear, and he was handed a microphone. [COLOR="Green"]"Bouncer,"[/COLOR] Morgan began. [COLOR="Green"]"I'm a true athlete. And there's honour among true ahtletes." [/COLOR] The fans turned at him, chanting obscenities as Morgan took a moment to tell them off before continuing. [COLOR="Green"]"And with honour comes forgiveness. So tonight, Bouncer, I'm here to tell you that I forgive you."[/COLOR] A shower of mock "aw's" fell from the stands, and Morgan screamed at the crowd. [COLOR="Green"]"Shut it! When I want to hear from a bunch of acne-ridden, fried chicken loving rednecks, I'll let you know!" [/COLOR] People began throwing garbage at the ring. [COLOR="Green"]"This is turning into a landfill,"[/COLOR] I said, glad that the camera was on the ring as I lost the battle at containing my smile. [COLOR="Green"]"You mean Kentucky isn't a landfill?"[/COLOR] Emma caught the smile, and gave me a soft nudge with her elbow. [COLOR="Green"]"But I digress, Bouncer," [/COLOR]Morgan said, turning back to his cohort. [COLOR="Green"] "You see, along with honour comes duty, and responsibility. And it is your DUTY, and your RESPONSIBILITY...to make right what you made wrong last week back in Pennsylvania Park. So I've decided that tonight, here in this rotting mess of a baseball-bat and chicken-bone city..."[/COLOR] He paused to drink in the boo's, as did I. [COLOR="Green"]"...that here in Perry Hall, you'll take my place against Travis Century."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"What's he trying to prove?"[/COLOR] Questioned Mitch. [COLOR="Green"]"So what do you say, Bouncer,"[/COLOR] asked Morgan. [COLOR="Green"]"Are you a man of...honour?"[/COLOR] Hell's Bouncer took the microphone, an unimpressed look masking his usually emotionless face. [COLOR="Green"] "Look, Morgan, as long as you're paying, I don't care if you put me in the ring against your own mother. Honour doesn't pay the bills."[/COLOR] With that, Morgan, who seemed satisfied with the answer, left the ring and headed backstage as Hell's Bouncer prepared for the match. [CENTER][B][U]Opening Bout[/U][/B] [B]First Blood Match[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Hell's Bouncer[/COLOR][/B] v. [B][COLOR="Red"]Travis Century[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] I am officially done with Travis Century as soon as this feud ends. The man is simply incapable of doing anything we ask him to. Thankfully, Hell's Bouncer ended this relativly painlessly (with the exception to Travis) by dropping Century on a chair with the Damnation Drop, busting him open. [CENTER] Rating: [B]D-[/B][/CENTER] Backstage, our newest addition to the on-screen fold, [B]Jenny Playmate[/B], psyched up her tag-team clients, [B]Adrenaline Rush[/B], for their match against [B]The New Wave[/B] after the commercial break. [CENTER]Rating: [B]D[/B] [B][U]Tag Team Bout[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]The New Wave[/B][/COLOR] v. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Adrenaline Rush[/COLOR][/B] (Guide/Scout) (Sammy Bach/Teddy Powell)[/CENTER] Now THIS was more like it. I made sure to remember how well these two teams play off of one another while I commented at ringside about the addition of Jenny Playmate, to which I was called a perv by Emma Chase. Two times in a month. There must be something in the air. Adrenaline Rush nearly took the win when Bach locked up Scout in the Bach on your Back, but Scout managed to tag out at the last second and Guide came in to clean house. Finally, a Guided Missle dropped Bach, who wasn't the legal man in the ring, and another took care of Powell to put him down for the pinfall. [CENTER]Winners: [B]The New Wave via Pinfall[/B] Rating: [B]C-[/B][/CENTER] Before we cut for a commercial break, our cameras switched to [B]Phil Vibert [/B]walking in the back. He was stopped by [B]Big Cat Brandon[/B], who politely but impatiently reminded him of his desire for a [B]Brass Knuckles[/B] title shot. Phil paused for a long while, staring down Brandon, before responding. [COLOR="Green"]"Alright, Brandon," [/COLOR]he said, patting him on the shoulder. [COLOR="Green"] "You got it. Go suit up, yer in the Main Event."[/COLOR] Vibert then walked off, leaving Big Cat Brandon with a huge grin on his face, before he rushed to the dressing rooms to change. [CENTER]Rating: [B]C[/B] [B][U]Lucha Libre Match Rules[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Art Reed[/B][/COLOR] v. [B][COLOR="Red"]Acid[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The cameras cut back from commercial to find Reed already in the ring, awaiting his opponent. I really like how well these two work together. Not really a matter of chemistry; they're just equally great workers. Art Reed took the first fall after a slightly sloppy missle dropkick off the top ropes brought Acid down, giving Reed time to wrap him up in the Dread Lock. The second fall was all Acid's game, and let me be the first to say that I love watching this guy in the air. A number of crowd pops followed the match as Acid was using every possible second to use the ropes as a trampoline, but finally Acid took down Reed with a Hurricanrana, which he impressivly managed to turn into the Acidity Test, getting him the fall via Reed tapping out. The third fall, however, was the one to watch. Both men played the tired card as the action was pretty even, until Acid nailed Reed with the Acid Rain Bomb. And Reed kicked out. Acid, as mystified as the excited crowd, dragged Reed to his feet and sent him into the ropes, leaping off of them himself in a wonderfully executed splash, going for the pin. Which Reed kicked out of, again. Acid, now furious, locked on the Acidity Test once again. But Reed, feeling his second wind, slipped out of the hold, performing some great chain-wrestling before setting Acid up for the Dark Matter, then going for the pin...for the two count, as Acid kicked out. With the crowd completely on it's feet for the end of this bout, Reed attempted to lock on the Dread Lock again, but a frustrated Acid countered, slipping Reed into a schoolboy roll-up and gaining the three-count with a handful of tights. [CENTER] Winner: [B]Acid via Pinfall[/B] Rating: [B]C [/B][/CENTER] As Acid celebrated in the ring with his stable, the [B]School of Tradition[/B], the cameras panned over the crowd, suddenly noticing [B]Cat Jemson[/B] ([B]Kurt Laramee's[/B] ex) sitting in the crowd watching the match intently. As soon as she noticed the cameras, however, she covered her face and made for the hills. [CENTER]Rating: [B]D-[/B][/CENTER] After the short commercial break, it was time for the Main Event. [CENTER] [B][U]DAVE Brass Knuckles Title Bout[/U][/B] [B]Hardcore Stipulation Match[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Big Cat Brandon[/COLOR][/B] v. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack Giedroyc (c)[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] It's always nice to end on a high note, and I was glad to see that finally, after the last two weeks, one of my plans came together right from the beginning. These two put on a great match. Not incredible, but certainly the highlight of the evening. Brandon was obviously tired at the end, and Giedroyc was busted wide open, but finally Brandon went for the Big Cat Pounce, as Giedroyc was turning around, and Jack spun bringing a chair directly into Brandon's spear attempt. He then lifted Brandon, nailing the Crashing On on Big Cat as he drilled him into the chair with his finisher, and got the three-count to retain the Brass Knuckles Title. [CENTER]Winner: [B]Jack Giedroyc via Pinfall[/B] [I]Jack Giedroyc retains the DAVE Brass Knuckles Title[/I] Rating: [B]C[/B][/CENTER] --------- As the night ended, I found myself back on the balcony, watching the crowd disperse. Almost exactly as he had crept up before, I noticed Vibert at my side. Only this time, when I looked at him, something was different about him. There was something calmer about his face. He met my eyes, patted me on the shoulder, and walked off just as suddenly as he had came. [COLOR="Green"]"Nice one,"[/COLOR] he said over his shoulder. And for the second time tonight, I couldn't contain my grin. Quick Results for [B]DANGER ZONE TV[/B] From [U][COLOR="Blue"]ProWrestlingHits.com[/COLOR][/U] [quote] [I]Hell's Bouncer def. Travis Century [B](D-)[/B] The New Wave def. Adrenaline Rush [B](C-)[/B] Acid def. Art Reed, two falls to one [B](C)[/B] Jack Giedroyc (c) def. Big Cat Brandon to retain the DAVE Brass Knuckles title [B](C)[/B][/I][/quote] FINAL RATING: C-
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