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From DAVEWrestling.com [quote] [CENTER][SIZE="6"][B]Danger and Violence Extreme Presents...[/B][/SIZE] [B][U][SIZE="5"]DANGER ZONE TV[/SIZE][/U][/B] [SIZE="4"]January 18th at the North Carolina Biker Museum, in Asheboro, North Carolina![/SIZE] Tickets only [B]$5[/B]! [SIZE="1"]click [COLOR="Blue"][U]here[/U][/COLOR] to purchase tickets from Ticket Master[/SIZE] Featuring the following matches: [B]Acid[/B] v. [B]Art Reed[/B] [I]Last week in Kentucky, these two heated up the ring in the most impressive Lucha Libra match seen in years! What will their bout bring this time, as the feud continues?[/I] [B]The School of Tradition[/B] v. [B]JD Morgan/Black Hat Bailey/Shawn Gonzalez[/B] Watch as the fiercest tag team in DAVE, [B]the New Wave[/B], team with stablemate [B]Eric Tyler[/B] to take on these three in a 3 vs 3 Elimination-Style tag match...featuring the DAVE debut of [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]! and, in the main event... [B] Eric Tyler[/B] v. [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B] v. [B]Eddie Peak (c) for the DAVE Unified championship title[/B] [I]...in a Triple Threat match![/I] Plus... Get there early to see the following Dark Matches, [B]NOT TO BE SEEN ON TV![/B] [B]Gino Gambino[/B] v. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] ...as these two up-and-coming young stars battle it out for a [B]Double Debut [/B]match! and... [B]Tribal Fury [/B]v. [B]The McWade Brothers[/B] ...in a tag-team bout featuring the [B]first ever[/B] DAVE match of[B] Java & Tribal Warrior[/B]! Be there as DAVE takes North Carolina by storm, and teaches the Biker Museum the meaning of [B]EXTREME![/B] [SIZE="1"] Card subject to change.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/quote]
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[b]Acid[/b] v. Art Reed [b]The School of Tradition[/b] v. JD Morgan/Black Hat Bailey/Shawn Gonzalez Eric Tyler v. Grandmaster Phunk v. [b]Eddie Peak[/b] (c) Gino Gambino v. [b]Jacob Jett[/b] Tribal Fury v. [b]The McWade Brothers[/b] I had to post something to let you know I'm reading. Thought I'd add some predictions too. :)
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[CENTER][B][I]Danger and violence Extreme Presents... [/I][/B] [U][SIZE="6"][B]DANGER ZONE TV[/B][/SIZE][/U] [SIZE="5"][B]Thursday, January 18th, 2007[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B][I]Previously Recorded for East Coast Today[/I][/B][/SIZE] [I][B]To Be Aired on January 19th, 2007[/B][/I] Held at the North Carolina Biker Museum, in Asheboro, North Carolina 1886 In Attendence [B][U] Dark Match[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Gino Gambino [/B][/COLOR]v. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] If this match was any preview of the night to come, I was going to head for the doors as quickly as possible. Okay, sure, so maybe I gave CJ the benefit of the doubt since he was a close friend. Who wouldn't push their best mate if given the chance? Besides, I'd seen Jett in action at an indy show or two, and he was a solid worker all over. Plus, every time I'd watched CJ in the ring, the crowd ate his Mafioso gimmick up like candy. Unfortunately, his in-ring abilities left a lot to be desired, and it might have cost me the night's ratings. With the crowd practically praying for Gino Gambino never to grace the ring again, Jett put us out of all our misery when he succumbed to the Spaghetti Deathlock, Gino's signature move. From my seat at the announcing table, where I had decided to get a front seat to the action, I saw [B]John Campbell [/B]grinning at me from the ebon curtain. Apparently, he neglected to leave out how poorly the crowd responded to Gambino at his former shows. Then again, so had CJ. [CENTER]Winner: [B]Gino Gambino via Submission[/B] Rating: [B]E-[/B] [B][U]Dark Match[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Tribal Fury[/B][/COLOR] v. [COLOR="Red"][B]The McWade Brothers[/B][/COLOR] (Java/Tribal Warrior) (Dean McWade/Dallas McWade)[/CENTER] Another sub=par match to round out my latest Dark Match experiment. The fact that Tribal Fury didn't nearly have the overness in the Mid Alantic to pull a crowd didn't phase me, as I figured their experiance as a team and their abilities in the ring would make up for it. I didn't factor in, however, that the McWade's were simply awful. Not to mention they didn't take kindly to jobbing out to the new guys. Java ended the match as the crowd became restless with Greetings From the Island, getting the pinfall over Dean. [CENTER] Winners: [B]Tribal Fury via Pinfall[/B] Rating:[B] D- [/B][/CENTER] As [B]Emma Chase[/B] and [B]Mitch Naess[/B] joined me at the announcer's table, the lovely [B]Jenny Playmate[/B] came out from the back to shoot the shirts, lifting the mood in the Biker Museum dramatically. I would have to remember to send her flowers as a "Thanks For Saving My Ass, Pre-Show". [CENTER] Rating: [B]C+[/B][/CENTER] ---------- As the show opened up, and we welcomed the viewing audience back on the East Coast, Mitch and I explained that [B]Vin Tanner[/B] would more than likely be dropping out of tonight's Main Event, due to the injuries he sustained two weeks ago on [B]Danger Zone TV[/B]. We then went to the ring for the opening bout, [B]Acid[/B] versus [B]Art Reed[/B]. [CENTER][B][U] Opening Bout[/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Acid[/COLOR][/B] v. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Art Reed[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Another great match from these two brought a flutter of life back to me as I realized the night was still young. Glad to have paired the two up for their feud, we watched at the table as Reed and Acid battled it out almost to the time-limit, with Acid finally getting the upper hand as Eric Tyler distracted Reed, allowing Acid to wrap him up in the Acidity Test, and grabbing the win. [CENTER]Winner: [B]Acid via Submission[/B] Rating: [B]C-[/B][/CENTER] The cameras then unexpectedly cut backstage to the Biker Museum parking lot, where a car had just pulled up as [B]Phil Vibert[/B] was outside, smoking a cigar. The door of the car opened, revealing Vin Tanner in a knee brace, walking quickly towards the front doors. [COLOR="Green"]"What on Earth is he doing here in his condition?!"[/COLOR] Asked Mitch. [COLOR="Green"]"That old bastard doesn't know when to quit,"[/COLOR] responded Emma. [COLOR="Green"]"Speaking from experience, Emma?"[/COLOR] I retorted. [COLOR="Green"]"You really are a perv, aren't you, Gardener?"[/COLOR] She snarled back. [COLOR="Green"] "It's a curse..."[/COLOR] I replied. Emma gave me a questioning look off-screen as I diverted from the script, but I just shook my head with a grin. [COLOR="Green"]"Didn't expect to see you tonight, V-Man,"[/COLOR] said Phil, tapping the cigar. [COLOR="Green"]"Doesn't look like yer knee expected it, either."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Yeah, well,"[/COLOR] Vin replied, stopping momentarily by Phil though never taking his eyes off the front. [COLOR="Green"]"I've got some unfinished business with our dearly beloved psychopath."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"] "Can't let you work tonight,"[/COLOR] Vibert said with a shake of the head. [COLOR="Green"]"Not that I don't like you, Tanner, but the last thing I need is a lawsuit of Reckless Endangerment when Peak saws your leg off with the ring post."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"I think you can,"[/COLOR] Vin replied, shoving a wad of hundreds into Phil's hand. Vibert's eyes lit up with surprise. [COLOR="Green"]"I was in this match to begin with, and I'll be in it to stay..." [/COLOR] He growled, heading into the venue. [COLOR="Green"]"Oh, and that nutjob wants hardcore, Vibert? Then give him hardcore. Let's see some tables at ringside tonight."[/COLOR] Vibert watched him go, counting the money without looking, then gave a smile. [COLOR="Green"] "My kind of guy."[/COLOR] [CENTER]Rating: [B]C+[/B] [B][U]Three Man Tag Elimination Match[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]The School of Tradition[/B][/COLOR] v. [COLOR="Red"][B]JD Morgan[/B][/COLOR], [B][COLOR="Red"]Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR][/B], & [COLOR="Blue"][B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B][/COLOR] (Eric Tyler/Guide/Scout) [/CENTER] As we returned from the commercial break, the ring was already filled with the six competitors for what I was hoping to be a crowd pleasing brouhaha. I hate being wrong. The match dragged, and Bailey was looking exhausted by the end. Along with that, I should have used a little more creative control when booking this match, as the amount of competitors left at the end of the match gave an impression about Morgan, Bailey, and Gonzalez, that I was not trying to convey. Gonzalez was the first to go, after trying in vain to break Tyler's Tradition Lift before tapping. Shortly followed by the debuting Black Hat Bailey, who Guide brought down from a pinfall following the double-team from he and Tyler. Guide, however, got stranded a little too long with Morgan, and found himself tapping to the Cross Atlantic Stretch before long. JD went on to put on a valiant effort against Tyler and Scout, but eventually he fell to the School of Tradition's ploys when Scout helped Tyler nail a spiked piledriver, knocking Morgan out cold as he took the pinfall victory. [CENTER]Winners: [B]The School of Tradition via Opponent Elimination[/B] Rating: [B]D [/B][/CENTER] As the cameras cut backstage to a brief, flirtatious interlude between Art Reed and the Heel valet, [B]Cat Jemson[/B], I came to terms with the idea that the rest of January would be a transitional period, where I sacrificed ratings and company money to make everything on screen perfect until 2008. This calmed my nerves as the crowd watched on in boredom. Reed mentioned that he'd seen Cat at ringside last week in Kentucky, and the two flirted cautiously until Reed asked Cat out on a date. Jemson, surprised by Reed's out-of-left-field proposal, hesitantly accepted. [CENTER] Rating: [B] D+[/B][/CENTER] As the commercial break ended, a graphic lit up the screen announcing the adjustments to tonight's main event, where we would indeed see Vin Tanner join [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B] and [B]Eddie Peak[/B] in the ring for a Unified title match, but with the added stipulation of a Table Match. [CENTER] Rating: [B]C+[/B] [B][U]DAVE Unified Championship Title Bout[/U][/B] [B]Table Match Stipulation[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Vin Tanner[/COLOR][/B] v. [B][COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR][/B] v. [B][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Peak (c)[/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER] Like I'd said last week, it was a pleasure to see the night end on a high note, though I was sure the dark matches cost me a good response to the event. Peak, Phunk, and Tanner put on a great match for the most part, but Tanner's injuries proved too much for him as Peak practically tore both his opponents in half. After downing Phunk after some near table breaks with a crisp chair shot to the head that the good folks back in Fort Lee probably felt, Tanner suprised Eddie with a smoothly executed DDT onto the very chair he'd just dropped. Tanner lifted him up to the table, setting Peak up for the V For Victory, but Peak countered him with a kick to the gut, slamming Tanner through the table with the Peak of Perfection for the win. [CENTER] Winner: [B]Eddie Peak via a Table Break[/B] [I]Eddie Peak retains the DAVE Unified Title[/I] Rating: [B]C-[/B][/CENTER] But it didn't end there. Peak added insult to injury as he put Phunk, also, through a table with the same move. When his valet, or "ho" as he put it, Dawn, tried to interfere, Peak responded to her antagonism with a chokeslam through the nearest table he could find...ours. As we scrambled to continue our announcing, Peak was met by a broken but not beaten Vin Tanner, who shouted that Peak had gone "too far". Peak laughed manically, and as Vin put up one last attempt to bring the champion down, Peak took advantage of the situation by spearing Tanner into the corner. With sheer insane glee in his eyes, the champ through Tanner from the top rope, out into a table set up at ringside, via a top rope Powerbomb. As the crowd exploded in horror at the ordeal, Peak stunned them even more by jumping back-first through the final table at ringside, smashing through violently. As the camera focused in on Eddie, the champion was seen laughing at the entire ordeal as the screen faded to black. ------ It was a rough night, and I was surprised that it hadn't hurt our popularity in the area. CJ had been avoiding me like the plague since he left the ring, apparently heading straight back to the hotel after his match. My thought process was interrupted by the ringing of my mobile. I looked at the caller ID, the name "Sophia" blinking at me. Just what I needed. [COLOR="Green"] "What is it, Sophia?"[/COLOR] I asked in a less than enthusiastic tone. Pulling my ear away from the receiver slightly from her angry response to my lack of manners, my attention was sparked again by the news she had. [COLOR="Green"]"Really? He signed?"[/COLOR] I smirked. At least the business end of things was looking up. I needed my roster plans to start working again after I lost my chase for [B]Darryl Devine[/B] to the [B]SWF[/B]. [COLOR="Green"]"Excellent,"[/COLOR] I told her. [COLOR="Green"]"Tell Larry's agent I'll have him working the next show, and to put him on a bus to Dallas tomorrow morning."[/COLOR] Quick Results for [B]DANGER ZONE TV[/B] From [U][B][COLOR="Blue"]ProWrestlingHits.com[/COLOR][/B][/U] [quote] [I]Gino Gambino def. Jacob Jett [/I][B](E-)[/B] [I]Tribal Fury def. The McWade Brothers [/I][B](D-)[/B] [I]Acid def. Art Reed[/I][B] (C-)[/B] [I]The School of Tradtion def. Morgan/Bailey/Gonzalez[/I][B] (D)[/B] [I]Eddie Peak (c) def. Grandmaster Phunk and Vin Tanner to retain the DAVE Unified championship title [/I][B](C-)[/b][/quote] [B][CENTER]FINAL RATING: D+[/CENTER][/B]
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From DAVEWrestling.com [quote] [CENTER][SIZE="6"][B]Danger and Violence Extreme Presents...[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B][U]DANGER ZONE TV[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]January 25th at the West Texas Collisium, in Dallas, Texas![/SIZE] Tickets only [B]$5[/B]! click [U][COLOR="Blue"]here[/COLOR][/U] to purchase tickets from Ticket Master Featuring the following matches: [B]JD Morgan[/B] v. [B]Art Reed[/B] As both of these men continue to impress in their own respective feuds, come see the mayhem when these two collide, perhaps even bringing their own personal rivalries into the mix! [B]Big Cat Brandon[/B] v. [B]Eric Tyler[/B] Bear witness to two of the top names in DAVE take each other on for a possible #1 Contender's shot! [B]The New Jersey Devils[/B][B] (c)[/B] v. [B]The McWade Brothers[/B] ...in a tag team match to decide the fate of the [B]DAVE Tag Team titles[/B]! [B]Eddie Peak (c)[/B] v.[B] Vin Tanner[/B] ...in a match for the [B]DAVE Unified championship [/B]title, as "V-Man" Tanner takes on last shot at the gold! Plus... Get there early to see the following Dark Match, NOT TO BE SEEN ON TV! [B]Johnny Martin [/B]v. [B]Travis Century[/B] v. [B]Draven [/B]v. [B]Jacob Jett [/B]v. [B]Gino Gambino[/B] v.[B] Hannibal[/B] ...in an [B]Every Man For Himself Six-Way bout[/B], featuring the debut of [B]Hannibal[/B], that promises to be complete [B]ARMAGEDDON[/B] in the ring! Make sure you're there for the last episode of [B]Danger Zone TV [/B]before the latest addition to DaVE's schedule of events... [B]Back In Black: reLoAdeD[/B]! [SIZE="1"]Card subject to change.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/quote] [B][I]OOC Note...[/I][/B] Sorry about the delays and lack of backstory, folks. The last week for Thanksgiving has been non-stop, with a bunch of gigs and trying to get down a publishing deal. Next couple of weeks and I should be back to full form. Predictions, comments, and critisim are appreciated, as always. ...oh, and on that note, Happy Thanksgiving to all the American folks on the board.
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Rags [SIZE="2"]January 24th, 2007 Heaven's Gate Cemetary Valhalla, New York 2:45 pm[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="6"]M[/SIZE][/B]ichael Cassidy stood barren and empty amidst the freezing cold as he watched the snow-covered tombstone with blank eyes, his gaze fixated on the date before him. In one gloved hand, he held a tightly wrapped bundle of roses, bought from the Getty gas station up the road from the cemetery. In the other was his new favourite companion; a flask of Dewar's White Label Scotch. [B][CENTER]April 12th, 1983 - January 24th, 2005[/CENTER][/B] Two years. Two long, cold, miserable years. The rest of New York City had been a sweltering jungle last June, but for Officer Michael Cassidy, the bitter winter of 2005 had yet to end. He remembered quietly, as he sipped the flask, a time when life was simple, when the sun shone any time. He had been married, once. A lovely woman from Mayo who his sister had introduced him to, years ago after a wrestling meet for John Jay. They'd had a beautiful son, golden haired and eyes bluer than the ocean herself, who could light up a room the moment his feet entered the doorway. Then came the knee injury. Gone was his competitive dreams, and with them his wife and half his money. He joined the Force, picking up the occasional extra buck at a low-card boxing match in Westchester, or a pro-wrestling show here or there. Times were good, even though the rain happened to come. Then the cocaine came. [B][CENTER] James Michael Cassidy[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER] Beloved Son[/CENTER][/B] It was amazing how fickle a demon cocaine was, especially to the young. She could love you for years, and eat up your finances, and then one day you'd take a bad hit, and she left you six feet underground. Like his son. Cassidy closed his eyes as he emptied the flask down his throat, and laid the half-frozen flowers on the ground in front of his son's grave. With a quick turn of the heel, he proceeded back to the patrol car. The ringing of his cellphone broke the morbid silence of the icy graveyard. [COLOR="Green"] "Yeah, listen Sergeant, I know I'm late--"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Michael? Mike, it's Jake... Jake Grossburg, your agent?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Eh..? Oh!"[/COLOR] Michael opened the door to the cruiser. [COLOR="Green"]"Yeah, sure, how's tricks, Jake."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Tricks?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Nevermind." [/COLOR] The engine roared to life, and Michael wiped the drink from in front of his eyes. [COLOR="Green"]"What's up."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"The American Indy show's coming up, you know," [/COLOR]he replied.[COLOR="Green"] "End of February. I can still get you on the card if you want the show."[/COLOR] He could still see his son in the front row as he took the job four years ago, and immediately knew he had to stop at Martin's Spirits before got to the 5-0. [COLOR="Green"] "Not this time, Jake," [/COLOR]Michael replied. [COLOR="Green"]"I just... don't have the heart for it this year."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Oh..." [/COLOR] The voice of Grossburg paused as Michael headed out of the cemetery gates. [COLOR="Green"]"I forgot it was the 24th... Hey man, I'm sorry to--" [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"You're breaking up, Jake." [/COLOR] The phone shuddered against the car's window as it slammed shut, and Cassidy hit the lights as he took to the highway.
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