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GDS TEW Diary Awards 2007 Nomination Thread

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Diary of the Year USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free by J Silver [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...ad.php?t=21524[/url] I know this is already nominated, and I can't really get into the Cornvellverse, but this one is a gag fest. Very creative, and that I like. Real World Diary of the Year Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal to Attitude by keefmoon [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...ad.php?t=21194[/url] Very torn here, there were many good ones, but three outstanding ones. Keefmoons, outlaws Battlelines, and the eternal survivor nevermore's ECW. Each had their own niche and spirit and captured their respective eras so well, and that's what I look for in real world. A certain amount of creative spirit, but as well as that a believable story. keef's is perfect in that practically every match... you're torn in your predictions about who will win. Essentially, he's done his characters so well that you don't feel there's any viable jobbers. That to me says you have a product you can sell, as we all want to see competition, different possibilities, and keef's ability to put a man over without selling the blood of another is unparalleled. Cornellverse Diary of the Year USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free by J Silver [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...ad.php?t=21524[/url] Show of the Year ECW, Blood, Sweat and Beers [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=265523&postcount=874[/url] The previous show nevermore unveils the perfect turn... and then through Paul Burchill he tells you how he had done it... for a fair period of time, every small moment had some significance to this turn, but none individually pointed to the result. It was classic booking, the best booking I've seen here, and if that was a fair dinkum ECW moment, that would truly push ECW towards serious mainstream type popularity. Best New Diary Must have begun after September 31st this year, the diary showing the most promise. Sorry peeps, I haven't been on for yonks for a good period of time to really sift through the inevitable one showers/I want a chance to show off my cool graphics and my neat new roster type shows.. The ones who have survived deserve the credit, but I just haven't time to read them. Most Compelling Character Who you think is, overall, the best character this year. USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free by J Silver [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...ad.php?t=21524[/url] Was it Mr Squiggles? Jim Force's bird, I know, I know not a typical character but funny as hell. Promo of the Year Paul Burchill - ECW by Nevermore [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=265523&postcount=874[/url] Again, just the magic way he released all the details of a great conspiracy... enjoyable. Match of the Year Which match captured your attention the most this year? Mr Wrestling III vs The Patriot, Mask vs Mask at Showdown 9: Revelation, in National Wrestling Alliance: A Return To Glory, by Wildfire1324 [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=667[/url] Hooded Kudo def. Elemental II in Burning Desire...by Tigerkinney on the Eye of the Dragon tour, show 26. [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=437[/url] Feud of the Year Which feud captured your imagination the best this year? [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20515[/url] NWA Battlelines - Ric Flair v Harley Race Best Gimmick Match There's about 1000 in ECW WorldwideAll the backstage segments in Mark Cuban does DaVE! by Monkeypox. Best Presentation (hover over aight) [COLOR="White"]I feel like being a smartass and saying...which one of several diaries had the best graphics, sold out a massive arena with an offspring of the Hart family main eventing but I won't...[/COLOR] Best Utilized Roster World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal to Attitude by keefmoon [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...ad.php?t=21194[/url] Again, there's no real jobbers. Everyone is beatable, every gets a gig, everyone has a story. Most Popular Wrestler USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free by J Silver [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...ad.php?t=21524[/url] Jim Force... BUY MY MERCHANDISE! The way J Silver sold him, people began using the Forceisms around the forum. Hell, I heard one the other day in the supermarket (well not really, but that's how good it was). Best Kayfabe Breaking Segments USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free by J Silver [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...ad.php?t=21524[/url] Sorry to say it, but hey this bloke is hella funny. I'd love to nominate more, but I guess I've covered my favourites, outlaw321's battlelines, keefmoons WWF From Montreal, nevermore's ECW worldwide and J Silvers USPW Where Ages 65 and Older get in for free... Classics all of them. They are the ones I regularly looked out for, J Silver made me laugh and spit water out constantly, outlaw321 took me to an era I never saw or experienced but was so good at it I could feel myself sitting in a dusty Charlotte Coliseum on a steel chair with poor lighting, a steel barricade in front of us, and Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood standing there waiting for their next opponents... Sickles all around... keef had the attitude energy, and always had me tuning in hoping our eternal lost soul Owen Hart could capture what his talent demanded... and nevermore, I was never a fan of hardcore, but I can see what it would get a cult following purely off the back of the imagination and craze you drive through ECW. Reminiscing over these beauties really is giving me an itchy finger for some more dubbya cee dubbya... Thanks fellas :mad: How about line of the year?? Force: "HOTSHOOOOOOOOOTS!!! THE FORCE IS A FORCEFUL FORCE IN WHICH YOU NOW FACE FOR THE FORCE IS NOT STRONG WITH YOOOOOOOOU!!!! WE WILL TACTICALLY TAKE THE TACTFUL TACTICS AND I SHALL SUMMON THE GODS OF THE FORCE TO ENDOW UPON ME WITH THE SUPERNATURAL POWERS OF THE FOOOOOOOOOOORCE!!!!!! BUY MY MERCHANDISE. I LIKE PONIES. HOOOOOOOOTSHOOOOOOOOTSSSS!!!! YOU WILL FEEEEL THEEE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE!!!" Oxford: "Well said Jim, I'm sure. Can't hear a damn thing with this hearing aid still on the fritz. I am the ghost of Pepsi Past, and you will feel the carbonated goooooodnessss!!! once more Hotshots!" Hahahahahaha.... Oxford: "Back in my day people like you were known as cheaters. And cheaters would get their hands chopped off, but because of those new-fangled anti-cruelty laws we can't do that." hahahaha Oxford: "My generation had to walk 25 miles North by Southeast to get to a hospital uphill all the way, but we never complained. You two are what's wrong with this generation, big mouths and tiny brains. You don't know what pain is. Once in the army I pooped a bird."
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[QUOTE=tristram;319079] Oxford: "My generation had to walk 25 miles North by Southeast to get to a hospital uphill all the way, but we never complained. You two are what's wrong with this generation, big mouths and tiny brains. You don't know what pain is. Once in the army I pooped a bird."[/QUOTE] Oh, that's just classic. I think I woke my neighbor's baby when I read that. No nominations for Scapino's MWA diary? I'm suprised.
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Since Tristram basically marked to one or two dynasties, I wanna do the same thing, though I don't read much. Best dynasty is Mark Cuban Does Dave for me. I'm not sure if he's been nominated yet or not. But the reason I'm writing isn't just to say that - the best [I]Kayfabe breaker[/I], and part of the reason I like that one so much, is when the main character and Nemesis explain what a patch means to Mark Cuban, and somehow end up talking about how Adam Ryland used his powers to distend Sarah Michelle Gellar's anus. It was brilliant and hilarious, and totally tried to explain "patching" in game terms. It didn't so much break keyfabe as metaphysically destroy it. I really liked his treatment of the Eddie Peak resigning, but Buffy's anus wins for segment of the year. Hell, now I have to go find it. [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=187623&postcount=65"]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=187623&postcount=65[/URL] And Derek Fame is right - it's tupid that Scapino's MWA dynasty hasn't been picked up for C-Verse dynasty of the year. So I'll put him for C-Verse, and monkeypox for overall best of the year. Scapino is at... uh... [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20017"]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20017[/URL]
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[QUOTE=Halfman_halfamazing;318927][B][SIZE="4"]Best Presentation[/SIZE][/B] WWE A Stiff Upper Lip by Jonny_CKY[/QUOTE] Ok, guys, I'm going to stop reminding everyone now. If you don't post a link, I'm ignoring your nomination, and now I'm not even going to tell you why.
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[QUOTE=Gozer;319152] Best dynasty is Mark Cuban Does Dave for me. I'm not sure if he's been nominated yet or not. But the reason I'm writing isn't just to say that - the best [I]Kayfabe breaker[/I], and part of the reason I like that one so much, is when the main character and Nemesis explain what a patch means to Mark Cuban, and somehow end up talking about how Adam Ryland used his powers to distend Sarah Michelle Gellar's anus. It was brilliant and hilarious, and totally tried to explain "patching" in game terms. It didn't so much break keyfabe as metaphysically destroy it. I really liked his treatment of the Eddie Peak resigning, but Buffy's anus wins for segment of the year. Hell, now I have to go find it. [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=187623&postcount=65"]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=187623&postcount=65[/URL] [/QUOTE] Kayfabe-Breaking Segments isn't for an individual segment mate, just for the diary in general. And monkeypox is already up for that, lol.
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Remember, I said that a category needs [U]at least[/U] five nominees for it to go to voting, which means at the moment, we're only going to have Diary of the Year, Real World Diary of the Year, Most Compelling Character, and Feud of the Year. C-Verse Diary of the Year is only one nominee away, as are Show of the Year, and Stable of the Year, but all the other categories are still two or three nominees away from getting counted. I know it's only early stages, just thought I'd start poking y'all (especially the guys who still haven't given me links...).
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my nominees OK, I understand the adding links....I will do so, but that kind of stuff takes me awhile to do, so I'll just post my nominees and add links as time prevails...And like Keefmoon I'll make a post letting you know and I'll even add a link back to my nominees ;-) Diary of the Year (I'm a huge NWA return to Glory mark) but since thats already nominated, I'll nominate: NeverMore's ECW WorldWide Real World Diary of the Year Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. Nevermores's ECW Worldwide Show of the Year: Best New Diary Indy Diary of the Year Most Compelling Character Brian Kendrick G-Primes WWE Rebirth Best Promos NWA: A Return To Glory by Wildfire Best Match Write-Ups WWE: Frank Sinatra Style by Flamebrain Promo of the Year Which particular promo do you think was the best this year? Mark Magnus NWA: A Return To Glory by Wildfire Match of the Year D'Lo Brown defeats Steve Corino for NWA World Title: NWA A Return To Glory by WildFire Feud of the Year Which feud captured your imagination the best this year? Best Gimmick Match Best Presentation Which diary made best use of graphics, video or websites? Best Utilized Roster Manager of the Year Most Hated Wrestler Steve Corino NWA: A Return To Glory by Wildfire Most Popular Wrestler Colt Cabana NWA: A Return To Glory by Wildfire Rocky Maivia Award Mark Magnus NWA: A return To Glory by Wildfire Tag Team of the Year TV Show of the Year Stable of the Year Which group, stable or team of more than two was your favourite this year? D-Generation X (HHH, Kendrick & Cade) G-Prime WWE Rebirth Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments Best Mod
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Ok, there's been a change... Only the major categories will need five nominees to be run, these are as follows: Diary of the Year Real World Diary of the Year C-Verse Diary of the Year Most Compelling Character Show of the Year Feud of the Year All other categories will only require three nominees, as I'd hate for the current nominees to be ignored because there's only four of them or whatever...
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Most of my favourites are already nominated, but as the Cornellverse diary of the year still needs another nomination and it is inexplicably missing so far from that list, I'll nominate... [U]Cornellverse Diary of the Year[/U] Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer by Tigerkinney [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21681"]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21681[/URL] Finally (and hoping not to sound like a jerk here)...my diary (Subscribe to the ROF Newsletter) was nominated by Shmoe on page 2 for Best Utilised Roster, but hasn't been updated on the front-page, G-Prime. Just letting you know. :p
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Diary of the Year Overall NYCW: Tradition Begins Anew [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5605&page=6[/url] To put it simply, this diary and it's offshoots are the only reason I play the Cornellverse now and inspired me to start my own diary! Legendary stuff.
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Most of my regular reads and choices have been nominated already, but here's another... [B][U]Rocky Maivia Award[/U][/B] [B]Tom 'Angry' Gilmore[/B] - Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer by Tigerkinney [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21681[/url] Never really cared for Gilmore a great deal, but Tigerkinney took him back to the land of the rising sun and gave him a great introduction and subsequent run. I would have put Cherry Eisen in Jehovah's diary up for this, but I see she's already cropped up elsewhere, so I'll stick with this. Actually since Jehovah's SWF/SCAR diary and my HGC diary are now inactive, it's great to see Pox getting a lot of deserved plaudits for his continuing DaVE diary... I always had a three muskateers kinda sense with him and Jehovah. I'd nominate him for something, but it seems several others already have.
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;319778] Finally (and hoping not to sound like a jerk here)...my diary (Subscribe to the ROF Newsletter) was nominated by Shmoe on page 2 for Best Utilised Roster, but hasn't been updated on the front-page, G-Prime. Just letting you know. :p[/QUOTE] Oh, my bad. Fixed now... Must have missed it, because you were nominated for the category before that, I probably just looked at it was like 'yeah, just copied that link... what's next?'
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