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The New WCW:No Old School Allowed

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[QUOTE=ADeezy62;343698]No disrespect Fellas but maybe you guys can give suggestion to see what i can do[/QUOTE] OK. I'm new to this Dynasty thing, and I'm relatively new to TEW. Hopefully these two things mean I can put together some thoughts that've been helpful to me. My dynasty started out really, really weakly. I was doing it, pure and simple, to chronicle my second attempt at running a company. It doesn't surprise me that it has few readers - the first year is, mostly, pretty poor and that's fifty-two shows to get through. What it lacked was a goal. These seem to go best when you have some goals you're working to. Mine picked up when I had not just a storyline I was running then that I was really into, but plans for the next one - at the time Don Henderson and El Critico were feuding over the midcard title and Don introduced a belt of his own, for anyone reading. The fact I knew what was coming next - Don building up a strong title run with the unified belt and Critico going on to feud with El Bandito - meant I had anticipation. Nowadays I've got monthly PPVs and those help, and while I have no particular timelines on a lot of the things going on on my secondary brand, I have goals it's trying to reach. Climbing toward them gives me the motivation to keep going. So have a goal. But the destiny factor and contract disputes can cause issues, so be ready to think on your feet - just like a real booker has to when, I dunno, a legend no-shows your six man tag main event, or a star gets injured the week before their big push, or similar. One of my major players left my company recently; I ended up putting his title on someone I wasn't planning to give it to for a while because he was best situated to bring someone new into the main event scene and 'make' them. In your case, too, think about what's going on. You're taking on the mantle of WCW and claiming it as utterly reinvented; so why does this 'new' promotion hark back to the old school roots of WCW? There's a hook there, and it's a hook that that promotion, in real life, would need to address for the fans. Which means it's something you can book around; something to give a little extra weight to segments. Don't start out with a ninety-man roster; you can't support it. As a suggestion, to keep the backstory stronger (which will get you more interested readers) and to make things easier booking-wise, whittle your roster down to only those of your starting list that you'd be taking from WWE. Then it's actually vaguely plausible. Use someone other than Shane to run it; Shane is very associated with the WWE. Then you can have, as your goal, bringing some of the talent you want across from TNA, ROH, and the rest; it also means you can do it over time, making each debut mean something. In your now-cancelled game, for example, the Henning family running over Reid Flair means a lot more if Reid is established on his own merits, which can't happen until you've worked with him a bit and gotten him over. It also gives the Henning debut a lot more heat as they're assaulting someone the fans have had a chance to decide to like.
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[B]Moredecai[/B] vs.Horace Hogan [B]Orlando Jordan[/B] vs.Reid Flair The New Hart Foundation/Naddie Neidhart vs.[B]Cryme Tyme[/B] Dan Rodman vs.[B]Joe Henning/Amy Henning[/B] [B]Kofi Kingston/Kristal [/B]vs.TJ Wilson [B]Roderick Strong[/B] vs.Matt Sydal [B]Joey Superstar[/B] vs.Test
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Again your roster doesn't spell WCW to me. It spells indy. Which is fine, if you book it as an indy fed, but if you're going to give this the World Championship Wrestling name it's got to have something to do with WCW. I also can't see Hulk Hogan in any meeting labelling a bunch of never have beens/never will bes or at the moment unknowns as his pick of main eventers. Hogan's a deeply political man with his allies. There's got to be some reality to it, and I can't for the life of me figure out where it is. My advice to you is to go away, watch some old WCW on youtube or something, figure out what made the product hot and then try and come up with a backstory and logical roster placement to support those theories.
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[QUOTE=tristram;343966]Again your roster doesn't spell WCW to me. It spells indy. Which is fine, if you book it as an indy fed, but if you're going to give this the World Championship Wrestling name it's got to have something to do with WCW. I also can't see Hulk Hogan in any meeting labelling a bunch of never have beens/never will bes or at the moment unknowns as his pick of main eventers. Hogan's a deeply political man with his allies. There's got to be some reality to it, and I can't for the life of me figure out where it is. My advice to you is to go away, watch some old WCW on youtube or something, figure out what made the product hot and then try and come up with a backstory and logical roster placement to support those theories.[/QUOTE] Pretty much what he said. This would be a fantastic roster if it didn't have the name World Championship Wrestling attached to it. If it was some indy then this would work very well. If you are going to bring back WCW it should at least involve the men who made it famous in some way. I think this dynasty would be better suited as a promotion to make a big three with WWE and TNA and give them a run for their money, but not as WCW.
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[QUOTE=ADeezy62;344060]So you would want me to add guys like Hogan,Hall,Nash,Booker T and others[/QUOTE] That's pretty much what I'm saying. I'm not saying totally recreate WCW, but it would be very realistic and very good if you would sprinkle some of the guys that built WCW in there. You don't have to build the company around them, but it would be good if they were used in some way to make the company being called WCW matter.
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[COLOR="Blue"]WCW Roster[/COLOR] [B]1.Teddy Hart 2.DH Smith 3.Tyson Dux 4.Jack Evans 5.TJ Wilson 6.Paul Burchill 7.Reid Flair 8.Joe Henning 9.Amy Henning 10.Joey Muraco 11.Rey Mysterio 12.Buff Bagwell 13.Robbie Mcalister 14.Rory Mcalister 15.KC James 16.Cassidy James 17.Shad Gaspard 18.JTG 19.Dan Rodman 20.Orlando Jordan 21.Chris Jericho 22.Booker T 23.Kevin Nash 24.Scott Hall 25.Chris Kanyon 26.Siaki Miavia 27.Afa Jr 28.Kimo 29.Matt Sydal 30.Mistico 31.Kofi Kingston 32.Kristal 33.Slyck Wagner Brown 34.Moredecai 35.Ray Gordy 36.Roderick Strong 37.Chris Hero 38.Matt Bentley 39.Eddie Colon 40.Ted Dibiase Jr 41.Mike Dibiase 42.Cody Rhodes 43.Jake Hager 44.Lacey Von Erich 45.Test 46.Joey Superstar 47.Melina 48.Sharmell[/B]
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Alex Grenier is in his Office with Arn Anderson,Ric Flair,Dusty Rhodes and Jimmy Snuka [B]Alex:[/B] Dusty who do we have as enhancement Talent [B]Dusty:[/B]We Have Joey Muraco and Moredecai [B]Alex:[/B]Alright Dusty,I want You To get Horace Hogan [B]Dusty:[/B]Ok [B]Alex:[/B]Arn how is are tag team divison [B]Arn:[/B]We have The Mcalisters,Cryme Tyme,The Outsiders,The New Hart Foundation and the James Boys [B]Alex:[/B]Ok Arn were set there,Jimmy how about are midcarders [B]Snuka:[/B]We have Orlando Jordan,Reid Flair,Joe Henning,Kofi Kingston, Sonny Miavia and Buff Bagwell [B]Alex:[/B]Ric How do you see are Heavyweight Divsion [B]Ric:[/B]Alex we have Chris Kanyon,Chris Jericho,Booker T,The Giant,Dan Rodman,Slyck Wagner Brown,Afa Jr and Kimo (They All Leave)
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[SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"]WCW Nitro[/COLOR][/SIZE] (Alex Grenier is in the ring) [B]Grenier:[/B]Welcome to the New WCW (Loud Cheers) [B]Grenier:[/B]I'm here to wake the sleeping giant of WCW [B]Grenier:[/B]Are Announce Team Consists of Tony Schivanione,Josh Matthews and Scott Hudson. [B]Grenier:[/B]a backstage correspondants are Mean Gene Okerlund and Letcia Cline [B]Grenier:[/B]Enjoy the New WCW Horace Hogan vs.Moredecai Moredecai started on working on Horace Hogan beating Hogan into the corner were Moredecai hit a running knee into Hogan.But Hogan Slugs back and hits a powerslam and goes for the Legdrop and misses Moredecai grabs a chair the refree took the chair away giving a enough time for Moredecai to grab his cross and Hogan in the head with it for the 3 [B]Winner:Moredecai[/B] [B]Schivonane:[/B]Moredecai steals this one from Horace [B]Matthews:[/B]I Wouldn't want to mess with him Tony (Commercial Break) Orlando Jordan vs.Buff Bagwell Buff gets the crowd behind him early and beats down Orlando.Orlando takes control when he low blows Buff.Orlando hits the Orlando Magic on the floor rolls Buff in the ring for a 2.Buff gets up on the top and hit the Buff Blockbuster for 3 [B]Winner:Buff Bagwell[/B] [B]Hudson:[/B]Buff The Stuff has Won his match against Orlando Jordan. [B]Matthews:[/B]Orlando seems upset in the ring [B]Schivanone:[/B]The first WCW Orignal has won (Commercial Break) We Come back with Letcia in the Back with Joe and Amy Henning [B]Cline:[/B]Joe your match against Test is next [B]Joe:[/B]Test will be no test to the Perfect One Joe Henning (Joe Henning and Amy Henning leave) (Commercial Break) Joe Henning vs.Test The Veteran Test works on Henning.Until Henning low blows Test.Henning hits some Knife Edge Chops on Test.Joe Henning hits the Perfectplex for 3 [B]Winner:Joe Henning[/B] Were in the Back when Orlando enters Alex Grenier's office [B]Grenier:[/B]What is up Orlando. [B]Jordan:[/B]Alex I want Buff on Thunder. [B]Grenier:[/B]You got it. (Commercial Break) We Come back with Letcia talking with Matt Sydal Letcia:Matt your about to take on Mistico in a matter of moments Sydal:I'm Not Worried of Mistico he is just some Mexican bum off the Streets of Mexico (Sydal Leaves while Letcia has a confused look on her face) Matt Sydal vs.Mistico Matt Sydal and uses there high flying moves as Mistico starts with the Asai Moonsault.Then out of Nowhere Enzguri Headscissors Takeover.Sydal hit the Aftershock for 3 [B]Winner:Matt Sydal[/B] Rey Mysterio is backstage with Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Rey your about another WCW Original in Chris Jericho [B]Rey:[/B]Me and Chris go way back to the old WCW days (Chris Jericho arrives) [B]Rey:[/B]Whats Up Chris [B]Chris:[/B]Lets Have a great match tonight (Both Men Leave) Chris Jericho vs.Rey Mysterio Rey Mysterio hits somes high flying manevuers on Jericho.Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho but Mysterio wouldn't tap. Rey Mysterio hit the 619 for a 2.Jericho hit the Codebreaker for 2.Rey hit the 619 and West Coast Pop for 3 Winner:[B]Rey Mysterio[/B] After the match Jericho offers his hand out for a shake Rey shakes his hand.Jericho raises his arm up only for Rey to Get a Codebreaker [B]Chris:[/B]Rey we were never frenids (Chris Jericho storms to the back) (Commercial Break) Booker T is backstage with Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Booker your about to take on Reid Flair [B]Booker:[/B]Yeah Ric's son,Good Kid (Reid Flair joins) [B]Flair:[/B]Mark my words Booker I Will Beat you [B]Booker:[/B]Is That Right [B]Flair:[/B]Unless Your Tramp doesn't get involved [B]Sharmell:[/B]Whatca You call Me (Reid Leaves) (Booker and Sharmell leave pissed) Booker T vs.Reid Flair Booker Beats on Reid early for what he said to Sharmell.Reid pokes Booker in the eye only for Booker to get low blowed Booker gets school boyed and Flair grabs the tights for 3 (Loud Boo's) [B]Winner:Reid Flair[/B] (Commercial Break) We come back with Letcia is Talking with Kofi Kingston and Kristal [B]Cline:[/B]Kofi you will be the first Jamiacan wrestler in WCW [B]Kristal:[/B]I Will Talk for him [B]Kristal:[/B]Giant Kofi has a surprise for you (Kofi and Kristal leave) Kofi Kingston/Kristal vs.The Giant as Kofi is walking down to the ring.A Mountain of a man Jumps the Railing The Giant doesn't know it Kofi Kingston is on the ring apron and tells the Giant to turn around he does and gets a Big Boot.As The Unknown man whips the Giant into the ring apron Kofi Kingston Gives a Sicking Chair Shot.The Unknown Man and Kofi Kingston get on top of The Giant for 3 [B]Winner:Kofi Kingston[/B] [B]Kristal:[/B]Giant I Would like to Introduce you to Wagner Brown [B]Hudson:[/B]Wagner Brown just destroyed the Giant (Commercial Break) Letcia is Backstage with The Outsiders [B]Letcia:[/B]Hall,Nash you guys Face Cryme Tyme Next what are your thoughts [B]Hall:[/B]Whatca mean Cryme Tyme [B]Nash:[/B]She Means 2 Gangsters from the Bronx [B]Nash:[/B]We are The Outsiders we don't care who like's us (The Outsiders Leave) The Outsiders vs.Cryme Tyme Kevin Nash starts with Shad Gaspard,Nash Overpowers Shad who tags in JTG.Kevin Nash hits the Jacknife powerbomb that was broken up by Shad Who Hall then threw Shad Outside.Then the Outsiders hit a double powerbomb for 3 [B]Winner:The Outsiders[/B] (The Show fades to black as Outsiders celebrate)
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I'm sorry to say this man, but this diary seems really unorganized. Go read some of the more respected diaries on the board and see what they do. Pay attention to how they format their entries. Probably more importnatly then any thing, if you are doing a real world diary, make sure that the workers you are using are similar to their real life counterparts. It could be as simple as Hall startin' out a promo with "Hey Yo" to show that you have a little bit of knowledge of his work in the past. It seems to me that you have almost no experience with the workers you are using.
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