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CCW: Rise of the Underdogs (A C-Verse Diary)

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[B]7:30pm 12/08/06 Los Angeles, CA[/B] Tommy Cornell, the legend himself, rubbed his temples a little, trying to force the headache away. The boardroom was brightly lit with harsh fluorescent lights, and outside the night's sky was lit up by the lights of L.A. THe discussions and negotiations had taken far longer the he had wanted them to, dragging out for almost a week in preparation for this moment. This was the end, one way or the other. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Fine, you've got your shot. Good luck."[/COLOR] Across the table Leo jumped up and ran over, grasping Tommy's hand and shaking furiously. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Thank you so much, you won't be disappointed."[/COLOR] The rest of the meeting went smoothly as a few last minute details were hammered out. That night "The Drifter" Leo Davis walked out with his head held high, one of the few moments in his life he was truly proud of. After years of getting used and abused, being jobbed time and time again, buried left and right, he would finally have the chance to do things his way. The meeting had concluded with a discussion of who should be the head booker, and Leo had scored yet again as he had the perfect person in mind...
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The Head Booker Is Signed [B]7:15pm 12/10/06 Milwaukee, WI[/B] I had just gotten home from another day as a tech support rep. All day long I listened to phones ring nonstop so the first thing I do when I get home is take the phone off the hook and leave it there, lie down and try and relax a little. Life hadn't always been this rough, though. For awhile I had a dream about becoming a wrestler, actually had a few matches in the indy leagues when a sloppy worker smashed my neck and that was the end of that. I left the industry soon after but I still remained a fan. I used to be a big fan of SWF, especially the Runaway Train/Christian Faith matches, but I tuned out when they pushed Enygma to the championships. Around that time HGC became TCW and I followed along now and then but I became more interested in the smaller feds and indie runners. Then a couple weeks ago Leo Davis caught me in a bar and asked me if I would want to run a promotion he had been thinking about. We had become good friends as we worked several indie competitions together, and he pitched his idea about starting up a development fed to give some of the younger, lesser known workers a place to grow and develop, a place where they are given a legitamate shot and not just jobbed for awhile and then quietly dismissed. I expressed my interest but I thought it would be impossible for Leo to actually pull it off. And then two weeks later he stood at my doorstep with a huge smile on his face and a big stack of paperwork. Four hours later, we'd started up our own federation: Chicago Champion Wrestling - CCW The terms were surprisingly simple with TCW. They would sometimes throw us a development worker and then we would have to help develop their skills so they can be brought back as potential stars. In response they agreed to try and take our workers legitimately and look to us first before looking elsewhere for stars. Leo and I knew this wasn't going to be guarenteed, but at least it would give some of our workers a slightly better chance of being noticed instead of elsewhere. Finally, TCW agreed to try and protect our workers from raids by RIPW and SWF, but we would have to agree to try and bring RIPW down. That was our primary competition. Once I'd signed the paperwork all that was left to do was assemble a roster.
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Initial Roster (Support Staff) Leo sat down on my couch and dropped a stack of movies and folders in front of me. It turns out that he'd been planning this for years, and had already earmarked certain workers that he felt deserved a better shot then what they were getting. Even before that we had to settle the matter of the support staff. Leo told me that he wanted me at the announcing table as I'd always been pretty good at a mic, and working for tech support had given me quite a lot of practice in "creative improvisation" (i.e. bulls***). Next we needed to hire a referee and a road agent. [B]Referee: Dale Kenney[/B] Dale Kenney, formerly "Randall the Vandal", was an Oklahoma brawler who never acheived much, most being jobbed around like Leo and myself. Eventually Dale got fed up with it and retired, transforming himself into a decent referee. He worked off and on for several small time promotions since his retirement, but he was free and available and we signed him to a nice exclusive contract. He was rather excited when Leo contacted him and he still had a bit of his wrestling spirit in him. I fully supported the idea because I had some good ideas about the referee getting involved with the wrestling. I just hope Dale hadn't forgotten too much about actually wrestling (Note: I modified Dale Kenny to more closely match his stats in TEW '05, although I depreciated his wrestling skills by 2% to represent his retirement for two years) [B]Road Agent: Curt O'Malley[/B] Curt and Leo went way back, and Curt even helped by sending us some info about a few additional workers. Although I had never gotten to know him very well, I heard that he was a blast to work with. The only problem I heard about from Leo was to make sure my locker was always secure because Curt had a bad habit of leaving surprises in people's lockers. [B]Announcer: Gabriel Mossak[/B] That was going to be me. I was a bit surprised to hear that I was also going to be the lead announcer, but I understood that Leo was trying to cut costs as much as he could and to get the most out of everyone, including myself. I'm excited but I'll admit I need to find some time to brush up on my wrestling lingo before the first event.
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Initial Roster (Workers pt. 1) [B]4:00pm 01/01/07 Chicago, IL[/B] Leo and I celebrated New Year's hard. The paperwork and legal matters were all settled, CCW was a legitimate federation now. Now we could start hiring real workers. After shifting through a pile of beer bottles (what's New Years without copious amounts of alcohol?) I found Leo's scouting reports and starting sifting through them to find our future stars. Leo, meanwhile, was still passed out in the kitchen, so I decided to makes some calls and send some e-mails myself and just let him rest for now. First of all, a quick glance at the pile showed that we would need additional workers. While Leo had some pretty comprehensive files I didn't think everyone in them would fit properly, and we still had a lot of places in the lower cards to fill, so I started posting some job notices on a few websites and sent out a few e-mails to the few contacts I still had to see if we couldn't draw in some new talent. Once that was done I started looking through the workers Leo had selected. Initial Prospects: [B]Tully Arthurs[/B] Formerly Tom Angelus, Tully is a beast of man, rippling with muscles and with a very solid look about him. Leo had quite an extensive list on this guy and it appeared that he was picked to be the star face. Tully's main schtick was kind of a Jim Force knockoff, in fact the guy was very similar to Jim Force in a lot of ways and that made me slightly uneasy. I had seen Jim Force when he still wrestled for SWF and I remembered some very painful matches, but it seemed that Tully was at least a little better then Force. [B]Burning EXILE[/B] I had never heard of this guy but Leo had a tape of him from BHOTWG. I couldn't understand what was going on but this guy was incredible, moving like lightning across the ring with crazy flips and some spectacular top rope manuevers. Inside his file were a few clippings talking about his troubles with both BHOTWG and WLW. I decided to send him an e-mail in hopes that he would work for us as a man that phenomenal would really give our small promotion some serious talent. [B]Crash Lewis & Little Bill Lebowski[/B] There wasn't much in their files, except that they had a nice little tag team for SCCW. The tape of them was rather interesting. While Crash was used mainly as a jobber, Bill was a good worker, cleaning house despite how ridiculously small he looked next to the other workers. Although then again, the audience believed that size didn't matter once Bill got ahold of that 2x4 and went to town on the Maryland Alliance, another SCCW tag team. [B]The Tennessee Outlaws[/B] Blackjack Robbins and Whiskey Jack. They looked like a solid enough tag team duo in the SCCW, but I was nervous about starting up a tag team division too early. We needed to get our foot in the door before we could start having a a solid enough tag team division as well. I looked through the rest of the folders but was surprised to find that there was nothing on the Maryland Alliance, the third SCCW tag team. I'd have to ask Leo about that once he finally woke up. [B]Joseph Loeb[/B] AKA Lazy Joe and Smokey Joe, this was yet another brawler from SCCW. I started recognizing the pattern about Leo wanting to hire former SCCW members. I hoped to branch out from that with the indie talent as SCCW did not survive very long. Anyway Lazy Joe who was somehow able to sell an insomniac as a legit gimmick. I figured that anyone who could sell something that outrageous should be able to handle a more practical gimmick instead. In the ring he was decent if uninspired, although he had never really been given the opportunity to shine. [B]Murderous Mikey[/B] A monster standing at 6'11 and about 320lbs, this guy looked like a beast. There was only one tape of him, and he only had a quick match in it but it was enough to get a rough idea. A standard "Tower of Power" crushing all in his path. He tried to pull of a "Mob Hitman" persona but it didn't really click with him. He had the right look and the right attitude, but some intangible factor made it seem too forced. [B]Titan[/B] Another huge worker, Titan recently quit MAW and it was apparent that Leo wanted to capitalize on his existing fame. I thought Titan would make a good heel force against Tully Arthurs, and I hoped that having those two against each other would produce something that fans would take an interest in. [B]Harry Wilson[/B] Everyone knows Harry's older brother, Cliff, just never mention that to Harry...ever. I called up Harry as soon as I found out that Leo already had his number. Cliff Wilson was legendary and getting his brother would be a huge boost for us. While talking with him he seemed to get interested until I mentioned his brother. It wasn't even in comparison, I just mentioned if he would be interested in putting together a character similar to Cliff when Harry exploded at me. I had to hold the receiver at armslength from my ear and at the end of his rant Harry just hung up. I figured that would be the last of him. [B]Jesse Christian[/B] The star of SCCW, even I had heard of him a little bit. I called him up immediately but got a answering machine stating that Mr. Christian is not interested in working at the moment. I decided to keep an eye out for him if he ever decided to come back. In the end I sent e-mails to everyone but Harry and Jesse to see what would happen.
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3:00pm 01/08/07 Chicago, IL Today was the first day of auditions. I had gotten enough responses from interested workers that I was able to schedule a tryout. We rented some space out from a local 'Y' and set up a very basic ring in the gym. We had quite the turnout and Leo ran the participants through some basic drills and had them all present their "character." I was really excited because both Tully Arthurs and Titan made it, they even arrived at almost the same time. Looking between the two I already envisioned some epic power matches between them. We signed the pair immediately, but kept them around at the tryouts to help Leo and I find some good matchups with the indie workers. Bill Lebowski also showed up, saying that Crash was going to be delayed but that Bill would speak for both of them. Bill put me off a bit as he seemed to be only concerned about the bottom line, but when I told him that he and Crash would be he start of our tag team division, he perked up and agreed to sign a PPA with us. In the middle of the tryouts my phone rang and it was Mikey calling from his home in Calgary. We hammered out a contract over the phone during the lunch break. In the end we hired the following people: [B]Tully Arthurs Titan Little Bill Lebowski AS Bill Lewis Murderous Mikey The Wizard of Ottawa[/B] While his fantasy character was unique and eye-catching, it was hard for me to envision a place for him. A mediocre worker, he was very good once he got a mic in front of him. Considering how poor our other workers were in the spotlight at least this guy seemed comfortable enough to get Leo and I interested in his crazy concept. [B]Rex Reeves[/B] Yet another SCCW casualty, I was most impressed by his attitude. He was always willing to lend a helping hand, and even when he wasn't up there he was working with a few other workers to help them refine their characters. A starting organization needs team players willing to go the extra step and help each other out, and Rex definitly fits that bill. [B]"Free Form" Jeremy Jazz[/B] Average is the word that best describes Jeremy, but that is also his selling point. he can do just about anything at a steady ability level and sometimes for a starting promotion having that kind of flexability is helpful. Of the entire tryouts, I would say the most interesting part was having to have the police escort one of the guys away. Some guy going by the ring name of "Trauma" was absolutely terrible. Every move he tried was completely without any sort of protection for the other worker, and I could already see him causing some very dangerous injuries. When we told him that we weren't going to hire him he became very angry and started knocking chairs and tables around so the police were called. In the end we had the start of a roster, and I was hoping to get a finished roster within a couple of days because Leo had been itching to put on a show by the end of January.
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[B][CENTER][url]www.TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.com[/url][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Your Source Into The Wrestling World Monday, Week 2, January 2007[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]NOTBPW Raids CGC[/CENTER][/U][/B] Several rising stars and support staff have gone over from CGC to NOTBPW. The biggest change was the announcement that Shooter Sean Deeley was switching over. Deeley, when interviewed, stated that he felt that he had done all he could with CGC and that he needed a fresh start with NOTBPW to truly give him a shot at stardom. This comes as a surprise blow to CGC as Sean Deeley was the current CGC Canadian Champion when he signed a written deal with CGC's chief rival and competitor, NOTBPW. After signing Sean was quickly forced to give up the title to Bobby Thomas. Whippy the Clown, another CGC staple was also reported to being moved as well. Backstage, referee Jerome Turner and manager Adrian Garcia are also planning on jumping to NOTBPW. [U][CENTER][B]New Midwest Promotion Opens[/B][/CENTER][/U] Chicago fans rejoice as Chicago Champion Wrestling (CCW) has just recently opened its doors and announced that their first event "CCW Wrestling Spirit" will be Wednesday, Week 3 of January. Surprisingly this promotion was started up by "The Drifter" Leo Davis. Davis has been wrestling in the industry for over 20 years but has never been seen very high on any cards, typically used to help put other workers over. Davis announced that his new promotion would be a place where promising workers, both young and old, would be given a real shot at fame. Even more surprising is that CCW has already signed a devlopment deal with TCW, helping to develop promising future TCW stars. [B][U][CENTER]CCW Declares War on RIPW[/CENTER][/U][/B] Shortly after announcing it's formation, CCW owner Leo Davis declared that he would bury RIPW. It would seem that the TCW/SWF rivalry has extended down into both of their respective development territories as well. [B][U][CENTER]Queen Emily Returns[/CENTER][/U][/B] After taking leaving SWF early last year, Queen Emily was hired again by SWF. It is unknown whether she will replace Ana Garcia as SWF's primary colour commentator. [CENTER][B][U]Giant Redwood Joins RIPW[/U][/B][/CENTER] In an unusual move, Giant Redwood has signed on as RIPW's head booker. He has also apparently placed himself on the card of active workers, making him the oldest worker by over 14 years.
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[U][B][CENTER]CCW News[/CENTER][/B][/U] [CENTER]January Week 2 - 2007 [U]CCW Creates International Contacts[/U][/CENTER] Through Leo Davis' expert diplomacy skills, CCW has worked out numerous working agreement pacts with promotions all around the world. These promotions include: [LIST] [*]DAVE [*]MAW [*]CZCW [*]CGC [*]4C [*]MPWF [*]ROF [*]WEXXV [*]UCR [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U]Leo Davis Gets On Card[/U][/B][/CENTER] It has been confirmed that Leo Davis will be participating in the first ever CCW Championship Tournament. When asked if his position as owner will influence the outcome he responded that the booking was in the hands of Gabriel Mossak, and that he has told Gabriel not to give him any special treatment.
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[B]2:00pm Tuesday, Week 2, January 2007 Chicago, IL [/B] The second batch of workers helped us round out our rosters. The most surprising event right off the bat was a message form Harry Wilson. He seemed to have calmed down enough to talk about contracts and we quickly hammered out a PPA arrangement before the bulk of applicants arrived. In the end we found enough new talent to round out our roster with the following hires: [B] Dermot O'Logical[/B] This guy was a little weird, but he was decent in the ring and great off-stage. His character may need to be tweaked later on if fans don't buy his "skin-care" act. [B]Dusty Bin[/B] Yet another "tower of power," Dusty has a lot of work ahead of him, but he put on a decent performance and Curt O'Malley loved him, so we'll see how he does when given a chance. [B]Evil Spirit[/B] This guy was a diamond in the rough. His evil occult act was surprisingly well done and the young Japanese worker had solid skills to back it up. I just wish he could speak English (or I could understand Japanese) but we were still able to work out a decent PPA contract. [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] This guy was a great find. Out of the ring he was surprinsingly quiet and respectful, but that changed completely once he was in the ring, tearing about with fury and passion. He easily became one our most talented workers, we just needed some help building him into a proper star if the fans rally behind him. [B]TJ Bailey[/B] This kid had been jobbed to several TCW stars, and was very similar to Jeremy Jazz in that he was an average worker in just about everything, allowing for flexability. Between him and Jeremey at least we'll have an opponent for anyone, no matter what style they used. So here we had our final roster (faces in blue, heels in red) [CENTER] [B][U]Main Eventer:[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Harry Wilson Dermot O'Logical[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lazy Joe[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Titan[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Tully Arthurs[/COLOR] [B][U] Upper Midcarder:[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Kashmir Singh TJ Bailey Rex Reeves[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"] Leo Davis Bill Lewis (Little Bill Lebowski) Craig Lewis (Crash Lewis)[/COLOR] [B][U]Midcarder:[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Sir Arthur (The Wizard of Ottawa)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Murderous Mikey[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jeremy Jazz[/COLOR] [B][U]Lower Midcarder:[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Evil Spirit Dusty Bin[/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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Dermot O'Logical for the win!! In my SWF game he started off as a fitness coach/sidekick with Squeeky McClean and over time, has helped coach Jack Bruce up to the World title and himself up to a very strong upper-midcard position. He just needs some time to develop on the mic and a good manager for him to be HUGE! :D
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Owner Goals [B]9:00pm Tuesday, Week 2, January 2007 Chicago, IL[/B] After completing the roster and putting everyone in their proper slot Leo pulled me over and we got talking overall goals. Leo explained to me that all he wanted was for CCW to grow larger. He didn't care about the money or debt, he just wanted to see CCW become more then just a flash-in-the-pan. When I asked him about what sort of future workers we should hire, he said he wanted us to focus on a more genuine article. He felt that the biggest criticism of wrestling was that the athletes weren't really athletic, and so he wanted to look for some very fast movers in the future. This would also help offset the rather large and plodding roster we had established with lots of heavyweights. Finally, he told me that he would not stand for any drug use on our roster. He said he had seen too many great wrestlers go down that road and never recover again. Once that unpleasantness was behind us we sat down to create our very first tournament for the championship belt.
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[SIZE="6"][U][B][CENTER]CCW News[/B][/U][/SIZE] [CENTER]January Week 2 - 2007[/CENTER] [U]CCW "Wrestling Spirit" Tournament Announced[/U][/CENTER] Next week, CCW will be presenting a 16-man tournament for the CCW Championship belt. THe entire roster will be given a chance, from the lowliest worker to the highest star, to battle it out for the strap. Thanks random seeding here is how the first round of the tournament will go: [B][CENTER]Murderous Mikey vs. Sir Arthur Bill Lewis vs. Lazy Joe Craig Lewis vs. Jeremy Jazz Evil Spirit vs. Leo Davis Dermot O'Logical vs. Rex Reeves Dusty Bin vs. Tully Arthurs Harry Wilson vs. TJ Bailey Kashmir Singh vs. Titan[/CENTER][/B] This represents the first qualifying rounds of the tournament. The next week at "CCW Wrestling Spirit II" will be the second half of the tournament, concluding when a winner is crowned with the CCW Championship belt. Note: Enjoy making your picks :) Quick Picks: Murderous Mikey vs. Sir Arthur Bill Lewis vs. Lazy Joe Craig Lewis vs. Jeremy Jazz Evil Spirit vs. Leo Davis Dermot O'Logical vs. Rex Reeves Dusty Bin vs. Tully Arthurs Harry Wilson vs. TJ Bailey Kashmir Singh vs. Titan
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I agree with Midnightnick on all bar the opener. [B]Murderous Mikey[/B] vs. Sir Arthur Bill Lewis vs. [B]Lazy Joe[/B] Craig Lewis vs. [B]Jeremy Jazz[/B] Evil Spirit vs. [B]Leo Davis[/B] [B]Dermot O'Logical [/B]vs. Rex Reeves Dusty Bin vs. [B]Tully Arthurs[/B] [B]Harry Wilson [/B]vs. TJ Bailey Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Titan[/B]
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[b]Murderous Mikey[/b] vs. Sir Arthur Bill Lewis vs. [b]Lazy Joe[/b] Craig Lewis vs. [b]Jeremy Jazz[/b] [b]Evil Spirit[/b] vs. Leo Davis [b]Dermot O'Logical[/b] vs. Rex Reeves Dusty Bin vs. [b]Tully Arthurs[/b] [b]Harry Wilson[/b] vs. TJ Bailey [b]Kashmir Singh[/b] vs. Titan
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[I]It's nice to see someone crowning their first champion with a proper tournament, instead of just having their top 2-4 guys go out there and crown them on the first show[/I] [B]Murderous Mikey[/B] vs. Sir Arthur [B]Bill Lewis[/B] vs. Lazy Joe Craig Lewis vs. [B]Jeremy Jazz[/B] Evil Spirit vs. [B]Leo Davis[/B] [B]Dermot O'Logical[/B] vs. Rex Reeves Dusty Bin vs. [B]Tully Arthurs[/B] [B]Harry Wilson[/B] vs. TJ Bailey [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Titan [I]And it does feel kind of strange picking some of these jobbers as winners.[/I]
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[b]Murderous Mikey[/b] vs. Sir Arthur Bill Lewis vs. [b]Lazy Joe[/b] [i](He'd be better as Smokey Joe)[/i] Craig Lewis vs. [b]Jeremy Jazz[/b] [b]Evil Spirit[/b] vs. Leo Davis [i](He's EEEEVIL!!)[/i] [b]Dermot O'Logical[/b] vs. Rex Reeves Dusty Bin vs. [b]Tully Arthurs[/b] Harry Wilson vs. [b]TJ Bailey[/b] [i](I hate Harry Wilson![/i] Kashmir Singh vs. [b]Titan[/b] Should be an interesting first round to say the least. With so many jobbers in the field, it'll also be really interesting to see how things pan out in the long run for the promotion. Your roster just aren't over at all and it seems that you might almost be better off running big angles with your top guys to help get your lower guys over. But remember... Dermot O'Logical for the win! :D
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This diary is great! Sign someone else who can speak Japanese! You must do it to keep Evil happy. Murderous Mikey vs. [B]Sir Arthur[/B] [B]Bill Lewis[/B] vs. Lazy Joe (Bill is a scrapper) Craig Lewis vs. [B]Jeremy Jazz[/B] Evil Spirit vs. [B]Leo Davis[/B] (Evil Spirit is a low level card guy) [B]Dermot O'Logical[/B] vs. Rex Reeves (Come on he is skin care obsessive he should win) Dusty Bin vs. [B]Tully Arthurs[/B] (Tully Arthurs for World Champ!) [B]Harry Wilson[/B] vs. TJ Bailey (I personally like Harry Wilson) Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Titan[/B]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="6"]CCW: Wrestling Spirit[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, January 2007 Attendance: 11 people[/CENTER] The show opens with The Lewis Brothers, Bill and Craig marching out to the ring accompanied by their trashmetal. After flipping off the fans, they get into the ring and mosh against each other before slapping each other on the back. Bill: [COLOR="DimGrey"]"I was asked to come out here and announce the start of the tournament, but f-that. I just want to shout out to everyone that Craig and I are brothers, and nothing and no one is going to stand in our way while we're together. If any of you mess with one of us, you mess with both of us."[/COLOR] Craig just stands off to the side and nods, adding an occasional "yeah" to the mix. Bill: [COLOR="DimGrey"]"Anyway, without further ado, here's some loser and some moron." [/COLOR] With that Bill tosses the mic down on the middle of the stage and walks away, Craig following closely. [B]Rating: F [/B] Sir Arthur causes a stir when the renaissance music blares and he walks to the stage clad in full armor, even brandishing a sword. He grabs the discarded mic. Arthur: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"I say, what a pair of knaves. I shall have to teach them some manners later. Ladies and Gentlemen, let me properly present the start of Chicago Champion Wrestling, and especially the start of a grand tourny to determine who will be crowned king. Now steel yourselves for the beast I face is large and fearsome, but rest assured that good shall triumph tonight."[/COLOR] [B]Rating: F[/B] [B]Murderous Mikey vs. Sir Arthur[/B] Murderous Mikey performs true to his name, coming out and quickly dominating the lightweight Sir Arthur. Arthur tries some rather impressive top rope maneuvers to bring the giant down, but Mikey catches Arthur in midair and performs a switchblade powerbomb that crushes the poor knight. [B]Murderous Mikey defeated Sir Arthur in 3:50 by pinfall with a Switchblade. Rating: E- [/B] [B]Bill Lewis vs. Lazy Joe[/B] Lazy Joe and Bill Lewis duke it out in a classic brawling match. Lazy Joe would get the advantage but then in mid stride he would start to doze off and Bill would capitalize. The end came when Lazy Joe whiped Bill into the ropes and then fell asleep while standing. Bill ran out of the ring and clocked Lazy Joe over the head with a steel chair tossed to him by his partner, Craig. [B] Lazy Joe defeated Bill Lewis in 8:40 by disqualification. Rating: E+[/B] [B]Craig Lewis vs. Jeremy Jazz[/B] Jeremy comes out to none other then a smooth jazz tune and the crowd even reacts a little when he whips off his shades and tosses them into the crowd. Then the Lewis Bros. come down to their thrash metal and the battle of the musical tastes are on. Jazz takes control with his aerial attacks, quickly catching the slower and less agile Craig. However, Bill seems to be unable to watch his brother take a beating like that and rushes into the ring and starts pounding on Jeremy. Dale calls for a bell and tries to escort Bill from the ring but Bill won't take no for an answer. He tries shoving Dale aside but the larger Dale forces Bill out of the ring. The Lewis Bros. then walk backstage, thrashing and moshing with each other as more metal blares through the loudspeakers. [B] Jeremy Jazz defeated Craig Lewis in 8:28 when Craig Lewis was disqualified when Bill Lewis ran in and attacked Jeremy Jazz. Rating: F+[/B] A short intermission occurs and while the audience gets a few breaks, a video of Tully Arthurs is played, showcasing a few of his wrestling matches but also showing some clips from when he competed in strongman competitions, including him being titled "World's Strongest Man" [B]Rating: F[/B] [B] Evil Spirit vs. Leo Davis[/B] Evil Spirit comes out to a few bursts of firecrackers. If we had money this would be the spot to cue the pyrotechnics, but a small fed has to make due with what it has. Leo Davis just comes out. Leo Davis just runs straight into the ring and the bell is quickly rung as Leo starts the attack. Dale Kenney is knocked out almost right off the bat as a wild high ropes move by Evil Spirit hits Dale when Leo throws the referee into it to avoid it himself. The match quickly turns dirty as both competitors make every attempt to cheat. Evil Spirit hits Leo with a chair shot and goes for the pin, but Dale Kenney is still out cold. Leo capitalizes and hits an armbar on Evil Spirit. Without a ref Evil can't tap out and Leo nearly pulls the arm from the socket. Finally Dale wakes up and quickly breaks up the submission because Evil by that time is half on the ropes. The pair continue to try and outdo each other in cheating, but Leo finally catches Evil Spirit with a reverse armbar and this time when Evil taps out Dale counts it, giving Leo the win to a chorus of boo's in the audience. [B]Leo Davis defeated Evil Spirit in 3:39 by submission after blatantly cheating. Rating: E-[/B] Dermot O'Logical comes out with his typical facial mask on and cucumbers on his eyes carrying a mic. Dermot: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Greetings ladies and germs. First off let me say that I'm very glad I have these cucumbers covering my eyes because I am sure that what I would see would not be pleasant. Has this city never heard of soap? Moisturizer? Exfoliating products? Everywhere I look I see dry, pasty skin. You're on a lake, get some sun. With my help I'm sure you can look just as radiant as me. Well, maybe not but at least you would look better then how you do right now."[/COLOR] [B] Rating: E-[/B] [B]Dermot O'Logical vs. Rex Reeves[/B] Rex comes out and sneaks up on Dermot (who can't see very well because of the cucumbers) and gives Dermot a resounding shove from behind that knocks the veggies from the eyes. An enraged Dermot quickly responds by beating the ever living tar out of poor Reeves. The match ends with Dermot O'Logical hitting the Cucumber Crunch (a piledriver) and laying Rex out for the 3 count. [B]Dermot O'Logical defeated Rex Reeves in 9:31 by pinfall with a Cucumber Crush. Rating: E [/B] [B]Dusty Bin vs. Tully Arthurs[/B] Dusty Bin is in the ring when Tully comes out to a modest crowd fanfare. Tully is the most popular worker and the crowd pops a little when he rushes into the ring, all oiled and painted to really look fearsome. Although Dusty is just as tall as Tully, he's not nearly as strong and Tully displays his incredible strength by performing his giant bodypress slam (called "The World's Strongest Slam") on the 320lb Dusty Bin. [B] Tully Arthurs defeated Dusty Bin in 8:53 by pinfall with a World's Strongest Slam. Rating: F+[/B] [B] Harry Wilson vs. TJ Bailey[/B] As soon as the match starts it obvious who the better wrestler is. Harry starts getting really ****y really quickly, taunting his opponent repeatedly in the middle of the match, even grabbing the stick and laughing after performing 'Humility' and not going for the pin. (Humility is Wilson's modified one-armed pedigree so that after bouncing his opponents face off the map he has the leverage to flip his opponent on the bounce, going straight into a pin.)After facing Humility, TJ is in an absolute daze, and Wilson uses that to get right in TJ's face, taunting and laughing at him before hitting him with a final Humility. [B]Harry Wilson defeated TJ Bailey in 9:06 by pinfall with Humility. Rating: E [/B] After the match, Harry laughs as TJ is helped backstage by officials. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"What's wrong, Baby Bailey? Do you need to cry back to mommy. You know, I like the sound of that.. "Baby Bailey." I think I can pull a few strings and get you renamed to that." [/COLOR] TJ lurches back to try and charge Harry, but the officials quickly grab hold of him and escort him backstage. Harry continues laughing the whole time. [B]Rating: F[/B] [B] Kashmir Singh vs. Titan[/B] Kashmir is a complete underdog in this match, being outsized by Titan by over half a foot and 100lbs. Kashmir gives it his all and displays his phenomenal strength by blocking one of Titan's punches with both of his hands. However, Titan's other hand destroys that brief comeback and Titan proceeds to mangle poor Kashmir. The crowd pops when against all odds Kashmir kicks out after a massive slam and even hits a big aerial move on the stunned Titan. Even that brief bit can't stop the monstrous Titan, and while Kashmir climbs to the top again, Titan recovers and grabs Kashmir into a Titanic Choke Slam, ending Kashmir's comeback. [B] Titan defeated Kashmir Singh in 7:34 by pinfall with a Titanic Choke Slam. Rating: D-[/B] [B] Final Rating: E+ [/B] Notes: Not a bad show considering the fans hated every angle and had two bad chemistries with no good chemistry notes :( Second it's hard to book a show when less then a quarter of your roster can wrestler longer then 10 minutes.
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