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CCW: Rise of the Underdogs (A C-Verse Diary)

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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][B][U]CCW News[/U][/B][/SIZE] Thursday, Week 3, January 2007 [B][U]CCW Championship Tournament Round 2[/U][/B][/CENTER] Next week will be the second half of the CCW Championship tournament. Once again the tournament matches are being presented in a random order, so although the opponents are fixed the order is a complete surprise until now. [B][INDENT]Lazy Joe vs. Murderous Mikey[/INDENT] [CENTER]Winner of Match #1 vs. Winner of Match #2[/CENTER] [INDENT]Harry Wilson vs. Jeremy Jazz[/INDENT] [RIGHT]Winner of Semi-Final #1 vs. Winner of Semi-Final #2[/RIGHT] [INDENT]Dermot O'Logical vs. Tully Arthurs[/INDENT] [CENTER]Winner of Match #3 vs. Winner of Match #4[/CENTER] [INDENT]Leo Davis vs. Titan[/INDENT][/B] [CENTER][B][U]CCW Establishes a Women's Division[/U][/B][/CENTER] CCW recently announced that they have established a full fledged Women's Division and has hired four exciting young women to compete for the newly established CCW Women's Champion belt. It has not been revealed who was hired, but CCW Head Booker Gabriel Mossak has promised us that they will be debuting next month, after the tournament has been concluded. Quick Picks Lazy Joe vs. Murderous Mikey Harry Wilson vs. Jeremy Jazz Dermot O'Logical vs. Tully Arthurs Leo Davis vs. Titan
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[b]Lazy Joe[/b] vs. Murderous Mikey [b]Harry Wilson[/b] vs. Jeremy Jazz Dermot O'Logical vs. [b]Tully Arthurs[/b] Leo Davis vs. [b]Titan[/b] Lazy Joe vs. [b]Harry Wilson[/b] [b]Tully Arthurs[/b] vs. Titan [b]Harry Wilson[/b] vs. Tully Arthurs It pains me to pick Harry because I absolutely hate him (he's got A* heel heat in my head) but thinking how I would book it, that's who would be the logical winner in my opinion. Well... logical in my head anyways. :)
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[SIZE="6"][B][CENTER]CCW: Wrestling Spirit II [/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, January 2007[/CENTER] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"This is Gabriel Mossak and welcome to the CCW Wrestling Spirit Tournament Finale. We would like to thank all of our fans here at the Ohio Jewish Center, all fourteen of you, and to announce the thrilling conclusion to the first ever CCW Championship Tournament. Up first we have Murderous Mikey against Lazy Joe. Now if I were a betting man I would have to go with Lazy Joe on this one. Mikey does not have the size advantage like he had in the earlier rounds, and as long as Joe can stay awake he should be able to out-wrestle Mikey."[/COLOR] [B] Muderous Mikey vs. Lazy Joe[/B] Lazy Joe is in the ring with a cup of joe, and to the chants of the audience (all X of them) he chugs the cup and tosses the mug out of the ring. The bell rings and Joe is alive and full of energy, running circles around the beleaguered Mikey. The fight goes outside after Mikey finally caught Joe and tossed him out. Joe seems to be falling asleep again, and he runs into the audience and grabs an offered cup of soda from a fan. He chugs it and the caffeine again vitalizes Joe enough to force Mikey back into the ring and against the ropes. There he he hits his Wake Up Call (a quick kick to the stomach to bend his opponent over before delivering a MONSTER uppercut). The uppercut causes Mikey to fly back head over heels and Joe quickly covers for the 3-count. [B]Lazy Joe defeated Murderous Mikey in 5:57 by pinfall with a Wake Up Call. Rating: E[/B] Harry Wilson comes out while Mikey is still leaving the ring after Joe's win. Harry helps Mikey off and grabs a microphone. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Man, I don't even know what to say. First 'Baby Bailey' and now this joker who I'm not even gonna bother coming up with a nickname for. At least Baby Bailey has a ring to it, but this Jazz fellow, he's outta here as soon as he's done jobbing to me. Oh wait, I like that name, forget what I said about not coming up with a nickname. Come on out, Jobber Jazz"[/COLOR] [B]Rating: F[/B] [B]Harry Wilson vs. Jeremy Jazz[/B] Despite Harry mocking him the entire way down, Jeremy does not break his stride, but smoothly dances down to the ring before whipping off his sunglasses and tossing them to the crowd. As soon as the bell rings, though, his calm is disturbed. Harry quickly takes control and an almost repeat of last night occurs as Harry dominates the match, taunting and torturing the young Jeremy. Unfortunately even the crowd is against Jeremy as they boo him and yell at Jeremy to get out of the ring. Eventually Harry grows bored and hits a Humility on Jeremy and gets the 3-count. [B]Harry Wilson defeated Jeremy Jazz in 7:31 by pinfall with a Humility. Rating: E[/B] [B] Dermot O'Logical vs. Tully Arthurs[/B] Tully waits in the ring, waiting for his opponent. The seconds go by and yet there is still no sign of Dermot O'Logical. Finally, Dale Kenney enters the ring to announce the forfeit when Dermot O'Logical comes running from backstage wearing just a bathrobe over his wrestling trunks. He's not wearing a facial mask this time but his skin is bright red. Dale demands an explanation and Dermot O'Logical grabs the mic. [COLOR="DarkGreen"] "Sorry, I fell asleep in my tanning bed."[/COLOR] Dale signals for the bell and the match starts. Right off the bat things don't go well for Dermot when he tries to punch Tully and Tully catches Dermot's fist. Demonstrating his sheer power he bends Dermot's arm around and hits a sloppy chickenwing suplex. Dermot tries to come back but he cannot match Tully's strength. Dermot tries to irish whip Tully, Tully counters by not releasing Dermot and instead pulls him into a clothesline. The match finally ends with Tully hitting a World's Strongest Slam and laying Dermot O'Logical out cold. [B]Tully Arthurs defeated Dermot O'Logical in 7:39 by pinfall with a World's Strongest Slam. Rating: E[/B] [B]Leo Davis vs. Titan[/B] Titan quickly dominates the match, but Leo does not let that stop him. Leo slips on some brass knuckles and somehow keeps the ref from catching on. With the knuckle dusters Leo is able to go toe-to-toe with Titan, as several headshots even stagger the oversized monster. After a particularly nasty shot, however, Titan goes absolutely berserk and just starts slamming Leo around. First he hits a powerbomb and doesn't let go, instead lifting Leo up and powerbombing him again. He then lifts Leo up and rams him into the turnbuckles with an Oklahoma Slam before finally hitting the Titanic Choke Slam. Leo seemed to go limp after the second powerbomb and lays there like a rag doll as Titan gets the pin. Titan lets out a savage yell at the end and storms out, leaving Leo lying seemingly unconscious center stage. Officials carry Leo out. [B] Titan defeated Leo Davis in 6:35 by pinfall with a Titanic Choke Slam. Rating: E-[/B] [B]Lazy Joe vs. Harry Wilson[/B] Lazy Joe comes out with his mug of coffee again, and finally Harry is looking nervous. With a quick chug and a ring of the bell, the match starts in an unusual way. Lazy Joe keeps trying to rush Harry but Harry keeps running away. After a few cat-and-mouse like moves, Joe finally locks up and whips Harry into the ropes, giving a massive clothesline to Harry on the rebound. Harry drops and Joe mounts, raining punches down as Harry tries to cover. Right when it seems like Harry can't take anymore, Joe just stops, his arms drop at his side and his head drops down. Harry quickly realizes that Joe's fallen asleep again and rolls him out of the ring. Harry then starts shouting at the ref, apparently upset about the ref not calling it because Harry had his foot on the ropes (which he didn't). Dale tries to get Harry to resume the fight but Harry keeps at it, getting right into Dale's face about the call. Meanwhile, Joe continues to nap peacefully outside the ring. A cry from the crowd comes out as Murderous Mikey runs out from backstage with a chair and smashes it over Joe's prone body. The ref doesn't see anything, he had his back to the whole thing because of the arguement. Mikey then picks up Joe and tosses him back in the ring. Joe tries to stand up but can't, the blow must have really knocked his senses lose. Harry stops arguing with the ref, turns around and hits a Humility on Joe and gets the pin. [B]Harry Wilson defeated Lazy Joe in 9:07 by pinfall following interference from Murderous Mikey. Rating: E+[/B] As Joe staggers backstage, Harry grabs the microphone. Harry:[COLOR="DarkRed"]"You see that folks? That's what's known as security. That's what's known as an investment. You see, an investment is why people like me always win, and people like you will stay in this dirt-ass town working dead-end jobs for the rest of your pathetic lives. Enjoy the show, it's the most fun you'll ever have."[/COLOR] He tosses the mic away and walks backstage. [B]Rating: E- [/B] [B]Titan vs. Tully Arthurs[/B] Another battle of the superpowers, this match comes down to a contest of strength as both combatants lock hands and vie for dominance. Tully proves his title as "World's Strongest Man" by bending Titan and hitting a slam. Titan roars with fury, getting up and running for the ropes. Tully tries to counter, but he can't stop Titan's running shoulderblock. The match continues going back and forth. The crowd really starts getting into it as the two giants keep escalating the moves, going to larger more powerful strikes and slams. The breaking point occurs when Titan slaps both hands around Tully's massive neck and goes for the Titanic Chokeslam. Suddenly Tully counters by breaking the chokehold and the crowd pops as Tully flips the surprised Titan up into a World's Strongest Slam. Titan is stunned by the massive slam and Tully is able to cover for the 3-count. [B]Tully Arthurs defeated Titan in 6:09 by pinfall with a World's Strongest Slam. Rating: D-[/B] [B]Harry Wilson vs. Tully Arthurs.[/B] The match starts without the usual ****y boasting by Harry, in fact Harry looks extremely worried about facing Tully. The two wrestle and despite Harry's fears he doesn't do too bad. Harry is much faster then Tully and is even able to hit a few top rope moves. Harry's strategy quickly becomes hit-and-run, and Tully keeps chasing after Harry trying to catch him with his massive arms. Harry runs, and then suddenly stops and leaps backward throwing an elbow right into Tully's face. Tully is stunned but somehow manages to clamp onto Harry's other arm. Harry looks terrified and tries desperately to remove Tully's hand, but without success. Somehow, despite still being stunned by a flying elbow to the face, Tully is able to keep his grip as he slowly recovers. Harry is trying to pry off Tully's fingers when the giant man finally regains his composure and gives a wicked grin to Harry before slamming Harry around the mat like a rag doll. Harry continues to try to escape but Tully holds on and continues to toss Harry around. Finally Tully hits a World's Strongest Slam and gets the pin for the win. Tully raises both of his massive arms high as Dale runs out and presents him with the CCW Championship belt. [B]Tully Arthurs defeated Harry Wilson in 8:45 by pinfall with a World's Strongest Slam. Rating: E+ Final Rating: E+ [/B]
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Bah! If only I hadn't been influenced by my preference to have heel champions, I would've been totally right! I realise he has less challengers but I predicted (to myself) that Titan would cause Tully to lose to Wilson in the final. So close!! :p EDIT: I just spyed that midnightnick seems to have got the whole thing right... damn!
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[quote=derek_b;346759]Bah! If only I hadn't been influenced by my preference to have heel champions, I would've been totally right! I realise he has less challengers but I predicted (to myself) that Titan would cause Tully to lose to Wilson in the final. So close!! :p EDIT: I just spyed that midnightnick seems to have got the whole thing right... damn![/quote] Predictions and Mafia Derek. I'm either on the ball or in a different galaxy with it.
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[QUOTE=Midnightnick;346776]Predictions and Mafia Derek. I'm either on the ball or in a different galaxy with it.[/QUOTE] I'll definitely give you that you pegged Tully Arthurs, but there was a slight difference in the Mikey vs. Joe match-up. Anyway, let me assure everyone that big things are coming soon, I just have to wait on the TEW license which should be cleared up tonight. edit: In the meantime any comments? criticisms? I'm especially interested in commentary about my show write-ups. Just wondering if people were more interested in hearing the match told from an announcer spectrum? Do you want to hear more about the back-stage antics of having a roster full of jobbers? More in-depth analysis of the workers and their developments?
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[B]11:30pm Wednesday, Week 4, January 2007 Cincinnati, OH[/B] By the time the workers had left and the equipment was in the trucks it was getting pretty late. The truckers were fine with hauling the equipment back to our office that night, but Leo and I were exhausted and decided to just check into a hotel and head back early tomorrow morning. Leo and I chatted long into the night about the conclusion of our tournament. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]“So, what did you think? The crowd seemed pretty happy about them.”[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]“Yeah, all dozen of ‘em. Oh well, we all have to start somewhere. I don’t know how I feel though. It was a good show and we pulled some great matches out of our guys, but… I’ve got a concern about your booking style.”[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]“What? What’s wrong, I thought you approved of everything. I though you signed off on it all.”[/COLOR] Leo:[COLOR="Sienna"] “Don’t get me wrong, you put on a good show, it’s just I’m concerned about the number of angles you used. All those interviews and such… it seems like such a waste. This is a wrestling promotion, our guys should be wrestling with maybe a main event hype thrown in here or there.”[/COLOR] Gabriel[COLOR="Indigo"]:”Well how else are our workers supposed to build heat?”[/COLOR] Leo:[COLOR="Sienna"]”Well, back in my day we didn’t bother with any of these angles, the story was told in the ring.”[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]”Leo, I would love for us to be able to do an old-school traditional style like that, only there are a couple problems. The first is that you have to have a lengthy match to effectively tell that story and there are very few of our workers that can wrestle effectively past 10 minutes. You saw how they were. Jazz was exhausted after only 5 minutes. That’s barely enough time for a match as is, let alone relying on it to tell the whole story. The second problem is the fans. Fans aren’t that interested in it anymore. SWF has dominated for so long that the ‘Sports Entertainment’ style is the standard now. Even TCW struggles and they have the big names to pull it off. There’s a good reason why NYCW has never gotten huge, and that is because they are stuck in the past. We can try that and get stuck just like they did, or we can modify it a little and go for the top.”[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]”I am NOT putting on that s*** they call entertainment at SWF. I worked there a few times and it was terrible. I had to take several showers just to watch the stink out. There’s a damn good reason why I started this to bring down RIPW and SWF, and Eisen is center to that."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]“Hold on, I would never ask you to pull those kinds of stunts. But that doesn’t mean we can’t tell a good story. Back up a series of matches with a few kayfabe arguments, have the heels do heelish things . We don’t have to go for shock and OTT like SWF but we have a roster full of interesting characters who cannot shine because they are too limited in-ring. I’m telling you, if we run just a couple stories for our upper cards, or even some middle cards we can really gets our guys over. And then once we have popularity, once we have workers who can wrestle a decent amount of time, THEN we can start refining our product to a more TCW-like product. I’ll let you approve every storyline, every angle if you want. I’m just saying some of our guys have some serious talent out of the ring and we’d be foolish not to capitalize on every advantage we can at this point."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]”… I’ll think about it. Right now though, I’m too tired to talk anymore business. I’ll let you know tomorrow.”[/COLOR]
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[B]10:00am Thursday, Week 4, January 2007 Cincinnati, OH[/B] The next morning I woke up early, still nervous about the discussion last night with Leo. I went down to the hotel lounge and snagged my continental breakfast as I opened up the local paper. Surprisingly enough, on the fourth page in the Entertainment section they had a brief blurb about the two nights of tournaments. It was slightly depressing to see months of hard work reduced to a couple paragraphs but at least we were in the paper. Right about the time I finished eating, Leo arrived. He looked rather groggy and I had a sneaking suspicion that the minibar in his room wouldn't be fully stocked anymore. Leo grabbed some toast and coffee and sat down, munching away without making eye contact. In fact he was looking everywhere but at me. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"...well?"[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Well what?"[/COLOR] Gabriel:[COLOR="Indigo"] "Don't play that with me. From that look, or lack there of, I imagine that you've made your decision."[/COLOR] Leo puts down the toast and looks off into the distance. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"You know, in my day he owners were the kings. Every owner was in charge of an entire territory, like his own kingdom where he set the rules and everyone else fell in line." [/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"I take it we're not changing then."[/COLOR] Leo looks down at his toast, the dreamy look crashing down, following his gaze. Now the years of being broken are clearly visible on his face. The years of humiliation, of defeat, of jobbing have clearly left their mark all over Leo. Leo:[COLOR="Sienna"] "But times have changed, I'll let you work more angles. Just don't drag this promotion down the same road as SWF."[/COLOR] Gabriel:[COLOR="Indigo"] "I won't, I promise. And before you start into another one of your 'in my day' speeches, let me remind you that you are still wrestling, so your day is right now."[/COLOR] Leo just smiled a little but he didn't touch his coffee or toast. We carpooled back to Chicago with Curt, but the whole ride Leo didn't say anything, he just looked out the window. When we arrived back at the office I immediately started to work out our show for next month, the beginnings of an angle already forming.
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][B][U]CCW News[/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, February 2007 [B][U]CCW Train Wreck[/U][/B][/CENTER] Coming up in two weeks is CCW Train Wreck. The matchup of the night will be the Lewis Bros. having a tag team rematch with their opponents from the Wrestling Spirit Tournament. The Lewis Bros. were both disqualified when they interfered in each other's matches. [CENTER][B]Baby Blue (Kinuye Musashibo) vs. Ginko Kuroda vs. Nadia Snow vs. Carnival Queen Kendra Lewis Bros. vs. Kashmir Singh & Jeremy Jazz Sir Arthur vs. Evil Spirit Lazy Joe vs. Dusty Bin [/B] [B][U]Women's Division 4-Way Title Match [/U][/B] Head Booker Gabriel Mossak has announced that with the recent creation of a Women's Division, to crown a champion the four female workers will battle it out in a 4-way match at Train Wreck.[/CENTER] Quick Picks Baby Blue vs. Carnival Queen Kendra vs. Ginko Kuroda vs. Nadia Snow Kashmir & Jazz vs. Lewis Bros. Evil Spirit vs. Sir Arthur Lazy Joe vs. Dusty Bin
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Baby Blue vs. Carnival Queen Kendra vs. [B]Ginko Kuroda[/B] vs. Nadia Snow [I]I think these lot will probably put the men to shame and steal the show.[/I] Kashmir & Jazz vs. [B]Lewis Bros.[/B] [I]I get the impression they'll probably be most effective as a unit[/I] Evil Spirit vs. [B]Sir Arthur[/B] [I]Both of these have fun gimmicks, but aren't too great in the ring (probably why they're in this diary), could go either way but I'll stump for the one with a bit more popularity on American soil[/I] [B]Lazy Joe[/B] vs. Dusty Bin [I]I like the character you are creating with Lazy Joe, with him falling asleep during his matches, and despite this infliction he should get the win over the useless Dusty Bin.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][U][url]www.TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.com[/url][/U][/B] Monday, Week 2, February 2007 [B][U][SIZE=6]Wrestling News Bulletin[/SIZE][/CENTER] [/U][/B] [B][U]VOTING HAS BEEN TALLIED![/U][/B] As many of you know we have opened up our forums to allow our readers to vote on a variety of wrestling workers, for the audience to select who is the best of the best, and the first round of votes has been tallied. First up is Peter Michaels who was voted "Best Announcer in Wrestling Today." Michaels has received this award for the past three years in a row, earning it with his incredibly presceptive play-by-play for SWF. Next, the winner of "Best High Flyer in Wrestling Today" was voted to Tom "Angry" Gilmore, the rising SWF star. "Angry" Gilmore won the Burning Junior title during his tours in Japan and early in his career was widely known for his daredevil top rope manuevers. Since moving to SWF he has bulked up and has settled for a more standard wrestling style, but let no one forget his still spectacular top rope ability. Finally, in the most surprising victory since we started these awards, Marc DuBois has won the "Best Overall Worker in Wrestling Today." At 19 years old Marc is the youngest worker ever to win this title. He has certainly impressed the fans in his two years working for SWF, quickly rising from nothing to being halfway up the roster, and nothing seems to be able to stop his meteroic rise. Especially with this award under his belt, Marc is expected to become just as popular as the legendary Sam Strong. [B][U] Bruce leaves USPW[/U][/B] Legendary Bruce The Giant has announced that he will not be renewing his contract with USPW. In the interview he stated that with the loss of their TV slot USPW would not have the budget available to meet his needs. Rumor has it that PGHW executives have already contacted Bruce about a possible contract over in Japan. PGHW already has Dread on contract, and the possabilities of getting two of the largest (in every sense of the word) stars into their roster would definitely give the Japanese promotion a major boost. [B][U] TV Slots Announced[/U][/B] The network negotiations are over, and here are the results: [LIST] [*]TCW has contracted again with GNN to produce TCW Rumble. [*]USPW has lost their American Wrestling slot. This is sure to be a huge blow to the company but can be expected as their recent shows had not been pulling in the numbers that Sports America had wanted. [*]SWF switches carries to CBA to produce SWF Wrecking Ball. [*]WLW in a suprising move has stolen GCG's network, All Japan TV will now be showcasing WLW Unexpected. Their show title is very accurate as no one would have thought of WLW getting a TV slot, let alone stealing it from one of their rivals. [*]BHOTWG continues with Japanese Sports Vision, and will be showing BHOTWG Main Event. [/LIST] [B][U]Trouble In RIPW[/U][/B] The recent assignment of Giant Redwood within RIPW has resulted in many mixed feelings within the roster. Inside sources have said that Redwood is manipulating the roster against each other, forming cliques and blacklisting anyone who speaks otherwise. Workers that follow Redwood have been talked to more about preparing for title shots, while those who do not play ball are being ignored or left behind. Whether these rumors are true, it will be something to keep an eye out for if the RIPW roster starts having some major upheavals.
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Baby Blue vs. Carnival Queen Kendra vs. [B]Ginko Kuroda [/B]vs. Nadia Snow Kashmir & Jazz vs. [B]Lewis Bros[/B]. Evil Spirit vs. [B]Sir Arthur[/B] [B]Lazy Joe [/B]vs. Dusty Bin Kashmir & Jazz...Lewis Bros...they sound like 2 upmarket men's clothing stores! :D I'm liking your news bulletin too. I'm wondering whether or not you'll keep it up for long because that looks like a lot of work that isn't totally intrinsic to your game, but it's definitely a great addition to the diary. Thumbs up so far.
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="6"]CCW: Train Wreck[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Friday, Week 2, February 2007 Attendance: 16 people[/CENTER] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Welcome one and all to another presentation of fabulous CCW wrestling. Let me personally thank the fans for bringing a few more of their friends this time around. Anyway, we'd like to start out by bringing out the lovely Monique who has an announcement to make."[/COLOR] Monique walks out dressed in her customary white bowtie and black evening gown. She towers over Gabriel as he hands her the mic. Monique: [COLOR="Purple"]"Thank you, Gabriel. I would just like to say that when I was asked to select a client from the roster, I was very disappointed. Looking over the entire roster, there didn't seem to be a single person who was man enough for me. That is, until I saw one man, one glorious physical specimen and I knew that this man was a safe bet. I'd bet my sizable salary against anyone who thinks they could defeat my new client....TITAN! [/COLOR] Titan gives a roar as he appears from backstage, his form towering over even the tall Monique. Monique gently places a hand on Titan's back and guides him backstage. [B] Rating: F+ Evil Spirit vs. Sir Arthur[/B] A high-energy match up to start things off. Sir Arthur and Evil Spirit hit quite a few high spots but neither one pulls off anything too spectacular. Evil Spirit fights very dirty, hitting a low blow but the table is turned as Sir Arthur didn't remove all of his armor before entering, and Evil Spirit clutches his hand in agnoy after punching Sir Arthur's iron codpiece. Arthur uses the distraction to hit Exaclibur, a cutter off the ropes instead of off the turnbuckle. Evil Spirit is banished with that blow, lying there as Arthur quickly covers and picks up the win. [B]Sir Arthur defeated Evil Spirit in 8:56 by pinfall with an Exaclibur. Rating: F+[/B] A camera shot comes up on the monitors, showing a scene backstage where TJ is talking on the phone. He seems very excited and has a huge grin on his face. It sounds like he is talking about some kind of business deal but before he gets too far into the conversation Harry Wilson comes by and in a random act of violence shoves TJ, bouncing TJ's head against the wall. Harry walks on with an evil little smirk on his face as TJ slowly gets up holding his head, glaring at Harry as he leaves. [B] Rating: F+ [/B] The camera turns and follow Harry as he walks towards the stage, and then the camera shuts off and Harry walks out from backstage, heading towards the ring. He picks up a microphone and raises on hand in the air. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Excuse me folks, just doing a little bit of exercise. You see, when you win as often as I do you have to especially focus on lifting your arm so you don't get too warn out getting it raised time and time again. And capture this picture in your mind, remember this moment. This is one of the rarest sights you'll ever see... me without a title. Tully Arthurs has got nothing. Sure the freak is strong but he's dumb as rocks and butt ugly to boot. You need a champion more fitting of such a regal title, and that champion is...[/COLOR] TJ: [COLOR="Navy"]"SHUT THE HELL UP!" [/COLOR] TJ storms out from the back, still holding his head from the earlier attack. TJ: [COLOR="DarkBlue"]"No one here wants to listen to you go on and on and on about absolutely nothing. Listen pal, these fine folks came out here to have a good time, and so did I, but then you came along and now nobodies having any fun anymore. So I want a match with you, a rematch because maybe, just maybe, my kicking your ass will finally get you to stop talking." [/COLOR] Harry looks shocked, his jaw dropped in complete surprise. Harry:[COLOR="DarkRed"] "Oh my lord. When did Baby Bailey grow a pair? Listen kid, I'm way outta your league, but if you really think you have what it takes to stand in the ring with THE Harry Wilson, I'll give you a shot."[/COLOR] He glances around, a wicked grin forming on his face. Harry:[COLOR="DarkRed"] "In fact, I'll give you the chance tonight to prove yourself. If you can beat my buddy, I'll let you take a crack at me."[/COLOR] TJ gestures for Harry to bring it on. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Let me introduce my buddy... TITAN!"[/COLOR] TJ's face goes pale as Titan storms right past him, shoving him (actually nearly throwing him into the audience) and joining Harry in the ring. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"That's right folks, tonight you get to see Baby Bailey fight the massive Titan. I assure you, it's a fight you won't want to miss."[/COLOR] TJ quickly ducks backstage when Harry and Titan exit the ring and start advancing towards him. [B] Rating: E- Baby Blue vs. Carnival Queen Kendra vs. Ginko Kuroda vs. Nadia Snow[/B] These four ladies all storm out, all hell bent on becoming the first CCW Women's Champion. Ginko and Nadia quickly square off, the two women putting on a fairly impressive display of technical wrestling, with throws, chains and reversals moving them throughout the ring. Meanwhile Kendra and Baby Blue seem to square off but do not engage each other, circling and avoiding the rolling conflict of Nadia and Ginko. Suddenly Baby Blue jumps up to the top rope and attempts to hit a huricanrana on Kendra, but misses and instead hits Nadia who had just pushed away from Ginko. The move catchs Nadia completely by surprise and the ref gets the 3-count before Nadia can break away, eliminating Nadia first. Kendra charges Baby Blue after the pin and Ginko waits back, taking a quick breather after her battle with Nadia. Neither Kendra nor Baby Blue make any headway against eachother, locking upinto a stalemate when Ginko suddenly charges Kendra, tackling her and putting her into a figure-4 leglock. Kendra quickly taps out, leaving just Ginko and Baby Blue. Baby Blue climbs the turnbuckle again but Ginko quickly rushes the turnbuckle, dragging Baby Blue off of it and onto the ground. Ginko quickly mounts and Baby Blue struggles to try and get closer to the ropes, but Ginko locks in the Dragon's Claw (a double shoulder claw) and Baby Blue quickly taps out, leaving Ginko Kuroda as CCW's first Women's Champion. [B] Ginko Kuroda defeated Kinuye Mushashibo, Nadia Snow and Carnival Queen Kendra in 9:50; the order of elimination was Nadia Snow first, then Carnival Queen Kendra, and finally Kinuye Mushashibo. Ginko Kuroda wins the CCW Womens title. Rating: E+ Kashmir & Jazz vs. Lewis Bros[/B] The Lewis Bros. come out to their customary thrash metal, moshing and hopping around like crazy idiots. Kashmir and Jazz calmly walk out but Bill and Craig rush them, forcing the ref to call the match early. Things start out as a wild brawl outside of the ring, but once the ref starts the count out, Bill and Kashmir race into the ring while Jazz and Craig seperate to their corners. Bill is a scrappy fighter but Kashmir is tremendously strong for his size, hitting a body slam and a suplex in rapid succession. Bill quickly gets the tag and Craig comes out and starts fighting back against the exhausted Kashmir. Kashmir tries to run for the tag but Craig grabs him and whips him into the corner where he starts laying in the punches while Bill from outside the ring start punching him in the back. The ref catches sight of Bill and forces him to step back, and Kashmir uses the brief break to gather a last bit of strength and toss Craig out of the ring before running to Jazz for the tag. Craig steps back into the ring, tags out to Bill and then ducks underneath the ring skirt, digging for something. Meanwhile Jazz is grappling with Bill trying to hit a throw on the shorter wrestler, but Bill isn't letting it happen. Craig pops up from under the ring with a chair and slides it into the ring. Bill lets go of Jazz and lunges for the chair. Meanwhile Craig jumps up to the side of the ring and gives Dale the ref a shove in the back. Dale turns around to yell at Craig and Bill grabs the chair and swings it right at Jazz's head. The crowd pops a little when Jazz blocks it and grabs the chair from Bill and lays him out with a solid crack across the head. Suddenly the bell is rung, Dale is calling for a DQ for Jazz. Both Jazz and Kashmir start shouting at the ref, arguing about how Bill swung first, but the ref isn't buying it and raises Bill's hand in victory. Kashmir and Jazz look furious as they storm out of the ring. [B] The Lewis Brothers defeated Kashmir Singh and Jeremy Jazz in 6:42 when Jeremy Jazz was disqualified while fighting Bill Lewis. Rating: E+ TJ vs. Titan [/B] An absolute squash. Titan throws TJ around like a rag doll, literally tossing him all around the ring. TJ gets a sudden surge halfway through, and the crow pops when he ducks a grapple attempt and hits a dropkick into the back of Titan, causing the huge monster to stumble a bit. TJ bounces off the ropes perpendicular to Titan and on the return leaps and hits a flying punch square across Titan's face, dropping the giant flat to the mat. TJ struggles to lift one of Titan's arms for the cover but manages it. Unfortunately for him, that punch was not quite enough to drop the giant for good, and TJ's face pales when Titan kicks out (actually Titan just tosses TJ right off of him). Titan gets up and quickly resumes squashing TJ, ending it with a Titanic Choke Slam that almost goes through the mat, knocking TJ out cold. Monique just laughs at the whole thing, giving a polite golf clap to Titan when he gets the pin. [B] Titan defeated TJ Bailey in 5:52 by pinfall with a Titanic Choke Slam. Rating: E+ [/B] Harry calmly walks into the ring as Titan is escorted out by Monique. Harry looks down at TJ's limp form, prodding him with a toe before going out and grabbing a mic. Harry:[COLOR="DarkRed"] "You see what happens when you mess with the big boys? When you wake up you remember what happens when you try and challenge me. Now go home and cry to your mommy." [/COLOR] Harry uses his foot to roll TJ's body out of the ring before exiting backstage. Officials come to take TJ backstage as well. [B] Harry Wilson taunts Rating: E+ Dusty Bin vs. Lazy Joe[/B] Right from the start this turns into an old-school slugging match. Dusty has power but Lazy Joe is more skilled and quicker, out manuerving the larger and sluggish Dusty. However, despite Joe's talent this match was not one-sided. Joe's insomnia problem continues and without a cup of joe for Joe Dusty was able to hit several big slams when Joe would doze off. Joe would then have to wrestle back for the advantage only to lose it next time he feel asleep. After hitting an arm drag Joe went to the ropes for the elbow drop when he passed out in mid fall, collapsing on Dusty instead of driving an elbow into Dusty's side. Dusty then tries to softly pin Joe while Joe continues sleeping, but Dusty accidentally shakes Joe enough while extracting his leg that Joe wakes up and the match continues. Dusty grapples Joe and throws him into the ropes, but Joe counters and punches Dusty square in the gut, bending the large man over. Lazy Joe raises his hand and does a nice big wind up for the Wake Up Call, rocking Dusty backwards with the huge uppercut. Joe quickly goes for the pin and the ref hits the 3-count. Joe wins, but he doesn't move. Even Dusty looks confused as Joe continues to pin him even after the bell is rung and Joe is announced the winner. The ref taps Joe on the shoulder and Joe wakes up with a lurch. He'd fallen asleep while in the middle of a pin. [B] Lazy Joe defeated Dusty Bin in 4:54 by pinfall with a Wake Up Call. Rating: E- Final Rating: E- [/B] *Backstage notes: I decided that although Lazy Joe's gimmick was a little too gimmicky that he should just run with it. He continues to be able to pull it off and it provides a nice contrast to some of the more serious workers.
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