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A Young man in Ohio by the Name of Alex Grenier Decided to Put Competiton to the Failing WWE and The Life Supported TNA.He Called Greg Gagne and His Father Verne and Asked What they Thought. [B]Alex:[/B]Hey Greg [B]Gagne:[/B]Hey [B]Alex:[/B]My Name is Alex Grenier [B]Greg:[/B]Nice to meet you Alex [B]Alex:[/B]I was Wondering if we could bring back the AWA [B]Greg:[/B]Let Me get My Father [B]Alex:[/B]Ok [B]Verne:[/B]Hello [B]Alex:[/B]Hello Verne Nice to meet you My name is Alex Grenier I was Wondering If you want to bring back the AWA [B]Verne:[/B]Sure on 1 condition My Son is Head Booker [B]Alex:[/B]Sure
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Me,Greg and Verne are in Stamford Conneciut at the WWE Offices.We enter enter the offices [B]Alex:[/B][I]Hello were here to see Vince Mcmahon[/I] [B]Secertary:[/B][I]Mr Mcmahon 3 men are here to see you [/I] [B]Vince[/B](over the Intercom):[I]Send them in[/I] (We enter Vince's Office) [B]Alex:[/B][I]Mr Mcmahon We are here because we want to bring back the AWA.[/I] [B]Verne:[/B][I]We Like to Offer an Alternative to you and TNA.[/I] [B]Greg:[/B][I]With You and TNA struggling,This is a perfect time for us to bring the AWA back.[/I] [B]Vince:[/B][I]I see your point and I think you should bring it back.[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]All we need is from you is to sign on the bottom line.[/I] (Vince signs the contract and the men shake his hand and leave.)
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[QUOTE=imnotbooked;345792]No you don't need a strong backstory, as evident by my ROH diary. What you do need is a passable knowledge of professional wrestling and strong command of the english language, neither of which you seem to have....[/QUOTE] So What your saying no disrespect is I don't Nothing about wrestling but pretty much WWE got Half of its Roster from Verne Gagne AWA Like Andre The Giant,Hulk Hogan,Scott Hall,Jimmy"Superfly Snuka,Marty Jannenty,Jerry Lawler and Many Others.Hey Inquizative Moron Im Pretty Wrestling Smart
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[CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]AWA Reborn[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] Alex Grenier left his office and headed to where the press conference was going to be held. Upon arrival the three reporters snapped off a few shots Alex: I Would like to thank you all for attending this Press Conference. Now im sure your all Wondering why your Here and the reason is this...I have been in talks with Verne & Greg Gagne and we have have decided to bring the AWA. We feel that the big two promotions are failing their fans and we aim to offer an alternative. Reporter:What fanbase is your promotion going to aim at. Alex: The aim to bring in the best indy talent, as well as former WWE and TNA Wrestlers. Reporter # 2: And do you have any Signings to report. Alex: Well we can exclusively reveal we are in talks with Andrew Martin to be apart of our first show. Reporter:Who Alex:Andrew "Test" Martin Alex steps away from the stand and lets Verne Gagne say some words. Verne:We have also been in talks with MTV to bring our show to the public Finally Greg Gagne takes the stand to close the press conference. Greg: We have decided to have four championships. The AWA Heavyweight, International, Light Heavyweight & Tag Team belts. Reporter #2:And how are these going to Be Handled. Greg:We Will have Tournaments starting on the next show. Thank you all for coming. Goodnight. (The Three Leave)
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[QUOTE=imnotbooked;345799]I'm not going to go down further in the rabbit hole with you.... You can prove to me just how much you know by creating a readable diary... I'll be reading your diary, but don't expect me to comment anymore...[/QUOTE] Ok bro I 'll try to prove you wrong
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I kinda agree with Imnotbooked here, you've started like 3 or 4 diarys in the timespine I registered here. And to be honest they all seem kinda repative with the "New Harts" and "New Horsemen" pushed, and the promotion itself only being used for its name rather then it's history and style. I mean I won't go off on you with the writing styles and such, I mean you're no Shakesphere but atleast you get the point across. I was a fan of the AWA and hopefully you can make something here with atleast some AWAness, or even WWE Revisionst AWAness to it, rather then a fed with all WWE releasees and indy darlings. Good luck.
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I will say this, persistence is admirable :D You've come in with a really rough style and the boards have not been nice to you, but every time you keep trying again and improving a little here and there. Anyway, my personal 2 cents would be to work on formatting and grammar a little to make it more readable. It's the little things like not capitalizing every other word in a sentence, using the right "your' or "you're" and "were" vs. "we're." A diary that's easy to read means that the readers spend less time decyphering what you were trying to say and more time enjoying it. Also, I always liked Test, good pick for a first draft. I never was big into WCW so I don't know how much he fits into the WCW history, I just know I enjoyed watching him wrestle.
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[QUOTE=praguepride;345857]I will say this, persistence is admirable :D You've come in with a really rough style and the boards have not been nice to you, but every time you keep trying again and improving a little here and there. Anyway, my personal 2 cents would be to work on formatting and grammar a little to make it more readable. It's the little things like not capitalizing every other word in a sentence, using the right "your' or "you're" and "were" vs. "we're." A diary that's easy to read means that the readers spend less time decyphering what you were trying to say and more time enjoying it. Also, I always liked Test, good pick for a first draft. I never was big into WCW so I don't know how much he fits into the WCW history, I just know I enjoyed watching him wrestle.[/QUOTE] Thanks Prague I liked Test Persona in ECW more than in WWE.
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[CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] I'm sitting in my office waiting for Andrew"Test" Martin. When My Phone rings [B]Alex:[/B][I]Hello,Who is This[/I] (Pause) [B]Joey[/B]:[I]It's Joey Matthews[/I] [B]Joey[/B]:[I]Vince Considered me a Drug Addict[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]Joey are you off all drugs[/I] (Just Then a Knock at my Door) [B]Alex:[/B][I]I'd gotta go[/I] [B]Joey:[/B][I]Alright [/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]Bye[/I] [B]Joey:[/B][I]Peace[/I]
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[CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER]I'm in my office with Test [B]Alex:[/B][I]Test wasup[/I] [B]Test:[/B][I]Not Much but I would like to mention I Would Like to be Pushed as a Main Eventer.[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]I'm Looking some more Talent got any suggestions [/I] [B]Test:[/B][I]Cryme Tyme,Ron Killings,Matt Bloom and Carlito's Brother Eddie Colon.[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]Thanks Test you have been a major help[/I] (Test Leaves) [B]Alex: [/B](Talking to my Assistant)[I]Call These Names-Ron Killings,Matt Bloom,Cryme Tyme,Eddie Colon,Joe and Amy Henning,Joey Muraco,Matt Sydal,Reid Flair,Roderick Strong,Ray Gordy,Ted Dibiase Jr,Mike Dibiase,Lacey Von Erich,Teddy Hart,DH Smith,TJ Wilson,Jack Evans,Tyson Dux,Naddie Neidhart,Sonny Siaki and Matt Anoai.[/I] Assistant:[I]Ok Sir I will get on it.[/I] (My Phone Rings) [B]Alex:[/B][I]Hello Who is this[/I] (Pause) [B]Alex:[[/B][I]hey Verne[/I] [B]Verne[/B]:[I]How's The signings come[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]Great we have a couple [/I] [B]Verne:[/B][I]Who besides Test have you signed[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]Joey Mercury has signed[/I] [B]Verne[/B]:[I]Thats great I'll talk to you later[/I] (I Hang Up) [B]Assisant:[/B] [I]a Man by the name of Sonny Siaki is on line 1.[/I] [B]Alex:[/B] [I]Ok[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]Sonny nice to meet you [/I] [B]Sonny:[/B][I]Even thought Vince Gave me a Development Deal[/I] [B]Sonny:[/B][I]I always wanted to prove him wrong.[/I] [B]Sonny:[/B][I]Thats why I want to join your promotion[/I] (He Hangs up) [B]Alex:[/B][I]Thats 3 signed superstars(Sonny,Test and Joey)[/I] [B]Assistant:[/B][I]Sorry sir but there someone here to see you[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]Send him in [/I] (A knock at the door) A[B]lex:[/B][I]Come In[/I] (He Comes in) [B]Alex:[/B][I]Rob Van Dam wow let me guess you want to join the AWA[/I] [B]RVD:[/B][I]You got it me and Sabu would like to join.[/I] [B]Alex:[/B] [I]Alright as long as Sabu and you stay clean i'm up for it[/I]
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[CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER](The Next Day) [B]Assistant:[/B][I]Mr.Grenier a young man by the name of Joe Henning is on the phone[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]OK thank you[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]Hello[/I] [B]Joe:[/B][I]Hello Mr Grenier my name is Joe Henning [/I] [B]Alex:[/B] (Cutting Joe off)I know who you are your Curt's Son [B]Joe:[/B]Yes sir me and my Sister would like to Join the AWA [B]Alex:[/B]Sure Joe Hey will start you as a midcarder [B]Joe:[/B]Thanks again [B]Alex:[/B]Bye [B]Joe:[/B]Bye (I hang up) [B]Assistant:[/B]Mr Grenier a Bret Hart is on the other line. [B]Grenier:[/B]OK [B]Grenier:[/B]Hello [B]Hart:[/B]Hello sir my name is Bret Hart,I heard you want to talk to My nieces and nefews and there Frenids. [B]Grenier:[/B]Yes,i do [B]Hart:[/B]Is your Promotion safe for my nefews and my Niece [B]Grenier:[/B]Yes sir,are promotion is one of the safest. [B]Hart:[/B]Thank you and they'll be there tomorrow.
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I'm sorry but imnotbooked is right, your formatting doesn't exists practically, the dialogues are ridiculously short, and that's my biggest gripe, you write like a 10 year old, no creativity whatsoever, I'm sorry, but that, combined with the poor character knowledge, the fact that every week there's a new diary from you, and that you insist on hiring the same people, it doesn't seem likely that this diary lasts more than two weeks, even though you could just keep doing this for no reason, do whatever you want, just don't spam the board with a diary every day.
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[QUOTE=MVP!;345925]I'm sorry but imnotbooked is right, your formatting doesn't exists practically, the dialogues are ridiculously short, and that's my biggest gripe, you write like a 10 year old, no creativity whatsoever, I'm sorry, but that, combined with the poor character knowledge, the fact that every week there's a new diary from you, and that you insist on hiring the same people, it doesn't seem likely that this diary lasts more than two weeks, even though you could just keep doing this for no reason, do whatever you want, just don't spam the board with a diary every day.[/QUOTE] That was of people that i might sign not actuallly sign.And The Reason I'm Hiring The Hennings is because Their Father Wrestled for this company.The reason Test is because a Hogan Type Character(Babyface-Main Eventer).The Sabu and RVD thing is because Sabu's Uncle The Sheik.RVD would Be a Title Threat right off the bat.Joey Matthews is possibly a Midcarder someone who the AWA International Title.Sonny Siaki I plan bringing him in to a "Rockchish" Character.Finally Matt Anoai I plan to use as a Umaga Styled Character.I Wanted The Hart Foundation to solidify my Tag Team divison.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;345929]Erm... you know Stu Hart passed away four years ago, right? Seriously, though - if you're not going to use a promotion's legacy, why not make a new promotion entirely?[/QUOTE] No I Didn't Thanks for waking my Stipid ASS,The influence of Verne Gagne and the AWA as a whole in professional wrestling is immeasurable. Countless wrestlers and personalities were either trained by (e.g., Ric Flair) or received their first big breaks under Gagne.
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(I'm in my office when 3 men walk in) [B]Person #1 &2:[/B][I]Were the Basham Brothers and we would like to join AWA[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]I know you'll Gentlemen[/I] [B]Alex:[/B] [I]Doug And Danny you are established Ex-WWE'rs.[/I] (Verne Comes as the Bashams Leave) [B]Verne:[/B][I]We have to grab one established wrestler from WWE or TNA[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]You know what Verne you're right.So who should it be.[/I] [B]Verne:[/B][I]I'll do my scouting because We need 1 Wrestler.[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]You know what Verne I think I got who we need[/I] [B]Verne:[/B][I]Who are you thinking about[/I] [B]Alex:[/B][I]CM Punk[/I]
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That last post of yours was the best. Take as much time as you need, we will understand (and be grateful for it). Seriously mate, for seasoned campaigners who have put a lot of time and effort into writing diaries, to see you sprout one up every two days is ridiculous. And then to see you learn no lessons from any of them is saddening. Calm yourself down a bit, do what you've just said and read for about 4 years to improve your literacy but also your understanding of different wrestling eras and the wrestlers that come from there, and then contribute. That's no disrespect, that's the truth. Good luck.
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[QUOTE=ADeezy62;345930]That was of people that i might sign not actuallly sign.And The Reason I'm Hiring The Hennings is because Their Father Wrestled for this company.The reason Test is because a Hogan Type Character(Babyface-Main Eventer).The Sabu and RVD thing is because Sabu's Uncle The Sheik.RVD would Be a Title Threat right off the bat.Joey Matthews is possibly a Midcarder someone who the AWA International Title.Sonny Siaki I plan bringing him in to a "Rockchish" Character.Finally Matt Anoai I plan to use as a Umaga Styled Character.I Wanted The Hart Foundation to solidify my Tag Team divison.[/QUOTE] I didn't ask you jack about your plans, I stated that you need to stop making 8 year old dialogues, hell, stop doing this until you think you have any sort of grasp of how people talk, wouldn't it seem strange if I started a conversation with "Hi my name is Alex and im going to change the AWA thank you" that is absolutely ridiculous if you ask me, please stop this until you've learned how to make a correct speech.
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