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More GM duties

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I could definitely go along with a GM only mode. My favorite part in the football sims I've played in the past has been the GM role drafting talent and building the team. The game day coaching operations not so much. Trying to do the financials and such during the season and team building offseason could be a lot of fun.
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It would be nice to have the coaches give you suggestions about what they think they need to be successful. You could choose to follow them or not, but if you overrule your coaching staff too much, you could run into a situation like the Chargers with Smith and Schottenheimer.
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IMO the biggest thing missing right now with these kinds of games is a good coaching sim. Personally, if I would choose which aspect of the game to skimp on, relatively speaking, it's the GM part. FOF already has a pretty big, workable GM system. What it doesn't have is anything resembling realistic playcalling.
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[QUOTE=Johnny Slick;351736]IMO the biggest thing missing right now with these kinds of games is a good coaching sim. Personally, if I would choose which aspect of the game to skimp on, relatively speaking, it's the GM part. FOF already has a pretty big, workable GM system. What it doesn't have is anything resembling realistic playcalling.[/QUOTE] That's FOF, what does that have to do with Bowl Bound Pro Football?, maybe Pro football will offer both., without as you say sacrificing the GM piece for a good coach game.
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[QUOTE=cdcool;351825]That's FOF, what does that have to do with Bowl Bound Pro Football?, maybe Pro football will offer both., without as you say sacrificing the GM piece for a good coach game.[/QUOTE] Agreed. While I like the idea of more advanced coaching features...it would quickly lose my interest if the GM and year-to-year aspects of running a franchise were not there. I would never play a sports sim just to coach 1 game...or not have the bigger picture of running a franchise be the goal. Wel...I might play it if I knew somebody that owned it, but likely would not buy it. I do think that if time permits, it would be a nice feature to be "able" to be just the coach, and have to live with your GM's drafting, signing FA's, etc. I think that would allow for the best of both worlds. That said, a coaching sim that doesnt have player progression, contracts, free agency, a rookie draft, & trading becomes stale fairly quickly IMHO...regardless of "who" is GM'ing those aspects.
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