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FDF - TV Makes All The Difference

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[IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/logo.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Taken from the personal diary of Will Snyder[/B][/SIZE] [B][I]June 3, 2006[/B][/I] The shooting of my latest film, [I]Gun in the Eye[/I], is finally about to get underway. I’ve really been getting tired of these stupid action films. “Gun in the Eye”, can they think of a cornier title? Good thing is it shouldn’t take longer than a few months to shoot, and I’ll get enough money from this to manage until the end of the year. I like to work as little as possible. It’s not that I don’t like acting, and sure, I’ve been doing pretty well for myself. It’s just that I’ve always wanted to do something more ambitious, something I’ll actually love. I’ve always felt sorry I never went to that pro wrestling school when I had the chance. Guess I’ll never get to be involved in that business… [B][I]June 5, 2006[/B][/I] Susan Woods, the girl playing the female lead in the flick, arrived here today. She’s acted mostly in romantic comedies and such, so I haven’t really seen any of her work, but she seems professional enough. I shouldn’t have a problem working with her. Oh yeah, and she’s a real knockout, too! [B][I]July 22, 2006[/B][/I] Filming is progressing fine. It won’t be a great film, but I’ve done the best I can for it. On a brighter note, I’m having dinner with Susie tonight. She wanted to make it clear that it’s not a date. Who is she kidding? [B][I]July 31, 2006[/B][/I] Seems like everyone here knows it by now. Director wasn’t too happy about our relationship, but I pointed out it should just make us more comfortable acting out those intimate scenes. “Just don’t go breaking up until we’re done” was his reply. Not if I can help it. I found out that Susie is a wrestling fan as well! She knows some European wrestling people and offered to introduce them to me some time. Is she perfect or what? [B][I]September 18, 2006[/B][/I] Glad that thing is over with. Won’t win any Oscars, but it puts food on the table. I’m flying to Finland with Susie next week, to meet up with those wrestling people there. Finland? I didn’t even know they knew pro wrestling… Should be an interesting trip. Good thing I don’t have to pay for the trip, turns out Susie’s father is a billionaire or something and he pays for us. Works for me. [B][I]October 5, 2006[/B][/I] The trip to Finland was awesome. They actually have pretty decent wrestlers over there, and the Canadian guy, StarBuck, was really a true veteran in the sport. He’s a great guy, I talked with him a lot. He had this crazy idea about opening an own promotion here in the States. Sure, with the industry booming, it might actually have a shot at working out, but I dunno… [B][I]November 2, 2006[/B][/I] I actually talked with Susie’s dad about the idea of starting an own promotion. “Fine,” he said, “but it can’t be any kind of promotion, it has to become the best thing in the world!” Good thing he has ambitions. [B][I]November 7, 2006[/B][/I] I proposed to Susie. She said yes. We’re getting married in February. [B][I]November 28, 2006[/B][/I] Had a big meeting with StarBuck, Susie and Susie’s dad. We’re actually doing it. We’re starting our own company. The idea is to make a company that has good funding (from Susie’s dad) and instant publicity (which me and Susie can provide). StarBuck will bring a bunch of guys from Finland, and we’ll gather some freelancers about here. Susie’s dad promised 5 million bucks for the promotion. 5 million! “Consider it a loan, son”, he told me. Great. I’ll never be able to repay that. We talked about the direction of the promotion a lot. We decided it has to attract a wide audience. With the AAA doing pretty well these days, we decided we want a strong female division. Maybe even make female wrestling an integral part of the product. We will offer old-school type matches with a modern twitch, using talented workers for quality match-ups. And we will attract the more mainstream audience by offering wacky, comedic storylines – a lot of them. Also, our female division would be young and good-looking. You know what that means – young, good-looking girls with actual quality wrestling skills and willingness to show off their bodies. Add to that some tough male wrestlers for good, stiff competition. What could possibly go wrong? [B][I]December 12, 2006[/B][/I] Susie wanted to name the promotion “Final Destiny Fighting”. It’s cheesy, but it makes for nice initials, so I guess it works… and you don’t really say no to your future wife. She also wants us to be here in the Tri-State area, although I tried to tell her that there would be a lot less competition elsewhere. Well, this should get interesting. [B][I]December 26, 2006[/B][/I] Spent the Christmas with Susie’s family. It was a good time. [B][I]January 16, 2007[/B][/I] We went public about it for the first time – now we can’t back down anymore… Made some quite big headlines actually. [B][I]January 31, 2007[/B][/I] I’ve spent the whole month trying to contact American wrestlers. I talked with Jack Griffith and he seemed interested, though I got the impression he just wants to get some name back to go into the big promotions… Also, I did hire some young (and pretty) up-and-coming girls for tryouts. Other than that, nothing good has come up. We do have an okay male roster with the Finns, though, but we do need more female wrestlers. I guess we’re not just being taken seriously enough yet. [B][I]February 5, 2007[/B][/I] I’m a married man now. [B][I]February 10, 2007[/B][/I] Big news! Susie’s dad pulled some strings and got us a TV deal to boot. That’s right – National Pride has given us a weekly slot Thursday nights! It’s not a big channel, but it certainly gets us a flying start! [B][I]February 15, 2007[/B][/I] Well, the schedule is set, and because National Pride was in such a hurry, we have to kick off maybe a bit prematurely… In any case, the flyers are out for the first show and I’m confident that our guys can make it a good one. The TV show is starting in March, and I want to get the first live show out before it. It’s a risk, but I’ll take it. [B]Disclaimer:[/B] This is my first attempt at a dynasty - and my first post at the board as well, yay! I have been lurking for quite a while among all the great dynasties, and wanted to try something of my own too. The idea was to start an own promotion which is small but gets a lot of money and a TV deal to boot, and with a style that encourages both good, high-level match ups and lots of T&A. That’s what we all love, right? Can this kind of promotion really break through and grow, even with the helpful push of money and TV publicity? The promotion is still quite unknown and with no prestige. Just how big a difference will TV make? I'm mostly using CornellVerse (starting at March 2007), which I've edited a bit to give me a nice start and include the new workers. The Finnish wrestlers are from an actual promotion in Finland, which is the only live wrestling I get to see here… I made many of them quite competent, with skills around D to C, but with very little popularity in the States. StarBuck is a competent veteran (as in real life), and the plan is to use him to teach the youngsters while being in the main event picture himself. Susie Snyder is not real (nor am I acting in Hollywood), unfortunately :( As for the American wrestlers, I only hired guys with no contracts to other promotions. Jack Griffith will naturally be our top heel and be used much in the same way as StarBuck. As for the girls… I wanted young girls with good looks, which unfortunately means that they are not too skilled in the ring. But with the vast potential to grow into, developing the female division should be an interesting challenge. (And if all else fails, they're still good eye candy!)
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OOC: Thanks Marcel! I don't know if any good will come out of this, but I'm anxious to find out! [B][I]February 16, 2007[/I][/B] We sat down with our booking team (namely, myself and StarBuck) with the idea of closing down the card for our first event, Destiny’s Call. Here is what we have to work with: [SIZE="5"][B]The Product[/B][/SIZE] [B]Style Name:[/B] Stiff Hot Entertainment [B]Match Ratio:[/B] 70% [B]Expected Lengths:[/B] 8min / 15min / 26min [B]Key Features:[/B] Traditional, Risque [B]Heavy:[/B] Mainstream, Cult (yup, both of them!) [B]Medium:[/B] Comedy, Modern [B]Low:[/B] Hardcore, Daredevil [B]Match Intensity:[/B] 40% [B]Match Danger:[/B] 60% [B]Female’s Wrestling:[/B] Integrated [B]T&A:[/B] High [B]Face / Heel Divide:[/B] Strong [B]Location:[/B] Tri State (USA) [B]Size:[/B] Small [B]Money:[/B] $5,000,000 [B]Prestige:[/B] F- [B]Tri State:[/B] E [B]Mid Atlantic:[/B] F+ [B]New England:[/B] F+ [B]All others:[/B] F- [SIZE="5"][B]Roster[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Main Event[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/StarBuck.jpg[/IMG] [B]“The Canadian Rebel” StarBuck[/B] (face) A Canadian veteran with good all-around skills, great charisma and excellent performance skills. He is one half of our whole booking team and will naturally be a main focus in our booking, mainly because he has great ability to teach the young workers to improve their skills. Natural locker room leader. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Griffith.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Griffith[/B] (heel) Probably our most skilled wrestler, Griffith has been looked down by bigger promotions because of his alcohol problems. We’re welcoming him as long as he doesn’t cause any problems. His excellent performance and entertainment skills work great for our style, and he has the same teaching responsibility as StarBuck. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stark%20Adder.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stark Adder[/B] (face) Stark Adder is a very promising 25-year-old youngster with good all-around skills. Not great with the mic but oozing charisma, he holds a good future. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Ville%20Torvinen.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ville “Destructor” Torvinen[/B] (face) A decent brawler, Torvinen is not our most talented worker, but his charisma and no-questions-asking bad ass character is very over with the fans. [B][SIZE="4"]Upper Midcard[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Valentine.jpg[/IMG] [B]Valentine[/B] (heel) (note: I renamed the CornellVerse Valentine to Romeo Romaro, which is mentioned in his bio… this is a whole different guy.) Valentine is a decent technical worker who holds a lot of promise, mainly because of his excellent entertainment skills. His egoistic fabulous heel character is excellent. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Heimo.jpg[/IMG] [B]“Nasty” Heimo Ukonselkä[/B] (heel) A decent brawler with a savage wildman gimmick. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/April%20Appleseed.jpg[/IMG] [B]April Appleseed[/B] (face) A decent high flyer. Not one of the best, but her E+ popularity alone sadly makes her our most over female worker. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/The%20Mighty%20Perkules.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Mighty Perkules[/B] (heel) His in-ring ability is not great and his cartoon devil gimmick is mad, but his sheer charisma and ability to cut a mean promo allows him to get it over. I see lots of comedic angles with him! [SIZE="4"][B]Midcard[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Kisu.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kisu[/B] (face) Kisu is a youngster with formidable technical and high flying skills, awesome looks and good mic skills. Still far from perfect, but she has the ability to become one of the best. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Aurora%20Liekki.jpg[/IMG] [B]Aurora Liekki[/B] (heel) A decent all-arounder with room for improvement. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Ibo%20Ten.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ibo Ten[/B] (face) Ibo Ten brings the air of lucha in the promotion. With his technical and high flying skills coupled with his ability with the mic and wacky cartoonish character, he is simply fun to watch. [I](no picture, as I didn’t find one suitable for cropping… still looking)[/I] [B]Pasi “Lightning” Suominen[/B] (face) Very generic high flying face. Formidable in-ring skills, but lacking a lot in charisma. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Eddie%20Anarchy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eddie Anarchy[/B] (heel) A decent brawler with a punk gimmick. Still needs to improve his skills. [SIZE="4"][B]Undercard[/B][/SIZE] (where our female talent is mostly found, sadly) [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Little%20P.jpg[/IMG] [B]Little P[/B] (heel) A flashy, small high flyer, who plays the little minion of the Mighty Perkules. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stephanie%20Wade.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stephanie Wade[/B] (heel) First of our “wrestles ok, looks good” section of female talent. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Paige%20Croft.jpg[/IMG] [B]Paige Croft[/B] (face) Second of the said section. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Nadia%20Snow.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nadia Snow[/B] (heel) Third of the said section. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Agent%2069.jpg[/IMG] [B]Agent 69[/B] (heel) And the final pretty face. [SIZE="4"][B]Non-wrestlers[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Avatar.jpg[/IMG] [B]Will Snyder[/B] Sorry, just the Jack Avatar picture, couldn’t be bothered to think of a better one… A former actor, I naturally know how to work the mic, so I’ll be staying as an authority figure. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Susie%20Snyder.jpg[/IMG] [B]Susie Snyder[/B] Drop-dead gorgeous and also an actress, she’s everything I could hope for a personality character. And a wife. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Barbie.jpg[/IMG] [B]Barbie[/B] Good-looking and ok with the mic. She works as a valet for Valentine. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Lady%20P.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lady P[/B] Looks good, likes to wear short skirts. No other skills, but are they really needed? She’s one of the Perkules people. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jez%20McArthuer.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jez McArthuer[/B] He was the best available ref; need I say more? [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Marty%20Papin.jpg[/IMG] [B]Marty Papin[/B] A decent announcer, probably good enough for us. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Queen%20Emily.jpg[/IMG] [B]Queen Emily[/B] SWF’s former colour commentator; she’s the better half of our announce team. With her behind the desk, I have no worries. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Pat%20Deacon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Pat Deacon[/B] He’s actually one of the most expensive people on the payroll, but with his road agent skills, he’s worth every dime.
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The lack of awesome fur clothing on the Stark Adder pic makes me sad. :( I don't know much about Finnish wrestling, but I've seen Adder, StarBuck and another Suomi guy who's name I've forgotten wrestle in a couple of matches I've downloaded, which weren't horrible. And I've seen StarBuck put some tv host in an STF back in like 2002. Never thought I'd see them in a diary, though, so this'll be interesting. I'll be following this to see how this strange mish-mash of people turns out.
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good luck with this man. you'll find most people on this board will be very helpful for you on your first diary. A few things you may want to take into considerstion that I've noticed. 1) try not to post 500 times in one day. I've found that really turns people off. To have to read through 4 pages a day just isn't worht it when you're undecided on if you're going to start reading a diary. 2) Don't get discouraged if people don't reply after every post. Feedback is nice we all know that, but a lot of people just read and don't leave anything. I've seen a lot of great diaries go under just because no one left feedback. 3) The grpahics look awesome. People love pretty pictures to break up the text =) 4)Format seems to be a big deal, once you start writing up your shows play around a little with the way they are presented, until you find something you and your readers really like. This is a great start man just remember to have fun with it, I'll be reading.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Final Destiny Fighting presents:[/SIZE] [SIZE="7"]Destiny’s Call[/SIZE] [B]LIVE from the Ministry in New York, NY in front of 904 viewers Monday, 1st week of March[/B][/CENTER] The Ministry is packed with spectators, not too many empty seats available, and a general excited murmur runs throughout the arena. This has been hyped, this has been advertised, and now they’d see if this new promotion is actually any good at all. Then, without warning, the lights go out, a bit generic but still quite catchy rock theme starts playing and about dozen spotlights start flicking frantically. It’s a cheap lightshow, but looks quite nice. The audience starts to get in the mood when the curtain opens and two figures climb in the ring. Finally the music theme is over and the normal lights are lit. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Avatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Susie%20Snyder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] In the ring are Will Snyder, dressed in a smart-looking suite, and his wife, Susie Snyder, in a black tightly fitting nightgown, looking great. Will has a mike in hand and he starts talking. [B]Will Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Hello New York! Welcome to Final Destiny Fighting![/COLOR] (mild pop) [B]Will Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="#2e8b57"]I am Will Snyder and this is my show. It’s been a long time coming, but here it is, and is it ready! I am excited, Susie here is excited, Martin and Emily over there at the announce table are excited, all the guys and gals back there are excited and they want to get it on! We are ready, we are about to get it on, but the question now is: are you ready for us?[/COLOR] Audience cheers. Susie doesn’t look happy and grabs the mike from Will’s hand. [B]Susie Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I’m not sure if you heard what my man just asked you. Are you deaf or what? The question was: ARE YOU READY FOR US?[/COLOR] A great pop from the whole audience. Apparently the crowd really is ready for us! Will grabs the mike back. [B]Will Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="#2e8b57"]That’s good to hear ‘cause the action starts right now! Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we will crown not one, but two champions! First, the Women’s Championship will be contested in a gruelling match. Six of the toughest, most beautiful, most athletic girls you will find anywhere in the world will step in one ring! One by one, they will be eliminated by pinfall or submission until there is only one – one who will be crowned the first ever Women’s Champion![/COLOR] (audience cheers) [B]Will Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="#2e8b57"]And! In a gruelling battle of eight warriors we will find our true Champion! One by one, our heroes will battle it out in singles matches in the First Champion Tournament. They are faced with a mountain to climb! The winner will have to fight three matches this very night and win them all! Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness all those epic battles right here tonight! No time to get ready, the time has run out, so let me introduce to you the men who will face each other in the very first match of our promotion…[/COLOR] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Ville%20Torvinen.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]vs.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stark%20Adder.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Ville ”Destructor” Torvinen[/B] vs. [B]Stark Adder[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The first match is a classic duel of two faces. They shake hands before the match and have a nice brawl. No flashiness, just smack-mouth wrestling which gets the crowd a bit involved and works as a nice opener. The match ends when Torvinen misses a big clothesline and Stark Adder nails him down with a dropkick, allowing him to hit the Adder Stabber, a springboard headbutt, for the 1-2-3. [B]Stark Adder defeated Ville Torvinen in 9:28 by pinfall with an Adder Stabber. Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Griffith.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]vs.[/SIZE] (no picture) [SIZE="5"][B]Jack Griffith[/B] vs. [B]Pasi “Lightning” Suominen[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Jack Griffith enters the ring first. A fan at ringside tries to shake his hand, but Griffith spits in his hand and yells “Like I’m getting my hands dirty!” This instantly makes the crowd furious at him and they are behind Pasi throughout the match. They have a nice match starting with some good chain wrestling and lots of good holds, until Griffith slams Pasi down with a spinebuster and instead of capitalizing climbs to pose on the turnbuckle. Pasi gets furious and the match speeds up, with both of the guys throwing each other around the ring with Irish whips and suplexes. The crowd gets on their feet when Pasi finally nails a decisive enziguiri and climbs the turnbuckles! He waits for Griffith to get up… he does… Pasi leaps with a High Cross Body… …but Griffith ducks and Pasi hits the floor! Griffith instantly goes to capitalize, grabs Pasi under the armpits and… Jack-in-the-Box! It’s all over. 1, 2, 3, Griffith advances! [B]Jack Griffith defeated Pasi Suominen in 5:43 by pinfall with a Jack in The Box. Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Lady%20P.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Griffith poses for the audience and leaves the ring with a “Griffith Sucks” chant. Pasi gets up only after he’s gone, looking decimated. Then suddenly the lights turn red and a new entrance music starts… a person is slowly approaching the ring, a woman with red horns and a too short miniskirt, walking seductively around the ring. Finally, she comes to the astounded-looking Pasi and gives him a kiss on the cheek. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/The%20Mighty%20Perkules.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Little%20P.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Lady%20P.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Right then, a devilish scream echoes around the arena and The Mighty Perkules, along with Little P, run to the ring! Lady P smiles at Pasi before she hits him with a low blow. Mighty Perkules grabs a steel chair and starts furiously hitting Pasi with it. Finally he places the chair on top of Pasi and signals Little P to go up on the turnbuckles, and he does – and hits a Frog Splash to Pasi through the steel chair. Pasi screams in agony and rolls out of the ring. The Mighty Perkules grabs a mike and starts ranting. [B]The Mighty Perkules:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I am the Mighty Perkules, and these are my people! You can call us the Infernals, for we will make your life a living hell! Snyder! You didn’t feel like putting me in this little tournament of yours, did you? Here is what happens when you make the Infernals angry! If you do not give us the chance to climb to the top of this pitiful heap of bad talent, we will find a way by ourselves! This is what happens!”[/COLOR] [B]Rating: E+[/B] Perkules wasn’t really at his best with this promo, he can do a lot better. The crowd showed no reaction to the beatdown. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Marty%20Papin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Queen%20Emily.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We’re taken to the announcers’ table, where Martin Papin and Queen Emily talk about what we’ve seen so far and hype the Stark Adder vs. Jack Griffith semifinal. It all seems a bit awkward, though, and the exchange generally sounds like it’s been rehearsed beforehand. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Valentine.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]vs.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Ibo%20Ten.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Valentine[/B] vs. [B]Ibo Ten[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Valentine’s ring entrance, complete with his pink tights and sickening “I love myself” gestures, with Barbie practically licking up to him, get the crowd against him to boot. At first they don’t know how to react to Ibo Ten with his weird mask and clown-like gestures, but once the match starts, he quickly wins the crowd over with his wacky luchadore-style moves and by generally dissing Valentine. The two have a very open, technical battle, in which Valentine concentrates on destroying Ibo’s right arm. When Ibo finally looks like he’s getting the momentum shift to him and hits a flying elbow, Barbie climbs to the ring apron and taps Ibo Ten’s shoulder to get his attention. When Ibo Ten turns around, Barbie grabs his head and presses it to her breasts! With Ibo Ten staggering astounded, Valentine surprises him with a quick roll-up for the victory. [B]Valentine defeated Ibo Ten in 11:39 by pinfall when Barbie interfered. Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/StarBuck.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]vs.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Heimo.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]StarBuck[/B] vs. [B]“Nasty” Heimo Ukonselkä[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] In contrast to the last match, which was mainly a slow-paced technical bout, these guys hit right off with quick, in-your-face brawling and big suplexes. After seven minutes of momentum swings and a generally open match, Heimo lets out an animalistic scream and hits a major Spear, going straight for the cover. 1… 2…. No! StarBuck kicks out at the last second! Heimo can’t believe it and grabs StarBuck into a Fireman’s Carry, about to hit some major move, but StarBuck squirms free and nails him to the mat with a big Backbreaker. He then draws a pop from the crowd, lifts Heimo up and hits a Piledriver for the pinfall. [B]StarBuck defeated Heimo Ukonselkä in 8:10 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Marty%20Papin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Queen%20Emily.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We’re again taken to the announce table, where Papin and Emily talk over the last two matches and hype the second confirmed semifinal, Valentine versus StarBuck. Again, not a great performance by them. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stephanie%20Wade.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A new entrance music starts playing and Stephanie Wade climbs into the ring. She is dressed smartly, like a school teacher. [B]Stephanie Wade:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie Wade, but you can call me Miss Wade. The tournament will continue in a little bit, but let me remind you that FDF is not just about big men fighting each other. Oh no, not at all! At FDF, you will also get to see the best quality female wrestling. You won’t see action like this at AAA, not at North Of The Border, no! You will see action like this only in FDF! And tonight, the first FDF Women’s Champion will be crowned in a 6-way elimination match, where there will be only one winner! So, to introduce to you our top female talent, the other participants in the elimination match have agreed with me to give you a very special treat! So that you can see what we’re really made of, we will have a very special contest before the actual match. And this contest is… a bikini contest![/COLOR] (loud cheering) [B]Stephanie Wade:[/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"]Our first contestant comes from our very own state of New York. Ladies and gentlemen, April Appleseed![/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/April%20Appleseed.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] April enters the ring. [B]Stephanie Wade:[/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"]Next up, from Helsinki, Finland, the young and talented Kisu![/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Kisu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kisu enters the ring. [B]Stephanie Wade:[/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"]And finally, two of my very special students from my high school at Boston. They are young, they are great fighters, and they sure have the looks. Ladies and gentlemen, Paige Croft and Nadia Snow![/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Paige%20Croft.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Nadia%20Snow.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Paige and Nadia are dressed in identical robes with a school logo printed in the back. The bikini contest is carried out in the usual way, with each girl unrobing and doing a little sexy dance. When Stephanie Wade asks for the audience to cheer for each girl in turn, Kisu clearly gets the loudest cheers. Stephanie is just about to announce the winner, when another woman runs into the ring with a steel chair in hand and hits Kisu in the head! [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Aurora%20Liekki.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It’s Aurora Liekki! All the other girls quickly retreat from the ring. Aurora gives the lying Kisu a couple of chair shots in the body before throwing the chair away and grabs the mike dropped by Stephanie Wade. [B]Aurora Liekki:[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]So that’s what this is to you, huh? A ****ing beauty contest? That’s exactly why men treat you like ****. Because you deserve it! But you five idiots are not the only people in the elimination match. I am Aurora Liekki, and today I will become the first ever FDF Women’s Champion! And I will do so to prove that little bitches like you can never be true wrestlers. It’s real women like me who understands that men are the pigs they are. That’s right, PIGS! Every single one of you! (pointing at the audience, drawing a lot of boos) When I become the Women’s Champion, I will keep my head up high, point at my title belt and spit in the face of men as I say: I am Aurora Liekki, and I won’t take no bull**** from any of you pigs, and if that’s not fine by you, then I guess I’ll just have to beat you up like the dogs you are![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+ for the bikini contest, D- for the rant[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stark%20Adder.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]vs.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Griffith.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Stark Adder[/B] vs. [B]Jack Griffith[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] A lengthy, quite open match with both nice chain wrestling and stiff brawling. In the end, Griffith takes the ref’s attention by trying to remove a turnbuckle padding, and as the ref goes to tie it back to place, Griffith counters Adder’s suplex attempt with a blatant low blow, followed by a Jack-in-the-Box for the 1,2,3. [B]Jack Griffith defeated Stark Adder in 15:32 by pinfall with a Jack in the Box after blatantly cheating. Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/StarBuck.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]vs.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Valentine.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Valentine[/B] vs. [B]StarBuck[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] After seeing the despised Griffith advance to the finals, the crowd is furious about wanting StarBuck to beat Valentine, who is doing his very best fabulous heel act, and coupled with constantly feeling up Barbie at ringside. StarBuck gets right to the point by unleashing a devastating attack on Valentine, who is on the defensive from the very beginning of the match. StarBuck dominates, but doesn’t get a big finisher in, and finally Barbie helps Valentine gain the momentum by poking StarBuck in the eye when the ref isn’t seeing! Valentine instantly goes to work on StarBuck’s left knee, trying to get StarBuck to submit. StarBuck sells the knee all the way until the end of the match, making the story of the match very believable, and Valentine draws a lot of heat by constantly bragging about himself and insulting StarBuck as he whithers in pain. Finally, StarBuck manages to make a comeback with a well-timed Backbreaker. Valentine tries to get away, but StarBuck irish whips him into the corner, raises him to the top turnbuckle and hits a devastating Superplex! Both men are on the floor, the ref starts his ten count, But as Valentine is lying next to the ring apron, Barbie secretly hands him a steel chair until going to distract the referee, who is furious to her at this point. Both men get up, Valentine has a steel chair in hand and the ref isn’t looking! He holds the chair up, about to deliver a big hit… he raises the chair next to his head… SUPERKICK! StarBuck hits a Superkick through the steel chair right into Valentine’s head! Valentine is out cold, StarBuck calls for the ref’s attention and pins Valentine. 1, 2, 3! StarBuck advances! [B]StarBuck defeated Valentine in 13:54 by pinfall with a Superkick. Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Paige%20Croft.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Nadia%20Snow.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We’re taken to backstage, in the women’s dressing room. Paige Croft and Nadia Snow are there. Nadia Snow is wearing a girls’ school uniform, naturally with a short skirt and wide open neckline, Paige Croft is in her underwear (!) and putting on an identical uniform. [B]Nadia Snow:[/B] [COLOR="Orange"]I can’t believe that Aurora character! I mean, she could’ve hurt Miss Wade! I don’t know what I would do if something bad happened to her… come on, how long can it take to put on that costume? Really, I don’t get why Miss Wade wants to drag you along all the time, we could be just fine with just the two of us… Well? Are you ready yet? No? Remember what we agreed, that the three of us work as a team? Right? Hey, are you listening to me? We gotta make sure Miss Wade wins the championship. Or maybe me, hee hee! Of course, only if she allows it… I so adore her, you know? Have I ever told you? Come ON, the match is next! Try to get that shirt on. How slow are you? Really! Well, I’m going now, you better get ready soon![/COLOR] Nadia Snow leaves the dressing room. Paige Croft looks after her with a poisonous look in her eyes. [B]Rating: D[/B] [SIZE="5"][CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Kisu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/April%20Appleseed.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Aurora%20Liekki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stephanie%20Wade.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Nadia%20Snow.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Paige%20Croft.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Kisu[/B] vs. [B]April Appleseed[/B] vs. [B]Aurora Liekki[/B] vs. [B]Stephanie Wade[/B] vs. [B]Nadia Snow[/B] vs. [B]Paige Croft[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]A 6-Way Elimination Match for the FDF Women’s Championship[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The crowd never really gets into the match, which quite honestly really wasn’t too good. It’s overbooked with a lot of shenanigans, first Paige Croft breaks their little alliance by surprising Nadia Snow with a rollup. As Stephanie Wade seems to argue with Paige Croft, Kisu surprises her with a Missile Dropkick and gets a pinfall. Next eliminated is Paige Croft, who is decimated by a Super Back Suplex by Aurora Liekki. The final three battle it out for a long time, Kisu being finally eliminated after 13 minutes when April Appleseed hits her with a big Impaler DDT and pins her. April Appleseed gives Aurora Liekki a fight for her life, but Aurora manages to lock in an Octopus Hold, which is too much for April Appleseed and she finally submits. [B]Aurora Liekki defeated Kisu, April Appleseed, Stephanie Wade, Nadia Snow and Paige Croft in 16:11; the order of elimination was Nadia Snow first, then Stephanie Wade, then Paige Croft, then Kisu, and finally April Appleseed. Aurora Liekki wins the FDF Women's title. Rating: E+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Avatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Susie%20Snyder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Will and Susie Snyder enter the ring once again. Will goes on to remind the folks about FDF’s TV show, Destiny Is Now!, which premieres this Thursday on National Pride TV. [B]Will Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Let me tell you, folks, you don’t want to miss the first ever episode of Destiny Is Now! There will be a gigantic main event. It is a triple threat match for the first No. 1 Contender for the FDF Championship! And it will be fought out between the men who made it to the semifinals today but fell short of the total victory. So, it will be a match between Stark Adder, Valentine, and either Jack Griffith or the Canadian Rebel, StarBuck! Also, we will hold a coronation ceremony, where the winner of the First Champion Tournament will be officially presented with the championship belt. The belt will be presented with huge celebration by my very own lovely wife, Sussie![/COLOR] Sussie parades around the ring flirtingly as the audience cheers. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Finally the final match is announced and Jack Griffith’s entrance music hits. He parades to the ring, but before the announcer can continue, Griffith demands the mic for himself. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Griffith.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Jack Griffith:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]I am just about to become your FDF Champion, but first I want to say a couple of words about this “promotion”. When I first heard that some European punks are coming over to my town of New York, New York, I was furious. I’ve been in this city of New York for all my life. I know this city. Hell, I AM this city! This town respects me, this town worships me, just like each and every one of you idiots sitting in the audience respects me! So I decided to join this little group of European punks, to show them, and to show you, why I, Jack Griffith, am the best! And to prove that, today I will win that FDF Championship match, and I will become the first ever FDF Champion, and I will never lose it as long as this stupid company still exists![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] StarBuck’s entrance music hits and he arrives from the curtains, with another mic in his hand. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/StarBuck.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]StarBuck:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Is that right, Griffith? So you’re the best? Then how come nobody’s heard from you for ages? You came to us practically begging to be a part of this company, because nobody wanted to have you on their ranks. And you know why? Because you’re an irritating little ***hole, that’s why! You see, these people in this audience didn’t come here to see you. Hell, they didn’t come to see me either. They came to see some high-quality ass-kicking. And I’m just about to kick your ass, and become champion, a champion these people want, a champion they respect, and a champion you, Griffith, will never become! Now ring the damn bell and let’s get this on![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Griffith.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]vs.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/StarBuck.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Jack Griffith[/B] vs. [B]StarBuck[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Final of the First Champion Tournament for the FDF Championship[/SIZE][/CENTER] The crowd is instantly drawn into this match as StarBuck hits the ring. Griffith and StarBuck exchange some heavy duty fists, and StarBuck is the one to gain the upper hand. The furious battle soon expands outside the ring as the two beat each other out in the ring posts, hit suplexes on the floor, basically beat the living hell out of each other. The match stays extremely furious and fast-paced until StarBuck finally nails a Superkick right into Griffith’s face, but is too tired to pin him properly and Griffith manages to kick out. Griffith then gains the upper hand, working with holds and stiff brawling moves on StarBuck. Griffith nails a springboard big splash after downing StarBuck with a big lariat, but earns him only a 2 count. Griffith gets frustrated, shakes the ropes and signals that he is going for the Jack in the Box, the move that has won him two matches today already! Griffith waits for StarBuck to get up, locks him in… but StarBuck counters with a vicious DDT! Cover, kick out at 2. StarBuck seems a bit frustrated as well, but he draws some energy from the crowd and signals he is going to the top rope! Crowd goes wild, StarBuck climbs the turnbuckles, but Griffith gets up and shakes the ropes, crotching StarBuck on the turnbuckles! He then climbs them himself and the two exchange blows on the top. StarBuck wins this bout and manages to push Griffith down on the canvas. He then climbs to the top and goes for a flying elbow… but Griffith rolls out of the way and StarBuck misses! Griffith pulls him up – Jack in the Box! Jack in the Box! 1… 2… No! StarBuck kicks out! Griffith looks at the ref in disbelief, then lets out a furious roar and rolls out of the ring… and grabs a steel chair! The ref screams for him to get rid of it but Griffith ignores him and starts to climb back to the ring – but StarBuck is up and hits Griffith with a baseball slide! Griffith is outside the ring, StarBuck follows him there, throws him to the steel post, lifts him up and HITS A PILEDRIVER ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR! Griffith is out, the exhausted StarBuck rolls him back in the ring, manages to cover… 1… 2… 3!!! It’s over, StarBuck has won! Starbuck is the first ever FDF Champion! Crowd goes wild, Griffith is still out cold, StarBuck is almost too tired to celebrate, but manages to climb the turnbuckles and pose for the audience. It was the match of the night, no doubt! [B]StarBuck defeated Jack Griffith in 26:06 by pinfall with a Piledriver. StarBuck wins the FDF Championship title. Rating: C+[/B] [SIZE="5"][B]FINAL SHOW RATING: C-[/B][/SIZE]
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[B][I]Tuesday, Week 1, March 2007[/I][/B] My head hurts and I feel like **** - the after-show party went on for far too long… but I felt good. The show had mostly been a great success. But it was time to get back to business, so we sat down with StarBuck, Pat Deacon and Susie for the post-show meeting. The internet smarks were loving us, we got a heck of a lot of praise there. The male division in general seems excellent – everyone is capable of pulling off decent matches, and everyone is learning all the time. All they need is to build more popularity, really. The female match was a flop, though. I’m ready to take the blame myself. The 6-way match didn’t work out well for them. I’m hoping that they can pull of much better ratings in singles matches. We’ll see. And I’m an attempt to contact current AAA wrestlers – they would be a great asset to us, as long as one of them actually agrees to work for our promotion. The worst problem is, though, that we’re losing money. A lot of it. Destiny’s Call cost us almost $12,000. But I guess we have the money to spare. When I mentioned about cutting the budget to Susie, she got furious. [COLOR="Magenta"]“I don’t care if dad expects to have his money back! The money is not his, it’s the company’s, and we need it to grow big! I’m not parading around in skimpy outfits and acting slutty just for the kick of it, I want the company to actually become decent sized!”[/COLOR] I guess I can’t argue with that. Bad news: SWF stole Pat Deacon from us, so we need a new road agent and fast. Seems like just about every promotion in North America is hiring like crazy, so we’re lucky if we manage to keep most of our roster intact.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/destiny.jpg[/IMG] [B]From the Ministry in New York, NY in front of 938 spectators Thursday, Week 1, March 2007 Broadcast by National Pride TV[/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B]Pre-Show[/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Susie%20Snyder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Susie Snyder welcomes the live audience and warms them up by doing a little flirting and seductive dancing. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Agent%2069.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Paige%20Croft.jpg[/IMG] [B]Agent 69[/B] vs. [B]Paige Croft[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B]Paige Croft defeated Agent 69 in 5:56 by submission. Rating: E[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Main Show[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Avatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Susie%20Snyder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The main show starts with the same music and lights we saw three nights earlier. In the ring is Will Snyder with his wife. The ring is decorated with red carpets and balloons and all the usual glitz of an award ceremony. [B]Will Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first ever episode of Destiny Is Now! You are about to see an evening packed with the toughest action you’ve ever seen! To start things off however… ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your FDF Champion, StarBuck![/COLOR] The crowd goes wild as StarBuck’s entrance theme hits the speakers and the champion enters the ring. In a short award ceremony, Susie Snyder hands the champion his title belt. StarBuck holds a short thank-you speech in which he states that he will be a worthy champion and represent this company with dignity, and no matter who wins the three way dance in tonight’s main event, StarBuck will be ready and he won’t be losing his championship in a long time. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Jack Griffith is caught for an interview backstage. [B]Jack Griffith:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]What are my thoughts about last monday? Last monday was a fluke! StarBuck didn’t prove a damn thing back then. StarBuck isn’t worthy of tying up my boots. And he calls himself the champion! If this was any decent promotion, StarBuck would’ve been disqualified for executing a dangerous move on the concrete floor. I deserve a rematch. And since Snyder doesn’t feel like handing me one, I’ll have to take it with my own hands tonight. And when I beat Valentine and Stark Adder and become the new no. 1 contender – StarBuck, you’d better be damn ready.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Kisu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stephanie%20Wade.jpg[/IMG] with [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Nadia%20Snow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Paige%20Croft.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kisu[/B] vs. [B]Stephanie Wade[/B] (w/ [B]Nadia Snow[/B] and [B]Paige Croft[/B])[/SIZE][/CENTER] Kisu dominates the match from the early going, until Nadia Snow interferes with the match by tripping Kisu on the top rope as she is about to go for a high-risk maneuver. Stephanie then gains control of the match-up. Later, as Kisu is knocked down, Nadia Snow distracts the referee and Paige Croft slides into the ring with a steel chair in hand! Stephanie Wade signals for her to strike Kisu, but she hesitates and doesn’t strike. Nadia Snow notices this and, frustrated, comes to yell at Paige. Paige looks at Nadia for a while, then swings the chair up – and hits Paige instead! Stephanie Wade stares at the two in amazement, which allows Kisu to hit a Headache (Impaler DDT) for the pinfall. Too bad the crowd didn’t care. [B]Kisu defeated Stephanie Wade in 7:22 by pinfall with a Headache. During the match we also saw Nadia Snow run in and attack Kisu. Rating: E[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stark%20Adder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Stark Adder is giving an interview about the upcoming three way dance. [B]Stark Adder:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]Griffith – face the facts. You lost last Monday. You weren’t good enough. You couldn’t beat a single match without cheating. Cheating. How could a pitiful, despicable cheater like yourself be a worthy champion for this company? Tonight, I’m going to beat you AND Valentine and become the new no. 1 contender. It’ll be an honour to face StarBuck for the title. My mind is already set on that match, because the one we have today – against those two? There’s no question about who’s going to win.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/The%20Mighty%20Perkules.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Little%20P.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Lady%20P.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Mighty Perkules, with his henchmen, Little P and Lady P, stands in the ring with a mike in hand. [B]The Mighty Perkules:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]HAAAAARGH! With Lady P and Little P by my side, nobody can stop us! Last Monday we showed that Pasi Suominen guy what happens when you get in our way! Today we will show it to someone else! So if anyone back there in the dressing room feels like he can face THE MIIIIIIGHTY PERKULES, he can come out right now and face me. And face his doom! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA…[/COLOR] The Mighty Perkules is interrupted by the entrance music of Pasi Suominen! Pasi is looking determined as he enters the ring to face the man that attacked him three nights ago… Rating: D- [CENTER][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/The%20Mighty%20Perkules.jpg[/IMG] vs. [SIZE="3"](still no pic)[/SIZE] [B]The Mighty Perkules[/B] vs. [B]Pasi “Lightning” Suominen[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Perkules’ power moves against Pasi’s high flying ability constrast in an entertaining match. Finally, as Lady P takes the ref’s attention, Little P climbs the turnbuckles and hits a surprise Missile Dropkick to allow Perkules get a cheap rollup for the three count. [B]The Mighty Perkules defeated Pasi Suominen in 9:16 by pinfall following interference from Little P. Rating: D-[/B] [B]The Mighty Perkules:[/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"]You want to mess with THE MIIIIIIIIGHTY PERKULES? This is what you get![/COLOR] The Infernals start laying the beatdown on Pasi, until... [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Ibo%20Ten.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ibo Ten’s music hits and “The Funny Man” Ibo Ten drives them out of the ring. The Infernals decide they want no part of an even-numbered brawl and leave the scene. [B]Rating: E[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Aurora%20Liekki.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Aurora Liekki comes to the ring with her new Women’s Title belt in hand. Beaming at the audience and parading around the ring with the belt in hand, she grabbes a mic. [B]Aurora Liekki:[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]I told you! I told you I would become the Women’s Champion. Did any of you believe me? Did I give a f****** damn if you believed me? I proved to you once and for all that in this competition it takes more than just a pretty face to be the best. All of you PIGS out there in the audience think all women are good for is to parade around in underwear like that whore Susie Snyder does every night, or those sluts Kisu and April Appleseed did last Monday, before I beat the hell out of them and won the Women’s Championship! I am the best there is, and there is nothing any of you can do about it![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/April%20Appleseed.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] April Appleseed’s music hits the speaker and she comes from behind the curtain, talking to Aurora from a distance. [B]April Appleseed:[/B] [COLOR="Pink"]Aurora, please do us all a huge favor and shut up for a second, okay? (cheer from audience) I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but I don’t like to be called a slut here in front of a thousand people. And what comes about you being the best… In my view, you’re nothing but a pathetic little brat who thinks she’s something big just because she got lucky! So if you’re really that great, why don’t you put that title on the line against me? Right here, right now![/COLOR] The audience cheers for the suggestion, but is cut short by Kisu’s music as Kisu comes from behind April. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Kisu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Kisu:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]Now hold on just a second, April! If anyone deserves a title shot against this gal, it’s gonna be me! As far as I can remember, it was me last Monday who was about to win the bikini contest when this idiot jumped me from behind and attacked me! Aurora – I don’t forget, and I want my revenge. I want a shot at that title right now![/COLOR] [B]Aurora Liekki:[/B] Well, I hate to disappoint you two, but there’s no freaking way I’m giving either one of you any title shots, ever! You think you have something to prove? Fine, whatever you want, but that’s none of my concern. Sluts! Kisu and April are on the verge of barging into the ring, when Will Snyder comes from behind them. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Avatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Will Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Aurora, you are the Women’s Champion, and the last time I checked, we were running a competitive promotion here. You can feel whatever the way you want about anyone, but as long as you’re the champion, you’re going to defend that title! So, at FDF Assassination you will face one of these two girls for the championship! And to decide which one it’ll be, you’ll fight both of them in singles competitions: it’ll be Kisu versus Aurora Liekki next week on Destiny Is Now, and it’ll be April Appleseed versus Aurora Liekki – right now![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Aurora%20Liekki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/April%20Appleseed.jpg[/IMG] [B]Aurora Liekki[/B] vs. [B]April Appleseed[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Upon hearing the last words, April sprints right to the ring and storms on top of Aurora before she can react. The two have a very fast-paced bout with both sides getting a lot of big moves in. The ending comes when Aurora counters April’s High Cross Body into a Small Package and grabs the bottom rope to pin April. [B]Aurora Liekki defeated April Appleseed in 8:51 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Rating: D-[/B] We’re taken to backstage, when it is now Valentine who is being interviewed. [B]Valentine:[/B][COLOR="SandyBrown"]Stark Adder, that was a really touching speech you had, all about respecting StarBuck and not liking cheaters and all that stuff. I hate to break it to you, though – all that doesn’t matter a single bit! Look at me. Look at my Barbie. Where would the title belt look better than on my beautiful waist? And beauty draws beauty! Stark Adder, Griffith – be prepared![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [SIZE="5"][CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Ville%20Torvinen.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Heimo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Ville Torvinen[/B] vs. [B]”Nasty” Heimo Ukonselkä[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] The two have a very stiff brawl. Ville draws cheers from the crowd when Heimo hits a blatant low blow when the ref is distracted, but Ville manages to kick out of the pin, for Heimos amazement. After a decimating battle, Ville hits the Wagon of Destruction (Green Bay Plunge) for the pinfall. [B]Ville Torvinen defeated Heimo Ukonselkä in 11:24 by pinfall with a Wagon of Destruction. Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Griffith.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stark%20Adder.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Valentine.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Griffith[/B] vs. [B]Stark Adder[/B] vs. [B]Valentine[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Triple Threat for No. 1 Contendersship[/SIZE][/CENTER] The match follows the classic “two men battle in the ring while one gathers himself on the outside” pattern for most of the time. In the end, Valentine is thrown to the outside and Stark Adder misses a crucial clothesline to allow Griffith to hit a Jack in the Box to Adder. As Griffith moves in to cover him, Barbie starts pulling his leg, distracting Griffith and making him come to the outside to face Barbie! As he looks like he’s about to slap her, Valentine, who was hiding behind the ring apron, hits a low blow and quickly moves in to cover the still downed Adder. 1, 2, 3 and Valentine picks up an upset victory! [B]Valentine defeated Stark Adder and Jack Griffith in 14:45 when Valentine defeated Stark Adder by pinfall. Rating: D[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]FINAL SHOW RATING: D[/SIZE][/B]
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[B]Friday, Week 1, March 2007[/B] Well, our TV debut certainly didn't do as well as Destiny Calls did, but a quick view through Internet boards showed that at least the Internet community liked the show. I guess that's something. TV ratings were pathetic, however, and National Pride already contacted us about them. DAVE put on a fantastic show the same night. Guess we still have a way to go to beat them. [B]Saturday, Week 1, March 2007[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Will, can I have a quick word with you?"[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Queen%20Emily.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I turned around to see Queen Emily come to me. From the rumors, I thought I knew what she wanted to talk about, and I was right. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Didn't you use to have problems with the SWF guys?"[/COLOR] I tried, but I knew it was futile. [COLOR="#ff8c00"]"We settled them, and they're offering a written contract. Look, Will, I wish the best of luck to you and your little company, but I've been offered a written contract with the no. 1 promotion in the world, so... you understand, right?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="#2e8b57"]"Yeah, yeah, I do,"[/COLOR] I sighed with a look of dissappointment on my face. [COLOR="#2e8b57"]"Good luck to you there."[/COLOR] So, we were down a road agent and a color commentator. I'd already sent out meeting requests to new road agent candidates, and for the color commentator spot... I guess we'd have to think of something. In good news, I had a successful meeting with a big name. I'm trying to keep the hiring quiet for now, as I have plans of a grand shock debut later on... [B]Monday, Week 1, March 2007[/B] CGC put on a fine show, with Ricky and Steve DeColt making a shock heel turn. This should be interesting. Jack Griffith signed a PPA deal with DAVE, and made it clear that he will give priority to DAVE shows over ours. That means we'll have to change the taping date of DIN... we pushed it back to Tuesday. [B]Tuesday, Week 1, March 2007[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Honey? Did you have a meeting today? There's a Mr. Preston Holt here who says you two had agreed to meet today..."[/COLOR] These days it seemed like I was meeting someone every day... as we didn't really have an office, I handled the meetings often at our home. I asked Susie to show him to the living room. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Preston%20Holt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Good day, Mr. Holt, thank you for seeing me in such a short notice,"[/COLOR] I greeted him as we shook hands. [COLOR="#2e8b57"]"Can I offer you something to drink?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]"I've never said no to a glass of good whiskey,"[/COLOR] Holt snorted in reply. Soon we were going on details about his possible contract with us. Preston Holt wasn't just any man - he had ran his own California Pro Wrestling promotion in the 1970's, and knew our situation first-hand. He would be a valuable addition to our backstage staff. [COLOR="Indigo"]"Listen, Snyder,"[/COLOR] Holt said heavily, [COLOR="Indigo"]"I may have lost my own promotion quite some years ago, but that doesn't mean I don't follow the news. You have quite an impressive little promotion here, and I think it has a lot of promise. I also know that SWF recently stole both your road agent and your color commentator. Now, let me tell you, I am a man who knows what it's like to be ripped by SWF. But I want to be honest with you. If you want to hire me as your new road agent, I'll want to become a big player in your promotion. That means I'll play a big part in your promotion's life, whether you like it or not."[/COLOR] I pondered his words for a while. [COLOR="#2e8b57"]"Mr. Holt... We both know I am a bit desperate to get a new road agent and fast. But also, I do respect your history and I feel you would be very valuable to us. And since we're being honest here, I'd like you to know that if we come to an agreement here, I'll do my best to squeeze every bit of advantage I can from your experience and skills."[/COLOR] Holt just stared at me for a long time. Then he smirked. [COLOR="Indigo"]"That's what I like to hear, Snyder!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Just call me Will, everyone else does."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]"Fair enough, call me Preston then. Now then. Let's talk about money."[/COLOR] By the end of the night, we had ourselves a new road agent.
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[B]Dark Segment:[/B] Again, before the show, Susie Snyder comes to the ring and welcomes the audience with some sexy flirting and dancing. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Dark Match:[/B] April Appleseed defeated Agent 69 in 4:48 by pinfall. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/destiny.jpg[/IMG] [B]From the Biker’s Paradise in New England in front of 243 spectators Tuesday, Week 2, March 2007 Broadcast by National Pride TV next Thursday[/B] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Valentine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Barbie.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The main show starts with Valentine, our No. 1 Contender for the FCF Championship, in the ring, along with his valet, Barbie. [B]Valentine:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Last week I said that Stark Adder and Jack Griffith should be prepared. I said that beauty would come to beauty. And lo and behold, now I stand here in this ring as your new No. 1 Contender for the championship! In the end, all Adder ranting about “playing fair” or Griffith ranting about how he “deserved another shot” – it all meant nothing! I am Valentine, The Beautiful Beast, and I know all of you love me almost as much as I love myself! And make no mistake – in three weeks at the FDF Assassination, I will beat StarBuck for the title. And you will love me for it, you will say “boy, Valentine sure looks good with that belt around his waist”, and hey, who am I to say you won’t be right?[/COLOR] The audience frantically boos Valentine. Finally, he is interrupted by the entrance music of no other than the FDF Champion, StarBuck! [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/StarBuck.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B] StarBuck:[/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Valentine, you are full of crap and you know it yourself! I beat you in the First Champion Tournament, even though your little… plaything there [COLOR="Black"](Barbie looks extremely offended)[/COLOR] tried to do everything she could to prevent me from doing the exact thing I did: kick your teeth out with a Superkick and pin you one, two, three. So Valentine, you think you can beat me, you think your pathetic skills are enough to beat the Canadian Rebel? I say: bring it![/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Griffith.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Valentine is about to answer, when another wrestler enters the ring: Jack Griffith. He ignores StarBuck and goes straight in the ring to face off Valentine. [B]Jack Griffith:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Valentine, what the hell did you think you were doing last week? You think you’re a tough guy to hit me with a low blow to pin that pathetic Stark Adder guy after I – me, Jack Griffith! – had him beat in the center of the ring? You know, if this was the great New York City, I’d have you thrown out of it before you had the time to say “beautiful”![/COLOR] [B]Valentine:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]And what’s YOUR problem? You know, I know exactly one thing about last week, and that is you didn’t win. I did. So you can just back off, buddy, go back to your little New York and let the audience look at the true glory that is The Beautiful Beast, Valentine![/COLOR] Before Griffith gets to answer that remark, Stark Adder joins the others at ringside. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stark%20Adder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Valentine:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Oh, great! Now what do YOU want?[/COLOR] [B]Stark Adder:[/B] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]What do I want? I’ll tell you what I want! I want a piece of you two! Right here, right now![/COLOR] Stark Adder storms towards the ring. Valentine and Griffith, surprised, get ready to face him, when Will Snyder stands up from behind the announce table and intercepts them. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Avatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Will Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]All right, that’s enough! Now all of you, shut up! SHUT UP! Adder, you want a piece of those two? Well that’s just fine by me. In tonight’s main event, it will be Jack Griffith and Valentine going up against Stark Adder and his tag team partner – The Canadian Rebel, StarBuck! [COLOR="#000000"](audience cheers)[/COLOR] Now get the hell out of the ring so we can get the show on the road![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Marty%20Papin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Avatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Susie%20Snyder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We’re taken to the announcing table. Sitting next to Marty Papin tonight is not Queen Emily, but instead Will Snyder alongside his wife, Susie, instead. [B] Marty Papin:[/B] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Well, that was certainly some heated conversation right there! FDF kicks off for the first time outside the Tri-State area as we come to you from the Biker's Paradise in New England. And as you can see, folks, our announcing team has changed quite a bit. Sitting here with me tonight is the owner of Final Destiny Fighting, Will Snyder, along with his wife, Susie Snyder! And let me be the first to say: welcome![/COLOR] [B]Will Snyder:[/B] T[COLOR="SeaGreen"]hanks, Marty. As I just mentioned, our main event today will be a huge tag team match-up. And it should be personal! I don’t know about you, but Valentine seems like he’s running out of friends here in the FDF and fast![/COLOR] [B]Susie Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]You’re right there, Will, and he’s not the only one! I just met Aurora Liekki backstage and she looked like nobody wanted to have anything to do with her. And I don’t blame them – I don’t either! Not after last week when she called me a… a…[/COLOR] [B]Marty Papin:[/B] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Well, Liekki just might get some discipline beat into her tonight! It’ll be Kisu going up against Aurora Liekki tonight, and as April Appleseed failed to win her match last week, we might expect that a victory over the champion would make Kisu the new no. 1 contender, am I right, Will?[/COLOR] [B]Will Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="#2e8b57"]You just might be… but I have to say that Liekki’s actions in the past weeks has made me consider whether something should be done to get her back in line.[/COLOR] [B]Marty Papin:[/B] So coming up tonight also a huge women’s bout! But now, let’s get on with our first match of the night… [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][SIZE="3"](no pic)[/SIZE] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Heimo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Pasi ”Lightning” Suominen[/B] vs. [B]”Nasty” Heimo Ukonselkä[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The crowd welcomes Pasi as their favorite when he takes on the brute Heimo Ukonselkä. Pasi seems to run in a brick wall early on as Heimo decimates him with power moves, but Pasi is able to rally into some nice fast-paced high flying offence and a beautiful Missile Dropkick, followed by his trademark Shining Wizard, is enough to give Pasi the pinfall. [B]Pasi Suominen defeated Heimo Ukonselkä in 6:34 by pinfall with a Shining Wizard. Rating: D-[/B] [SIZE="5"][CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Eddie%20Anarchy.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Ville%20Torvinen.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eddie Anarchy[/B] vs. [B]Ville “Destructor” Torvinen[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] A nice, stiff brawl in Eddie’s TV debut. In the end, Ville is just too much for him to handle as he finishes off the job with the Wagon of Destruction. [B]Ville Torvinen defeated Eddie Anarchy in 7:54 by pinfall with a Wagon of Destruction. Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Ibo%20Ten.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Susie%20Snyder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ibo Ten is in the ring being interviewed by Susie Snyder. [B]Susie Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="#ff00ff"]So, Ibo Ten, you’ll be facing next the… smaller member of the Infernals, as they call themselves. What are your thoughts about the match against Little P?[/COLOR] [B]Ibo Ten:[/B] [COLOR="LightBlue"]Little P is little, he’s fast, and he’s fiendish! But is he any fun? Oh no, he’s not! All he can think of with the bigger guy is some cheap attacks on a downed opponent. Now where’s the fun in that, can you tell me? No? But tonight, Ibo Ten, the Funny Man, is about to show Little P something fun! Oh yeah! It’s gonna be a blast, and it’s gonna be funny as heck, as Ibo Ten pins Little P in the middle of the ring one, two, three![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Ibo%20Ten.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Little%20P.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ibo Ten[/B] vs. [B]Little P[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"](w/ [B]The Mighty Perkules[/B] & [B]Lady P[/B])[/SIZE][/CENTER] The whole Infernals team joins Little P at ringside for the match. The two have a technical bout with Little P showing some of his high-flying skills, but it is Ibo Ten who hits the major Superplex to pin Little P – but Lady P distracts the ref and The Mighty Perkules comes in the ring to punish Ibo Ten. But right then, Pasi Suominen runs to the ring and suplexes the Mighty Perkules out of the ring! Little P is in shock and Ibo Ten hits him with a major Exploder Suplex. Pasi Suominen notifies the ref, and Ibo Ten gets the win. [B]Ibo Ten defeated Little P in 9:05 by pinfall with an Exploder Suplex. During the match we also had The Mighty Perkules run in and attack Ibo Ten. E+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stephanie%20Wade.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Paige%20Croft.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Nadia%20Snow.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We’re taken to the backstage where Stephanie Wade and Nadia Snow are confronting Paige Croft about her actions last week. [B]Stephanie Wade:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Now, just what did you think you were doing, young lady? I am your teacher, and you should tell as I say![/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft:[/B] [COLOR="Plum"]Yes, ma’am…[/COLOR] [B]Stephanie Wade:[/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"]If I tell you to help me out in a match, you do so! Understood?[/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft:[/B] [COLOR="#dda0dd"]Yes, ma’am, but…[/COLOR] [B]Stephanie Wade:[/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"]No buts! Absolutely no buts! If I catch you slacking off one more time, I am going to have to punish you! Do you understand?[/COLOR] [B]Nadia Snow:[/B] [COLOR="#ff8c00"]Njah njah njah! Paige is getting punished! Paige is getting punished![/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft:[/B] [COLOR="#dda0dd"]Ma’am, does she have to…[/COLOR] [B]Nadia Snow:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]What? What? Can’t talk to me face to face, can you, little bitch?[/COLOR] Paige has heard enough, and jumps Nadia Snow. The two engage in a furious catfight with hair pulling and clothes ripping. Stephanie Wade looks in amazement as the girls go at it until some backstage personnel come to take the two apart. [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Kisu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Aurora%20Liekki.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kisu[/B] vs. [B]Aurora Liekki[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The girls have a nice bout with Kisu going with her technical skills against Aurora’s brawling. The match is very even until Aurora gets frustrated, and when the ref doesn’t see, she takes her handbag (which looks very heavy) from ringside and hits Kisu in the head with it, allowing her to roll up Kisu and get the pinfall. [B]Aurora Liekki defeated Kisu in 10:40 by pinfall after using a foreign object. Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Aurora%20Liekki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Avatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Aurora Liekki approaches Will Snyder at the announce table and grabs a mic. [B]Aurora Liekki:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Did you see that, Snyder? Did you? I’ve beaten both of your little sluts. Now who was it you were going to make me face for the title? Huh? Tell you what: why don’t you just agree that I am the greatest female wrestler in this company, and forget all about the title match![/COLOR] [B]Will Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]I told you you are going to defend that title at FDF Assassination, and if I say you’re going to defend it, then you will defend it! Next week, we will have Kisu going up against April Appleseed in a one-on-one matchup, and the winner of that match will be your opponent![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/StarBuck.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stark%20Adder.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Griffith.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Valentine.jpg[/IMG] [B]StarBuck[/B] & [B]Stark Adder[/B] vs. [B]Jack Griffith[/B] & [B]Valentine[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The match starts as a rather clean tag team match, but it soon gets out of hand as Valentine is the first to take a cheap shot at StarBuck when Valentine wasn’t the legal man. The match then turns into a butt-ugly brawl with cheap shots, low blows and illegal tag manoeuvres flying from both sides and the ref has no control over the wrestlers! The heels manage to isolate Stark Adder in their corner for a long time until he gets the hot tag to StarBuck who cleans house. He goes for the Piledriver on Valentine, but Griffith comes to interrupt the count, only to be clotheslined out of the ring by Stark Adder. Valentine goes for a Back Suplex but StarBuck gets free and BAM! Just like that a Superkick hits Valentine in the jaw. StarBuck covers, 1,2,3, it’s over! [B]StarBuck and Stark Adder defeated Jack Griffith and Valentine in 18:30 when StarBuck defeated Valentine by pinfall with a Superkick. Rating: D[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]FINAL SHOW RATING: D[/SIZE][/B]
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[B]Thursday, Week 2, March 2007[/B] News: The Natural beats Harrison Hash for the NOTBPW Unlimited Action title. The show gets a B- rating. [B]Friday, Week 2, March 2007[/B] SWF Awesome Impact drew a C+ rating and a 6.06 PPV buy rate. Runaway Train defended his world title in a mediocre match against Eric Eisen. Only championship to change hands was the Shooting Star title, which Bart Biggs won in a triple threat against the champ Zimmy B and Andre Jones. By the way, DAVE Danger Zone TV got the same C+ rating as the leading company’s PPV. [B]Saturday, Week 2, March 2007[/B] Yoshimi Mushashibo won the PGHW Elite Series for the third time in his career by beating Bryan Vessey, Buddy Garner and finally Eisaku Kunomasu. The first round match against Bryan Vessey was a wonderful A-rated match and a MOTY candidate. Queen Emily has now officially left us, although we already kicked her out of her color commentator spot at the last show… I’ll be doing the color commentating with Susie for a while now, until we can find someone good enough to take the spot. I’m actively looking for a better announcer, as well. [B]Sunday, Week 2, March 2007[/B] The Stone Siblings won the Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup in the NOTBPW PPV, which gained a B- review and 0.36 PPV buy rate. NYCW made an offer to Stark Adder… that could actually work in our favor as long as it doesn’t affect his working for as, as NYCW works in the same area as we do and he might gain some good popularity by working there. [B]Monday, Week 2, March 2007[/B] Ricky DeColt beat Jack for the second time in a row since his heel turn over at CGC. We signed a working agreement with DAVE. We could do well by building good relations with them – after all, they’re putting on as good shows as SWF and TCW! The Japanese promotions seem to be a notch above Americans, however, constantly putting on B rated shows.
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[B]Pre-Show Segment:[/B] Susie Snyder did her usual sexy welcome for the crowd. [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/destiny.jpg[/IMG] [B]From the Ministry in New York, NY in front of 820 spectators Tuesday, Week 3, March 2007 Broadcast by National Pride TV next Thursday[/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Stark%20Adder.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Heimo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stark Adder[/B] vs. [B]“Nasty” Heimo Ukonselkä[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] The show opens with a vicious brawl between Stark Adder and Heimo Ukonselkä, the winner being Adder when he recovers from a devastating Samoan Drop and nails the Adder Stabber for the pinfall. [B]Stark Adder defeated Heimo Ukonselkä in 8:22 by pinfall with an Adder Stabber. Rating: D-[/B] After the match, Adder grabs a mic. [B]Stark Adder:[/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Griffith, Valentine - from the looks of things it seems like you feel you can do just about anything the hell you want in FDF. You think you can go around swinging chairs around and attack people just for the kick of it? You act the way you’re doing right now, and people won’t tolerate it for long. I won’t tolerate it, and I intend to do something about it. Since Valentine’s going to be a bit preoccupied at Assassination in two weeks, I’m calling you out, Griffith. At assassination. You and me. In – a hardcore match! So you think you’re man enough for it?[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Paige%20Croft.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Nadia%20Snow.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Paige Croft is walking backstage, when she meets Nadia Snow in the hallway. [B]Nadia Snow:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Well, well, well. Look who have we here! Little miss Sunshine.[/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft:[/B] [COLOR="Plum"]Back off, Nadia.[/COLOR] [B]Nadia Snow:[/B] [COLOR="#ff8c00"]“Back off, Nadia!” Is this where I’m supposed to get scared and apologize and run for cover? Because if it is, it’s not really working.[/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft:[/B] [COLOR="#dda0dd"]Nadia, just who do you think you are, anyway? You think you’re so great because you help miss Wade cheat and act like a total a**hole? You’re a disgrace to that uniform.[/COLOR] [B]Nadia Snow:[/B] [COLOR="#ff8c00"]What did you say? You little bitch! You don’t talk to me like that, understand? I’m a disgrace to this uniform? Then what are you? A goody-two-shoes bitch who doesn’t know what’s the best for her, or her teacher! And what’s good for miss Wade is good for us! That’s what you don’t understand![/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft:[/B] [COLOR="#dda0dd"]Okay, that’s it. You want to see who deserves to wear this uniform more? Then, at Assassination, why don’t you and I get in the ring for a Bra & Panties match and see which one of us still wears the uniform after the match![/COLOR] [B]Nadia Snow:[/B] (laughs) [COLOR="#ff8c00"]So that’s what you want? You got it. It’ll be my pleasure to rip those clothes right off you![/COLOR] Rating: E [CENTER][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Kisu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/April%20Appleseed.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kisu[/B] vs. [B]April Appleseed[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]No. 1 Contender’s Match for the Women’s Championship[/SIZE][/CENTER] The girls engage in very fast-paced back-and-forth action as neither one seems to get the upper hand. Unfortunately, the crowd is dead silent during the whole match, which hindered the experience a bit. The match culminates in a big Superplex by Kisu which leads both women down in the ring. Kisu manages to crawl on top of April, 1 - 2 - … And out of nowhere, Aurora Liekki drags both women out of the ring and delivers both a nasty suplex on the ringside! The referee has no chance but to count them both out. Aurora looks very pleased with herself. [B]Kisu drew with April Appleseed in 11:41 following a double count out. During the match we also saw Aurora Liekki run in and attack April Appleseed, and do the same to Kisu.[/B] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Avatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Will Snyder steps up from behind the announce table, with a mic in his hand. [B]Will Snyder:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]You think you’re being so clever, don’t you, Aurora? Well, you’re not. I promised that we will see a Women’s Championship match at Assassination, and that is exactly what we’re going to see! And since you decided to make sure nobody wins this no. 1 contenders match, you will face both of them! So, at Assassination, it will be a triple threat match for the Women’s Championship![/COLOR] Aurora Liekki looks completely disgusted with Snyder’s announcement. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/The%20Mighty%20Perkules.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Little%20P.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Lady%20P.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Infernals come to the ring. Mighty P has a mic. [B]The Mighty Perkules:[/B] The Mighty Perkules and the Infernals are now in the FDF, and I think it’s about time everyone understands that! [B]Little P:[/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"]Yeah! We’re the best![/COLOR] [B]The Mighty Perkules:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]We are the meanest, the greatest, and soon enough, you will all bow down to us! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA![/COLOR] ([B]Little P:[/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"]You tell ’em![/COLOR]) [COLOR="#8b0000"]But there are two… individuals, two annoying little insects that dare to stand in the way OF THE INFERNALS! [/COLOR]([B]Little P:[/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"]Yeah, and we hate ‘em![/COLOR]) [COLOR="#8b0000"]So! Ibo Ten! Pasi Suominen! It is time to crush you like the insects you are. It will be swift, it will be painless… HAHAHA, no it won’t, it will be extremely painful and until we’re done you will regret ever stepping between THE INFERNALS and their ultimate victory![/COLOR] ([B]Little P:[/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"]Yeah! Victory![/COLOR]) [COLOR="#8b0000"]And it will happen in two weeks at the Assassination! Ibo Ten, Pasi Suominen – are you ready? Do you dare take on…[/COLOR] [B]The Mighty P & Little P & Lady P:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]THE INFERNALS!!!?[/COLOR] The Infernals form a silly three-person ass-kicking pose and stand there as the lights go out. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Eddie%20Anarchy.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/StarBuck.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eddie Anarchy[/B] vs. [B]StarBuck[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] In what is basically a squash with Eddie getting only minimal offence in, StarBuck defeats Eddie with a Piledriver to score a pinfall. Eddie Anarchy wasn’t looking as good as usual. [B]StarBuck defeated Eddie Anarchy in 5:32 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Valentine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As StarBuck celebrates his victory, Valentine runs in with a steel chair in his hand and knocks him out! As StarBuck is lying motionlessly in the ring, Valentine slides a table in, sets it up, raises StarBuck on the top turnbuckle, and… hits a devastating Superplex through the wooden table! Valentine touches his nipples disgustingly as he leaves the ring… did we really need to see him do that? [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Ibo%20Ten.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Jack%20Griffith.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ibo Ten[/B] vs. [B]Jack Griffith[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Ibo and Jack have a surprisingly good fight with Ibo showing lots of nice high flying action. The two have great chemistry together and the match is flowing seamlessly. It looks for a while like Ibo is going to win this one, but then Jack counters his High Cross Body into a devastating Jack in the Box and scores the victory. [B]Jack Griffith defeated Ibo Ten in 11:55 by pinfall with a Jack in The Box. Rating: D+[/B] After the match, Griffith demands a mic and gets it. [B]Jack Griffith:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Adder, you think you have some kind of a “personal vendetta” against me? I don’t think you know who you’re talking to! You’re talking to Jack Griffith, the Master of New York, the Lord of Final Destiny Fighting! And you want to challenge me into a hardcore match? (smiles wickedly) You’re on, Adder. And when you lie in this ring, beaten to a bloody pulp, and the announcer calls out: “Here is your winner, Jack Griffith!” – you’ll know that the only person to blame is yourself![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Valentine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/Ville%20Torvinen.jpg[/IMG] [B]Valentine[/B] vs. [B]Ville “Destructor” Torvinen[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Valentine gets a chorus of boos from the audience as he enters the ring with Barbie. The match is pretty good, with Valentine being an annoyingly nasty bastard the whole time and Ville surviving his cheap shots and Barbie’s interference for a long time. In the end, Ville almost manages to hit the Wagon of Destruction, but Valentine counters and hits the Starstruck for his first clean victory. [B]Valentine defeated Ville Torvinen in 15:11 by pinfall with a Starstruck. Rating: D[/B] Valentine grabs a mic after the match. [B]Valentine:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]You see now, StarBuck – I beat you, I beat this Torvinen fellow, and I’ll sure as heck beat you at Assassination for the championship! I think my statement is crystal clear, StarBuck, and you should do well to take it very seriously. All of you, my great fans, have now seen the greatness that is Valentine, The Beautiful Beast, and you love me for it, don’t you? You love every single bit about me![/COLOR] (frantic booing from the audience) [COLOR="#9932cc"]And, believe me – you will love me even more when I stand your FDF Champion![/COLOR] Valentine and Barbie start frantically and disgustingly kissing each other, and it drives the audience mad as heck. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]FINAL SHOW RATING: D+[/SIZE][/B]
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[IMG]http://www.dansc.net/fdf/assassination.jpg[/IMG] [B]Final Card for FDF Assassination:[/B] StarBuck (c) vs. Valentine for the FDF Championship Jack Griffith vs. Stark Adder in a Hardcore Match Aurora Liekki (c) vs. Kisu vs. April Appleseed for the FDF Women's Championship The Infernals vs. Ibo Ten & Pasi Suominen Paige Croft vs. Nadia Snow in a Bra & Panties Match Ville "Destructor" Torvinen vs. "Nasty" Heimo Ukonselkä
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