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[QUOTE=Senka Surakei;354052]Heh, well, if I do get Fertig over- it won't be as Kane. Well- maybe. Anyway, no comments on my dynasty? xD[/QUOTE] My bad man. I'm enjoying it. I like to see the direction that people take with this scenario. It's always interesting.
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[SIZE="1"][FONT="Tahoma"][B]Friday Week Two January 2008[/B] The plans were working, and Vince’s once slain giant was slowly putting on the bandages of success. But there was still a lot of work to be done, like- making the Royal Rumble a big enough success to make it through the month. With all the high paid contracts, it would be difficult, but possible. Vince knew this, and when he had to sign all those new contracts, he knew it was a bad decision, but he was running on faith right know. [B]“Blinggg!”[/B] his phone rang, and then proceeded to hum with a long buzz. He flipped open his phone, and saw the text message and opened it. It read very promptly [B]“Hire a few more females, we need more competition, and think about it Vince. Not every fan is a ten to sixteen year old kid who’s into wrestling soap operas, we need that risqué feeling back, we need some attractive females. Get a few, and we can spice up the Women’s division again,”[/B] [I]from 555-7343[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="1"][FONT="Tahoma"][B]Friday Week Two January 2008[/B] [I]Meanwhile...[/I] Senka sighed, looking on his laptop, while rushing his keys along the keyboard quite quickly. He was examining WWE's financials, and though they weren't in the negative, they wouldn't be enough to support the contracts from his estimations. They would be PPV driven for a while, but that was fine. Once they could start making money, and building other superstars- it would all be fine... as long as one of the other Big Four didn't kick them while they were down... ****. Senka flipped out his cell phone, shuffling through his contacts for Vince McMahon, and began punching at the keys. He sent him the text message, and Vinnie received it- after thinking about the exact same financial situation.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][SIZE="1"][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/RAWbanner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Monday Week 2 January 2008 – WWE RAW Live from Verizon Wireless Arena in New England (Attendance 8,109/10,000(+135) – 12.11(+1.82) Live on Sci-Fi)[/B] [/SIZE][/center] [B][SIZE="1"] Pre-Show:[/SIZE][/B] [B]Big Daddy V vs. Josh Prohibition[/B] A five minute squash, of V just throwing him around seeing what made the fans cringe the most. He finished it off with a big elbow drop after his Samoan Drop. Josh got in, three punches? Which weren’t sold. [B] (5:15/D-)[/B] [B]Victoria vs. Alexis Laree[/B] A nice showing of the two “new” divas to the WWE. With some of the fans recognizing them, and a lot of people very happy to see them. Whether they were cheering because of Mic- Alexis’ insistant jumping- or the wrestling, it worked.[B] (7:47/C)[/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE="1"]Main-Show:[/SIZE][/B] A video plays hyping up the debut of the French Phenom![B] (C-)[/B] [B]John Cena vs. Batista[/B] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/JohnCena2003.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Batista.jpg[/IMG] A great draw for the fans, and an outstanding opening contest. While PPV worthy, the two workers didn’t go all out- because apparently didn’t feel like it. A while into it, when Cena had Batista down, and was prepping for the STFU(after hitting a FU) Orton hit him with a devastating RKO. The ref was going to DQ Batista, when he saw that Batista was being nailed into the ground with a Pedigree from Triple H! The ref called for the bell, and it was named a double-DQ. The fans went mad, to the point where Orton and Aitch were retreating more from them than their respective rivalry partners. [B](15:53/B-)[/B] [B]*Commercial*[/B] Vince McMahon comes out to the ring, and talks for a brief moment about his feud with his son Shane. He then mentions that tonight, Shane will be going head to head with Edge and Ken Kennedy in a Hardcore Handicap Match!(B+) Then he says, but before to make sure he doesn’t try and use the rules to his advantage, before the match Shane McMahon will have to face Bobby Lashley... In a first blood match! [B](A*)[/B] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c22/stuanderson/TEW07/WWEWomens5.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B]WWE Women’s Title[/B][/COLOR] [B]© Melina vs. Candice Michelle[/B] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/MelinaPerez.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/CandiceMichelle2.jpg[/IMG] A quick match to bring up the prestige of the women’s division a little more. Around four minutes into the match, the match is even when Orton hit’s the ring from the fans and nails Melina with a steel chair during a rebound off the ropes. Candice Michelle nails a DDT and wins the Women’s title.[B] (4:47/C)[/B] After Michelle left with her new title, Melina was in the ring almost in tears, getting spat on by Orton. Right as Orton is about to slap her, Cena’s music hits, and Orton grabs Melina by the throat. He tells Cena to stay back, or he’ll hurt her. [B](B)[/B] Cena doesn’t know what to do, until Orton throws Melina to the ground and points behind Cena. He turns around, and sees two hands clamp around his throat, and throw him off the stage and into a bunch of mechanical equipment! It was the Great Khali! It was Randy Orton’s help! [B](A*)[/B] Randy Orton then grabs Melina, and drags her by the hair up the ramp, Khali has left, and backstage. The camera switches to her screaming, and him dragging her down the hallway- outside, and then into his car. He throws her in, and drives off.[B](B-)[/B] [B]*Commercial*[/B] CM Punk cuts a brief interview on his upcoming Tag Match with Stevie Richards, and his pay-per-view match against Holly. Just remember, he doesn’t do drugs, drink, or smoke, or do a bunch of women’n’stuff. [B](D+)[/B] [B]CM Punk/Stevie Richards vs. Kane/Hardcore Holly[/B] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/CMPunkAAF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/StevieRichards.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/KaneMask3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG] An alright match, but the fans were getting a little irritated by the repetiveness of their matches. They all seemed like the same, with Punk outside the ring, brawling with Kane when he nails him with a huge diving clothesline, while Holly is in the ring, slamming Richards with an Alabama Slam. Punk tries to get in to stop it, but Holly gets the pin! [B](6:52/C-)[/B] Shane McMahon is seen backstage, asking a few staff members where Lashley is. As he’s walking, two figures are seen running at him from behind, and it’s shown to be Edge and Kennedy! They tackle Shane down and start beating on him, throwing everything they can see in his direction! [B](A)[/B] JBL and Triple H are shown arguing.[B](A) [/B]As Triple H is leaving JBL, he walks out the door and Batista spears him![B](A*)[/B] [B]*Commercial*[/B] [B]Ron Simmons vs. Paul London[/B] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/RonSimmons.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/PaulLondon19-1.jpg[/IMG] A bland match, due to the styles clashing, but the fans seemed not to fall asleep. It ended with Simmons hitting a low-blow and THEN grabbing the tights for the victory over the Tag-Champ. [B](7:01/C)[/B] A video is played, hyping up France- and it’s wonderful creations. [B](C-)[/B] [B]JBL vs. Brian Kendrick[/B] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/JBL.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/BrianKendrick17.jpg[/IMG] JBL came out, ready to destroy Kendrick, but the two actually went for a little longer than the previous match. JBL was too ****y, and kept nailing Kendrick down, but Kendrick came back and was hitting big cruiser-style moves, keeping JBL weakened. When it seemed like Kendrick’s momentum was at it’s peak, Ron Simmons came in and swung his chair- HITTING JBL! JBL staggered, and didn’t see Kendrick off the top rope for a springboard inverted DDT, followed by a second-rope moonsault from a huge pop from the crowd. He then got the pin, to JBL’s anger. [B](8:51/B)[/B] Ron Simmons and JBL start arguing in the ring. Simmons is saying he won his match, and that JBL couldn’t- so he went to help. JBL shoots back, on how he would have if it weren’t for him. Ron Simmons starts to argue, when JBL shoots back calling him a no-good cotton picker! Simmons goes balistic and starts beating down JBL, and the two brawl all the way to the back. [B](B-)[/B] [B]*Commercial*[/B] Bobby Lashley is shown walking down the hallway, when he confronted by Vince McMahon. He tries to get past him, but Vince mentions to him that if he tries to let Shane win tonight- or holds back, or any blood spills from Lashley at all, he’s FIRED! [B](A*)[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]First Blood Match[/COLOR] Shane McMahon vs. Bobby Lashley[/B] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Lashley3.jpg[/IMG] The match wasn’t very hardcore, but rather a lot of wrestling and Shane struggling to work with the powerhouse. After Lashley finally got a chair and nailed Shane with it, he got bust open and Lashley won the match. Shane laid on the ground, his forehead cut and the blood trickling out of it. [B](B)[/B] A video plays reminding fans of Edge and Ken Kennedy vs. Shane McMahon. [B](A*)[/B] [B] [COLOR="Red"]Hardcore Handicap Match[/COLOR] Ken Kennedy/Edge vs. Shane McMahon[/B] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/KenKennedyIC.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Edge2.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] After about six minutes, Shane McMahon had lost all will of momentum. He was completely covered in blood, and Ken and Edge had to have pulled out every bludgeoning weapon under the ring. From chairs, to baseball bats, to canes, to Kennedy’s Intercontinental title, Shane McMahon was being brutalized. After about nineteen minutes, Edge hit Shane with a spear, nearly cutting him in half, and then placed him on a table, for Kennedy to hit the Kenton Bomb, getting the pin. [B](19:19/A)[/B] Ken Kennedy and Edge keep beating on Shane after the match, making sure he’d be taken care of. Vince even storms out from the back, and bring a pair of brass knuckles, beating him down. He rips out his belt, and starts whipping on Shane. Vince then pulls down his pants, and tells Edge and Ken to make him kiss his ass! Edge and Kennedy grab Shane and drag him toward Vince’s rear. Shane’s crimson mask is about to kiss it, when Lashley takes everyone out with a huge dive! [B](A*)[/B] Vince retreats and starts barking about how at the Royal Rumble, it’ll be two Kennedys with an Edge, against Shane and Lashley![B](B+)[/B] [B][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"]Overall - A[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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