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Is it me or do you have 3 seperate accounts just to keep bumping your dynasties? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I was on when those other two accounts signed up and went straight to giving constant complement after complement on your dynasty. And they alwayas pretty much the same exact thing in about the same exact way, and the names are all JBL sayings with underscores in them. It may seem strange, but I don't see people signing up just to comment on any dynasty. And I've noticed that whenever one of the accounts posts the other one signs out right before it. It may seem crazy, but it just something I've noticed. Sorry if I'm wrong, but I just got to know. KUTGW though.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;353365]Is it me or do you have 3 seperate accounts just to keep bumping your dynasties? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I was on when those other two accounts signed up and went straight to giving constant complement after complement on your dynasty. And they alwayas pretty much the same exact thing in about the same exact way, and the names are all JBL sayings with underscores in them. It may seem strange, but I don't see people signing up just to comment on any dynasty. And I've noticed that whenever one of the accounts posts the other one signs out right before it. It may seem crazy, but it just something I've noticed. Sorry if I'm wrong, but I just got to know. KUTGW though.[/QUOTE] cant say i have noticed a reocering thing hapening, i only have the one acount on here, im not one of those types of shamless bumpers, if i did have like 3 seperate acounts you would notice as they would all be as dislexic as i am and the posts would all be very unreadable lol. Dont be sorry though because if people have suspicions its better to have them out there and have them cleared up :)
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[QUOTE=Halfman_halfamazing;353432]haha you are all on to me I AM JONNY_CKY IN DISGUISE YOU ALL FELL FOR MY EVIL PLAN MUHAHAHAHAHA[/QUOTE] ok guys can we get back to the story know as intresting as this is its filling my thread with stuff that distracts people from the story :)
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[CENTER]Photobucket "Vince are you sure this is what you want??" [SIZE="1"]Jim Ross spoke with concern in his voice, Jim, Bruce Prichard and Arn Anderson all sat round looking at Vince, Vince was still visibally shaken from his experiance in Jail, He had the idea of ending all the sory lines Stephanie had started tonight at No Way Out the final PPV before WrestleMania.[/SIZE] "Never been more sure of anything in my life" Photobucket [B]Rey & Chavo[/B] VS Ghost Eddie [B]The Great Khali, Mark Henry & Big Daddy V[/B] VS Funaki, Jimmy Wang Yang Kane VS [B]Finlay[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]ECW CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR] [B]CM Punk[/B] VS Shelton Benjamin [COLOR="Red"]WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR] [B]Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes[/B] VS Carlito & Santino Morella [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Edge[/B] VS Batista VS The Undertaker [B][COLOR="Red"]HBK, HHH[/COLOR], [COLOR="blue"]Jesse & Festus[/COLOR][/B] VS [COLOR="Red"]Mr Kennedy, Umaga,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Morrison & Miz[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]WWE Championship[/COLOR] Y2J VS Jeff Hardy VS [B]JBL[/B] D+[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Photobucket "The Last Show Gentlemen, it was a complete disaster, i know i am personally to blame. BUT,, i had to stop the story lines, i had to turn things around, now the next thing we need to address,,,the new booker!" [SIZE="1"]The show had only been over for 3 hours but all ready Vince and his team had been busy, They needed stability, and Vince knew he wasn't up to booking the company by himself in his current condition, he also knew there was no one available to take the position all ready employed by the WWE.[/SIZE] "Have we called Bishoff?" "He wont return any calls Vince" "How about Heyman" [SIZE="1"]Jim who had answered all of Vince's questions all night didn't have the heart to tell him Heyman had laughed down the phone at the idea of booking for the WWE[/SIZE] "He isn't interested" "DID ANYONE ON THE LIST I CAME UP WITH SAY THEY WERE INTERESTED!" "I'm afraid not sir,,,,but,,there is a name,,we came up with" "Who?,,,,,,you don't mean?? NO I DON'T WANT HIM BOOKING THIS COMPANY!! NO WAY NO HOW!!!" "Sir he is the only qualified booker who could possibly turn this around who is available!" [SIZE="1"]Vince stared into space blankly, he had no choice, this was the last thing he wanted, but he knew this man was the only one who could solve the company's problems, they had a colorful history, and there was a chance he may turn them down, at least Vince was hoping he would,, after staring off for a few seconds more he decided to respond[/SIZE] ",,,,,,call him!"[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="1"]The small dimly lighted room was a mess, The Window's were all boarded up and the only source of lighting were two lamps, the reporter from Pro Wrestling Insider had said it set the mood for the photo's that would acompany the interview. Vince Russo had answered all the questions he had been asked by the reporter with a slight hesitation all day, he knew he couldn't flat out lie because this reporter used to work at WCW with him. There were two other people being interviewed as well, Gabe Sapolsky the head booker of ROH and Jerry Jerret, the 3 had been doing an interview with PWInsider about the difficulties of Booking Pro Wrestling, now the photo shoot was finished the 3 men and the reporter were discussing the business an the current goings on in the life's they all lead.[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]*The Ringtone of a phone is heard*[/SIZE] "hey excuse me one minuet guys this could be important" [SIZE="1"]The Phone is answered and on the other side an Oklahoma grabs the attention of the calls recipient[/SIZE] "hello Jim Ross here, im not sure if this is the right number could I ask who im talking to??" "Mr Ross your talking to,,,"[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Photobucket "Mr Ross you are talking to Brandon Shearer Pro Wrestling Insider reporter. How Can I help you?" "Mr Shearer, we at WWE would like you to come to Conetacut, for a meeting!" "Is it an interview with Good Old Twisted Sister Vinnie McMadman and his time getting rammed in prison?" "No sir, no it is not" "Then I'm not interested, goodbye Mr Ross" "WAIT, Mr Shearer please don't hang up, WE MAY HAVE A JOB FOR YOU!!" "I'm listening,,,what kind of job??" "Well first of, instead of talking to Mr Shearer the reporter, can I talk to Brandon, former booking team member of WWF, WCW and ECW??" "HEY!! I DID CZW AS WELL DON'T FORGET THAT!! and no you cant he has retired! so whatever it is your after I'm not interested!" "Mr Shearer we will pay all expenses for you to get here, all we want is a short meeting, just to talk!" "Yeah right the last time I heard that it was 1993 and Vince fired me for upstaging the BASTAR*D!!" "Please Mr Shearer, i know we have never worked for the same company, we narrowly missed working together at the WWE WWF whatever you want to call it, but i am sure you will like what we are going to offer you, and quite frankly we need you, what will it take to get you to a meeting?" [SIZE="1"]Shearers eyes lit up, he knew he was in the driving seat now![/SIZE] "$800 and all travel costs paid for" [SIZE="1"]Similarly to Vince wanting Shearer to reject Shearer now thought Ross would reject[/SIZE] "DONE!!" "SERIOUSLY, your gun na pay $800 and first class travel just, to come meet with you?!?!" "Yes, the meeting will be at 11am tomorrow" "1pm!!" "Sure,, that,,thats fine" [SIZE="1"]With this the conversation ended and Shearer was happy with his free $800 and his free vacation to Conetacut. what Brandon didn't know however was the size of the meeting he was about attend![/SIZE] Photobucket[/CENTER]
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Who the heck does your graphics and how do I hire him? HUGE backstory to your diary, which is nice to see. Can I just suggest that instead of 3 commas (,,,) you use three dots (...) It just looks a bit better to the casual reader, I suppose. Keep this up, buddy :)
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graphics are done by yours truley and anything you want making i would be happy to help with :):) that go's for anybody who would like my help :):) just PM me :):) I will try the 3 ... if it makes things easier :):) also glad you like the whole thing so far Rathen4 :):)
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[CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [SIZE="1"]The flight was a wonderful experience, Shearer had not been in first class on a flight since his WCW days, he had thought Vince and the WWE were just interested in bringing him in as a web site reporter, a lower down in the booking team, he was not interested in any, he had worked for WWE before and knew exactly how Vince could be an thats why he was not interested. When he last worked for Vince he had been fired, Vince claims that Shearer's unpredictability and elaborate match ideas mixed with him all ways changing his mind made him a disruptive influence in the WWF (which it still was at the time). Shearer claims that McMmadman (as Shearer refred to Vince) was to egotistical, self centred and glory hogging to run a company be the bookers supervisor at the same time, he claimed Vince fired him because Shearer was upstaging the boss. After Vince called Brandon in those years ago he had leveled Vince with a Dictionary to the head! Vince had security throw him out and "rough him up". The two men had a very ,,,,, interesting background. When he left there he joined Eric Bishoff in WCW and like in Vinces company he quickly worked his way up to one of the senior bookers. He worked at WCW up un till 3 weeks into Russo's reign before he joined ECW for the few weeks before they went bust, while he was there he made the most freinds he had ever made in the business, he didn't however get much time to make much of an impression there. After a long hiatus spending his WWF and WCW money he decided it was time for another job and became the executive producer of CZW for 2 years un till quitting for a better paid job at PW Insider who had just become a national wrestling reporting megaforce. He had however become bored with reporting on the business rather than being a direct influence for a company. BUT however much he missed it he wasn't going to lower himself to working in a trivial job for Vince no matter what the wage! but then again $800 and all expenses paid trips don't come evryday[/SIZE] "Champaign Mr Shearer" "No Thank you, but how about 6 Budweisers and 3 shots of Vodka?" "Right away sir"[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=jonny_CKY;355694] "Champaign Mr Shearer" "No Thank you, but how about 6 Budweisers and 3 shots of Vodka?" "Right away sir"[/QUOTE] Ok, so i guess Mr. Shearer is the long, lost brother of Mr. Austin........?;) Keep up the good work Jonny, I am enjoying this alot so far.
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