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The Ring Of Fire...

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[FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"]A little introduction before I begin... I am a complete newcomer to the TEW series. I downloaded the 2007 trial version over the Christmas break and had a play around with it and was very impressed. So impressed infact that I've just shelled out for the full version. I've also spent some time having a read at some of the dynasties on the forum and I was very impressed with some of them. Actually, inspired would be a better term. I think that the dynasty approach is the perfect way to bring the game to life. So, with only a month's worth of trial play behind me and absolutely no clue about the game or the cornell-verse (or anything else for that matter), I'm going to have a crack at my own dynasty. And what better place is there to start than right at the bottom with the Ring Of Fire! So welcome to what will possibly be the shortest dynasty ever! I'm just about to start a new game and get the first post put together which I'll hopefully have up within the next day or so... Wish me luck...Loads and loads of it![/FONT]
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Welcome to the boards, Bad Blood. And welcome to ROF! Hope you enjoying playing them as much as I do. Best of luck with the dynasty too. I'll be interested to see where you take ROF. And you're right - a dynasty certainly keeps the game experience interesting, because you're having to cater to real people's expectations and comments.
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Man, I'm thinking back to that era now... The main event scene was totally different. Please call the midcard belt something other than #1 Contender. Marcel uses Talisman Title, I actually ran a lengthy feud to replace it with the Heritage Title, but it gets on my wick something chronic. Good luck, and may Petey Barnes and Don Henderson be the breakout stars for you that they have been for me.
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Thanks for the welcome and the comments so far guys. Before I go any further, I found a ROF logo from somewhere that I intend to use. The problem is, I'm not sure where I found it so I can't give credit. If anyone knows who created the logo, please let me know so I can give credit to them. Now, my replies to the comments so far... 1PWfan [QUOTE]If we're talking absolute bottom of the ladder, MOSC is lower than that. [/QUOTE] I decided on the ROF based purely on the prestige rating. I think MOSC were sitting at E and the ROF at F which is why I decided to go with them. Marcel Fromage [QUOTE]And you're right - a dynasty certainly keeps the game experience interesting, because you're having to cater to real people's expectations and comments. [/QUOTE] I didn't actually think about that part of it. My initial thoughts about the game were that it would be too easy to just book match after match without giving it too much thought. And a dynasty would make you slow down and develop a story and give the matches you book some meaning. But anyway, chances are I'll be out of business by March!! :D Rathen4 [QUOTE]A nice start, chap. I've currently just started my first dynasty and it's hard to keep up the enthusiasm when you don't get any replies - so just hold on in there [/QUOTE] Thanks for that. It's not so much about the replies. It's more about giving myself some enjoyment out of the game. If I can entertain the masses at the same time, all the better. And if anyone from the WWE happens to check in and notice my incredible creative booking ability (or total lack thereof!)... Phantom Stranger [QUOTE]Please call the midcard belt something other than #1 Contender. Marcel uses Talisman Title, I actually ran a lengthy feud to replace it with the Heritage Title, but it gets on my wick something chronic. Good luck, and may Petey Barnes and Don Henderson be the breakout stars for you that they have been for me. [/QUOTE] Thanks - I think I'll need all the luck I can get! And yeah, I was thinking myself how lame the name of that title was. I was considering keeping the idea of the title but decided in the end to replace it altogether. Hope you like what I've come up with!
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;354708]Going to agree with the comments about the dynasty adding a whole new dimension to the game. My enjoyment of the game has increased 100% in the few days I've had my diary running[/QUOTE] It definitely makes you think more. And especially in a fed like ROF where you're reliant on a few good wrestlers to pull ratings with the product so in-ring based. I'm quite proud of the fact that in my own ROF game, I'm up to 329 total shows completed and I've not used any one singles match-up more than 11 times (UK Dragon vs Merle O'Curle). I didn't want the match to get stale because I'm sure diary readers would have let me know! If I wasn't running it as a dynasty, I'd probably have run that match many more times without any worries about it and picked up the nice ratings from it and built up the promotion quicker...but without the sense of realism and extra challenge. But back to this diary...I really like the start so far. Well written articles. Ooh, and the newsletter/website idea...may have to borrow that one. ;) Am certainly looking forward to reading on.
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The first two weeks line-ups are now up. I believe it's proper etiquette to post the match listings in text format as well... Week One ROF Pure Wrestling Championship Tournament - First Round Don Henderson vs Jonni Lowlife ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round Lance Martin vs Walter Morgan ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round Johnny Highspot vs UK Dragon Week Two ROF Pure Wrestling Championship Tournament - First Round K'Lee Hawkins vs Phil Cox ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round British Samurai vs Kelly Martin ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round Billy Robinson vs Merle O'Curle
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Week One ROF Pure Wrestling Championship Tournament - First Round [B]Don Henderson[/B] vs Jonni Lowlife ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round Lance Martin vs [B]Walter Morgan[/B] ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round Johnny Highspot vs[B] UK Dragon[/B] Week Two ROF Pure Wrestling Championship Tournament - First Round K'Lee Hawkins vs [B]Phil Cox[/B] ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round [B]British Samurai[/B] vs Kelly Martin ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round Billy Robinson vs[B] Merle O'Curle[/B]
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Week One ROF Pure Wrestling Championship Tournament - First Round [B]Don Henderson [/B]vs Jonni Lowlife ROF UK Championship Tournament - First Round Lance Martin vs [B]Walter Morgan[/B] ROF UK Championship Tournament - First Round Johnny Highspot vs [B]UK Dragon[/B] Week Two ROF Pure Wrestling Championship Tournament - First Round [B]K'Lee Hawkins [/B]vs Phil Cox ROF UK Championship Tournament - First Round [B]British Samurai [/B]vs Kelly Martin ROF UK Championship Tournament - First Round Billy Robinson vs [B]Merle O'Curle[/B] Morgan, Dragon, Samurai and O'Curle are your best 4 starting workers, so I'd expect all those to progress in the UK Championship tournament. The fact that it's a pure championship for the midcard would suggest that Henderson and Hawkins will advance over their high-flyer opponents. I'm more interested in the match still to be booked - Barnes vs Future. I'd imagine Barnes will win that one, but partner vs partner is interesting. Like the way this has started. The title changes are a nice way to get some meaning into the early shows, which is something I struggled with on my ROF diary.
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Week One ROF Pure Wrestling Championship Tournament - First Round [B]Don Henderson[/B] vs Jonni Lowlife - The better wrestler of the two even if I hate his picture in the game :P ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round Lance Martin vs [B]Walter Morgan[/B] - I love Walter and he's a good all round worker who needs a big break somewhere. I'd say he'll win this really. ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round Johnny Highspot vs [B]UK Dragon[/B] - The best of the two and a phenomenal wrestler. Week Two ROF Pure Wrestling Championship Tournament - First Round [B]K'Lee Hawkins[/B] vs Phil Cox - Anyone with the name Stardust deserves to lose. ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round [B]British Samurai [/B]vs Kelly Martin - The Martin's are just jobbers now. ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round Billy Robinson vs [B]Merle O'Curle[/B] A tough one but I think Merle has the better skills.
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Week One ROF Pure Wrestling Championship Tournament - First Round [B]Don Henderson[/B] vs Jonni Lowlife [I]Don is a great worker, and one of the few you have with decent starting Performance skills.[/I] ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round Lance Martin vs [B]Walter Morgan[/B] [I]Morgan's an awesome technical worker - just don't let him call his own matches.[/I] ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round Johnny Highspot vs [B]UK Dragon[/B] [I]Highspot is somehow over, but Dragon was your main champ. He's not going out in round one.[/I] Week Two ROF Pure Wrestling Championship Tournament - First Round [B]K'Lee Hawkins[/B] vs Phil Cox [B]How the hell Hawkins ever ended up in the Main Event is a mystery to me. Still, he's there, and Cox isn't the man to receive an upset win.[/B] ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round [B]British Samurai[/B] vs Kelly Martin [I]Sammy's not as old as everyone thinks, and he's got the skills to lead your promotion. Kelly Martin, on the other hand... doesn't.[/I] ROF UK Championship Tournament Tournament - First Round Billy Robinson vs [B]Merle O'Curle[/B] [I]Billy's good, but he's no Merle O'Curle. I'd almost pick Merle as the overall winner, but I'm predicting a Merle/Dragon feud after it's done no matter what.[/I]
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Thanks for all the predictions. Nice to see some interest in what I'm doing. Now, time for my replies... Marcel Fromage [QUOTE]Morgan, Dragon, Samurai and O'Curle are your best 4 starting workers, so I'd expect all those to progress in the UK Championship tournament. The fact that it's a pure championship for the midcard would suggest that Henderson and Hawkins will advance over their high-flyer opponents. I'm more interested in the match still to be booked - Barnes vs Future. I'd imagine Barnes will win that one, but partner vs partner is interesting. Like the way this has started. The title changes are a nice way to get some meaning into the early shows, which is something I struggled with on my ROF diary.[/QUOTE] Struggled? You have no idea! Haha! Whenever I decided to play with the Ring Of Fire, I had no idea where to begin. I thought about so many different ways to take the promotion but found a flaw in each of them. I've since realised that playing with the ROF isn't really starting at the bottom like I thought. It's probably one of the most difficult promotions to begin with. No money and no talent. (Cue hate mail! :D) But anyway, back on topic. I decided that the best thing to do was to wipe the slate clean and start over but to do things a little different. The first decision was to replace all the titles, mainly to give me something to start with and secondly to develop a fued or two from that to kick things off. Second decision was to abandon the tag team division. It will be back (if I last long enough!) but I figured that there just aren't enough decent teams to begin with to make that division work. And the other 'problem' I have is that I have no background knowlege on any of the wrestlers in the game barr the profile write up each of them have. So I've decided to take creative license on each of them and build up their history as I see it. No so much a problem really in hindsight... And since the ROF is an in ring based promotion, I've kinda added a ROH style twist to it. Will help me develop angles and fueds in the future if nothing else. Rant over. I will hopefully get the first shows up tomorrow at some point - I've had a few beers tonight and don't want to go posting results in my current state!
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[QUOTE=Bad Blood;357314] Second decision was to abandon the tag team division. It will be back (if I last long enough!) but I figured that there just aren't enough decent teams to begin with to make that division work. I've had a few beers tonight and don't want to go posting results in my current state![/QUOTE] Plus ROF can't really afford a tag division at the start of the game - just too expensive, especially when the teams suck! And yeah, post results sober. Nobody wants to see Stardust Phil Cox as ROF champ, even in a drunken error! :D
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