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[WIP] Montreal Aftermath Revised

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I recently obtained permission from CarlitoCool to revise and re-release his Montreal mod. I've been working on it for quite some time for personal play, but now that I gained his permission, I started working harder to release it to the public. I'd like some general feedback as to whether you guys would want an updated version of this mod to play to begin with. Here's a quick rundown of what I've already updated: 1) All new worker pics for 50 or so workers. 2) Corrected title histories for WWF, WCW, and ECW 3) Added the NWA World Hvywgt Title with full history (personal issue I have with seeing Flair's history without it) 4) Corrected WCW popularity stats for workers based on Tommy's advice 5) Adjusted product settings for both WCW and WWF 6) Modified WWF/ECW popularity stats for workers 7) Increased in ring skills for countless workers. Too many in the database (primarily on WWF) had basic skills around 50 or so 8) New title pictures 9) New promotion logos 10) 10+ new gimmicks including custom gimmicks for the Sting character at the time, etc. So now what I'm looking for is input as to what else needs to be done to the database. I also need assistance from someone with popularity stats. Even with the updates I've done, both major promotions are running C/B- shows, and are constantly running shows in Europe, Canada, etc. which hurts their ratings. I also need a tester, and someone to advise on the product setting for promotions.
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[QUOTE=misfit103;353478]The biggest thing for me is to ensure WWE keeps their TV, and doesn't just drop RAW and go off to the UK with a 1 hour show. I hate that, and Tommy proved it can be prevented with After The Fall.[/QUOTE] Im working to correct that now. I updated the overness per his recommendations, but their show ratings are still low and they still run shows overseas (or CA, MX) more than in the states. I can't figure out how to solve that to be honest.
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I'm going to try to get the data uploaded within the hour, but I'm at work so I might hit a snag. So far I've only added one additional worker to the database (Bill Eadie) because I noticed him missing when I corrected the tag team histories for WWF. I did some testing myself last night and figured out some more of the issues. Most workers in the big two have between 0-20 overness outside of the US, which my extension means when the two companies continually hold shows out of the region they get hammered. I corrected that upwards to an extent, trying to keep their overness levels in Canada within 5-10 points of their overness in the US and Japan a little less.
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OK here's the first run of the data. This only includes the data file, no pics, logos, etc. Remember that this is a VERY rough first run so don't download this expecting to run off and play a game with it (though you probably could play it more effectively than the original database.) [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/82221786/Test.rar.html[/url] Please test this out and give me all the feedback, ideas, and tips you can possibly think of. Note that the work has been done in the areas of popularity tweaks, general stat tweaks, promotion overness tweaks, product setting tweaks, title histories, profiles for the wrestlers in WWF, WCW, and ECW. I have not touched any of the Japanese, Mexican, independents, etc. To the poster who mentioned the face heel settings, please take a run through this and make note of as many errors as you can. I haven't looked too closely at that yet, but I'm really only familiar with WCW in this period with great detail. I'm only generally familiar with WWF and ECW. I need help especially with WWF as figuring out who should be at what overness is slightly difficult.
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[QUOTE=Lostrelms;353628]Post up the file, and ill have a look at it, Cantmake constructive criticism with the way it was relased originally.. .to many flaws. Let us have a look at what youve done so far, and can go from there.[/QUOTE] And I wondered why I stopped making mods and posting here, I forgot all the articulate constructive posters. I only started hitting here again with the release of wmma but seems like the same old trolling 16 year olds are still lingering around. Please stay far away from this mod and thread Lostrelms, you obviously didn't take the time to read the original threads if you made a comment like the one above. I'm sure other mods will appreciate your input though.
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I posted this in the general forum, but I'll post the question here as well. I cannot for the life of me stop the WWF/WCW from running their shows overseas. I've moved the overness in each region up and down to test and nothing seems to have an impact. Anyone have an idea here?
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;359442]And I wondered why I stopped making mods and posting here, I forgot all the articulate constructive posters. I only started hitting here again with the release of wmma but seems like the same old trolling 16 year olds are still lingering around. Please stay far away from this mod and thread Lostrelms, you obviously didn't take the time to read the original threads if you made a comment like the one above. I'm sure other mods will appreciate your input though.[/QUOTE] Sucks the the truth hurts, But hey, at least you have the time to make a mod! And to be honest, an attempt is better then i can do, i just download em and play em. If they are playable that is...
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[QUOTE=XxBLKOUT420xX;359526]theres really not a way to stop them form doing them but by drop overness it will limit them somewhat you. You may have to drop them to C to C+'s to see a change.[/QUOTE] I don't understand why Tommy's Mod executes this so perfectly though. I copied his overness level for the WWF exactly for WCW in this mod and it didn't matter. I've got someone else doing some testing right now on dropping it even further.
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2 months in, WWE fall to cult, auto simming. all but 2 shows held in Japan with the overness straight out of the zip file. Adversly, while WWE has good popularity in those regions, it seems that the superstars themselves, do not. so WWE, in an attempt to get there superstar overness to match near promotion overness, scaled to the level it should be, theoretically, they are runing more shows there to try and get their guys more over there. One possible fix to attempt, is put Main eventer overness at or near what WWE's overness is in those areas, and skew it down as you move down the card. So for example, lets say the average overness for WWE in Japan is 60. your Main Eventers shoul dhave around 58-61 overness, and upper midcarders, 48-57 ect ect. Give that a shot, and see what you come up with.
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I don't think that necessarily will solve it. I tried testing it and dropped Japan's overness down to 40 for the E and it still ran all of it's shows there. Another person working on the mod has found a way to correct this though. I'm going to realign the promotion overness with that of the cornellverse and see what we get.
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OK got an update for tonight. After Adam pointed out some logic to me about how the TEW system works (that really is common sense when you think through it), I was able to tweak the overness levels of the two major companies and have solved the problem of them shipping their shows overseas. My first test has gotten me through two tv negotiation periods without either company dropping to cult or losing a tv show.
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