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[WIP] Montreal Aftermath Revised

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[QUOTE=Lostrelms;359522]Sucks the the truth hurts, But hey, at least you have the time to make a mod! And to be honest, an attempt is better then i can do, i just download em and play em then if I don't think they're up to my standards I'll flame the mod maker, not taking the time to read a few posts and realise the mod was released incomplete on purpose so the guy could work on 1RC for the masses. Then I'll change my avatar to CM Punk to show how much of a smark I am and flame again at the next opportunity[/QUOTE] Fixed to reflect reality lol. [B]If you want to sim WWE realistically you'll have to ask Adam to recode the whole game. I've said it a million times before but it amazes me the biggest and most popular fed in the World was neglected when making a pro wrestling sim. The game is built to sim C-Verse not the Real World, that way there can never be a mistake you see because the C-Verse is made up it's "normal" for SWF to drop to cult in months. [/B]
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I just ran a year long sim with the data and churned out some interesting results. 1) WCW is running three shows full time including Nitro. They are still on top of the world in terms of ratings and what not. Randy Savage is the WCW World Champion going over Hogan cleanly and holding the belt thus far through 13 defences. (At last, Savage got his wish) Deano Malenko is the US champ and has skyrocketed in the promotion, defeating Hulk Hogan at the last ppv. Villiano is the cw champ Glacier is the TV champ Harlem Heat has been the tag champs since defeating the Steiners at Superbrawl 2) WWF has dropped to Cult. They still have 2 shows on the air, including Raw, but their roster just doesn't have the talent to churn out top notch shows each week and eventually they fall because of it. All this said, I'm going to try and tweak the overness of all the workers again, trend upwards maybe 5% and see if that solves this problem. This is tricky though, because reality is that at the time, the WWF really DIDN'T have the talent on the roster. They were a dying promotion. It was only through the boom of the Austin/McMahon feud that they really survived. Furthermore, the game doesn't run the big time angles that the user could. So the question is, do I change the database in a way that would make playing as WWF easier? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Here's Beta 1 of Montreal Aftermath V 2.0 This upload includes only the data. I have a complete pic pack, belt pack, logo pack, etc. that I'll upload once this is done. Please critique and offer suggestions. [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/84624453/Montreal_Aftermath_2.0_Beta_1.rar.html[/url]
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I really don't think the wwe at that time going down to cult is a imposible idea. The wcw at that time had signed alot of big names in the wwf. For the sports entertainment fed to work you have to have big names. I personaly think the wwf lost alot of popularity in real life during this time. I am sure if you would switch the rosters around some what and give wwf more of the big names the same thing would happen to wcw.
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[QUOTE=alden;360353]I really don't think the wwe at that time going down to cult is a imposible idea. The wcw at that time had signed alot of big names in the wwf. For the sports entertainment fed to work you have to have big names. I personaly think the wwf lost alot of popularity in real life during this time. I am sure if you would switch the rosters around some what and give wwf more of the big names the same thing would happen to wcw.[/QUOTE] Yeah that is the reality I'm resigned to. The game can't account for the crazy success of Austin vs McMahon or the D-X war. WCW just has all the talent so in a simulation, it's going to hurt the WWF. I have managed to end their drastic fall and then move out of the country, but there's nothing that can be done unless I just make people like HOG and PIG have overness in the 80's lol about them falling to cult. They still run tv shows though.
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[QUOTE=XxBLKOUT420xX;360431]any ideal when the pic packs gettng released cause i cant stand to play with workers having no pics and i really dont feel like going through and setting everybodies picture when its just a beta and ill have to reset everything next release.....not trying to be an ass im jus wondering...[/QUOTE] Once I have the rosters set and feel comfortable that I've added most of the missing workers and have their pics I'll release the pic pack. I just don't want to have to release the pic pack more than one time if possible.
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If you are going to start a full game, I'd wait until tomorrow. By tomorrow I think I'll have a full pic pack up as well as the new belts and logos and a more accurate database. I just made a ton of changes this morning including adding missing workers, adding almost every single pic, redoing the title belts, new logos for the promotions, and bumping up stats for some unemployed guys. For example, Sid is rated so poorly in the database that he is the equivalent of the Great Khali. That's outrageous. Sid could have good matches. There's no reason all of his matches should be rated C or below. I also bumped so of the WWF worker skills up and raised their popularity a little to try and delay the death of the WWF long enough for them to grow their talent base out. For the life of me though, I can't account for idiot booking. For some reason each sim I run, the WWF overlooks Steve Austin despite him being 3rd highest in popularity in the company and the Rock, and instead pushes Billy Gunn and Jesse James!!!!
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