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ReapeR's title belt RendeRs

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[QUOTE=PassagetoHonour;355670]Could I possibly make a request? GWA World Championship - Globe present if possible GWA World Tag Team - Same as above [/QUOTE] Here's two of them... GWA World Championship [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/GWAWorld.jpg[/IMG] GWA World Tag Team Championship [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/GWATagTeam.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=brat99;360318]"Hard 10" was a gimmick hardcore tournament that TNA ran back in its weekly ppv days. The matches were a combo of a hardcore match as well as a last man standing match. Beat the crap out of your opponent with foreign objects until he can't answer a 10 count.[/QUOTE] I think it was just a matter of who could hit the opponent with a weapon 10 times, rather than having to actually harm your opponent. 1 hit with a weapon = 1 point. I seem to remember there being a counter at the bottom of the screen too, displaying how many points each guy had. They even had New Jack and Sandman doing this. I might remember it all wrong, but from what I recall that stuff was terrible. :D
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[QUOTE=PassagetoHonour;355670] GWA Cruiserweight - don't mind what is on here to be honest. [/QUOTE] Last one. Enjoy. GWA Cruiserweight Championship [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/GWACruiserweight.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=Showtime4Lajf;361105]I think it was just a matter of who could hit the opponent with a weapon 10 times, rather than having to actually harm your opponent. 1 hit with a weapon = 1 point. I seem to remember there being a counter at the bottom of the screen too, displaying how many points each guy had. They even had New Jack and Sandman doing this. I might remember it all wrong, but from what I recall that stuff was terrible. :D[/QUOTE] I think you are actually correct, now that you mention it I remember the counter in the corner of the screen as well.
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[QUOTE]Got some other things going on that's taking up my time. I'll continue soon.[/QUOTE] No worry man. Life and a billion other things come before stuff like this. When you have free time (as making renders is more of a hobby for you versus a job) you'll get back on board. Hope the things that are taking up your time are good things and not something that's negatively impacting you.
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[QUOTE=ReapeR;362143]Just wanted to give everyone an update. I'm pretty busy right now with other things, nothing bad; just work, life, family etc. Anyway, I'll get back to these as soon as I can.[/QUOTE] Take your time man. Everyone understands that real life comes first. You do great work. And if the situation arises it is well worth waiting for. So no worries!
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Ya take you time with real life :P BUUUUT when you get back i have a few simple requests for ya when u have time; CWA World title CWA Tag Title(s) CWA Women's Title SSW World title SSW tag title(s) I have more for my custom mod, but I will hold off till you are able to do these thanks so much! Melanie
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[quote=ReapeR;362143]Just wanted to give everyone an update. I'm pretty busy right now with other things, nothing bad; just work, life, family etc. Anyway, I'll get back to these as soon as I can.[/quote] take your time man, life comes before anything else, hope you come back soon :)
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[QUOTE=Trell;355710]ReapeR I must say your belts look awsome, now for something I dont usually do but I tried to make my own and they just suck Requests: Southside Heavyweight Southside Tag Team Southside TV Title Texas Heavyweight Title Here is my logo [IMG]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b29/EkimNosneb/SouthsideWrestling.jpg[/IMG] like i said I would make my own but they are crappy compaired to yours :)[/QUOTE] Had some spare time, here's the first one. Southside Heavyweight Championship [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/SouthsideHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG]
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