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Canadian Charisma Championship Combat: A Mouthful O'Wrestling

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And now, ladies and gentlemen, a few choice posts from the 4C Forums on CanadianGrappleFans.com [quote=Mark The Insider]So, Dance On A Volcano brought the so-called talents of Doug Peak to the 4C ring. I've seen him wrestle, and I've watched his brother wrestle. And while Eddie may be the Great White Shark, the closest Doug gets is The Great White Whale.[/quote] [quote=HULK SMARTEST THERE IS!]The crowd at the Windsor Arena Hall wasn't that large, I'll admit it, but by God we made some noise! Getting to scream and shout as much as you like is half the fun of going to smaller shows - it's so much more spontaneous than the bigger feds, where they script it so carefully that you can predict when they're going to want a good pop. Still, sometimes it does to be a bit predictable; when Alice Cooper hit the speakers and Joey Poison came out, we hit the f*cking roof![/quote] [quote=hardcore4life]dude who teh hell let ***berry exress on teh show??? fat ***hole needs to be fed to ali maybe hell break his neck and do us al a favour!![/quote] [quote=The Charismatic Canadian]Damn, I wish people would shut up about Joey getting in with CGC! He's a good worker, and he's got another job - be happy! That's another paycheck he's taking home, and another reason he's got to stay in the business! Lots of people hold down two jobs these days, why can't he do the same without getting torn to shreds?[/quote] [B]Close To The Edge Predictions[/B] [B]Cameron Vessey[/B] vs. Warren Technique [I]Ordinarily, I'd say that you job the new guy to put over the established talent and wait before giving the kid a push. On the other hand, Warren has... upset Dansigny somewhat.[/I] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Frankie Dee [I]You said yourself, Mister Singh is getting a boost, and Frankie is too unknown.[/I] The Thunder Express vs. [B]The Flying Rodents[/B] [I]I had a hard time calling this one. On the one hand, there' a team using an Express name! On the other hand, Too Hot complained about something, and Air Attack Weasel has taken to the mat. He's got to take it, in the end.[/I] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Frankie Perez[/B] [I]Frankie's hitting the Main Event, and 'Dozer is a fresh new midcarder. Sorry, mate, but success will come slower in the ring than on the gridiron.[/I] [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Nomad [I]Champ's advantage takes the gold home tonight, although hopefully this should be a good show.[/I] Joey Poison vs. Steve Flash [B]Draw[/B] [I]These guys are good. Obviously Joey wants a strong championship reign, but Steve needs to stay a credible contender, especially seeing how well they work together.[/I]
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[SIZE="6"]4C Presents…Close to the Edge[/SIZE] We were back in the Windsor Arena Hall, and to be honest I wasn’t expecting much of an audience, as I’d forgotten to pass my card along to the marketing guys to actually advertise. However, I was surprised to find that we managed a new high in ticket sales, with 171 people coming. [B][U]Pre-show/DVD Extras[/U][/B] [B]Cameron Vessey vs. Warren Technique[/B] Welcome to squashville, population: everyone who pissed me off by whining about their push. Sure enough, this didn’t go over with the crowd well, but I hadn’t really expected it to, so that was no surprise. Once again, me and Katie were good on the mic, but what surprised me was how good Terry was: for some reason he seemed right at home here, and that made the match seem slightly better than it was. [B]Winner:[/B] Cameron Vessey [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]E-[/I] We go backstage, to where Joey Poison is standing [COLOR="Purple"]Twice I have faced great challenges. Twice I have overcome them. Steve Flash, Jacob Jett, Barry Kingman. None can stand against Penguin Fu! Mister Flibble has taught me well, and now…now there are more. Flibble has gone out, and recruited new students to learn from the Penguin Master![/COLOR] And into frame step…Air Attack Weasel and Masked Cougar (well, the weasel did need his character freshening up). [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Two matches. Neither went as I wanted. So when the great one, the champion, Mr. Poison, came to me and said ‘come to us. Learn the arts of Penguin Fu. Become more than you are’ I leapt at the chance. Together, I and the Cougar have become more than we were. We are the Flying Rodents. Abandon hope, all who would stand against us. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Three students. Three wielders of Penguin Fu. No-one can stop us now. DO NOT MESS WITH THE PENGUIN ALLIANCE![/COLOR] Needless to say, the crowd dumped all over this simply because it wasn’t wrestling, but it served it’s purpose: Weasel and Cougar are now officially allied with Poison, and Weasel immediately showed some improvement: his performance here is way ahead of what it used to be. [B]Rating:[/B] [I]E-[/I] [B]Kashmir Singh vs. Frankie Dee[/B] This should have gone on the main show. Damn, it was good, as good as anything I’ve done before. And there was no chemistry to speak of-just two competent wrestlers putting it on the line. Singh went over, but I suspect there will be a rematch at some point. [B]Winner:[/B] Kashmir Singh [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]D-[/I] [B][U]The Show[/U][/B] [B]Thug Life (Hardcore Killah and Slim V) vs. The Flying Rodents (Air Attack Weasel and Masked Cougar) vs. The Thunder Express (Mainstream Hernandez and Too Hot)[/B] I should have switched this into the dark-at 10 minutes long there wasn’t enough time to fit everybody in, and the new teams need a bit more experience. Still, Weasel and Hernandez both improved their technical skills, and Killah’s performance skills were sharpened up, even if he was tiring by the end. As an elimination match, The Flying Rodents went first, with Cougar falling pray to a well-timed blackjack shot from Killah, before Thug Life went not long after on a DQ after Killah repeated his blackjack trick on Hernandez. [B]Winners:[/B] The Thunder Express [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]E+[/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Frankie Perez[/B] Again, not much to speak of. No worse than anything else I’ve ever done, but I was surprised by the lack of chemistry here-Smith and Perez work similar styles, so I thought they’d gel. Still, the time limit draw didn’t hurt anyone, and Smith seems okay so far. [B]Winner:[/B] None [B]Match Rating:[/B][I] E+[/I] We then went backstage, to where Steve Flash was warming up for his match later tonight. Suddenly, The Flying Rodents attacked him, coming out of nowhere (i.e. out of shot) and leaving him a battered mess. And the crowd really hated it. Not as much as Peak last month, but more so than most angles I’ve done. [B]Rating:[/B] [I]F[/I] [B]Sayeed Ali vs. Nomad[/B] I heard later than Ali’s kid was sick that day, which was probably why Ali seemed distracted and off his game tonight. Still, Nomad kicked it up a notch, and the pair delivered another good blood-and-guts match. Nomad sharpened up his performance skills tonight, before Ali managed to take him out with a chair to the head. [B]Winner:[/B] Sayeed Ali [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]D-[/I] [B]Joey Poison vs. Steve Flash[/B] And I’ve found my main event for the next few months-these guys were great together, smooth as hell and a joy to watch. Unfortunately, Terry seemed a bit left behind, and couldn’t quite keep up with what was going on in the ring. Poison took the win by a penguin’s flipper after Weasel interfered, battering Flash with a pair of brass knucks. [B]Winner: [/B]Joey Poison [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]D+[/I] (a new record, I think). [B]Overall Rating:[/B] [I]D[/I], our best so far. This should definitely have increased our popularity.
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Nice show, and some awesome forum posts :) Great to see someone else with 4C, and glad you resigned Kingman - he's worth it! And the Penguin Alliance may have just become my favourite C-Verse stable - can you try and grab the Underwater Union for a sea-themed feud?!
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Some day, I will do that...although by the point in the game I'm actually up to, the penguin alliance has been retired (I was having trouble coming up with ways of featuring them, and a stable of that ilk was too sports-entertainment for me). I'll probably resurrect them at some point, though.
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Unfortunately, the good news didn’t last for long. Close to the Edge had cost us 9070 bucks, and it was pretty clear that if I was going to have Steve Flash on the card I’d have to keep costs as low as possible everywhere else. Still, Jett had got over his Delhi belly and was back to full fitness, and the Hinote Dojo had made an offer to Frankie Perez. This was great on two fronts- 1) they didn’t clash with us, so he could go over there any time he wanted, 2) Perez had always wanted to work in Japan, so he was over the moon at the offer, and I like it when my guys are happy. As long as their names aren’t Warren Technique or Duberry Excess. Plus, it helped that he specifically cited me as a big reason why he was going to Japan, stating that (and I quote) ‘Hugh Dansigny over at 4C’s really helped me a lot. The extra work I’ve been doing up there’s really got my name out there, and I owe a lot to him’. I think I know who’s next in line for a championship push. Speaking of signings, Dylan tells me that NYCW have signed him up to work as a road agent for them. Once again, I had no problems with that- our schedules didn’t clash, and he might even get better through exposure to different styles (we’re young, hard-hitting, and fast-paced. They’re the direct opposite). Plus, I kinda had a soft spot for NYCW- back when I was based outta New York I watched pretty much all their shows. Sure enough, their next show rated higher than any of ours had, which was kinda annoying but cool at the same time-NYCW are on our level, and it’s nice to see a small promotion do well. Makes it seem like we’ve got more of a chance. In other big news, The New Jersey Devils were in a match rated C-. I know, I was shocked too-how the flying f*ck did Tank Bradley not kill that match? Oh, and Alicia Strong’s in the wrestling world. Naturally, I went straight for her: this chick can fly, y’all, and even if USPW did sign her (and they would: c’mon, how could Sam Strong not bring his daughter in?), their schedule didn’t clash. Of course, there was always a chance that 5SSW would grab her, and their tours had shows on Mondays. Still, it was worth a shot, and sure enough she signed with us for a cool 400. Unfortunately, this after I’d put out my show card, so I couldn’t get her onto it, but hey, that’s what dark matches are for. For my next event, Wrestling Showcase, I put out the following card- Thug Life vs. The Thunder Express Frankie Perez vs. Duberry Excess Sayeed Ali vs. Kashmir Singh Joey Poison vs. Steve Flash
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[B]Thug Life[/B] vs. The Thunder Express [I]The tag division seems to be being kept as competitive as possible, with the wins being spread about. Thug Life haven't taken one yet, so I guess they'll take this one now![/I] [B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Duberry Excess [I]Only one thing is in doubt here: why is Duberry Excess actually in a wrestling ring? Fan hatred will drag this match down, although Perez should keep doing well even so.[/I] [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Kashmir Singh [I]Ali's the champ, and Singh, though good, is still a work in progress.[/I] Joey Poison vs. [B]Steve Flash[/B] [I]To go over in a non-title match and keep him a strong contender - although I find myself wondering when the plug is going to be pulled, and when Steve is going to take The Big One![/I]
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Thug Life vs. T[B]he Thunder Express[/B] [B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Duberry Excess [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Kashmir Singh Joey Poison vs. [B]Steve Flash[/B] HArdcore Killah doesn't have the Stamina to pull his weight in 4C keep him around a little more till Canadian Gangsta cna get to C Psychology and dump him. Duberry Excess gets crap on by the fans for some time so he shouldn't be anythign more than a jobber if you keep him around. I lucked out on my last 4C game and good Sayeed Ali and Steve Flash with great chemistry. I started pulling C+ rated matches from them early and thus C rated shows so I've got a soft spot for Ali. ANd Steve Flash for champion with as many wins as he cna get before he retires.
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Just to let you guys know, there won't be as much posting for this dynasty goin on anymore. Simply put, I got bored of the game after about a year (4C are, ultimately speaking, not the sorta promotion that grabs me, for all they've got some great individual talent), so I'm stopping playing as them. The dynasty will probably continue up to the ned 2007, as I've got it written up to then, but after that it's gone. Sorry if anyone was really into it, but I will be making a dynasty return with a different fed soon if that's any consolation.
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