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Booking Woes - A couple of questions

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I'm the #1 Promotion in the country and the editor has assured me that I'm doing pretty good for myself. However, my shows are getting between C+ and B+ ratings, and i'm getting that dreaded "I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall" message at the end. What exactly is going on? Is a B show seriously just not good enough? Is it that simple or could it possibly have something to do with me not meeting the expectations of my product? Secondly, I've been dying to know this since I started TEW 07: If I have a female worker with A in looks, and can also wrestle, will I get better ratings in a normal wrestling match or an eye candy match?
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1) If your show rating is lower than your popularity in the area you put on the show, it is going to hurt your popularity..... ex. your pop. in Mid-Atlantic is B+ and you put on a C+ show, you are going to take a small hit on you pop. 2) Unfortunately I have no answer to this question.
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[QUOTE]Secondly, I've been dying to know this since I started TEW 07: If I have a female worker with A in looks, and can also wrestle, will I get better ratings in a normal wrestling match or an eye candy match?[/QUOTE] That will probably depend on your product settings. If you have high t & a levels and no or low traditional levels, then eye candy will probably do better, depending on her overness levels. If you have pure or traditional as a higher product setting, then her looks won't really matter and a normal match will get you the better results.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;359850]That will probably depend on your product settings. If you have high t & a levels and no or low traditional levels, then eye candy will probably do better, depending on her overness levels. If you have pure or traditional as a higher product setting, then her looks won't really matter and a normal match will get you the better results.[/QUOTE] Bingo! If she can wrestle, let her wrestle. A good example of this is Alicia Strong in the Cornellverse. She has the looks to do eye candy but she can put it down in the ring (and on the stick), so you'd be wasting her talent by using her as eye candy.
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