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[Release] Montreal Aftermath 2.0

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[QUOTE=justtxyank;361777] 2. That's how it was in the original database. I'll look that over and see what should be done about it.[/QUOTE] It was there fed that's why there lifetime. I think they had a non-wrestler as another partner but prob not worth adding him just for that. When they signed with the E OMEGA dissolved. Hope that helps :)
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i knew almost nothing about omega other then they owned it so......although i have to admit i was a little upset that i could not sigh them......which leads to anohter thing........... the power plant? in 97 the powerplant was around correct? I am pretty sure it started around that time.......
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;362142]It was there fed that's why there lifetime. I think they had a non-wrestler as another partner but prob not worth adding him just for that. When they signed with the E OMEGA dissolved. Hope that helps :)[/QUOTE] Cool. I don't know anything about Omega. under those circumstances I think it should stay as is then.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;362257][URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OMEGA_Wrestling"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OMEGA_Wrestling[/URL] Wiki entry on OMEGA, they had a business partner.. I'd make him owner and leave the booker slot open, so the Hardy's will be able to be signed by another company.[/QUOTE] Sweet. Thanks for that info.
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I just hope that HBK will drop the European Title at one point, seeing as it is a lower card title and I don't see someone like Thrasher beating him for it? Really a great mod, WCW is putting on B- shows, while WWF is putting on C+/B- shows, no title changes thus far (1 and a half months in).
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Ok update: I've added a worker named Thomas Simpson and made him the owner of Omega. I can't find any information on him online such as DOB or what not, so I made him a 40 year old businessman who has no skills but psychology. He will be only a road agent for OMEGA and is on a lifetime deal. I've changed the Hardys to written deals. I know they should technically be available to steal right away, but as I did with some ECW talent, I wanted there to be a forced waiting period before a player can go and raid talent. Of course, if you as a player don't like this, feel free to change them to ppa right away. :) The pic pack is also being overhauled. I deleted about 30 useless pictures last night and updated about 20 or so with new pics relevant to the times. I'm thinking that tonight or early tomorrow I'll release 2.1 which will include a lot of cosmetic changes and some slight gameplay changes. My hope is that I'll also have added some new workers to the new worker section.
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[QUOTE=Blackman;362689]Will a lot of 'new' new workers (workers who worked with the E and TNA until 2007) be in it?[/QUOTE] That's my goal. I'm compiling a list right now of people that are worth adding and I'm going to try and browse other mods for a feel for some of them. I don't follow wrestling that much right now so I'm only slightly aware of who's pertinent. As I've said, if someone would give me a list of people who they would like to see be added, it would be appreciated.
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just out wondering i haven't download this one yet as i don't want to keep download untill a final type of it is out but as the old one did not have Hotstuff Hernandez in it i was wondering if this one does? from obessed with wrestling he debuted in 1996 if u want more info on him is profile is at this site [URL="http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/profiles/h/hotstuff-hernandez.php"]http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/profiles/h/hotstuff-hernandez.php[/URL] thanks
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