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Edge and Guerrero Love Angle


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[QUOTE]is it a shoot like the one with Edge and Lita after their "affair" during Lita's and Hardy's relationship?[/QUOTE] I still don't 100% believe that the whole Edge/Lita thing was a real thing that happened. With the WWE understanding the power of the "smark", They know that the internet fans pose a whole new problem for them as they successfully break kayfabe all the time & chastise companies for not making it realistic enough while they won't suspend their belief enough to believe the stories in general. So the WWE creates a situation, leaks the information about it to websites outside of their website. Make it seem like it's legit and even make it look like Matt Hardy leaves the company. Only to have his music still play at shows and ultimately have him comeback not because "the fans wanted him back" (Because honestly the WWE has shown that they don't always care about that fact) but because he was on the roster the entire time... just taking time off to look like he was on the indy scene and cutting taped promos as his "Dark Angel" character to push his "emo" persona. Then when Hardy comes back, as scheduled, he's looked at as a massive hero in the eyes of the fans and ends up obtaining momentum like crazy since the fans are in love with him and feel sorry for his misfortunes. It's an example of the WWE capitalizing on a new approach to pushing storylines. Using the internet to create "realistic" sense of storylines and almost making Kayfabe through the Internet.
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Your theory definately seems plausible and it's an idea I had never previously explored but it does make sense. The reason I was wondering about the Edge and Guerrero angle was due to the fact they keep bringing up Eddie's name in the situation. Just seems odd to me. I really don't think Vicky is much in the sense of a WWE superstar but I can't really bring myself not to like her because I was a huge Eddie fan.
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The fact that Edge's marriage ended over the Lita thing should be enough to suggest that it's for real. I suppose it could be a massive work, but I would think that at least some word of it would have crept out by now. Call me chivalrous, but I'm hoping that at some point Vickie will realise what Edge is up to, and kick him to the curb. Wrestlemania might be too soon - but maybe not. I'm hoping Chavo doesn't replace him as Vickie's partner, though. Ick. Although Eddie's name does get mentioned, so far it's not been the whole "What about Eddie?" "Eddie wouldn't want this!" "How can you betray Eddie like this?" farago that it could have been. Insofar as we can say anything about this sort of thing, I don't think that Eddie would have minded this storyline. He might even have applauded Vickie's choice of boytoy - after all, Edge lies, cheats and steals too... It's actually a reasonably well done storyline - soap operas do similar things all the time. Plus, of course, it's Edge - and Edge = awesome.
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Good point about Adam's divorce. That definately proves that it was real. As far as the storyline goes, I'm not a big fan of it but it has nothing to do with Eddie. Vickie is not the most charismatic or best mic worker. As far as Edge, I hate the character! But that's what he gets paid to do. Edge is probably at the top of his game in regards to being a heel.
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[QUOTE=luismiranda;361966]Vickie is not the most charismatic or best mic worker.[/QUOTE] Somebody just won the Understatement of the Year award. It doesn't matter who says what later on in 2008... this poster has it clinched. Seriously... I've hated Vickie ever since she showed up simply because she can't work a mic to save anybody. And then they put her in a GM position... I just don't get these guys sometimes.
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[QUOTE=luismiranda;362006]Does anyone know if their is any kind of legal issue between the Guerreros and WWE that is pending? Could this possibly explain why Vickie is on TV?[/QUOTE] I've never heard anything about any legal action involving the Guerreros and the WWE. I suppose Vince could think keeping Vickie on TV is a way of 'respecting' Eddie's memory.
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The problem with that theory Eisen is that Hardy was buried so badly when he came back and feuded with Edge... it would ruin the whole concept of screwing with the fans. If we were "fooled" into thinking Hardy had been fired... he would've actually posed a bigger threat against Edge than Zach Gowen would've.
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[QUOTE]The problem with that theory Eisen is that Hardy was buried so badly when he came back and feuded with Edge... it would ruin the whole concept of screwing with the fans. If we were "fooled" into thinking Hardy had been fired... he would've actually posed a bigger threat against Edge than Zach Gowen would've.[/QUOTE] True. Good call.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;362055]The problem with that theory Eisen is that Hardy was buried so badly when he came back and feuded with Edge... it would ruin the whole concept of screwing with the fans. If we were "fooled" into thinking Hardy had been fired... he would've actually posed a bigger threat against Edge than Zach Gowen would've.[/QUOTE] He actually buried himself though. When he was brought back they played up the Edge feud big time and he was garbage on the mic. They did that little promo exchange where Edge just ran him into the ground.
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WWE scripts all promos word for word aside from the very top, long-run performers like HBK, HHH, Taker, etc. I highly doubt Edge & Matt were given free run on what they said in that promo. Mick Foley and Booker T have gone on record several times saying they get their promo scripts and they have to memorize it to the letter, and only once in a GREAT while can they just ad-lib it. I know very well if my mic time was scripted I'd sound like a robot as well. There's just no way the WWE did that to mess with the IWC like that... the writers aren't smart enough to pull something like that off. It would take little to no effort to mess with the online fans to keep big things a secret... they just try to lie to cover it up. You have to remember this is the company that sent out the WWE Magazine with Jericho on it a week before he returned... who had Stephanie bitching that same week that "the internet fans ruin everything because they know it all before it happens."
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[QUOTE=Ransik;362375]WWE scripts all promos word for word aside from the very top, long-run performers like HBK, HHH, Taker, etc. I highly doubt Edge & Matt were given free run on what they said in that promo. Mick Foley and Booker T have gone on record several times saying they get their promo scripts and they have to memorize it to the letter, and only once in a GREAT while can they just ad-lib it. I know very well if my mic time was scripted I'd sound like a robot as well. There's just no way the WWE did that to mess with the IWC like that... the writers aren't smart enough to pull something like that off. It would take little to no effort to mess with the online fans to keep big things a secret... they just try to lie to cover it up. You have to remember this is the company that sent out the WWE Magazine with Jericho on it a week before he returned... who had Stephanie bitching that same week that "the internet fans ruin everything because they know it all before it happens."[/QUOTE] Foley, scripted? Every thing i have seen and heard from Mick regarding his promos, points in completely the opposite direction. He hates doing run through's as it ruins the spontaneity and most of his work is off his own back. I know the writers feed him bullet points of what they want the interview to convey. But were talking 4 points in a 6 minute promo
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[QUOTE=Ransik;362055]The problem with that theory Eisen is that Hardy was buried so badly when he came back and feuded with Edge... it would ruin the whole concept of screwing with the fans. If we were "fooled" into thinking Hardy had been fired... he would've actually posed a bigger threat against Edge than Zach Gowen would've.[/QUOTE] Not to mention that had this all been a kayfabe storyline, I'd love to understand why Lita basically got spat on for her 'final' WWE appearance as opposed to getting any sort of send-off that reflected some of her achievements in the company (like Trish) instead of having Cyrme Tyme waving around a dildo...
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[QUOTE=SuperOwens;362378]Foley, scripted? Every thing i have seen and heard from Mick regarding his promos, points in completely the opposite direction. He hates doing run through's as it ruins the spontaneity and most of his work is off his own back. I know the writers feed him bullet points of what they want the interview to convey. But were talking 4 points in a 6 minute promo[/QUOTE] Foley said in Hardcore Diaries he was sick and tired of being fed scripts and never read them. While no one said anything directly to him about it, no one was really happy with him for doing it.
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Vickie Guerrero on TV is strange and bizarre. I'm sure she's an incredibly, nice sweet person (at least I imagine she is), and if WWE wants to employ her, great. I just have to believe that she could do something for them in an off-screen capacity. I guess they just want to capitalize on the Guerrero name. However, considering her lack of acting skill & charisma...well, which is more important: the name or the talent? To each his own, I suppose. At least she has the name. I find Coach as an on-screen character (and color commentator) even MORE strange and bizarre. And worse of them all (IMO) is the guy who currently manages Khali. Was Daivari really THAT bad in that role?
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[QUOTE=Actarus;362506]Vickie Guerrero on TV is strange and bizarre. I'm sure she's an incredibly, nice sweet person (at least I imagine she is), and if WWE wants to employ her, great. I just have to believe that she could do something for them in an off-screen capacity. I guess they just want to capitalize on the Guerrero name. However, considering her lack of acting skill & charisma...well, which is more important: the name or the talent? To each his own, I suppose. At least she has the name. I find Coach as an on-screen character (and color commentator) even MORE strange and bizarre. And worse of them all (IMO) is the guy who currently manages Khali. Was Daivari really THAT bad in that role?[/QUOTE] It's a cost-cutting measure they didn't even really need. It's cheaper to have a writer who can speak the language be on-air with Khali than iw ould be to have Daivari around.
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[QUOTE=SuperOwens;362378]Foley, scripted? Every thing i have seen and heard from Mick regarding his promos, points in completely the opposite direction. He hates doing run through's as it ruins the spontaneity and most of his work is off his own back. I know the writers feed him bullet points of what they want the interview to convey. But were talking 4 points in a 6 minute promo[/QUOTE] It used to be the bullet point way but its changed since the days when Foley was in his prime. In Bischoff's book he writes about the day he was revealed as the new RAW GM and he goes into how suprised he was that he was given a script. Personally I think they should go back to the bullet point way as it gives the personalities of the wrestlers a chance to shine through whereas the scripted way means they all end up becoming the same generic wrestlers. Anyway, on the point of Foley, since he's been making the comeback appearances I think they've all been scripted with the only one that wasn't was when he was involved in the Flair feud as there is no way on earth they could have been reading from a script on some of those promos.
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[QUOTE=luismiranda;363019]You have to believe though that even if the promos are scipted a lot of it has to be ad-libed.[/QUOTE] I don't think so to be honest. Even Jim Ross wrote about it in one of his columns and how he doesn't like this new method. I think when they go off script they are reprimanded.
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