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matches hopefully its a new one

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well hopefully no one has posted this already but i was thinking about matches and how only promotions use certain types and rings. so in that thought i was thinking why dont adam include the option of promotions picking there ring from a standard ring to a six sided ring or even a all cage ring? then we could also decide what type of gimmicks r for that ring? then while playing the game we would have to buy that type of gimmick to be made for our set? just think about it if a promotion use mma style they'll never have a hell in a cell but since its in the match option u now the computer is probably using it. i just think this would be more realistic what do u guys think?
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The ring type is not just about match types. It creates your promotions unique identity, for example, you know you're watching TNA if you see a 6 sided ring, also, it helps the casual channel surfer to pause for a second on the program just for the shock of novelty and who knows he/she might find it interesting and you got yourself a new fan.
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[QUOTE=Day_Dreamer;362115]The ring type is not just about match types. It creates your promotions unique identity, for example, you know you're watching TNA if you see a 6 sided ring, also, it helps the casual channel surfer to pause for a second on the program just for the shock of novelty and who knows he/she might find it interesting and you got yourself a new fan.[/QUOTE] actually, you could be watching AAA
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UWF and AAA aren't generally on the popular US/Canadian channels. And your arguement only proves my point, because when people in Mexico see THEIR wrestlers in a hexagon, they know its AAA. Same goes for UWF and Japan. Aside from the identity/novelty thing, it also makes a statement about the kinda product that promotion has, at first glance. You know there isn't going to be much lucha libre when they're fighting in an octagon with no ropes. You know that a company with a hexagonal ring isn't going to be too high on the traditional aspects of pro-wrestling. etc etc
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[QUOTE=Day_Dreamer;362127]UWF and AAA aren't generally on the popular US/Canadian channels. And your arguement only proves my point, because when people in Mexico see THEIR wrestlers in a hexagon, they know its AAA. Same goes for UWF and Japan. Aside from the identity/novelty thing, it also makes a statement about the kinda product that promotion has, at first glance. You know there isn't going to be much lucha libre when they're fighting in an octagon with no ropes. You know that a company with a hexagonal ring isn't going to be too high on the traditional aspects of pro-wrestling. etc etc[/QUOTE] exactly. u made it sound even better. also u know u'll probably never see a world war again or some other company using the elimination chamber...
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Yeah but I really don't think that transfers over to the game that well. I mean does it really matter THAT much what type of ring your using. 99% of people use a four sided ring. LEts say for a moment your watching T.V and you flip to a wrestling show with a six sided ring. Are you going to pause because they have a six sided ring, or are you going to pause because your interested in wrestling. Seriously if your not interested in wrestling I don't think a six sided ring is going to make any impact on your interest. And if you are interested in wrestling shows same thing, your going to stop and watch no matter what type of ring they have. Thats my opinion. Much like the video archive idea this is purely cosmetic. I like a lot of ideas guys are throwing around, just not into this one.
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[QUOTE=Stennick;362170] LEts say for a moment your watching T.V and you flip to a wrestling show with a six sided ring. Are you going to pause because they have a six sided ring, or are you going to pause because your interested in wrestling. Seriously if your not interested in wrestling I don't think a six sided ring is going to make any impact on your interest. And if you are interested in wrestling shows same thing, your going to stop and watch no matter what type of ring they have. [/QUOTE] Actually, if the ring's what you see first and your first indication it's a wrestling show, I think this would cause a momentary pause. It may not make an impact on your interest once you realize it's a wrestling show. But most folks who don't follow wrestling regularly don't know any other kind of ring exists. They only know about the proverbial squared circle. So once they identify what the ring is, you may be right. But they probably would stop to see what kind of thing goes on in a hexagonal ring before making that decision.
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Stennick was making was that besides "style" what does it matter? In WMMA ring type was important because different fighting styles were better or worse in ring/cage styles, but in wrestling with everything worked out in advance, it doesn't really matter. If you want a six-sided ring, write it in your promotion summary, bask in the glow that your promotion has a six-sided or X-sided ring and move on to actually booking shows.
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i wasn't just meaning for my game play i was also talking about the cpu playing. i really think the normal ring is totally different than the six-sided ring because u can do so much more and for a promotion that is made for the six-sided ring like tna would get better ratings more the matches im not saying it boosts up there tv rating but the match's would especially for the high flying wrestlers. the way im understanding this and im trying to explain to my best of ability is the ring type will give ur promotion and the cpu's promotions a difference. maybe making u unique and boost up ur pop from the ring style u use. then also making it more realistic buy ur promotion only using certain types of matches aloud and then if u want to introduce a new match style u would have to buy that gimmick match and have it made for ur company so ur thinking in advance because it just can't always be made in one day and also ur thinking about ur money going in to this match being made. does this clear it up any better?
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To the best of my knowledge a six sided ring doesn't help a high flyer out anymore other than more turnbuckles and ropes to fly off of. TNA uses the gimmick that it helps them fly around more but in reality it doesn't to the best of my knowledge. Why would a six sided ring be more of an advantage to a high flyer than a four sided or whatever? I think other than that you sorta confused me with not being able to have certain gimmick matches, you can make anything work. They use cage's just fine in TNA, they use ladders in their Ultimate X matches, I'm not sure of anything that you need a four sided or six sided ring for. Again I think this is a cosmetic addition. If you want a six sided ring just tell yourself its six sided. A cage match becomes a six sided cage match, in fact in the math editor just make a new match called six sides of steel. Or whatever gimmick match you can think of that you need six or eight sides of the ring for. I just don't see how the type of ring boosts or decreases how your wrestlers work.
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I guess that would be an option, and I guess to some degree it would cost more to either buy or haul the cage or whatever else to the ring. So I suppose from that aspect as far as purchasing different gimmicks I'd be alright with that. I still can't get my head around anything to do with the ring. As I said before why should the style ring matter, you can get a ladder, cage, ultimate x set up for any type of ring so the type of ring doesnt' restrict or help with any gimmick matches I'm aware of.
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A six sided ring does actually help the high flyers, the ropes, cables to be specific are stiffer, so you could do more springboard moves, and do them well, compared to the ropes in a wwe ring, which are softer/more flexible making it really tough to spring from. If you were ever in a wwe ring and a wcw ring, you know what I'm talking about.
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The tightness of any rings ropes can be adjusted though. the WWE keeps their ropes a bit looser, just taking the ring down a few sizes can have the same effect, making it appear as if the guys are moving quicker across the ring. The ring is the stage for sure, but I'm just saying there are other ways to get the results you would need for your workers. I've never met anyone that has worked in a six sided ring since to the best of my knowledge TNA and their affialite indy promotions are the only ones to use the six sides. Are you speaking on experiance with the six sides being tighter, stiffer?
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There are companys that use a lucha/spot monkey style of wrestling that use a six sided ring. There are alot of reason to be honest i have always been told. 1 in a lucha match a eight man match does happen. the two extra sides give make that possible. 2. the ropes are indead shorter and stiffer then other ropes but to be honest any rope can be as loose or as tight as the promotion wants. tighter ropes do make rope spots easyer to do then a loose rope.
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yes im saying we should have to buy all that stuff but for the ring it would be if ur starting ur own promotion in the game. im just saying if u know ur playing wwe then ur match file should all be held in a regular ring but if ur in tna then it all should be listed as a six sided ring, then u would have to buy the extra gimmick match's that hasn't already been made for ur promotion.
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