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Regional question....

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I finally got CZCW to regional last night and now I am wondering what options are available to me at this level? I normally don't get this far either because I get fired or go bankrupt or start a new game. I believe I can try for a TV deal but is there anything else I need to know about moving up to regional? Thanks in advance for any help offered.
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You need 53.1% in 2 regions to make it up to Cult. I'm playing on a game with my created fed at Regional, so my first advice is to keep running shows in the home area where you'll likely to make a decent profit. You can try for a TV deal, but it's not likely you'l lbe able to get one. For the 2nd region you want to gain pop in, I'd suggest looking at your spillover regions (the ones which went up to like 5.1% when you got to 17.1%) and perhaps choosing one where another promotion is based that uses your workers. For example, I share a few workers with MAW, hence they're quite over in the Mid-Atlantic region, so that's my 2nd region. If you get too low on money from doing this just go to your home area where you make a profit. Not really much more you can do till Cult, where you can most likely get a TV deal and possibly PPV.
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You may hit regional at like D I think but you really won't start raking in the dough untill you hit around C. Also around C you'll get some spill over into other places. I've gotten CZCW to Regional and then to cult on a number of occassions so I'll tell you what works for me. Stay in the south west untill youhit about C. At C you can hold weekly shows without a problem and you should have made a good nest Egg for expansion. Now you get your TV show. You'll only be able to get it on Los Depoy or whatever it's called. This will show in the South East and all of Mexico. You should have spilled over overness in both the North East and the Mid South. Start holding the TV shows in these two areas (ex. Wk1 NE, Wk2 MS, Wk 3 NE, Wk 4 MS) and hold a monthly show in the South West it won't be televised but it will help you recoup all the money you are losing doing your TV show. The good thing about holding your shows in these areas is that since they are shown in SW and Mexico if you put on good enough shows you will still raise your popularity in these regions (which for Mexico will happen everytime and for SW a lot of the time.) Don't expand your roster too far past the minimum as you will only get a half hour show and a lot of people will be unhappy if they are not on TV so it'll be a balancing act. If you are going to have a lot of people on your roster make sure you ahve a lot of Tag Teams and Tag Team matches on your TV show.
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