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More emphesis on the character

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I know I'm mentioned this before in the 07 forum, but I figured I'd get the discussion going again. I would love to see more emphesis placed on you the head booker instead of just the promotion you run. For instance you could start with having other companies trying to steal you away from the one you currently work for. An example of this would be when WCW stole Russo from WWF. Anyway my point is if I'm booking a small fed that shot's up to a cult status, while a global fed plummits to cult they may want to reconsider who is doing the booking and try to lure you in. This of course brings me to my next topic how do the lure you. Offer you a salary. I would love to know how much money I'm making a month when I write up a diary, or even when I'm jsut playing for fun. This could add a whole new dynamic to the game as well because then you would get a chance to be on the otherside of the negotiating table. You don't like what they have to offer you can always "become a free agent" and try a new promotion somewhere else. For future updates you could even expand on this idea, as well as incorporating sme other ones, by say having a "career mode" where you start the game at a low level company as part of a creative team. Where instead of having full reign over all decisions as far as personal and matches you have to clear it with someone higher than you on the team. After a few months of this you could of course get promoted to head booker and then your career really begins. A big turn off on this last time it was mentioned was what will you do with the money you make. Well i still don't have a great answer for that lol. But until someone else can think of something better it could be as simple as just formulating a list of the wealthy people in the C-Verse and you can see if you can crake the list. This could be done 1 of 2 ways. The first way is just to simply have the list and the amount of money you have directly reflects the place on your list. Or you can make like a shop where you can buy stuff and have assests. They can be little things like a house, car, etc. But this way you can spend the cash and have something to show for it. It could also serve as a new way to open a new promotion. From now on instead of just clcking on start a new promotion every time you get a very good reputation. Now you're starting cash will be determined by how much you actually have. Anyway I think I've babbled enough let me know what everything thinks.
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Saved for your own promotion sounds good, but I think I've got another idea too.(I missed the original thread, so no clue if this got mentioned) You know the owner goals, that prohibit certain people being hired and all? Would be nice if you could take your own cash and use it as a bargaining chip with the owner. Offer to pay someone's contract yourself if he'd let them come on board despite the restrictions or something. Obviously you wouldn't make enough to snatch up anyone you wanted, but if there was one person you reaaaally wanted, this could give you a solution if you had enough saved up to afford it.
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I do like the idea of having more roleplaying for your character. It should indeed have a character instead of the generic "I enter the game world, sit on my confortable chair and manage the frickin' promotion, and that is quite frankly all i do" It has to stay a booking sim though, and I can't say I fully support the finances idea. Again, what to do with the money? Topping a wealthiest men list doesn't really turn me on that much. :D If I for one would own a promotion, I would pump all my money in it and would only ask for some bucks to keep me fed. :)
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